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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3  Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

4 Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor of a newspaper or magazine forms an important part of the paper. It voices the opinion
of the people and provides them a platform to express their agreement, disagreement or reaction to the news
and views contained in the newspaper. These letters raise issues of social, political and economic interest and
generally centre round public reaction. Sometimes a reader expresses personal clarification or issues denial.
In short, ‘Letter to the Editor’ provide a forum to the readers to express their strong feelings and reactions to
local, national and international issues.
Some important points:
(i) Format : Same as that of the business letters.
(ii) The inside address : The Editor, ABC (Newspaper), XYZ (City)
(iii) Salutation : Sir/Madam
(iv) Complimentary close : ‘Yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours truly’
Solved Questions
1. You live in a small town. You read in the newspaper that during rainy season, water logging in the

metropolitan cities create several problems for the people. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily
highlighting your concern and need to improve the condition of roads. You are Ravi/Reena of Laxmi
Public School, Dhanbad.
Ans. Laxmi Public School


10 May 20××

The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi


Sub.: Water Logging

I am Ravi, a student of class 12, Laxmi Public School, Dhanbad. I am writing this letter with deep
concern about the poor condition of roads in metropolitan cities. During the rainy season, there is water
logging everywhere, which makes life difficult for the commuters to walk ride a bicycle or drive a car.
It is extremely dangerous for the people to come out of their houses during the rainy season as there
are potholes on the roads which further lead to accidents. Not only have accidents become a concern,
but also the risk due to the spread of various diseases like dengue, chikungunya, etc.
An awareness must be created about this condition. The concerned authorities should take action in this
regard. Media is one of the most powerful tools these days. It holds the power to influence people and
can definitely force the government and public to be more responsible towards water logging problems
and measures for improving the condition of the roads.
I hope you will consider my request and take action in this regard.

Yours faithfully
\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

2. You read in the newspaper that online classes started by various schools in cities are very fruitful for students.

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the need to start such classes in remote areas
also. You are Aman/Arpita of Jeewan Public School, Deoghar.
Ans. Jeewan Public School


5 May 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi


Sub : Online Classes in Remote Areas

I am Aman, a student of class 12, Jeewan Public School, Deoghar. I am writing this letter with deep concern

about the unavailability of online classes in remote areas. I too live in a remote area and face several problems
with regard to my study.
In fact, the online classes will greatly benefit students preparing for board examination. In an online class

several tips related to examination can be detailed. Besides, students can also ask questions and clear their
doubts. Study material prepared by subject experts holds high value for students as it will hugely support their
preparation. We know that because of the lack of best study material and proper guidance, we suffer. Students
from remote areas cannot raise their level and make their career. These online classes will not only give them
the best study material, but prepare them for competitive examinations also. Media is a powerful tool to activate
the concerned authorities. It is a matter concerning countless poor students living in remote areas.

Yours faithfully


3. You read in the newspaper about various places of historical facts and interest located in the differents

parts of the country. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting your concern and need to
include historical tour in your curriculum. You are Mayank/Madhuri of Pitambar Public School, Dumka.
Ans. Pitambar Public School


3 June, 20××

The Editor

The National Herald

New Delhi


Sub : Inclusion of Historical Tour

I am Mayank, a student of class 12, Pitambar Public School, Dumka. I am writing this letter with regard

to the inclusion of historical tour programme in the new academic curriculum. In our country, the places of
historical importance and interest are located all over and its tour would be beneficial for students.
Everybody knows that history is the biography of nations. Although we read about the history of these places

in our text books, our visit to these places will broaden our knowledge related to life, culture, economics
and festivals of these places. Further our visit will bring us in close contact with the local people, which will
deepen our acquaintance with them.

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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

Moreover, historical knowledge is very essential for any foreigner. They become attracted to the place whose

history is attractive and interesting. We know that thousands of people from all over the world visit Agra to
see Taj Mahal every year, which is one of the seven wonders of the world. Its history is related to Shahjahan,
one of the greatest Mughal emperors. The Taj is a marvel in architecture. If we do not visit this place we will
not be able to know the secret of this wonder.

