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2022 - 2026
Oh God of all creation
Bless this our land and nation Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in Unity

Peace and liberty

Plenty be found within our borders

Let one and all arise

With hearts both strong and true Service be our earnest endeavour
And our homeland of Kenya Heritage of splendour

Firm may we stand to defend

Let all with one accord

In common bond united
Build this our nation together And the glory of Kenya

The fruit of our labour

Fill every heart with thanksgiving


Renowned fountain of knowledge Well of learning experience

A bubbling spring of wisdom

A promise of a better tomorrow

A granary of Higher Education

Seat of literary flowering Enhancing national culture
Illuminating our future

A beacon of national pride

Tower of learning might
A star shining bright and clear Ensuring a richer posterity

Kenyatta, Kenyatta
Oh Kenyatta, our nation’s star
Kenyatta, our nation’s pride

Kenyatta, University of our time

This Student Information Handbook belongs to:

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Registration Number: _________________________________________________

School: __________________________________________________________

Residence: _______________________________________________________

Email: ____________________ Mobile Number: _______________________

This Student Information Handbook was prepared with available

information at the time of publication. However, Kenyatta University
reserves the right to amend, without notice or obligation, any information
and statement in it as deemed necessary. The online version can be
found at and is considered the most updated version and
should be referred to at all times.

This Student Information Handbook provides a resource and reference

guide to key University operations, policies and regulations. Additional
information can be found in other University publications, including but
not limited to: University Calendar, catalogue, brochures and University
memoranda. Students should keep abreast with the latest policies and
procedures so promulgated. They supersede all other procedures and
policies that precede them.

This Student Information Handbook is meant to give you general information on the
academic and non-academic aspects of Kenyatta University, and the services that
go along with them. Kenyatta University is guided by very clear and focused vision,
mission and philosophy statements aimed at equipping students with the best skills
and attitudes to help them fit in society and serve humanity in the best way possible.
As a student, you are our most important client. The University is well aware that our
students come from diverse backgrounds, and hence, interpret and confront challenges
of University life in different ways.

To help you deal with these challenges, the University strives to continuously provide a
suitable academic and social environment to help you realize your full potential. It is for
this reason that the University has put in place support systems to make your university
life as comfortable as possible.

Whereas the University will endeavour to avail and improve support services, we
would like you, on your part, to realise that studentship all over the world has been
undergoing major paradigm shifts. University education has expanded tremendously
and competition in the job market is intense. It is no longer enough to present a degree
certificate and a résumé to get employment. Employers want to know your background
and especially your alma mater. You are at an advantage if you are an alumnus of a
university that is in the limelight for good reasons. The image of your alma mater will
always precede you wherever you go. It is therefore your primary duty to enhance this

I urge all students to read this handbook carefully in order to familiarise themselves
with the services and activities on offer, and policies that inform them. This student
handbook contains rules and regulations that will guide your conduct on and outside
campus. Compliance with these rules and regulations will make a very big difference
in your life while on campus and long after graduating. Your adherence to these rules
and regulations, your full participation in academic and non-academic activities, your
respect for order and sustained pursuit of our core values will constitute and define
your roadmap to success.

Welcome to Kenyatta University and enjoy your studentship.



1.1 Introduction: The Student Information Handbook 2

1.2 Historical Overview of Kenyatta University 3

1.3 Administrative Hierarchy of Kenyatta University 5

1.4 Who is a Kenyatta University Student? 5

1.5 Student Identification 6

1.6 Communication and the Flow of Information in Kenyatta University 6

1.6.1 Notice Boards 6

1.6.2 The Kenyatta University Television and Radio Services 6

1.6.3 The Kenyatta University and KUSA Newsletters 7

1.6.4 The Kenyatta University Website and E-Mail Services 7

1.6.5 Social Media 7

1.6.6 Student Mail Service 8


2.1 Mandate of the Directorate 10

2.2 Student Clubs and Societies 10

2.3 Student Governance 17

2.4 Other Student Activities 18

2.5 Needy and Vulnerable Students 19

2.6 Resource Centre and Services for VI Students 19

2.7 The Kenyatta University Chaplaincy 20


3.1 Directorate of Sports and Games 22

3.2 Directorate of Career Development and Mentoring Programmes 23

3.3 The Kenyatta University Health Services 23

3.4 Referral, Inpatient and Hospital Insurance Cover 24

3.5 The Endowment & Alumni Programmes Directorate (EAPD) 25

3.6 Directorate of Accommodation Services 25

3.6.1 Residence on Campus 25

3.6.2 Off Campus Accommodation 25

3.7 Directorate of Catering Services 27

3.8 Directorate of Wellness and Rehabilitation Services 28

3.9 Directorate of Disability Services 28

3.10 Directorate of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) 29

3.11 The Business Student Services Centre (BSSC) 30

3.12 Directorate of Innovation, Incubation and University-Industry Linkages 30

3.13 Centre for International Programmes and Collaboration 31

3.14 Public Complaints Office 31

3.15 Library Services 32

3.16 KU Bookshop 33

3.17 Student Security and Safety on Campus 34

3.17.1 Safety of Students 34

3.18 The Safety and Security of Non-Resident Students 36

3.19 Students’ Centre Annex 36


4.1 Attendance of Lectures 38

4.2 Modes of Study 38

4.3 Modes of Delivery 38

4.4 Programmes Offered at Kenyatta University 38

4.5 Admission and registration into Different Academic Programmes 39

4.5.1 Registration of New Students 39

4.5.2 Registration for each Semester 40

4.5.3 University Fees 40

4.5.4 Mode of Payment 40

4.5.5 Orientation 41

4.5.6 Matriculation 41

4.5.7 Inter / Intra School Transfer 41

4.5.8 Semester Off 41

4.5.9 Registration for Continuing Students 42

4.5.10 Withdrawal from a Unit 42

4.5.11 Unit Load 42

4.5.12 Auditing a Unit 43

4.6 University Examinations 43

4.6.1 Examination Regulations 43

4.6.2 Examination Grading 45

4.6.3. Incomplete 45
4.6.4 Retake 46


4.6.5 Academic Warning 46

4.6.6 Discontinuation on Academic Grounds 46

4.6.7 Practicum, Attachment and Teaching Practice 46

4.7 Examination Irregularity 47

4.7.1 Penalties 48

4.7.2 Appeals on Discontinuation Due to Examination Irregularity 48

4.8 University Awards 49

4.8.1 Result Slips and Transcripts 49

4.8.2 Degree Classification 50

4.8.3 Letter of Completion/Award 50

4.8.4 Graduation 50

4.8.5 Opportunities for Further Studies 52

4.8.6 Convocation/Alumni 52


5.1 Introduction 54

5.2 Regulations Governing Student Conduct 54

5.3 Disciplinary Procedures and Penalties for General Offences 58

5.4 Major Offences 59




1.1 Introduction:
The Student Information
The Student Information Handbook is an important
document which all students must have and familiarise
themselves with. It gives important general information
about the University, on academic matters, as well as
guidelines on student activities, and conduct on campus
and even outside it.

The Handbook incorporates summarised basic

information which complements detailed information
contained in University policies, statutes, documents and
circulars from authorised University Officers. It provides
wholesome instruction on life on campus, and will
remain a major reference point throughout a student’s


1.2 Historical Overview of
Kenyatta University

The history of Kenyatta University dates back to 1965 when the

British Government handed over the Templar Barracks to the
1965 newly independent Government of Kenya. The Government
converted the barracksin to a college, then known as Kenyatta
College. It offered Secondary and Teacher Training Education
leading to the award of Secondary Teacher 1 (S1) and Secondary
Teacher Advanced Level (SA) certificates.

Following an Act of Parliament in 1970, Kenyatta College

became a Constituent College of the University of Nairobi (UoN),
the name changing to Kenyatta University College (KUC) later
1970 on. The institution admitted its first batch of 200 students in 1972
to pursue studies leading to the award of Bachelor of Education
(B.Ed.) Degree of the University of Nairobi. In 1975, the Teacher
Training Education Programmes, S1 and SA were phased out to
give way to the Bachelor of Education Degree Programme and
a two-year Undergraduate Diploma in Education.

In July 1978, the Faculty of Education of the University of Nairobi

was transferred to Kenyatta University College. Kenyatta
University College achieved full-scale University status on
August 23, 1985 when the Kenyatta University Act (1985) received
Presidential assent. The Act became operational on September
1, 1985. Kenyatta University was inaugurated in December, 1985.


Kenyatta University’s Main Campus is set on 1,000 acres of land, some 17 kilometres to
the North-East of Nairobi City, along the Thika Super Highway. This is a serene, pleasant
environment, conducive for academic engagement.

Kenyatta University has established campuses in strategic locations across the country
with the objective of bringing tertiary education closer to the people. These include
Mombasa Campus at the Coast; Parklands and City campuses in Nairobi City; Kitui
Campus, Nakuru Campus, and Embu Campus.

The presence of Kenyatta University is further assured throughout the country through
its Digital and Open Learning centres in towns such as Nairobi, Embu, Nakuru, Kisumu,
Kakamega, Mombasa, Garissa and Nyeri.

