Immersed Cross Sections

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by JAN SAVEUR Volker Stevin Construction Europe bv WALTER GRANTZ Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel District The Netherlands U.S.A.

Contributions and comments for the 1997 edition by:

Christian Ingerslev


Tunnellingand UndergroundSpace Technology. Vol.12, No.2, pp.93-109, 1997

1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0886-7798197 $17.00+0.00


Chapter 3: Structural Design of Immersed Tunnels




2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Immersion Installation Fabrication Joints Watertightness Cross-section Types


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

General Steel Shell Tunnels Concrete Tunnels The Expansion Joint Concept for Concrete Tunnels The Waterproofing Membrane Concept Protection of Concrete Against Chemical Attack Longitudinal Prestressing DESIGN OF T Y PI C A L TUNNEL SECTION Interior Geometry Typical Composite Steel Shell Cross-Section Typical Concrete Box Structure Weight and Balance L O N G I T U D I N A L A R T I C U L A T I O N AND J O I N T S Steel Shell Tunnels Concrete Tunnels Shear Transfer in Intermediate Joints Intermediate Flexible Rubber Joint Design Expansion Joint Design Final Joint of Concrete Tunnels

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4


5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6



6.1 6.2

Transverse Analysis Longitudinal Analysis


7.1 7.2 7.3


Stage 1: Fabrication and Launching Stage 2: Internal Outfitting with Concrete Stage 3: Final Condition after Backfilling in Place LOADINGS Loading Combinations and Allowable Stress Increments Accidental Loads TYPICAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS

8.1 8.2


Volume 12, Number 2, 1997

The purpose of this report is to develop an understanding of the state-of-the-art structural design for immersed road and railway tunnels. The report covers common and specific aspects of steel and ~ncrete tunnels. It is the first time that engineers from Europe, the U.S.A., and Japan have collaborated on a report of this kind for immersed tunnels. This report is very timely in that, in recent years, a longstanding tradition has begun to fade. No longer are steel shell tunnels the only types of tunnels constructed in the United States, and concrete box tunnels the only type of tunnels used in Europe. A steel shell tunnel was a serious contender in the competition for the Great Belt Tunnel in Denmark, while the concrete box will be used for the Fort Point Channel Tunnel in Boston (Massachusetts, U.S.A.), currently under design. The history of imtaersed tunnel practice began in 1910, with the construction of a two-track railroad tunnel across the Detroit River between the United States and Canada. For the next thirty years or so, virtually all immersed tunnels were constructed in the United States. During this time a rather specific steel shell technology e m e r g e d - - a technology that has continued largely unchanged up to the present. In 1941, construction of the Maas Tunnel in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) began, marking the beginning of the use of immersed tunnels in Europe. Shallow river crossings with multiple-lane requirements led naturally to the concrete box scheme, a very different method of design and construction from the steel shell. A considerable number of tunnels were constructed in Europe with this method; and, as a result, engineers in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, France, Belgium, and Denmark adopted the concrete box method exclusively. This tradition persists today. Meanwhile, Japan was building tunnels of both types. The authors believe that Europe and the United States, as well as other countries, would do well to follow Japan's example. It is hoped that this ITA Report will encourage engineers to make equal use of both of these basic technologies. Each has unique advantages and limitations, depending on the site. The selection of method should be made by engineers on the basis of job site conditions--not because of a lack of understanding of either method.


Tunnel Practices

2.1 Immersed Tunnel--Definition

An immersed tunnel consists of one or more prefabricated tunnel elements that are floated to the site, installed one by one, and connected to one another under water. An immersed tunnel is generally installed in a trench that has been dredged previously in the bottom of a waterway between terminal structures constructed in the dry. The space between the trench bottom and the soffit of the tunnel can be a previously prepared gravel bed; or it can be sand bedding, either pumped or jetted underneath the tunnel. Piled foundations are sometimes used, where soil conditions require them. As construction proceeds, the tunnel is backfilled. The completed tunnel is usually covered with a protective layer over the roof.

2.2 Fabrication
Most concrete tunnel elements are prefabricated inside drydocks or specially constructed casting basins. Sometimes the cofferdam for the approach ramp structure is first used as a basin for the fabrication of the tunnel elements. Occasionally elements have been fabricated on semisubmersibles or launched using a marine lift. Steel shell tunnel, elements are usually fabricated in a shipyard. After the element is launched, most of the interior concrete is installed while the element is floating. The element is then placed in the trench. Steel shell tunnels have also been fabricated and partly concreted in drydocks.

2.3 Joints
All joints are gasketted and tightly closed. The immersion joints between the tunnel elements can be permanently flexible rubber compression gaskets, as is often the case for concrete tunnels. These gaskets are pre-installed at one end of each tunnel element. Intermediate joints can also be made rigid. This is done at the inside of the temporary immersion seal by welding lap plates to the shells of steel tunnels or by placing concrete for concrete tunnels. The final joint must always be made in

situ. 2.4 Watertightness

Immersed tunnels have few in-situ joints. With regard to watertightness, this is quite an advantage over most bored tunnels. Immersed tunnels are designed to be watertight. Standards for acceptable leakage rates that are state-of-the-art for bored tunnels have no meaning for immersed tunnels. Steel shell tunnels are watertight by virtue of the quality of the many welds of the shell made in the fabrication yard, by virtue of the quality of the in-situ joints, and on the quality of the flexible joints (if they are used). The watertightness of concrete tunnels depends on the quality of the joints, on the absence of full-depth cracks in the concrete, and on the quality of the waterproofing (if it is used). Many concrete tunnels are provided with watertight enveloping membranes. In addition to providing watertightness, these membranes are sometimes needed to shield the structural concrete-against aggressive chemical agents. There are distinctly different views among design engineers about the necessity of such membranes.

1. Introduction
Even though immersed tunnels are designed and constructed worldwide, special codes for immersed tunnels do not exist. Standard codes for highway structures are often used, although these codes relate to structures designed for a different structural performance and generally more severe environmental exposure than immersed tunnels. The layout and design of an immersed tunnel is very much related to construction opportunities and site conditions. The state-of-the-art described in this report covers different practices that serve the same goal: namely, to produce watertight and durable immersed tunnels. Important issues for concrete tunnels are the differences in practices for providing watertightness and durability against aggressive groundwater. These practices cannot be evaluated properly without an understanding of the influence of the longitudinal performance of the tunnel structure. These topics are discussed in some depth in this chapter, using numerical examples. Both steel and concrete tunnels require that the towing, immersing, and final conditions be analysed. For the structural design of steel shell tunnels, two additional construction stages require separate and different design analyses. These are described and the assumptions are detailed for each case.

2.5 Tunnel Cross-section

In most cases, the selection of the typical cross-section is determined by preferences based on successful p r e v i o u s experience in the specific region or country, as well as local site constraints (as witnessed by the practice in the U.S.A. of selecting steel shell tunnels; in northwest Europe, of

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selecting concrete tunnels; and in Japan, where both concepts are applied). Recent international immersed tenders in Europe have included alternative options for steel tunnels. The structure of a steel shell tunnel consists of relatively thin-walled composite steel and concrete rings. The steel shell provides the water barrier. The ballast concrete is placed outside the shell in pockets formed between the structural diaphragms. Concrete tunnels are monolithic structures in which most of the final weight is incorporated in the structural components. There is a wide range of cross-sectional configurations, depending on the intended use of the tunnels. In determining the ultimate shape and size of the tunnel cross-section, the designers must consider, for example, whether the tunnel is to be used for railway or motor traffic; how many tracks or lanes altogether are required; whether it will be a single tube, double tube, or multiple tube; what the ventilation requirements will be; and what construction practices will be applied.

underneath the roadway or walkway. Often, however, a special services gallery is preferred or may be required by the fire department for emergency escape. Examples of cross-sections Of concrete immersed tunnels are shown in Figure 3-2.