Yours faithfully


4. Recently you read about protests and road blocks in an article published in a magazine. You realised that

such acts are ultimately anti-democratic steps and will harm the democracy in the country. Write a letter
to the editor of a national daily highlighting the need to check such anti-democratic acts. You are Vikram/
Veena of Sheela Public School, Agra.
Ans. Sheela Public School


9 May 20XX

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi


Sub : Concern over Protests and Road Blocks

I am Veena, a student of class 12, Veena Public School, Agra. I am writing this letter to express my concern

over protests and road blocks organised recently all over the country.
India is a great democracy. Our democracy is age-old and time tested. It is a proof that we believe in

the power of people’s voice. There is no contradiction at all that in a democracy, several political parties
hold different opinions regarding some burning issues. But these political parties have better options to
raise their voice the parliament. Protests and road blocks creates problems for the government as the
businessmen and commuters have to face countless problems. Moreover, the office-goers fail to reach the
office in time. Shaheen Bagh is one of such protests. As a result the Delhi—Ghaziabad road was blocked for
more than one month, which created a lot of problems for people. The people had to divert their route to reach
office, schools and hospitals. It was a great loss of time and money for the people as well as the country. Our
parliament provides people better options to hear their grievances and their concern can easily be sorted out.

Yours faithfully


5. The use of mobile phones by the students in classes has become a common topic for newspapers and magazines.

Recently you read that a student of class 12 using mobile phone in the class was expelled from school. Write
a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting your concern and the need to ban the use of mobile
phones in school. You are Surya/Shruti of Konkan Public School, Hissar.
Ans. Konkan Public School


11 June 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________


Sub : The Use of Mobile Phone in Classes

I am Shruti, a student of class 12, Konkan Public School, Hissar. I am writing this letter to express my concern

over the use of mobile phones in schools. We live in a digital world and mobile phones keep us connected to
the outside world.
Technology has made the world a global village. We get connected with the world in an instant. For students,

mobiles phones are the most suitable tool to get latest information related to a subject. They need not visit
the library and turn over the countless pages of the book. The Google is the best master which responds
to our query in seconds. But excess of anything is bad. School is the temple of knowledge where students
prepare themselves for future. They learn how a civilized man lives in society. The precious time of students
should not be wasted. Besides, the class is not the place where mobile phones should be used. It means that
we are wasting time. In school the use of mobile phone must be banned. I appreciate the decision taken by
the school authorities with regard to banning the use of mobile phones in the classroom.

Yours faithfully


6. In our society we do not give to our women the respect and status that they deserve. Women are stared

at, stalked and even molested. We need to change the male mindset about women. Write a letter to
the editor of a national newspaper giving your views on the problem. You are Omar/Amna, A114, Mall
Road, Delhi. (Delhi 2017, Set I)

Ans. A 114, Mall Road


3 June 20××

The Editor

Times of India

Dear Sir

Sub: Need to Change Male Mindset Towards Women

Through the columns of your revered newspaper, I would like to express my views about the mindset of

men towards women. India is moving ahead with leaps and bounds, but sadly the male mindset towards
women is still static and ancient. Patriarchal thinking has relegated women into homes and kitchens
and refuses to allow them to live as independent citizens of a progressive country. Signs of patriarchy
are visible all around us: Women are stalked, molested, attacked with acid, and subjugated into doing
lowly jobs which pay them even less than their male colleagues. Males take them as secondary citizen
who are fit only to serve. The bias against them exists in many professions like finance, armed forces,
to name a few.
Today, there are women who are taking their rightful place in professional and other areas. It is

heartening to note that the topper in the recent civil services examination is a woman. Such exemplary
women will contribute greatly in proving that women are no less intelligent or hardworking than males.
I sincerely hope that similar success will grace the lives of majority of women who are uneducated and

live miserable lives.