Currently, KU is one of the premier universities in the country, offering relevant and
quality programmes through the following Schools: Education; Pure and Applied
Sciences; Humanities and Social Sciences; Security, Diplomacy and Peace Studies;
Environmental Studies; Business; Economics; Hospitality Tourism and Leisure Studies;
Law; Creative Arts, Film and Media; Engineering and Technology; architecture and Built
Environment; Agriculture and Enterprise Development; Public Health and Applied
Human Sciences; Medicine; Nursing and Pharmacy. The Graduate School registers and
co-ordinates all students who are admitted into Postgraduate programmes for their
Masters and Doctorate degrees.


The University is headed by the Chancellor who advises
1.3 the University Council on matters he considers necessary
Administrative for the betterment of the institution. Up to the year 2002,
the President of the Republic of Kenya was the Chancellor
Hierarchy of all public Universities. In 2003, the Government effected
a major shift in policy that allowed the Head of State to
of Kenyatta appoint a Chancellor for each University. The Chancellor
University has authority to confer degrees and award diplomas and
certificates to graduates.

The University Council is headed by a chairperson who

chairs its meetings. The Council ensures that the University
has a proper and functional management structure
and also monitors and evaluates the implementation
of strategies, policies and plans of the University in
accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the

University responsible for the day to day running of the
institution. She/he chairs Senate and all its committee
meetings and is the custodian of all University articles
of administration. The Vice-Chancellor is assisted
in the running of the University by; four Deputy
Vice-Chancellors, four Registrars, a Chief Finance Officer, a
Chief University Librarian, Deans of Schools, Chairpersons
of Departments, the Chief Legal Officer and Directors of
various Directorates, Centres and Units. All these officers
and their offices work together to make sure your stay at
Kenyatta University is fruitful and enjoyable.

1.4 As per the Statutes of Kenyatta University, a student is a

person who is registered in the University during a current
Who is a academic year for a first or higher degree, diploma, and
Kenyatta certificate or, such other qualification or courses of the
University as may be approved by the Senate as qualifying
University a person for the status of a student.

Student? A bona fide student for a particular semester is one who

has paid the fees and is registered online for the units
offered in that semester.

Only bona fide students are entitled to services offered

by the University in a particular Semester.


Every student is expected to have a valid University
1.5 Identity/ Smart Card at all times, which he/she must
Student show on demand by any officer of the institution. Crucial
services may only be offered on production of the card.
Identification This card is University property and is not transferable
to any other person. Students are advised to keep their
CA RD cards safely at all times. Allowing anyone else to use the

card or any other University document assigned to you as

a student constitutes serious misconduct which attracts
Last Name



disciplinary action as per the rules governing student


1.6.1 Notice Boards

Communication A major medium of passing information on KU Campuses
is the Notice Boards. These are located in various strategic
and the Flow positions on the campuses.
Notices are released by authorised officers of the University
of Information on matters pertaining to their specific mandate.
in Kenyatta It is imperative that students develop the habit of reading
Where students are concerned, only the Secretary-General
may speak on behalf of KUSA and release circulars as
directed by the Students Governing Council as per Article
39(2) of the KUSA Constitution. Copies of such Notices
have to be deposited with the Director, Student Affairs.
Secretaries or Organizing-Secretaries of registered clubs
and welfare associations may post notices for meetings
after they have been approved by the Director, Student

During the KUSA election season, student campaign

posters will be mounted strictly only on specifically
designated notice boards, and nowhere else. Candidates
whose supporters or themselves, flout this regulation risk
disqualification by the KUSA Electoral Commission.

1.6.2 The Kenyatta University Television and Radio


Kenyatta University operates a radio station, the KU 99.9

FM, which draws 90% of its workforce from the student
body. The students work as volunteer presenters, reporters,
and news anchors/editors. They are recruited through
a rigorous audition process held once every academic
year. This pool of presenters and reporters comprises


individuals pursuing different degree programmes,
creating diversity in knowledge that is of advantage to
the student fraternity. This medium has become critical
in passing information, entertaining and educating the
University Community and residents in its environs. KU
99.9 FM provides opportunities for students to study and
enhance their experience in journalism.

The University has a television station that complements

and expands the services offered by the radio station.

1.6.3 The Kenyatta University and KUSA Newsletters

The KU Newsletter is a fortnightly publication from the

Office of the Vice-Chancellor. It covers and reports on
major events in the calendar of the University.

The Information and External Affairs Committee of KUSA

is mandated to produce at least one newsletter per
semester covering student activities and highlights of
University events.

1.6.4 The Kenyatta University Website and E-Mail


The Kenyatta University website:, is a very

important source of Information. All students are advised
to visit it frequently. Every student has been assigned a
corporate e-mail address for individual as well as official
communication. It is crucial that one checks his/her
e-mail address regularly.

1.6.5 Social Media

The University has created social medial platforms to

ease the flow of information and encourage inquiries on
University matters. Such platforms include Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest and online Chat.

The University places great emphasis on positive and

responsible use of these platforms.

Guidelines governing student use of the social media are

contained in the KU Student Social Media Policy. Every
student is required to read this policy carefully.



Abuse or misuse of internet and social media (e.g.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) is prohibited by
State Law and the University Rules, Regulations
and Policies. (See Social Media Policy )

1.6.6 Student Mail Service

There is a Post Office next to the new Graduate School.

Students are advised to give their correspondents an
accurate address to minimise chances of their incoming
mail/letters from getting misdirected. It should include
the following details:

• Student Name Hostel and Room

• Department Kenyatta University
• P.O. Box 30553 – 00100, NAIROBI.
• Student corporate Email

Every student MUST provide their full details in the

Joining Instruction Forms (KU/1 – 6) at the start of First
Year, and also ensure that contact information, telephone
numbers and next of kin details are up-to-date in the
student data system.

A student is encouraged to use his/her corporate Email

for all correspondence with the University.

Non-Resident students at KU Main Campus, Ruiru,

Parklands and City Campuses should have their letters
addressed as follows:

• Student Name
• Campus (e.g. Ruiru)
• Department
• Usambara 2,
• Office No. 7
• Kenyatta University
• P.O. Box 30553 – 00100,

It is the responsibility of the students to check their mail

in the designated offices.

Addresses of Satellite Campuses and key University

offices are indicated at the end of this document.




The University recognises the students as its primary
2.1 clientele. The Office of the Director, Student Affairs,
Mandate of the is charged with the responsibility of co-ordinating
student activities and support services. These services
Directorate and activities are at the centre of student welfare. The
Directorate works closely with other offices of the
University in implementing policies that govern the
delivery of these services and activities. In the Main
Campus, the office of the Director, Student Affairs is
located on the first floor of the Business and Student
Services Centre (BSSC).

The Director is assisted by the Deputy Directors,

Administrators, Chaplains and Wardens at the main
campus. In Satellite Campuses, the Director works closely
with the Deputy Directors and Wardens.

Key activities undertaken by the Directorate include:

• Participation in the orientation of first year

• Registration and renewal of students’ Clubs and
• Overseeing student conduct.
• Follow-up on status of sick students.
• Co-ordination and facilitation of activities
organised by the Kenyatta University Students
Association (KUSA) leadership.
• Facilitation of student representation on various
University Committees and Boards.
• Facilitation of student applications for Higher
Education Loans Board (HELB).
• Processing of internal and external bursaries.
• Co-ordination of pastoral care and guidance of
students through Chaplaincy Services.

The office works closely with other directorates,

departments, sections and units to ensure facilitation
and participation of students in local, national and
international competitions.

Kenyatta University is committed to creativity, excellence

2.2 and self-reliance. To achieve these objectives, the
Student Clubs University encourages and facilitates nurturing of talents
through suitable student activities. These are carried out
and Societies through various Clubs and associations organised and
facilitated by the University under the supervision of
designated offices in liaison with the Director, Students


The University encourages students to enrol in clubs
and associations as a means for nurturing creativity,
innovation, leadership skills, community outreach and
professional pupillage. These clubs and associations
are run by students and add value to their academic
qualifications at the end of their studies as follows:

• They provide for social and intellectual interaction

among the students on campus.
• They also help in developing links with industry
and other professional bodies outside the
University, as well as nurturing talent and shaping
• Some of the clubs provide services to the
community through their outreach programmes.

Associations are county-based and are encouraged only

because of their welfare-oriented agenda. Deviation
from this welfare-oriented agenda will lead to automatic
deregistration of the association (s) concerned.

The following regulations govern the existence of clubs

and associations:

• All student clubs and associations should be

registered with the Office of the Director, Student
• Each club/association must keep an up-to-date
constitution, a file for the correspondence, a
register of members, and hold elections as per
their constitution.
• All clubs/associations are required to have a
member of staff as the patron of the club/
• A club/association should have at least 15
• To facilitate proper planning officials of a club/
association wishing to hold a meeting must
make a booking with the building’s designated
Caretaker through the Director, Student Affairs, at
least seven (7) days before the day of the meeting.
This procedure must be observed.