2.5.3 Miscellaneous
Low-point drainage sumps have to be provided within the confines of the structure. In binocular double-steelshell tunnels, the sump can be placed between the tubes. In single-steel-shell and concrete tunnels, the sumps have to be placed underneath the roadway. The presence of service galleries is helpful in positioning the pumps. Generally, for given cross-sectional requirements for vehicular space and ventilation, the concrete box section can be made shallower than the steel section. However, for the same conditions, the steel section is generally a narrower section. For a given internal air volume, the final weight will be the same in both cases

2.5.1 Steel (shell) tunnels

For steel shell tunnels, a circular-shaped section for a single tube or a binocular shape for a double-tube crosssection are most economical for external pressure loading, as most sections of the structural ring or rings are in compression at all times. An additional benefit lies in the fact that the space between the roadway slab and the invert and the space above the suspended ceiling, if applied, can be used for air supply and exhaust for transverse ventilation. These spaces can also be used for services. For larger vehicular tunnels, the usual configuration involves one or two tubes, each having two roadway lanes. The structure consists of a circular steel shell stiffened with steel diaphragms. A reinforced concrete ring installed inside the shell is tied to the shell and acts composite with the shell and the diaphragms. This is the main structure, designed to resist applied hydrostatic and soil loadings. Welded to the exterior flange plates of the diaphragms is a second "shell", the form plate, which acts as a container for the ballast concrete, partly placed as tremie. This ballast weight provides the required negative buoyancy. This type of tunnel is known as a "double-steel-shell tunnel". The single-steel-shell concept is used for tunnels with one or two relatively narrow tubes, such as tunnels for metro rail transportation. The steel shell is on the outside and acts compositely with the internal ring concrete. The ballast concrete, which is proportionately less than for a larger double-steel-shell highway tunnel, is placed on top of the element to keep the shell as small in section as possible. For single tubes, a circular shape is preferable; sharp corners are avoided. Single-steel-shell tunnels have little spare allowance for internal ducting. Examples of steel shell tunnel cross-sections are shown in Figure 3-1.

3. Watertightness
3.1 Genera/
Although watertightness is one of the primary objectives of any immersed tunnel design, the design would be deficient if the consequences of incidental small leakage were ignored. On the large perimeter surface of a tunnel element, the possibility of an undetected pinhole in a steel weld or an undetected construction imperfection of the concrete or waterproofing membrane cannot be ruled out completely. Suitable repair methods exist and must be specified in the design. The buildup of water pressure within the tunnel wall system must be avoided by provision of proper drainage into the tunnel drainage system. Seepages of this kind are very small and do not require extra drainage and sump capacity.

3.2 Steel Shell Tunnels

For steel shell tunnel elements, watertightness is provided purely by the steel shell itself. The watertightness relies on the quality of the large number of welds. The concrete inside the shell is transversely under compression.

3.3 Concrete Tunnels

For concrete tunnels, leakage is related to the quality of the waterproofing membrane, if used, and to the development of cracks. Therefore, an understanding of the different structural behaviours in the transverse and longitudinal directions is important. In the transverse direction, box-shaped reinforced concrete tunnels always have zones in the roof and base slabs that experience bending tension, notwithstanding the transverse compression. The tunnel section is designed so that the resulting cracks can only partially penetrate, leaving the concrete in the compression zone sufficiently thick to avoid leakage through cracks. In the longitudinal direction, the stresses are of a much lower magnitude than in the transverse direction. The basic stress is marginal compression. Secondary effects that can cause partial tension should not lead to full depth cracks. Thermal shrinkage cracks are a typical secondary effect. In thick concrete members, the heat of hydration causes substantial heating of the member. After some time the member will cool off to the ambient temperature. The resulting contraction of the now-hardened concrete may be subjected to restraint. For example, this occurs when casting walls onto a base slab that was cast at an earlier stage. The result of the cooling contraction of the wall connected to the rigid base slab is compression in the base slab and longitudinal tensile strain in the bottom part of the walls.

2.5.2 Concrete Tunnels

For concrete tunnels, circular shapes have also been used for single tubes (in combination with transverse ventilation) and for relatively narrow service tunnels. For railway tunnels with two single-track tubes, the near binocular shape is often used because of the obvious advantage for transverse load transfer. However, the shape most often used for double- and multiple-tube concrete traffic tunnels is the rectangular box, which may have to be widened with extra cells for ventilation air supply and services. The box shape best approaches the rectangular internal clearance required for motor traffic, with good conformity between resistance and weight. The box shape also permits practical concrete construction practice. When longitudinal ventilation would be sufficient, all of the services can be kept within the traffic tubes--that is, along the roof and inside the ballast concrete


Volume 12, Number 2, 1997

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Figure 3-1.

Examples of cross-sections of steel-shell immersed tunnels.

The vertical joint between two segments is basically an unreinforced cold joint provided with a cast-in flexible waterstop. In this way, the tunnel element can be subjected to flexural deformations without developing longitudinal tensile strain between the expansion joints, which .can cause cracking of the concrete. It is common practice to provide an external sealant or waterproofing membrane across the immediate vicinity of the joint (see Fig. 3-9). Great care must be taken to assure that shrinkage of thermal cracking does not occur in the segments and that any cracks which do occur are sealed prior to floating the element out of the casting basin. During transportation and installation, the segments of such a tunnel element must be structurally coupled in the longitudinal direction. This can be done by temporary coupling rods, with or without prestress; or by temporary longitudinal prestressing tendons over the full length of the tunnel element. The temporary prestressing tendons are usually cut after installation. However, they are sometimes maintained permanently--for example, when flexural bending of the tunnel is not expected, as may be the case with a piled foundation.

Unless proper measures are taken, vertical full-depth cracks can occur at about 5-m intervals. Satisfactory processes have been developed to avoid these construction cracks, namely by reducing heat of hydration by using concrete with relatively low cement content and forced cooling in the lower part of the walls (see Fig. 3-3). Sometimes this is done in combination with insulation and heating of the base slabs. If cracks nevertheless are found, remedial grouting appears to be effective. Effective control of differential heat development largely depends on the heat of hydration of the concrete. This process, in turn, is a direct function of the amount of cement in the mix. Therefore, the use of typical concrete mixes with high cement factors (taken from highway structures codes) can be counterproductive in this respect. There are two basic concepts regarding control of leakage for concrete tunnels: 1. The expansion joint concept involves avoiding longitudinal stresses that can cause cracks, thereby relying on the watertightness of the uncracked concrete. 2. The waterproofing membrane concept involves enveloping the concrete tunnel element in a waterproofing membrane. Each of these concepts is discussed in more detail below.

3.5 Waterproofing Membrane Concept

For a number of reasons, such as seismic loading or control of displacements, it may be desirable to make tunnel elements monolithic in, say, 100-m lengths. Full-depth transverse cOncrete cracks can develop, especially in the vertical construction joints, unless action is taken to reduce that possibility. With such a concept, the membrane waterproofing that envelopes the element is a prerequisite and plays an important part. There may be other reasons for using a waterproofing membrane, such as to protect the concrete against aggressive qualities of the surrounding environment,

3.4 Expansion Joint Concept for Concrete Tunnel Waterproofing

The expansion joint concept involves achieving watertightness by avoiding transverse cracking of the concrete. A tunnel element 100 m long or more is designed with expansion joints. The length between the expansion joints is determined by the practical length of a complete concrete pour, which is in the range of 20 m.

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Figure 3-2. Examples of cross-sections of immersed concrete tunnels.