Yours truly


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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

7. National Book Trust organised a week-long book fair at Anna Grounds, Chennai. You visited the fair and

bought a few books. You were pleased with the arrangements, enthusiasm of the visitors and the fact that
books have not yet lost their relevance in the world of the internet. Write a letter to the editor of a local
newspaper to express your feelings. You are Lalit/Latha, 112, Mount Road, Chennai.(All India 2017, Set I)
Ans. 112, Mount Road


3 June 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Dear Sir

Sub: Books are Still Relevant

Last Sunday, I, along with my friends, visited the book fair held at Anna Grounds, Chennai. There was

a big crowd of people. There were many bookstalls containing books on different subjects like science,

commerce, general knowledge, philosophy and religion. There was a rich collection of english and
regional literature also.
Many publishing companies had put up their stalls and it was a great experience to go through these

stalls. Leading publishing companies like Tata McGraw-Hill, Penguin books etc, had exhibited their

collection of encyclopedias and general knowledge books and packages.
The arrangements were excellent. The air-conditioned halls made the visit more comfortable. Free

shuttle service, water and comfortable sofas placed for the tired booklovers were quite thoughtful.
I am happy to see that the love of books has still not been lost to the great appeal of the internet. My

belief in the timeless appeal of books is once more validated in the book fair.

Yours truly


8. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine, Lifestyle, New Delhi on the deterioration in the standard

of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement. Sign yourself as Ankit Suri.
Ans. 15A, Model Town


5 April 20××

The Editor

Lifestyle Magazine

Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi-110001


Sub: Deteriorating Standard of Living in the Capital City.

Through the columns of your reputed magazine, I wish to express my views on the deteriorating standard

of living in the capital city of Delhi.
What does the standard of living actually mean? Does it mean possessing expensive goods of comfort

and beauty, living in posh bungalows or the overalll decent and peaceful living conditions including
health and hygiene, pollution-free environment and above all, a value-based society.
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Considering all these, the living conditions in Delhi are really appalling. Dumps of garbage, heavy traffic

congestion on the roads, growing atmospheric pollution, high levels of noise pollution, overcrowding at
public places, etc., throw ample light on the deteriorating standard of living of the people. Our lungs
are hungry for fresh air and green belts.
The large number of immigrants, from other states to Delhi, put tremendous pressure on the resources

of the city. The housing problem is growing rapidly with lack of civic amenities. Life is so busy that there
is little interaction among neighbours. Hurry and worry is what best describes the life in the capital
city. With growing consumerism and rising prices, the disparity between rich and poor is increasing
day by day.
Something judicious needs to be done to remedy this situation. More green belts and ‘silence zones’

should be created. The unrestricted inflow of people to Delhi should also be checked. Only then the
standard of living can be improved.

Yours truly

Ankit Suri

9. Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, New Delhi about water scarcity in your locality suggesting

ways to improve the position of water supply. You are Ramnath/Reema of Ghaziabad.
Ans. A-24, Kavi Nagar


2 April 20××

The Editor

National Herald

New Delhi-110001


Sub: Water Crisis in Kavi Nagar

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned

authorities towards the problem of water scarcity in our area.
It is still early summer and the residents are already facing acute water shortage in the area. The

supply is cut off at 8.30 a.m. in the morning and is restored only for half an hour in the evening between
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Since the timings are erratic, many people, especially, the working couples are unable
to store water. Frequent complaints to the Jal Board haven’t yielded any result as the authorities
express their helplessness saying that one of the tanks of the Hyderpur Water Treatment Plant is
under repair and has been shut down for a month. Thereby affecting the water supply in the area. But
it is nearly one and a half months since the problem began, yet there is no respite to the residents.

The Jal Board should, in the meantime, make provisions for water tankers at different hours of the

day. Also, measures must be taken to expedite the repair work.

Yours truly


10. You are Hemant/Himakshi. Write a letter to the Editor of The National Herald, New Delhi expressing

your anguish over the problems faced by people due to the free sale of illicit liquor everywhere.
Ans. A-105, Jangpura

New Delhi-110058

5 April 20××

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The Editor

The Herald

New Delhi-110002


Sub: Problems caused by the Free Sale of Illicit Liquor

The recent deaths due to the consumption of illicit liquor is a matter of great concern.

