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Provisional Le

Face to Face theory lectures will be deliver
Tuesdays Practicals: Practical Topic 1A to
Wednesday Practicals: Practical Topic 1B to

Monday (6th & 7th Period)

Week Date Focus
1 25-Jul Fundamentals of IS (PT)
2 1-Aug IS in Business and Society (SG)

3 8-Aug BPM and Design (PT)

4 15-Aug E-Business (TC)

5 22-Aug IS Strategy (TC)

6 29-Aug Mid-term Revision (PT)


Web Dev vs. Python Lecture

7 12-Sep

Business Intelligence (PT)

8 19-Sep
Web/Python Project Released
9 26-Sep IS Security (PT)
Cloud Computing (PT)
10 3-Oct

11 10-Oct Emerging Technologies (PT)

12 17-Oct Exam Preparation Lecture (PT)

13 24-Oct DP Week Consolidation Day 1

14 31-Oct Exam Week Exam Day 1

15 7-Nov Exam Week

KEY 2022 Academic Term (Semester 1)

PT Mr. Pitso Tsibolane Term 3
SG Dr. Sharon Geeling Mid-term 1 Vacation
TC Ms. Tendani Chimboza Term 4
GO Mr. Grant Oostewyk
NS Natasha Samuels (Admin)
Public Holidays
Key Date
Provisional Lecture Schedule - INF1002S - Information Systems 1 - 2022
6th Period @ 2pm OR 7th Period @ 3pm (REPEAT)
Lecture Venue: Hoerikwaggo LT2 (6th) and Hoerikwaggo LT1(7th)
ce theory lectures will be delivered on Mondays during the 6th period. A repeat face-to-face lecture will be offered on the 7th
s Practicals: Practical Topic 1A to be covered during 6th and repeated during 7th - Student MUST sign-up for one session on Tu
Practicals: Practical Topic 1B to be covered during 6th and repeated during 7th. Student MUST sign-up for one session on We
Practical Venue: Alumni Labs (1-8)

Tuesday (6th & 7th Period) Wednesday (6th & 7th Period)
Practical Practical
Intro to Data Analysis 1 Data Analysis 2
Data Analysis 3 Data Analysis 4

National Womens Day Data Analysis 5

Data Analysis 6 Data Analysis 7

Data Analysis 8 Data Analysis Wrap Up

Study Study


Web/Python 1 Web/Python 2

Web/Python 3 Web/Python 4

Web/Python 5 Web/Python 6

Web/Python 7 Web/Python 8

Project Hotseat Project Hotseat

Project Hotseat Project Hotseat

Consolidation Day 2 Consolidation Day 3

Exam Day 2 Exam Day 3

EXAM WEEK continued

2 Academic Term (Semester 1)

25 July to 02 September 2022
03 September to 11 September 2022
12 September to 24 December 2022
mation Systems 1 - 2022
rikwaggo LT1(7th)
eat face-to-face lecture will be offered on the 7th period.
7th - Student MUST sign-up for one session on Tuesday
7th. Student MUST sign-up for one session on Wednesday

Planned Submission

Vula Tutorial Slot Choice

Theory Assignment 1 (3%)

Excel Assignment 1 (3%)

Excel Assignment 2 (3%)

Theory Assignment 2 (3%)

Mid-term Assessment: Theory + Excel Assignment 3 (3,5%)

(01 September 12midday - 6pm)

Web/Py Decision
Mid-term Course Assessment (0,5%)
Project Team Formation
Web/Python Assignment 1 (3%)

Web/Python Assignment 2 (3%)

Project Design Deliverable (Teams of 3)
Theory Assignment 3 (4%)
Web/Python Assignment 3 (3,5%)
Final Project Deliverable (Teams of 3)
Final Course Assessment (0,5%)

Consolidation Day 4 (DP Released)

Exam Day 4 INF1002S Exam Date (TBC)


