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Notice and Declaration of Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Claim and Continuance

Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

Everyone is the manager and dispenser of his own affairs.
Many things pertain not to human laws but to divine jurisdiction.
In whatever manner a thing is constituted, in the same manner it is dissolved.
Plain truth need not be proved.
Words spoken vanish, words written remain.
The law favors a thing which is of necessity.
The voice of the people is the voice of God.

By these Presents, I, Gene Stalnaker, sui juris, being of plenary capacity, character, condition, status, standing and
responsibility, Beneficiary in fact, Heir of the Creator , under full liability and complete transparency, under the penalty
of false witness, under the laws of the Creator, under the laws of Creation, do hereby Declare, Proclaim and Publish the
following, to wit:

Whereas, I, Gene Stalnaker, am an Heir of the Almighty Creator of all that was, all that is and all that shall be.

Whereas, I, Gene Stalnaker, as an Heir am entitled to my legal, lawful, equitable, spiritual and any and all other right,
interest, title and share of Creation.

Therefore, I, Gene Stalnaker, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance and acknowledgment of any and all which the Creator has bestowed upon myself at the moment of my live
Birth on Soil, and thereafter, of His Creation, at any and all places and any and all times for my exclusive use, disposition,
benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Gene Stalnaker, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgement and continuance of the plenary, complete and exclusive legal, lawful, equitable, spiritual,
universal, quantum and any and all other title, share, interest, right, immunity, ownership, control, et cetera, in any and
all natures, shapes, causes, kinds, forms and formats, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, of and in
Creation, without limitation, and will preserve, dispose and protect the same diligently and honorably, for my exclusive
use, disposition, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Gene Stalnaker, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgment of what was formally referred to as “full rights, title, ownership, control and holder-in-
due-course” to any and all fictions of law and/or creatures of the mind relating to, pertaining to, relavent to and/or
emanating from myself and mine, referenced by various identifiers, abbreviations, numbers and their combinations,
letters and their combinations, derivatives, idem sonans, res identifier or any equivalent of the aforementioned and/or
any other legal, financial and managerial form and formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all
combinations and variations thereof, most commonly referred to as LYNN GENE STALNKER and/or 232-66-3268, and in
any way, shape, form and format realized, effectuated and utilized in the course of life in Creation, all for my exclusive
use, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Gene Stalnaker, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgement, continuing, effectuating and utilizing the Administrator, and other necessary, Status,
Conditions, Characters, Capacities and Standings, and the duties, responsibilities, authorities, rights, privileges and
immunities thereof, diligently and honorably, to the best of my knowledge and ability, at all places and all times within
Creation, for my exclusive benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without
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I, Gene Stalnaker, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice that when acting in
the capacities, conditions, characters, status and/or standings of Administrator, and other necessary positions, I am held
personally harmless, never personally liable for the aforementioned at any place and any time within Creation, nunc pro
tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at anytime, by explicit

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and effect as, the Original.

I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further, reserve the right to
interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit reservation.

I do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is true, accurate and
complete, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me Creator.

I do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish that this document
and tangible medium is hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made, issued, certified,
confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated, re-issued, re-certified,
re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly perfected, protected and secured in their
entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice, under the
penalties of false witness, to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the Laws of the Creator,
under the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my autograph to become
affixed hereto.

Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of Creation.

On the seventh day of December, in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen.

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-Interest, Grantor, Bailor,
Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges, freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed,
reserved and exercised, without limitation, without prejudice, without recourse.

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Notice and Declaration of Cancellation and Revocation

Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

By these Presents, under full liability and complete transparency, sui juris, under the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of
Creation, out of, and under, the authority of absolute necessity, being of plenary capacity, character, condition,
standing, status and responsibility, I, Gene Stalnaker, do Notice, Declare, Aver, Affirm, Proclaim and Publish the
following to wit:

That for fraud, non-disclosure of pertinent facts, lack of authority of the other signatory/party, no meeting of the minds,
duress, coercion, threats, lack of consideration and failure to provide the following, to wit: personal identification,
employee id number, valid bond and insurance, valid oath, accommodation agreement authorizing them to present and
represent the former UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, production of the statute,
implementing regulation, state and federal register volume and page number stating I must comply without my consent
and authorizes jurisdiction over a real-man Living Soul, identifying their principal of law, I do hereby Declare, Notice,
Proclaim and Publish that any and all document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s) and/or
tangible item(s) of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, by and between Gene Stalnaker and the former UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA
are for the aforementioned causes, CANCELLED, EXTINGUISHED, VOIDED and DISCHARGED, without dishonor, without
limitation, ab initio, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, Creation-Wide, without recourse, without prejudice.