We often hear or read about people dying due to the consumption of illicit liquor, but never come to

know about the follow up action or the punishment given to the guilty. What a tragedy! Families get
ruined, children orphaned but the illegal trade continues unabated. Why is our government so apathetic
towards this social curse or maybe, keeps the eyes closed deliberately because the custodians of law
have their palms greased through these means only.
However, we, the awakened citizens, must raise our voice against this evil. We must try to educate not

only the children but also the adults. Responsibility can also be given to the Gram Panchayats and the
best village or panchayat should be awarded if they are able to eradicate this menace from their villages.
However, if the guilt is proved, the person(s) must be given severe punishment to eliminate this heinous

crime completely. I am sure that the content shared here expresses the views of many. In the hope that
sanity may prevail among people some day.

Yours truly


11. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindu on the fear that is spreading among people due to their anxiety

over the widespread terrorism in the world. Give suggestions to curb such anti-social activities. You
are Vikram/Varsha.
Ans. Examination Hall

Sapphire Public School

Dwarka, Sector-21


3 March 20××

The Editor

The Hindu

New Delhi-110002


Sub: Widespread Fear of Terrorism

Through this letter, I wish to express my concern over the widespread fear caused in the minds of the

people because of growing terrorist activities all over the world.
Terrorism as a method to achieve political aims has become a worldwide phenomenon. However, the

shameful and hideous terrorist attacks on the Parliament, in the Taj Hotel, Mumbai and recent incidents
in Kashmir and Rajasthan has given terrorism a new dimension. The daring assault on the dignity
and prestige of one of the largest democracies of the world has shattered the faith of people completely.
What is worse, it has left religious fanaticism behind as its offspring. The widespread communal riots
as a fallout of these terrorist activities in India has instilled a great fear in the minds of common people.
As it is, in the cross fire of political game, it is always the common man who suffers the most.

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Stringent methods must be taken to restore peace and harmony in the country. One must keep the interests

of the nation above the interests of the community or the individual. Sanity must prevail at all costs.

Yours truly


12. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have

caused traffic jam as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no
action has been taken so far. So, write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper telling him about

the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preeti/Krishnan, C/5, Assam.
Ans. C/5, Assam

15 March 20××

The Editor

The Indian Express



Sub: Nuisance created by Stray Animals

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned

authorities regarding the plight of the residents of Bow Bazaar. While going to school at 8.50 a.m, I
notice many stray animals wandering here and there on the busy market roads. The position is almost
the same — a repeat performance in the afternoon. Sometimes these animals cross the roads in a long
unending array, thus causing traffic blocks as well as accidents. These animals create a health hazard
too by urinating everywhere. Huge heaps of dung are lying here and there. Flies hover over them and
insects breed inside them.
We have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. Hopefully, this

letter will meet the eyes of our worthy officials, and steps will be taken to end this problem of stray animals.

Yours truly


13. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, highlighting the problems of the Housing Cooperative

Society to which you have recently shifted.
Ans. B-6, Saraswati Vihar

New Delhi-110078

19 September 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi


Sub: Problems of Saraswati Vihar

I want to highlight the problems faced by the residents of Saraswati Vihar—a Housing Cooperative

Society to which I have shifted recently. I hope this will attract the attention of the officers concerned.
The colony has electric poles but there is no provision for street lights. There is complete darkness when

there is a breakdown in domestic power supply.
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The roads have uncovered manholes over the sewerage lines. These have caused a couple of accidents.

An eight year old child was saved from death only yesterday.
The garbage disposal system is very poor. Perhaps the municipal authorities do not take cognizance of

the existence of this Housing Society at all. It is only once in a blue moon that a truck visits the area
to collect household refuse. I hope that the authorities will pay attention to the genuine difficulties of
the residents and take effective remedial action.