At the beginning of every academic year the club/

association officials must renew their registration by
filling and submitting the relevant official forms to the
Director, Student Affairs.

• Club/association officials must submit a plan of

action for all activities planned for the current
semester, to the Director, Student Affairs
• Professional clubs/associations that wish to invite


an external guest are required to submit a written
request signed by the club/association Patron, at
least fourteen ((14) days before the function to the
Director, Student Affairs. This will be done after
close consultation with the Registrar, Corporate
Affairs and the Director, Student Affairs. No
student is allowed to invite a guest(s) from outside
the University without requisite approval.
• Club/association officials are expected to furnish
the Director, Student Affairs with Progress reports
of their activities at the end of every semester.
• All clubs and associations are expected to organise
at least one community outreach activity in an
academic year.
• Certificates of active membership in a club/
association will be issued at the end of one’s study
at the University. Certificates of participation may
be issued if an event/activity is of substantial
magnitude and agreed upon by the officials, the
Patron and the Director, Students Affairs.

Students are encouraged to register with at least one of

the clubs and/or associations and to actively participate
in its programmes.

Below is a list of the active registered clubs and



1 Mechanical Engineering 32 Biochemistry Students

2 Accounting Students’ Association 33 Nutrition Club
3 Medical Lab 34 Pro-Life Club
4 Muslim Association 35 AIESEC. Club
5 Computer Science Club 36 Red Cross
6 Environmental Club 37 Industrial and Analytical Chemistry
7 Chama Cha Kiswahili 38 Students In Free Enterprise
8 Disabled 39 K.U. Engineering Club
9 Literature Society 40 Christian Union
10 English Club 41 Telecommunication K.U. MODEL
11 Seventh Day 41 Innovation and Design
12 Geographical Club 43 Microbiology
13 Actuarial and Insurance Students 44 Young Researchers Assoc.
14 K.U. Child Welfare Association 45 Female Students in Science and
15 Global Leadership Interlinks Club 46 Youth Against Drug Abuse
16 Business Students Club 47 Scrabble Club
17 Aids Control Org Club 48 Young Preneurs Club
18 Model United Club 49 K.U. Banking Students
19 Public Health 50 Special Need Edu.
20 Triple E. Theatre Club 51 Initiative for Dev. of Education in
21 Message Believers Club 52 Psychology Association
22 Rotaract Club 53 Entrepreneurship Club
23 Journalism Club 54 Christian Postgraduate Fellowship
24 K.U. Hockey Club 55 Finance Society Of K.U.
25 Environmental Health Club 56 Energy Corps Club
26 International Youth Fellowship 57 Management Science
27 President’s Award 58 Vides KU Chapter
28 St. John Ambulance 59 Blaze Creative Club
29 Panthera Scouts 60 Stump It Out
30 Economics Club 61 Africa Youth Initiative
31 Biotechnology 62 (ICT Society Of Ku)


63 Information 92 Students in Finance Assoc.
Communication Technology

64 Hospitality and Tourism 93 Agriculture for Development

65 Leadership Development Program 94 Population Health
66 Give Unit Club 95 Debating Club
67 Community Management 96 Sociology Club
68 Electrical and Electronic 97 Manufacturing
Engineering Club
69 Medicine Students 98 Law Students
70 Traveling Theatre 99 Political Science
71 Student Nurses Assoc. 100 Mist Salsa Entertainment Club
72 Chess Club 101 Biosciences Society
73 High School Students Science & 102 Peace Club
Tech Empowerment Programme

74 Animal Health 103 Electrical/Electronic Eng.

75 Educational Psychology 104 Health Information Management
76 Mathematics 105 Human Resource Students

77 Networking 106 International Movement for

Catholic Students

78 Marketing Society 107 Christian Medical and Dental


79 Eco-Waste 108 Bridge Networking

80 Performing Artist 109 Peace Ambassadors Kenya
81 Nigerian Students Assoc. 110 Civil Engineering
82 KU Gender Action Movement 111 Recreation and Exercise Science

83 Molecular Cell Biology 112 Agriculture Students Assoc.

84 Actuarial Society 113 Choice Counselling Organization
85 Internetprenuers 114 Booster Theatrix
86 Amateur Astronomy 115 Scouts

87 KU Theatre Holics 116 Education Students Org

88 Pharmacy 117 Young Volunteers
89 Forensic Science 118 Changed Mentality
90 KU Society Of Upcoming Teachers 119 Korean Culture Club
91 KU I-Motivate 120 Am a Guru Assoc.


121 KU Film Society 146 Decisions Environmental
Awareness Solutions
122 KU Health Services Management 147 Marine Students Assoc.
123 Intellectual Decisions and Environ- 148 Information Science
mental Awareness Resolutions
124 Statistics and Actuarial Sciences 149 Charity
125 Entrepreneurship City 150 Direct Intervention Programme
126 Birding Club 151 Occupational Safety And Health
127 United Mission International 152 World Changers
Campus Ambassadors

128 Accounting City 153 Amazing Minds

129 Women in Economics 154 Youth Light Foundation
and Accounting

130 Centre for African Leadership 155 Agriculture

Development Education And Extension

131 Writer’s Guild 156 Procurement And Supply

132 Loveworld 157 Red Cross City Campus
133 Hospitality and Tourism Football 158 Worldlife (City Campus)
134 One Vision 159 Counselling Psychology
Post Graduate

135 Talent House Production 160 Integrity Club

136 Catholic Community 161 Research And Innovative

137 Nutrisearch Group 162 Muslim Medical Students Assoc.

138 Paravets 163 Chinese Language
139 Equity Africa 164 Young African Entrepreneur And

140 Class Representatives 165 Icon Of Integrity

141 Youth Alliance For Leadership 166 Public Policy And Administration
Development Africa

142 Messianic Association 167 Postgraduate Economics

143 Special Team Building Cohesion 168 Orphan And Vulnerable
144 Chuka Old Boys 169 Modern Mwalimu
145 Open Mic Club 170 Peer Mentors


171 Young Business Leaders 185 Japanese Club
172 Evergreen 186 Real Estate And Construction
173 Rock Health Initiative 187 Kreative Hub
174 Physics 188 Your Voice Matters
175 Stage Performers 189 Blak Blad Rugby
176 Enactus 190 Chandaria Innovators
177 Wellness And Fitness Club 191 Leap Fellows
178 Geographical Information System 192 Permanent Success
179 Aerospace 193 Energy Technology
180 Public Talent Production 194 Usawa Na Haki Kwa Wote Initiative
181 Pivot 195 Society Of Biomedical Engineers

182 Kings Dynasty Productions 196 KU 3-D Printing Club

183 Experiential Skill Centered 197 Bridge Africa Advocacy

184 Society Of Petroleum Engineers 198 Congolese Students Association


The Universities Act (2012) and the Kenyatta University
2.3 Statutes provide for involvement of students in the
Student governance of the University. This is done through
Kenyatta University Students Association (KUSA), where
Governance all KU students are members.

KUSA leadership positions are filled every academic year

through competitive elections. Apart from the general
student population, KUSA consists of two major organs:
the Student Governing Council (Executive) and the
Student Congress (Legislative). KUSA is the mouthpiece
of the student community, voicing the views of the
students and organising various student activities and
events. The leaders sit in key decision-making organs of
the University, including the Senate. Please take note of
the following:

KUSA constitution and operations are expected to fit

within the overall framework of the Universities Act (2012)
and the Kenyatta University Statutes:

The KUSA Constitution is all inclusive, providing

representation to the diverse categories of KU students.
The constitution shall be amended every four years to
cater for emerging issues and new realities in the student

Students aspiring for KUSA leadership have to satisfy

the requirements for seeking electoral positions as
stipulated in the KUSA Constitution. (For details see
KUSA Constitution at

The Office of the Director, Student Affairs, facilitates

communication between KUSA and the University
Management; advises KUSA on key issues concerning
University policies, closely monitors financial
management by KUSA; and co-ordinates KUSA elections.
KUSA co-ordinates students to engage in suitable
activities, events. Once a year KUSA, in consultation with
the University Management, organises an Honours Day
to recognise members of the student body who have
made outstanding contribution to the university in
academic and co- curricular activities.

KUSA also offers limited financial assistance to deserving

and needy students.


The Office of the Director, Student Affairs, prepares
2.4 and facilitates student participation in international
Other Student competitions of academic nature.

Activities A major event on the University Calendar is the Kenyatta

University Culture Week extravaganza which is scheduled
in the first semester of each academic year. This is a week
of creativity in various aspects of culture such as fashion
and design, music, drama, dance, oratory, lectures, sports
and games, among others.

The KU Culture Week has attained international status

having hosted performing troupes from China, South
Korea, Columbia and Rwanda among others, in the past.

Other student activities include: Mr & Miss KU Pageant,

participation in National Drama and Music Festivals,
Comedy Shows and Community Outreach Programmes
by Clubs and Societies.