Further, I, Gene Stalnaker, for the aforementioned causes, do hereby RESCIND, REVOKE, CANCEL, VOID and ANNUL my
signature(s) and/or autograph(s) from any and all document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s)
and/or tangible item(s) of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, by and/or between Gene Stalnaker and former THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and.or STATE OF WEST
VIRGINIA, without dishonor, without limitation, ab inito, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, without recourse, without
prejudice, Creation-Wide.

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “former THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” it shall mean the
following, to wit: United States of America aka/dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA aka/dba UNITED STATES aka/dba
UNKNOWN, foreign entity, trustee, any and all derivatives, appellations, identifiers, numbers and their combinations,
letters and their combinations, abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all other legal, financial and managerial forms and
formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all
corporate, military, commercial, civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any nature, shape, cause, kind,
form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all creations and liabilities by, of, through
and from of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any
and all political subdivisions and instrumentalities of any nature, shape, cause kind, form and format, and any and all
variations and combinations thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status, standings, jurisdictions,
venues and law forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, any and all agents, assigns, successors, principals, beneficiaries, employees, officers, contractors, franchisees,
licensees, members, et cetera, of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes and any and all other limits
abd constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof,
any and all of the aforementioned both known and unknown, any and all of the aforementioned both perceived and
unperceived, and any and all variations and combinations of the aforementioned, without limitation, private for profit
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entities providing quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to be lawful government, also referred
to as defendant.

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA” it shall mean the following, to wit:
STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA aka/dba State of West Virginia aka/dba West Virginia aka/dba WEST VIRGINIA aka/dba
UNKNOWN, foreign entity, trustee, any and all derivatives, appellations, identifiers, numbers and their combinations,
letters and their combinations, abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all other legal, financial and managerial forms and
formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all
corporate, military, commercial, civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any nature, shape, cause, kind,
form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all creations and liabilities by, of, through
and from of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any
and all political subdivisions and instrumentalities of any nature, shape, cause kind, form and format, and any and all
variations and combinations thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status, standings, jurisdictions,
venues and law forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, any and all agents, assigns, successors, principals, beneficiaries, employees, officers, contractors, franchisees,
licensees, members, et cetera, of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes and any and all other limits
abd constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof,
any and all of the aforementioned both known and unknown, any and all of the aforementioned both perceived and
unperceived, and any and all variations and combinations of the aforementioned, without limitation, private for profit
entities providing quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to be lawful government, also referred
to as defendant.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at anytime, by explicit

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and effect as, the Original.

I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further, reserve the right to
interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit reservation.

I do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is true, accurate and
complete, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me Creator.

I do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish that this document
and tangible medium is hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made, issued, certified,
confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated, re-issued, re-certified,
re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly perfected, protected and secured in their
entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice, under the
penalties of false witness, to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the Laws of the Creator,
under the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my autograph to become
affixed hereto.

Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of Creation.

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On the seventh day of December in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen.

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-Interest, Grantor, Bailor,
Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges, freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed,
reserved and exercised, without limitation, without prejudice, without recourse.

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Notice and Declaration of Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Claim and Continuance

Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

Everyone is the manager and dispenser of his own affairs.
Many things pertain not to human laws but to divine jurisdiction.
In whatever manner a thing is constituted, in the same manner it is dissolved.
Plain truth need not be proved.
Words spoken vanish, words written remain.
The law favors a thing which is of necessity.
The voice of the people is the voice of God.

By these Presents, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, sui juris, being of plenary capacity, character, condition, status, standing and
responsibility, Beneficiary in fact, Heir of the Creator , under full liability and complete transparency, under the penalty
of false witness, under the laws of the Creator, under the laws of Creation, do hereby Declare, Proclaim and Publish the
following, to wit:

Whereas, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, am an Heir of the Almighty Creator of all that was, all that is and all that shall be.