Yours truly


14. You are Aman/Aditi studying in Bharat School, Lucknow. The road leading to your school is very

congested and full of potholes. Students and parents are often caught in a traffic jam. In spite of several
representations, the government has not done anything to improve the condition of the road. Write a
letter to the Editor of The Times of India, drawing the attention of the government to this problem.
Ans. Bharat School


23 August 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

B.R. Marg



Sub: Traffic Congestion on Rajaji Road

Through the columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities

to the appalling condition of the road leading to Bharat School. The entire stretch is narrow, congested
and covered with numerous pot holes. This often causes a traffic jam and inconvenience to the students
and staff of the school. A lot of time is wasted both in the morning and in the afternoon when the school
buses have to leave.
The school has filed several complaints to the local authorities but they seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

The situation worsens during the monsoon. It can also become dangerous threat to pedestrians. On
behalf of the school students, I request the authorities to take immediate action to rectify this condition.
The improvement in the condition of the road will ease traffic congestion and ensure the safety of the citizens.

Yours truly


15. You are a resident of Mahalakshmi Apartments, Patparganj, Delhi. Your residential area is flooded with

roadside dwellers who are deprived of the basic civic amenities like light, public toilets and bathrooms.
Write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times, highlighting the problems of these roadside dwellers,
and also the problems posed by them to the public. Give suggestions for improvement.
Ans. Mahalakshmi Apartments



7 February 20××

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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

K.G. Marg

New Delhi


Sub: Restoring Basic Amenities to the Roadside Dwellers of Patparganj

Through the columns of your renowned paper, I would like to request the authorities concerned to

provide basic amenities to the roadside dwellers of Patparganj area.
Due to floods the residential area of Mahalakshmi Apartment, Patparganj has been flooded with

roadside dwellers who are deprived of the basic civic amenities such as light, public toilets and
bathrooms. The local authorities should immediately set up tents for these people, provide medical
aid and make other necessities available at the earliest.
They have lost their huts due to floods. Everything is wet and unusable.

I’m sure these lines in the columns of your paper will awaken the concerned authorities to take urgent

remedial measures to help the roadside dwellers.

Yours truly


A Resident

(Mahalakshmi Apartments)
16. You are Sunil/Sunita, staying at Mayur Vihar, Delhi. Your locality being away from the main city, the

poor bus-service adversely affects the life of the residents. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of
India, highlighting the problems faced, and also giving a few possible solutions.
Ans. 3 Ankur Apartment

Mayur Vihar


10 May 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg

New Delhi


Sub: Poor Bus Service in Mayur Vihar, Delhi

Through the columns of your newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned transport

authorities regarding the plight of Mayur Vihar residents. As you are aware Mayur Vihar is a large
colony on the outskirts of Delhi. The residents of Ankur Apartments are facing the brunt of isolation
as there is no bus stop within the radius of 2 km. Since the bus connection is unavailable, other modes
of transport like the autos and taxis also do not have a stand nearby. It becomes extremely difficult to
commute unless have our own vehicle.
It is proposed that the bus service should be provided at the earliest so that the inconvenience caused

to the residents presently is permanently removed.
Looking forward to an early action.

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Yours truly


17. You are Prakhar/Pummy staying at the Adarsha Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, New Delhi.

There is no bus stop within the radius of 2 km from the apartments, causing a lot of inconvenience
to the residents. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times drawing attention of the
government to this problem of the residents for rectification.
Ans. 5, Adarsha Apartments

Mayur Vihar, Phase I

New Delhi

10 May 20xx×

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi


Sub: Arrangement of Bus Stop near Adarsha Apartments

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the Delhi transport

authorities regarding the plight of the residents of Mayur Vihar.
Mayur Vihar is a large colony on the outskirts of Delhi. The residents of Adarsha and Ankur Apartments

in Phase I are facing the brunt of isolation as there is no bus stop within the radius of 2 kms. Since bus
connection is not available, other modes of transport such as autorickshaws and taxis also do not have
a stand nearby. Under these circumstances it becomes extremely difficult to commute from the place. It
is therefore suggested that a permanent bus stop should be constructed and the city bus service should
be extended to this colony so that the inconvenience being caused to the residents is removed forever.
Looking forward for an early action by the authorities concerned.

