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Oracle® iRecruitment

Implementation and User Guide

Release 12.2
Part No. E59063-06

May 2022
Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E59063-06

Copyright © 2003, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Gowri Arur

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on
use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your
license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license,
transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse
engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If
you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.

If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on
behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:

U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software,
any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are
"commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-
specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the
programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware,
and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No
other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.

This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.
It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that
may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you
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software or hardware in dangerous applications.

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of
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Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are
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otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates
will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party
content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support.
For information, visit or visit
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle may include, without any additional fee, the provision of a geocoding service through a hosted service
that uses content provided by third parties to apply latitude and longitude coordinates to addresses within
the TCA schema. This service is made available to demonstrate how geocoding and geospatial queries could
be used in business decisions, and is provided exclusive of any warranty, including, without limitation, all
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranty, whether expressed or
implied. Oracle does not warrant that the geocoding service will be available, or that it will meet users'
requirements, or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error free. the geocoding service is provided solely
on an "as is basis."

The data ("Data") is provided for your personal, internal use only and not for resale. It is protected by
copyright, and is subject to the following terms and conditions which are agreedto by you, on the one hand,
and Oracle Corporation ("Oracle") and its licensors (including their licensors and suppliers) on the other hand.

© 2002 Navigation Technologies Corporation

© 2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.

Ausw/ Italy ©1994-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Austria ©1996-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Belgium ©1995-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Benelux ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V. All rights reserved
Central Europe ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Denmark ©1997-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
France ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Germany ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Great Britain ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Italy ©1994-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Luxembourg ©1996-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.All rights reserved,
Mediterranean Coast ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Spain ©1997-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Sweden ©1994-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
Switzerland ©1996-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.
The Netherlands ©1993-2002 Navigation Technologies B.V.

The Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities,
including: © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, © Queen's Printer for Ontario, © Canada Post
Corporation, GeoBase®.

NAVTEQ holds a non-exclusive license from the United States Postal Service® to publish and sell ZIP+4®

© United States Postal Service® 2005. Prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States
Postal Service®. The following trademarks and registrations are owned by the USPS: United States Postal
Service, USPS, and ZIP+4.

Terms and Conditions

License Grant
You agree to use this Data together with Oracle Location Services (hosted mapping service, hosted
routing service, hosted geocoding service and/or any other Oracle hosted
location services) solely as follows:
(a)You may download and print driving directions, route manifests and other locational content
derived from the Data, as made available by Oracle Location Services (hosted mapping service, hosted
routing service, hosted geocoding service and/or any other Oracle hosted Location Services) (the
(b)You may transmit such Results to your display device or electronic device, whether portable or
located in a vehicle, including any hand-held or in-vehicle computer, for display and printing;
(c)You may use the Results as described in (a) and (b) for your own personal or internal business
purposes; and
(d)If you are a business, you may use the Results and/or information derived therefrom in your
business interactions with your customers, partners, distributors and prospective customers (for clarity,
such parties are not intended to include the general public) and disclose and/or distribute static,
non-editable copies thereof (which shall include display of the Navigation Technologies Corporation
copyright notice) to such parties, provided that (i) such Results and/or information derived therefrom
are not used for a business of making, distributing, licensing and/or selling driving directions, route
manifests and other locational content and (ii) such parties are not permitted to use such Results
and/or information derived therefrom for any other purpose than doing business with you in the
capacity of your customer, partner, distributor or prospective customer.

Restrictions. Except where you have been specifically licensed to do so by Oracle, and without limiting the
preceding paragraph, you may not (a) use this Data with any products, systems, or applications installed or
otherwise connected to or in communication with vehicles, capable of vehicle navigation, positioning,
dispatch, real time route guidance, fleet management or similar applications; or (b) with or in communication
with any positioning devices or any mobile or wireless-connected electronic or computer devices, including
without limitation cellular phones, palmtop and handheld computers, pagers, and personal digital assistants
or PDAs.

Warning. The Data may contain inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing
circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, any of which may
lead to incorrect results.