2022 Academic Term (Semester 1)

Tue, 09 Aug 2022 Women's Day
Sat, 24 Sept 2022 Heritage Day
ASSESSEMENT Weight Theory Excel
Theory Assessment (Mid-term Theory & Excel Assessment) 25% 20% 5%
Theory Quizzes (Online submissions) 10% 10%
Practical Assignments - Data Analysis (Assignment submissions) 9.5% 9.5%
Practical Assignments – HTML/Python (Assignment submissions) 9.5%
Project (HTML/Python) (Design and Build project) 15%
Reflection on Course Experience 1%
Final Exam (Excel & HTML/Python) 30% 15%
100.0% 30% 30%

HTML/Python Reflection Mode
Face-to-face (Attendance)
9.5% Face-to (Attendance)
15% Face-to (Attendance)
15% 1% Face-to-Face [Submina - 45%]
39.5% 1.0%
Course Component



Web Design / Python

Course Component



Web Design

CA2025 Framework (see
L1 = Foundational Level of competence, L2 =

Enabling Computational thinking

Data Knowledge and strategy

Data Analytics


New Development and Protocols


User competencies
NQF Level 5 Competencies
Scope of knowledge, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an informed
understanding of the core areas of one or more fields, disciplines or practices, and an informed
understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, general principles, rules and theories of that
field, discipline or practice.
Knowledge literacy, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the awareness of how
knowledge or a knowledge system develops and evolves within the area of study or operation.

Method and procedure, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability to select
and apply standard methods, procedures or techniques within the field, discipline or practice,
and to plan and manage an implementation process within a well-defined, familiar and
supported environment.
Problem solving, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability to identify,
evaluate and solve defined, routine and new problems within a familiar context, and to apply
solutions based on relevant evidence and procedures or other forms of explanation appropriate
to the field, discipline or practice, demonstrating an understanding of the consequences.

Ethics and professional practice, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability
to take account of, and act in accordance with, prescribed organisational and professional
ethical codes of conduct, values and practices and to seek guidance on ethical and professional
issues where necessary.
Accessing, processing and managing information, in respect of which a learner is able to
demonstrate the ability to gather information from a range of sources, including oral, written or
symbolic texts, to select information appropriate to the task, and to apply basic processes of
analysis, synthesis and evaluation on that information.
Producing and communicating information, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate
the ability to communicate information reliably, accurately and coherently, using conventions
appropriate to the context, in written and oral or signed form or in practical demonstration,
including an understanding of and respect for conventions around intellectual property,
copyright and plagiarism, including the associated legal implications.
Context and systems, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability to operate
in a range of familiar and new contexts, demonstrating an understanding of different kinds of
systems, their constituent parts and the relationships between these parts, and to understand
how actions in one area impact on other areas within the same system.
Management of learning, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability to
evaluate his or her performance or the performance of others, and to take appropriate action
where necessary; to take responsibility for his or her learning within a structured learning
process; and to promote the learning of others.
Accountability, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate the ability to account for his
or her actions, to work effectively with and respect others, and, in a defined context, to take
supervisory responsibility for others and for the responsible use of resources, where
Course Outcomes
Explain the role of information and communication technologies in organisations and society
Describe the relationship between information systems, organisations and organisational
Evaluate the impact information system trends on organisations at local and global level
Analyse and evaluate the social, organisational, legal and economic context of technology
Formulate the tasks required when developing an information system and contrast alternative
Demonstrate the use and practical value of spreadsheets for decision making in business
(Excel section)
Design and implement e-business websites using the principles of e-Commerce and Business
Process Design
Design and implement e-business application using the principles of e-Commerce and Business
Process Design

