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Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 1

“Those who enter that lair – willingly or not – never come back out.”


PROLOGUE More details can be found in WARSURGE Book 1. Core Rules.

In a land of forests, filled with creatures both wondrous and malevolent, there is a lair of unspeakable evil known as the Den
of Dread. It is from this dank, muddy hole in the ground that the land is plagued with horrible beasts – abominations part
man and part animal – who constantly kill, despoil, kidnap and torture. These disgusting fiends practice foul magics, sacrifices
and other vile acts that are never to be revealed to the light.
Despite the outward beauty of the surrounding region, local villages consider the land cursed for the presence of the
marauders that emerge from the Den of Dread, known as the Blightkin. Ever since their appearance, the villagers have lived
under constant attack and the population has dwindled. Adventurers have come and gone, some of who pledged to see the
monsters destroyed, but none ever return. It is here that you arrive, confident to succeed where others failed.

Narrative Type Party Map Size 2' x 2'
Number of Players 1+ Theme Fantasy / Fighting Monsters
Point Limit 500pts Playstyle Standard
Unit Cap 1 per Player Model Cap 1 per Player
Difficulty Moderate Perk Restrictions Yes

Perk Restrictions: Perk Restrictions are detailed in Book 4. Narrative Games under Section 15.2. You cannot enter Reserve or
cause enemy Units to go into Reserve. The ‘Reanimate’ Perk has an additional feature in this Narrative; a player can keep all
Reanimated Units from any Encounter (battle) and use them throughout the Narrative (until they become casualties).
Environment: The Den of Dread is set in an underground pit, consisting of areas such as rocky caverns, mushroom forests
and flesh-like walls. Though it varies, you can represent it with a dungeon or cave terrain.
Models Needed: For playing this Narrative, you will need the following to be represented with models: 12 x weak humanoid
monsters, 3 x beastmen, 2 x elite beastmen, 1 x hulking monster, 1 x water monster, 2 x worm monsters, 1 x golem, 1 x old
man, 1 x dark monster, 5 x energy shards.
Any of these models can be proxied with your existing miniatures.
Beginning the Narrative: In this Narrative, you are exploring a labyrinth filled with monsters that will periodically attack you.
There are also places of interest and loot to find, such as treasure, a map, compass and keys. Read how to navigate this
Narrative over the following pages, but we recommend having pen and paper to keep track of items that you have accumulated
during your adventure.

Tip: Dungeon Master

Instead of following the
suggested Enemy Behaviour of
monsters, a player can be
nominated as the ‘Dungeon
Master’. They will directly control
enemy Units in each fight, and
could also help in other ways,
such as reading descriptions
and other text out loud.
Models by Gork’s Sculpts
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 2

Labyrinth Navigation
This Narrative is navigated through a ‘maze’. You must find your way through
it by either guiding your finger, mouse pointer, or using a pencil if using a
physical print of the maze (we recommend the print friendly version for this).
One player at a time should be designated to navigate the maze. Players may
alternate or designate one player to be the navigator of the entire labyrinth.
At times you will encounter rooms with a symbol, such as the sample image
on the right. At the bottom of the page there will be an Object reference to
the symbol and a page number. Go to the Object number listed on the page
to inspect it, or if viewing on a digital device, you can tap the symbol itself or the text (such as Object 10) to go directly to it.

Labyrinth Pages
In the labyrinth, there are arrows that lead to different areas. When you come to an arrow that lists a page number, you can
then proceed to that page. Tapping the arrows (or page number) on a digital device will take you directly to that area.
Dead Ends and Random Encounters
Random Encounters are battles between player Units and monsters of the den. If you bump into a dead end
while in the maze, there is a D6 chance that a Random Encounter will occur. Roll a D6; on a result of 1 or
2, a Random Encounter begins. If you cannot remember where you were in the maze before the Random
If playing digitally, tap
Encounter, you may begin at the last maze entrance you arrived from.
this symbol in the maze
Items in the Den of Dread to go to the Random
Encounter Generator
There are items to be found in the Den of Dread. Players share all items, and have unlimited carrying
capacity unless players agree to a maximum item capacity. If an item does not have specific instruction on when it can be
used, then it may be used at any time. Available items function as follows:
Healing Potion: Restores D3 HP.
Stealth Potion: A player may use this in the labyrinth maze to avoid a single Random Encounter.
Vial of Concentrated Rage: Opening the vial causes all friendly Units to gain +1 Attacks to all their Weapons. This lasts for
one Game Turn in any Encounter.
Blightkin Whetstone: Use before an Encounter begins. When applied to a Unit’s Weapon, its AP is improved by 1, to a
maximum of 2+ for the duration of that Encounter.
Blight Bomb: Target an enemy Unit within 12". When used, it inflicts -1 HP to the Target and other Units within 3", with no
Saves allowed.
Scroll of Purification: Removes all negative effects and Afflictions from all friendly Units.
Orb of Life: If the User becomes a casualty during any Encounter, they can choose to return with 1 HP at the end of the
current Game Turn. This occurs after applying damage from Afflictions.
Scroll of Revival: Brings a friendly Unit that is a casualty back with full HP, removing all Afflictions. A friendly Unit with a scroll
must be in base contact with the target to use this on a friendly casualty if during an Encounter. The scroll can be used on a
player’s own Unit if they are not a casualty, which will restore the Unit to full HP and remove all negative effects and Afflictions.
The scroll can be used on a player Unit while exploring the Map.


Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 3

Random Encounter Generator

When you begin a Random Encounter, you must generate a fight using the tables below. Follow Steps 1 through 3 to generate
each Encounter.
Step 1: Encounter Monsters
Roll a D6, refer to the number in the boxes below, then use the WARSURGE App to Scan the QR Code in the Enemy Tab in
PLAY. Alternatively, the profiles and quantities of enemies are available on Page 5.

1: Deadly Foe 2-3: Elite Foe 4-5: Average Foe 6: Nuisance Foe

Step 2: Encounter Deployment

Roll a D6 to determine the Deployment Map. Player Units can start anywhere in the Green Deployment Zone. Enemy Units
Deploy in the numbers on the Map. For example, in the Elite Foe Roster, there are two Units, which will take up slots 1 and
2 on the Map.

1: Ambushed 2-5: Battle 6: Pre-Emptive Strike

2' x 2' Map 2' x 2' Map 2' x 2' Map

Models on left by Megalith Games, models on right by Gary Hunt Miniatures

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 4

Step 3: Fight
Objective: Players must defeat all enemy Units and survive to the
end of the Game Turn. Alternatively, player Units must reach the
escape section of the map and follow ‘Escape’, as detailed below.
Escape: If all surviving players make contact with the board edge
marked as ‘ESCAPE’ (blue area on map), it ends the Random
Encounter. Players do not restore HP or gain any Rewards. When
players escape, return to the Den of Dread Area you were last in.
If browsing digitally, a short cut to maze pages can be found
here. If a player Unit is a casualty and all other player Units
escape, then the casualty is out of the game, until they are
revived with an item.
Event: Depending on the Deployment Map you rolled on Page 3,
there are modifiers to your fight:
Ambushed: For the first Game Turn, player Units cannot use
Weapons. In addition, players cannot escape the fight.
Pre-Emptive Strike: Enemy Units cannot do anything for the first
Game Turn other than roll saves.
Time: Unlimited Game Turns. Models by Gork’s Sculpts

Turn Master: Players are always the Turn Master. When alternating actions with Enemy Units, resolve the closest enemy Unit
to a player Unit first, or alternatively by player choice.
Enemy Tactics: All enemy Units follow the ‘Aggressive’ Tactic. They will use Movement to get all Weapons into range of the
nearest player Unit.
Enemies: Varies with the Encounter. Profiles can be found on Page 5 if you do not wish to the use QR Codes on Page 3.
Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: Taken by the Den on Page 28. If the
Narrative has concluded elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in a Random Encounter refer to Epilogue: Fallen but
Not Forgotten on Page 28; other players instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their
Completion: If players defeat all enemy Units, each surviving player Unit (not a casualty) is restored to full HP. In addition,
refer to the loot in ‘Rewards’ below before returning to the Den of Dread Labyrinth. If browsing digitally, a short cut to maze
pages can be found here (Page 47).
Rewards: Item details are on Page 2. Each player rolls a D6, refers to the type of Encounter and then the loot table below:

1: Deadly Foe 2-3: Elite Foe 4-5: Average Foe 6: Nuisance Foe
1: 3 x Healing Potion 1: 2 x Healing Potion 1: 1 x Healing Potion 1: 1 x Healing Potion
2: 3 x Scroll of Purification 2: 2 x Scroll of Purification 2: 1 x Scroll of Purification 2: 1 x Healing Potion
3: 6 x Blight Bomb 3: 4 x Blight Bomb 3: 1 x Stealth Potion 3: 1 x Scroll of Purification
4: 3 x Vial of Concentrated Rage 4: 2 x Blightkin Whetstone 4: 1 x Blightkin Whetstone 4: 1 x Stealth Potion
5: 3 x Orb of Life 5: 2 x Orb of Life 5: 1 x Orb of Life 5: 1 x Orb of Life
6: 3 x Scroll of Revival 6: 2 x Scroll of Revival 6: 1 x Scroll of Revival 6: 1 x Scroll of Revival
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 5

Random Encounter Enemies: If you are not using QR Codes, the Random Encounters use the following profiles and the
quantities of models as listed below.

Nuisance Foe Enemies: Four Units of 3 Blightspawn.


Blightspawn 12 4" 4" 3 5 - 5+ - Specific


Blight Bite 12 0" 3 4 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate I, Weaken

Average Foe Enemies: Three Units of 1 Blightkin Grunt.


Blightkin Grunts 3 6" 6" 4 10 4+ 5+ - Specific


Blightkin Bow 3 18" 5 4 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate I
Blightkin Sword 3 0" 10 4 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate I

Elite Foe Enemies: Two Units of 1 Elite Blightkin.

Elite Blightkin 2 6" 6" 5 10 2+ 5+ - Specific


Elite Blade 2 3" 10 5 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate II
Elite Bow 2 18" 5 5 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate II

Deadly Foe Enemies: One Unit of 1 Blight Beast. It will use Regenerate at the earliest opportunity.


