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1 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 100m G.652D......................................................................................1
2 ADSS 12Fo SPAN 100m G.652D......................................................................................9
3 ADSS 48Fo SPAN 100m G.652D....................................................................................16
4 ADSS 12Fo SPAN 200m G.652D....................................................................................24
5 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 200m 6 G.655 Corning.....................................................................32
6 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 200m 6 G.655 Furukawa.................................................................43
7 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m G.652D Corning.....................................................................53
8 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m 6 G.655 Corning.....................................................................61
9 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m 6 G.655 Furukawa.................................................................72
10 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 500m 6 G.655 Corning.....................................................................82
11 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 100m 6 G.655....................................................................................93
12 Aerial optical cable (ADSS-24Fo) SPAN 200m G.652D (Mytel)...............................103
13 Optical Cable crossing river.........................................................................................112
14 Direct buried optical cable 48Fo (Mytel).....................................................................119
15 ADSS 48Fo SPAN 500m G652D...................................................................................125

1 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 100m G.652D

a.General requirement:
Span 100m ADSS cable includes 24 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.

- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm ±
1.6 coating M IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1310nm: M - Using OTDR
+Average - Sample is the cable in new drums
attenuation (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
for adrum of drum)
optical cable: - The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,35 value of attenuation coefficient
dB/km calculated on 1km that is calculated by
+Average OTDR(dB/km)
attenuation - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
for each value of attenuation for 1 km of each
optical fiber fiber in drum.
in a drum of - Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable: average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,36 of all fibers in drum.
- At 1550
for a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,21
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
Fiber attenuation of this length of fiber first
At 1625 nm:
2.3 macrobend M
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT- ≥ 3,1 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Operation Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
Length under Tension
+ min 90m for span 100m
- Applied Load: Follow requirement
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Tension - Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m for
span 100m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
1.2 ≥ 6,2 kN M the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
cable times - Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
Bending Radius ≤ 10
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 resistance of times M
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
cable diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
blocking F5B:
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
water (don’t display by UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
Filling elements to loose tube layer a length
1.9 compound ≥ 24hours M 80mm ± 2,5mm.
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
1.1 Outer sheath ≥1,5 mm M - Using caliper to measure outer sheath
2 thickness thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure diameter of
Diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 - Perform measurement at 5 points,
strength ≥ 2,0 mm M
3 minimum distance between 2 points is
member 1m
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose tube
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure cable
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
1.1 Cable 12,2-12,8 1m
5 diameter mm
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and the
average valure are not over 0,3mm.
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
6 time of cable
1.1 Operating -30ºC to M Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
7 temperature 60ºC - Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
- Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to roll
the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
Sheath cable follow 10o. Distance between rolled
Ripcord is broken cable position and cable body is not
resistance of when pull M
8 over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
cable ripcord along
cable. 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

2 ADSS 12Fo SPAN 100m G.652D

a.General requirement:
Span 100m ADSS cable includes 12 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 4
fillers and 2 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.

If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 12 fibers ADSS cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm ±
1.6 coating M IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1310nm: M - Using OTDR
+Average - Sample is the cable in new drums
attenuation (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
for adrum of drum)
optical cable: - The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,35 value of attenuation coefficient
dB/km calculated on 1km that is calculated by
+Average OTDR(dB/km)
attenuation - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
for each value of attenuation for 1 km of each
optical fiber fiber in drum.
in a drum of - Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable: average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,36 of all fibers in drum.
- At 1550
for a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,21
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
Fiber attenuation of this length of fiber first
At 1625 nm:
2.3 macrobend M
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT- ≥ 3,1 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Operation Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
Length under Tension
+ min 90m for span 100m
- Applied Load: Follow requirement
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Tension - Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m for
span 100m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
1.2 ≥ 6,2 kN M the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
cable times - Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
Bending Radius ≤ 10
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 resistance of times M
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
cable diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
blocking F5B:
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
water (don’t display by UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
Filling elements to loose tube layer a length
1.9 compound ≥ 24hours M 80mm ± 2,5mm.
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
1.1 Outer sheath ≥1,5 mm M - Using caliper to measure outer sheath
2 thickness thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure diameter of
Diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 - Perform measurement at 5 points,
strength ≥ 2,0 mm M
3 minimum distance between 2 points is
member 1m
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose tube
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure cable
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
1.1 Cable 12,2-12,8 1m
5 diameter mm
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and the
average valure are not over 0,3mm.
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
6 time of cable
1.1 Operating -30ºC to M Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
7 temperature 60ºC - Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
- Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to roll
the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
Sheath cable follow 10o. Distance between rolled
Ripcord is broken cable position and cable body is not
resistance of when pull M
8 over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
cable ripcord along
cable. 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

3 ADSS 48Fo SPAN 100m G.652D

a.General requirement:
Span 100m ADSS cable includes 48 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 12 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.

If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 48 fibers ADSS cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
1.3 Cladding 125,0µm M - Equipment Test follow test method in
diameter ±1µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm ±
1.6 coating M IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1310nm: M - Using OTDR
+Average - Sample is the cable in new drums
attenuation (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
for adrum of drum)
optical cable: - The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,35 value of attenuation coefficient
dB/km calculated on 1km that is calculated by
+Average OTDR(dB/km)
attenuation - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
for each value of attenuation for 1 km of each
optical fiber fiber in drum.
in a drum of - Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable: average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,36 of all fibers in drum.
- At 1550
for a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,21
for each
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
Fiber attenuation of this length of fiber first
At 1625 nm:
2.3 macrobend M
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT- ≥ 3,1 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Operation Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable
Tension Diameter)
Length under Tension

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
+ min 90m for span 100m
- Applied Load: Follow requirement
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
- Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m for
span 100m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
1.2 ≥ 6,2 kN M the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
cable times - Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
- No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
- Acceptance criteria:

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
Bending Radius ≤ 10
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 resistance of times M
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
cable diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
1.8 ≥ 24 hours M - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
water (don’t display by UV light)
1.9 Filling ≥ 24hours M Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional

- Samples number: 5 samples

- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
elements to loose tube layer a length
80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Using caliper to measure diameter of
Diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 - Perform measurement at 5 points,
strength ≥ 2,0 mm M
3 minimum distance between 2 points is
member 1m
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose tube
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
5 time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
6 temperature 60ºC - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to roll
the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
Sheath cable follow 10o. Distance between rolled
Ripcord is broken cable position and cable body is not
resistance of when pull M
7 over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
cable ripcord along
cable. 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

4 ADSS 12Fo SPAN 200m G.652D
a.General requirement:
Span 200m ADSS cable includes 12 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 4
fillers and 2 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 12 fibers ADSS cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm ±
1.6 coating M IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,36
value of attenuation coefficient
calculated on 1km that is calculated by
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
value of attenuation for 1 km of each
fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable:
average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,21
of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
macrobend ≤ 0,1 dB
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber first
loss (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT- ≥ 6,3 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Operation Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable
Tension Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 90m for span 200m
- Applied Load: Follow requirement
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
- Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m for
span 200m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
1.2 ≥ 12,6 kN M the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
Twist No. of twist - Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
cable times - Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.5 Bending Bending M Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
resistance of times
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
cable diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
1.8 ≥ 24 hours M - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
water (don’t display by UV light)
1.9 Filling ≥ 24hours M Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
compound - Samples number: 5 samples
test - Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
elements to loose tube layer a length
80mm ± 2,5mm.

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
1.1 Diameter of ≥ 2,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure diameter of
3 CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
(CSM) 1m

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose tube
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure cable
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
1.1 Cable 12,8-13,4 1m
5 diameter mm
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and the
average valure are not over 0,3mm.
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
6 time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
1.1 Ripcord Sheath cable M Sample test: ≥ 10m
8 resistance of is broken Using a section of cable sheath to roll
cable when pull the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
ripcord along
follow 10o. Distance between rolled
cable position and cable body is not
over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

5 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 200m 6 G.655 Corning

a.General requirement:
Span 200m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.

Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 9,6 µm ± 0,4 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.5 ≤ 1% M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.5 ≤ 1% M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: attenuation of this length of fiber
2.3 M
loss ≤ 0,1 dB first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 6,3 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
+ min 90m for span 200m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m
for span 200m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 12,6 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
1 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 12,8-13,4 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

6 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 200m 6 G.655 Furukawa

a.General requirement:

Span 200m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Type of G655 fiber: Furukawa or equivalent
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 8,4 µm ± 0,6 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
loss ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber
first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 6,3 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 90m for span 200m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m
for span 200m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 12,6 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
1 thickness sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 12,8-13,4 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

7 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m G.652D Corning

a.General requirement:
Span 300m ADSS cable includes 24 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.

Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.6 Primary 245,0µm ± M - Equipment Test follow test method
coating 5µm IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,36
value of attenuation coefficient
calculated on 1km that is calculated by
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
value of attenuation for 1 km of each
fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable:
average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,21
of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
macrobend ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
loss - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber first
(put the fiber straight, not bend, not
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable
Length under Tension
MOT- + min 30m for span 300m
Maximum - Applied Load: Follow requirement
1.1 ≥ 7,5 kN M
Operation - Time under Tension: 1 hour
Tension - Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
1.2 MAT- ≥ 15 kN M According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
Allowable B.1.
Tension - Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 30m for
span 300m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
Twist No. of twist - Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
cable times - Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.5 Bending Bending M Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
resistance of Radius ≤ 10 E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
cable times TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
diameter of - Applied load: ≥ 20kg
cable - Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
1.8 ≥ 24 hours M - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
water (don’t display by UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
Filling elements to loose tube layer a length
1.9 compound ≥ 24hours M 80mm ± 2,5mm.
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure diameter of
Diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 - Perform measurement at 5 points,
strength ≥ 2,0 mm M
3 minimum distance between 2 points is
member 1m
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
1.1 Loose tube ≥ 2,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure loose tube
4 diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure cable
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
1.1 Cable 1m
13,2-13,8mm M
5 diameter
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and the
average valure are not over 0,3mm.
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
6 time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to roll
the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
Sheath cable follow 10o. Distance between rolled
Ripcord is broken cable position and cable body is not
resistance of when pull M
8 over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
cable ripcord along
cable. 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

8 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m 6 G.655 Corning

a.General requirement:
Span 300m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 9,6 µm ± 0,4 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
loss ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber
first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 7,5 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 30m for span 300m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 30m
for span 300m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 15 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
1 thickness sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 13,2-13,8 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

9 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 300m 6 G.655 Furukawa

a.General requirement:
Span 300m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.

Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Type of G655 fiber: Furukawa or equivalent
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 8,4 µm ± 0,6 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
loss ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber
first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 7,5 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 30m for span 300m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 30m
for span 300m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 15 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
1 thickness sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 13,2-13,8 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

10 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 500m 6 G.655 Corning

a.General requirement:
Span 500m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.

Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 9,6 µm ± 0,4 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
loss ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber
first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 17 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 30m for span 300m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 30m
for span 300m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 34 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
1 thickness sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 13,9-14,5 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

11 ADSS 24Fo SPAN 100m 6 G.655

a.General requirement:
Span 100m ADSS cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18 G.652D
single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.

Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers. Outer shealth must have an orange
line with the width is 3-4 mm to recognize G655 cable.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 24 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.655
I Geometrical characteristic
Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type SMF- G.655
Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Mode field (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
diameter at 9,6 µm ± 0,4 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
1550nm µm
wavelength - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
125,0 µm ±1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,5 µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
242 µm ± 5
1.6 Coating diameter M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmision Attribute
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-
2.1 Cable cut-off
≤ 1450 nm M 44(07/2001)
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1550 nm
+ Average
of a cable
reel ≤ 0,21
dB/km Test method: OTDR
+ Sample is the cable in new reel
Attenuation (normal length 3km)
of each fiber - The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,22 to the value of attenuation
dB/km coefficient calculated on 1km
2.2 Attenuation
- At 1625 nm M (dB/km) which OTDR give
wavelength: - Attenuation of each fiber in a
+ Average cable reel is value of attenuation
attenuation for 1 km of each fiber in it.
of a cable - Average attenuation of reel is
reel ≤ 0,24 average value of coefficient
dB/km attenuation of all fibers in it.
of each fiber
≤ 0,25