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Sometimes coating of the steel plate is also specified, but it is practically impossible to provide it without some local d e f i c i e n c i e s (e.g., at splices). N e v e r t h e l e s s , the coating, although imperfect, will reduce the direct current demand. O b v i o u s l y , a w a t e r p r o o f i n g m e m b r a n e must be fully continuous around the whole of a tunnel element. The emphasis for steel plates is on the quality of the welds. For bituminous and plastic membranes, the emphasis must be on providing the proper application; observing the proper limitations for weather conditions; and providing good overlaps over the upstand of the steel membrane. Sometimes the transition area is also clamped. A small leak in a non-adhering membrane can allow water to flow underneath the membrane to weak spots in the concrete at other locations, thereby making the source of leakage difficult to trace. Such problems may be reduced by using membranes divided into compartments, the edges of which are attached or embedded in the concrete. A combination of these two m e t h o d s - - i . e . , using both waterproofing membranes and the expansion joint m e t h o d - is not considered cost-effective or advisable.

Figure 3-3.

Thermal shrinkage problem and solution.

3.6 Protection of Structural Concrete against Chemical A ttack

The direct exposure of the structural concrete of immersed tunnels to their external ambient e n v i r o n m e n t is much less severe than the exposure of highway structures to the atmosphere. Observations in the course of durability investigations have attested to the long-term reliability of r e i n f o r c e d c o n c r e t e structures p e r m a n e n t l y i m m e r s e d in sea water, particularly in temperate climates. In sea water, chloride ions will diffuse into the concrete, thereby depassivating the concrete. Corrosion of the steel reinforcement can begin when the depassivation front has reached the reinforcement. However, the corrosion of the reinforcement at the outside face of the concrete will not be effective, because of the very scarce supply of oxygen. The type of cement used and the density of the concrete are important factors for the penetration rate of chloride ions and oxygen. The chloride diffusion front may never penetrate to the inside face of the concrete. Sulphate attack in sea water is not a c c o m p a n i e d by expansion of the concrete because of the presence of chlorides. Gypsum and sulpho-aluminates, which are soluble in chloride-rich e n v i r o n m e n t s , are leached out. Therefore, special sulphate-resisting cement is not needed; and, moreover, would increase the sensitivity of the concrete to chloride penetration. The inside face of the concrete, especially in road tunnels, is generally exposed to chloride attack in an oxygen-rich e n v i r o n m e n t where the air may be aggressive. Furthermore, in many tunnels, passing vehicles bring in deicing salts, which add to the depassivation of the concrete by carbonation. Similar results can occur as a result of ventilation using salt-laden air. The steel reinforcement also could be subject to corrosion. Again, the best practical protection is good concrete density and sufficient concrete cover. Even though the steel reinforcement is more sensitive to corrosion at the inside face of the concrete than at the outside face, protective membrane waterproofing methods are not used on the interior faces.

or to cover the cracks ~hat may be inevitable with the selected method of construction. When a waterproofing membrane is used, the concrete beneath the membrane will be monolithic, using regular vertical construction joints with continuous longitudinal reinforcement. The waterproofing membrane is made continuous over the full length of the tunnel element. The following options are used for waterproofing membranes: Steel plate below the base, with bituminous or plastic membranes on the walls and roof. Steel plate below the base and on the sides, with bituminous or plastic membrane on the roof only. Steel plate all around. Plastic m e m b r a n e s all around. All b i t u m i n o u s and most plastic m e m b r a n e s must be protected against m e c h a n i c a l damage. This protection is usually provided by a concrete layer, particularly on the roof. P r o t e c t i o n must be p e r m a n e n t l y held against the waterproofing layer. On the sides, some form of protection board may be used rather than concrete. Unfortunately, c o n c r e t e protection requires anchors that penetrate the membrane. Other necessary penetrations are for bollard and fender connections, access shafts, and certain immersion equipment. Steel plate skins applied on the sides for waterproofing are also used as stay-in-place formwork for the walls of the element. For steel membranes across the roof area, holes can be left in the plates for placing and vibrating the concrete. The holes are closed up later. This method is more complicated for a fl~t roof than for an arched roof. An alternative method is to apply the steel roof plates after concreting the roof. Steel rails are partly embedded in the top of the concrete. Steel plates will be welded to these rails and any voids will be grouted afterwards. Steel plate membranes (typically 6 mm thick) are anchored into the concrete by welded studs, usually four studs per square meter. B e c a u s e the thin plates are rather sensitive to temperature deformations, much care is required to keep the plates fiat. The bond between the steel plate skin and the c o n c r e t e should not be relied upon, notwithstanding the use of the studs, because the steel plate membrane does not provide a structural contribution to the c o n c r e t e structure. To protect the steel plate membranes against corrosion, i m p r e s s e d current c a t h o d i c p r o t e c t i o n can be installed.

3. 7 Longitudinal Prestressing
To avoid uncontrollable full-depth cracks, the longitudinal working tensile stress should not exceed the tensile strength of the concrete. Normally this requirement can be satisfied in the design of concrete tunnels. If needed, a fairly small rate of longitudinal prestress can substantially increase the allowable range of loading that causes tensile stresses, a procedure that has been adopted for a number of tunnels. For example, for concrete with a tensile strength of 2 MPa and 1 MPa

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longitudinal prestress, the range of loading causing longitudinal tensile stress could be 50% higher.

4. Design of Typical Tunnel Section

4.1 Interior Geometry
The interior geometry of immersed tunnels depends largely on local, state or national highway or railway design standards applicable to the type and volume of traffic for which the tunnel is designed. Interior clearance envelopes for ceiling height and width of lanes or tracks are set by these agencies. Other requirements may involve ventilation equipment; overhead sign clearances; safety and access walkways; placing of services; and use of suspended ceilings, curb details, etc. Roadway drainage, superelevation, and sight distance for horizontal, and vertical curvature may also play a part in the interior geometrical design. The vertical clearance should be extended to compensate for expected (unequal) settlements and dimensional inaccuracies. The horizontal clearance may have to be extended for horizontal inaccuracies.

4.2 Description of Typical Composite Steel Shell Crosssection

Figure 3-4 shows a typical cross-section of a double-steelshell tunnel. The main structural element consists of an interior steel shell plate made composite with the reinforced concrete ring within it. The exterior steel, called the "form plate," envelopes the interior shell in an octagonal shape up to the elevation of the crown of the interior shells. The shell and the form plate are interconnected by steel plate diaphragms at 4- to 5-m centres. Exterior concrete fills the space between the shell and the formplate and completely covers the shell plate. The bottom part and the roof part of the exterior concrete are poured in the dry and are part of the composite structure, along with the concrete ring inside the inner shell. The exterior concrete on the sides, which is poured under water, serves to restrain buckling of the diaphragm flanges and acts as ballast and protection to the steel shell. The interior steel shell is provided on the inside with J-shaped steel hooks that are stud-welded to the shell plate. These hooks

tie the ring concrete and its reinforcing steel to the shell to !6rovide the composite action. The steel assembly is usually built on land, provided with end bulkheads, and then launched sideways or longitudinally. It is usual for the bottom part of the exterior concrete to be in place. In most cases, this "keel" concrete provides the necessary additional weight to ensure stability, and perhaps also sufficient strength, during towing. The ring concrete inside and remaining outside concrete ballast are placed while the assembly is afloat. The structural loadings during the subsequent construction stages are quite complex. The stresses in the shell are more severe during launching, towing and outfitting with interior concrete than occur when the element is finally immersed. The interior shell is about 8 mm thick and is stiffened with external longitudinal stiffeners. The form plate is usually 6 mm thick. For double-shell design, the composite steel concrete tunnel is completed by covering the steel shell all around with a thick concrete cover, which provides mechanical and corrosion protection for the steel shell. The double-steelshell element end detail shown in Figure 3-5 illustrates the typical structural steel arrangement. The single-steel-shell type of tunnel is simpler in concept, although also subject to critical steel shell stresses in the launching stage, especially when the interior concrete is not yet installed. To stiffen and stabilise the element in the launching stage, the base of the interior concrete ring is installed prior to launching. The steel shell is stiffened with stiffening plates and temporary transverse spiderweb frames. For double-tube single-shell elements, a vertical longitudinal steel truss is constructed in the center between the shells. This truss will later be absorbed in the interior concrete and partly removed where cross-passages are required. Figure 3-1 shows an example of a single steelshell element. Cathodic protection is sometimes required for singlesteel-shell tunnels if the tunnel passes through a zone of stray currents, such as a subway system or an industrial facility. In such cases, provisions are made to measure the currents at test locations. These tests will determine the required level of impressed current needed to prevent loss of steel section.