Whereas, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, as an Heir am entitled to my legal, lawful, equitable, spiritual and any and all other right,
interest, title and share of Creation.

Therefore, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my
claim, acceptance and acknowledgment of any and all which the Creator has bestowed upon myself at the moment of
my live Birth on Soil, and thereafter, of His Creation, at any and all places and any and all times for my exclusive use,
disposition, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgement and continuance of the plenary, complete and exclusive legal, lawful, equitable, spiritual,
universal, quantum and any and all other title, share, interest, right, immunity, ownership, control, et cetera, in any and
all natures, shapes, causes, kinds, forms and formats, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, of and in
Creation, without limitation, and will preserve, dispose and protect the same diligently and honorably, for my exclusive
use, disposition, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgment of what was formally referred to as “full rights, title, ownership, control and holder-in-
due-course” to any and all fictions of law and/or creatures of the mind relating to, pertaining to, relevant to and/or
emanating from myself and mine, referenced by various identifiers, abbreviations, numbers and their combinations,
letters and their combinations, derivatives, idem sonans, res identifier or any equivalent of the aforementioned and/or
any other legal, financial and managerial form and formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all
combinations and variations thereof, most commonly referred to as LINDA ALICIA GARCIA and/or 073-50-0831, and in
any way, shape, form and format realized, effectuated and utilized in the course of life in Creation, all for my exclusive
use, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice my claim,
acceptance, acknowledgement, continuing, effectuating and utilizing the Administrator, and other necessary, Status,
Conditions, Characters, Capacities and Standings, and the duties, responsibilities, authorities, rights, privileges and
immunities thereof, diligently and honorably, to the best of my knowledge and ability, at all places and all times within
Creation, for my exclusive benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without
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I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Declare and Notice that when acting in
the capacities, conditions, characters, status and/or standings of Administrator, and other necessary positions, I am held
personally harmless, never personally liable for the aforementioned at any place and any time within Creation, nunc pro
tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at anytime, by explicit

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and effect as, the Original.

I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further, reserve the right to
interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit reservation.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is
true, accurate and complete, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability,
so help me Creator.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish
that this document and tangible medium is hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made,
issued, certified, confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated, re-
issued, re-certified, re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly perfected, protected and
secured in their entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without
prejudice, under the penalties of false witness, to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the
Laws of the Creator, under the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my autograph to become
affixed hereto.

Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of Creation.

On the seventh day of December, in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen.

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-Interest, Grantor, Bailor,
Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges, freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed,
reserved and exercised, without limitation, without prejudice, without recourse.


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Notice and Declaration of Cancellation and Revocation

Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

By these Presents, under full liability and complete transparency, sui juris, under the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of
Creation, out of, and under, the authority of absolute necessity, being of plenary capacity, character, condition,
standing, status and responsibility, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do Notice, Declare, Aver, Affirm, Proclaim and Publish the
following to wit:

That for fraud, non-disclosure of pertinent facts, lack of authority of the other signatory/party, no meeting of the minds,
duress, coercion, threats, lack of consideration and failure to provide the following, to wit: personal identification,
employee id number, valid bond and insurance, valid oath, accommodation agreement authorizing them to present and
represent the former UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF NEW YORK, production of the statute,
implementing regulation, state and federal register volume and page number stating I must comply without my consent
and authorizes jurisdiction over a real-man Living Soul, identifying their principal of law, I do hereby Declare, Notice,
Proclaim and Publish that any and all document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s) and/or
tangible item(s) of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, by and between Alicia Lutz-Rolow and the former UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF NEW YORK are
for the aforementioned causes, CANCELLED, EXTINGUISHED, VOIDED and DISCHARGED, without dishonor, without
limitation, ab initio, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, Creation-Wide, without recourse, without prejudice.