2.3 Fiber macrobend - At 1625 M Test method: ITU-T Rec

loss nm G.650.1(07/2010) part 5.6.1
wavelength - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius
≤ 0,1 dB of each turn: 30 mm
-Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of
fiber first( put the fiber straight,
not bend, not twist) and after
bending Acceptance Criteria: the
attenuation between 2 times of
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
measure not different over 0,1 dB
at 1625 nm wavelength
coefficient (CD) -Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
- At 1530 nm- G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.4 ≤6
1565nm M IEC 60793-1-42(04/2007)
wavelength -Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- At 1565 nm- 1km
≤ 11,2
1625 nm
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero Dispersion G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 ≤0,092
Slope (at 1550nm M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nm2× km
wavelength) Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,1 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and
2.6 Dispersion
M IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
coefficient km
Sample for testing in a reel
(Cabled fiber)
(normal length 3 km)
B Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
- Equipment Test follow test
At 1310nm: method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
9,2µm (07/2010) part 5.1 and IEC 60793-
Mode field ±0,4µm 1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm:
10,4µm - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
±0,8µm measurement method or at least
1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
1.3 Cladding diameter M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
Core concentricity
1.4 ≤ 0,6µm M (07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test
noncircularity method in ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.2 and IEC 60793-
1-20 (09/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test
Primary coating 245,0µm ±
1.6 M method IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter 5µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010)
part 5.3 and IEC 60793-1-44
Cut-off (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each
side and 20m between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal
≤ 0,36
to the value of attenuation
coefficient calculated on 1km that
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
is calculated by OTDR(dB/km)
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum
is value of attenuation for 1 km of
each fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum
optical cable:
is average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber macrobend At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
loss ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
of each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber
first (put the fiber straight, not
bend, not twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation between 2 times of
measure not different over 0,1dB
at 1625nm wavelength
-At 1310 nm: - Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 3,5 Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5
2.4 Dispersion M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
-At 1550 nm:
coefficient - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥
≤ 18
ps/nm×km 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.5 M
wavelength -0 ≤1324 nm IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
Zero Dispersion ≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and
2.6 M
Slope ps/nm2×km IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥
- Test equipment follow ITU-T
≤ 0,2 ps/ Rec G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1
Polarization Mode
2.7 M and IEC 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion km
- Sample for testing in a drum
(normal length is 3 km)
C Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT-Maximum ≥ 3,1 kN M Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
Operation Tension IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D:
Cable Diameter)
Length under Tension
+ min 90m for span 100m
- Applied Load: Follow
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Test the attenuation before, in
and after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at wavelength 1550nm
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160
part B.1.
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D
is cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 90m
for span 100m
- Increase the tension load to
MAT, hold the load in 5 minutes
1.2 Allowable ≥ 6,2 kN M
- Test the attenuation before and
after applied load at wavelength
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more
than 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-2-E3 and IEEE-1222-
2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow
≥ 2,2 requirement
1.3 Crush resistance M
kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.4 Twist resistance of No. of twist M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
cable cycles: ≥ 10 1-2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003
times section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -
> -180o.
- Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- No of twist cycles: Follow
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria:
Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC-
60794-1-2-E6, IEEE1222-2003
section, TCVN68-160
section B5 (table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥ 20kg
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o
-> 0o
Radius ≤ 10
Bending resistance (0o: equivalent vertical position)
1.5 times M
of cable - Cycle number: 25 cycles
diameter of
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
- 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of
≥ 20 kV DC
High voltage the sheath
or ≥ 10 kV
1.6 withstand M - Rise the voltage up to setting
rms AC
(5 minutes) value
- Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Maximum wind
1.7 ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
1.8 Water blocking ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a
cable end is pluged to 1m-high
water tube, one is out of water

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye
that is displayed by UV light
(don’t react with any of cable
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that
is out of water (don’t display by
UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2,5mm, continue taking
off cable‘s elements to loose tube
Filling compound
1.9 ≥ 24hours M layer a length 80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with
the taked off end below without
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC
60794-1-E4, TCVN68-160 section
B2 (table B2.1)
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate
1.1 Steel: 12,5mm
Impact resistance ≥ 10 impacts M
0 - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow
requirement (1 time/point)
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
1.1 Inner sheath ≥1,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure inner
1 thickness sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness
≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer
sheath thickness.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness
≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure
diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable
Diameter of reel
1.1 ≥ 2,0 mm - Perform measurement at 5 points,
Central strength M
member (CSM) minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose
tube diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0
1.1 Cable diameter 12,2-12,8 M - Using caliper to measure cable
5 mm diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable
- Perform measurement at 5 points,

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2
points is 1m
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and
the average valure are not over
1.1 Using life time of Manufacturer supplies the
≥ 15 years M
6 cable document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
23oC to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23oC to -30oC:
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to
roll the ripcord tightly then pull
Sheath cable along cable follow 10o. Distance
is broken between rolled cable position and
1.1 Ripcord resistance
when pull M
8 of cable cable body is not over 20cm.
ripcord along
cable. Speed of pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable
is broken when pull ripcord along
cable, ripcord is not broken.

12 Aerial optical cable (ADSS-24Fo) SPAN 200m G.652D (Mytel)

a. General requirement:

ADSS span 200m with 24 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and loose
tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner
and outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has
structure of 2 fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Celtral strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-
metal material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or
equivalent material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers
against water ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily
in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking
yarn inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical
and horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent
water ingress from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points
and other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material.
This class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and
other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the
properties of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with
materials mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter,
thickness) of the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel
or by an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows

Overview of 48 fibers ADSS cable
b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method
9,2µm in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
Mode field ±0,4µm 5.1 and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least
±0,8µm 1000m for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method
Cladding 125,0µm in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm 5.2 and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method
Core in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error 5.2 and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method
in ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
5.2 and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.6 Primary 245,0µm ± M - Equipment Test follow test method
coating 5µm IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal to
≤ 0,36
the value of attenuation coefficient
calculated on 1km that is calculated by
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
value of attenuation for 1 km of each
fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable:
average value of coefficient
≤ 0,21
attenuation of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
macrobend ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
loss - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber first
(put the fiber straight, not bend, not
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
≤ 0,2 ps/
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-48 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable
Length under Tension
MOT- + min 90m for span 200m
Maximum - Applied Load: Follow requirement
1.1 ≥ 6,3 kN M
Operation - Time under Tension: 1 hour
Tension - Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at
wavelength 1550nm
1.2 MAT- ≥ 12,6 kN M According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
Allowable B.1.
Tension - Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Length under Tension: min 90m for
span 200m
- Increase the tension load to MAT,
hold the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
2-E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
Crush ≥ 2,2 - Applied load: Follow requirement
1.3 M
resistance kN/100mm - Acceptance criteria:
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
2-E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
Twist No. of twist - Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - No of twist cycles: Follow
cable times requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.5 Bending Bending M Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-
resistance of Radius ≤ 10 2-E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
cable times TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
diameter of - Applied load: ≥ 20kg
cable - Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o ->
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or > 10 kV sheath
1.6 wistand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable
end is pluged to 1m-high water tube,
one is out of water tube.
Water - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that
1.8 ≥ 24 hours M
blocking is displayed by UV light (don’t react
with any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that is
out of water (don’t display by UV
1.9 Filling ≥ 24hours M Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
compound - Samples number: 5 samples
test - Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm
± 2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
elements to loose tube layer a length
80mm ± 2,5mm.
- Hang the sample vertically with the

Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling
compound fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact 12,5mm
≥ 10 impacts M
0 resistance - Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to
before test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
1.1 Inner sheath
≥1,0 mm M minimum distance between 2 points is
1 thickness
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0
- Using caliper to measure outer sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
1.1 Outer sheath
≥1,5 mm M minimum distance between 2 points is
2 thickness
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5
1.1 Diameter of ≥ 2,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure diameter of
3 CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
minimum distance between 2 points is
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average
value of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure loose tube
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Loose tube - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥ 2,0 mm M
4 diameter minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure cable
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
1.1 Cable 1m
12,8-13,4mm M
5 diameter
- Acceptance criteria: The average
value of cable diameter follow the
requirement and diameter errors
between measured positions and the
average valure are not over 0,3mm.
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
6 time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC
to -30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
7 temperature 60ºC - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
1.1 Ripcord Sheath cable M Sample test: ≥ 10m
8 resistance of is broken Using a section of cable sheath to roll
cable when pull the ripcord tightly then pull along
ripcord along
cable follow 10o. Distance between
Requiremen (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
rolled cable position and cable body is
not over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable
≥ 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

13 Optical Cable crossing river

a. General requirement
Cable type is crossing river with 48 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code is in accordance with EIA/TIA-598.
Cable has structure of 2 fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 12 fibers.
Detail structure of the cable is as follows:
- Central strength member (CSM) is made from glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or
equivalent material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers
against water ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily
in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have distinctive colors to
distinguish from loose tubes.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking
yarn inside it: Has an ability to prevent water ingress well follow vertical
and horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent
water ingress from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable)
- Inner shield is made from PE (Polyethylene) or similar material. Inner
shield has to be circular, with no holes, joints, repair signs and other
- Steel corrugated tape layer is made of corrugated steel or equivalent
- Second inner jacket is made from the PE (Polyethylene) or similar
material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects
- Armor (Sheath strength member): Is made of galvanized steel or
equivalent material (1 layer or 2 layers). This layer has an ability to
withstand high tension and low-level elongation.

- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair point
and other defects. Outer jacket must have ability to work for a long time
underwater without any sign of water penetration.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the above-
mentioned components, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the
properties of the materials and demonstrate the equivalent of materials with
above-mentioned materials. Viettel will check the materials in a organization
that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter,
thickness) of the components of the cable.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel
or by an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above-mentioned structure as follows

Crossing river cable

b. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
1.1 Fiber type SMF - M Check the Certificate of origin and

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm ±
1.6 coating M IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1310nm: M - Using OTDR
+Average - Sample is the cable in new drums
attenuation (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
for adrum of drum)
optical cable: - The result of attenuation is equal to
≤ 0,35 the value of attenuation coefficient
dB/km calculated on 1km that is calculated by
+Average OTDR(dB/km)
attenuation - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
for each value of attenuation for 1 km of each
optical fiber fiber in drum.
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,36
- At 1550
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable:
average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,21
of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
At 1625 nm: attenuation of this length of fiber first
2.3 macrobend M
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
ps/nm×km G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-48 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
2.5 Zero 1300 nm ≤ 0 M - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion ≤1324 nm G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
wavelength - 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
≤ 0,092 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
Test method: EIA-455-33A 1998,
- Mandrel diameter: ≥30D (D: cable
- Cable length under tension
+ At least 90m.
- Applied load: follow technical
Maximum ≥ 20 kN
1.1 M requirement
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
- Measure the attenuation before, in
and after applying tension.
- Acceptance Criteria: The
attenuation before, in and after
applying tension does not change
over 0.1dB at 1550nm wavelength
1.2 MAT – ≥ 30 kN M In accordance with EIA-455-33A
Maximum 1998, IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-
Allowable 160 section B.1
Tension - Mandrel diameter: ≥ 30D (D:
cable diameter)
- Length under tension: 90m
- Increase the tension to 30 kN, hold
the tension at 30 kN in 5 minutes
- Measure the attenuation before
and after applying tension at
1550nm wavelength