Blight Beast 1 9" 9" 6 15 3+ 4+ Regenerate Specific


Tail Spear 1 6" 5 6 - AS Penetrate II
Savage Bite 1 3" 5 8 2+ AS -
Shredding Talons 1 3" 5 6 - AS Penetrate II, Bleed

Models on left and center by Avatars of War, right model by Gork’s Sculpts
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 6

Labyrinth Objects
Refer to the list below as you explore the Labyrinth. Once you choose an option, you often cannot return to the same Object
as the decision is considered final. Where this is not the case, an object or revelation will indicate that you can revisit it later.
If you are viewing this book digitally, you can use the blue underlined text to navigate to the correct page immediately.

Object 1
As you enter the cavern, a wretched stench almost overwhelms you. This must certainly be the source of the smell at the
den’s entrance, likely a deterrent for outsiders who seek retribution against the Blightkin. Examining the room, you see piles
of decomposing corpses, a mixture of beasts, humans and other races. There is also refuse such as fish remains and plant
matter; the room is essentially a dump site for organic materials. Nearby, you see a recently killed adventurer, his only
possession is a magical flame potion that must’ve been missed or unwanted by scavenging monsters. You’ve heard that such
potions can cause a catastrophic explosion of flames, even in conditions unsuitable for fire.
Choose from the following three options as to what you will do:
OBSTRUCT: Block the entrance to this reeking cavern with a nearby boulder and never return. The gods only know what kind
of creature could be hiding in the decomposing filth. In addition, the boulder should also stop some of the smell.
EXAMINE: Take the flame potion and check nearby corpses for loot without venturing too deep into the mass of rotting flesh.
PURGE: Set the pile of decomposing corpses alight with the flame potion you saw on the dead adventurer.

Object 2
A gushing waterfall dominates the room, perhaps flowing from one or more rivers outside the den. Where the previous
caverns were dirt floor, this room is more akin to sand due to the eroded rocks. The waterfall flows into a waist-deep lake;
you cannot see any creatures in the water directly, but there’s a shadow moving under the surface.
WITHDRAW: Very quietly, leave the area via the path you came from. You may return later.
INVESTIGATE: Walk into the lake and see what is beneath the water.
ASSAULT: Whatever the shadow is, you feel it should probably be destroyed. Charge into the water and attack!

Object 3
Along the thin stone bridge is another path to a staircase that goes above the chamber. Going up the staircase, you find
yourself upon a circular platform with a dais at the centre. It seems to be some sort of altar.
LEAVE: Turn around and leave. Another area in the cavern may yield more clues as to what it is. You may return later.
EXAMINE: Approach the altar to gain a better understanding of what it is.
DESTROY: Such a structure from this cursed place is most likely an evil worthy of destruction. Break it to pieces!
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 7

Object 4
There is a door made entirely of crystal blocking this tunnel. There seems to be a socket in the wall.
EXIT: Without knowing what this … thing… is, you think it better to go. You may return later.
UNLOCK: Use an item that matches the socket.
(Requires: Humming Crystal Key.)
DESTROY DOOR: Without a key or skills to open the door, you prepare to attack it with all your might.

Object 5
A large, lumpy, organ-like structure is suspended in the middle of the room, hanging by various veins and muscular fibres.
It gently moves, but it is somewhat unclear as to the purpose it serves. Before you do anything else, you see a lone monster
approach the organ and place a hand upon it. The creature pushes hard into the flesh and you see a green liquid forced to
the surface, which drips down into a bucket. Looking at the monster, you see it is covered with boils and wounds, and has
one eye that is yellowed and diseased. It drinks the green liquid and is healed. The monster then leaves.
EXIT: Without knowing what this thing is, you think it better to go. You may return later.
EXTRACT: You could copy the monster’s behaviour and extract some of the green liquid for yourself.
SABOTAGE: Clearly this area is useful to the monsters. Destroying it could hinder their ability to survive?

Object 6
You enter a chamber where you see an old man humming to himself as he works in a makeshift laboratory, consisting of
salvaged materials, mushrooms and rocks. There are cages nearby with monsters, who sit almost motionless inside them.
Upon his table is a dead monster, who has been strapped down and his innards exposed. The old man seems to be gathering
tools, perhaps to experiment on the creature. He cackles to himself occasionally, talking about his ‘friends’ and a wonderful
party they will have later. The old man has a potato sack for garments, a mushroom for a hat, and bracelets made of dead
flowers. His footwear seems to be actual bear paws, with claws still intact.
WITHDRAW: This old man looks bonkers. Time to go. You may return later.
ATTACK: Get the jump on this strange man and kill him, along with his ‘friends’.
CONVERSE: Carefully approach the man and speak. He could be a potential ally or at least offer respite in this forsaken cave.

Models by Gork’s Sculpts

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 8

Object 7
In the centre of the room is a pedestal with an amulet of some kind. The growth that infests the area stops short of the
pedestal, as if unable to spread over it. The amulet has a scarlet gem, which swirls with a red and black mist.
EXIT: Unsure of what the amulet is, you leave it alone. You may return later.
DESTROY: Attempt to smash the amulet.
ACQUIRE: Take the amulet.

Object 8
You carefully approach the old man, trying not to startle him. Even so, he senses your presence and lets out a high pitched,
childish squeal before jumping over his workbench toward his caged fiends. He shouts, “STAY AWAY, MONSTERS! My
esteemed associates will kill you!” The creatures begin to shake their cages and shriek at you.
QUESTION: Ask what the old man is doing.
THREATEN: Tell him to give up his valuables or else.
SILENCE: Say nothing, just look at him blankly.

Object 9
The voice at the altar is offering you ‘control over the ebb and flow of life’. Will you give up your Blood Talisman?
DISAGREE: Turn around and leave. You may return later.
AGREE: Place the Blood Talisman on the altar as an offering.
DENY: Destroy the Blood Talisman at the altar. Send a powerful message to this bloodthirsty entity.

Object 10
The humidity and temperatures make the chamber somewhat uncomfortable, and your discomfort is further magnified by the
sight of two semitransparent pods suspended at the far end of the room. You can’t see precisely what is inside, but the outside
of both pods appear to be a membrane, like that of an amniotic sac, each connected by a large cord to the ceiling. The thought
crosses your mind that this cavern could be… pregnant? You step a little further inside the ‘womb’ chamber and see both
entities in the sacs move in response to your presence.
WITHDRAW: Nope, just nope. You may return later.
INVESTIGATE: Walk up to the sacs and try to see what is inside them.
SABOTAGE: Cut the cords attached to the sacs.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 9

Object 11
The voice in your head just asked for blood… that does not mean you must deliver what the entity seeks. However, what
must also be considered is that this ‘voice’ may offer you something in exchange for meeting its demands.
FLEE: Run as fast as you can! Who knows what this creature even is?
DEFILE: Urinate on the altar.
DESTROY: This is not good. Break the altar to pieces!
SMALL OFFERING: One or more from your party goes forth, cuts themselves and puts a few drops of blood on the altar.
(Requires: At least one player Unit with at least 2 HP.)
GREAT OFFERING: One person in your party is offered to the unknown entity, to be tied to the altar.
(Requires: At least two players to be present. Players vote to offer a player Unit. If they are unwilling, they may roll-off against
the other players. If they score higher than all the other players who wanted to offer them, they break free and persuade them
not to be offered.)
BARGAIN: Offer something you’ve found in the Den of Dread.
(Requires: Blood Talisman.)

Object 12
You enter a room with a massive pit and a pool of bubbling yellow liquid. Across the pit, you see a monster throwing corpses
both of the Blightkin and the local villagers into the bubbling liquid, which dissolves them in a matter of seconds. Some of
them let out screams that turn to gargled cries of agony as they are thrown in.
LEAVE: The yellow liquid is highly corrosive. Although unheroic, getting out of here would avoid unnecessary risk. You may
return later.
ENGAGE: You could attack the monster at a distance and see if you can make it stumble into the liquid.
SEEK: Despite the risk, you search for a way to reach the monster.

Object 13
You discover a massive chamber with a noisy, rumbling lump of flesh near the ceiling, almost deafening with the thumping
noises it produces. It is like a heart, receiving red fluid channelled by tubes which is being redirected out of the area with
every noisy contraction. It is high up, but it could be attacked if so desired.
EXIT: Though the noise is difficult to ignore, you leave the chamber without consequence. You may return later.
ASSAULT: With all your power, you attempt to destroy this noisy organ-like mass of flesh.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 10

Object 14
You ask the old man what he is doing. He appears from behind his workbench with a look of bewilderment. His eyes then
light up. “Oh! You’re not monsters, you’re just admiring fans who’ve come to hear a riddle! Ahem, here we go: “What’s my
favourite colour? And why is it orange?”
STATEMENT: “That’s not a riddle.”
THREATEN: “This is pointless. Give me your stuff or die!”
ANSWER: “Orange… Because it’s tasty?”
CONFUSE: “That’s a lie. You told me the other day it was violet!”

Object 15
A massive mushroom grows at the centre of the chamber, its spores floating throughout the area. There are many dead
enemies nearby, all having signs of fungal growth on their corpses. It seems the fungi are steadily consuming their remains.
There is also a slain adventurer clutching a fire wand – they show no signs of fungal infection, but were stabbed by a variety
of weapons.
LEAVE: The mushroom and spores look like a huge health risk; it may be best to go. You may return later.
PURGE: Use the fallen adventurer’s fire wand to ignite the mushroom, and everything else in the chamber.
EXPLORE: Carefully look around the room for anything of value.

Object 16
A massive, ornate door stands before you. Upon it are symbols of stout humanoids, all looking toward a central creature, an
entity that is like a great shadow. There are many sockets upon the door; all but one have a shaped stone lodged into it.
EXIT: If you don’t have the missing piece of the door, it would be better to continue elsewhere. You may return later.
UNLOCK: Use an item that fits the socket.
(Requires: Ancient Key.)
FORCE: Shove an item that almost fits into the socket.
(Requires: Humming Crystal Key.)

Dwarves by Avatars of War, central models by Joaquin Palacios Studio

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 11

Object 17
The fleshy chamber has air rushing through it, with thousands of small pods in the ceiling opening to receive the air. Soon
after, the pods push the air back out, directed at the centre of the chamber. Looking on the ground below the pods, you see
the corpses of monsters.
LEAVE: Perhaps it would be best to go and not risk joining the monsters in death. You may return later.
EXAMINE: Approach the monster corpses and see if you can discover what killed them.
SEARCH: Perhaps the monsters were after something in this room. You carefully look for what drew their attention.