Further, I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, for the aforementioned causes, do hereby RESCIND, REVOKE, CANCEL, VOID and ANNUL my
signature(s) and/or autograph(s) from any and all document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s)
and/or tangible item(s) of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, by and/or between Alicia Lutz-Rolow and former THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF NEW
YORK, without dishonor, without limitation, ab inito, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice,

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “former THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” it shall mean the
following, to wit: United States of America aka/dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA aka/dba UNITED STATES aka/dba
United States aka/dba UNKNOWN, foreign entity, trustee, any and all derivatives, appellations, identifiers, numbers and
their combinations, letters and their combinations, abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all other legal, financial and
managerial forms and formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, any and all corporate, military, commercial, civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any nature,
shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all creations and
liabilities by, of, through and from of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all political subdivisions and instrumentalities of any nature, shape, cause kind, form and
format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status,
standings, jurisdictions, venues and law forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all
variations and combinations thereof, any and all agents, assigns, successors, principals, beneficiaries, employees,
officers, contractors, franchisees, licensees, members, et cetera, of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and
any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes
and any and all other limits and constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations
and combinations thereof, any and all of the aforementioned both known and unknown, any and all of the
aforementioned both perceived and unperceived, and any and all variations and combinations of the aforementioned,
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without limitation, private for profit entities providing quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to
be lawful government, also referred to as defendant.

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “STATE OF NEW YORK” it shall mean the following, to wit: STATE
OF NEW YORK aka/dba State of New York aka/dba New York aka/dba NEW YORK aka/dba UNKNOWN, foreign entity,
trustee, any and all derivatives, appellations, identifiers, numbers and their combinations, letters and their
combinations, abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all other legal, financial and managerial forms and formats of any
nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all corporate, military,
commercial, civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format,
and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all creations and liabilities by, of, through and from of any
nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all political
subdivisions and instrumentalities of any nature, shape, cause kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status, standings, jurisdictions, venues and law
forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and
all agents, assigns, successors, principals, beneficiaries, employees, officers, contractors, franchisees, licensees,
members, et cetera, of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, any and all trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes and any and all other limits abd
constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any
and all of the aforementioned both known and unknown, any and all of the aforementioned both perceived and
unperceived, and any and all variations and combinations of the aforementioned, without limitation, private for profit
entities providing quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to be lawful government, also referred
to as defendant.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at anytime, by explicit

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and effect as, the Original.

I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further, reserve the right to
interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit reservation.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is
true, accurate and complete, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability,
so help me Creator.

I, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish
that this document and tangible medium is hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made,
issued, certified, confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated, re-
issued, re-certified, re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly perfected, protected and
secured in their entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without
prejudice, under the penalties of false witness, to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the
Laws of the Creator, under the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my autograph to become
affixed hereto.

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Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of Creation.

On the seventh day of December, in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen.

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-Interest, Grantor, Bailor,
Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges, freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed,
reserved and exercised, without limitation, without prejudice, without recourse.


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Notice and Declaration of Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Claim and Continuance

Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

Everyone is the manager and dispenser of his own affairs.
Many things pertain not to human laws but to divine jurisdiction.
In whatever manner a thing is constituted, in the same manner it is dissolved.
Plain truth need not be proved.
Words spoken vanish, words written remain.
The law favors a thing which is of necessity.
The voice of the people is the voice of God.

By these Presents, I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, sui juris, being of plenary capacity,
character, condition, status, standing and responsibility, Beneficiary in fact, Heir of the Creator ,
under full liability and complete transparency, under the penalty of false witness, under the laws
of the Creator, under the laws of Creation, do hereby Declare, Proclaim and Publish the
following, to wit:

Whereas, I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, am an Heir of the Almighty Creator of all that
was, all that is and all that shall be.

Whereas, I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, as an Heir am entitled to my legal, lawful,

equitable, spiritual and any and all other right, interest, title and share of Creation.