4.3 Description of Typical Concrete Tunnel

Concrete tunnels are usually rectangular and can be considered as a monolithic frame comprising base, walls and roof. Most tunnels have a horizontal construction joint between the base and the walls. Waterstops are sometimes provided in these construction joints (they are not used in The Netherlands). It should be noted that the application of a waterstop may obstruct the easy placing and compaction of the concrete, which is not the case on a clean flat surface. Generally, the weight and downward forces in the whole of the wall provide enough pressure to make the joint watertight without sp.ecial provisions being made. The walls and slabs for a traffic tunnel are usually at least 1 m thick. To increase the resistance for shear and hogging moments, haunches are provided at junctions between walls and slabs. When designed without haunches, the base slab js up to 1,5 times thicker than the roof, with the top following the cross-fall of the roadway. This arrangement is not only attractive for construction, but also provides mass stability to the tunnel element. Sometimes the floating condition may require a thinner base with haunches in the corners. Base haunches require special attention for concreting. The ballast concrete is placed on top of the base. A l l o w a n c e f o r services in concrete tunnels. The main electrical feeders are usually placed in conduits in the ballast layer and/or are suspended from the roof. The services inside the tubes can be reduced to local distribu-



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Figure 3-4. tunnel.

Typical cross-section of a double-steel-shell


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The fixed permanent ballast concrete, inside or outside. The weight of protective membranes and cover concrete. The roadway pavement, suspended roadway slabs, or fixed-track support concrete.

3. Factors not considered as stabilizing are::

Backfill surcharge and downward friction. The weight of mechanical equipment and suspended ceilings.

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Figure 3-5. Double-steel-shell element and detail, and typical structural steel arrangement. Formplate is only partially indicated.
tion if a special services gallery is used. The exterior walls in the latter case would not require large panel recesses, which can act as crack initiators. The same could apply if the size of the low point drainage sump would require deep recessing into the base slab.

4.4 WeightBalance
The design of the cross-sectional geometry is very sensitive to variations in the density of the water and the construction materials; dimensional inaccuracies; and the weights of temporary equipment needed for transportation, temporary installation and the permanent condition. A concrete tunnel element must be able to float with all temporary immersion equipment on board. The freeboard should be minimal to reduce the amount of permanent and temporary ballasting. The temporary on-bottom weight, with the water ballast tanks filled, must be sufficient. For the permanent condition, it must be guaranteed safe against uplift with the fixed ballast in place. The roof is usually covered with a protective concrete layer that is also used for trimming purposes. When bituminous waterproofing membranes are applied to the walls, protective wood cover or concrete cover is also applied to the walls, either as cast-in-place or precast panels. The roof edges are usually bevelled, to reduce the risk of hooking ship's anchors. The minimum factor of safety for the permanent condition of immersed tunnels is often specified as 1.10, based on the following conditions: 1" Uplift forces: Buoyancy by the water at the maximum expected density and according to the theoretical displacement. Hydraulic lag, if applicable in tidal waterways.

These factors are used to determine the required geometry. The actual safety factor may be slightly higher or lower, depending on the actual as-built dimensions. For example, a part of the stable type of roof protection, such as rip rap, may be allowed to be included in the safety factor of 1.10. Sometimes a minimum safety factor of 1.06 is applied for concrete tunnels with only the structural concrete and ballast concrete as stabilising factors. For steel shell tunnels, 1.07 is applied, excluding the contribution of the side walk concrete. The minimum temporary safety factor during installation is usually 1.03 after release of the immersion equipment. Sometimes allowance has to be made for uplift caused by hydraulic gradient. A hydraulic gradient can be caused by tidal lag of piezometric height underneath the tunnel, which can occur with silty or clayey backfill in tidal waterways. Another cause of hydraulic gradient is the suction caused by the squatting of ships passing over; however, this factor is only considered in the installation stage. For steel shell tunnels, the total amount of concrete needed for the weight balance amply exceeds that required for strength. The external ballast concrete is the variable factor for the weight balance. For concrete tunnels, the thickness of the structural concrete is generally sufficient for the strength. The determination of the final geometry is more complicated because the ballast concrete is on the inside. Variation of the internal ballast volume affects the internal geometry.


Longitudinal Articulation and Joints

Immersed tunnels are rigid structures in the longitudinal direction. The stresses with which the structure would respond to axial tensile strain (temperature) and longitudinal bending strain (unequal settlement or large surcharge discontinuities) depend on the material properties and the longitudinal articulation.

5. I Steel Shell Tunnels

Steel shell tunnels have approximately the same longitudinal flexural rigidity as concrete tunnels. However, by virtue of the inherent ductility of the steel shell, they have a larger longitudinal strain capacity, and are therefore less sensitive to foundation discontinuities and temperature deformations than concrete tunnels. The concrete part of the composite structure inside the steel shell is not controlled in the design for transverse cracking under longitudinal tensile strain. It will not affect the hoop resistance of the composite ring. Generally the steel shell is made fully continuous within the length of the immersed tunnel and with special joints at the terminal structures (e.g., as for the BART railway tunnel in San Francisco); or with sleeved joints, as recently developed for Boston's Ted Williams Tunnel. The continuity joint is often made by a bayonet-type fitting of the abutting ends of the interior shells, which are lapped by plates welded to them on the inside. Temporary watertightness is achieved by tremie concrete between the shell and a cofferdam formed by the "element end bulkheads" and side closure plates. This type of joint is called a "tremie concrete joint" (see Fig. 3-6).

2. Stabilizing lo~ds:
The theoretical weight of the structural steel, concrete and reinforcement steel, assuming a realistic density for the concrete that will not exceed the actual density.

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steel bulkhead

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Figure 3-6. Typical tremie concrete joint for a double-shell steel tunnel.

Figure 3-7. Intermediate joint with sliding arrangement for a double-steel-shell tunnel . ment under expected long-term decompression and relaxation of the gasket. Nevertheless, a second flexible rubber water barrier is installed at the dewatered joint by bolting it to the inside faces of the two tunnel elements. The shape of this curved, slab-type rubber seal or gasket, often referred to as the "Omega" seal because of its shape, is sometimes considered to be the main seal. The space between the Gina gasket and the Omega seal is usually drained off to the inside of the tunnel, providing a direct indication of the performance of the outer gasket. An example of an intermediate flexible joint design for concrete tunnels is shown in Figure 3-8. This type of joint can also be used for steel tunnels, when flexible joints are required. The Gina-type gasket acts as a flexible joint under compression, and can practically be considered as a hinge in longitudinal moment transfer. Shear resistance can be ignored, because it has a tendency to slip along its base under shear deformation. For this reason, shear deformation across a joint is not limited by properties of the Gina g~isket, but rather by the allowable shear strain of the Omega gasket, especially with regard to its corner sections. The exterior rubber gasket should be placed as much as possible to the outside of the structure, in order to keep the recess between the side and the outside of the gasket shallow. This arrangement prevents backfill material from accumulating gradually and obstructing the proper movement of the joint.

5.2 Concrete Tunnels

Concrete tunnels are usually provided with permanent flexible joints to reduce restraint to temperature contraction and to reduce flexural bending. However, there is an example of a concrete tunnel made monolithic over 400 m, but with flexible terminal joints. The type of solid rubber gaskets generally used between concrete immersion units normally can provide enough flexibility for this purpose without losing their sealing capacity. These rubber gaskets only transfer compression effectively. To prevent shear deformation in an intermediate joint, which is desirable for the alignment and for sealing performance, shear keys are required. An example of an intermediate joint for a double steel-shell tunnel is shown in Figure 3-7.

