STA - Deep Space 24 Mission Compendium - PF

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Admiral Frost


Andrea Menghini, cn, Doug H, Ethan
Lynch, Jeffrey Flint, Jeremy morse, Josh
B, Kalik Long, NanoNebula, Paweł
Dąbrowski, Soup


v1.1 – February 11, 2021

You can find ELH on:

This content is available free of charge and licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Neither the author (ELH) nor the content within is endorsed, sponsored, or
affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures, Modiphius Entertainment,
or any STAR TREK franchise. The Star Trek® franchise and related logos are
owned and a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures & CBS Studios Inc.
Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is
intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events,
past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people
and events described in an historical context.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ...................................................................................................................................... 4
DEEP SPACE 24 & THE CERATODRACO .......................................................................................................................... 6
Deep Space 24 ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Ceratodraco ................................................................................................................................................... 7
If THE SHOE FITS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Act 1: New Arrivals ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Act 2: The Conference Sours ............................................................................................................................ 11
Act 3: Stopping a War .................................................................................................................................... 13
Mirage............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Act 1: The Dragons Are Here............................................................................................................................. 15
Act 2: Everyone’s Going Mad! ........................................................................................................................... 15
Act 3: Who the Hell are You?............................................................................................................................ 17
PAYBACK ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Act 1: A Rude Awakening ................................................................................................................................. 18
Act 2: After Them! ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Act 3: Resolution ........................................................................................................................................... 19
AFTERWORD ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
LEGAL ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Questions/Comments/Concerns? ....................................................................................................................... 20

Hello there! My name is ELH (or EGMH if you prefer) and I’m excited to bring you another mission
compendium. This particular set of missions has been designed specifically around a K-class Space
Station, Deep Space 24, in the year 2269 and beyond. It also involves a unique species: The Ceratodraco.
It is my hope that by providing these missions to you that your and your group will have plenty of
material for a TOS-Era Starbase campaign.

The Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk is but a year away from completing its Five-Year Mission. The
Ceratodraco have recently joined the Federation with full member status. The Alpha and Beta Quadrants
are at peace. However, there are those that would seek to destabilize the relationship between the
Klingons and the Federation. It’s up to the crew of Deep Space 24 to hold the line and prevent an all-out

This book provides you, the Gamemaster (GM) or Player of Star Trek Adventures, the means to take the
reigns of Deep Space 24. Within are three full-length missions for use with the Star Trek Adventures
roleplaying game. Each mission has been designed to provide at least 3-4 hours of gameplay for the
average group of GM and Players. They are perfect for brand new campaigns, especially those seeking a
different type of Star Trek Adventures experience and/or wanting to start in the TOS-era.


Each Mission is designed to follow from one to
another, meaning it’s highly recommended that An importance conference of Ambassadors
you play them in sequential order to fully from the Klingon Empire, the Federation, and
appreciate and understand the storyline behind the Gorn Hegemony is taking place on Deep
them. None of the missions require and Space 24. All seems to be going well until the
encyclopedic understanding of the Star Trek Gorn Ambassador turns up dead. And to make
universe, and all of them have been designed to things even worse: all signs point to the killer
stand independent of any episodes or movie in being from the Federation. It’s up to the crew of
the Star Trek canon. While these missions were DS24 to solve this murder mystery before
written for a specific era and location in mind, conflict breaks out!
they can be adapted for other eras and other
locations with a little work on the GM’s side of Mirage
things. GMs are also encouraged to modify any
of the contents within if they believe it would New holographic technology is being tested on
better suit their table experience. DS24. All seems well until some of the crew
begin acting oddly, as if they are being mind-
Deep Space 24 & The Ceratodraco controlled. This turns into a race against time to
find the problem with the new technology
Before beginning any mission briefing, this before the entire station succumbs to this
particular section details everything you’ll need effect!
to know about Deep Space 24 and the
Ceratodraco. This section is intended for
Gamemasters Only, but it’s not like I can stop
you if you’re a Player.

It’s a quiet day for the crew of DS24. Or, it is
until a Klingon battlegroup suddenly decloaks
and begins attacking the station. They believe
DS24 to be the hub of a shadow network that
has been interfering in Klingon affairs. The very
same shadow network responsible for the
events of If the Shoe Fits and Mirage. The crew
must fight for their lives while trying to
deescalate the situation and track down this
shadow network.

