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Guided by:
Vasavi Madurwar Vd. Mukund Dive
PG 1st year 2018-19 (Professor)
Rasashastra and B.K Vd. Sneha Kubde
BMAM, Nagpur (H.O.D & Asso. Prof.)
Sandhana Kalpana is very common Kalpana described in Ayurvedic literature. We
can find many footprints of Sandhana Kalpana in Vedas also e.g. Soma Rasa and
Sura. Asava and Arishta are popularly used in Ayurvedic practice.

When some liquids Kashaya, Swarasa etc. and some drugs either medicinal or
food drugs like Guda (Jaggery), Honey etc. are mixed and put together for
sometimes to achieve fermentation, are known as Sandhana. Dictionary meaning
of word Sandhana are mixing, compounding, Distillation of Liquors.
Sharangadhara gives clear difference between Asava and Arishta i.e. Asava is
prepared without boiling the drug in water. It may be prepared by Hima Kalpana or
Swarasa Kalpana whereas, Arishta is prepared by making use of decoctions but
before the period of Sharangdhara our ancient Acharya did not follow this rule e.g.
Although being Asava in Vasakasava, Madhukasava etc. decoction is used
instead of Swarasa and in Takrarishta even though it is named as Arishta, no
Kashaya (decoction) is prepared.
Chronological Development of Sandhana Kalpana
Reference Name Contents

Rig‑Veda A major part of the Rig Vedic text of the ninth mandala deals with
fermented Soma Rasa. Nearly 610 verses are devoted to this topic

Atharva veda Clearly mentioned that madya which is used for the treatment purpose is
known as arista and preparation process is mentioned as Abhishava

Yajur Veda In Sudara kanda of Ramayana, a clear idea of a variety of Sandhana

products prepared and ingested for intoxication purpose which stablishes
the advanced stages of understanding and implementation of Sandhana
Kalpana. The term Asava finds its first mention here, and moreover,
Prasanna, Sura, Pushpasava, and Phalasava denote advancements in
Sandhana Kalpana

Mahabharata Use of Madya during war period is mentioned for the intoxication and relief
from pain and also used for surgical practices
Kautilya’s Arthashastra Appointed a superintendent of spirituous liquors –“Suradhyaksha,” who was
the controller of all the activities concerning the trade in the raw materials,
fermenting wines, drinking stalls, and the price. Six types of Sura are
quoted which were used commonly, namely, Maireya, Prasanna, Asava,
Arishta, Medaka, and Madhu

Charka Samhita 9 Yoni of Asava and 84 fermentative products are described. Acharya
Charaka contributed six factors that are to be considered carefully before
administration of any Madya as ‑ Anna, Pana, Vayas, Vyadhi, Bala, and

Sushruta Samhita Acharya Susruta has to be credited to exploit Sandhana Kalpana in the
purview of surgical practice. He described a total of 11 Asava‑Arishtas and
46 Madya Varga ‑ Madya, Sura, Prasanna, Jagala, Surasava, Madhvasava,
Shukta, Dhanyamla, etc., serving various therapeutic purposes

Ashtang Hridaya and Astanga Along with other ingredients, the use of Dhataki Pushpa as a fermentation
Sangraha initiator is documented for the first time in Ashtanga Hridaya gradation of
the Shukta Varga products with respect to their laghuta is an innovative
approach and a useful guideline to the practising physicians. A total of 14
Asava‑Arishta in Ashtanga Sangraha and 8 in Ashtanga Hridaya are quoted
Kashyapa Samhita Abhishava included in seven fundamental Kalpanas. He was innovative in
its approach for compilation of Kalpanas. In Part I, 6th chapter Asavadhikar,
a total of 60 Asavarishtas are mentioned

Sharangadhara Samhita Definition, general principles, measures to be adopted when specificity is

unsaid, various classification based on the source/raw material of
fermentation is mentioned

Yogaratnakara Detailed description about Asava and Arishtas in Madya Kalpana is


Bhiasihajya Ratnavali Duration of time for fermentation is mentioned, i.e., 15 days or 1 month. A
total of 50 Sandhana Kalpanas are quoted out, of which 15 are Asava, 29
Arishta, 2 Chukra, 2 Sura, 1 Shukta, and 1 Kanji Kalpana

The Ayurvedic Formulary of India In AFI Part I and Part II, a total of 40 Asava arishta are described
ASAVA: The root word meaning of Asava indicates fermentation process which
occurs in Asava. Acharya Charaka defines

“Esham Asutvat Asava Sanjya.”