Object 18
The heat in the room is intense, but still tolerable enough to investigate. Aside from lavafalls, magma and superheated rocks,
there is a platform with a large statue of a winged creature with horns. It shows signs of neglect and age, but is otherwise
sturdy and intact. One of its arms is missing, but the other holds a crystal spike with intricate indentations.
LEAVE: The room is very hot; it would be understandable to withdraw. You may return later.
RUSH: As quickly as possible, seize the crystal spike and get out of the area.
SEARCH: Carefully look for the statue’s missing arm and any other objects of interest in the area.

Object 19
This room is full of stale air and strange, lifeless pods on the ceiling. The veins leading into this area are not moving, nor are
there signs of monsters. You notice there is a cyst embedded in a massive vein-like tissue, which may have cut ‘circulation’
into this area of the cave, or is feeding on liquids being channelled through it.
LEAVE: Abandon this place and keep going. You may return later.
REMOVE: Destroy the cyst stuck to the organic tube and see what happens.

Model (left) by Joaquin Palacios Studio and model (right) by Gork’s Sculpts
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 12

Below are Revelations found within the Den of Dread.

Revelation 1
You manage to restrain yourself from vomiting as you search the corpses. Frustratingly, you find the monsters were very
thorough in their looting. You decide to retrieve the flame potion you saw while initially inspecting the room. As you head to
the corpse, you suddenly trip and send the potion rolling into a large crack in the ground. The potion makes a ‘ting, ting, ting’
sound as it bounces off various stones on its way down a hole that you cannot fit into. After a moment, an explosion and a
whoosh of fire can be seen rising up from the crack. A glint of metal flies past as you retreat from the hole, embedding itself
into the belly of a bloated fat man, which deflates almost humorously in front of you. You inspect the metal object to discover
it is a dagger that must have been lost by scavengers. You retrieve the dagger and keep it, but you must have remained in
this foul room too long, as you feel ill.
- One member of your Party receives the Dagger, which grants +1 Attack to a Weapon of their choice for the remainder
of the Narrative.
- All Party members lose 1 HP with no saves permitted. They also suffer the ‘Poison’ Perk for the remainder of the
Narrative unless it can be removed. Each stack of Poison causes D3 HP to be lost every Game Turn when fighting
during an Encounter in the Narrative.
- Return to Area 1 on Page 33, where you were last positioned on the maze.

Revelation 2
You wade into the lake and look closer at the shadow, but it disappears into the depths near the waterfall. Putting your head
under the water, you still cannot see it. As you rise up, you are surprised to see a massive aquatic beast nearby – one with a
terrifying visage and a dark cunning to match. You quickly prepare for battle.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Leviathan on Page 21.

Revelation 3
A few droplets of blood hit the altar. The voice whispers: “Small morsels only deserve small rewards.”
- The player Units who made an offering lose 1 HP and feel their essence drain, having their maximum HP lowered
by 1.
- The party receives a Scroll of Revival for each player Unit that made an offering.
- Return to Area 3 on Page 35, at the Eight Arrow Star symbol in the maze. Players may return to this location later.

Revelation 4
You approach the organ and push it, squeezing green liquid into your hands and drink. It tastes vile and makes you cough,
but you soon feel replenished. After squeezing some more into a flask, you leave the room and observe massive tendrils
shoot out of the ground that form around the door, blocking future access.
- All HP is restored, and negative Perk effects and Afflictions are removed.
- Each player has a flask of Green Potion, which once per Narrative can be consumed to restore all lost HP and
remove all Afflictions.
- Return to Area 5 on Page 37, at the upper symbol in the maze.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 13

Revelation 5
The large aquatic beast finally falls into the water, dead. Examining the creature, you don’t see anything notable but in the
reflection in its lifeless eye, you see a small satchel on a ledge, not very high up. Carefully, you climb up the steep slope and
find the satchel next to a skeleton. You open it, collecting a journal before jumping off and landing in the water. Reading the
journal, it seems to be a record of their journey, complete with maps showing the layout of the Den of Dread.
- You now have the Map. You can see the layout of the Den of Dread on Page 46. In addition, the Map allows you to
reroll any Encounter Deployment when you have a Random Encounter.
- Return to Area 2 on Page 34, beginning at the Drop symbol in the maze.

Revelation 6
Deciding better than to speak to voices that enter your head, you leave the altar as quickly as possible. You successfully get
away without stumbling or falling off into the water below.
- Return to Area 3 on Page 35, at the Eight Arrow Star symbol in the maze. Players may return to this location later.

Revelation 7
You pick up the potion, uncork it and throw it far into the middle of the room. The potion explodes violently, chaining into an
unbelievably massive eruption of fire as the gasses from the rotting materials ignite. You barely manage to escape the rush
of flames as you dive out of the room. As you lift yourself from the ground and look into the room, you see the entire cavern
alight; ferociously burning away. You notice that the billowing smoke is not filling the area, but rather being sucked through
holes in the ceiling, flowing to elsewhere within the den.
- Smoke billows into the caverns above. What will come of this is uncertain at this time.
- Return to Area 1 on Page 33, at the Biohazard Symbol in the maze.

Revelation 8
Thirsting for battle, you charge into the lake seeking whatever swims beneath its surface. The shadow suddenly darts around,
and with a great splash emerges to the water’s surface. It appears to be a large, aquatic monstrosity of some kind. You
continue to rush at it with the intention of killing it, which not only surprises the creature, but leaves it unsure and confused.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Leviathan on Page 21. For the first Game Turn, the creature is immobile and won’t attack, but
is able to roll saves.

Revelation 9
You relieve yourself on the altar, your urine heating and mixing with the dried blood. Just as you begin to believe there is no
repercussion for your action, a howling voice and sudden rush of air startles you. The powerful gust knocks you off the ledge
and into the water below, which is freezing cold and extremely salty. The salt helps you stay aloft, but the temperature is
sapping your strength. As you float downstream, you are battered by sharp rocks but try to grab onto a nearby ledge. Looking
up, you see that a long climb up awaits.
- All player Units are heavily harmed by the fall, rocks and icy water. All players are reduced to 1 HP. If already at 1
HP, the player Unit becomes a casualty and must refer to Epilogue: Lost in the Frozen Abyss on Page 28.
- Surviving players begin at the northern entrance of Area 3 on Page 35. Players may still return to the altar if they
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 14

Revelation 10
Staying clear of the monster corpses, you go around the perimeter of the room seeking any treasure or unusual items.
Somehow, lodged high into the ceiling is a shield. The craftsmanship is too sophisticated for the monsters you’ve encountered,
and is likely what the dead monsters sought before facing an untimely demise. While thinking about how to retrieve the shield,
you inadvertently lean against some spongy tissue on the wall, causing the whole room to violently erupt with a gust of air.
The shield, along with the dead monsters and yourself, are all pushed out. Picking yourself up, you retrieve the shield, which
feels quite sturdy. However, as you leave, a sphincter-like door closes behind you, preventing you from going back in.
- One player Unit receives the Shield, which grants +1 to their Armour Save and +1 Defence.
- Return to Area 4 on Page 36, at the uppermost swirl symbol in the maze.

Revelation 11
The fiery rock creature becomes unstable and starts to collapse into the lava. As it does so, you hear the creature speak
directly into your mind using your own language: “One key liberated. One key stolen. Darkness sealed, yet to be revealed.
The crystal is the way to madness, the one who holds the final key. The nightmare stirs, always sleeping but soon waking.” It
then sinks into the lava and disappears. It seems this was some kind of golem, created to guard the statue and the items it
held. Judging by the creature’s last words, the statue once held two keys; one of which now belongs to you, while the other
has already been taken.
- You now have the Humming Crystal Key.
- Go to Area 9 on Page 41, beginning at the Flame Symbol.

Revelation 12
After threatening him, the old man shrieks louder and louder, slowly turning his head from hiding to looking directly at you.
He then scampers on all four limbs into a nearby hole. After a few moments of silence, his head pops up out of a different
hole and looks around, makes some strange mumbling sounds then drinks a potion before disappearing into the hole once
more. After a few moments of silence, again his head pops up out of the ground, but he doesn’t make any sound. His eyes
roll up to the top of his head and the cavern shakes. Suddenly out of the hole emerges a long scaly neck with the old man’s
head on the end of it. After a brief moment, you notice there are dozens of other similar sized holes; the old man’s head
popping up and down from them randomly. He cackles and shouts: “You’ll never get me, you witless thieves!
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Mad Man on Page 24

Revelation 13
With all your might, weapons and abilities at your disposal, you attack the altar. You continue to do so until it begins to crack
and crumble, accompanied by an unnatural, howling shriek. You suddenly feel the entire platform becoming unstable beneath
your feet. You dash across the bridge and turn, seeing the entire platform lean over and fall into the water below.
- Players cannot return to the altar. Return to Area 3 on Page 35, at the Eight Arrow Star symbol in the maze.

Revelation 14
Climbing up some kind of fleshy tissue, you find a good vantage point to strike at the cords attached to the membranes. After
several attacks, the cords snap off and dump various matter and liquids onto the ground below. The membranes then also
fall to the ground and break open; the creatures within slide out stunned and struggling to move.
- For the first Game Turn in the next Encounter, enemy Units will be unable to perform any actions other than roll
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Infant Worms on Page 22.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 15

Revelation 15
You attack the cyst until it is no more, then remove the remains from the chamber. At first nothing happens, but suddenly the
tube expands and you hear liquids pouring through. The pods in the room slowly stir, and you hear the distant sound of a
groan. Suddenly, the room shakes violently, sucking in air and then pushing it out, sending you flying out of the chamber.
Another outburst of air occurs, and a human corpse with a rucksack lands next to you. It rapidly decomposes with contact to
the fresh air. You look in the rucksack and find medical supplies. Just as you close the bag, the entrance to the cavern is
suddenly shut off by an organic mass.
- The party receives 3 x Healing Potions.
- Return to Area 4 on Page 36, at the southern symbol in the maze.

Revelation 16
As hastily as possible, you run to the statue and take the crystal spike. Upon quick examination, it seems to be a key of some
sort. Pocketing the object, you quickly retreat to a safe distance and begin to feel a rumbling. Behind you, slowly emerging
from the lava pools is a giant molten rock monster. It hurls a stone at you from long range, which crashes into the ceiling
above. Boulders come falling down, destroying the platform and forcing the rock monster back into the lava. As you leave the
chamber, you feel the crystal spike begin to gently shake and hum.
- Receive the Humming Crystal Key.
- Return to Area 9 on Page 41 at the Flame Symbol (top left of the page).

