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Buying And Selling

 Phone Sales
Hi, there! This is Chuck Wood calling from "Working People Magazine." We
have something good for you today: our biggest sale of the year! The price of
our magazine was $2.50 each. Now it's only $10 for ten magazines. That's $1
each. Call now! The number is 555-9663. Don't forget! That number was 555-
9663. Remember: "Working People Magazine" works for you!

Hello everyone. This week is the biggest offer in our products. Unapologetic's
Magazine usually costs 3$ but now we have a big offer. It costs 1$ for 5
magazines and if you buy another, we will get a free CD. This magazine is about
pop and rock music, so you enjoy the lastest news.
 Wrong Color
Idea principal:
Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for
thedelivery of her new chair. But the delivery man brought thewrong chair.

The story is called "Wrong Color" because the delivery man brought the wrong
chair. Ms. Green ordered a brown chair and Mr. Brown ordered a green chair.
Both came to the store and change.

 Statements

Conectar el sujeto con el resto  de la oración y hablar acerca del pasado


  I/She/He/It   was   in the kitchen.

  You/We/They  were  late.


  I/She/He/It   was not   angry.
  I/She/He/It   wasn't   here.
    were not  early.
    weren't   on time.

"Diana was at home yesterday."
"She wasn't at school."
"They were late to work."
"They weren't early."
 Questions

Realizar preguntas cuya respuesta es "sí" o "no".

El sujeto y el verbo cambian de


Afirmativa: They were at home.

Pregunta Si/No: Were they at home?
Negativa: He wasn't at school.
Pregunta Si/No: Wasn't he at school?(Se utilizan siempre con contracciones.)

  Yes, I was.
    No, I wasn't.


Realizar preguntas que comienzan con estasexpresiones interrogativas:WHAT,
Preguntas acerca del SUJETO:
Afirmativa: Juan was at home.
PREGUNTA -Wh: Who was at home?
Preguntas acerca del RESTO DE LA ORACIÓN:
Afirmativa: He was in Philadelphia.
Pregunta - Wh Where was he?
Afirmativa: He was there in 1990.
Pregunta - Wh: When was he there?

Police: "Where were you last nightat 9:30?"
Man: "I was at home all night."
Police: "Was Big Bob with you?"
Man: "No, he wasn't. I was alone."
 Shopping 2
Healthy Eating
 Food
Welcome to "Sheila's Kitchen." Today's program is about salads. Good
morning, Sheila.

Hello, Mike. And good morning to all our listeners. When I was young, we ate
green salads - lettuce or cucumbers - with some salt and a little lemon juice. My
mother served the salad with meat, chicken, and fish. But today, salads can be
your meal. Salads are healthy summer foods. And for dessert, some people like
a fresh fruit salad. And now, a few words about Durelle plates and dishes. You
can cook in them, bake in them, and freeze food in them, too. Buy Durelle
products and enjoy them in the kitchen and on your table. They are strong
enough for cooking. They are pretty enough for guests. Now let's return to our
 Dieters Are Feeling Great!
Idea principal
Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her "Fit Feels Great"
diet book three months ago. Thousands of people are already losing weight.
"They feel wonderful! This diet is healthy and safe. You don't need to buy
special foods. Anyone can use my diet!"

David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman. He's doing the "Fit Feels Great"
diet. "Before, I only ate a piece of cake for breakfast. Now I understand that
breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The body needs energy after a
long night without any food," he explains. Mr. Meals now eats some bread and
some fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast.

Rock singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too, and she feels terrific. Now, she
never eats fried foods. She eats a lot of turkey and chicken; they have less fat
than ham and steak. Maxi also doesn't use much salt. "I look ten years younger,
don't I?" the superstar says.


Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with

physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight,
reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Some examples are vegetables, they are
ver important in our lifestyle. Before the diet, I ate fried potatoes and grilled
chicken every day but now I'm on diet. I drink two gallons of pure water and I
eat vegetable salads with olive oil. I lose weight and I feel great.
 Non-Count and Quantifiers
RECUERDA: Los sustantivos incontables toman solo la
forma singular del verbo!

some (enunciado):
"There is some water in your glass."

any (preguntas y sentencias negative):

"Is there any money in the handbag?"
"There isn't any time left."

a lot of
"There is a lot of butter on your bread."

"I haven't got much money."
"How much milk do you want?"

a little
"I only want a little juice."
 Count Nouns and Quantifiers

 In the Kitchen
Getting Help
 Help

Man: Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the art museum. Can you give me directions?
Teenager: Sure. This street is Monroe Avenue. Walk up Monroe until you see a men's store. The
men's store is on the corner of Grant Street. Make a right on Grant, and take Grant to
Jackson Street. Jackson Street is easy to find because it has a large gift store on the
corner. Make a left at the gift store. Then walk up Jackson until you see a movie
theater. The art museum is opposite the movie theater.
Man: So...after the gift shop I look for a movie theater? Wait. I better write this down. Have you
got a pen?
Teenager: No, I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.
Man: Oh, then can you start from the beginning?
 Clean-House Agency
Idea principal
Do you always have a lot of housework?
Do you feel tired all the time?
Call the Clean-House Agency. We go everywhere. We do everything! The
Clean-House Agency can help you.
Call 555-1155 and ask for Mary. Don't wait!
Do it now!