Asava are those formulations which are prepared by “Asuta Prakriya” (fermentation)

ARISHTA: One which does not get spoiled easily is known as Arishta. Hence these
two terms denote different aspects of same preparation.
“Na Risahyateya Iti Arishta.”
General Properties Of Asava and Arishta
“Manahshariragnibalapradanaam Aswapanashokaruchi Nashnama”

The general properties of Asava are Mana Sharira Vardhana (~enriches mind and
body), Agni Vardhana (appetizer), Bala Vardhana (~strengthening body), Shoka
Nashana (~reduces sadness), Aruchi Nashana (appetizer) and Harsha Pradhana
(~induces happiness).

Arishta are Rochana, Deepana, Pachana, Sara, does not increase Pitta, make the
body free from Kaphaja Vikara, Grahani, Arsha, Shosha, Adhmana, Pliha, Jwara.
Also have qualities depending upon qualities of Substrate used.
Arishta are Laghu in Paka, Shreshta (superior) among Sandhana Kalpana and
potent than Asava.
Arishta gains supreme position in the group of Madya because it imbibes the
therapeutic activity of the drug used as source material besides retaining the
benefits of Madya.
Mode of Action of Madya
Advantages over other dosage forms ·

● Easy to administration·
● Long shelf life
● Can be useful for longer duration without losing their potency
● Palatable
● Gunadhikya = More effective, Pleasant taste
● Safe in use and Economic.
● Accepted by all age groups
Madya ( Asava and Arishta)

Ushna Tikshna

Increases Agni (Through Dhamani)

Goes to Hridaya ( Sukshama and Vishada Guna)

Enter Sukshama Strotasa (Due to Pramathi Guna)

Removes the Obstruction of Strotasa

Normalise the function of Dhatu

Fig : Mode of Action of Madya Dravyas

Requirements for Asava Arishta Preparation
As per the Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics Asava-Arishta needs following materials;

● Dravya (Drug substance used for decoction / juice)

● Drava Dravya (Liquid media)
● Madhura Dravya (Sweetening agents Sugar, Jaggery, Sugar candy etc.)
● Sandhana Dravya (Fermentative agents)
● Prakshepa Dravya (Drugs for additives /perfuming) ·
● Sandhana Patra (Fermentation vessel)
● Patra Samskara (Process especial)
● Sandhana Kriya (Fermentation process)
● Sandhana Sthala (Location),
● Sandhana Avadhi (Duration of fermentation)
Different Yoni of Asava -Arishta with their formulations

SrNo Yoni Preparations

1 Sharkara 01

2 Patra 02

3 Kanda 04

4 Twaka 04

5 Dhanya 06

6 Pushpa 10

7 Mula 11

8 Saara 20

9 Phala 26
Category Total Varieties

Dhanyasava 6 Sura, Sauvira, Tushodaka, Mairya, Medaka, Dhanyamla

Phalasava 26 Draksha, Abhaya, Karkandu, Udumbara, Kharjura, Amalaki, Pilu, Ajamoda, Gambhari, Mrigalindika,
Priyala, Shringataka, Dhanvana, Jambu, Panasa, Shankhini, Rajadana, Kapittha, Nyagrodha,
Plaksha, Trunashunya, Kuvala, Ashvattha, Parushaka, Badara, Kapitana