DEEP SPACE 24 & THE Some of the above Talents are found in the
Command Division supplement on page 95.
CERATODRACO For GM purposes, you can find large maps that
This section gives Gamemasters an overview of
break down each deck here on Cygnus-X1. You
Deep Space 24 and the species known as
Ceratodraco. Taking descriptions and data can also use the following (brief) listing to help
figure out hotspots for your players.
presented here can be a great way to spruce up
technobabble, maps, monologues, and so forth. • Deck 1: Ops
As with all content provided in this book, you • Deck 5: Lounge
are encouraged to modify elements to better • Decks 6-7: Guest Suites
suit your own game. • Deck 8: Auditorium/Function Area
Deep Space 24 • Deck 9: Station Manager’s Office &
Conference Room
Deep Space 24 is a K-Class Station found near
the Cestus System in the Beta Quadrant. This • Decks 10-12: Officer Quarters
puts the station in a strategic position near both • Decks 13-15: Crew Quarters
the Klingon Empire and the Gorn Hegemony. • Deck 16: Promenade, Sports Facilities,
It’s not uncommon to see traders of all sorts and Restaurants
passing through DS24 on their way to/from the • Deck 18: Sickbay
Empire or Hegemony. That means the station is • Deck 19: Crew Quarters
also an important trading hub. • Deck 20: Main Engineering
• Deck 21: Security & Holding Cells
DS24 uses the following stats: • Deck 26: Science Labs
• Deck 37: Shuttlebay
Deep Space 24
Systems The K-class station in general is an all-purpose
Comms Engines Structure design that entered into production in the late
8 8 9 2230s. They’re primarily used for civilian roles
Computers Sensors Weapons such as supply depots, repair facilities, and
7 7 6 planetary bases. Starfleet typically uses the K-
Departments class as a Starbase in a temporary fashion while
Command Security Science a Watchtower-class station is being built, but
4 3 1 there are a few K-Class stations that have
Conn Engineering Medicine
become fully-interred Starbases of their own.
2 2 3
Scale: Resistance: Power: Shields: Modularity is the K-Class’ main selling point. Up
5 5 13 12 to five arms (two minimum) can support
Phaser Banks (Energy, Medium, 9 CD, Versatile 2) additional docking points as well as modular
Fast Targeting Systems towers. These modules can range from storage
Docking Capacity bays, laboratories, commercial space, offices,
Repair Crews and so on. Each residential tower can
Sturdy Construction accommodate up to 100 guests, and the station
Secondary Reactors itself can be run with as few as twenty staff.

Despite this modularity, however, K-class

stations typically lack offensive weaponry and

rely on starships for any prolonged defense. The Combat involving Ceratodracos tends to revolve
shielding on a K-class is usually minimal and around two main principles. The first is their
designed to ward against radiation and similar goring charge with their horns. They will rush
stellar phenomena. headlong into battle and engage their opponent
in melee combat as quick as possible. The
Optional Attachment: U.S.S. Anubis second is their natural armor. They rely on it to
protect them from harm, ranging from blades
The U.S.S. Anubis, a Hermes-class (Found in the to actual energy weapons. In this manner, they
Command Division Supplement), can be are especially resilient and deadly at close
attached to Deep Space 24 if you deem it range. However, that is not to say they are
necessary for your Players to have the means to incapable of fighting at range, merely that they
leave the station aside from Executive-class prefer to be up close and personal.
shuttles (which are basically TOS-Era Runabouts
and use the stats for a Captain’s Yacht). Overall, they are not unlike Klingons that have
Specifically, the Anubis has the Scientific and embraced the more “civilized” side of being a
Survey Operations Mission Profile and the warrior. It should be noted that while the two
Advanced Sensors Suites Talent. species may share different viewpoints on the
finer points of honor and combat, they can
Ceratodraco agree on one thing: It is a good day to die.
The Ceratodraco are a warp-capable humanoid
species from the planet Cerata. They gained
Federation member status as of 2269. In terms
of physiology, all Ceratodraco possess imposing
horns, scaling along the arms and legs, and a
tail. The latter is used primarily for balance, and
allows them to run at great speeds, not unlike
the raptors of Earth, without fear of losing
balance. Their other features, along with their
culture, cement them as an honorable, noble,
warrior-like species.

