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Warhammer Drugs

Essence of Chaos
22gc per dose

This bitter brew is so foul, drinking it deals 1 Wound of damage regardless of TB.
Distilled from the brain of a Beastman, Essence of Chaos assails imbibers with brutal visions of
carnage and death, bestowing 1 Insanity Point from the experience. As a side
effect, the drinker has an uncanny ability to sense the winds of magic, gaining a +5% bonus to Magic
Sense Tests and a +1 bonus to casting rolls for any spells cast.
Duration: Magic Characteristic minutes

3/- per dose

Brewed by Elf alchemists in the mysterious Athel Loren, the recipe for this draught slipped out into
the Old World through illicit means; some claim an Elf Wizard was murdered for the knowledge.
Sometimes used by guards and watchmen who work late shifts, Feyeyes grants a +5% bonus to
Perception Tests. However, the imbiber cannot sleep until the effects wear off.
Duration: 1d10 hours

Greta’s Boon
3gc per dose

When the fumes of this unusual mixture of aromatics and chemical components is inhaled, it
temporarily improves the senses, conferring a +5% bonus to Intelligence Tests.
Duration: 1d10 hours

Laughing Powder
18/- per dose

This is an entirely synthetic compound manufactured by some warped Alchemist from sulphur,
mercury and similar elements. +10 to all stats for duration. For 1 day afterwards:
-2 -30 -30 -20 -20 -2 -30 -30

Duration: 2d3 hours

5gc per dose

This drug and poison is an intoxicant that eventually makes its users fall asleep, sometimes into a
coma. Used by herbalists to dull pain and put patients to sleep, it was soon discovered the plant was also
quite toxic, causing dulled vision, nervousness, delirium, and convulsions. However, henbell has a vile
taste and is easily identifiable in food and drink, so only the spiciest foods can mask it. Consuming a
regular dose of Henbell forces a subject to succeed a Toughness Test, or in 1d10 rounds he becomes
tired and delirious, the equivalent of becoming Stinking Drunk, with normal recovery time. A double
dose requires the same test, but failure causes the character to fall into a coma lasting 1d10 months. If
not fed and watered, the character starves to death. Likewise, if not cleaned, he could catch a disease at
the GM’s discretion.

Kiss of the Courtier

10/- per dose

A popular draught in Altdorf, even said to be favoured by the Emperor himself, Kiss of the Courtier
is a fine brandy infused with narcotics. The drinker gains confidence, and his natural talents at wit and
charm improve, but his intellect dulls as the drink heightens his pleasure senses. Drinkers of this
draught gain a +5% bonus to Charm Tests but take a –10% penalty to Intelligence Tests.
Sycophants pf the court under the influence of this drink are easily identifiable by their flushed
features and wet eyes.
Duration: 1d10 + Toughness Bonus hours

Mad Cap Mushrooms aka Death Angels

3gc per dose

The hallucinogenic mad cap mushrooms are popular with the Goblin tribes of the World’s Edge
Mountains. When consumed before battle, the character slips into a mad, destructive rage. His
Strength characteristic increases +10%, and he becomes oblivious to damage, further reducing all
Wounds taken by –1. In his madness, he can’t dodge or parry.
At the end of the effect, the mushrooms deal 2 Wounds regardless of TB.
Duration: 2d10 rounds
Mandrake Root
1gc per dose

This highly addictive deliriant grows under gallows, and is chewed to keep an unquiet mind still. Users
must pass a Willpower Test every Round to perform an Action. Movement is halved. Willpower
receive a bonus of +20.
Duration: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes

Moonflower aka 'Elven Hair'

2/- per dose

Moonflower is made from a dried moss which grows only on the leaves of the Laurelorn. It is used by
the Elves as a treatment for the Black Plague and has no other effect on them.
It effects all other races as a Tranquilliser.
WP Test to stay awake. If successful, gain the Fearless Talent. Initiative is halved. -10 to all other
Duration: 1d10+5 hours

Moot Milk
5gc per dose

This thick milky substance tastes foul and leaves a chalky grit on the tongue. After 1d10 rounds, the
imbiber enjoys heightened reflexes and a better sense of balance, resulting in a +5% bonus to Agility
However, a side effect of the milk is that it dulls the senses and resolve, imposing a –10% penalty to all
Will Power Tests.
Duration: 3d10 minutes

1GC 5/– per dose

Extracted from Chameleoleeches found in the marshes of the Empire, this extraordinarily powerful
hallucinogen brings visions of something deeply desired, such as a lost lover, a dead friend, or a
missing child. Called Spit on the streets, it’s popular with those lost to despair. Upon exposure, you
must pass a Very Hard (–30) Toughness Test or be lost to a fully real fantasy, which is a matter for
the GM to handle.
Duration: 1d10 minutes.
1gc per dose

Stardust is imported from Lustria and smuggled into The Empire. It is mainly used by high ranking
Druids and Amber Wizards in religious ceremonies.
When performing Ritual Magic or making a Casting Roll outside of combat, you roll an extra d10
and drop the die with the lowest result.
Non-magic users gain Witch Sight.
100-Int chance it will produce a nightmarish feeling. If so, make Int test or gain +1 Insanity Point
Duration: 1d4+1 hours

4/- per dose

One of the most common street-drugs in the Empire, Weirdroot is chewed, bringing a sense of
euphoria and pleasant hallucinations, which some suggest may be connected to the Winds of Magic.
The drug gives a +10 bonus to Toughness and Willpower Tests, but a penalty of –10 to Agility and
Intelligence Tests.
Duration: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes

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