5.3 Shear Transfer in Intermediate Joints

Transfer of large shear forces in intermediate joints can best be achieved by shear keys in the walls that are made in situ in front of the inner face of the permanent watertight gasket. They can also be installed prior to placement with provisions for in-situ adjustment. Shear transfer for small shear forces can be accomplished using shear keys or longitudinally movable dowels in the base slab area of the joint. Settlement discontinuities often occur at the terminal joint, Shear fixity is desirable, but the shear force and resulting bending moment can become very large. To reduce the shear, the following solutions, or a combination thereof, can be applied: Ground improvement, in the case of soft upper layers. Delaying the shear connection until a part of the settlement has taken place. Readjustment of the tunnel elevation with reinjection of bedding sand. Preloading by internal flooding.

5.5 Expansion Joints

These joints are used in some concrete tunnel elements at the location of the vertical construction joints. They are basically cold joints without steel reinforcement, provided with steel-rubber flexible waterstops. Special provisions are made to enable pressure grouting access around the waterstop after the main structural concrete is hardened. A typical Dutch expansion joint is shown in Figure 3-9. Sealant is provided at the external face to prevent entry of backfill. When the tunnel in its permanent condition is subjected to longitudinal curvature, these joints will open at the "tension" side. However, tension cannot be transferred through these joints. This relieves the concrete between the expansion joints of longitudinal tension transfer.

5.4 Intermediate Flexible Rubber Joint Design

A type of solid rubber gasket, sometimes referred to as a

"Gina" gasket, is used for practically all concrete tunnels. It is used as a temporary seal at the installation stage and remains as a flexible compression seal for the permanent stage. The facing tunnel element ends are lined with steel plates that are matched as parallel planes within +5 mm tolerance. The gasket is clamped at its backside. The specifications for material characteristics and geometry are usually based on the permanent sealing require-

5.6 Final Joint of Concrete Tunnels

The final joint cannot be made with the intermediate rubber compression joint that is used in the regular intermediate joints. Wedges or spacers are placed by diver


Volume 12, Number 2, 1997

between the opposing tunnel faces to maintain separation during dewatering. They are positioned to lie inside the future temporary watertight enclosure and will maintain the longitudinal compression. The joint can be made monolithic, or with shear transfer provision to the concrete on one side of the joint and with a flexible waterstop on the other side. In this way, the joint will resemble the action of the expansion joint described in Section 5.5, above. An example of a final joint for concrete tunnels is shown in Figure 3-10.

upper bond values to find extreme bending in different members of the frame. In numerical analysis, it is practical to model an elastic foundation for the base with a given spring constant. For the soft soil case, the effect on transverse moment distribution is practically the same as a uniform ground pressure distribution. In the case of hard subsoil, it is advisable to investigate the sensitivity to the spring constant, because the spring constant cannot precisely be determined and may vary with time.


Structural Analysis for Concrete Tunnels

6.1.1 Structural resistance

Under some national codes, only the Ultimate Limit State (U.L.S.) is checked, using the appropriate load and material factors. In U.L.S., the reinforcement is yielding. Other codes also require the control of crack width at the Serviceability Limit State (S.L.S.). At this state, most of the loads are factored by unity, and the reinforcement is not yielding. The maximum allowable crack width varies in the different specifications, often because of differing assumptions inherent in its calculation in each case; an effective width of 0.2 mm is usually specified. A distinction should be made between longitudinal cracks caused by transverse bending, and transverse cracks caused by longitudinal action. The transverse cracks will cause leakage. An important contribution to the transverse bending moments in S.L.S. are the restraint moments caused by a temperature gradient across the thickness of the slabs and walls. The temperature gradient effect is not factored for the U.L.S. condition. Its contribution to the reinforcement steel stresses should be taken into account. Special cases of concentrated loads must be examined. Examples include temporary jacking pin supports, the effects of shear dowels, and discontinuities of cross-section that occur at the joints.

6. I Transverse Analysis
For the transverse analysis, a rectangular concrete tunnel can be considered as a series of plane frames. When the loads and soil reactions are constant in the longitudinal direction, or vary only gradually in that direction, the frames can be analysed with balanced loads. However, in areas of heavy surcharge, such as embankments, and, especially, near discontinuities of surcharge, as well as in areas of expected redistribution of soil reactions, the external vertical loads acting on the plane frame are not balanced. The shear forces between the adjacent frames need to be analysed for these conditions. An elastic beam analysis can be conducted to determine the longitudinal distribution of the vertical subsoil reaction, and the longitudinal shear distribution. The shear forces can then be entered as vertical loads acting along the vertical members of the frame. The application of hydrostatic pressure and surcharge loads is straightforward. The magnitude of the lateral soil pressure and possible wall friction caused by the backfill cannot easily be determined. It is best to assume lower and

6.2 Longitudinal Analysis for Concrete Tunnels


r l
L_ . . . . -_ _ l

The understanding of the longitudinal performance of concrete tunnels is important in view of the relatively low tensile strength capacity of the concrete and the desire to avoid transverse cracks. It has been shown that these cracks can indeed be avoided. The effects of hydrostatic compression, temperature stresses and longitudinal bending on the longitudinal concrete stresses are explained below with numerical examples.


6.2.1 Longitudinal hydrostatic compression

The longitudinal hydrostatic compression force in any vertical section of the tunnel is equal to the water pressure that would act at the centroid depth, D (avg.), of that section times the gross area of that section. With the simplified assumption that the ratio between the gross area and the



Figure 3-9.

T ~IT ~

Figure 3-8. Intermediate flexible joint for concrete tunnels ( D u t c h solution). Typical Dutch expansion joint.

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Temperature deformation caused by a temperature decrease of the tunnel by 10C would cause a decompression of about 10 mm of joints positioned at intervals of 100 m. A numerical example of concrete compression, based on the use of a rubber compression joint, is shown below: for D = 20 m: initially f (avg.) long-term f (avg.)

= 20 x 0.024 = 0.48 MPa = 0.5 x 0.48 = 0.24 MPa*

for D (avg.) = 6 m (near shallow end of a tunnel): long-term fc (avg.) = 0.5 x 6 x 0.024 = 0.072 Mpa*

* the factor 0.5 is estimated

It is noted that the compressive stress in the concrete resulting from the hydrostatic compression, although very small, is sufficient to keep the joints sealed. Because the rubber joints are flexible, the restraint to longitudinal strain of the tunnel elements is practically eliminated.


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6.2.2 Concrete stresses by temperature deformations

Figure 3-10. Example of the final joint for concrete tunnels.
concrete area is equal to the ratio of the densities of concrete and water, a simple expression for the average concrete stress is: f (avg.) = D e * 0,024 MPa, ( D in m) The longitudinal hydrostatic compression force will follow the changes in water depth (e.g., by the tide), as long as the immersed part of the tunnel has a free end and friction between the free end and the section under consideration can be ignored. The hydrostatic compression will be fixed as soon as the tunnel is closed between the terminal structures. The compression is assumed to act at the centroide of the structure when flexible intermediate compression joints are used. Losses of the fixed hydrostatic compression. Losses of the fixed hydrostatic compression are caused by timedependent relaxation of rubber compression joints and shortening of concrete, causing decompression of the joint. The degree of relaxation of the rubber compression joints varies with the characteristics of the selected type and the range of compression. Generally the loss will be about 50% of the initial compression. Typical performance rates for flexible rubber compression gaskets used as intermediate joints are shown in Figure 3-11. Shortening of the concrete can be caused by shrinkage and temperature deformation. Creep of the concrete can be practically ignored. The concrete codes do not provide proper parameters to determine the shrinkage strain for thick-walled concrete members of immersed concrete tunnels. If calculated according to the FIP-CEB model code, a very small strain is found. The shrinkage strain is not restrained when flexible intermediate joints are utilised, but the resulting decompression of these joints will cause a minor loss of the locked-in compression force. In the Netherlands, the shrinkage strain is ignored for tunnels in which the concrete is directly exposed at the outside.