Revelation 17
Using all your might, you attack the amulet on the pedestal. It shatters, then slowly the strange growth in the area overwhelms
the pedestal and consumes the fragments of the amulet that fell to the ground. There is a distant rumble and a howling wind
that can be heard, alongside a tremor beneath your feet. You suspect that there was a collapse somewhere in the cave system.
- Area 3 on Page 37 (Stone Bridge) in the Labyrinth is now destroyed. You can no longer enter Area 3 in the maze.
- Go to Area 12 on Page 44, beginning at the Web Symbol.

Revelation 18
Binding the offering to the altar, they thrash and convulse as a wound suddenly tears opens near their heart. As the offering
dies, their blood floats up and flows into small holes in the altar. The voice in the altar laughs, then speaks: “That was a
delectable offering. Come, a worthy offering deserves a worthy reward.”
- The player on the altar has become a casualty and cannot be revived by any Perks or items in the Narrative. They
refer to Epilogue: Blood Offering on Page 28.
- All other player Units have their HP fully restored and all Afflictions are removed.
- All other player Units receive +2 to their max HP and Defence Stats, as well as +2 Power and +2 Attacks to all
- Return to Area 3 on Page 35, at the Eight Arrow Star symbol. Players may return to this location later.

Revelation 19
Taking the Humming Crystal Key, you force it into the ornate door’s socket as best you can. Unfortunately, it stubbornly
refuses to fit.
- Return to Area 9 on Page 41 at the Padlock Symbol. Players may return to this location later.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 16

Revelation 20
Carefully walking around the room, you try not to disturb the dead or the larger mushrooms. Seeing nothing of interest, you
turn to collect the wizard’s fire wand, but as you pick it up, you are suddenly unable to move. A barbed tentacle has wrapped
around your leg, inflicting painful injuries and begins dragging you to the centre of the room. Abruptly, the ground opens up
like a mouth, with razor sharp teeth, ready to swallow you. You try to use the wizard’s wand to shoot fire at the tendrils, but
the speed of which you are being pulled prevents you from using it. As a last-ditch effort, you throw the wand into the
creature’s mouth before it drags you into its maw. The mouth snaps shut and you see the ground light up as the fire wand
activates, igniting the creature from the inside. You hastily make your way back to the entrance, then turn to see at least a
dozen more creatures, mouths open and countless flailing barbs, seeking to latch onto their next prey. You decide it better
to leave this area.
- All player Units suffer -1 HP.
- Players that become a casualty must refer to Epilogue: Feral Fungi on Page 28.
- Surviving players go to Area 11 on Page 43, beginning at the Mushroom Symbol.

Revelation 21
Holding up the Blood Talisman, the voice seemingly gasps before it speaks: “Give that to me, and I will grant you the power
to control the ebb and flow of life.”
- Go to Object 9 on Page 8.

Revelation 22
You advance toward the monsters at the centre of the room, but halt as you look at the expressions on their faces. They are
all grinning, with their eyes rolled to the top of their heads. You start to feel a little dizzy and hastily leave the room. You turn
back and look up at the ceiling, and see above the monsters is a strangely coloured flesh pod, possibly emitting some kind
of gas over the location of the monsters. Not long after you leave, a sphincter-like door closes behind you, preventing you
from going back in.
- In the next Random Battle, all player Units have -1 Defence. This effect will be removed after the battle ends.
- Return to Area 4 on Page 36, at the uppermost symbol in the maze.

Revelation 23
Placing the Blood Talisman on the altar, the voice cries out: “YES!”
Blood pours out from holes in the altar, which coalesce in the air as red orbs around the altar. “Now for your reward.”
Mindful of betrayal, you are pleasantly surprised as you feel healed and empowered. The altar then crumbles into dust and is
blown away by a gust of wind. The voice has gone.
- All player Units have their HP fully restored and all negative effects and Afflictions are removed.
- For the rest of the Narrative, all player Attacks that cause HP Loss to an enemy Unit restores lost HP. If the player
already has full HP, each HP gained instead yields +1 to their maximum HP.
- The monsters in the Den of Dread are terrified by your presence. When you traverse the labyrinth, Random
Encounters will not occur. Encounters from visiting symbols on the labyrinth still occur as normal.
- Return to Area 3 on Page 35, at the Eight Arrow Star symbol in the maze.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 17

Revelation 24
You attempt to attack the crystalized door, but after committing everything you have against it, the crystals temporarily change
from purple to red, then violently shake. A massive shockwave suddenly erupts from the door sending you flying backward.
As you pick yourself up, the door is again as it was, completely unharmed.
- Each Unit in the party must target itself with each of its Weapons, except those with the Heal Perk.
- Surviving players may use any Weapons with Heal or Perks with HP recovery once before returning to the maze.
- Any player Units that become casualties must refer to Epilogue: Crystalized on Page 28.
- After resolving HP Loss and casualties, surviving players return to Area 7 on Page 39 at the southern entrance in
the Den of Dread Labyrinth (locked door). Players may return to this location later.

Revelation 25
You approach the organ to attack, but as you do, it suddenly hardens and lashes out with tendrils that form out of the ground.
You strike at the tendrils as they attack, but they regenerate instantaneously. Eventually, they form a wall of flesh and push
you out, then intertwining with each other to block the entrance.
- All player Units lose 1 HP in their struggle against the tendrils. If any players are casualties and are not revived later
in the game, they refer to Epilogue: Fallen but not Forgotten on Page 28. If the last player Units are casualties, these
Units go to Epilogue: Taken by the Den, while other casualty Units refer to the Epilogue they were a casualty in.
- Surviving Units return to Area 5 on Page 37, at the upper symbol in the maze.

Revelation 26
Using the resources at your disposal, you launch a projectile at the Blightkin who is dumping the bodies into the bubbling
yellow liquid. It catches the monster by surprise, causing it to stumble forward and scream as it falls into the pit. You carefully
cross over to where the Blightkin was, staying close to the narrow ledge. Examining the bodies, there are no survivors.
However, you find a potion on the body of an apprentice wizard.
- The party receives one Stealth Potion, which can skip a Random Encounter (used after rolling encounter dice).
- Return to Area 5 on Page 37, at wave symbol on the right side of the maze.

Revelation 27
You place the amulet on the altar, then immediately destroy it. There is a great howl as the voice shrieks: “WHAT HAVE YOU
DONE!?” The altar cracks open and a violent pulse of energy erupts from it. The shockwave turns all organic matter in the
area into dust, yourself included. The cavern is shaken by the shockwave, and soon collapses, followed by several
neighbouring areas in the cave system.
- Refer to Epilogue: A Price Paid on Page 28 of this book.

Revelation 28
The old man is offended by your comment that his question was not a riddle. “What? Frederick there told me it was a wonderful
riddle, a masterpiece of the ages.” The old man points at a monster in the cage. “You filthy traitor, Frederick!”
The old man stares at the monster, then shakes his head. “I can’t stay mad at you Frederick, but you do raise a valid point.
We still haven’t got any food ready for the party. I suppose the monsters here will do.”
The old man scampers on all four limbs into a nearby hole. You hear him uncork a bottle and drink something. Suddenly out
of the hole emerges a long scaly neck with the old man’s head on the end of it. After a brief moment, you notice there are
dozens of other similar sized holes around you.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Mad Man on Page 24.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 18

Revelation 29
Unleashing all your power, you attack the heart-like mass of flesh. Every wound inflicted causes a bloody ichor to gush out,
and after a while, the entire cave rumbles and begins to collapse. As the room begins to shrink, the crimson liquid continues
to pour out, filling the chamber which flushes you out through several tunnels. Eventually, you emerge out of a maw-like cave
opening, into a pool of stinking fluids. As you get up, the cave’s mouth then closes, revealing that it was a giant head, including
bestial eyes which now close. It seems you caused cardiac arrest to a massive creature that had merged with the cave system.
- Go to Area 1 on Page 33, starting from the east entrance (that leads to Page 36). You cannot go to Page 36 for the
remainder of the Narrative.

Revelation 30
Approaching the altar, you see a lot of dry blood stains on its surface. Most likely this is a site of ritualistic sacrifice. A chill
runs down your spine as you hear a voice whisper: “Feed. Must feed. Blood, give me blood.”
- Go to Object 11 on Page 9.

Revelation 31
Both worms now lie at your feet, dead. Their lifespan was short, but it was going to be you or them. As you turn to leave, you
feel the entire chamber rumble; it seems the ‘cave’ is aware of the embryos you just killed. Suddenly, you lose your footing
and feel yourself being sucked out through a hole, along with the worms. After a few moments, you are shot out of a fleshy
slit and onto a rocky surface; a welcome sensation after your recent experiences. The worms have also been ejected, but their
remains tumble down a harsh slope and eventually into rushing waters that lead outside the cave. Drenched in a blood-like
substance, you turn around and see a metallic tablet lodged in the wall. Pulling it out also brings with it a skeletal hand tightly
clutching it. You discard the unwanted hand then observe the tablet. It gently hums as you hold it, but shakes when within
the vicinity of the treasures you desire. In addition, a large arrow seems to point in the direction that you believe is true north.
- You now have the Compass. You can check which areas have notable items on Page 46 (use the Map Symbol in the
maze to quickly access it). In addition, it allows you to reroll Encounter Monsters when you have a Random Encounter.
- Go to Area 3 on Page 35, beginning at the northern entrance of the maze.

Revelation 32
The old man stares at you in awe. “Well, how about that! I didn’t know my favourite colour was violet! This, my monstrous
friends, calls for a celebration!”
The old man, slowly, disgustingly, regurgitates a key. “Here, take this and go to my giant oven. I think we’ll be able to feast
on some of the finest snapping turtles the land has to offer! I laid the eggs myself. They were made of chocolate.”
- Receive the Ancient Key
- Count your lucky stars the old man didn’t produce the key from the other end of his body, like his ‘chocolate snapping
turtle eggs’.
- Go to Area 13 on Page 45, beginning at the Bearded Man Symbol.

