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LEVEL: _________ GROUP:________

A Choose the correct word, a, b, or c to. (3 points)

(1) I don’t like __________ food like chocolate.

a) salty b) sweet c) spicy

(2) Can I have the __________, please?

a) bill b) table c) tip

(3) I like my steak well __________.

a) cold b) cooked c) raw

(4) My favourite __________ is ice cream.

a) dessert b) main course c) salad

(5) On our __________ you can only eat fish and fruit.
a) bill b) diet c) menu

(6) We liked our meal so we left the waitress a __________.

a) bill b) menu c) tip

B Complete the sentences with words from the box. Add one word to each
sentence. (3 points)

takes on ride station take talking

(7) Remember to your umbrella.

(8) Let’s meet at the railway.
(9) I can’t a bicycle.
(10) It about twenty minutes to get to my house by bus.
(11) I don’t like on the phone.
(12) Why don’t we go foot?

C Complete the sentences with the correct words. (2.5 points)

(13) I’m sorry, but this soup is too / much salty.

(14) Can I have any / some milk, please?
(15) How many / much milk do you want?
(16) I don’t have many / much eggs.
(17) He drinks a lot of / much coffee.

D Write sentences using the prompts. (2.5 points)

(18) She / love / travel

(19) I / not like / watch / TV
(20) They / hate / take the bus in the morning
(21) He / not mind / walk / to work
(22) I / like / eat / fast food

E [Track 10] You are going to hear five short recordings. Listen and choose
the correct answer for each one. (2.5 points)
(23) How much sugar is there in the cake?
a) none b) not much c) a lot

(24) How much is the bill?

a) £15 b) £35 c) £50

(25) How do Megan and Alice get to the party?

a) they take a taxi b) they go by bus c) they go on foot

(26) Which part of the body is not mentioned?

a) neck b) legs c) back

(27) Which sentence is not true?

a) The woman has got stomachache.
b) She ate some fish today.
c) She feels sick.

F Read Megan’s diary and answer the questions. (2.5 points)

(28) Which days does Megan eat salad?

(29) Does she eat lunch every day?
(30) Are there any days Megan doesn’t eat rice or potatoes?
(31) Does she have anything she shouldn’t eat?
(32) How many cooked meals does she eat every week?

Megan’s diet diary

Breakfast – some fruit and a glass of milk
Lunch – a salad (lettuce, tomato)
Dinner – some pasta with cheese sauce
Breakfast – a glass of orange juice
Lunch – fish with potato salad
Dinner – spinach soup
Breakfast – toast and two eggs
Lunch – nothing!
Dinner – vegetable risotto
Breakfast – a cup of coffee and a banana
Lunch – a bar of chocolate (I know I shouldn’t!)
Dinner – roast chicken and tomato salad. No potatoes or rice.
Breakfast – nothing today!
Lunch – a cheese and lettuce sandwich
Dinner – spicy Mexican rice and beans


G Write about your favourite dish. (4 points)

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