The Office of the Director, Student Affairs, is charged
2.5 with the responsibility of identifying and assisting,
Needy and or recommending for assistance, students who are
socio-economically vulnerable.
This is done after authenticating the condition of need
Students through mechanisms established by the University.
While we welcome such student’s voluntarily sharing
their conditions with us, this does not guarantee
automatic assistance.

The Director recommends students for loans and, where

necessary, bursaries for eligible students from the Higher
Education Loans Board (HELB).

The Director recommends students to any other

possible funders such as Foundations, the Ministry and
National Government Constituency Development Funds
(NGCDFs) among others.

The Director works closely with the Directorate of

Endowment and Alumni Programmes to assist as many
needy students as possible.

Of all the universities in the country both public and

2.6 private, Kenyatta University has had a long history of
Resource admitting students with special needs for degree and
other programmes. Many graduates with disabilities in
Centre and Kenya are most likely alumni of Kenyatta University.
Services for VI Kenyatta University admits qualified students with
Students physical, visual, hearing and speech challenges. These
students are encouraged to provide assessment reports
at the time of registration to help in determining their
level of need. Whereas they go to the various departments
for instruction, they receive various levels of support at
the Directorate of Student Affairs. This office houses the
Resource Centre for Visually Impaired (VI) students. The
main functions of the Centre include:

Orientation and customization of the VI students to the


Brailing and de-brailing of lessons, examinations and

other academic literature

Repair and maintenance of Braille machines and

co-ordination of purchase of Braille papers.


Preparation of a roster of voluntary readers for VI students
for both recording and private studies.

Liaising with the Directorate of Disability Services, the

University Library and the Kenya Society for the Blind on
behalf of VI students.

Kenyatta University places a high premium on the

2.7 spiritual welfare of its students. In line with this the
The Kenyatta University, provides Chaplains for the four major religious
persuasions: Catholic, Protestant, Seventh Day Adventist,
University and the Imam for the Muslim students and community.
Chaplaincy The Chaplaincy offices are located on the first floor of the

Students are encouraged to visit their Chaplains

frequently for religious and other counselling services.
The Chaplains prepare key worship services and display
the schedules or programmes for the same.

The University Chapel, which is mainly used for the

Protestant Community Services, is situated next to the
Shopping Centre. The Seventh Day Adventist church
is located behind Arts Zone. The Mosque is situated
adjacent to the KU Arboretum next to the Post Office,
while the Catholic Community holds masses at the Christ
the Teacher Chapel which is situated behind Arts Zone
next to main entrance of KU Primary School.

The Protestant/ Christian Union worship services are held

in the Science Zone 39 (SZ 39).




The Directorate of Sports and Games is located next to
3.1 the lower playing fields and adjacent to the swimming
Directorate pool. It is headed by a Director who works closely with
the office of the Director of Student Affairs.
of Sports and
The Director, Sports and Games, is assisted by a team
Games of professionals including: senior games tutors, facilities
manager, games tutors, assistant games tutors, coaches,
lifesavers and games attendants.

Sports and games offer opportunities for students to

exploit and excel in their talents. Students are greatly
encouraged to participate in sports and games and,
whenever possible, participate in the various University

Softball and triathlon, Gymnasia are also available for

aerobics, exercises and training classes.

Adapted sports for the physically and visually challenged

are also provided.

On the international scene, KU teams regularly

participate in the East African University Games, as well
as World University Games which are organized by the
East African Universities Sports Federation (EAUSF) and
International Federation for University Sports (FISU)


The Directorate is located on the first floor of BSSC room
3.2 142, and is headed by a Director who works closely with
the Director, Student Affairs. It administers programmes
Directorate and provides services in career development for
of Career prospective and continuing students as well as the
alumni, done through individual and group counselling.
Development It also provides guidance on securing of attachments,
internships and employment opportunities. The
and Mentoring Directorate also coordinates University practicum and
Programmes attachment programmes. It also manages a national
placement and posting programme for KU students,
and oversees field supervision and assessment.

The Directorate also hosts the Growing Leaders

Programme, providing mentors to students, and training
final year students in Leadership.

3.3 Health services are provided by the Directorate of

The Kenyatta University Health Services to staff and students. The
health Centre at in the Main Campus is located on Mali
University Road, directly opposite the Transport Yard. Basic medical
services are also offered in Health Units within Satellite
Health Services Campuses.

The Health Centre operates under the Director of

University Health Services and personnel include Doctors,
Clinical Officers, Pharmacists, a Psychiatrist, Laboratory
Technologists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Records Clerks,
Ambulance Attendants, Public Health Officers, Dentists
and Nutritionists.

The Health Centre offers a range of services such

as: General and Specialist medical consultations;
Reproductive Health; HIV Testing and Treatment
and immediate professional attention for all medical
emergencies on campus.
The students are expected to pay for dental services.
There is an eighteen (18) bed Inpatient ward for persons
who require close observation and admission, a
laboratory that provides a range of medical tests as well
as a well-stocked Pharmacy.

Only regular students who are in session and duly

registered for the semester are eligible for treatment
upon presentation of a valid student identification card.
Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) and DSVOL
students who may need medical services while in session
are expected to pay for such services.


The health centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The student medical scheme covers outpatient and
inpatient expenses when one is admitted at the Health
Centre, but does not cater for dental and optical care.

Expectant students are encouraged to seek support

from Ghana Ante-Natal Clinic which is still part of the
Directorate of University Health Services. Expectant
students accommodated in the University Hostels are
expected to organize alternative accommodation outside
the University during the last trimester of pregnancy (i.e.
three months to delivery). Currently, the University does
not provide accommodation for students with babies.

General or chronic cases which cannot be immediately

3.4 handled at the KU Health Centre are referred to Kenyatta
National Hospital and payments for outpatient services
Referral, rendered are met by Kenyatta University.
Inpatient Inpatient admission to any other health facility other than
and Hospital the Kenyatta University Health Centre is the responsibility
of the parent/ guardian.
International students are expected to take Medical
Cover Insurance cover ahead of reporting to Kenyatta University
and provide evidence of the same during registration.
These students are expected to renew the medical cover
a month prior to expiry, and submit updated information
to the Centre for International Programmes (CIP).
Parents/guardians are strongly advised to take out the
National Hospital Insurance Fund (N.H.I.F) to cover their
sons and daughters under 25 years of age. Students who
are above 25 years are expected take annual N.H.I.F cover
for themselves.

All students are required to produce their N.H.I.F. cards or

proof of other medical insurance cover on admission to
the University.

The following numbers are for emergency medical

attention- 24 hours a day:

1. Nursing Department - 020503836

2. Ambulance Service - 020503838


The Endowment and Alumni Programmes Directorate
3.5 (EAPD) is located on the second floor of the Alumni
The Endowment Building at the Main Campus. It is headed by a Director
who works closely with the office of the Director of
& Alumni Student Affairs.
Programmes The Directorate administers resources from benefactors
Directorate in order to support the education of orphaned and
vulnerable students (OVS) through the OVS programme.
(EAPD) The application for support as an OVS is done before
joining the University.

The Directorate also mobilizes graduates to register

as members of the alumni association of Kenyatta
University. This provides students with an opportunity to
support the welfare activities and gives them a platform
from which they are able to network with other alumni,
and share relevant information on opportunities available
in the market place for career growth and personal

For more information, visit

3.6.1 Residence on Campus

Directorate of The office of the Director, Accommodation Services, is
located in the Western Zone, next to the Amphitheatre
Accommodation and opposite the Nyayo Hostels Gate. It is mandated
to offer accommodation to students on campus, and
Services facilitate access to off-campus accommodation for those
who do not get accommodation on campus. Take note
of the following:

The University has limited accommodation in the hostels,

so admission into the University does not guarantee
accommodation in the hostels.

The University Policy on accommodation gives priority

to First Year undergraduate students sponsored by the
government. The remaining bed spaces are balloted for
by the rest of the government sponsored students.

Students are served during the day by Housekeepers,

and by Hostel Night Attendants at night. Students are
advised to reach out to them for necessary support.
Wardens who are academic members of staff are also
available for consultation on psycho-social matters and
may be reached through the respective Housekeepers.


The Directorate has Rules and Regulations governing
hostels that must be adhered to by all the students
accommodated in hostels. Failure to adhere to the rules
will lead to disciplinary action by the Accommodation
Disciplinary Committee.

NB: Paying for Accommodation

• Students are advised to pay for accommodation

only after they confirm that they have been
allocated rooms.

• The accommodation fee is paid strictly through

the Kenyatta University bank accounts and NOT
by M-PESA or in cash.

• Money paid for accommodation can only be

transferred to the tuition account or to meals if
one fails to get bed space in the hostels.

Accommodation Regulations

• It is an offence for a student who has been

allocated a room/bed space to sublet it to
another student

• It is an offence for a non-resident student to

rent a hostel room/bed space from a resident

• It is an offence for a resident student to host a
stranger in the university hostel whether the
stranger is a student of Kenyatta University or

These offences lead to serious consequences including

heavy fines, expulsion from hostels, suspension from
studying at the University, or a combination of the three.
For details on offences and penalties see the Brochure
from the Directorate of Accommodation Services.