Revelation 33
Using the Ancient Key the old man had taken, you insert it into the final socket which fits perfectly. A stone mechanism clicks
and rotates, causing the door to slowly slide into the rocky wall. Beyond the doorway, you see an all-consuming darkness,
except for a distant light. Suddenly, dark tendrils emerge from the ground and connect to your shadow. Before you can react,
you are pulled in and the door shuts behind you. You barely cling to consciousness as you are dragged to the distant light.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Heart of Dread on Page 25.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 19

Revelation 34
Inserting the Humming Crystal Key with a satisfying click, the crystalized door begins to hum and gently vibrate. Suddenly,
the crystals detach from each other and fall to the ground. Picking them up, you realise they have useful magical qualities or
could perhaps be sold for a high price after completing your quest.
- All Weapons for every Unit in the party have +1 Power.
- Once this door has been unlocked, do not refer to the Object or this Revelation again.
- Go to Area 10 on Page 42, beginning at the northern entrance of the maze.

Revelation 35
Approaching the membranes in the chamber, you examine the creatures within. It is hard to tell if they are a serpent or worm
of some kind, but you decide the creatures will not be friendly if they are born. As you prepare to attack, both the creatures
stir, their claws breaching the membranes. They slide out in a rush of embryonic fluid which washes you toward the entrance
of the chamber. As you get up, both you and your adversaries are sticky and sluggish, but ready to fight.
- Having some idea of what you are fighting in advance, the whole party gains a +1 Damage Modifier with all attacks
in the following Encounter.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Infant Worms on Page 22.

Revelation 36
You look around the chamber for the statue’s missing arm, and for anything else of interest. You eventually find the statue’s
missing appendage, lodged upon a rock in the lava. It seems to be the mirror of the intact arm on the statue, as it if was once
holding something of value. Perhaps it was lost when the arm went missing, or a Blightkin or previous adventurer may have
taken it. As you approach the statue to seize the crystal spike it holds, you feel a low rumbling beneath your feet, followed by
a splash of lava which you only narrowly avoid. A massive, fiery rock creature emerges from the lava, speaking in an ancient
language that you cannot begin to understand. Before you can react, the creature prepares to hurl a fiery boulder at you.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Magma Golem on Page 23.

Revelation 37
After remaining silent, the old man’s eyes light up. “Oh yes! You must be the concierge I called to retrieve my delightful
apothecary wagon. Bring it back with the horses fully fed, would you? Don’t worry, I’ll give you the tip in advance… if I recall,
I left the wagon in an active volcano. Or was it in the tropics across the ocean? It was very hot!”
The old man grunts, reaches into the potato sack clothing, then produces a strange looking key. He hands it to you along
with some rocks and monster teeth. Silently you nod, then leave the old man to his delusions.
- Receive the Ancient Key.
- Go to Area 13 on Page 45, beginning at the Bearded Man Symbol.

Revelation 38
You seek a path around the pit to the Blightkin in order to ambush it, and perhaps push it into the corrosive liquid below.
You eventually find a tunnel to go around, but as you enter it, the tunnel suddenly closes. Before you have a chance to react,
an opening forms into the pit below and you lose your footing. The tunnel contracts abruptly, pushing you toward the pool.
There is nothing to grab onto, and the speed at which you are pushed has left you disoriented.
- Refer to Epilogue: Belly of the Beast on Page 28 of this book.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 20

Revelation 39
The old man claps excitedly to your answer. “Yes! It is tasty! Like you would be! However, I can’t just eat you, not after such
an answer.” The old man looks toward a monster in a cage, then shouts: “No Frederick! We can’t eat them. They answered
the riddle! In fact, they can have the key to my carriage that I found on a tropical island.”
The man’s eyes roll to the side of his head as he regurgitates an unusual key.
“There you go! Now don’t spend it all in one place! Not like Frederick here, who has a big gambling problem.” He then looks
- Receive the Ancient Key. He probably didn’t find it or a carriage on a tropical island; the only hot place in the den is
the lava river where you found the Humming Crystal Key.
- Go to Area 13 on Page 45, beginning at the Bearded Man Symbol.

Revelation 40
You seize the amulet. Holding it in your hand, you feel extra vigour coursing through your body. In addition, the strange
substance that has been trying to grow and overcome you begins to retreat, giving way to each footstep you make.
- You have the Talisman of Blood. At the end of each Game Turn, all Units in your party recover 1 HP (up to max HP).
- Go to Area 12 on Page 44, beginning at the Web Symbol.

Revelation 41
You take the fire wand and using all of its power, set the chamber ablaze. You then withdraw to a safe distance to witness the
destruction. As a swirling inferno engulfs the area, the large mushroom splits at its stem and falls over aflame, while everything
nearby turns to ash. From your vantage point, you see several packs of monsters acting strangely as the stench of the burned
mushroom spreads throughout the entire den, causing them to become docile and less aware of their surroundings.
- You may choose to skip any Random Encounters if you wish, for the rest of the Narrative.
- If you choose to fight in a Random Encounter, you may choose Deployment to be ‘Pre-Emptive Strike’.
- Go to Area 11 on Page 43, beginning at the Mushroom Symbol.

Revelation 42
You rush in and attack the old man! He briefly lets out a high pitched, childlike shriek before he is slain. Next, you vanquish
the caged monsters before inspecting the room for anything of interest. Initially, you do not see anything new since you first
surveyed the room, but when you examine the corpse of the old man, you see an odd shape protruding from his stomach.
You place his corpse on a table, then open him up with tools from his ‘lab’. Digging into his stomach, you find he had ingested
an unusual key. As you turn to leave, you hear a click, then the entire floor collapses as you fall into a chamber below.
What you thought was a chamber seems to be more of a tunnel, with only two ways to go. One path quickly becomes clear,
as you hear a low rumbling followed by the sight of a massive boulder… that is swiftly crashing toward you!
- Receive the Ancient Key.
- Go to ENCOUNTER: Rocky Road on Page 27.

Revelation 43
You observe the devastated room after your fight against the polymorphed man and his monstrous captives. As you begin to
think there is nothing worth salvaging, you spot a shiny key hanging off the only remaining tooth in the gaping jaw of the
dead man’s head. As you take the key, one of his eyeballs swiftly shifts to look at you, then glazes over and remains motionless.
- Receive the Ancient Key.
- Go to Area 13 on Page 45, beginning at the Bearded Man Symbol.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 21

ENCOUNTER: The Leviathan Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: You have found a giant aquatic creature in this section of the den. Running
does not seem like a good idea now that you have its attention, so you’ll have to fight
your way out.
Objective: Cause Leviathan to become a casualty and survive to the end of the Game
Turn. You cannot escape this fight.
Time: Unlimited Game Turns.
Deployment: Deploy the Leviathan, then the player Units anywhere in the Green
Deployment Zone.
Turn Master: The players always go first.
Players begin in the Green Deployment Zone.
Event - Assault: If you chose Assault before starting the Encounter (Object 2), the
Leviathan will be unable to perform actions other than to roll saves for the first Game Turn.
Enemy Tactics: Leviathan (Specific): Roll a D3 at the start of the Game Turn and refer to the result
below (if no player Unit fits the result, it attacks the closest player Unit):
1) Focus on the furthest Unit from Leviathan
2) Focus on the Unit with the least current HP remaining
3) Focus on the closest player Unit
Enemies: One Unit of 1 Leviathan


Leviathan (L) 1 9" 9" 5 30 4+ 5+ Fearless, Fire Resist I, Murderer, Unyielding Specific


Appendage Slam 1 9" 10 6 - Penetrate II
Crushing Bite 1 6" 3 6 - AS xD6 Attacks, Penetrate II
Venom Spray 1 12" 3 5 - AS Penetrate II, Poison

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: Washed Up on Page 29. If the last
player Units are casualties from this Encounter but also slay Leviathan, they refer to Epilogue: The First Step on Page 29. If
the Narrative has concluded elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in this Encounter refer to Epilogue: Lost in the
Water on Page 28; other casualties instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective has been met, collect your Reward (see below) then proceed to Revelation 5 on Page 13.
Rewards: Surviving player Units (not a casualty) restore all lost HP and restore/refill Weapons with the USE Perk, but keep
ongoing Afflictions such as Poison and Bleed.

Model by The Printing Goes Ever On

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 22

ENCOUNTER: Infant Worms Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: You have stirred two creatures that grew within the ‘womb’ of the cave. These
infants now seek you as their first meal.
Objective: Cause all enemy Units to become casualties and survive to the end of the
Game Turn. You cannot escape this fight.
Events: Object 1 Purge: On Page 33 at the labyrinth entrance, at the Bio Hazard Symbol,
there was an option to Purge with a flame potion. If you chose this option, read the
following: “As the creatures stir, they suddenly flail and die. You notice smoke pouring
in from the umbilical cords above which must have resulted from the explosion.”
The objective is automatically completed with this Event; go straight to Completion.
Encounter Modifiers: If you chose to ‘Investigate’ the creatures, all players gain a +1 Damage Modifier to all Weapons. If you
instead chose ‘Sabotage’, the enemy Units will be unable to do anything other than roll Saves for the first Game Turn.
Deployment: Deploy the Infant Worms (A + B), then player Units anywhere in the Green Deployment Zone on the Map.
Turn Master: The players always go first. Players may resolve the Worm Units in any order.
Enemy Behaviour: Twin Worm Alpha (A) = Specific: The Alpha Worm will attack the closest player Unit, attempting to engage
a Melee. If another player Unit is within 6", it will attempt to use Plague Sting on them as opposed to the closest player Unit.
Twin Worm Beta (B) = Specific: The Beta Worm seeks the player Unit furthest from the Alpha Worm, attempting to engage a
Melee. It will attempt to use Imprison on this Unit if possible with any action once per Game Turn, and ignores the Point Cost
Requirement of Imprison. If a Player Unit is Imprisoned, it will then direct Movement toward the next closest
player Unit and attempt to engage a Melee. Shred is used preferably on Imprisoned Units, while Lamprey Maw
is preferably used on other Units (however, the Beta Worm will always use both Weapons where possible).
Enemies: Two Units of 1 Infant Worm


Twin Worm Alpha (A) 1 9" 0" 5 25 3+ - Regenerate, Immunity I Specific


Lamprey Maw 1 6" 3 5 - AS xD6 Attacks, Piercing Hit I, Damage 6+
Plague Sting 1 6" 1 8 2+ AS Plague


Twin Worm Beta (B) 1 9" 0" 5 25 - 5+ Regenerate, Immunity I, Imprison Specific


Lamprey Maw 1 6" 3 5 - AS xD6 Attacks, Piercing Hit I, Damage 6+
Shred 1 0" 10 5 - AS Penetrate I