Even to this day on their homeworld, it is not

uncommon for young Ceratodraco to become a
Squire to an older Knight. There is great
importance placed upon values such as chivalry
and respect. This can become a point of
contention among those Ceratodraco in
Starfleet and their peers, especially if the
individual in question has their honor insulted
or if a lower-ranking member they are
responsible for is mistreated. In such an
instance, it is not uncommon for a Ceratodraco
to demand a non-lethal trial by combat.
Art by Greenmarine

EXAMPLE VALUE: Honor in all things and
Respect to those who deserve it

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ceratodraco. Humanoid in design,

Ceratodraco tend to stand taller than most
Humans. Their horns and scaling come in a
variety of colors. Their tails range in size from
baseball bats to thrice that in both length and
circumference. Ceratodraco are expectantly
heavy compared to other species. Most of that
weight is in their scaling, tail, and steel-like
muscles. Their hearing is slightly better than a
Human's, and their eyes allow them to see in
low light conditions.

Thanks to their sturdy construction and scaling,
Ceratodraco are hard to injure. The character
gains +2 Resistance to all attacks.

A Ceratodraco in motion stays in motion. The
character gains a special attack that allows
them to move up to one zone and attack a
target at close range with their horns. This
special attack has the same base damage as
Unarmed Strike but with Vicious 1 instead of

If THE SHOE FITS In addition, the Gorn were not known to the
Federation until 2267. This means that NX-era
campaigns will need to use a different alien
Synopsis species as stand-ins for the Gorn.
The Player Characters have just arrived at Deep
Space 24 to be the station’s newest crew. As GM Sidebar
they settle in, an important diplomatic This mission plays out like a murder-mystery,
conference is set to take place. Ambassadors meaning that a slight adjustment in how you
from the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Gorn run the mission is needed. Particularly, you’ll
Hegemony have all journeyed here to DS24 to want to provide clues to the Players to keep
discuss activity along the shared border them going, even if they completely fail their
between the three entities. And to further this rolls and/or pursue the wrong angle. This can
conference’s importance: This is the first time a mean changing what the clue is or where it’s
Gorn Ambassador has ever stepped foot onto a found. Your main goal should be to keep the
Federation Station. intrigue going without letting the Players spin
While the Player Characters keep the their wheels.
conference running smoothly, a wrench is
thrown into their plans. Specifically, the Gorn
Ambassador is found dead in their quarters.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, all signs point to
the killer being from the Federation. What
follows is a race against time to uncover the
truth before the Klingons and Gorn attack the
station in retaliation!

In addition to the Prime Directive, the Directives
for this mission are:

• Do not give either the Gorn or the

Klingons a cause for War
• Ensure relations with the Gorn do not
break down

Adapting this Mission to other Eras

Key to this mission is the political bickering and
tension present between the three major
powers. The Khitomer Accords are not signed
until 2293, and even then, the Klingon Empire
and the Federation are not truly “friends” until
2344 when the Enterprise-C is lost in the Battle
of Narendra III. This means that campaigns set
in the TNG-era must adjust accordingly.

Act 1: New Arrivals a Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser and a Gorn Raider
docked with the station.

Scene 2: Change of Command

CAPTAIN’S LOG The previous Captain of the station, an
Andorian by the name of Soth Th'rhoras, meets
Captain’s Log, Stardate 5812.3 the Player Characters at the airlock and
welcomes them aboard. He is happy to show
I’m currently in route to Deep Space
them around, but would prefer to handle the
24 along with my new Senior Staff.
official change of command as soon as possible.
The journey has given us some time
That way more time can be devoted to
to get to know one another, and I
preparations for the conference that’s taking
look forward to learning more about
place in 40 hours.
them as time permits.
Th’rhoras does not envy the Player Characters
However, it seems that very same
for having to deal with such an affair in their
time is at a premium. An important
first week. The Klingon Ambassador, Uhall
diplomatic conference is to take
Ocech, has been nothing but trouble since her
place on DS24 not two days after
arrival. She’s demanded countless changes to
our scheduled arrival. Starfleet
both her accommodations and to the planned
Command has made it abundantly
proceedings, much to the chagrin of the
clear that everything is to be done
Federation Ambassador, a Caitian by the name
to keep relations with both the
of H’Nus. The Gorn Ambassador, Azsach, has
Klingons and the Gorn from
not left their ship yet but has signaled they are
breaking down.
ready for the conference and will be on time.

