End of Year Development Dialogue

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A dialogue with your supervisor/manager about the way in which your talents and qualities can be
used and developed at Leonardo Hotels (*) or Apollo Hotel Amsterdam.

Name of staff member Elena Terpsidi

Current job title: All around Food and Beverage Supervisor

Supervisor/Manager: Jesly Parera

Date of dialogue: Jan 22, 2023

We are happy to have you working with us and we want to continue to support your growth and devel-
opment at our company. For this reason, we have developed this form. We would like you to have a
conversation with your supervisor or manager about the opportunities you see for yourself within
Leonardo Hotels. The things you agree upon can be noted on this form.

Please answer the questions below (as many as possible) and discuss them with your manager, the
questions are a guide, answer the questions that are relevant to your conversation, or add a question if
you feel it adds value.

Leonardo Hotels stands for 'Feeling Good', both for our guests and employees. To
what extent does this apply to you?

Feedback employee: Feedback supervisor/manager:

If applies environment is good but can be im- - Provide training
proved, more professional, more experienced - Get to know all staff better
(Elena explained about the staff's lack of experi-
ence as well as the language barrier)
How do you currently feel about your job at Leonardo Hotels?

Feedback employee: Feedback supervisor/manager:

Good - Not Daring to take a decision or action
( she meant that in her current position she - Lacking details
would have the opportunity to learn and im- - Not confident and still panicking
proved her knowledge) - No initiative
- Problem solving skills should also be develop
- Still have to learn to get to know all the staff

How have you experienced working with colleagues recently?

Feedback employee: Feedback supervisor/manager:

(*) where Leonardo Hotels is mentioned, we also mean Apollo Hotel Amsterdam
- Good - Easy to work with
- Some lack of sense responsibility and - As a person - very friendly
professionalism - As a professional - should be more assertive
(She mentioned some difficulty with manag- and not let yourself take all the responsibility
ing the staff in shifts) - Must be able to distinguish between
friendship and co-workers
What added value (contribution) did you have at Leonardo Hotels recently?

Feedback employee: Feedback supervisor/manager:

(No comment from Elena, as she has no input - Flexible with shift
whatsoever regarding her contribution) - Want to learn
- Willing to helg
- Listen and accept criticism/feedback
How do you feel about the way your supervisor leads, is there anything that could be
done differently?

Feedback employee: Feedback supervisor/manager:

Are there any (other) activities that seem interesting to you and that you would like to
do in the company where you are currently working or within the Leonardo Hotels

Feedback supervisor/manager:

Cross training in other departments

(Elena is interested in getting training in the
kitchen and on duty)
Which training or education are you interested in?

Feedback supervisor/manager:

- Duty management concierge

- Events and Kitchen
Do you need something from your supervisor that would help you achieve your goals?

Support and trust Feedback supervisor/manager:

(*) where Leonardo Hotels is mentioned, we also mean Apollo Hotel Amsterdam
(Elena wants to get more support and trust from
managers to help her improve her performance)

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Feedback supervisor/manager:

Self-reflection & PDP

You are responsible for your own growth and development. Leonardo Hotels can support you in this.
Parts of this are self-reflection and development points. Think about your next step and what you need
to do so.

What really energised you in your work in the Fun project and events
last few months?

What went really well in the past few months? Developing myself and my management skills
What have you done at work in the past few
months that you are proud of?

In what ways have you engaged in your own per- Bring responsible work with passion, learn new
sonal development? things

What specifically will you do in the coming pe- Dedicate more, be more proactive, involve myself
riod to develop yourself even further? more

Apart from your normal duties, what three things will you work on in the next six months?
1: Time management
2: Accountability - Responsibility
3: Communication

Signed by Employee Signed by supervisor/manager

NAME: Elena Terpsidi NAME: Jesly Parera

(*) where Leonardo Hotels is mentioned, we also mean Apollo Hotel Amsterdam

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