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applying tension does not change
more than 0.1dB at 1550nm
In accordance with IEC60794-1-2-
E3 and TCVN68-160:2008 section
- Length under crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 2 hours
Crush ≥ 5 - Applied load: follow technical
1.3 M
resistance kN/100mm requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ In and after crush, the
attenuation does not increase over
0.1 dB at 1550nm wavelength
comparing with before crush.
In accordance with IEC60794-1-2
Length under twisting: 4m
- Cable-fixing load: ≥50N
- Twist cycles: 00 -> 1800 -> 00 -> -
Twist No. of twist - A cycle times: ≤ 1 minutes
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - Number of twist cycles: follow
cable times technical requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ In and after twist, the attenuation
does not increase over 0.1 dB at
1550nm wavelength comparing
with before twist.
1.5 Bending Bending M In accordance with IEC-60794-1-2-
resistance of Radius ≤ 30 E6, TCVN68-160 section B5 (table
cable times B5.1)
diameter of - Applied load: ≥20kg
cable - Bending cycles: 0o (vertical) ->
90o -> 180o -> 0o
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: follow technical
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance Criteria: After
bending, the attenuation does not
increase over 0.1 dB at 1550nm
wavelength comparing with before
In accordance with IEC60794-1-2-
- Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable
end is plugged to water, another end
is opened
Water - A water soluble fluorescent dye
1.6 ≥ 24 hours M
blocking that is displayed by UV light (don’t
react with any of cable components)
- Temperature test: 20 ±5 0C
- Test times: follow technical
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the open cable end
(don’t display by UV light)
In accordance with IEC 60794-1-2-
E14 :
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about
130mm ± 2.5mm, the take-off
cable‘s elements and left the loose
tubes uncut with length 80mm ±
1.7 compound ≥ 24hours M
- Hang the sample vertically with
the take-off end below without
- Testing temperature : 60±5oC
- Time to test : 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria : filling
compound fall out less than 0.05g
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
In accordance with IEC60794-1-E4,
TCVN68-160 section B2(table
- Height of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Steel intermediate striking curve
Radius: 12.5mm
Impact ≥ 10
1.8 M - Sample length: 5m
resistance impacts
- No of Impact: follow technical
requirement (at different points on
the sample)
- Acceptance Criteria: After impact,
the attenuation does not increase
over 0.1 dB at 1550nm wavelength
comparing with before impact
- Using caliper to measure 5 points
with at least 1m distance interval
Outer sheath then take average value for final
1.9 ≥ 2.0 mm M
thickness result.
- Acceptance Criteria: Average
value≥ 2.0 mm
Using life
1.1 Manufacturer supplies the
time of ≥ 20 years M
0 document
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule:
230C to -300C to 600C to 230C
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 230C to -300C: 3hours
1.1 Operating -30ºC to
M - Times at -300C: 6 hours
1 temperature 60ºC
- Times from -300C to 600C: 6 hours
- Times at 600C: 6 hours
- Times from 600C to 230C:3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+ Attenuation increment: ≤ 0.02

14 Direct buried optical cable 48Fo (Mytel)
a. General requirement:
Direct burried optical cable 48 G.652D single-mode fibers. Fibers and
loose tubes color code follow EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath. Cable has
structure of 2 fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 12 fibers.
Detail structure of cable is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-
metal material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or
equivalent material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers
against water ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily
in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking
yarn inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical
and horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent
water ingress from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points
and other defects.
- Reinforced tape is made from corrugated steel. This layer increases the
capability of waterproof, compressive and impact resistance.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repaired
point and other defects.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel
or by an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The cable specification must show all dimension of cable.
Cable section picture:

Direct buried optical cable structure

b. Detail technical requirement

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of Origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
Mode field ±0,4µm 5.1and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
diameter ±1µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.5 Cladding ≤ 1% M - Equipment Test follow test method in
noncircularit ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
y and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm M
1.6 coating IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength - Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each side
and 20m between 2 sides)
- At
for all drum
of optical
≤ 0,35
attenuation - Using OTDR
for each - Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of drum)
optical - The result of attenuation is equal to
cable: ≤ the value of attenuation coefficient
Attenuation: 0,36 dB/km calculated on 1km that is calculated by
2.2 M
- At 1550 OTDR(dB/km)
nm: - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
+Average value of attenuation for 1 km of each
attenuation fiber in drum.
for all drum - Average attenuation of all drum is
of optical average value of coefficient
cable: attenuation of all fibers in drum.
≤ 0,21
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
cable: ≤
0,22 dB/km
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use power meter to measure the
Fiber attenuation of this length of fiber first
At 1625 nm: M
2.3 macrobend
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: the attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic ps/nmkm G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
nm: - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
≤ 18
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - 0 ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
-Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
≤ 0,2 ps/
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-48 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length 3km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
1.1 MOT- ≥ 1,5 kN M Test method: EIA-455-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Operation - Mandrel Diameter: ≥ 30D (D: Cable
Tension Diameter)
- Length under Tension: ≥ 90m

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Applied Load: 1.5 kN
- Time under Tension: 1 hour
- Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 mục
- Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: ≥90m
MAT – - Increase the tension load to 2,5 kN,
Maximum hold the load at 2,5 kN in 5 minutes
1.2 ≥ 2,5 kN M
Allowable - Test the attenuation before and after
Tension applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
2-E3 and TCVN68-160:2008 part B.3
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 2 hours
- Applied load: 2,5 kN
Crush ≥ 2,5 M
1.3 - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test:
≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
1.4 Twist No. of twist M - Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 2
cable times - Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0° -> 180° -> 0° -> -
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Cycle time: ≤1 minutes
- No of twist cycles: allow technical
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
- Using tester that follow IEC-60794-
1-2-E6, TCVN68-160 section B5
(table B5.1)
- Applied load: ≥20kg
Bending - Twisted cycles: 0° -> 90° -> -90° ->
Bending Radius ≤ 10 0° (0°:equivalent vertical position)
1.5 resistance of times M - Cycle number: 25 cycles
cable diameter of - Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
cable - Bending Radius: follow technical
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
150:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage sheath
withstand or > 10 kV M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes) (50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 Water ≥ 24 hours M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
blocking F5B:
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable
end is plugged to 1m-high water tube,
one is out of water tube.
- Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temperature test: (20 ±5)°C

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Test times: follow technical
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that is
out of water (don’t display by UV
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, the take off cable‘s elements
Filling and left the loose tubes uncuted with
1.8 compound ≥ 24hours M length 80mm ± 2,5mm
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)°C
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 2kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
Impact ≥ 10 M - Sample length: 5m
resistance impacts - Support wire is on the same flat with
- No of Impact: follow technical
requirement (at different points on the
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength

Inner sheath - Using caliper to measure 5 points

1.10 ≥1,5 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.