3.6.2 Off Campus Accommodation

Students who do not secure accommodation within

the campus are assisted to find suitable vetted
accommodation outside the university. Detailed
information on the vetted and accredited off campus
hostels is found on the university website (
Click on ‘Students’ followed by ‘Accommodation’ then
‘Off-campus accommodation’ to access the information.


Students staying in off-campus accommodation are
advised to register as non-resident students with the
office of Coordinator, Off-campus Accommodation, in
Usambara Hostel 2, Room 7.

In case of any problem with off campus accommodation,

a student may seek help from the Coordinator,
Off-Campus Accommodation, at Usambara Hostel 2,
Room 14 or contact the Director Accommodation via
email: [email protected]

Non-Resident students are assigned two wardens

(a male and a female) located at BSSC, Room 258,
whom students are free to consult on issues touching
on their welfare. Further, they have male and female
Non-Resident Congress Persons to support them with
regard to welfare issues, who are available at BSSC Room

In case of a problem while outside the university, the

students are advised to call the relevant University offices
for assistance.

The office of the Director, Catering Services, is located

3.7 in the Western Zone, next to the Western Mess. The
Directorate Department is charged with the responsibility of
co-coordinating the catering services in the different
of Catering eateries in the University. Of special concern is the
provision of affordable and quality meals for students in
Services the messes. For enquiries one may contact the Director
through the email; [email protected]


The Directorate is located on the first floor of BSSC
3.8 room 143. It is headed by a Director who is assisted by
Directorate of a team of professional counsellors. It seeks to ensure
the psychological wellness of students and staff by
Wellness and providing psychological counselling in intra and inter
personal issues such as stress management, alcohol and
Rehabilitation substance abuse, and relationship management. It also
Services equips students with information regarding smooth
navigation of university life so as to ensure their timely
graduation. The Directorate also engages in preventative
and management aspects of HIV/AIDS. This includes
sensitisation of students and staff so as to equip them
with knowledge on HIV and AIDS. Kenyatta University
is a registered HIV testing site and hence HIV testing
services are provided at Ghana 4 clinic on all working
days from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

In recognition of the population with special needs,

3.9 the University established the Directorate of Disability
Directorate Services, which is headed by a Director and is located
next to Bishop’s Square, adjacent to the Western Mess. In
of Disability liaison with other offices, it offers the following services:

Services • Coordination of the special vans acquired by the

University to assist in the movement of students
with challenges across the University
• Coordinating and facilitating comprehensive
quality services to students with disability
• Sensitizing the University community on matters
affecting persons with disabilities.
• Establishing links with national and international
organizations and other institutions dealing
with disability matters.
• Combating all forms of discrimination/
harassment against persons with disabilities.


The Directorate provides ICT services to the University
3.10 Community, and is headed by a Director whose office is
located on the third floor of the Central Administration
Directorate of Complex (CAC).
The Directorate offers the following services:
• Internet services.
and Technology • KU E-mail access.
(ICT) • Smart Card personalization and issuing.
• Computer access (for research, assignments,
data capture).
• Resetting student portal passwords, ICT Systems
• Online student registration, student Portal
• Access to the lecture materials from the KU
Learning Management System (LMS)/E-learning
• Facilitation of Online Lecturer Evaluation.

The Directorate has several student Computer Labs,

located in different places within the University: Student
Computer Centre, Post-Modern Library, BSSC and Arts
Complex. In addition to offering general services, some
of the computer labs offer specialized services e.g. The
Post-Modern Library Laboratory which offers services for
students with special needs, and registration of laptops
among others.

All students are strongly advised to register their laptops

to reduce the risk of theft.

Students must attend ICT Orientation once they join the

University, to understand how to navigate the various ICT
services provided by the University.

For any enquiry or issues on ICT services, click on the

link and select the required
service to submit a Support Request/ticket. For more
information visit


This is a student services facility adjacent to the Kenyatta
3.11 University Amphitheatre which provides offices for most
The Business of the student support services and student-based
activities in the University.
Student The BSSC houses the following facilities/offices:

Services Centre • Office of the Director, Student Affairs.

(BSSC) • Kenyatta University Students Association (KUSA)
• KU Students Huduma Centre.
• Chaplaincy Wing.
• Directorate of Wellness and Rehabilitation
Services .
• Computer Labs.
• Directorate of Careers Development and
Mentoring Programme.
• Banking Services (Equity and National Banks)
• Food courts.

Adjacent to it is the modern and spacious Kenyatta

University Amphitheatre which is used for conferences
and performances.

The Directorate of Innovation, Incubation and

3.12 University-Industry Linkages is headed by a Director and
Directorate of is located on the second floor of the Chandaria Innovation
Centre, next to the Main Gate, Main Campus.
The Directorate offers the following services to students
Incubation among others;
and University • Assistance with innovative business ideas
- Industry • Networking activities.
• Marketing assistance.
Linkages • High-speed Internet access.
• Help with accounting/financial management.
• Access to bank loans, loan funds and guarantee
• Help with presentation/ pitching skills.
• Links to higher education resources.
• Links to strategic partners.
• Access to angel investors or venture capital.
• Comprehensive business training programmes.
• Advisory boards and mentors.
• Management team identification.
• Help with business etiquette.
• Technology commercialization assistance.
• Assistance with regulatory compliance.
• Intellectual property management.

For more information, visit


The Centre for International Programmes and
3.13 Collaboration (CIPC) is headed by a Director who works
Centre for closely with the office of the Director of Student Affairs
and Congress Person (International Students). The
International Centre is located on the 3rd Floor of the Directorate
Complex Building.
and It offers support and guidance while promoting the
welfare of international students on matters such
Collaboration as processing relevant travel documents, securing
accommodation, airport transfers, providing orientation
to enable students settle in time and linking them to
service offices within the university and in their respective
Embassies/High Commissions.

The Centre also provides support and guidance to

Kenyatta University students who may be proceeding for
international exchange programmes.

For more information, visit

The Public Complaints Office operates under the

3.14 Directorate of Quality Management Systems (QMS) and
Public is located on the 1st Floor, Directorate Complex Building,
Room 106. The Directorate receives and addresses
Complaints complaints from students, staff, public and the University
Complaints may be received through the following ways;

• Registering the complaints physically at the

above office in Main Campus or at the Satellite
Campuses Complaints offices.

• Visiting the QMS website and filling out a

complaints form (

• Visiting the KU Homepage (
and at the bottom of the page, under Public
complaints click on “You have a complaint, Click


Kenyatta University is home to the Post-Modern Library,
situated next to the Central Administration Complex
3.15 (CAC). There are also libraries in Satellite campuses (City,
Library Services Parklands, Kitui, Embu, Nakuru, Mombasa and Ruiru).
The library’s mandate is to provide information resources
to support students in their learning.

The Post-Modern Library holds a large collection of both

print and electronic information resources. The print
resources consist of journals, magazines, newspapers and
over 500,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals.
In addition, the library has subscribed to various full text
electronic databases (electronic books, journal articles)
in various disciplines.

Students are required to register with the library in order

to access research materials, including e-resources. Once
registered, a student is able to access the e-resources
even when outside the University via laptops, phones
and desktops provided they have internet access.


Students MUST attend the Library Orientation
Programme which is held during the Orientation Week.
In addition, students are encouraged to attend additional
Orientation sessions held on weekly basis in the Library.
During orientation, students are shown how to borrow
books, access e-resources and get assistance from the

The library offers various services to all users, including

those with special needs. These include, but are not limited
to: Kenyatta University journals, journal publishing guide,
Turnit-in, Past Papers, lending/borrowing, reference and
information services, binding and photocopying services.
For more information on the services kindly visit: -

The library gives information literacy to students to help

them understand the following: Information sources,
responsible use of information, plagiarism, publishing,
referencing and citation.

The University has an Institutional Repository (IR) which

contains publications authored by KU community.
Students are encouraged to access this information to
enrich their research work as well as publish through the

Students are encouraged to use the Library Social media

platform which includes Facebook, Twitter and Chat
on their website for communication. To access these
platforms, go to the KU Library homepage:

The library facilitates registration of laptops to secure

the gadgets. All students are strongly advised to register
their laptops immediately they report to the University.
Further, students are advised to take care of their
electronic valuables while in the library.

The University has a bookshop that sells books, stationery

and accessories. Students are encouraged to visit the
3.16 bookshop for purchase of books and other accessories.
KU Bookshop


Kenyatta University is committed to the provision of
Security and Safety to all students on campus. The
3.17 University has a Directorate of security services headed
Student by a Director, which is located next to the Transport Yard,
and opposite the Sports and Games Directorate.
Security and
The Directorate has Security Officers distributed across
Safety on the University who are readily available to assist students
Campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Directorate basis
and can be accessed through the following telephone

• 0725 471 487

• 0786 401 124
• 870 4408

Students are advised to take personal responsibility to

ensure their own security and safety. For instance;

• Students are discouraged from loitering during

the night both within and outside campus.
• Students are advised to;
1. Avoid walking in deserted and dark areas.
2. Take care of their personal property
especially valuables.
3. Report any stranger hanging around the
hostel in the university.
4. Inform the security Directorate about any
situation that may be a threat to their
security, safety and peace.
5. Avoid attending parties and functions with
/of strangers.
6. Use the pedestrian footpaths provided
while walking within the University and
cross the roads at the ONLY designated
crossing points.
7. Desist from hawking as this is prohibited
within the University premises.