Therefore, I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and
intentionally Declare and Notice my claim, acceptance and acknowledgment of any and all
which the Creator has bestowed upon myself at the moment of my live Birth on Soil, and
thereafter, of His Creation, at any and all places and any and all times for my exclusive use,
disposition, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse,
without prejudice.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Declare and Notice my claim, acceptance, acknowledgement and continuance of
the plenary, complete and exclusive legal, lawful, equitable, spiritual, universal, quantum and
any and all other title, share, interest, right, immunity, ownership, control, et cetera, in any and
all natures, shapes, causes, kinds, forms and formats, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, of and in Creation, without limitation, and will preserve, dispose and
protect the same diligently and honorably, for my exclusive use, disposition, benefit and
enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Declare and Notice my claim, acceptance, acknowledgment of what was formally
referred to as “full rights, title, ownership, control and holder-in-due-course” to any and all
fictions of law and/or creatures of the mind relating to, pertaining to, relavent to and/or
emanating from myself and mine, referenced by various identifiers, abbreviations, numbers and

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their combinations, letters and their combinations, derivatives, idem sonans, res identifier or any
equivalent of the aforementioned and/or any other legal, financial and managerial form and
formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all combinations and variations
thereof, most commonly referred to as LEONARD FRANK HARVIEW and/or 372-64-7421,
and in any way, shape, form and format realized, effectuated and utilized in the course of life in
Creation, all for my exclusive use, benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity,
without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Declare and Notice my claim, acceptance, acknowledgement, continuing,
effectuating and utilizing the Administrator, and other necessary, Status, Conditions, Characters,
Capacities and Standings, and the duties, responsibilities, authorities, rights, privileges and
immunities thereof, diligently and honorably, to the best of my knowledge and ability, at all
places and all times within Creation, for my exclusive benefit and enjoyment, nunc pro tunc, ab
initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Declare and Notice that when acting in the capacities, conditions, characters, status
and/or standings of Administrator, and other necessary positions, I am held personally harmless,
never personally liable for the aforementioned at any place and any time within Creation, nunc
pro tunc, ab initio, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at
anytime, by explicit reservation.

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and
effect as, the Original.

I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further,
reserve the right to interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is true, accurate and complete, the truth, whole
truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me Creator.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish that this document and tangible medium is
hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made, issued, certified,
confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated,
re-issued, re-certified, re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly
perfected, protected and secured in their entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without
limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice, under the penalties of false witness,

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to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the Laws of the Creator, under
the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my
autograph to become affixed hereto.

Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of

On the seventh day of December, in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-
Interest, Grantor, Bailor, Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges,
freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed, reserved and exercised, without limitation, without
prejudice, without recourse.


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Notice and Declaration of Cancellation and Revocation
Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity.

Notice to agent is Notice to principal, Notice to principal is Notice to agent.

By these Presents, under full liability and complete transparency, sui juris, under the Laws of the
Creator and the Laws of Creation, out of, and under, the authority of absolute necessity, being of
plenary capacity, character, condition, standing, status and responsibility, I, Leonard Frank house
of Harview, do Notice, Declare, Aver, Affirm, Proclaim and Publish the following to wit:

That for fraud, non-disclosure of pertinent facts, lack of authority of the other signatory/party, no
meeting of the minds, duress, coercion, threats, lack of consideration and failure to provide the
following, to wit: personal identification, employee id number, valid bond and insurance, valid
oath, accommodation agreement authorizing them to present and represent the former UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA and/or STATE OF MICHIGAN, production of the statute,
implementing regulation, state and federal register volume and page number stating I must
comply without my consent and authorizes jurisdiction over a real-man Living Soul, identifying
their principal of law, I do hereby Declare, Notice, Proclaim and Publish that any and all
document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s) and/or tangible item(s) of
any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations
thereof, by and between Leonard Frank house of Harview and the former UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA and/or STATE OF MICHIGAN are for the aforementioned causes, CANCELLED,
EXTINGUISHED, VOIDED and DISCHARGED, without dishonor, without limitation, ab
initio, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, Creation-Wide, without recourse, without prejudice.

Further, I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, for the aforementioned causes, do hereby
RESCIND, REVOKE, CANCEL, VOID and ANNUL my signature(s) and/or autograph(s) from
any and all document(s), paper(s), agreement(s), contract(s), tangible medium(s) and/or tangible
item(s) of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, by and/or between LEONARD FRANK HARVIEW and former THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and.or STATE OF MICHIGAN, without dishonor, without
limitation, ab inito, nunc pro tunc, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice, Creation-