Outer sheath - Using caliper to measure 5 points

1.11 ≥2 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
Diameter of
Central - Using caliper to measure 5 points
1.12 strength ≥ 2,0 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.
- Using caliper to measure 5 points
Loose tube
1.13 ≥ 2,0 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
diameter average value for final result.
Thickness of - Using caliper to measure 5 points
1.14 corrugated ≥ 0,15 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
steel tape average value for final result.
- Using caliper to measure 5 points
Cable M
1.15 14-17 mm with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.
Using life M
1.16 ≥ 20 years Manufacturers supply the document
time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23°C
to -30°C to 60°C to 23°C
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
Operating -30°C to - Times from 23°C to -30°C: 3hours
1.17 M
temperature 60°C - Times at -30°C: 6 hours
- Times from -30°C to 60°C: 6 hours
- Times at 60°C: 6 hours
- Times from 60°C to 23°C:3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0.02 dB/km
Sheath cable Sample test: ≥ 10m
is broken Using a section of cable sheath roll
when pull ripcord then pull along cable follow
ripcord 10° angle not over 20cm. Speed of
along cable M pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
1.18 resistance of
(not include
cable Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
corrugated broken when pull ripcord along cable
steel tape (not include the corrugated steel tape
layer). layer), ripcord is not broken.

15 ADSS 48Fo SPAN 500m G652D

a.General requirement:
Span 500m ADSS cable includes 48 single-mode fibers G.652D. Fibers and
loose tubes color code are according to EIA/TIA-598.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath, between inner and
outer sheath, there is the Aramid yarns for cable reinforcing. Cable has structure of 2
fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 12 fibers.
Cable structure detail is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-metal
material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or equivalent
material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers against water
ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking yarn
inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical and
horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent water ingress
from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the cable).
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repair points and
other defects.
- Reinforcing Strength Member is made from Aramid or similar material. This
class has the ability to withstand high tension and low-level elongation.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or similar
material, uniform circular, no holes, joints, the repair point and other defects.
If Bidders use similar materials or more components than the components
mentioned above, the Bidders must provide detailed information about the properties
of the materials and demonstrate the equivalence of materials with materials
mentioned above.
Bidders must provide detailed information about the size (diameter, thickness) of
the fiber structural components.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel or by
an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The detailed description for the above mentioned structure as follows (reference):

Overview of 48 fibers ADSS cable
c. Detail technical requirement
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.1
Mode field ±0,4µm and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M
diameter ±1µm and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M
error and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
1.6 Primary 245,0µm ± M - Equipment Test follow test method
coating 5µm IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute M
Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength Sample fiber: 2m or optical fiber/cable
22m±0,2m (1m at each side and 20m
between 2 sides)
- At 1310nm:
for adrum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,35
- Using OTDR
for each
- Sample is the cable in new drums
optical fiber
(normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
in a drum of
optical cable:
- The result of attenuation is equal to the
≤ 0,36
value of attenuation coefficient
calculated on 1km that is calculated by
2.2 Attenuation: - At 1550 M
- Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
value of attenuation for 1 km of each
fiber in drum.
for a drum of
- Average attenuation of all drum is
optical cable:
average value of coefficient attenuation
≤ 0,21
of all fibers in drum.
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
optical cable:
≤ 0,22
2.3 Fiber At 1625 nm: M - Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
macrobend ≤ 0,1 dB (07/2010) part 5.6.1
loss - Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use powermeter to measure the
attenuation of this length of fiber first
(put the fiber straight, not bend, not
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
-At 1310 nm:
≤ 3,5 - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Chromatic G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.4 Dispersion M
-At 1550 nm: 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
≤ 18 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber) ≥ 1km
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ 0 G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2×km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization ≤ 0,2 ps/ G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length is 3 km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
Test method: EIA-555-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
Mandrel Diameter: ≥30D (D: Cable
Length under Tension
MOT- + min 30m for span 500m
Maximum - Applied Load: Follow requirement
1.1 ≥ 17 kN M
Operation - Time under Tension: 1 hour
Tension - Test the attenuation before, in and
after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria: The attenuation
before, in and after applied load do not
change more than 0,1dB at wavelength
1.2 MAT- ≥ 34 kN M According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 part
Allowable B.1.
Tension - Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is

Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: min 30m for
span 500m
- Increase the tension load to MAT, hold
the load in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-2-
E3 and IEEE-1222-2003 part
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 10 minutes
- Applied load: Follow requirement
Crush ≥ 2,2
1.3 M - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test: ≤
0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
E7 and IEEE-1222-2003 section
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0o -> 180o -> 0o -> -
Twist No. of twist - Cycle time: ≤ 1 minutes
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - No of twist cycles: Follow requirement
cable times - Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath and fibers are not
cracked, broken
1.5 Bending Bending M Using tester that follow IEC-60794-1-2-
resistance of Radius ≤ 10 E6, IEEE1222-2003 section,
cable times TCVN68-160 section B5 (table B5.1)
diameter of - Applied load: ≥ 20kg
cable - Twisted cycles: 0o -> 90o -> -90o -> 0o
(0o: equivalent vertical position)
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤ 0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
160:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage
or ≥ 10 kV sheath
1.6 withstand M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes)
(50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
1.7 wind ≥ 90daN/m2 M Manufacturer supply the document
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable end
is pluged to 1m-high water tube, one is
out of water tube.
1.8 ≥ 24 hours M - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temprature test: (20 ±5)oC
- Test time: Follow requirement
- Acceptance Criteria: No water leakage
through the cable end that is out of
water (don’t display by UV light)
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, continue taking off cable‘s
Filling elements to loose tube layer a length
1.9 compound ≥ 24hours M 80mm ± 2,5mm.
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)oC
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: Filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 1kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
1.1 Impact
≥ 10 impacts M 12,5mm
0 resistance
- Sample length: 5m
- No of Impact: Follow requirement (1
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
- Using caliper to measure inner sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Inner sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,0 mm M
1 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of inner sheath thickness ≥1,0 mm
- Using caliper to measure outer sheath
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 Outer sheath - Perform measurement at 5 points,
≥1,5 mm M
2 thickness minimum distance between 2 points is
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of outer sheath thickness ≥1,5 mm
- Using caliper to measure diameter of
Diameter of CSM.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
1.1 - Perform measurement at 5 points,
strength ≥ 2,0 mm M
3 minimum distance between 2 points is
member 1m
(CSM) - Acceptance criteria: The average value
of CSM diameter ≥2,0 mm
1.1 Loose tube ≥ 2,0 mm M - Using caliper to measure loose tube
4 diameter.
- Sample: New cable from cable reel
- Perform measurement at 5 points,
minimum distance between 2 points is
Requiremen y (M)/
No. Parameter Testing method
t Optional
- Acceptance criteria: The average value
of loose tube diameter ≥2,0 mm
1.1 Using life
≥ 15 years M Manufacturer supplies the document
5 time of cable
Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
- Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23oC to
-30oC to 60oC to 23oC
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
1.1 Operating -30ºC to - Times from 23oC to -30oC: 3hours
6 temperature 60ºC - Times at -30oC: 6 hours
- Times from -30oC to 60oC: 6 hours
- Times at 60oC: 6 hours
- Times from 60oC to 23oC: 3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0,02dB/km
Sample test: ≥ 10m
Using a section of cable sheath to roll
the ripcord tightly then pull along cable
Sheath cable follow 10o. Distance between rolled
Ripcord is broken cable position and cable body is not
resistance of when pull M
7 over 20cm. Speed of pulling cable ≥
cable ripcord along
cable. 10cm/s.
Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
broken when pull ripcord along cable,
ripcord is not broken.