No Warranty. This Data is provided to you "as is", and you agree to use it at your own risk.Oracle and its
licensors (and their licensors and suppliers) make no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind,
express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, content, quality, accuracy,
completeness, effectiveness, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness, use or results to be
obtained from this Data, or that the Data or server will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Territories and Countries do not allow certain warranty exclusions, so to that extent the above exclusion may
not apply to you.

do not allow certain liability exclusions or damages limitations, so to that extent the above may not apply to

Export Control. You agree not to export from anywhere any part of the Data provided to you or any direct
product thereof except in compliance with, and with all licenses and approvals required under, applicable
export laws, rules and regulations.

Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between Oracle (and its
licensors, including their licensors and suppliers) and you pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and
supersedes in their entirety any and all written or oral agreements previously existing between us with
respect to such subject matter.

Governing Law. The above terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of California, without giving
effect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United Nations Convention for Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods, which is explicitly excluded.You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of California
for any and all disputes, claims and actions arising from or in connection with the Data provided to you

Government End Users. If the Data is being acquired by or on behalf of the United States government or any
other entity seeking or applying rights similar to those customarily claimed by the United States government,
the Data is a "commercial item" as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. ("FAR") 2.101, is licensed in accordance
with Terms and Conditions for Navteq Data in the Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide, and
each copy of Data delivered or otherwise furnished shall be marked and embedded as appropriate with the
following "Notice of Use," and shall be treated in accordance with such Notice:



CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 900,
Chicago, Illinois 60654

This Data is a commercial item as defined in FAR 2.101 and is subject to the Terms and Conditions for Navteq
Data in the Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide under which this Data was provided.

© 2005 NAVTEQ - All rights reserved

If the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official refuses to use the legend
provided herein, the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official must notify
NAVTEQ prior to seeking additional or alternative rights in the Data.

Supplier Requirements & Notices


The following provisions apply to NT Technology for the coverage area of Canada, which may include or
reflect data from third party licensors ("Third Party Data"), including Her Majesty the Queen in Right of
Canada ("Her Majesty") and Canada Post Corporation ("Canada Post"):

I. Disclaimer and Limitation: Oracle agrees that its use of the Third Party Data is subject to the following


II. Copyright Notice: In connection with a Hosted Service, Oracle shall conspicuously display the following
copyright notice on any Results, or on a web page to which a link is provided on the Results, for the coverage
are of Canada: "This data includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities, including ©
Her Majesty, © Queen's Printer for Ontario, © Canada Post, GeoBase®."

III. End-User Terms: In connection with the provision of any portion of the NT Technology for the coverage
area of Canada to End-Users as may be authorized under the Agreement, Oracle shall provide such End-
Users, in a reasonably conspicuous manner, with terms (set forth with other end user terms required to be
provided under the Agreement, or as otherwise may be provided, by Oracle) which shall include the
following provisions on behalf of the Third Party Data licensors, including Her Majesty and Canada Post:



You shall indemnify and save harmless the licensors, including Her Majesty the Queen and the Minister, and
their officers, employees and agents from and against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature
of the cause of the claim, demand or action, alleging loss, costs, expenses, damages or injuries (including
injuries resulting in death) arising out of the use or possession of the data or the NT Technology.


The following provisions apply to the NT Technology for and to the extent indicated respecting any coverage
area including any country of Europe, which may include or reflect data from respective third party licensors:

1. Paper Maps. Oracle shall not have any right or license to use, or license the use of, the NT Technology for
any coverage area including any country of Europe to create paper maps of any kind (as used herein, "paper
map" shall mean any literary work in the form of a map fixed on a paper or paper-like medium which is
intended to be commercially distributed as a paper map).

2. OS Enforcement. With respect to NT Technology for the coverage area of Great Britain, Oracle
acknowledges and agrees that the Ordnance Survey ("OS") may bring a direct action against Oracle to enforce
compliance with the OS copyright notice (see Section 4 below) and paper map requirements (see Section 1
above) contained in this Agreement.

3. Traffic Codes. The following provisions apply to any grant of license for use of NT Technology that
includes Traffic Codes.

A. General Restrictions Applicable to Traffic Codes. Oracle acknowledges and agrees that in certain countries
of the coverage area of Europe, Oracle will need to obtain rights directly from third party RDS-TMC code
providers to use the Traffic Codes in the NT Technology and to distribute information, data, applications,
products and/or services in any way derived from or based on such Traffic Codes. For such countries, NT
shall provide Oracle with a contact name or title, address, phone number, e-mail address and/or any other
relevant contact information to obtain such rights.