Once the change of command has taken place,

Th’rhoras recommends that the Player
Characters check in with Ambassador H’Nus and
see what needs doing prior to the official
Scene 1: We’re here now… conference start time.
This scene starts off with the Player Characters
a few hours prior to their arrival at DS24. This is Scene 3: Damn Klingons!
a good opportunity for the crew to introduce It turns out Th’rhoras was drastically
themselves and for some “feeler roleplay” underplaying how much of an annoyance
between the Players. Ambassador Ocech has been thus far. H’Nus
When it feels thematically appropriate, the immediately launches into a tirade about how
Player Characters’ shuttle arrives within visual “nothing he does seems to please that woman!”
range of Deep Space 24. In true Star Trek spirit, He also has a whole list of further “demands”
the GM is encouraged to do a fly-by description that need doing prior to the conference. Said
that shows off the station and where the Player list should be tailored to the Player Characters,
Characters will be living their lives for the but in general covers the following areas:
foreseeable future. Importantly, there is already • Changing the ambient station
temperature by +10 Kelvin

10 | P a g e
• Replacement of the seats that the Azsach catch them nodding off, this will start a
Klingon delegation will be sat in during whole argument about whether the Federation
the conference. Turns out Klingons hate is taking this conference seriously. It will also
comfy chairs. land the Player Character(s) in question in hot
• A full feast prepared of traditional water later. But not as hot as what happens
Klingon dishes to be available during after the conference breaks for the day.
the conference
• The heavily-implied displeasure that Scene 2: The Dead Ambassador
there will be Tellarities present during
The following day, the Gorn delegation does not
the conference
show up at all to the scheduled continuation of
GM Sidebar the conference. A security team must be sent to
These are excellent sources of starting find them. They will have to override the door
momentum for the Players. Or perhaps even controls of the room assigned to Azsach, only to
interesting complications should their rolls not find them dead on the floor inside. They’re
be stellar! Use your best judgement for what a covered in stab wounds, and in their claws is a
specific “demand” entails roll-wise, though the torn portion of a Starfleet uniform with
Difficulty of these Tasks should not exceed 1. Starfleet’s symbol on it.
For example, the first task above of changing
the station temperature could be a Control + It’s right about then that the two Gorn that
Engineering to do the work themselves or came aboard with Azsach arrive and demand to
perhaps even a Presence + Command to pull know what has happened. If the Player
rank on a complaining Engineer. Characters involved are unable to calm them
down, this could turn into a firefight!
How the Player Characters deal with these tasks Otherwise, the Gorn are understandably upset
will color what sort of mood Ocech will be in at the death of their Ambassador. They demand
once the conference starts. that Starfleet produce the murderer in 12
hours’ time, else “retribution will be swift!”
Act 2: The Conference Sours
This starts a ticking time clock for the Player
Scene 1: Diplomacy Characters. How that translates to game time is
something the GM should decide dependent on
The actual conference takes place on Deck 8 in
how much roleplaying is occurring and what
the Function Area and the surrounding rooms.
actions the Player Characters are taking. A
The Gorn Delegation of three individuals does
general rule of thumb is that this timer is twelve
not arrive until ten minutes prior to the start,
intervals long. This is especially important
which has the effect of making H’Nus sweat
should any extended tasks occur.
bullets. He quickly shakes it off, though, and
quickly launches into the proceedings right on The List of Clues
This section details the different clues that can
The actual content of the conference is dry and be found through investigation. Remember that
typical politicking between diplomats. Should they need not be presented in order, only that
any Player Characters be present, require them the Players do obtain this information in some
to make a Fitness + Command at Difficulty 1 to way, shape, or form.
avoid nodding off to sleep. Should Ocech or

11 | P a g e
The following clues can be discovered at the What’s really going on is that a disguised
crime scene with an Insight + Security at Klingon has been surgically altered to look like
Difficulty 2: Thompson. They snuck on-board and laid in
wait for Ambassador Azsach to fall asleep in
• The last time the door was opened their assigned quarters. Then, after the murder,
(prior to the security team arriving) was they were to escape back to the docked Klingon
at ten minutes past midnight. Before ship with no one, not even the Captain of that
that the door remained closed for a ship, nor Ambassador Ocech, being any the
period of about six hours. As this is the wiser. However, this “spy” is still aboard
TOS-era, there are no logs of who came somewhere!
in or out of this door.
• The fragment of uniform seems to be Scene 3: Tracking a Spy
gold in color, which implies that it
belongs to a Starfleet member in the If there is time remaining before the countdown
Command Department. finishes, or the Station Commander has bought
more time, then the next scene should involve
An autopsy can only be performed if the Station the capture of this spy. How this is
Commander is able to convince the Gorn to accomplished depends on how the Player
allow it in the first place. This requires a Characters wish to go about it. Two possible
Presence + Command at Difficulty 3. Should options are presented below, but feel free to
they not succeed, then the Gorn take the body modify or come up with your own!
back to their ship. On the flip side, the following
information can be learned via an Extended OPTION 1: A full security sweep of the station.
Task with a Work Track of 10, Difficulty of 4, This is an Extended Task with a Work Track of
Resistance of 1, Magnitude of 3, and a Default 12, Difficulty of 4, Magnitude of 4, and a Default
Task of Reason + Medicine: Task of Insight + Security.

