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CLASS – iv
Sub – social science.
Chapter 16
Mineral resources of India
A. Choose the correct answer and fill
in the blanks.
1. The impure form of a mineral is
called ore
a. Bronze
b. Ore
c. Copper
d. Iron
2. Minerals are found in a mine
a. Mine
b. Police station
c. Copper
d. Iron
3. Aeroplane is made from
a. Bronze
b. Stones
c. Aluminium
d. Iron
B. Answer these questions.
Q1. What are minerals ?
Ans. Minerals are natural
Substance found deep inside
the Earth.
Q2. Define the two kinds of
Ans. Two kinds of minerals are
I . Metallic –
Metallic state contact
one or more metals for
example iron copper gold
and Aluminium
ii. minerals that do no
Content metals, for
Example, limestone,
Mica, coal, and
Q.3. what is an ore ?
Ans. An ore is a naturally
Occurring substance
from which minerals
are extracted.
Q.4 how is copper used ?
Ans. Copper is used for making
Electric wires, machineries pipe,
tubes, and utensils .
Q.5 in what ways coal used ?
Ans. Call is used to generate
and as a domestic fuel.
Q.6 why do we need to conserve
Minerals ?
Ans. Minerals are valuable resources
For a country. It takes millions
Of years to form .
c. State whether these statements are
True Or false.
1) Jharkhand is the richest state
in terms of minerals in lndia.
Ans. True
2) Coal is used for making
electric wire.
Ans. False
3) India is the largest producer
of mica.
Ans. True
4) Petroleum is found deep
inside the sea.
Ans. True
D . Match the columns.
1. Iron – c. Used to make
Machines, bridges
Dams and utensil
2. Copper – d. Used in making
Electric wires,
Machinery, pipes
3. Gold - b. Used for making

4. Coal - a. Black diamond

E. Think and answer.
1. Why is petroleum so expensive
Ans. Petroleum is so expensive because
It takes millions of years to form
2. ‘Conservation of minerals is the
need of The hour.’ Do you agree ?
Give reasons.
Ans. Yes, conservation of minerals is the
need of the hour .’ Because,
minerals are valuable resources
for a country. It takes millions of
years to form Minerals.
F. Which metal would you use for
Making the following ?
1. Utensils – iron ore, aluminium,
2. Pipes – copper
3. Wires – copper
4. Jewellery – Gold
5. anklets – silver
6. bridges – iron ore
7. aeroplane parts – aluminium

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