For further information about security and safety visit

3.17.1 Safety of Students

1. Fire Prevention

It is illegal for students to:

• Cook in their hostel rooms as this possess the

risk of fire.
• Make illegal electrical connections, or interfere
with any electrical cable.


Students are advised to report any faulty or exposed
electrical connection to the Director, Security services
(0725 471 487 or 0786 401 124).

Students are warned against smoking and using candles

in the hostels as these also may pose thr risk of fire.

2. Fire Safety

The university has a fire unit on call 24 hours.

In case of fire outbreak, students are advised to adhere to

the following fire action plan:

• Sound the alarm by shouting fire! Fire! Fire! (And

where applicable, break the fire alarm glass).
• Call emergency help 0725471487 or 0786401124
• If possible, tackle the fire with all available fire
safety appliances without taking personal risks.

Should you hear the fire alarm:

• Leave the room through the nearest exit.

• Close but do not lock the doors and windows
behind you.
• Do not stop to collect personal
• Report to the designated fire assembly points
outside the building.
• Do not re-enter the building for any reason
unless authorized to do so.

In case of an emergency:

• Remain calm and use common sense. Take time

before acting.
• Evacuate the building immediately when you
hear audio alarm, see visible alarm, when
directed by authorities or when the environment
in the building becomes life threatening (e.g.,
smell of natural gas, smoke etc.).
• Do not use elevator during emergency.
• Know the location for all exits from your living

3. Health safety

All Students are expected to observe Covid- 19 Protocols

at all times:

• Hand-washing.


• Wearing face masks while in enclosed places.
• Observing physical distance (1.5 meters).
• Using sanitizers.
• Avoid sharing personal items like phones and

Students who miss out on campus accommodation are

3.18 advised to seek off campus accommodation in the vetted
and accredited off-campus hostel ONLY. Information on
The Safety and these hostels is available on the University website at
Security of These hostels are generally
safe for students’ residence.
Students Students residing outside the University are advised to;

• Avoid being out late at night.

• Be in the company of some friends if one must
be out late.
• Avoid walking in deserted and/or dark areas
• Avoid drunkenness and socializing in public
places whose security cannot be determined.
• Use pedestrian footpaths and cross at
designated points and ensure adherence to
traffic laws when walking on public roads

If you feel you may be in any kind of danger, call these

University Rapid Response Numbers: 0725 471 487 and
0786 401 124.

Note: The Law of the Land is fully operational inside

and outside the University and must be adhered to by
all students.

The Student Centre Annex is adjacent to the Arts complex

3.19 (popularly known as Twin Towers).
Student Centre It is a recreation centre for students and, alcohol is served
Annex here strictly according to the National Alcohol Policy, and
according to regulations outlined in this Handbook.

While at the centre, students are expected to uphold





The primary objective of enrolling at Kenyatta University
4.1 is to study and graduate on schedule. Consequently, it is
Attendance of a crucial responsibility for the student to attend lectures,
tutorials, seminars and practicals, and also undertake
Lectures other scheduled instructions like attachments,
practicums and teaching practice.

Every student MUST attend at least 2/3 of the lecture hours

in every unit to be eligible to sit for the examinations.
Inability to attend classes for a week or more due to illness
or any other acceptable reason should be communicated
to the Director, Student Affairs, in advance by filling
out the Student Absence Form. Students are advised
to present the signed form to their respective Chair of
Department and respective Dean.

A student may apply to study under any of the following

4.2 modes of study provided the programme chosen is
Modes of Study available under the preferred mode:

• Regular (Full-Time or /Part-Time)

• Continuing Education Programme (CEP)
• Virtual and Open Learning (VOL)

A student may apply to change from one mode of study

to another by writing to the Registrar (Academic).

For more information on each of the modes of study,

visit the Admissions Block located at the Main Campus
or Directors/Deans offices in the Satellite Campuses or
Email: [email protected]

The University offers its programmes through a Blended

4.3 Approach which entails a combination of Face-to-Face
(physical) and Online Learning. Every student is expected
Modes of to have an electronic device (e.g. Laptop, Desktop or
Delivery Smartphone) to enable them undertake Online Learning.

Kenyatta University is structured into Schools offering

4.4 various Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Postgraduate
Programmes courses.

Offered at For more information on the various programmes or

courses, visit the Kenyatta University Homepage http://
Kenyatta and click on ‘Academic programmes.’
University One may also visit the Admissions Office Block located
at the Main campus or the Directors/Deans Offices at the
Satellite Campuses.


Students are admitted to Kenyatta University under two
4.5 categories:
Admission and • Government Sponsored students who are placed
registration into different academic programmes after
meeting the placement criteria set by the Kenya
into Different Universities and Collages Central Placement
Services (KUCCPS).
Programmes • Self-Sponsored (SSP) students who qualify for
admission by fulfilling the prescribed admission’s
criteria approved by the University Senate.

Criteria for admission to various academic programmes

are available at the University website:

A student who is admitted to Kenyatta University is

expected to start learning in the semester he/she
is admitted. However, he/she may postpone his/her
admission for a maximum of two academic years by
writing to the Registrar (Academic) before the start of
the semester or academic year.

4.5.1 Registration of New Students

Registration shall be subject to rigorous verification

of documents by Admissions Officials. On arrival, each
student shall be expected to be registered as a student
of Kenyatta University. Students are expected to provide
the following documents for verification:

• Original copies of letters offering them admission

into the university.
• Original and photocopies of their KCSE
Certificates/Result slips/ applicable documents
for international students.
• Original and a copy of the Identification Card/
• Duly filled Joining Instructions and Registration

A student admitted into a degree programme at Kenyatta

University is expected to remain registered in every
semester until completion of the study programme.

Joining Instructions and Registration Forms can

be downloaded from the university website: http://


4.5.2 Registration for each Semester

A student is required to register for each semester he/she

is taking units. Registration for each semester entails the

• Payment of fees in full within the set University

• Registration of units online through the student’s
portal within the set University deadlines. Unit
Registration Forms are available online at:

4.5.3 University Fees

All students shall be required to pay fees as approved by

the University and details of which are available in the
admission letter as well as individual student portal.
The Fees may change from time to time as approved by
the university Senate.

4.5.4 Mode of Payment

All payments are to be made through bank transfers or

deposits into the following Kenyatta University accounts:
• Co-operative Bank - Account No. 00129062461400
• Family Bank - Account No. 045000023316
• National Bank of Kenya - Account No. 01003059150801
• Equity Bank Ltd. - Account No. 0180290518859

International students making payments in foreign

currency will be required to make fee deposits into the
university foreign currency account (USD):

• Account name – Kenyatta University

• Account number- 01021010781300
• Bank-National Bank of Kenya

After depositing the money in any of the accounts, pay–

in-slips must be presented to the Cashier, Kenyatta
University for issuance of official receipt.

The University will not accept cash, personal cheques,

institutional cheques, money/postal orders or mobile
money transactions e.g. MPESA.


4.5.5 Orientation

Orientation is mandatory and comprises a series of

activities whose primary objective is to familiarize new
students with the University officers and systems,
expectations from and obligations of students as well as
the various services available at the University. Orientation
takes place after registration.

4.5.6 Matriculation

This is a mandatory University formal event when entering

the University, during which students are welcomed
and accepted as students of Kenyatta University. The
ceremony includes the Vice-Chancellor’s address and
the administration of the Matriculation Oath to the new
students by their respective Deans.

4.5.7 Inter / Intra School Transfer

A first year, bona fide KUCCPS student can apply for inter/
intra school transfer subject to qualifying for the course
applied for within the first three weeks of the academic
year. The mode of application will be communicated at
the beginning of the semester through the university

Application for transfer does not guarantee approval.

Students will be notified about the outcome of the
applications through the respective Deans of Schools.

An SSP student who wishes to apply for inter/intra

school transfer should do so in writing to the Registrar

A student who wishes to transfer from one Department

to another or change an area of study within the same
programme will be required to apply in writing to the
Registrar (Academic) through the respective Chairperson
of Department and the Dean of School. Students will be
notified of the outcome by the Dean of School.

4.5.8 Semester Off

A duly registered student who wishes to take a semester

off will apply in writing to the Registrar (Academic) any
time but not later than two weeks for regular and DSOL
(Digital and Open Learning) students; and within the
first week for Continuing Education Programme (CEP)


Feedback on your request will be communicated by the
admission section through student corporate email. It is
the responsibility of the student to confirm approval of
the request before proceeding for the semester-off.

4.5.9 Registration for Continuing Students

Each student must register for every semester within

the time allocated for registration. A student will be
expected to maintain registration until completing the
programme unless she/he applies for semester-off or
deferment. Registration will be considered complete
after the student has fulfilled financial obligations and
registered the units online. Students are advised to
confirm their registration status from their student
portal accounts before the registration deadline expires.