• Ambassador Azsach is actually female OPTION 2: Exposure of crew to a “tribble test.”

• Azsach’s time of death was roughly This may seem a comical response to a grave
around midnight situation, but if it worked for Kirk it can work
• The stab wounds were made with a here as well!
Klingon D’k tahg Dagger
Regardless of how the Spy is outed, it ends in a
• There are no self-defense wounds or
firefight. Use the stats for a Klingon Veteran as
any sign that there was a struggle
found on Page 318 of the Core Rulebook. They
If any attempt to identify the DNA on the have a Disruptor Pistol and their D’k tahg
uniform fragment is made, the result returns a Dagger. They will not be taken alive unless the
Crewman by the name/rank of Chief Thompson. Player Characters act with overwhelming force
Thompson has a somewhat believable alibi that and speed to knock them out. If they do so,
he was playing racquetball at the time of the then the Player Characters have a Klingon Spy
murder. Indeed, there are several eye witnesses to interrogate. If they do not, however, then the
that can confirm this fact despite the odd hours. only clue they’ll get is the Spy’s dying words of
However, those same eye witnesses claim that “The Network will break you!”
they saw Thompson in two places at once!

12 | P a g e
GM Sidebar taking three or more breaches. This is probably
This “Network” is actually the beginnings of the the worst of the three outcomes and will poorly
meta-plot that connects all the adventures in reflect on the Federation for sure.
this compendium. Specifically, the “Network” is
a group of Klingon and Orion mercenaries
No adventure runs smoothly when Players are
specifically set on destabilizing relations
involved. Some common pitfalls and potential
between the Federation and the Klingons. They
solutions are presented here:
act in the shadows and are tight-lipped if one of
them is ever taken alive. This is expanded upon One of the Player Characters said or did
in future adventures. something that really upset an Ambassador!

This could be a good source of drama and

Act 3: Stopping a War tension once Azsach’s body is found. It also
provides opportunity for more senior officers to
How Act 3 plays out depends on how well the pull rank and/or hand out punishment if they
investigation went. judge it needed.

The Spy is Captured An important source of clues (i.e. the Autopsy)

got taken away from the Players!
The Gorn turn to the Klingons for answers, who
have none. The former demands that the Spy Adjust how that information reaches the
be handed over to them, while the latter do Players’ ears. Perhaps they don’t learn that
much the same. Whomever doesn’t get the spy Azsach was killed by a Klingon weapon, but that
(or possibly both if the Player Characters don’t they do find out the rough time of death from
wish to turn them over) leaves the station in a overhearing one of the Gorn.
huff and promises that this will reflect poorly on It looks like Deep Space 24 is going to be
both the Federation and the other faction. destroyed!

The Spy is Killed Bring in additional Starfleet ships as part of

some cavalry. They can mop up the combatants
The Klingons deny any involvement with the and save the station, but at a rather hefty cost
Spy. If the body is handed over to the Gorn, to relations in the area.
then there is enough evidence to prevent them
from attacking Deep Space 24. They still will not
be thrilled, but such is the situation.

The Investigation Ran Out of Time

If the Player Characters do not find enough
evidence in time, or the Spy escapes, then it
falls heavily to the Station Commander to try
and use diplomacy to prevent open conflict.
Should that fail, then actual Starship Combat
breaks out between all three factions. The
Klingons fight to the death if not given a good
reason to flee, while the Gorn limp away after

13 | P a g e
Mirage adventure to keep the Players guessing as to
what’s the real cause.
Synopsis Connecting to Other Adventures
The Ceratodraco are eager to try their latest If you are running the adventures in this book in
holo-technology and Deep Space 24 is the sequential order, then this mission should
perfect candidate. After installation and initial follow If the Shoe Fits after a few weeks of in-
testing, the holo-tech appears to be a welcome universe time.
addition to the recreational facilities aboard the

All seems well until some of the crew begin

acting oddly. More specifically, as if they are
being controlled or otherwise manipulated into
performing acts they would not normally carry
out. This effect continues to grow, turning
matters into a race against time to discover the
cause before the entire stations succumbs!