The relevant temperature changes of the concrete are of a seasonal nature. At the time of installation, the whole of the structure can be assumed to be the same temperature as the surrounding water. The temperature changes of the concrete are usually specified in two parts: 1. An overall increase or decrease, relative to the ambient ground water, with a range from _+ 15C to + 10C. 2. A temperature "gradient" over the thickness of a wall or slab (e.g., a linear temperature variation from 0C on the outside to + 10C on the inside: this gradient can then be split into an overall increase or decrease of 5C, to be added to (1), above, and a linear variation over the thickness from -5C to +5C, or vice-versa). The overall increase or decrease of the temperature of the structure will lead to longitudinal deformation. For tunnels with monolithic intermediate joints between the terminals, this could lead to concrete stresses in the range of the tensile strength or yielding of the vertical joints. Tunnels with intermediate flexible compression joints are not restrained to longitudinal deformation of the concrete, but the flexible joints will react with a minor increase or decrease of compression. The linear temperature variation over the thickness of a wall or slab of +5C to -5C will cause bending stresses varying from -1.0 MPa to +1.0 MPa over the thickness of a concrete wall or slab. Although small, these stresses are a magnitude larger than the hydrostatic precompression. On the outside, there will be tension in the summer and compression in the winter. The stress diagrams of Figure 3-12 clearly show that the temperature variations will not cause transverse cracks.

6.2.3 Longitudinal bending

Discontinuity of surcharge and discontinuity of settlement have the same effect. They cause longitudinal bending of the tunnel, which can be analysed as a beam on elastic foundation. The large beam stiffness of the tunnel leads to high shear force and bending moment response to longitudinal bending. This is illustrated by the following theoretical example for a monolithic tunnel element (not segmented) that wants to settle 50 mm, but has shear restraint at one end (which could be the terminal joint). The joint is flexible for rotation. The main variable is the spring constant of the subgrade reaction. For this example, K = 2 MN/m 3 is used, corresponding to a deflection of 0.05 m under a pressure of 0.1 MPa (or 10 t/m 2, as could be caused by heavy surcharge). Figure 3-13 shows an example of longitudinal analysis for the response of concrete tunnels to unequal settlement.


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Example calculation:
External cross-section:* Modulus of Inertia: Section modulus: Elastic modulus: Spring constant: h b I S E K = = = = = = = = 1o = 8 m 30m 1.200 m4 300 m 3 2 1@ MPa ko b 2.30 60 MN/m 2 35.5 m

situ performance. However, special attention should be

paid to the watertightness of the construction joints of monolithic tunnel elements, as is also the case for expansion joints. In addition, watertight enveloping membranes may require special attention at the construction joints to keep them watertight in case of yielding of the construction joint.

6.2.4 Temporary construction loads

The effects of temporary construction loads are of a temporary nature only. The tunnel elements are not uniformly loaded during the transportation and immersion stages. The temporary bending moments for a tunnel element 120 m long for the given example are in the range of 50 to 100 MN/m, causing concrete stresses in the range of 0.15 MPa to 0.30MPa. The longitudinal bending would increase with increased tunnel element length and due to the effects of long waves during sea transportation. For monolithic tunnel elements, steel reinforcement stresses must be safely in the elastic range. For tunnel elements with expansion joints, temporary longitudinal prestressing is usually applied to meet the condition of no concrete tensile stresses.

Characteristic length: Undisturbed settlement: Maximum shear force (at fixed end):

Yo = 0.05 m
Vma* = 2 E1 Yo]lo 3

= 53 MN Maximum bending moment (at 3/4 1o from fixed end): M x = 0.322 1 V x = 612 MN/m Maximum bending stress: f (max)= 2.04 MPa

This simple calculation shows that a range of 50 mm of such differential settlement can cause monolithic tunnel elements to crack transversely. These cracks would be fulldepth over the thickness of the base slab and the walls. While it is preferable to prevent forced deformations of such magnitude, sometimes it cannot be avoided. Controlling the width of such cracks by longitudinal reinforcement will not provide ductility of the tunnel element as a whole; furthermore, it is not economical. However, transverse cracks in the concrete can be avoided by providing ductility at the construction joints. Because the vertical construction joint cannot transfer concrete tensile stresses, it will crack at an early stage. The longitudinal reinforcement through the joint should not yield within the expected bending range, which should be safely below the bending capacity of the uncracked concrete. Beyond that range, the joint should yield, and thereby provide sufficient rotation capacity to avoid an increase in tensile stresses in the uncracked concrete. The resistance of the longitudinal reinforcement will not be mobilised, except in the joints. The concrete will not crack. If the spring constant in the above example were four times higher, or if it were the same but the undisturbed settlement was limited to 25 ram, the maximum bending moment would only be 300 MN/m and the maximum concrete tensile stress would be 1.0 Mpa. The reinforcement through the construction joint could then be 0.25 % of the concrete area, without yielding of the joint. Monolithic concrete tunnel elements can be designed with a relatively low amount of longitudinal reinforcement (similar to concrete tunnel elements with expansion joints), without the risk of concrete cracks resulting from the in-

6.2.5 Longitudina I reinforcement

The longitudinal concrete stresses are very small. The necessary ductility should be provided by the intermediate, expansion, or construction joints. If, instead, the longitudinal reinforcement of the homogenous sections is used for longitudinal ductility, the concrete of these sections could be subjected to full-depth cracks. The longitudinal reinforcement is designed to act as secondary reinforcement to the main transverse reinforcement or as minimum reinforcement for two-way slabs and walls, in compliance with the applicable concrete codes. This usually results in a longitudinal reinforcement of about 0.2 percent of the total concrete area, for a reinforcement yield stress of 500 N/mm 2. This same percentage, applied to the construction joint, would limit the maximum tensile stress in the concrete between these joints to about half the ultimate tensile strength.

6.2.6 Permanent longitudinal prestress

Longitudinal prestressing is not an effective way to economise in the design of the cross-section of concrete immersed tunnels, as it is for many other structures. It must b e applied uniformly over the depth of a tunnel. As can be seen from the previous example of longitudinal bending analysis, the prestress levels required would be very moderate. The longitudinal prestress can be used to allow higher longitudinal bending loads, causing tensile stresses. If concrete tensile stresses are not allowed to occur, as is often specified in the case of prestressing application, more prestress would be needed to compensate for the tensile strength of the concrete in the operating condition. Longitudinal prestress should be applied to increase the tension and bending capacity of the vertical construction joints, in particular, to a level where these joints will not open under certain extreme conditions such as earthquakes. The homogeneous "concrete sections are always stronger than the construction joints because of their inherent tensile strength. A typical example of longitudinal prestressing is Tokyo's Tama River Tunnel, which is located in an active earthquake zone. The tunnel elements were longitudinally prestressed in addition to the longitudinal reinforcement. Special prestressing tendons were installed and stressed in situ to act as flexible ties across the intermediate joints with rubber compression gaskets. The Tama River Tunnel is also provided with a watertight enveloping membrane.


Figure 3-11. Typical performance of flexible rubber compression gaskets used for intermediate joints,

Volume 12, Number 2, 1997


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Figure 3-12. Diagrams of concrete temperature and stresses for summer and winter, valid for tunnels with flexible intermediate joints.

Figure 3:13. Examples of longitudinal analysis of the response of concrete tunnels to unequal settlement.