Yours truly


18. You are Reshma/Raghu staying at the Press Apartments of Nagpur. The main road leading to this

colony has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night. Also, it gets so dark after seven
in the evening in winter that the children and women of these apartments just cannot venture to move
out alone during night time. Write a letter to the editor to The Times of India drawing attention of the
government to this problem of the residents.
Ans. 5 Press Apartments


7 March 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Veer Savarkar Marg



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Sub: Plight of Press Apartments

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to the notice of the readers and the

authorities to the plight of the residents of Press Apartments.
The colony has three open manholes which have been a source of fear and anxiety to the residents. In

fact two little children—aged seven and nine belonging to the nearby slums—have already lost their
lives. Moreover, since these open manholes lie on the main road leading to the colony. It becomes difficult
for the commuters to use the road after darkness prevails, especially in winters. Women and children
are the worst affected. They do not venture to move out as soon as it gets dark.
It is earnestly hoped that the authorities competent to redress our grievances will pay attention to our

plight and get the manholes covered and also provide street lights to this neglected colony.

Yours truly


19. You are a social worker. You are upset as some good schools are exploiting the parents at the time of

admission by taking capitation fee in the name of donation or building fund. Write a letter to the Editor
of a national daily highlighting this corrupt practice. Sign the letter as Rahul/Rakhi.
Ans. 5, Ambedkar Street


15 March 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Veer Savarkar Marg



Sub: Capitation Fee—A Curse

I wish to draw the attention of the readers to the increasing menace of capitation fee which has become

prevalent in schools at the time of admission. Although nobody seems to be in favour of this practice it
is going on unchecked.
To me it seems nothing short of corruption to seek funds in the name of buildings, facilities etc. Isn’t it

a shame that in a country where education was once free, it is now being sold and that too at a price.
This unfair pressure on parents is taking a toll and it is high time a legislation is drawn up against
this malpractice. Awareness against this extraction of money in the name of donation or building fund
should be created. All sections of the society including parents, teachers, students and educationists
should come up in arms against this system and force the educational institutions to discontinue this
evil practice forthwith. Providing quality education is one thing and the misuse of funds under the garb
of capitation fee is quite another.
I urge the government to take stringent action against these dealers of education and lay down as well

as enforce strict laws to curb this menace.

Yours truly


20. You are a social worker. You feel upset as some of the good schools are admitting as many as 60-70

students in a class just to mint money. This is adversely affecting academic standards. Write a letter
to the editor of a national daily highlighting this corrupt practice. Sign the letter as Jaishri/Ranjan.
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Ans. 7, Reiki Street


16 March 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Veer Savarkar Marg



Sub: Commercialisation of Education

I wish to draw the attention of the public in general and authorities in particular to the crass

commercialisation prevalent in the good schools renowned for providing quality education.
My son goes to a prestigious public school which admits students after conducting so many tests and

charges a hefty amount as various funds. To a casual onlooker the system appears restrictive and
selective, but the overcrowded classrooms with 60 to 70 students in the primary section tell a different
story. Almost every section of every class is in a similar situation. Even though the school works in two
shifts there doesn’t seem to be any respite from the ever increasing size of the class.
The overcrowding of classrooms adversely affects the academic standards. It is very difficult for any

teacher, howsoever, resourceful to build any rapport or conduct interactive sessions in such large classes.
The curriculum is ‘covered’ in a poor manner.

The academic values are brushed aside with nonchalance and the sole factor that governs the school

authorities is the money that these large numbers rake in.
Will the authorities look into this sad state of affairs and bring an end to this commercialisation of

education resulting in falling academic standards?

Yours truly


21. You are Rama/Ranjan Srinivasan of Gacchibowli, Hyderabad, where there is no post office. Write a

letter to the editor of a national daily drawing the attention of the government to this basic need of the
residents of your area. Justify the opening of a post office-cum-telegraph office in your locality.
Ans. Gacchi Bowli, Hyderabad

10 March 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Hakimpet, Hyderabad


Sub: No Post Office in Gacchibowli.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the government

authorities to the following:
(a) Our colony in Gacchibowli has more than ten thousand residents.

(b) We do not have basic amenities like post office-cum-telegraph office in our area.

