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(To be submitted individually for UPI switch, Mobile Banking & Internet Banking solution)

SUB: RFP for UPI Switch and Mobile Banking & Internet Banking solution
Ref: Your RFP No TMD/3/22-23 dated 30/09/2022

This Agreement made at _______________, on this _____ day of __________________

20___.BETWEEN ________________________________a company incorporated under
the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ___________________________
(hereinafter referred to as “__________” which expression unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the
_____________________, a body corporate constituted under the Regional Rural Bank
Act,1976 and having its Head Office at _________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as “_____” which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART
And are hereinafter individually referred to as party and collectively referred to as
“the Parties”. Either of the parties which discloses or receives the confidential
information is respectively referred to herein as Disclosing Party and Receiving Party.
The Parties entered to a contract and established business relationship between
them. In the course of such business relationship, it is anticipated that both the
parties may disclose or deliver to either of the Parties certain or some of its trade
secrets or confidential or proprietary information, for the purpose of enabling the
other party to evaluate the feasibility of such business relationship (hereinafter
referred to as “the Purpose”).
3. Confidential Information:
“Confidential Information” means all information disclosed/ furnished by either of
the parties to another Party in connection with the business transacted/to be
transacted between the Parties and/or in the course of discussions and negotiations
between them in connection with the Purpose. Confidential Information shall
include customer data, any copy, abstract, extract, sample, note or module
Either of the Parties may use the Confidential Information solely for and in connection
with the Purpose.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Confidential Information” shall not include any
information which the Receiving Party can show:
a)is now or subsequently becomes legally and publicly available without breach of this
Agreement by the Receiving Party,
b)was rightfully in the possession of the Receiving Party without any obligation of
confidentiality prior to receiving it, from the Disclosing Party,

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c)was rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a source other than the Disclosing
Party without any obligation of confidentiality, or
d)was developed by or for the Receiving Party independently and without reference to
any Confidential Information and such independent development can be shown by
documentary evidence.

2. Use of Confidential Information:

a)Each party agrees not to use the other’s confidential information for any purpose other
than for the specific purpose. Any other use of such confidential information by any party
shall be made only upon the prior written consent from the authorized representative of
the other party or pursuant to subsequent agreement between the Parties hereto.
b)The bidder shall not commercially use or disclose for commercial purpose any
confidential information or any materials derived there from, to any other person or entity
other than persons in its direct employment who have a need to access and knowledge
of the said information, solely for the purpose authorized above. The company shall take
appropriate measures by instruction and written agreement prior to disclosure to such
employees to assure against unauthorized use or disclosure. The Company agrees to
notify the Bank immediately if it learns of any use or disclosure of the Bank’s confidential
information in violation of the terms of this agreement.
c)The bidder shall not make news release, public announcements, give interviews, issue
or publish advertisements or Agreement, the contents/provisions thereof, other
information relating to this agreement, the purpose, the Confidential information or other
matter of this agreement, without the prior written approval.

3. Non-disclosure:
The Receiving Party shall not commercially use or disclose any Confidential Information
or any materials derived there from to any other person or entity other than persons in
the direct employment of the Receiving Party who have a need to have access to and
knowledge of the Confidential Information solely for the Purpose authorized above. The
Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to consultants only if the
consultant has executed a Non-disclosure Agreement with the Receiving Party that
contains terms and conditions that are no less restrictive than these. The Receiving Party
shall take appropriate measures by instruction and written agreement prior to disclosure
to such employees to assure against unauthorized use or disclosure. The Receiving Party
agrees to notify the Disclosing Party immediately if it learns of any use or disclosure of the
Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in violation of the terms of this Agreement.
Further, any breach of non-disclosure obligations by such employees or consultants shall
be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party and the Receiving
Party shall be accordingly liable therefore.

Provided that the Receiving Party may disclose Confidential information to a court or
governmental agency pursuant to an order of such court or governmental agency as so
required by such order, provided that the Receiving Party shall, unless prohibited by law
or regulation, promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such order and afford the Disclosing
Party the opportunity to seek appropriate protective order relating to such disclosure.

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4. Publications
Neither Party shall make news releases, public announcements, give interviews, issue or
publish advertisements or publicize in any other manner whatsoever in connection with
this Agreement, the contents / provisions thereof, other information relating to this
Agreement, the Purpose, the Confidential Information or other matter of this Agreement,
without the prior written approval of the other Party.

5. Term
This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue till termination
of business relationship between the Parties. Upon expiration or termination as
contemplated herein the Receiving Party shall immediately cease any and all disclosures
or uses of Confidential Information; and at the request of the Disclosing Party, the
Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all written, graphic or other tangible forms
of the Confidential Information and all copies, abstracts, extracts, samples, notes or
modules thereof.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein the obligations of Receiving
Party respecting disclosure and confidentiality shall continue to be binding and
applicable without limit in time except and, until such information enters the public
6. Title and Proprietary Rights
Notwithstanding the disclosure of any Confidential Information by the Disclosing Party to
the Receiving Party, the Disclosing Party shall retain title and all intellectual property and
proprietary rights in the Confidential Information. No license under any trademark,
patent or copyright, or application for same which are now or thereafter may be
obtained by such Party is either granted or implied by the conveying of Confidential
Information. The Receiving Party shall not conceal, alter, obliterate, mutilate, deface or
otherwise interfere with any trademark, trademark notice, copyright notice,
confidentiality notice or any notice of any other proprietary right of the Disclosing Party
on any copy of the Confidential Information, and shall reproduce any such mark or
notice on all copies of such Confidential Information. Likewise, the Receiving Party shall
not add or emboss its own or any other any mark, symbol or logo on such Confidential
7. Return of Confidential Information
Upon written demand of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall (i) cease using the
Confidential Information, (ii) return the Confidential Information and all copies, abstract,
extracts, samples, notes or modules thereof to the Disclosing Party within seven (7) days
after receipt of notice, and (iii) upon request of the Disclosing Party, certify in writing that
the Receiving Party has complied with the obligations set forth in this paragraph.

8. Remedies
The Receiving Party acknowledges that if the Receiving Party fails to comply with any of
its obligations hereunder, the Disclosing Party may suffer immediate, irreparable harm for
which monetary damages may not be adequate. The Receiving Party agrees that, in
addition to all other remedies provided at law or in equity, the Disclosing Party shall be
entitled to injunctive relief hereunder.

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9. Entire Agreement, Amendment, Assignment
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the
matters discussed herein and supersedes any and all prior oral discussions and/or written
correspondence or agreements between the parties. This Agreement may be amended
or modified only with the mutual written consent of the parties. Neither this Agreement
nor any right granted hereunder shall be assignable or otherwise transferable.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. The disputes, if
any, arising out of this Agreement shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the
courts/tribunals in Salem.

11. General
The Receiving Party shall not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise
interfere with any software disclosed hereunder. All Confidential Information is provided
“as is”. In no event shall the Disclosing Party be liable for the inaccuracy or
incompleteness of the Confidential Information. None of the Confidential Information
disclosed by the parties constitutes any representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee
or inducement by either party to the other with respect to the fitness of such Confidential
Information for any particular purpose or infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights
or any right of third persons.

12. Indemnity
The receiving party should indemnify and keep indemnified, saved, defended, harmless
against any loss, damage, costs etc. incurred and / or suffered by the disclosing party
arising out of breach of confidentiality obligations under this agreement by the receiving
party etc., officers, employees, agents or consultants.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed these presents the day, month
and year first hereinabove written.

For and on behalf of__

Name of Authorized signatory:

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