Capabilities and Skills

Identify the fundamental components of an information system and describe their function
Define a business process
Understanding the impact of Information systems to business and society
Analyse different software development methodologies
Defining information security threats to Information systems and identifying approaprite security
Explain various forms of e-commerce models
Understand ethical issues related to Information systems use
Demonstrate use of basic excel functions
Compute and solve financial functions
Use and solve logical functions
Create simple Excel Tables and Excel Charts
Demonstrate use of nested functions
Analyse data using conditional formatting and Pivot Tables
Create a site map
Design a basic web site using HTML
Understanding of HTML elements
Apply images to web pages
Understanding and application of cascading style sheets to web pages
Application of basic formatting and visualisation of a website
Understand and use of different webdesign tools
Understand basic programming fundamentals
Installing and running Python
Introduction to computing and Algorithms
Define the structure and components of a Python program (Syntax)
Learn how to use different Data types
Write loops and decision statements
Write functions and pass arguments
Build and write conditional and flow control statements
Use String,lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs
Read and write files in Python
Learn how to debug a Python program
rk (see
L1 = Foundational Level of competence, L2 = Intermediate level of competence, L3 = Advanced Level of competence

















3 = Advanced Level of competence
Decomposition of problem into smaller sub-problems
Find patterns (similarities, shared characteristics) among the sub-problems
Determine relevant characteristics and discard irrelevant characteristics
Write a basic algorithm to solve a problem, using any programming language (such as Microsoft VBA, Python)
Evaluate the appropriateness of a presented algorithm to solve a problem
Explain underlying characteristics of basic data concepts (such as data structures, data files, databases,
normalisation of data and metadata), taking cognizance of how these characteristics influence and interact with one
Describe sources and forms of data (financial and non-financial, structured and unstructured)
Know how and where to store data and access stored data (e.g., own location, service provider, cloud, etc.)
Identify the risks, compliance requirements and consequences associated with the specific environments in which
data is stored (including geographicallegal restrictions in some areas (e.g., POPI in SA, GDPR)
Identify and distinguish between the ways in which access to data should be controlled (data classification), and
determine the consequent risks if the necessary controls are not implemented
Identify and distinguish between the ways in which local data and data-in-transit should be controlled (including data
in transit between systems, and the interfaces involved in the process), and determine the risks (including not
reaching abusiness objective) if the necessary controls are not implemented
Explain data strategiesthat deal with data privacy, including ethical issues in data management
Explain data strategiesthat deal with intellectual property rights in data management
Understand policy vs processes
Identify the practical challenges of data analytics (e.g., data volume and quality, and privacy, regulatory and ethical
Use processes of inspection, extraction, transformation, loading (ETL) and modelling data (as discussed below) (see
(i) to (iv)) to discover information able to enhance problem solving and decision-making
Use data analytic software tools to analyse data (e.g., ACL, IDEA, advanced Excel™ functions)
Interpret the results to solve a defined business or audit problem and suggest further steps to be taken
Describe the impact of the above on continuous auditing
Data inspection, workflows and input controls
Data extraction and loading, transformation and modelling
Outline the benefits and risks associated with the automation of processes
Identify processes that lend themselves to automation
Evaluate the need for cognitive computing systems in the automation process
Build a command that automates a process
Understand new developments and use this understanding to investigate the use of new developments and
protocols (e.g., identify opportunities to address accounting and business problems, limitations, risks, etc.)
Design relevant general, application and data controls to selected new developments and protocols in order to
mitigate risks
Explain the impact of cyber risks on the organisation
Identify available techniques to mitigate cyber risks.
Apply word processing software skills in a manner relevant to an accounting/business context, to enhance
communication (e.g., letters, memorandums, reports, working papers, and other written correspondence), so as to
meet all legal, ethical, regulatory andbusiness requirements,
Use presentation software in an accounting/ business context
Use spreadsheet software in an accounting/ business context (e.g., working papers; knowledge of effective utilisation
(including short cut keys, macros, pivot tables and other advanced excel functions)
Use accounting software to create and view financial transactions
Communicate and collaborate with others using a wide range of digital devices, technologies and platforms
Apply visualisation techniques and tools to develop simple dashboards
Secure and safeguard information technology resources such as organisational IT infrastructure, laptops (and other
portable devices), software, cloud (and other) storage, and data

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