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We face a lot of inconvenience due to this and many a time many urgent mails are lost due to careless

handling. On approaching the sub-post office, we are told that they would not register our complaint.
Since ours is a newly established colony, no one is willing to listen to our problem. Our colony is in dire
need of a post office.
I am quite confident that the competent authorities will pay heed to our need and open a branch post

office in our locality.

Yours truly

Rama Srinivassan

22. You are Aakanksha/Abhijeet staying in Kanishka, Cooperative Group Housing Society, Indira Nagar,

Mumbai. There are no street lights on the main road leading to this colony. The road gets so dark
after seven in the evenings in winter that the possibility of some major accidents cannot be ruled out.
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily drawing attention of the government to this serious
problem of the residents of Indira Nagar.
Ans. 123A, Kanishka

Cooperative Group Housing Society

Indira Nagar


7 March 20××

The Editor

The Times of India

Veer Savarkar Marg



Sub: Kanishka in the Dark

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to the notice of the authorities

concerned the appalling state of civic amenities in our city.
Our colony has been in darkness with no street light for the last six months. There are no street lights

even on the main road leading to this colony. This road gets so dark after seven in the evenings in winter
that the possibility of some major accident cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the crime rate has gone up.
In fact, it has now become a serious problem to go out especially in winter evenings. The women and
children of the locality are the worst sufferers. Even the playtime of the children has been adversely
affected as it is now restricted.
On behalf of the residents of the colony I request the authorities to wake up and take immediate steps

to ensure that street lights are in working orders so that major accidents are averted.

Yours truly


23. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, complaining about the noise pollution in your locality

drawing the attention of the government to take steps to check the same. Sign as Gaurav/ Gauri, Janata
Nagar, Ahmedabad.
Ans. 23, Janata Nagar


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\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

7 October 20××

The Editor

The Times of India


Dear Sir

Sub: Noise pollution in Janata Nagar

Your paper brought out a special supplement on the state of noise pollution in our city but nothing

worth mentioning has been done since then to reduce the level of noise. During peak hours the noise
level crosses the 100 decibel mark. It is feared that constant exposure to high level of noise for long
periods may not only cause deafness but also induce other diseases like headache, hypertension and
blood pressure.
Ours is a posh locality situated in a lush green area. It was the most quiet area in the city. However,

for the last one year, there has been a steady increase in noise pollution and it has become intolerable.
Even late at night, one can hear loudspeakers blaring out marriage songs or election speeches. Although
high pitched noise is no good for any one, its worst victims are the students whose concentration is
disturbed and the people suffering from hypertension and heart related ailments.
Will it be possible for you to invite the attention of the civic authorities towards our plight? Will they

impose some curbs and restrain the use of loudspeakers after 10 pm?

Yours truly


Questions for Self-Evaluation
1. In its bid to educate people about the harmful editor of The Hindu drawing the attention

effects of cigarette smoking, the Govt. of of the government to this unauthorised
India has been taking serious steps to occupation.
prevent it. A few years ago it ordered all 5. You are Amrit/Amritha of Bangalore. You are

cigarette manufacturing units to insert a disturbed at the non-availability of essential
statutory warning on cigarette packs. Now it commodities in the Fair Price Shops of your
is considering censorship of all national daily area. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindu
giving your own views. drawing the attention of the authorities to the
2. Write a letter to the editor, The New Indian irregularities in the Fair Price Shops.

Express drawing attention of the concerned 6. You are Rohit/Rohini of Mahatma Gandhi

authorities to the misused and poorly Road, Bangalore. You feel depressed at the
maintained subways in Chennai. Give your poor performance of India at Olympics and
suggestions. You are Ram/Rani living at 10, feel that poor facilities and the discouraging
Kamraj Street, Chennai. attitude of the government are the root
3. You are Karthik/Krithika of Chennai. Of late, cause. Write a letter to the editor, The Times

chain-snatching incidents are increasing in the of India expressing your views on how the
city. Write a letter to the editor of The New standard of performances in sports can be
Indian Express Drawing the attention of the improved in India.
concerned authorities. Also give suggestions. 7. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India