7. Structural Analysis for Composite Steel Shell Tunnels

The design of steel shell immersed tunnels differs from that of concrete tunnels because of the manner of their construction. Concrete tunnels are cast in a basin, floated, and then placed and backfilled without much change in the basic structural section. In contrast, the fabrication of steel shell elements involves a structure that undergoes a series of stages, each involving a basically different structure. The description below applies to double steel-shell structures. The structural concept is simpler for the single-shell type because there is no exterior concrete, other than ballast concrete on the roof. In fact, the single steel-shell tunnel has the same stages as basically different structures. Because this type of shell has no external diaphagms, temporary internal spider frames are utilised. In the case of doubletube shells, temporary longitudinal trusses also are utilised in the middle. The structural stages are: Stage 1: Fabrication and launching. Stage 2: Internal outfitting with concrete. Stage 3: Final condition after backfilling in place. Each of these stages is described in detail below.

7.1 Stage I: Fabrication and Launching

During Stage 1, the loads on the structure are largely a function of the method of support and launching, if the element is to be constructed on shipways. It may be launched sideways or end-launched, in either a controlled or an uncontrolled launching. As an example of a different process, the elements of the (I-664) Monitor-Merrimac Tunnel in Hampton Roads, Virginia (U.S.A.) were constructed in a drydock and floated out, with all of the interior concrete installed prior to installation of the end bulkheads. However, for this tunnel the design had been based on being a launched element because the expectation had been that the elements would be constructed in the conventional way with fitting out being done while afloat. Boston's Ted Williams Tunnel was constructed in the same drydock, although very little of the interior concrete was placed prior to floating out because of the long distance of travel to Boston. During fabrication, each steel binocular or monocular module (with about eight modules per element) must be supported adequately to avoid distortion or local buckling.

In some cases, interior "spiders" may be required to maintain the roundness of the shell plate. Accurate roundness must be maintained to assure a uniform thickness of the interior ring concrete. This is critical to the eventual structural integrity of the elements when it is backfilled. A portion of the exterior concrete about 1.5 m thick and called the "keel," is usually placed in the bottom of the formplate prior to launch. This provides protection for the bottom of the element during launch, as well as stability during towing. After this concrete is placed, the loads of the element are transferred to launching sleds or, in the case of end-launching, fore and aft poppets prior to launching. The shell and diaphragms may require additional reinforcements in either case. The keel concrete is considered to act as a longitudinal beam acting compositely with the stiffened shell plate and diaphragms. Both static and d y n a m i c water pressures that will occur during launch must also be determined and allowed for in the design. While the basic design of the elements takes into account some of the expected launching loads, the contractor must be made responsible for checking the details for his proposed method of supporting and launching, and must provide whatever additional reinforcement that may be r eq u i r ed . Towing may impose longitudinal stresses on the steel element. Often the practice has been to tow the element under its own flotation, because the draft of an element that has not been outfitted with interior concrete and the remainder of the exterior concrete is only about 2 to 3 m. If the elements are to be towed in ocean waters, the height of long periodic swells becomes important, because the swells impose significant longitudinal bending moments. Unless they are accounted for, these bending moments could cause buckling of the top shell. More recent practice, when ocean towing is required, has been to tow elements on large offshore construction barges in order to reduce this effect. Chapter 7 of this edition discusses the impact of tunnel element transportation on immersed tunnel design for both steel and concrete options.

7.2 Stage 2: Internal Outfitting with Concrete

During outfitting, the loading conditions on the shell change constantly during concrete placement, At the beginning of outfitting, the element is supported uniformly as it floats with a constant draft. The end bulkheads are quite heavy and impose a hogging moment on the element. As


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sections of the interior concrete are placed, additional moments are imposed on the shell. The sequence of concrete placement is designed to counteract the hogging effect and reduce its deflection ,;o that at the end, the element is as straight as possible. As concrete weight is added, the element settles lower into the water, thereby imposing transverse moments on the shell plate and diaphragm. The formplate does not take any of this load, as water is allowed into the pockets between the shell and the form plates. The only exception occurs at the end pockets between the dam plate (extension of the bulkhead) and the first diaphragms. These pockets are filled with structural concrete, placed in the dry, to help resist the large forces that act on the joint during dewatering. Typically, the shell plate is designed to take the water pressure as the outfitting progresses. The placing sequence is determined by the engineer as a series of reasonable volumes that can be placed while limiting the moments and shears in the exposed shell plate. The concrete placement should be symmetrical about the transverse and longitudinal center-lines of the element. As the head of water increases on the shell plate, the circumferential moments must be resisted by the diaphragms and shells embedded and, therefore, fixed in the keel concrete. This condition must be checked for each stage of the placement sequence; it generally becomes most critical during the placement of the heavy haunch sections adjacent to the bulkheads. Longitudinal loads are resisted by the shell plate and the radial stiffeners. Stress analysis for critical compressive stress for buckling of curved panels under uniform compression are used to determine moment capacity after applying a suitable safety factor. The local buckling of the shell is investigated for loading in torsion and transverse shear. Buckling of the arch between stiffeners is investigated. The shell plate and longitudinal stiffeners are considered as a cylindrical shell spanning between diaphragms. The shell plate alone can resist water pressure as a ring structure and a cylindrical beam. Assumptions are made regarding how these loads are distributed between the shell and the stiffeners. The diaphragm is designed as a ring structure, with its ends fixed in the keel concrete. The effective width of the shell plate that acts with each diaphragm, is determined as a function of the centerline radius of the shell and its thickness.

7.3 Stage 3: Final Condition after Backfilling in Place

This final transverse analysis stage considers that the tunnel is completed and fully backfilled. It is subjected to a series of loading combinations, listed below. Bending moments and direct stresses are computed on the basis of six superimposed loading conditions: 1. Uniformly distributed loading-- top. 2. Uniformly distributed loading-- side. 3. Triangular side loading. 4. Loading from exterior upper quadrants. 5. Buoyancy forces. 6. Water surcharge. Generally, the effect of these loading combinations resuits in a moment diagram with negative values (tension on the outside) near the center wall on the top and bottom and in the central portion of the exterior walls; and positive values (tension on the inside) in the regions in between. This is somewhat similar to the moment diagram for a twocell rectangular box loaded top and bottom, as might be expected. Axial thrusts act in addition to the moments and are caused by overburden and side pressures. These have the effect of reducing the tensile stresses caused by bending, while increasing the compressive stresses.

Before computers became readily available, the tunnel configuration assumed for analysis was simplified to circular or elliptical shapes in order to facilitate otherwise very difficult, or perhaps even impossible, calculations. Thanks to the availability of relatively inexpensive, accurate, and easy-to-use computer software such as STAAD III, STRUDL and others, the structure may be modelled to the exact shape of the proposed tunnel. Because the location of the frame line, the cross-section area, and the moment of inertia are all interrelated and affect the results (moments, shears, axial loads and deformations), an iterative design approach is necessary. Using such an approach, a series of computer runs are made, each using information from the previous run, to modify frame line location and member properties, thereby converging on an accurate and economical solution. For the preliminary design, the total thickness of tunnel walls may be based on previous experience or very rough hand-calculations. The tunnel is drawn accurately and the frame line is laid out by "eye" or judgment, more or less along the mid-thickness of tunnel walls, discounting exterior tremie concrete. Coordinates of selected "joints" along the frame line can be very conveniently obtained if the work is done by CADD drafting. Using the results of this first run, the design engineer can proportion steel and concrete depths and thicknesses based on stress analysis, and obtain new section properties. These data are used in turn as input for a second, more refined computer analysis, wherein the frame line is located at the center of gravity of the gross composite section and member properties are based on the same. This process is repeated until the designer is satisfied that changes resulting from further refinement are negligible. Theoretically, the final computer run should be based on a frame line corresponding to the center of gravity of the cracked section, and member properties, area, and moment of inertia are based on the same. It should be kept in mind that the composite threedimensional tunnel structure with variations in loadings is extremely complex. The goal of the analysis should be to determine an envelope of maximum moments, shears and axial loads so that all possibilities of overstress are eliminated. For example, gross section properties may result from maximum effect at one location and minimum effect at another, whereas the cracked section may show the reverse. This approach, inconceivable in the past, is not at all difficult today with the help of clever computer programming. Future analysis methods may make use of three-dimensional finite element modeling. This will be particularly interesting in the analysis of loadings such as ship collision, anchor dragging, and internal explosion. The longitudinal distribution of these loads is otherwise very difficult to determine.