B. Display of Third Party Rights Legend for Belgium. Oracle shall, for each provision of information, data,
applications, products and/or services that uses Traffic Codes for Belgium, provide the following notice to the
End-User: "Traffic Information is provided by the Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap and the Ministèrie
de l'Equipement et des Transports."

4. Third Party Notices. Any Results of a Hosted Service shall include, or shall include a link to a web page
including (provided, however, that with respect to the coverage area of France, if NT's supplier requires the
Notice to be on the Results, then Oracle shall comply with such requirements within a commercially
reasonable period of time following written notice from NT), the respective Third Party Notices set forth
below and used as described below corresponding to the coverage area (or portion thereof) included in such

Territory Notice

Austria "© Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen"

Croatia, "© EuroGeographics" Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Slovenia and/or Ukraine


France "source: Géoroute" IGN France & BD Carto® IGN France"

Germany "Die Grundlagendaten wurden mit Genehmigung der zustaendigen Behoerden


Great Britain - Until 12/31/05: "Based on Ordnance Survey electronic data and used with the
permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office ©Crown Copyright,
- After 12/31/05: "Based upon Crown Copyright material."
Greece "Copyright Geomatics Ltd."

Hungary "Copyright © 2003; Top-Map Ltd."

Italy "La Banca Dati Italiana è stata prodotta usando quale rifermento anche cartografia
numerica ed al tratto prodatta e fornita dalla Regione Toscane."

Norway "Copyright © 2000; Norwegian Mapping Agency"

Portugal "Source: IgeoE - Portugal"

Spain "Información geográfica propiedad del CNIG"

Sweden "Based upon electronic data National Land Survey Sweden."

Switzerland "Topografische Grundlage: © Bundesamt für Landestopographie."


NAVTECH ON BOARD and NAVSTREETS are trademarks of Navigation Technologies Corporation.


Send Us Your Comments


1 Implementing iRecruitment
iRecruitment Implementation................................................................................................... 1-1
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1-6
iRecruitment Overview........................................................................................................ 1-6
Implementation....................................................................................................................... 1-15
Implementation Steps for iRecruitment............................................................................. 1-15
Configuration Overview.................................................................................................... 1-55
Save For Later.................................................................................................................... 1-56
iRecruitment Profile Options............................................................................................. 1-57
iRecruitment and Oracle Approvals Management (AME)...............................................1-102
AME Components in iRecruitment.................................................................................. 1-106
iRecruitment Vacancy Approval Transaction Type......................................................... 1-107
iRecruitment Offer Approval Transaction Type.............................................................. 1-115
iRecruitment Notification Approvals Transaction Type.................................................. 1-117
User and Extensible Lookups...........................................................................................1-123
Generic Hierarchies Overview......................................................................................... 1-125
Applicant Assignment Statuses....................................................................................... 1-131
Running the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles Process.............................. 1-134
Running the iRecruitment Person Data Migration Process.............................................. 1-135
Entering Business Group Information............................................................................. 1-136
Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process...................................... 1-138
Business Groups: Entering Recruitment Information...................................................... 1-139
Defining Assignment Statuses (Assignment Window).................................................... 1-140