4.5.10 Withdrawal from a Unit

A student who wishes to withdraw registered units will

do so within the registration period of the semester
by submitting the completed course reregistration
adjustment form to a Dean of School for unit correction.
The forms are available are on the University website:
h t t p : // w w w . k u . a c . k e / i m a g e s / 2 0 1 9 / C o u r s e % 2 0

Failure to officially withdraw a registered unit will lead

to grade “E” in the Unit at the end of the semester. The
grade “E’’ will be awarded a Zero (0) score and will be
included in calculating the final semester cumulative
average score.

4.5.11 Unit Load

A student:

• Will take a minimum of four and a maximum

of seven units a semester. The number of
units includes retakes and/or re-retakes where

• Whose mean score from the previous semester

is not less than 60% will be allowed to take eight
units with permission from the Dean of the
School, in consultation with the Chairman of the
respective Department.

• Who is allowed to do an extra unit will be
required to pay for it.


• Must get approval from the Dean to take less
than four units.

• Will be allowed to take up to four units in another

school/institute/ department in consultation
with the respective Dean/Chairman and with
approval of the Senate. Such units will be
counted as electives.

• Is allowed to take units from any level.

A pre-requisite unit has to be passed before pursuing the

next one in the level.

4.5.12 Auditing a Unit

A student may audit a unit with permission from the

Registrar (Academic).

The said unit will be reflected in the registration form.

An audited unit will not be examined but it will be

reflected in the result slip and transcript as follows:
Audited – AS.

An audited unit will not be converted to a regular unit.

4.6 4.6.1 Examinations Regulations

University All units shall be examined at the end of the semester in

which they are taken.
Only those students who are duly registered with the
University, School/Institute/ Department shall be allowed
to do examinations.

Students are expected and strongly advised to attend all

scheduled lectures.

Each student must attend at least 2/3 of the lectures for a

unit in a semester, to be allowed to sit for the examination
in that unit.

Examinations shall consist of Continuous Assessment

Tests (CATs) which shall contribute 30% and University
Examinations which shall contribute 70% of the final
semester grade, unless otherwise approved by Senate.
However, CAT marks may be greater than 30% and will
be specified in such programmes.


CATs are compulsory. Failure to do CAT(s) shall lead to a
Fail in the unit.
Where a course is solely practical, it may be examined
wholly by Continuous Assessment and /or Practical

The pass mark unless otherwise approved by Senate shall

be in 40%. (e.g. the pass mark in the School of Medicine
shall be 50 %.)

NB: Students are strongly advised to familiarize

themselves with the requirements of each programme
they register for.

4.6.2 Examination Grading

Examinations shall be marked out of 100. The marks shall

be translated into grades as follows unless otherwise
approved by Senate: -

A= 70 and above
B= 60–69
C= 50–59
D= 40–49
E= 0–39

(Specific to School of Medicine)

A= 75% -100%
B = 65% to 74%
C= 50% to 64%
E= 49 and below

4.6.3. Incomplete

Letter (I) representing Incomplete grade, is used at the

end of the semester only and is not used during the
withdrawal period.

It is assigned to a student who has satisfied all the

requirements but because of reasons acceptable to the
Senate, is unable to sit for end of semester examinations.
Registration and class attendance shall not be a
requirement to complete the course.

The grade (I) will be translated into a ‘Fail’ if the student

does not make up for work not completed by the next
relevant examination sitting. After this period the (I) will
be changed to ‘Failed’ grade “E” equivalent to a Zero


4.6.4 Retake

A student who fails up to half the units taken in any

one semester will be allowed to re-take the failed units
when they are next offered unless otherwise approved
by Senate. However, if the failed units are pre-requisites
for other advanced courses, they must be passed before
the student registers for other units in the series.

Retaking of units is NOT permitted after degree

classification has been done.

No student will be allowed to retake passed unit(s) for

the purpose of improving the grade.

Failed units when retaken will be graded as those of

normal examination units.

4.6.5 Academic Warning

A student who fails in more than half of the units

taken in any one semester shall be given an Academic
Warning (AW) by the respective Dean of School upon the
recommendation of the Senate.

4.6.6 Discontinuation on Academic Grounds

A student who fails in all units in any one semester will be
placed on Academic Probation for one semester.

A student whose cumulative failures after an academic

warning from the previous semester are more than half
the units taken in two consecutive semesters will be put
on Academic Probation.

Appeal against discontinuation will be addressed to the


4.6.7 Practicum, Attachment and Teaching Practice

Practicum, Attachment and Teaching Practice are a must

for students taking degree programmes where they are
requisite. While away on these courses, KU students are
expected to conduct themselves in the manner befitting
the good image and name of the university. Sufficient
evidence of misconduct shall lead to appropriate
disciplinary action.


A student who is involved in any examination irregularity
4.7 shall be suspended by the Registrar (Academic)
Examination immediately, upon receipt of an incident report, pending
appearance before the Students’ Disciplinary Committee
Irregularity (SCD.)

The following shall constitute examination irregularity: -

Passing or receiving relevant verbal, written or electronic
communication (relevant to the examination) to or
from other candidates or any other source during the

Unauthorized possession of used or unused examination

answer booklet(s) outside the examination room or
unauthorized possession of used or unused examination
answer booklet(s) inside the room, other than the one
issued during that particular examination.

Possession/having any unauthorized written, graphic or

recorded material or otherwise, in the examination room.

Copying and/or referring to other candidate’s answer

booklets, or any other source e.g. parts of the body,
clothing etc.

Possession of any notes recorded on paper, parts of the

body or clothing.

Possession and/or use of a mobile phone, i-pods,

electronic note book or any unauthorized electronic
gadget(s) or source inside the examination room.

Returning examination answer booklets with written

answers after the examination.

Plagiarism, i.e., falsely accessing another person’s work

and appending one’s name and signature claiming it to
be one’s own. This includes but is not limited to copying
other candidate(s) written, published or unpublished

Disrupting the conduct of examinations.

Destroying evidence pertaining to examination


Failure to write one’s registration number or deliberately

writing the wrong registration number on the answer


Presenting oneself for an examination in a unit in which
one is not registered for.

Claiming for marks in a unit one knows he/she did not

register for and/or sit for the examination.

Writing on the examination question paper.

Reading from other candidate’s answer scripts or

question papers.

Permitting any other candidate to read or copy from

one’s examination scripts.

Impersonation of other candidates or being impersonated

during examination.

Deliberate failure or refusal to hand in the examination

script at the end of the examination.

Assaulting and/or threatening an invigilator in the course

of his/her duty.

Involvement in and/or influencing tampering with

examination data.

Any other offence that is deemed to constitute an

examination irregularity.

4.7.1 Penalties

Any student found guilty of an examination irregularity

by the Students’ Disciplinary Committee shall be

4.7.2 Appeals on Discontinuation Due to Examination


Any student who is discontinued due to involvement

in an examination irregularity may appeal to the
Vice-Chancellor against the discontinuation and such
appeals shall attract a fee of Kshs. 1000.


4.8.1 Results Slips and Transcripts
At the end of each semester, students will be given result
University slips by the Dean of their respective School showing the
Awards grades and Average Scores (CAS) with the following
letters indicated:

• Pass - P
• Academic Warning - AW
• Incomplete - I
• Withdrawal - W
• Auditing - A
• Retake - R
• Re-Retake - RR
• Discontinuation - DISC

Provisional results will be released by the respective

Deans after each School’s Board of Examiners’ meeting,
pending approval by the Senate.

Transcripts for continuing students will be issued, upon

application, at a fee of Kshs. 200.00 per year, unless
otherwise approved by Senate.


Upon application by the student to the Registrar
(Academic) after graduation, a transcript will be issued
free of charge. Additional copies of transcripts will be
issued at a fee of Kshs. 200.00 per year unless otherwise
approved by Senate.

4.8.2 Degree Classification

The final classification/award of a degree/diploma/

certificate will be based on all the required Units (core
and electives) taken during the programme.

The total number of units required for classification/

award may vary from one School to another. All units
registered for must be passed before classification/

No student will be allowed to graduate with a failed unit/


The final classification will be based on the cumulative

average percentage score where applicable and will be
graded as follows unless otherwise approved by Senate:

• 70% and above - First Class Honours

• 60% - 69 - Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
• 50% - 59% - Second Class (Lower Division)
• 40% - 49% - Pass
• 0 -39% - Fail

4.8.3 Letter of Completion/Award

Upon a written request to the Registrar (Academic) a letter

of completion/award will be issued before graduation to
a student who has completed his/her studies, has been
approved for graduation by the University Senate, and
met the entire financial obligation to the University.

4.8.4 Graduation

Only students who have completed and passed all the

registered/required number of units including practicum,
and have fully met their financial obligations to the
University, shall be allowed to graduate.

A student who intends to graduate should apply to the

Registrar (Academic).