4. You are Anand/Anandi of Mumbai. You are about the poor attention and the negligence

upset to find that the only public garden of on the part of the medical staff in some of the
your locality has been grabbed by the local government hospitals of Chennai. Sign as Peter/
self-styled ‘Netas’. Write a letter to the Yana of No. 117, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi.
tt r to th E itor 163

\ 02-Aug-2022  Bhandari   Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________

8. You are Ranjan/Rajani of 25, Civil Road, Damoh, newspaper pointing out the harmful effects of

Bihar. You feel concerned at the gradual decay drug addiction and suggesting steps to curb it.
of historical monuments in India in general 15. You are Aditi/Aditya Verma of 27, Begham

and in Bihar in particular. Write a letter to Pul, Meerut. A tanning factory is proposed
the editor of The Times of India describing to be set up in the new industrial area just
the decay and degeneration that the historical across the playing fields of your school. You
monuments are facing in your state and also feel strongly about this plan as it would prove
suggest some steps to maintain them properly. disastrous for the health of young children
9. You are Rakesh Gupta of Durga Colony, as well as other citizens. Your protests to the

Hoshiarpur. There is a wine shop in the authorities have borne no fruit. Write a letter
vicinity of a school. The drunkards and riff- to the editor of The Times of India highlighting
raffs create ugly scenes near the school. You the problem and offering suggestions.
have written to the local authorities to shift 16. You are Savita Sen of 23, Rifle Lane, Jhansi.

the shop to some other place, but to no avail. You are worried that in spite of a legal ban on
Write a letter to the editor, The Tribune, child marriages in the state, thousands of child
Chandigarh highlighting the nuisance marriages are performed on ‘Basant Panchami’
caused by the drunkards and suggesting day. She writes a letter to the editor, The
ways to overcome the problem. Bhopal Times expressing her strong views
10. You are Supriya Pathak of Indira Nagar, against child marriage and advocating some

Benaras. Write a letter to the editor of The immediate steps to arrest this social evil.
Times of India, New Delhi about the misuse and 17. As a traveller of Blue Line buses in Delhi you

poor maintenance of public parks in your city. are a witness to their rash driving and other
11. You are Ranjit Singh of 27, Surya Colony, problems the passengers have to face daily.

Jaipur. You feel disturbed after reading Write a letter to the editor of The Indian
the news of starvation deaths in villages Express, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New
of Rajasthan. Write a letter to the editor of Delhi. Sign yourself as Priyanka.
The Jaipur Herald drawing his attention 18. As Anjan Malik/Anjana Malik, a resident

to the sufferings of the poor in this year of of Indira Colony, Rohtak, write a letter to
severe drought and suggesting measures of the editor of The Rohtak Times, regarding
providing relief to the unfortunate victims. the long powercuts your colony has to face
12. Write a letter to the editor of The Indian everyday. Also mention the problems faced by

Express about the impact of watching too much the residents owing to the commercialisation
television on the health and learning of school of residential space.
going children. 19. You are Sanjeev Mehta, coordinator of your

13. You are Nandita Patnaik of 25, Ring Road, school Literacy Club. You are deeply concerned

Cuttack. You came across an advertisement about the drops out and adult illiterates still
based on laser technology to help ladies look living in slums and villages. On behalf of your
best. You feel strongly about the dangers literacy club write a letter to the editor of The
inherent in the use of these synthetic chemicals Hindu, Chennai regarding the need to reach
and over exposure of skin to laser beams. out to the young school drop-outs and the adult
Write a letter to the editor of The Sun, illiterates. Also, give details of the steps your
highlighting the possible dangers to the users organisation is taking in this direction.
and suggesting action against the exploiters. 20. You are Bharat Reddy of 15/1129, Rajiv Nagar,

14. Pramod Goel of Shimla is worried that despite Ananthpur (Andhra Pradesh). Write a letter to

a legal ban on trafficking of drugs, a large the Editor of a national newspaper about the
number of school going youth are becoming drug undesirability of primary school kids carrying
addicts. Write a letter to the editor of a local heavy bags to their school.

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