Configuring Candidate Profile Components................................................................... 1-142
Setting Up a Searchable Flexfield..................................................................................... 1-145
Setting Up Virus Scan...................................................................................................... 1-147
Customizing Resume Templates......................................................................................1-148
Security.................................................................................................................................. 1-150
User Access and Security in iRecruitment....................................................................... 1-150
iRecruitment Responsibilities and User Menus............................................................... 1-153
Self-Service Menus and User Access................................................................................ 1-156
Defining User Access to Self-Service Functions............................................................... 1-157
Configuring Page Layouts..................................................................................................... 1-159
The Personalization Framework...................................................................................... 1-159
Configuring Web Pages................................................................................................... 1-161
Setting Up Information for iRecruitment............................................................................. 1-162
Creating and Maintaining Default Job Postings...............................................................1-162
Creating and Maintaining Recruiting Sites Details.......................................................... 1-164
Defining and Maintaining Templates for Offer Letters....................................................1-166
Setting Up Assessments................................................................................................... 1-168
Setting Up Offers.................................................................................................................. 1-171
Setting Up Offers............................................................................................................. 1-171
Setting up Information for Salary Basis and Proposed Salary Fields in Offers................ 1-174
Customizing Offer Templates.......................................................................................... 1-177
Running the iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications Process........................................ 1-178
Running the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications Process.......................................1-179
Setting Up Individual Compensation Distributions for Employees and iRecruitment
Applicants........................................................................................................................ 1-179
Defining a Program or Plan Year Period..........................................................................1-190
Defining an Eligibility Profile.......................................................................................... 1-191
Defining Plan Types......................................................................................................... 1-194
Defining a Reporting Group............................................................................................ 1-195
Defining a Benefits Plan................................................................................................... 1-196
Maintaining Plan Related Details.....................................................................................1-199
Associating Options with a Plan...................................................................................... 1-201
Defining Options............................................................................................................. 1-204
Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons.................................................. 1-205
Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution.................................. 1-209
Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans........................................ 1-211
Setting Up Agencies.............................................................................................................. 1-213
Setting Up Agencies......................................................................................................... 1-213
iRecruitment High Availability............................................................................................ 1-216
iRecruitment High Availability........................................................................................ 1-216
Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option...................................................................... 1-217

Setting up the High Availability Instance........................................................................ 1-218
Transition from a Primary Instance to an HA Instance and Back to the Primary............ 1-219
Extending iRecruitment........................................................................................................ 1-222
Workflow Business Events............................................................................................... 1-222
Business Events in iRecruitment...................................................................................... 1-223
Publicly Callable Business Process APIs in iRecruitment................................................ 1-230
Predefined Notifications.................................................................................................. 1-230
Using Workflow Business Events.................................................................................... 1-237
Info Online Links to Information Provider Websites.......................................................... 1-239
Info Online Links to Information Provider Web Sites...................................................... 1-239
Accessing Information Provider Web Sites...................................................................... 1-239
Integration between Oracle HRMS Products and Information Providers........................1-241
Info Online Content Container........................................................................................ 1-242
Configuring Links between Oracle HRMS Products and Information Providers............ 1-243
Info Online Links to Enwisen............................................................................................... 1-245
Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle iRecruitment Pages....................................... 1-245
Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen............................................. 1-245
Reports and Processes........................................................................................................... 1-248
iRecruitment Reports and Processes................................................................................ 1-248
Running the iRecruitment Purge Old Data Process......................................................... 1-249
Running the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers Process................................. 1-251
Running the iRecruitment Index Synchronization Process.............................................. 1-252
Running the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner Process........... 1-253
Running the iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers Process...................................... 1-253
Running the iRecruitment HA Process Applications ...................................................... 1-253
Running the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot Process....................................... 1-254
Running the iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data Process................................ 1-255
Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process..................................................... 1-256
Running the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary Process..............................................1-257
Running the iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report...................... 1-258

2 Working with iRecruitment

Working with Oracle iRecruitment.......................................................................................... 2-1
Overview of Manager and Recruiter Tasks.............................................................................. 2-3
Overview of Manager and Recruiter Tasks..........................................................................2-3
Viewing the Recruitment Summary.....................................................................................2-8
Using the Employee or Contingent Worker Interface............................................................ 2-12
iRecruitment for Employees and Contingent Workers...................................................... 2-12
Using iRecruitment as Employee Candidates or Contingent Workers.............................. 2-13
Managing Employee Referrals........................................................................................... 2-17