4.8.5 Opportunities for Further Studies

The University offers opportunities for further studies

as advertised from time to time, by the respective
schools. However, further enquiries about post-graduate
programmes can be made to the Dean, Graduate School.

4.8.6 Convocation/Alumni

Membership of Kenyatta University Convocation is

open to all persons who become graduates of Kenyatta
University including honorary graduates. Kenyatta
University Convocation has two main objectives:

Maintain contact with the Kenyatta University Alumni,

informing them of the University’s programmes with the
hope that they will assist Kenyatta University in fulfilling
its education goals.

Encourage members to continue their University

friendships after graduation through social reunion

Active membership is maintained through payment of

regular membership fees.




Kenyatta University students are expected to display
5.1 exemplary conduct and to uphold the good name and
Introduction image of the University. In this regard, the students are
required to observe proper discipline in all areas of life;
whether within or outside any University Campus.

The Vice-Chancellor is mandated by the University Act

to ensure proper student conduct and cultivation of
best practices on behalf of the Council. All students are
expected to conduct themselves in accordance with
the rules and regulations governing the conduct of the

These rules and regulations are also contained in the

Joining Instructions, Form KU/2 which every new
student is expected to read carefully before appending
their signature as an indication of his/her commitment
to abide by them during their stay at the University.

Note: Being a student of Kenyatta University does not

preclude one from the State Law. Contravention of
the laws of the land will be handled, in addition to the
University regulations, by the State Law Organs.

Responsibility for University Property and other

5.2 Property
Property is sacrosanct and is to be respected whether
Governing private or public. In this respect, all students are expected
to respect all University property, their fellow students’
Student property and any other property. It shall be a serious
Conduct offence for any student or group of students to damage
University, individual or public property through misuse
or wilful destruction of such property.


Any student who engages in theft or is found in

possession of University or other people’s property will
be held responsible.

Hosting Undesirable Persons

It shall be an offence for any student or group of students

to collaborate and/or host undesirable persons.


Fire Fighting Appliances

Firefighting appliances are critical for the safety of the

students in the various buildings on Campus. They should
not be tampered with or taken away from where they
are installed. It shall be an offence and against University
regulations to interfere with, damage or remove,
other than for firefighting purposes, any firefighting


Students are entitled to a serene environment devoid of

distractive noise and disturbances. It shall be an offence
against University regulations to create unreasonable/
offensive noise or behave in an unruly or rowdy manner
to the disturbance or annoyance of other occupants of
University premises.

Abuse, Harassment and Fighting

The University is a community of scholars where decent,

civil behaviour and observance of law are paramount.
Behaviour that contradicts this expectation, for instance
fighting, beating others, harassment of all types, use of
abusive language and threats, are prohibited.

Processions and Demonstrations

It shall be a serious offence for any student or group

of students whilst within the University to convene,
organize, participate or in any way be involved in any
demonstrations, gatherings or processions or in any
ceremonies for which permission has not been obtained
from the University or Government authorities. It shall
also be a serious offence for any student or group of
students to organize or participate in pickets or in any
manner prevent any student or member of staff from
performing their normal duties.

Incitement or Disruption of Programmes

All students’ issues shall be addressed through the laid

down framework, specifically the elected students’
leadership. A student or group of students who gather
and addresses other students without following due
procedures will be breaching the University rules and
regulations. It shall be a serious offence for a student or
group of students to incite other students to go on strike
or/and plan to disrupt the smooth running of university



Whereas consumption of alcohol is in itself not prohibited,

it is to be taken in moderation and in accordance with
the law which stipulates the age, time and place and
manner of drinking. It is thus gross misconduct to be
drunk and disorderly, disturb peace and harass fellow
students or other people.

Possession and Abuse of illegal Drugs

It is a serious offence to possess, peddle or take illegal



Correspondence to the press or other mass media by

members of the student community in their individual
capacities shall bear their individual names and their
private addresses.

• No student shall make any public statement

on behalf of the Student Association or other
Societies on matters affecting the University
except members of the Student Leadership,
after consultation with the Vice-Chancellor.

• Correspondence by individual students or by

officials of the Students’ Organizations (including
Students’ Societies) to representatives of foreign
governments or other sponsoring bodies shall
be sent through the office of the Director,
Students Affairs, who in consultation with the
Vice-Chancellor, will forward as appropriate.

• Invitation to Government officials,

representatives of foreign governments or other
public persons shall be done by the relevant
University officer with approval of the University

Notice Boards

Notice boards are official media of communication to

the students and University community by designated
officers or student association officials. It shall be an
offence for students to post non official materials on
the notice boards. Officials of groups who need to post
notices will do so in consultation with the Director of
Students’ Affairs.


Abuse of Internet and social media

It shall be an offence under the State Law and University

rules, regulations and policies for a student to abuse or
misuse internet and social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest etc.) (See social media Policy)

Character Assassination

It is an offence for a student to use social media to post

any content that might be embarrassing to an individual
or that could be construed to portray an individual
negatively or assassinate an individual’s image or

Roller Skating, Skate boarding and Cycling

The University Management has designated areas where

students can practice and learn skating and cycling
while in the required protective gear. It is an offence
for a student to engage in these activities outside the
designated areas.

Use of Pedestrian footpaths and Road Crossing Points

Students are expected to use the pedestrian footpaths

provided while walking within the University and cross
the roads ONLY at the designated crossing points. It is an
offence for to walk on the roads and cross roads at points
that are not designated for crossing.

Motor Vehicles

Students are not allowed to keep motor vehicles on

University premises without written permission from the
Registrar (Administration). Such permission will not be
given without proof of a current driving license, a valid
road tax/license and a current certificate of insurance.
Such permission may be refused or withdrawn without
assigning any reason thereof.


It shall be an offence for a student to impersonate

another or to be impersonated by another during the
examination process or any other process/activity.


The Vice-Chancellor is mandated by the University Act to
5.3 supervise student conduct and to correct misconduct on
Disciplinary behalf of the Council.

Procedures The Vice-Chancellor does this through the Student

and Penalties Disciplinary Committee, a Senate Committee. The
Committee is constituted in accordance with Section 14
for General (2) (f) of the Kenyatta University Act 1985; Schedule 2.3 of
Kenyatta University Statutes, 2013.
The Student Disciplinary Committee deals with
examination irregularities and general offences
committed by students in their day to day activities.
Offences that the University Senate considers as major
and/or constitute serious threat to the University may be
handled by the University Council.

A student or students breaching the rules and regulations

governing their conduct will be summoned to appear
before the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC) where
they will be given an opportunity to be heard. A student
will be summoned up to a maximum of three times
to appear before the SDC. Failure to honour the third
summons will lead to the SDC making a decision without
further reference to the student.

On general offences, the Committee will make decisions

and recommend appropriate penalties depending on
the gravity of the offence (s).

The penalties will include: -

• Letters of warning which will be carried in the

student’s file.
• Payment of damages.
• Suspension from the University for a Specific
• Expulsion from halls of residence.
• Expulsion from the University.
• A combination of any two or more of the above.
• Any other penalties as the committee may
deem fit.
• A student not satisfied by the verdict of the
Student Disciplinary Committee may appeal to
the Vice-Chancellor.


Some major offences may not be handled through the
5.4 normal students’ disciplinary procedure. The Senate
Major Offences shall have the right to expel a student from the University
without reference to the student when he/she commits
any of the following offences:

• Boycotts or/and incites or forces other students

to boycott lectures.

• Malicious or wilful damage to University


• Assault of any member of staff in the discharge

of official duties.

• Conviction by a Court of Law for any criminal

offence, which the Council shall deem serious
enough to warrant expulsion from the University.


The University may suspend a student accused of

committing a general offence pending appearance
before the Students Disciplinary Committee if it
considers such an offence serious enough to warrant
such action.



Welfare Matters Embu Campus

Director, Student Affairs Tel No: 068-30327
P.o Box: 43844-00100 Nairobi Mobile No: 0701084866
Tel: +254 20 8710901-19 Or Email: [email protected]
Tel: 020-2310720
Hotline: 0724264311
Email: [email protected]

Security Matters Essential Service Matters

Director, Security Services Registrar (Administration)
P.o Box: 43844-00100 Nairobi P.o Box: 43844-00100
Tel: 0208704408 Nairobi
Hotline: 0725 471 487, 0786 401 124 Tel: +254 20 870 Ext 3058/3059
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Registrar (Academic) City Campus

Academic Matters Kenyatta University,
P.o Box: 43844-00100 P.o. Box 43844 – 00100,Nairobi
Nairobi Tel: 020 2310622, 0113223649
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Mombasa Campus Parklands Campus

P. O Box 16778-80100, P. O. Box 802-00600,
Mombasa Ngara, Nairobi
Tel: 020 8704908,020 8704913, 020 Tel:+254 20870 Ext 4800
8704900 E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected],
[email protected]

Nakuru Campus
P.o. Box 1795-20100
Tel: 0208704750/1
Email: [email protected]


For further details, please contact
The Director, Student Affairs
P.O. Box 43844 00-100, GPO, Nairobi
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell-phone: 020 2310720,020 8704469

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