Aculon AL-B TDS

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Aculon® AL-B, Hydrophobic coating

Product Information
Aculon® AL-B nano-scale repellency product is a surface treatment capable of imparting hydrophobicity and
oleophobicity to a wide variety of surfaces in simple, one-step process. It is designed for surface treatments on
most metals, semiconductors, and certain polymers that have been pretreated with Aculon AL-A. Aculon AL-B is
typically applied by either dipping or wiping, and results in a hydro/oleophobic monolayer film that is resistant to
chemical and mechanical degradation.

Solids Solvent Color

<5% Proprietary Ingredient Ethanol, Fluorosolvent Clear/ Colorless

Physical Properties of Formulation

(all values @ 25°C)
Viscosity* 2 cP
Boiling Point of Solvent 78°C
Flash Point 54°C
Environmental Non toxic, non-ozone depleting, flammable
Shelf Life 2 Years (Unopened container)
Specific Gravity 0.98g/ml
*Determined by Zahn Cup #1 testing

Physical Properties of Post Treatment

Visible Light Transmission 100%
Coating Thickness 2-4nm
Solvent and Chemical Resistance High
Hydrophobicity (Water Contact Angle on Flat 116°
Oleophobicity (Oil Contact Angle on Flat Substrate) 80°
Sliding Angle of Water Droplet 20-30°
Coating degradation temperature 225°C

• Repels water, oil, and other liquid organic • Easy to apply and safe to use (take flammable
materials liquid precautions)
• Excellent chemical bonding to many surfaces • Adhesion to a broad range of substrates
• Lowers the coefficient of friction of surfaces • Does not leach from surfaces after application
(results in a ‘slick’ feeling) and drying
• No stress build-up on the substrates • Does not polymerize upon drying, so over-
• Does not change the appearance of the surface application is not a problem

Application Ideas

• Easily create an invisible smudge and water • Impart repellency to stainless steel, pipes,
resistant surface treatment for sunglasses and other industrial metals and material
display screens, etc. • Reduce smudging and friction of stainless
steel and kitchen appliances
Rev 1/14/2020
• Non-fouling (ink-repellent) surface for printer • Treatment for anti-wetting applications in
nozzles micro fluidic devices
• Nonstick film for inside micro heat

Application Techniques
Surface Preparation/ Cleaning:
Ensure that the surface is free of any grease, fingerprints, adhesive residues or dirt (i.e., water break free). This can
be accomplished by first degreasing the surface with solvents or by rinsing with soap and water.
Then remove monolayer-scale contaminants. This is typically performed by using a cleaner specifically designed for
the metal you are working with. Contact Aculon if you are unsure what cleaner to use and we will recommend one
best suited for your application. The substrate should be water break-free before continuing to coating steps.

Treatment Application:
Wipe: Dispense 1.5 ml AL-B onto a fresh piece of folded polyester or cotton cloth and vigorously wipe every
surface for 1 minute by rubbing in a circular motion, then wipe excess treatment from the surface using a
microfiber cloth.

Spray: It is not recommended to spray-apply Aculon AL-B, as it is ‘autophobic’, meaning it repels itself as the
monolayer begins to form on the surface. This can create a film with multiple, large pinholes as well as excess
material drying up in spots on the surface. If you require a spray-based formulation, contact an Aculon
representative (Aculon A may be a better choice for you).

Dip: Immerse the substrate in the treatment for one minute, remove carefully so that excess treatment does not
dry up and streak/spot on the surface then air dry. If excess treatment does remain on the surface, wiping with a
microfiber cloth or a tissue wetted with ethanol will remove any excess. If you cannot or do not want to contact the
surface mechanically, then it can be alternatively rinsed away with Aculon fluorosolvent rinse (contact an Aculon
representative for samples).

Dip Coating with Sonication: Ensure the substrate is clean. Completely submerge the substrate in the solution
and sonicate for five minutes. Remove substrate from the solution and allow to air dry in a clean area.

Drying/ Curing: If curing is necessary (short dip times are used), the treated substrates are best cured at 120oC
peak metal temperature for approximately 30 seconds. For silicon and titanium oxides, lengthening the cure time
to 5 minutes is recommended. Aluminum does not need a cure if the dipping time is lengthened to 5 minutes/room
temperature, otherwise a cure is recommended.
Testing For Hydrophobicity:
Allow droplets of water to fall onto the surface, they should bead up and bounce or roll down easily without leaving
any tracks of water behind while tilting the substrate. If the surface is not hydrophobic clean the surface again and
Safety, Handling, Storage, Shelf Life:
Store in a cool (~25⁰C) and dry area, and keep away from direct sun light. See this product’s MSDS for proper
handling and fire hazard data. When stored properly, product has a 2 year shelf life.
For Additional Information:
To request additional product information or sales assistance, contact Aculon’s Technical Team, at 858-350-9474.
For information on other Aculon products, please visit our website at

Product Use: All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this document are based on tests or
experience that Aculon believes to be dependable. However, many factors beyond Aculon’s control can affect the use and
effectiveness of an Aculon product in a particular use or application, including conditions under which the product is used and the
time and conditions in which the product is expected to perform. Since these factors are exclusively within the user’s knowledge and
control, it is essential that the user evaluate the Aculon product to determine whether it is fit for a specific purpose and suitable for
the user’s method of application.
Warranty and Liability: Aculon makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, as
to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the goods arising out of a course of dealing, custom or usage of trade.
Aculon shall not be liable for any defect in the goods sold hereunder and customer releases Aculon from any and all liability for
negligence. Aculon will not be liable for consequential, incidental or any damages other than repair or replacement of defective good
or refund of the purchase price paid for such defective goods.

Aculon • 11839 Sorrento Valley Road • Suite 901 • San Diego • California • 92121
• Tel: 858-350-9474 • Email: [email protected]

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