Managing Interview Tasks................................................................................................. 2-19
Using the Candidate Interface................................................................................................ 2-21
Using the Candidate Interface........................................................................................... 2-21
Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment.........................................................2-28
Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment..................................................... 2-28
Creating Questions Banks in iRecruitment........................................................................ 2-29
Creating Tests in iRecruitment...........................................................................................2-30
Section Management.......................................................................................................... 2-33
Reviewing Test and Question Statistics............................................................................. 2-33
Managing Vacancies................................................................................................................ 2-36
Vacancies in iRecruitment.................................................................................................. 2-36
Creating and Maintaining Vacancies................................................................................. 2-42
Troubleshooting Vacancies................................................................................................ 2-50
Managing Communication in iRecruitment...........................................................................2-52
Understanding iRecruitment Communication...................................................................2-52
Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication ........................ 2-55
Managing Communication for Multiple Applicants..........................................................2-56
Working with Candidates....................................................................................................... 2-58
Working with Candidates.................................................................................................. 2-58
Processing Candidates....................................................................................................... 2-60
Creating Candidates.......................................................................................................... 2-61
Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details........................................... 2-62
Finding Duplicate Profiles...................................................................................................... 2-64
Finding Duplicate Profiles................................................................................................. 2-64
Calculating Skills Match Percentage...................................................................................... 2-67
Calculating Skills Match Percentage.................................................................................. 2-67
Using Candidate Profile.......................................................................................................... 2-71
Using Candidate Profile..................................................................................................... 2-71
Viewing Candidate Details on the Candidate Profile Page................................................ 2-75
Viewing Application Details on the Candidate Profile Page............................................. 2-78
Understanding Skills Match Percentage for an Applicant................................................. 2-82
Analyzing the Applicant Pool Using the Candidate Profile Page...................................... 2-82
Printing Reports Using Candidate Profile......................................................................... 2-86
Printing Candidate Profiles................................................................................................ 2-86
Printing Applicant Profiles................................................................................................ 2-88
Comparing Candidates ..................................................................................................... 2-90
Comparing Applicants....................................................................................................... 2-92
Working with Applicants........................................................................................................ 2-95
Working with Applicants.................................................................................................. 2-95
Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page.............................................. 2-96
Searching for Vacancies to Manage Vacancies and to Process Candidates...................... 2-100

Finding Candidates.......................................................................................................... 2-102
Viewing Applicants......................................................................................................... 2-102
Troubleshooting Candidates and Applicants.................................................................. 2-105
Managing Interviews............................................................................................................ 2-106
Managing Interviews....................................................................................................... 2-106
Creating and Updating Interviews.................................................................................. 2-111
Creating Interviews for Multiple Applicants .................................................................. 2-114
Viewing Interview Details............................................................................................... 2-115
Managing Offers................................................................................................................... 2-116
Offers Overview............................................................................................................... 2-116
The Offer Process............................................................................................................. 2-123
Creating Offers................................................................................................................. 2-128
Viewing and Updating Offer Letters............................................................................... 2-132
Sending Offers................................................................................................................. 2-133
Using Offers Workbench..................................................................................................2-134
Updating Offers............................................................................................................... 2-135
Maintaining Offers........................................................................................................... 2-137
Withdrawing Offers......................................................................................................... 2-138
Recording Applicants Declining Offers After Acceptance............................................... 2-138
Closing Offers.................................................................................................................. 2-139
Troubleshooting Offers.................................................................................................... 2-139
Working with iRecruitment - Agencies................................................................................ 2-141
Overview of Agency User Tasks...................................................................................... 2-141
Working with Candidates - Agencies.............................................................................. 2-141
Working with Applicants - Agencies............................................................................... 2-143
Searching for Vacancies - Agencies.................................................................................. 2-146
Workforce Intelligence for iRecruitment..............................................................................2-149
Workforce Intelligence for iRecruitment.......................................................................... 2-149
Applicant Detail Workbook............................................................................................. 2-149
Candidate Detail Workbook............................................................................................ 2-153
Job Posting Content Detail Workbook............................................................................. 2-158
Vacancy Detail Workbook............................................................................................... 2-159

3 iRecruitment Functions
iRecruitment Functions............................................................................................................. 3-2
Accept Offer......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Applicant Background Check Page..................................................................................... 3-3
Add Attachments................................................................................................................. 3-3
Add Skills............................................................................................................................. 3-4
Applicant Declined Acceptance........................................................................................... 3-5