Mulasava 11 Vidarigandha, Shyama, Bilwa, Ashwagandha, Trivrit, Chitraka, Krishnagandha, Danti,

Eranda, Shatavari, Dravanti

Sarasava 20 Shala, Khadira, Arimeda, Shimshapa, Priyala, Kadara, Tinduka, Vanjula, Ashwakarna,
Saptaparna, Kinihi, Dhanvana, Chadana, Arjuna, Shami, Madhuka, Syandana, Asana,
Badara, Shirisha

Pushpasava 10 Padma, Kumuda, Shatapatra, Dhataki, Utpala, Saugandhika, Madhuka, Nalina,

Pundarika, Priyangu

Kandasava 4 Ikshu, Kandekshu, Ikshuvalika, Pundraka

Patrasava 2 Patola, Tadaka

Twagasava 4 Tilvaka, Lodhra, Elavuluka, Kramuka

Sharkarasava 1 Sharkarasava
Drava Dravya-
Amount of water required according to nature of Drug

Sr No Dravya Water Required

1 Mrudu Dravya 4 times water

2 Madhyama Dravya 8 times water

3 Kathina Dravya 8 times water

4 Atyantha Kathina Dravya 16 times water

Amount of drug required according to quantity of drug

Sr No Quantity of Drug Water Required

1 1 Karsha to 1 Pala 16 times Water

2 1 Pala to 1 Kudava 8 times Water

3 > 1 Kudava 4 times Water

General Proportions of Constituents

Sr No Dravya Quantity

1 Jala (Water) 1 Drona (12.288 lits)

2 Guda (Jaggery) 1Tula (4.8 Kg)

3 Madhu (Honey) ½ Tula (2.4 Kg)

4 Prakshepaka Dravya 1/10 Tula (480 gm)

General Steps of Preparation of Asava Arishta

Pharmaceutical Procedure

(i) Purva Karma includes

a. Selection of Sandhana Patra (Container)

b. Lepana of Patra (Coating/Smearing)

c. Dhoopana of Patra (Fumigation)

d. Collection of drugs.
(ii) Pradhana Karma Includes

a. Swarasa / Kwath Nirmana (DravaDravya)

b. Mixing of the Madhura Dravya (Sweetening agent) c. Mixing of the Sandhana

Dravya (Fermentative agent) d. Mixing of the Prakshepa Dravya (Additives)

e. Filling and sealing of Patra

f. Sthanvimarsha (Placing of Sandhana Patra)

g. Kala Samskara (Duration of fermentation).

(iii) Pashchata Karma includes:

a. Observations (Sandhana Pariksha)

b. Filtering

c. Packing / Maturation
Various types and properties of Sandhana Kalpa

Group Type Definition Properties and Uses

Madaya Sura The fermented liquor prepared using Guru (heavy), Balya (improve
Varga cooked rice, barley, etc., is known as Sura. physical strength), Meda and
It is further classified as Prasanna ‑ the Kaphavardhaka, Shotha
clear supernatant fluid of Sura. Kadambari ‑ (inflammation), Gulma
slightly thicker than Prasanna. Jagala ‑ (abdominal tumor), Arsha (piles),
Jagala is thicker and presents lower than Grahani (malabsorption
Kadambari. Medaka ‑ It is thicker to Jagala. syndrome) and Mutrakrichha
Surabija ‑ Residue left over after filtration is (dysuria)
Vakkasa, Surabija, or Kinwa

Sidhu Sidhu is of two types ‑ Apakwa (Shita) rasa Agni, Bala, Varnakrita, Hridya
Sidhu ‑ Juice of sweet substances (like (cardiac tonic), Rochana
sugarcane juice) fermented without boiling. (improves taste), Snehana,
Pakwarasa Sidhu ‑ Prepared by fermenting Vatpittakar. Vibandha
sweet juice after boiling them. (constipation), Arsha (piles),
Udarshoool (pain in abdomen)
Group Type Definition Properties and Uses