In addition to the Prime Directive, the Directives
for this mission are:

• Test out the Ceratodraco Technology

• Be on the lookout for information
regarding “The Network”

Adapting this Mission to other Eras

The adoption of holo-technology on a wide
scale is something that is contested in official
canon. NX-era campaigns would be limited to
Holo-rooms like the one seen in ENT 1x05:
Unexpected. TNG-era campaigns will generally
have holodecks present on their stations, and
thus this new technology should add
“something new to the mix.” TOS-era
campaigns, i.e. the default era of this
compendium, lines up with what is seen in The
Animated Series and Discovery.

GM Sidebar
This mission is meant to give TOS-era
campaigns a chance to experience the classic
“Holodeck Episode.” However, this is actually
the B-Plot rather than the A-Plot. You’ll want to
balance the information presented in this

14 | P a g e
Act 1: The Dragons Are Here Scene 2: Time to Test it Out!
Once the holo-suites are up and running, it’s
time to put them through their paces. The
Player Characters are invited to try whatever
CAPTAIN’S LOG program(s) suits their fancy. A sample list of
programs includes:
Captain’s Log, Stardate 5851.4

With the excitement of the • An Earth “Old West” style adventure

conference behind us, things have • A Risian Seaside
fallen into a routine here on Deep • Skydiving on Vulcan
Space 24. It’s a welcome change of • Kayaking the Ice Fjords of Andoria
pace after what we went through a • A Ceratodraco training simulation
few weeks ago. In particular, I’m
looking forward to seeing the test of GM Sidebar
some brand new holo-technology As has been mentioned already, the programs
courtesy of the Ceratodraco. above are meant to give the Players the illusion
that the holo-suites are the A-plot of this
mission. In reality, they are the B-plot in that
they are a vehicle to the main one. Feel free to
linger in this scene as long as the Players are
having fun!
Scene 1: They Come Bearing Gifts
Arriving at the station is a Ceratodraco Scene 3: Was that Always There?
Engineering Team led by Master Chief Aria. At some point during the holo-suites testing,
Their goal is to turn some of the space on Deck
the Player Characters are informed that the
16 into two premiere holo-suites using the Engineer in charge of Beta Shift has found
Ceratodraco’s advanced technology. Aria something odd. More specifically, there’s
herself is a no-nonsense Master Chief that’s not several redundant deuterium tanks that were
afraid of speaking her mind or otherwise pulling
not there last shift. They’re not full of anything,
rank on her team. Business first, then pleasure,
and thus are no danger to normal station
as the saying goes. operation. However, there’s no indication of
It will take about three days’ worth of work to why they were installed or who actually did the
get the holo-suites up and running. If the Player work. This is the beginning of odd events on the
Characters would like to speed that up then station.
they can assist with Presence or Control +
Engineering checks at any Difficulty 2 or lower. Act 2: Everyone’s Going Mad!
Otherwise this is a perfect time to engage in
some downtime roleplaying and/or advance Scene 1: More Strange Events
any personal plot lines among the Player As time progresses on the station, more and
Characters. more odd occurrences crop up. A sample list of
such includes:

15 | P a g e
• Medical staff applying the wrong character in question is subject to GM
dosage or wrong medication to patients intervention at the cost of three Threat.
• Engineers losing tools or otherwise
For example, a security officer that is being
finding them in strange places
controlled might suddenly draw their phaser
• Gamma Shift turning up to their
and take a shot at the reactor core or another
stations three hours early
crewman. They have no memory of the event or
• It’s impossible to not roll a strike in the
any explanation as to their actions. This
bowling alley
intervention can occur mid-conversation for
• Ensign Jensen isn’t in Sick Bay 26/7 like extra effect.
he normally is
• All the drinks served on the station are The key is not completely removing Player
carbonated agency. They should still be able to play their
• Equipment Safeties are failing at a rapid characters without the GM intervening every
rate other sentence.