7.4 Field Measurements

The final assessment of any design as complex as that for immersed elements can only be made on the basis of field measurements. To our knowledge, this has never been done for steel shell tunnels in any sophisticated way. It was proposed that strain gauges be attached to the diaphragms and interior reinforcing steel of the Ted Williams Tunnel in Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.A. at various locations, representative of the wide range of imposed loading conditions that exist for this tunnel. If this program goes forward, the results obtained will increase our understanding of the structural action of steel shell tunnels and could lead to better, more economical designs in the future. In the future, where unique conditions exist or, in general, where value can be gained from similar measurements of the action of immersed tunnel elements, there may be merit in including test programs of this type in the construction bid packages.

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Table 3-1.

Indication of allowable stress increments or load factors for loading combintaions.

Type of Structure Ill (F): Reinforced concrete traffic tunnel (Netherlands)


Stress Increments (S) or Load Factor (F)

A. BASE LOADING Unfavorable combination of: Dead load Backfill Surcharge and live load Lateral earth pressure Water pressure at mean high or low water

I (S): Steel shell traffic tunnel (U.S.A.)


II (S): Reinforced concrete tunnel with waterproofing membrane (Japan) 1.00

B. TOTAL STRESS INCREMENT FOR COMBINATION OF BASE LOADING WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: B1. Extreme high water B2. Anchor dragging or dropping B3. Sunken ship load B4 Temperature restraints B5. Unequal settlements B6. Temperature restraints and unequal settlements B7. Internal explosion B8. Earthquake, unequal settlement B9. Earthquake, temperature restraints, unequal settlements B10. Erection condition

1.25 1.25 1.25

1.5 ***

1.30 ** 1.15 1.0 1.50 1.65 1.30

NOTE: A dash indicates that this aspect is known not to be reviewed, or is not critical. * Refers to Dutch practice: the load factor used for the ultimate limit state is 1.7, reduced for the material factor incorporated. ** The factor 1.30 also includes extremely high water. *** 1.4" A + 1.15 * B1.

8. L o a d i n g s 8.1 Loading Combinations and Allowable Stress Increments An indication of the types of loads and their combinations used for the design of immersed elements is given in Table 3-1. The table, based on data provided from the U.S.A., Japan, and the Netherlands, is not exhaustive. It should be noted that the factors given in the table are based entirely on the specific project conditions and requirements. The reference projects in the table relate to tunnels of widely differing structural nature. They are intended to provide an understanding of the range of values for loading conditions that are encountered in immersed tunnel design(s). The reference projects used in the table are: I: A steel shell traffic tunnel (Ted Williams Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) IIa: A longitudinally prestressed reinforced concrete traffic tunnel with waterproofing membrane (Tama River Tunnel, Japan). lib: A reinforced concrete railway tunnel with waterproofing membrane (Keyo-Line Daiba Tunnel, Japan). III: A typical Dutch reinforced concrete traffic tunnel (Tunnel De Noord).

For reference II, only the ultimate-limit state factors are given. However, service-limit state verification is also done in view of watertightness requirements; for example, temperature restraint has to be considered.

8.2 Accidental Loads

While Chapter 6 discusses in detail accidental loads associated with tunnel operations, this chapter deals only with the relevant loads that affect the structural design. Loads to be considered may include: 1. Sunken ship loads. 2. Dropping or dragging ships anchors. 3. Flooding of the tunnel. 4. Internal explosion loads. These loads are subject to different probability for each project. They are usually specified as deterministic loads, corresponding to an excedance probability of 104 per year. Increases in working stresses are usually allowed. A discussion of earthquake loading is included in Chapter 6. Immersed tunnels are known to have withstood major earthquakes successfully. Ample experience with earthquake design for steel shell and concrete tunnels exists in the U.S.A. and Japan.


Volume 12, Number 2, 1997

8.2.1 Sunken ship loads

For immersed tunnels in soft ground, the tunnel may respond more rigidly than the adjacent backfill. This can be accounted for in the load to be specified, usually as a uniform load over a minimum area. For the design of an immersed tunnel across the Great Belt in Denmark, which is an international waterway used by very large vessels, the specification was 100 kN/m 2 over 250 m 2.

9. Typical Material Specifications

9. I Structural Concrete for Concrete Tunnels
Although specifications vary considerably worldwide, a distinction can be made between two main groups of specifications. One group of contractors tends to use highway structure codes, which usually specify high-grade concretes, with characteristic strength in the range of 40 Mpa, and with durability requirements associated with sulphate attack. The latter requirements generally lead to the use of sulphate-resisting cement or Portland cement to which pulverised fly ash (p.f.a.) has been added. The use of silica fumes with p.f.a, and Portland cement concrete is being considered in some countries. The other group, of which the Netherlands is typically representative, uses lower-grade concrete, with the emphasis on construction crack avoidance, low permeability, and chloride penetration resistance. Watertight membranes are not used. A typical concrete specification for Dutch immersed .tunnels is: Characteristic strength: 22.5 Mpa Cement types: Dutch blast furnace cement (more than 65% slag) 275 kg/m 3 Max. cement content: Max. water/cement ratio: 0.5 Permeability: Less than 20 mm in penetration test, according to DIN 1048

8.2.2 Dropping and dragging anchors

Immersed tunnels are generally covered with a protective concrete layer on the roof. For navigation conditions, protective stone cover is also applied. The energy of an object free falling in water has to be absorbed by the stone cover and partly by the crushing of the concrete cover layer. The structural roof load is related to the impact pattern. This factor can usually be accommodated without additional reinforcement. The lateral load of a dragging anchor hooking behind the edge of the tunnel roof can be derived from the effective anchor-rope-breaking loads. For large vessels, the load can be in the range of 3,0130 kN, acting as low as 4 m below the rooftop, depending on the type of bottom material and anchor. The upper part. of the walls may need to be provided with cover concrete to avoid mechanical damage to the structural concrete. Dragging anchor loads of this magnitude normally can be resisted by the available friction of the foundation and passive pressure behind the tunnel.

8.2.3 Flooding of tunnels

The probability of internal flooding is very small during the operational life of a tunnel, although several such incidents have already occurred. It makes sense to investigate this type of incident in the light of possible undesirable settlements. In many cases, it is only one tube that has flooded, and then usually not higher than roof level at the lowest point.

9.2 Materials for Steel Shell Tunnels

Typical material specifications for structural concrete and structural steel, as presently used in the U.S.A., are: Structural Strength: Cement: concrete: 4,000 psi (also for tremie concrete) Portland Cement: AASHTO M85, Type I or II 565-610 lb/yd 3 Cement content: Water/cement ratio: 0.48-0.50, depending on size of aggregate Slump: 2 in.-5 in. Permeability: 2,000 coulombs per 6 hours, where tested per AASHTO T-277 El)' ash: will be substituted for 5% of the cement for all concrete. Structural steel: ASTM Grade A36 (mild steel with 36,000 psi yp) Reinforcing AASHTO M31 Grade 60 (60,000 psi steel: YP)


Internal explosion loads

The probability and extent of internal explosion loads depends very much on how the tunnel is to be used. An example is the rectangular Liefkenshoek Belgium, located near an industrial area, which has been designed for an internal explosion pressure of 4 bar. This requirement substantially increased the amount of transverse reinforcement needed.

Volume 12, Number 2, 1997


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