Varuni The liquor prepared with the juice of Hridya (cardiac tonic), Laghu (as
Tala and Kharjura compared to Sura), Shula (pain),
Vibandha (constipation), Kasa
(cough), Swasa

Asava The liquor prepared without boiling Strengthening the body, beneficial
the drug in water (Dravapradhan to Hridaya, mitigates
Asava) sleeplessness

Arishta The liquor prepared by G.I.T. disturbance, fever, diseases

“Pakwa‑aushadham” that is of spleen, appetizer, etc.,
boiled/cooked source material
(Dravyapradhan Arista)
Group Type Definition Properties and Uses

Shukta Shukta The product, which is prepared Rakatapittakara (bleeding disorder),

Varga with roots, tubers, and fruits added Kaphakledakara Vatanulomana
with Sneha and Lavana (relieves gastric distension)

Tushodaka Uncooked Yava is pounded along Pandu (anemia), Krimi rogahara

with Tusha (Satusha) and kept for (antihelminthic), Bastishulahara
Sandhana (relieves urinary system pain)

Souviraka Fermentation of Yava, which is Bhedana, Dipana, Arsha (piles),

boiled after removing its husk Kaphaghna, Grahani (malabsorption
(Nistusha) syndrome), Udavarta (condition in
which there is upward movement of
vayu), Adhmana (flatulence with
gurgling sound), Asthishula (pain in
Group Type Definition Properties and Uses

Kanjika A fermented product prepared Dahashamaka,

with Manda of half boiled Mukhavairasyahara,
Kulmasha, Dhanya, etc Mukhdourgandhyahara

Sandaki A fermented product prepared Rocana (improves taste), Guru

with radish (Mulaka), mustard (heavy), Pitta‑kaphahara
(Sarshapa), etc.
Sandhana Kalpana

Madya Sandhana Shukta Sandhana

( Alcoholic Fermentation) ( Acidic Fermentation)

Sura Sidhu Varuni Asava Arishta

Pakwa Apakwa Shukta Tushambu Saurviraka Kanjika Sandaki

Prassana Kadambari Jagala Medaka Surabeej

Modern Approach Toward Fermentation
Fermentation defined as a process by which production of product was done by mass
culture of microorganisms. Fermentation in modern sciences mainly classified as

1. Batch fermentation (closed system)

2. Fed-batch fermentation (closed system)

3. Continuous fermentation (open system).

In batch fermentation, the sterilized nutrient solution inoculated with microorganism
and allows proceeding in a fermentor. The growth during the fermentation observed in
four phases and these are as follows:

1. Lag phase

2. Log phase

3. Stationary phase

4. Death phase.
Fed-batch fermentation is the enhancement of the closed batch process in which all of
the substrates are added at the beginning of the fermentation. In continuous
fermentation, sterile nutrient solution is added to the bioreactor continuously mixed to
homogeneous mixture and refered as chemostat and turbidostat.

Nutrient Requirement

For microbial activity, microorganisms required several nutrients such as

carbohydrates, lipids, purines and pyrimidines, vitamins and growth factors, amino
acids, nitrogen sources, elements, and inorganic ions.
Fermentor System

It is divided into a three phase systems which involve liquidsolid, gas-solid, and gas-liquid

Gas Exchange and Mass Transfer

During operation in the fermentor, the provision of adequate gas exchanging is

important. Oxygen is the most important gaseous substitute for microbial metabolism,
and carbon dioxide is the most important gaseous metabolic product.

Sterilization is one of the important processes during fermentation, and the sterilization
of culture media, fermentation air, and fermentor is necessary. Fermentation process is
completed in three stages:

1. Inoculum presentation

2. Inoculum buildup

3. Fermentor culture.

Yeast metabolizes sugars, such as glucose and fructose, resulting in the formation of
ethanol and carbon dioxide. Yeast influences the efficiency of conversion of sugar into
ethanol. Selected strains isolated from honey and wine and commercial yeasts starter
cultures have been studied. And honey is used in the mead production.

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