Some of those events are red-herrings meant to Scene 2: Finding the Cause
keep the Player Characters from immediately
suspecting the new Ceratodraco Engineering Tracking down the cause of the zeta-band
Team and/or the Holo-suites. They still might, transmissions is an Extended Task with a Work
and they’d be half right. The problem is with the Track of 16, Magnitude of 4, Difficulty of 5, and
Holo-suites, but not because the Player a Default Task of Control + Engineering.
Characters are trapped within a simulation Succeeding on this Extended Task does indeed
within a simulation or something along those point the Player Characters at the emitters for
lines. the holo-suites. If questioned about them,
Master Chief Aria has no idea why they’re
Instead, it seems that “The Network” has malfunctioning like this. She immediately takes
managed to sabotage the holo-technology such the suites offline and vows to track down who
that it’s putting out low level zeta-band messed with her work.
frequencies. These frequencies subtly influence
all species save Tellarities and Ceratodraco. This Turning off the holo-suites does not completely
influence starts off relatively benign, like stop the mind control effects, though. They
hypnosis, but rapidly grows to full mind-control grow at a much slower rate (four intervals as
effects with further exposure. It should opposed to two) yet are still a grave concern for
therefore be no surprise that the effects are all on the station. There’s multiple ways the
concentrated on those crewmen that live on Player Characters can go about trying to limit
Deck 15 above the holo-suites. the spread and/or finding a cure. Several are
presented below, and you are encouraged to
Mind Control Effects run with any Player ideas that sound good.
Those Player Characters that are not Tellarities
OPTION 1: Installation of proper shielding in
or Certatodraco are just as vulnerable to the
certain rooms on certain decks.
zeta-band frequencies as any other member of
the station’s crew. For every two intervals that OPTION 2: Studying the Tellarite and/or
pass, increase the complication range of those Ceratodraco physiology to determine what
Player Characters by 1, to a maximum of 5 (16 makes them immune
to 20). Any further intervals past that means the

16 | P a g e
OPTION 3: Hunting down all sources of Zeta- those on the station should be a major cause of
band emissions and destroying them concern with the Player Characters.

In general, you will want to mix regular Tasks Debugging

with Extended ones. A general rule of thumb for No adventure runs smoothly when Players are
Difficulty is to start at 3 and slowly increase it as involved. Some common pitfalls and potential
intervals/threat allow. Meanwhile, more and solutions are presented here:
more threats to the station’s existence keep
occurring (like the earlier security officer My Players spent the entire session in the Holo-
example). This gives the feel of the station Suites!
spiraling out of control and puts the Players on Nothing wrong with that! You can start the next
edge! session with things going wrong. Or perhaps
when they do leave, they find the station on fire
Act 3: Who the Hell are You? (perhaps literally).
Assuming the station hasn’t all gone mad at this
point, Master Chief Aria reports in that she’s The Players are trying to interrogate the
determined who messed with the holo-suites Ceratodraco Team and are stuck thinking
initially. Well, not a specific person, but they’re to blame!
distinctive nonetheless. The DNA belongs to a
Klingon. Another surgically-altered one, to be Subtly suggest via roleplay with those NPCs that
more precise. Much like in Act 2 Scene 3 of If the Ceratodraco could have done a lot more
the Shoe Fits, this should turn the Player damage if they were deliberately trying to
Characters into bloodhounds searching for this sabotage the station.
saboteur. The difference this time is that the
double-agent actually allows themselves to be
taken without much of a fuss once discovered.

This then lets the Player Characters interrogate

their captive and get some answers. The
double-agent goes over the basics (how it’s
Klingons and Orions outside the Empire working
together, surgically-altered Klingons being the
normal infiltration method, etc.) but stops dead
when asked their true name and/or who got
them to the station in the first place. Quite
literally, in fact. A kill-switch is activated
remotely that instantly fries the brain of the

In trying to track down where the kill-switch’s

signal came from, it should come out that there
was a cloaked vessel just off of the station for
several days. How they knew to kill their agent
just then is a bit of a mystery, but the fact they
had the means to do so on-demand and control

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PAYBACK Act 1: A Rude Awakening
Synopsis Scene 1: Klingons!
An otherwise quiet day on Deep Space 24 turns Unlike most adventures written by ELH, this one
violent when a Klingon Battlegroup decloaks does not start with a Captain’s Log. Instead, the
and begins attacking the station. They believe action starts right away with Klingons
DS24 to be the hub of a shadow network that decloaking and opening fire on Deep Space 24.
has been interfering in Klingon affairs, the very Specifically, there are two D7 Battle Cruisers
same network the Player Characters and one B’Rel Class Bird-of-Prey. The B’Rel gets
encountered in If the Shoe Fits and Mirage. the first shot in with its Disruptor Cannons
before the station’s shields go up, meaning that
After deescalating the situation in some way,
the Player Characters must immediately deal
the crew of DS24 must take the fight to “The
with at least one breach!
Network” by teaming up with the Klingons in a
search for the Network’s leader. How far the fight goes depends on several
• How convincing is the Station
In addition to the Prime Directive, the Directives Commander at getting the Klingons to
for this mission are: talk with words, not with weapons
• Do not start a war with the Klingons • How well the Klingons are rolling
• Neutralize “The Network” • How well the Player Characters are
Adapting this Mission to other Eras The key distinction to make is that the Klingons
This is a fairly straight-forward mission with
will not completely destroy DS24 before giving
focus on starship combat. You need simply
the Player Characters a chance to surrender.
adjust the type of ships present to adapt this
Likewise, Player Characters should ideally offer
mission to other eras.
the Klingons a chance to talk things out before
GM Sidebar destroying them.
As said above, this mission is heavily focused on
ship combat. You will want to read up on those Scene 2: But it was you, not I!
sections of the rules prior to running this The battlegroup’s Commander, a Klingon
adventure. Warrior by the name of Klavi, starts the
“negotiations” by outlining what he knows of
Connecting to Other Adventures “The Network.” Specifically, that several mining
If you are running the adventures in this book in
facilities along the border have experienced
sequential order, then this mission should
sabotage as well as several ships going missing.
follow Mirage after several months to a year of
All signs point to this shadow network being
in-universe time. This gives you ample time to
involved, and the home base to be DS24.
add more encounters with “The Network” with
your own personal flair and/or explore other Klavi is certain of the last fact because his
possibilities with a Station-based game. underlings were able to trace a transponder
Basically, use this mission as a “Season Finale!” signal straight to the starbase. If either the
Klingons or the Player Characters then run an