We are experienced in all types of cleaning, including, home/office cleaning,
first-time deep cleaning. Cleaning appointments available from Monday to
Friday. We are the Cleaning Service, with an Advantage you have been looking
for. Contact: 074-432290.
 Statements

 Yes/No Questions
 Wh Questions

 Directions
 Sports
Good evening. This is Jack Hill, and here is today's sports!

First, baseball. Toronto is in first place. Sam Wilson says that his team is going
to win the championship this year. But, he says that every year.

In soccer, Bill Brown had the best game of his career. The Tour de France
bicycle race started yesterday in Paris at 3 o'clock. Last year, Jacques Chardin
won for France. Can he do it again? I don't know ...

In California, the Children's Olympics started yesterday. Good luck to all the 600
boys and girls.

And, finally, tennis.

Tonight is the big tennis match between rock star Maxi and the famous actor,
Peter Anson. This is Jack Hill, and that was the sports.
 People Are Crazy About Sports
Idea Principal
Why do people love to watch sports?
Sports is good business.
"People love the excitement of a good game."

 Equality
 Comparatives

 Superlatives
 Sports
Enjoy Your Meal!
 Restaurant

Nick: Ladies, your Coke and your coffee.

Amy: Do you have any sweetener?
Nick: Sure. Here's some.
Katie: How are the hamburgers here? They're not very good? Hmm. How about some pizza?
Nick: I'm sorry, we don't have any pizza. But our lasagna is excellent.
Katie: OK. Sure.
Amy: I'd like a salad, please.
Nick: OK. Which one?
Amy: Are there tomatoes in the house salad?
Nick: Yes, there are.
Amy: Let me see. No, bring me the taco salad.
Nick: How about some chili with that?
Amy: No, only the salad.
WRITING : He said: Lasagna is very good, but they don't have pizzas, so Katie will eat it. For Amy, he
asked if she wants chilli, but she prefers taco salad.
 Sales at Shopright


Sale at Shopright Supermarket.

Make a fat-free dinner tonight!

3 cans of vegetables: 33 cents.

Delicious steak with onions from our chef: 1/2 price.

Try our salt-free turkey: only 99 cents a pound.

Buy a watermelon for $1.89. Eat light! Save money!

- onions

- turkey

- watermelon

- light vegetables

- steak
 Count and Non-Count

 Nutrition
Interesting People
 Interview

Sandra: Welcome to "Meet the People." I'm Sandra Waters.My guest today is Larry Patel. Larry is an
inventor. His newest invention is the "whistling wallet." Good evening, Larry.
Larry: Good evening, Sandra.
Sandra: Larry, what is a "whistling wallet"?
Larry: Well, it's a special wallet with a small battery inside. If you sing near it, the wallet
whistles. People often lose their wallets in their homes. Now they can easily find them.
Sandra: Do you need to sing a special song?
Larry: No. Any song is OK.
Sandra: Oh, great! It's easier to sing than to look all over the house. Where can I buy the wallet?
Larry: Well, I still have to work on it. I gave wallets to some of my friends. Now two of them are
angry at me. They went to a concert, and their wallets made noise all the time. The people
around them were very angry.
 Do It!


 Regular Verbs
 Irregular Verbs

 Questions
 Adjectives 2

Family Life
 Breakfast

Father: Good Morning!

Daughter: Hi, Dad.
Father: How's this tie? Is it OK?
Daughter: I guess so. I don't know. You should ask Mum.
Father: Mum just left for work.
Daughter: Well, it's fine I guess. Dad, are you going to the office today?
Father: I usually go to the office on Tuesdays, but today I have a big
meeting at the factory. Why?
Daughter: Oh, I just wanted a lift to school.
Father: I can still take you to school. What time is it?
Daughter: I don't know. About seven, maybe.
Father: OK. Come on. We don't want to be late.
Daughter: Thanks, Dad.
 The Family Picnic


My mother decided to have a family reunion. So she invited our relatives to a picnic in
the park.
We found a nice place to sit outside.
We talked, ate, and had lots of fun.

 Tag Questions
 Can

 Relationships
A Bad Day
 Search

Adam: Hi Karen, what are you doing?

Karen: I'm looking for my report. This is impossible. I need the report for my
meeting. It was on my desk.
Adam: Maybe it's in Mark's office. Do you want me to ask him? I have to go
talk to him anyway.
Karen: Yes. Please ask Mark. Maybe he has my report. Oh no! This is just not
my day.
Adam: Let me help you. Hey what's that under your chair?
Karen: My report! It's all wet. I need a vacation.
 Grumble's Department Store

Hi! I have a summer job at Grumble's Department Store.

Dear friend,

Hi! I'm working at Ripley Store. I'm always trying to be happy and smile. I really don't
like my job but I need the money only for summer. The store always is crowded of
customers. And I don't have any breaks. I need a vacation right now.

 Have To
 May

 Work

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