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: First Meal on Page 29. If the last
player Units are casualties from this Encounter, but also slay both Worms, they refer to Epilogue: Excretion on Page 29. If the
Narrative has concluded elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in this Encounter refer to Epilogue: Life and Death on
Page 29; other casualties instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective has been met, collect your Reward (see below) then proceed to Revelation 31 on Page 18.
Rewards: Surviving player Units (not a casualty) restore all lost HP and restore/refill Weapons with the USE Perk, but keep
ongoing Afflictions such as Poison, Plague and Bleed.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 23

ENCOUNTER: Magma Golem Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: You’ve encountered a fiery construct that wants to destroy you. Defeat it and
survive the flaming onslaught.
Objective: Cause the Magma Golem to become a casualty and survive to the end of
the Game Turn. You cannot escape this fight.
Time: Unlimited Game Turns.
Deployment: Deploy the Magma Golem (M), then the player Units anywhere in the
Green Deployment Zone on the Map.
Turn Master: The players always go first.
Events: Orange Circle on Map: This is Impassable Ground for all Units. The Orange Perimeter is Impassable Ground
for all Units.
Enemy Behaviour: Magma Golem = Specific: The Magma Golem will direct Movement
toward the player Unit with the lowest current HP and attempt to engage a Melee,
attacking them with Molten Fists. If more than one player Unit has the same HP, it will focus on the closest
Unit. The Magma Golem will target the player with the lowest Defence stat with Flamethrower. If several
players have the lowest Defence, the Magma Golem will focus on the furthest of these Units.
Enemies: One Unit of 1 Magma Golem


Magma Golem 1 6" 0" 8 20 2+ - - Specific


Flamethrower 1 18" 2 7 - AS xD6 Attacks, Penetrate II, Burn
Molten Fists 1 0" 8 8 - AS Burn, Penetrate II

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: Fiery Doom on Page 29. If the last
player Units are casualties from this
Encounter and also slay the
Magma Golem, they refer to
Epilogue: Heated Defeat on Page
29. If the Narrative has concluded
elsewhere, any player Units that
last perished in this Encounter refer
to Epilogue: Burning Remains on
Page 29; other casualties instead
refer to Defeat in the Encounter
they last became a casualty in for
their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective
has been met, collect your Reward
(see below) then proceed to
Revelation 11 on Page 14.
Rewards: Surviving player Units (not a casualty) restore Models by Gary Hunt Miniatures, central large model by Scibor Miniatures

all lost HP, and remove all negative Perk effects and
Afflictions. The players also restore/refill Weapons with the USE Perk.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 24

ENCOUNTER: Mad Man Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: The old man has polymorphed himself into some kind of long necked
creature and intends to kill you for your actions. Ending him may be a mercy after his
long stay in this cave system, though you’ll also need to deal with his ‘friends’ too.
Objective: Slay all enemy Units and survive to the end of the Game Turn. You cannot
escape this fight.
Time: Unlimited Game Turns.
Deployment: Deploy the Blightkin Grunts (B), then Deploy the player Units in the Green
Deployment Zone.
Event – Whack a Man: The Mad Man Deploys into a numbered circle (from 1-6) at the
end of each Deploy Phase. Roll a D6, then place the Old Man at that position. If the The numbers represent the possible
Old Man was engaged in a Melee and relocates, the Melee will end, but if it is the same positions that the Mad Man can appear from.

location, the Melee will continue. This repositioning does not count as Movement.
Turn Master: The players always go first.
Enemy Behaviour: Mad Man = Specific: The Mad Man directs Forked Tongue to the closest player
Unit and will direct Eye Beams randomly, determined by each player rolling a dice. The lowest score
becomes the target of Eye Beams. If a tie, the lowest players roll-off till a player is determined.
Blightkin Grunts = Aggressive: They will move toward and attack the closest player Unit.
Enemies: One Unit of 1 Old Man, Three Units of 1 Blightkin Grunt


Mad Man (1-6) 1 0" 0" 7 30 - 3+ - Specific


Eye Beams 1 24" 2 10 2+ HV Destroy I, Reroll Attack
Forked Tongue 1 6" 6 8 - AS Obliterate I, Piercing Hit II


Blightkin Grunts 3 6" 6" 4 10 4+ 5+ - Specific


Blightkin Sword 3 0" 10 4 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate I
Blightkin Bow 3 18" 5 4 - AS Damage 6+, Penetrate I

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: Abomination on Page 30. If the last
player Units are casualties from this Encounter, but also slay the Madman, they refer to Epilogue: Silence on Page 30. If the
last player Units are casualties and the Blightkin Grunts are casualties, but not the Mad Man, they refer to Epilogue: Clarity of
Grief on Page 30. If the Narrative has concluded elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in this Encounter refer to
Epilogue: Victim of Madness on Page 29; other casualties instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty
in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective has been met, collect your Reward (see below) then proceed to Revelation 43 on Page 20.
Rewards: Surviving player Units (not a casualty) restore all lost HP, and remove all negative Perk effects and Afflictions. The
players also restore/refill Weapons with the USE Perk.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 25

ENCOUNTER: Heart of Dread Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: After your sudden experience at the doorway, you regain full awareness and
find yourself in a room of an unworldly nature. Looking up you see a light, but it is
eclipsed by a humanoid creature of almost pure, smoky darkness. With a voice that
deeply reverberates, it speaks: “Vessels. At last.” You then feel yourself being pulled
towards the far side of the room, along with all matter around you. Even the very light
in the room is seemingly devoured, apparently creating a black hole which is steadily
growing stronger. As this occurs, you are granted visions of this creature’s thoughts,
dreams and memories. You feel you know this being, then discover it has a name given
to it from a fallen civilisation an aeon ago… Aeternul the Dread Feeder.
Objective: Slay Aeternul and survive to the end of the Game Turn. You cannot escape
this fight. Players begin in the Green Zone.

Time: Unlimited Game Turns.

Deployment: Deploy Aeternul in the location marked as (A), then Deploy the player Units in the Green Deployment Zone.
Event: There is a 2" Black Hole zone at the top of the Map that is pulling all the player Units (and not Aeturnul) toward it,
which takes place at the start of the Game Turn and does not count as Movement. The current Game Turn number is how
many inches each player Unit is repositioned (for example, on Game Turn 4, each Unit is repositioned by 4"). If a player Unit
makes contact or enters the black hole, they are sucked in, becoming a casualty with no Saves of any kind permitted. Items
cannot be used on players that go into the Black Hole.
Turn Master: The players always go first.
Enemy Behaviour: Aeternul = Specific: This Unit will use Reaping Darkness to strike as many player Units as possible. If only
one Player Unit can be targeted, then it will focus on the Unit with lowest current HP that is in range. From Game Turn 4 and
onwards, it will target the player with the lowest current HP in range with Shadow Orb. If multiple players are eligible for being
a target, they roll-off with the lowest score becoming the target.
Enemies: One Unit of 1 Aeternul


Aeternul (A) 1 6" 6" 8 25 4+ 4+ Fearless, Strong Willed Specific


Reaping Darkness 1 12" 5 7 5+ AS Wall I, Penetrate II, Negate AEGIS
Shadow Orb 1 18" 5 10 2+ AS Destroy II, Countdown III

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter (whether Aeturnul is also a casualty
or not), they refer to Epilogue: Vessels of Darkness on Page 30. If the Narrative has concluded
elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in this Encounter refer to Epilogue: Infinite Fall on Page
30 if it was due to the black hole, or Epilogue: Dark Blade on Page 30 from becoming a casualty; other
casualties instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective has been met, collect your Reward (see below) then proceed to
ENCOUNTER: Shards of Dread on Page 26.
Rewards: Surviving player Units restore all lost HP, remove all negative Perk effects and Afflictions. The player Units also
restore/refill Weapons with the USE Perk. In addition, for each player Unit that is a casualty, each remaining player Unit gains
+1 Power and +1 Attacks with all their Weapons, but the casualty cannot be revived with items or Perks.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 26

ENCOUNTER: Shards of Dread Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: As Aeternul contorts with agony, it suddenly explodes into thousands of tiny
diamond-hard, crystal shards while the powerful black hole implodes. Nearby, there
are four greater shards of the entity that seem to be drifting toward a central shard.
Aeternul’s voice shrieks and howls, threatening to cause you untold suffering when it
Objective: Cause all enemy Units to become casualties. You cannot escape this fight.
Time: 5 Game Turns.
Deployment: Deploy the Shards of Aeternul in the locations marked as (S), then
Deploy the player Units any of the Green Deployment Zones.
Turn Master: The players always go first. Players begin in any of the Green Zones.
The corner Shards of Aeternul are heading
Enemy Behaviour: Shard of Aeternul = Specific: Each Shard of Aeternul directs its Move toward the center Shard of Aeternul.
toward the centre of the map. Each Shard will target the closest player Unit with Howl
of Torment. If player Units are of equal distance, these players roll-off. The loser of the roll-off will become the target of that
Enemies: Five Units of 1 Shard of Aeternul


Shard of Aeternul (S) 5 2" 0" 5 10 2+ - Fearless, Strong Willed, Unyielding Specific


Howl of Torment 5 6" 10 8 4+ AS Penetrate II, Negate AEGIS

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter or 5 Game Turns pass by without
completing the Objective, they refer to Epilogue: Vessels of Darkness on Page 30. If the last player
Units are casualties from this Encounter, but also destroy all enemy Units, they refer to Epilogue:
Unknown Heroism on Page 30. If the Narrative was completed, any player Units that last perished
in this Encounter refer to Epilogue: Torment on Page 30; other casualties instead refer to Defeat
in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Players that survive and complete the Objective go to Epilogue: Temporal Hallway
on Page 31.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 27

ENCOUNTER: Rocky Road Map Data 2' x 2' Map

Prologue: A massive boulder is making its way toward you. Your options are to try to
outrun the boulder to safety, or destroy the boulder before it crushes you.
Objective: All player Units must either reach the table edge of the blue ‘EXIT’ area, or
cause the Boulder to become a casualty. At least one Unit must survive to the end of
the Game Turn if the Boulder is a casualty. When a player Unit reaches the Exit, that
Unit is immediately removed from the battlefield.
Map: There are several black lines with small circles connecting them. These are
Impassable Ground representing walls that cannot be traversed through by any Units.
Time: Unlimited Game Turns.
Deployment: Deploy the Boulder in the location marked as (B), then Deploy the player The arrows indicate the path the Boulder will
take with its Movement.
Units in the Green Deployment Zone.
Event: Rolling Stone: If the Boulder finishes its Move or Dash in contact or on top of a Unit, they become a casualty with no
Saves permitted. As the Boulder always goes first, player Units are allowed to engage the Boulder in a Melee after it makes
its Move. However, if they have remained in base contact with the Boulder by the time it makes a Dash, they will then become
a casualty (they got crushed!).
Turn Master: The enemy always goes first.
Enemy Behaviour: Boulder = Specific: The Boulder directs its Movement toward the Blue Exit as
directed by the arrows on the Map. Any players caught in its Movement become casualties
immediately, with no Saves permitted.
Enemies: One Unit of 1 Boulder


Boulder (B) 1 9" 9" 8 20 3+ - Juggernaut, Strong Willed, Unyielding, Fearless, Specific
Fire Resist I, Immunity I

Defeat: If the last player Units are casualties from this Encounter, they refer to Epilogue: Totally Stoned on Page 31. If the
Narrative has concluded elsewhere, any player Units that last perished in this Encounter refer to Epilogue: Smashed on Page
31; other casualties instead refer to Defeat in the Encounter they last became a casualty in for their Epilogue.
Completion: Once the Objective has been met, return to Area 13 on Page 45, at the symbol of the man’s face in the maze.

