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Brad Williams
[email protected]
Reaching 5m+ active
sports participants
every month
We are the UK’s
No.1 digital
sport network
Across web,
mobile, social
& direct comms
3 platforms:
About Pitchero
Pitchero is the UK’s leading digital
grassroots sport network, connecting
daily with a passionate cross-platform
audience of active participants across
multiple sports.
Our mission is to unite the grassroots sport community by providing the
technology that empowers teams, organisations and individuals,
delivering all of the tools a club needs to drive participation and engage
with their members.

We provide web, mobile and app solutions for over 77K teams across a
variety of sports and reach around 5M active participants every month.

Moreover, through powering this network we are also uniquely

positioned provide opportunities for brands to engage positively and
directly with their target audience through multiple online touchpoints.

Our Network

Active users
per month Members Sports Teams Audience


30% 70%
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 Female Male

Our Sports

Football Rugby Union Cricket Hockey Basketball

Rugby League AFL Netball Lacrosse Ice Hockey

A Unique Sports Ecosystem
We are a force for good that provides everything a sports club needs to drive participation,
create efficiencies and be sustainable.

Payment Collection Member Registration

Training & Match Info Online Fundraising

Innovative Mobile Apps Online Coaching

Stunning Websites Availability & Selection

The Pitchero Group
Websites & Apps
Pitchero - large multi team, sports clubs.

1.5m registered users
650,000 opt-in emails

Web Traffic PM
4m web users
20m ad impressions

App Traffic PM
300,000 users
1.6m app sessions
11m screen impressions

Our primary network is built around large scale multi-team,

league and association partnerships with sports clubs.
Teamer - single teams, social sport.

1m registered users
450,000 opt-in emails

Web Traffic PM
500,000 web users
16m ad impressions

App Traffic PM
1.1m app sessions
10m screen impressions

An online community predominantly comprised of individual

teams with emphasis on social sport.
GRG - social media channels, adult football.

200,000 Instagram
300,000 Facebook

Engagement PM
800,000 video views
25,000 views per video

4,000 videos covering
all topics.

Leading social publisher dedicated to grassroots football,

engaging daily with an 18-34, male skew audience across
social platforms.
What’s good about this space?

Audience Alignment Audience

We provide direct access to Our established heritage and The grassroots space is unlike
the largest community of brand equity in grassroots any other when it comes to
active sports participants in sport as the company that genuine passion and love for
the UK and beyond, with unites & empowers the sport, unlocking unique
granular data-driven audience community to live their opportunities for brands to
segmentation and targeting sporting passions gives your authentically connect and
options across multiple campaign instant credibility. drive positive sentiment with
platforms & formats. highly engaged consumers.

Community Evolving

Sport has an unparalleled As the key technology partner

ability to bring people to the sector, we are
together, whether it’s players, continually evolving our
athletes, families, coaches, offering to ensure Pitchero
fans or volunteers – Pitchero products are in line with
sit at the core of that consumer needs and
ecosystem and underpin behaviours, meaning we can
these deep connections. always activate brands in the
optimum way.

How we activate your brand

& campaigns across
Pitchero platforms.
Our Approach

Identify your buyer persona

across Pitchero platforms.

Build a targeted campaign plan
aligned with your objectives.

1st Team
Setup and manage all elements
Parent of the agreed campaign activity.

Cricket Player
Provide ongoing project
Hockey Player management & proactive
client services.
Junior Coach

Deliver detailed campaign analytics

& actionable insights.
Our Audience
Health & Fitness

Aspiring Player Social Sport

or Athlete Participant or Fan

Grassroots Leader Active Family 16

Campaign Examples
Mastercard Adidas
British & Irish Lions The RFU
Monster Energy Xampion

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