16 Direct buried optical cable 24Fo 6G655 (đang xây dựng)

c. General requirement:
Direct burried optical cable includes 6 G.655 single-mode fibers and 18
G.652D single-mode fibers. Fibers and loose tubes color code follow EIA/TIA-
598. G.655 fibers are contained in brown loose tube.
Cable with double sheaths: Inner sheath and outer sheath. Cable has
structure of 2 fillers and 4 loose tubes which contained 6 fibers.
Detail structure of cable is follow:
- Central strength member (CSM) made by reinforcing glass fiber or non-
metal material with high tension strength.
- Loose tubes are made from Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or
equivalent material. Loose tube filling compound protects the fibers
against water ingress, vibration and enable optical fibers to move easily
in loose tubes.
- Fillers have the same size with loose tubes and have colors to distinguish
easily from loose tube.
- Water blocking tape wraps around the cable core and water blocking
yarn inside it: Has an ability to well prevent water ingress follow vertical
and horizontal direction of cable (or use filling compound to prevent
water ingress from cable core and infiltrate along the length of the
- Inner jacket is made from the MDPE (Medium Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, no joints, no repair
points and other defects.
- Reinforced tape is made from corrugated steel. This layer increases the
capability of waterproof, compressive and impact resistance.
- Outer jacket is made from the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or
similar material, make sure circular sheath, no holes, joints, repaired
point and other defects.
All of the technical requirements will be checked and measured by Viettel
or by an organization that is certified by Vietnam Government.
Cable label is written by request from Viettel after contract is signed.
The length per cable roll in drum: 3km.
The cable specification must show all dimension of cable.
Cable section picture:

Direct buried optical cable structure

d. Detail technical requirement

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
A Single mode G.652D
I Geometrical characteristic
SMF - Check the Certificate of Origin and
1.1 Fiber type M
G.652D Certificate of Quality of the fibers
At 1310nm: - Equipment Test follow test method in
9,2µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part
Mode field ±0,4µm 5.1and IEC 60793-1- 45 (07/2001)
1.2 M
diameter At 1550nm: - Sample fiber 2 ±0,2m for direct
10,4µm measurement method or at least 1000m
±0,8µm for indirect method
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding 125,0µm ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.3 M and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
diameter ±1µm
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Core ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.4 concentricity ≤ 0,6µm M and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
- Equipment Test follow test method in
Cladding ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.2
1.5 noncircularit ≤ 1% M
and IEC 60793-1-20 (09/2001)
- Sample fiber < 2m
Primary - Equipment Test follow test method
245,0µm M
1.6 coating IEC 60793-1-21 (08/2001)
diameter - Sample fiber < 2m
II Transmission attribute
- Equipment Test follow test method in
ITU-T Rec G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.3
Cut-off and IEC 60793-1-44 (07/2001)
2.1 ≤ 1260 nm M
wavelength - Sample fiber: 2m or optical
fiber/cable 22m±0,2m (1m at each side
and 20m between 2 sides)
2.2 Attenuation: - At M - Using OTDR
1310nm: - Sample is the cable in new drums
+Average (normally 3 km for 1 optical cable
attenuation drum)
for all drum - The result of attenuation is equal to
of optical the value of attenuation coefficient
cable: calculated on 1km that is calculated by
≤ 0,35 OTDR(dB/km)
dB/km - Attenuation of each fiber in drum is
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
cable: ≤
0,36 dB/km
- At 1550
+Average value of attenuation for 1 km of each
attenuation fiber in drum.
for all drum - Average attenuation of all drum is
of optical average value of coefficient
cable: attenuation of all fibers in drum.
≤ 0,21
for each
optical fiber
in a drum of
cable: ≤
0,22 dB/km
- Test method: ITU-T Rec G.650.1
(07/2010) part 5.6.1
- Circle the fiber 100 turns, radius of
each turn: 30 mm
- Use power meter to measure the
Fiber attenuation of this length of fiber first
At 1625 nm: M
2.3 macrobend
≤ 0,1 dB (put the fiber straight, not bend, not
twist) and after bending.
- Acceptance Criteria: the attenuation
between 2 times of measure not
different over 0,1dB at 1625nm
2.4 Chromatic -At 1310 M - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Dispersion nm: G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
coefficient ≤ 3,5 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
ps/nmkm - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
-At 1550
≤ 18

Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
Zero - Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
dispersion 1300 nm ≤ G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
2.5 M
wavelength - 0 ≤1324 nm 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
0 - Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
-Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Zero G.650.1 (07/2010) part 5.5 and IEC
≤ 0,092
2.6 Dispersion M
ps/nm2km 60793-1-42 (04/2007)
- Sample for test (Cable/fiber)≥ 1km
- Test equipment follow ITU-T Rec
Polarization G.650.2 (07/2007) part 5.1 and IEC
≤ 0,2 ps/
2.7 Mode M 60793-1-48 (04/2007)
Dispersion - Sample for testing in a drum (normal
length 3km)
B Cable
I Mechanical attribute
Test method: EIA-455-33A 1998,
IEC60794-1-2-E1, IEC60794-3-20.
- Mandrel Diameter: ≥ 30D (D: Cable
- Length under Tension: ≥ 90m
- Applied Load: 1.5 kN
MOT- - Time under Tension: 1 hour
Maximum M
1.1 ≥ 1,5 kN - Test the attenuation before, in and
Tension after applied load
- Acceptance Criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
1.2 MAT – ≥ 2,5 kN M According to EIA-455-33A 1998,
Maximum IEC60794-1-2-E1, TCVN68-160 mục
Allowable B.1
Tension - Diameter of mandrel: ≥ 30D (D is
cable diameter)
- Length under Tension: ≥90m
- Increase the tension load to 2,5 kN,
hold the load at 2,5 kN in 5 minutes
- Test the attenuation before and after
applied load at wavelength 1550nm
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Acceptance criteria:
+ The attenuation before and after
applied load do not change more than
0,1dB at 1550nm
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
Using tester that follow IEC 60794-1-
2-E3 and TCVN68-160:2008 part B.3
- Length under Crush: 100mm
- Time under crush: 2 hours
- Applied load: 2,5 kN
Crush ≥ 2,5 M
1.3 - Acceptance criteria:
resistance kN/100mm
+ Attenuation increment after test,
during test compared to before test:
≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
- Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
- Length under Twisting: 4m
- Cable fixed Load: ≥50N
- Twisted cycles: 0° -> 180° -> 0° -> -
- Cycle time: ≤1 minutes
Twist No. of twist
1.4 resistance of cycles: ≥ 10 M - No of twist cycles: allow technical
cable times requirement
- Acceptance criteria:
+ Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test, during test
compared to before test: ≤ 0,1dB at
1550nm wavelength
+ Cable sheath not cracked, broken,
fibers are not broken
1.5 Bending Bending M - Using tester that follow IEC-60794-
resistance of Radius ≤ 10 1-2-E6, TCVN68-160 section B5
cable times (table B5.1)
diameter of - Applied load: ≥20kg
cable - Twisted cycles: 0° -> 90° -> -90° ->
0° (0°:equivalent vertical position)
- Cycle number: 25 cycles
- Cycles speed: 30 cycles/minute
- Bending Radius: follow technical
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength
Using tester that follow TCVN68-
150:2008 section 5.3.4:
≥ 20 kV DC - 02 electrodes placed in 2 sides of the
High voltage sheath
withstand or > 10 kV M
rms AC - Rise the voltage up to setting value
(5 minutes) (50~60Hz) - Keep voltage in 5 minutes
- Accpeptance criteria: No sheath
Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-2-
Length of sample: 3m
- Height of water: 1m
- Place sample horizontally, a cable
end is plugged to 1m-high water tube,
one is out of water tube.
Water - Water is mixed fluorescent dye that is
1.7 ≥ 24 hours M displayed by UV light (don’t react with
any of cable components)
- Temperature test: (20 ±5)°C
- Test times: follow technical
- Acceptance Criteria: No water
leakage through the cable end that is
out of water (don’t display by UV
Tested following IEC 60794-1-2-E14:
- Samples number: 5 samples
- Length of sample 300mm ± 5mm
- Take off outer sheath about 130mm ±
2,5mm, the take off cable‘s elements
Filling and left the loose tubes uncuted with
1.8 compound ≥ 24hours M length 80mm ± 2,5mm
test - Hang the sample vertically with the
taked off end below without sealing.
- Testing temperature: (60±5)°C
- Time to test: 24hrs
- Acceptance criteria: filling compound
fall out less than 0,05g
1.9 Impact ≥ 10 M Using tester that follow IEC60794-1-
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
E4, TCVN68-160 section B2 (table
- Heigh of impact: 1m
- Drop hammer mass: 2kg
- Curve Radius of Intermediate Steel:
- Sample length: 5m
resistance impacts - Support wire is on the same flat with
- No of Impact: follow technical
requirement (at different points on the
- Acceptance Criteria: Attenuation
increment after test compared to before
test: ≤0,1dB at 1550nm wavelength

Inner sheath - Using caliper to measure 5 points

1.10 ≥1,5 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.

Outer sheath - Using caliper to measure 5 points

1.11 ≥2 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.
Diameter of
Central - Using caliper to measure 5 points
1.12 strength ≥ 2,0 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.
- Using caliper to measure 5 points
Loose tube
1.13 ≥ 2,0 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
diameter average value for final result.
Thickness of - Using caliper to measure 5 points
1.14 corrugated ≥ 0,15 mm M with 1m distance interval then take
steel tape average value for final result.
- Using caliper to measure 5 points
Cable M
1.15 14-17 mm with 1m distance interval then take
average value for final result.
Using life M
1.16 ≥ 20 years Manufacturers supply the document
time of cable
1.17 Operating -30°C to M Test method: TCVN68-160:2008
temperature 60°C - Cable sample length: ≥500m
- Temperature cycling schedule: 23°C
Item y (M)/
Parameter Required Testing method
s No. Optional
to -30°C to 60°C to 23°C
- Number of cycle: 2 cycle
- Times from 23°C to -30°C: 3hours
- Times at -30°C: 6 hours
- Times from -30°C to 60°C: 6 hours
- Times at 60°C: 6 hours
- Times from 60°C to 23°C:3 hours
- Acceptance Criteria
+Attenuation increment: ≤ 0.02 dB/km
Sheath cable Sample test: ≥ 10m
is broken Using a section of cable sheath roll
when pull ripcord then pull along cable follow
ripcord 10° angle not over 20cm. Speed of
along cable M pulling cable ≥ 10cm/s.
1.18 resistance of
(not include
cable Acceptance Criteria: Sheath cable is
corrugated broken when pull ripcord along cable
steel tape (not include the corrugated steel tape
layer). layer), ripcord is not broken.


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