Models by Gary Hunt Miniatures

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 28

Lost in the Frozen Abyss
With your previous wounds stinging in the saltwater, you find your battered body struggling to find the energy to escape the
river. And so, as your stamina becomes depleted, you cannot keep your head out of the water. You then crack your skull
particularly hard on a rock, and everything goes black. You are never seen again. [Click to return to Revelation 9 on Page 13]

Blood Offering
Willingly or not, you find yourself upon the sacrificial altar. At first nothing seems to happen, but then you hear strange voices
whispering in an unknown language in your mind, followed by pure agony that engulfs your entire body. Suddenly, blood
gushes out of you, causing you to spasm wildly. The outburst is short lived, as your consciousness soon fades. You perish
as an offering to dark forces. [Click to return to Revelation 18 on Page 15]

Feral Fungi
You manage to free yourself from the creature in the earth, but it seems the damage has taken its toll. You stumble, and
shortly after, another barbed tongue pulls you toward its hungering maw. Your last moments are of panic before you are
chewed, and swallowed into the earth to feed the mushrooms. [Click to return to Revelation 20 on Page 16]

The force emitted by the crystal door proves devastating, reflecting your own power back at you. Your strength is formidable
indeed, but it seems you have met your match. After the dust settles, your corpse has already turned into crystal; a new
ornament for the cave system. [Click to return to Revelation 24 on Page 17]

A Price Paid
The destruction of the altar had a massive impact on the entire Den of Dread, causing a great collapse in the immediate area;
effectively dividing the underground system into two. Powerful magics must have been stored within the altar and the amulet
itself to have caused such spectacular devastation. This phenomenon will likely remain a mystery, especially to the townsfolk
who would eventually discover a massive crater, along with diminished Blightkin activity. However, it matters little to you now,
for you are dead.

Belly of the Beast

So suddenly and unexpectedly were you forced into the corrosive pit, that you were unable to perform any action to save
yourself. You land in the acidic liquid and soon dissolve. It is an anti-climactic end, but an end nonetheless. [Click to return
to Object 12 on Page 9].

Fallen but not Forgotten

Your allies inspect your body for signs of life, but find none. Though your loss is tragic, they will press on. They will keep the
memory of your defeat as a reminder of the dangers that lurk everywhere around them in this dark lair. [Click to return to
Step 3: Fight in Random Encounter on Page 4] or [Click to return to Area 5 on Page 37, if perished at Revelation 25].

Taken by the Den

Danger lurks at every corner in the Den of Dread, and this was proven today as defeat finally finds you. Though your story
has ended here, perhaps one day, someone will discover your remains. If not, it will likely be left in some corner to rot or
dumped in a forsaken place to fester and contribute to the filth of this nightmarish cavern.

Lost in the Water

An attack from the Leviathan launches you away from your comrades and into the water with a great splash. Unable to move,
you find yourself already flat at the bottom of the waist-high waters, able to see disturbances in the water, the movement of
your comrades and the enemy itself. Your consciousness slips as you see the enemy fall dead, so you may rest knowing your
life wasn’t spent for naught. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: The Leviathan on Page 21]
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 29

Washed Up
Your wounds take their toll as the Leviathan continues the attack. In a heartbeat, the creature pins you under the water, where
you find yourself struggling to break free. You manage to do so briefly, but are immediately struck and sent flying into the
deep end, where you are dragged down under the water, never to be seen again.

The First Step

The Leviathan roars and thrashes in its death throes, then finally crashes into the water, dead. Soon after, you find yourself
feeling weak, then look upon your body to see you are mortally wounded. You soon collapse alongside the creature. Despite
your defeat, this is a step forward against the horrors in the Den of Dread, one less monstrosity to lurk in the shadows.

Life and Death

The worms viciously killed you after they were born, but your comrades avenged you. Your story might end here, but your
legacy lives on. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: Infant Worms on Page 22]

First Meal
The worms have proven to be too much, and have defeated you. Barely alive, you can feel them making their way to your
body. Soon, your legs are held in one maw and your upper body in the mouth of the other, your head being covered in saliva
and held tight by sharp teeth. In a few moments of excruciating pain, you are torn in half, your body split between the two
creatures as their first sustenance.

The worms screech as they die, and you fall soon after. You can feel that your injuries are fatal, but before you can ponder
what may happen after you perish, there is a rush of fluids and blood, flushing both you and the worm corpses out of the
area. You find yourself falling and then are impaled by a rock. In your last moments, you see the worms are impaled beside
you, with the stinking, open maw of one close to your face. Shortly after your death, the rock impaling your body breaks and
your remains fall into a salty river, where you are carried into the unknown.

Burning Remains
The golem sets you on fire, and with another woosh of flame, you collapse upon the ground. The searing heat was so potent
that the pain you felt was only fleeting; for the flames had burned your nerves to the point where you no longer felt pain.
However, your body quickly goes into shock and you slip into unconsciousness. Your allies inspect your body and cannot
even recognise you; such is the extent of the damage dealt by the flames. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: Magma Golem on
Page 23]

Fiery Doom
You scream and roar as the flames of the Magma Golem engulf your body; a black silhouette surrounded by a brilliant blaze.
Although spectacular, this moment heralds your defeat as you are completely annihilated.

Heated Defeat
The Magma Golem falls apart from your onslaught of powerful attacks, but the flames and heat of your adversary have proven
to be too much. You too fall, gripping yourself tightly and rolling with the pain of the burns on your body. Thankfully, your
suffering is short lived, for you soon go into shock, then perish.

Victim of Madness
Struck by energy beams and monster attacks, the battle against the mad man has proven fatal to you. Thankfully, your allies
succeeded, but a high price was paid for their victory. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: Mad Man on Page 24]
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 30

As you collapse from your wounds, the mad man cackles with an insane glee. “Yes! More precious parts to make my new
bride.” In time, your remains are stitched into a massive entity of flesh, given life by vile magics. A small piece of your
consciousness still remains, just enough to be aware of the abomination you have become, but not enough to have any
influence on your actions. You are merely a passenger of a living nightmare, soon to be on a honeymoon.

As you and your adversaries fall, the cavern is filled with absolute silence, the first peace it has had in a long time, not since
the mad man made his home there. Now, the mushrooms can quietly infest the area and feed on the remains, uninterrupted
and in complete tranquillity.

Clarity of Grief
As you lie there motionless, the old man surveys the room and the results of the carnage that took place. Instead of talking
incessantly or cackling, he instead feels a familiar loneliness, even regret at his actions. He weeps and realises what he has
become, then before long, laughs once more and seeks new… friends.

Infinite Fall
The gravitational force pulling at you becomes too great, and you find yourself being sucked into a dark void. Suddenly there
is a bright light in the distance, and the whispers of thousands of voices, in a language you have never heard. The distant
light then disappears and you float in an infinite darkness with the sensation of falling endlessly. It is possible that the fate of
your allies will determine whether you will stay here for eternity, return, or perhaps to go to a new world beyond the space
and time that you know. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: Heart of Dread on Page 25]

Dark Blade
As you fight against the concentrated dark force alongside your allies, several plumes of shadow form to create a scythe like
blade, which swiftly slices through you. This doesn’t go unnoticed by your comrades, but there is little they can do. You
collapse to the ground with violet tendrils emerging from your wounds, and soon your consciousness slips with the sound
of hushed laughter. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER: Heart of Dread on Page 25]

Vessels of Darkness
You have failed to defeat Aeternul, and unfortunately this is not your true end. The entity has great plans for your physical
form; it plans to possess several mortal bodies across the world to commence some unfathomable scheme. Throughout the
enactment of this grand plan, you’ll be trapped in your own body and unable to do anything but rage against Aeternul, who
will do nothing but laugh and feed on your anguish.

The shrieks and howls of the shards prove particularly devastating, for you find that your sanity and physical body are both
broken in the infinite abyss surrounding you. With what remains of your mind, you take solace in knowing your comrades are
fighting on despite your loss, and just as your life fades, it looks as though they succeed. [Click to return to ENCOUNTER:
Shards of Dread on Page 26]

Unknown Heroism
With a massive psychic detonation, Aeternul and all its fragments disintegrate. You would be more jubilant at your victory;
however, you have sustained mortal injuries and will soon perish. As your life slips, you find that your body is being
transported through some strange tunnel, a place beyond time and space. Just before your eyes close in death, you see the
Den of Dread imploding upon itself, with the spatial tunnel door closing soon afterward. You then breathe your last.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 31

It doesn’t really matter whether you curse the mad man’s intellect or acknowledge it, for your fate has been sealed in stone.
The overly dramatic trap has taken you; the boulder crushes you and kills you instantly. Thankfully, at least some of your
comrades survived and will carry on the adventure in your absence. [Click to go to ENCOUNTER: Rocky Road on Page 26]

Totally Stoned
In an almost humorous fashion, you try to outrun, stop or even destroy the boulder. Your attempt is futile however, as the
massive stone rocked your world with a crushing defeat.