18 | P a g e
intense scan of the local area (Reason + Science for it, use the stats for three Klingon Warriors
assisted by the Station’s Sensors + Science at and two Orion Breachers (Beta p. 111).
Difficulty 3) then they will find that the
transponder is actually coming from a cloaked
ship! Act 3: Resolution
How this mission resolves depends on how
Act 2: After Them! things played out prior to this.
Before either party can get a hold of this
cloaked ship, it immediately jumps to warp in
an attempt to escape. How the Player
The Network’s Ship is Captured
Characters pursue them is dependent on The Orions and Klingons aboard are taken into
several factors. custody either by Starfleet or the Klingon
If the U.S.S. Anubis is attached to the station, Empire. Tensions between the two powers die
and it is still in one piece, then the Player down, and the remnants of this network are
Characters can chase after the cloaked ship that hunted down until there is no trace of it
way. remaining.

If the Anubis is not attached to the station, then

The Network’s Ship Escapes
Klavi might be willing to take the Player
Characters along on his D7 if they speak about The Player Characters return empty-handed to
honor and clearing their name. Deep Space 24. They will not suffer any further
If all of the D7s have been disabled/destroyed meddling from The Network, but also will not
and the Anubis is not present, then the fallback have the satisfaction of a true “win.” Depending
option is commandeering a Civilian Transport on how much damage was done to the Klingons
(Beta p. 98) in the local area that has Phase in Act 1, this might also mean the Player
Cannons (CMD p. 55). The Captain, an Andorian, Characters have pushed the Empire and the
is not happy with this but cannot stop Starfleet Federation that much closer to war!
from doing so.
What follows should be a series of Science and No adventure runs smoothly when Players are
Engineering Tasks, assisted by whatever ship involved. Some common pitfalls and potential
the Player Characters are on, ranging from 2 to solutions are presented here:
4 Difficulty. These Tasks work on a track. Three
My Players destroyed all the Klingons without
successes mean they catch up to the fleeing
giving them time to speak!
vessels, while three failures mean their quarry
gets away. That would be a huge problem given their
directives, but can still be managed. Have The
In the event of the former, use the stats for a
Network’s ship taunt the Players for doing their
Raptor Scout (Beta p. 88). Capture of the vessel
job for them, which in turn gives their cloaked
is preferable so that the crew there can be
ship away.
taken as prisoners, but they aren’t going to
make it easy on the Players! The Klingons fatally injured all the Players!
You have the option of playing out boarding Make the focus on that rather than whether the
actions, or simply glossing over it. If you do opt Network ship gets away or not.

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Thanks so much for reading this Mission Compendium! I hope that my mad ramblings made enough
sense that you’re able to run and enjoy these missions.

If you are interested in seeing how I run my own games before trying to run your own campaign, I invite
you to check out my Youtube Channel where all my Star Trek Adventures sessions are uploaded. There is
also my Twitch and my Patreon if you wish to subscribe or otherwise provide a tip. Every little bit of
support I get motivates me that much more to make content!

Neither the author (ELH) nor the content within is endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with CBS Studios
Inc., Paramount Pictures, Modiphius Entertainment, or the STAR TREK franchise. The Star Trek®
franchise and related logos are owned and a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures & CBS Studios

Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended. This is a work of
fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and
unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.

This content is available free of charge and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Email ELH: [email protected]

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