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “former THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA” it shall mean the following, to wit: United States of America aka/dba THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA aka/dba UNITED STATES aka/dba United States aka/dba
UNKNOWN, foreign entity, trustee, any and all derivatives, appellations, identifiers, numbers
and their combinations, letters and their combinations, abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all
other legal, financial and managerial forms and formats of any nature, shape, cause and kind, and
any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all corporate, military, commercial,
civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and
format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all creations and liabilities
by, of, through and from of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all
variations and combinations thereof, any and all political subdivisions and instrumentalities of
any nature, shape, cause kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations

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thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status, standings, jurisdictions, venues and
law forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all agents, assigns, successors, principals, beneficiaries,
employees, officers, contractors, franchisees, licensees, members, et cetera, of any nature, shape,
cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all
trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes and any and all other limits abd
constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and
combinations thereof, any and all of the aforementioned both known and unknown, any and all
of the aforementioned both perceived and unperceived, and any and all variations and
combinations of the aforementioned, without limitation, private for profit entities providing
quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to be lawful government, also
referred to as defendant.

- In all instances of the use of the letter combinations “STATE OF MICHIGAN” it shall mean
the following, to wit: STATE OF MICHIGAN aka/dba State of Michigan aka/dba Michigan
aka/dba MICHIGAN aka/dba UNKNOWN, foreign entity, trustee, any and all derivatives,
appellations, identifiers, numbers and their combinations, letters and their combinations,
abbreviations, idem sonans and/or all other legal, financial and managerial forms and formats of
any nature, shape, cause and kind, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and
all corporate, military, commercial, civil, political, social, ecclesiastical and other entities of any
nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof,
any and all creations and liabilities by, of, through and from of any nature, shape, cause, kind,
form and format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all political
subdivisions and instrumentalities of any nature, shape, cause kind, form and format, and any
and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all capacities, characters, conditions, status,
standings, jurisdictions, venues and law forms of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and
format, and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all agents, assigns,
successors, principals, beneficiaries, employees, officers, contractors, franchisees, licensees,
members, et cetera, of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format, and any and all variations
and combinations thereof, any and all trusts, structures, hierarchies, systems, networks, regimes
and any and all other limits abd constructs of any nature, shape, cause, kind, form and format,
and any and all variations and combinations thereof, any and all of the aforementioned both
known and unknown, any and all of the aforementioned both perceived and unperceived, and any
and all variations and combinations of the aforementioned, without limitation, private for profit
entities providing quasi-governmental and other goods and services purporting to be lawful
government, also referred to as defendant.

I reserve the right to amend, enhance and/or delete from this document and tangible medium at
anytime, by explicit reservation.

Any omission is not a waiver thereof.

A copy, facsimile and digital scan are lawfully declared to be, and has the same force, affect and
effect as, the Original.

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I reserve the right to define all words and letter combinations contained herein; and further,
reserve the right to interpret and construct the intent thereof, with plenary finality, by explicit

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally declare and affirm that the foregoing is true, accurate and complete, the truth, whole
truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me Creator.

I, Leonard Frank house of Harview, do hereby knowingly, willingly, intelligently and

intentionally Affirm, Declare, Proclaim and Publish that this document and tangible medium is
hereby absolutely and duly affirmed, authorized, declared, stated, made, issued, certified,
confirmed, ratified, verified, executed, noticed, re-affirmed, re-authorized, re-declared, re-stated,
re-issued, re-certified, re-confirmed, re-ratified, re-verified and re-noticed, absolutely and duly
perfected, protected and secured in their entirety for all of Creation to rely upon, without
limitation, in perpetuity, without recourse, without prejudice, under the penalties of false witness,
to the best of my knowledge and ability, governed by, and under, the Laws of the Creator, under
the Laws of Creation.

Hereunto I have set my Hand and knowingly, willingly, intelligently and intentionally caused my
autograph to become affixed hereto.

Executed in Creation, by, under and pursuant to the Laws of the Creator and the Laws of

On the seventh day of December, in the Year of my Lord Jesus Christ two thousand eighteen

Heir of the Creator, Real-man Living Soul, Secured Party, Holder-in-Due-Course, Real-Party-in-
Interest, Grantor, Bailor, Administrator, Creditor, Custodian, Beneficiary; All rights, privileges,
freedoms and immunities are hereby claimed, reserved and exercised, without limitation, without
prejudice, without recourse.


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