Temporal Hallway
As the last shard of Aeternul is destroyed, the entire area is rocked with a massive earthquake and an astounding burst of
shadowy energy. The distant light that stood out in the distance suddenly enlarges, then opens into a kaleidoscopic array of
colours; a rift of some kind. Suspecting another battle could be about to occur, you prepare yourself for a fight.
Ready for battle, you are quickly surprised; for instead of something emerging from the light, it drags you in. You find yourself
flying through a multicoloured tunnel at incredible speed, with windows opening giving glimpses of places and creatures
you’ve never seen before. In what feels like a few minutes, you’ve seen dozens of places, worlds you’d never dreamed of.
Suddenly, you can see a hilltop not far from the Den of Dread drawing rapidly toward you, blacking out as it approaches.
You awaken upon the hilltop, and look toward the area of the Den of Dread. The entire area is a massive crater, as if a giant
meteor had crushed it. However, there is no heat, no fire, just a completely smooth semi-sphere shape devoid of earth. The
entire cavern system is gone, and seemingly taken all the monsters with it.
You travel back to the nearby town and inform them of everything you experienced and what became of the den. Some
celebrated, others doubted and some went to see what came of the cave system for themselves. In time, the lack of monster
raids and peace that the land enjoyed removed all doubt that the Den of Dread was in fact gone. You were celebrated as a
hero and rewarded with what could be provided as compensation.
However, what consumes many of your thoughts in the aftermath is the strange tunnel that you flew through upon Aeternul’s
defeat. What was it? How many different worlds exist beyond the one that you know? After researching it, you discover you
are not the first to be aware of its existence. According to what little information that is available, the tunnel has a name: the
Temporal Hallway. Could the Den of Dread have been sucked into that cosmic anomaly, or was it truly destroyed? Only time
would tell.

Models by Gary Hunt Miniatures and Gork’s Sculpts

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 32

We Will Rock You
In ENCOUNTER: Rocky Road, destroy the Boulder before it goes beyond the player Deployment Zone.

Complete the Den of Dread without triggering any Random Encounters.

Dreadful Tales
Experience three different Epilogues across any number of playthroughs in the Den of Dread.

Underground Boss
Defeat Leviathan, Infant Worms, Magma Golem, Mad Man and complete the Narrative successfully.

Cave of Confidence
Complete the Den of Dread, choosing not to recover HP as a Reward after any Encounter (including Random).

Skip Scene
Complete the Infant Worms Encounter without attacking the Worms, acquire the Crystal Humming Key
without fighting the Magma Golem and acquire the Ancient Key without fighting the Mad Man.

No Loot
Complete the Den of Dread without using any Items that were acquired from Random Encounters.

Fight Fire with Fire

Inflict a Burn or use Ignite to cause the Magma Golem to lose HP.

Complete the Narrative only fighting Aeturnul, Shards of Aeturnul and Random Encounters.

All By Myself
Complete the Den of Dread as only one player with one Unit.

Gotta’ Raise Them All

Using the Reanimate Perk, have at least one of each Random Encounter Unit under your control at once.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 33

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 1: Den Entrance
“As you approach the entrance of the den, you almost retch at the overwhelming stench coming from the great opening in the ground. After a while,
your senses begin to adjust to the stink in the air, though you have a feeling the source of the overpowering smell is nearby.”


Page 34

Page 36

If you possess the

Object 1: Page 6 Page 35 Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 34

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 2: The Waterway
“The dampness in the air intensifies and the distant sound of rushing water can be heard, like that of a waterfall. The ground underneath is muddy,
slowly squirming with large worms that can be seen wreathing in the wet soil beneath your feet.”

Page 33

Object 2: Page 6 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 35

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 3: Stone Bridge
“Entering the area, you see a massive chasm with river rapids. Above the chasm is a great stone bridge. It was most likely a labour by the more
intelligent creatures here. At one section you see a fork in the bridge, one path leading to a tunnel with an eerie glow, while the other leads to a large
dais, suspended by a massive pillar disappearing into the water.”
Page 33

Page 39
Object 3: Page 6
If you possess the
Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 36

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 4: Flesh Tunnel
“Entering a doorway with calcified protrusions, the ground becomes fleshy, the humidity rises and the temperature feels warmer. The walls pulsate,
and cutting them oozes a blood-like substance. In the distance you hear rhythmic, deep rumblings.”

Page 33

Page 37

Object 17: Page 11 Object 19: Page 11 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 37

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 5: Organic Cave
“The rhythmic rumbles of the cave now reverberate like thunder. Viscous liquids drop from the ceiling and seem to be absorbed into the floor. Despite
how disgusting the Blightkin seem to be, the fact they dwell in this area of the cave surprises you.”

Page 36

Object 13: Page 9 Page 38

Object 12: Page 9 Object 5: Page 7 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 38

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 6: Womb of the Earth
“In this section of the cave, there seem to be many large veins, arteries and tubular shaped tissue in a high ceiling. They all seem to be going to and
from a single source deeper in this section.”

Page 37

Object 10: Page 8

If you possess the
Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 39

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 7: Glowing Cavern
“This is the first section in the so-called Den of Dread that actually looks pleasant. There are countless glowing rocks scattered throughout the cavern,
having an almost magical quality to them.”

Page 35

Page 40

Object 4: Page 7 Page 42 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 40

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 8: Path of Terror
“Like the Glowing Cavern there are many crystals in here, but they are all a blood red hue. There seems to be an aura of unnatural dread in this area
of the cavern. You feel that something large and powerful is ahead, an ancient malevolence that seems to be watching you from the crystal formations

Page 41
Page 39

If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 41

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 9: River of Flame
“After descending deeper into the earth, you find the area lit with the heat of molten lava. Thankfully the cavern seems to be well ventilated with holes
leading to the surface - otherwise the gases in this room would probably build up to overwhelming levels; likely killing you and all the creatures here
very quickly.”

Page 40

Object 16: Page 10

If you possess the
Object 18: Page 11 Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 42

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 10: Mushroom Forest
“Inside this cavern are massive mushrooms, some the size of houses, others the size of tall towers. The Blightkin have also settled in this place, using
some of the fungal wonders as homes and food. However, you are not sure if they are truly fit for consumption.”

Page 39

Page 44

Page 43
If you possess the
Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 43

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 11: Spore Cavern
“Beyond the Mushroom Forest is a cavern with floating spores and strange fungal growths on the walls. The Blightkin in this section of the cave seem
to be different, having parasitic growths attached to them. At this stage, it seems to have no effect on their combat prowess but is certainly a curiosity.”

Page 42

Page 44

Object 15: Page 10 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 44

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 12: Infested Pit
“The ground shifts and moves with an unknown organic matter, akin to red mould. If you stand in one place for too long, the substance starts to crawl
onto your body, but quickly disperses and disintegrates off you when you take a step. Whatever it is, it seems to have taken hold of the entire area and
every surface. As you explore, you discover some Blightkin that have merged with the walls.”

Page 42

Object 7: Page 8 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 45

Tap this symbol go to Random Encounter:

Area 13: Lair of the Mad
“The cave walls here are almost normal, having a moist sheen and only some patches of fungal growth from the previous section. There are eyes
watching from holes in the walls that disappear as you approach. In the distance you believe you can hear the singing of a human male.”

Page 43

Object 6: Page 7 If you possess the

Map, tap this image
to view it.
Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 46

The Map of this Labyrinth is laid out below. The page numbers are listed at the top left of each area, which will make it easier to track your current
location. You can tap an Area to go to that page. The Map also allows you to reroll Step 2 of the Random Encounter Generator.

Area 2: Page 34 Entrance

Area 1: Page 33 Area 4: Page 36
Area 5: Page 37

- -

Area 3: Page 35
Area 6: Page 38

Area 8: Page 40

Area 9: Page 41
Area 7: Page 39
- Area 12: Page 44
When you possess the Map, tap this icon
to go to this page if playing digitally.

Area 10: Page 42

- Use the Area’s title text here as a way

Area 13: Page 45 to return to the page you were on. Tap
an Area’s title text (such as Area 1:
Page 33) to return to that page.

Area 11: Page 43 You acquired the Map in

Revelation 5 on Page 13.

Locked: Requires Specific Key

The Compass reveals the objects that are available in an area. It also allows you to reroll the enemies you fight in a Random Encounter.
Area 9: Humming Crystal

Area 11: No Encounters

Area 4: Shield, Potions

Area 13: Ancient Key

Area 3: Sacrifice for

Area 6: Compass
Area 1: Treasure

Area 5: Treasure

Area 12: Amulet

Area 2: Map


You acquired the Compass in


Revelation 31 on Page 18.

Narrative: DEN OF DREAD: 47


Tap on the Page number of an area you were about to

PAGE 33 – Area 1: Entrance

PAGE 34 – Area 2: The Waterway

PAGE 35 – Area 3: Stone Bridge

PAGE 36 – Area 4: Flesh Tunnel

PAGE 37 – Area 5: Organic Cave

PAGE 38 – Area 6: Womb of the Earth

PAGE 39 – Area 7: Glowing Cavern

PAGE 40 – Area 8: Path of Terror

PAGE 41 – Area 9: River of Flame

PAGE 42 – Area 10: Mushroom Forest

PAGE 43 – Area 11: Spore Cavern

PAGE 44 – Area 12: Infested Pit

PAGE 45 – Area 13: Lair of the Mad

Model by Gary Hunt Miniatures

Healing Potion: Restores D3 HP.
Stealth Potion: A player may use this in the labyrinth maze to avoid a single Random Encounter.
Vial of Concentrated Rage: Opening the vial causes all friendly Units to gain +1 Attacks to all their Weapons. This lasts for
one Game Turn in any Encounter.
Blightkin Whetstone: Use before an Encounter begins. When applied to a Unit’s Weapon, its AP is improved by 1, to a
maximum of 2+ for the duration of that Encounter.
Blight Bomb: Target an enemy Unit within 12". When used, it inflicts -1 HP to the Target and other Units within 3", with no
Saves allowed.
Scroll of Purification: Removes all negative effects and Afflictions from all friendly Units.
Orb of Life: If the User becomes a casualty during any Encounter, they can choose to return with 1 HP at the end of the
current Game Turn. This occurs after applying damage from Afflictions.
Scroll of Revival: Brings a friendly Unit that is a casualty back with full HP, removing all Afflictions. A friendly Unit with a scroll
must be in base contact with the target to use this on a friendly casualty if during an Encounter. The scroll can be used on a
player’s own Unit if they are not a casualty, which will restore the Unit to full HP and remove all negative effects and Afflictions.
The scroll can be used on a player Unit while exploring the Map.

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