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013 - RA 7610 / RA 9262

Due Feb 9 at 6:30pm Points 10 Questions 10

Available Feb 9 at 6pm - Feb 9 at 8pm 2 hours Time Limit 30 Minutes
Allowed Attempts 2

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Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 13 minutes 7 out of 10

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Score for this attempt: 7 out of 10

Submitted Feb 9 at 6:12pm
This attempt took 13 minutes.

Question 1 1 / 1 pts

Juan, 30 years had sexual intercourse with Carla. Carla is 9 years old and is
exploited in prostitution or other sexual abuse.

  Lascivious conduct under RA 7610

  Rape under the RPC

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC

  Rape under the RPC in relation to RA 7610

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

  Sexual Assault under RPC

  Some other crime.

  Sexual Assault under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

Question 2 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following is not a means to commit a violation of section 5A of RA


giving monetary consideration, goods or other pecuniary benefit to a child with intent
to engage such child in prostitution

  No answer text provided.

  taking advantage of influence or relationship to procure a child as a prostitute

  threatening or using violence towards a child to engage him as a prostitute

inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by means of written or oral
advertisements or other similar means

  All of the statements are means to violate Section 5A of RA 7610

  acting as a procurer of a child prostitute

Question 3 0 / 1 pts

Juan, 30 years forcibly inserted his penis into Pedro's anal orifice. Pedro is 11
years old.

  Sexual Assault under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

  Some other crime.

  Rape under the RPC

  Rape under the RPC in relation to RA 7610

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

  Sexual Assault under RPC

  Lascivious conduct under RA 7610

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC

Question 4 1 / 1 pts

CONSENT is immaterial in cases involving violation of Section 5, Article III of RA




Question 5 1 / 1 pts

Juan, 30 years forcibly had sexual intercourse with Carla. Carla is 13 years old.

  Sexual Assault under RPC

  Some other crime.

  Rape under the RPC

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC

  Acts of Lasciviousness under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

  Lascivious conduct under RA 7610

  Sexual Assault under RPC in relation to Sec. 5 of RA 7610

  Rape under the RPC in relation to RA 7610

Incorrect Question 6 0 / 1 pts

There is no double jeopardy if a person is accused of violating the RPC on Rape

and Sec 5b of RA 7610 because the latter is a special penal law.



Question 7 1 / 1 pts

George saw Jayson a minor teasing his daughter Mary Ann Rose. George
confronted Jayson and called called him names like “stranger” and “animal”. Then
in order to show Jayson that he is just an immature futureless child compared to
him a successful businessman, he struck Jayson at the back with his hand, and
slapped Jayson on the face.

George just committed physical injuries.



Incorrect Question 8 0 / 1 pts

Unlawful aggression is not necessary to raise the defense of Battered Woman



Question 9 1 / 1 pts

VAWC under RA 9262 cannot be committed by a woman.



Question 10 1 / 1 pts

Juana the known prostitute, was being prevented by her husband Juan from
engaging in her business.  Juan is liable under 9262.



Quiz Score: 7 out of 10

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