Applicants Management Applicant Details......................................................................... 3-6
Applicants Management Applicant Details......................................................................... 3-9
Applications....................................................................................................................... 3-14
Application Selection Page................................................................................................ 3-15
Applicant Document Upload Page.................................................................................... 3-15
Applicant Generic Document Upload Page....................................................................... 3-16
Add Attachments............................................................................................................... 3-17
Applicant Update Password Page..................................................................................... 3-18
Application: Assessment.................................................................................................... 3-19
Accessibility Preferences.................................................................................................... 3-20
Applicant Qualifications Review Flex Page....................................................................... 3-21
Applicant Search Page....................................................................................................... 3-22
Application Review........................................................................................................... 3-24
Applicant Advanced Search Page...................................................................................... 3-26
Applicant Qualifications Details Page............................................................................... 3-28
Application Confirmation Page......................................................................................... 3-30
Applicant Qualification Review Flex Page.........................................................................3-32
Application Details Page.................................................................................................... 3-33
Applicant Account Details Page........................................................................................ 3-35
Application Details Page.................................................................................................... 3-40
Applicant Other Information Page.................................................................................... 3-42
Applicant Other Information Page.................................................................................... 3-44
Applicant Job Basket Page................................................................................................. 3-46
Applicant Email Preferences Page..................................................................................... 3-48
Applicant Personal Account Details Page.......................................................................... 3-50
Applicant Veteran Information Page................................................................................. 3-53
Applicant Disability Information Page.............................................................................. 3-54
Applicant Disability Information Page.............................................................................. 3-54
Applicant Veteran Information Page................................................................................. 3-55
Applicant Veteran Information Page................................................................................. 3-56
Applicant Veteran Information Page................................................................................. 3-57
Applicant Disability Information Page.............................................................................. 3-58
Applicant Disability Information Page.............................................................................. 3-58
Applicants Management Mass Reconsider Applications Page.......................................... 3-59
Apply For Job Page............................................................................................................ 3-60
Account Verify Page.......................................................................................................... 3-62
Applicant Document Upload Page.................................................................................... 3-63
Add Skills........................................................................................................................... 3-64
Applicant Qualification Update Flex Page......................................................................... 3-65
Applicants Management Applicant Details....................................................................... 3-66
Applicants Management Applicant Details....................................................................... 3-69

Applicant Referral Page..................................................................................................... 3-73
Applicants Management Mass Update Page..................................................................... 3-74
Applicant Review Page...................................................................................................... 3-76
Agency Applicant Search Page.......................................................................................... 3-80
Applicant Review Page...................................................................................................... 3-81
Applicants For Vacancy Search Page................................................................................. 3-86
Applicant Other Information Page.................................................................................... 3-88
Applicant Email Preferences Page..................................................................................... 3-90
Available Jobs Search......................................................................................................... 3-92
Available Jobs.................................................................................................................... 3-93
Applicants For Vacancy Search Page................................................................................. 3-94
Applicants For Vacancy Search Page................................................................................. 3-94
Application Review........................................................................................................... 3-96
Applicants Management Applicant Details....................................................................... 3-99
Apply for Job: Assessment............................................................................................... 3-102
Applicant Advanced Search Page.................................................................................... 3-103
Applicant Search Page..................................................................................................... 3-105
Application Review......................................................................................................... 3-106
Applicant Search Page..................................................................................................... 3-109
Applicant Skills Flex Page................................................................................................ 3-111
Applicant Other Information Page.................................................................................. 3-112
Applicant Previous Employer Page................................................................................. 3-114
Applicant Qualifications Flex Page.................................................................................. 3-115
Applicant Review Page.................................................................................................... 3-116
Applicant Update Password Page................................................................................... 3-120
Application: Assessment.................................................................................................. 3-121
Applicant Review Page.................................................................................................... 3-122
Applicant Job Basket Page............................................................................................... 3-126
Applicant Qualification Details Flex Page....................................................................... 3-128
Applicant Other Information Page.................................................................................. 3-129
Applicant Qualifications Page......................................................................................... 3-131
Application Review......................................................................................................... 3-132
Applicant Search Page..................................................................................................... 3-135
Applicant Previous Employer Review Page.................................................................... 3-136
Applicant Vacancy Display Page..................................................................................... 3-137
Application Review......................................................................................................... 3-140
Applicant Qualification View Flex Page.......................................................................... 3-143
Candidate Profile Page.................................................................................................... 3-144
Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page............................................................ 3-145
Candidate Work Preferences........................................................................................... 3-146
Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page............................................................ 3-148

Create Account................................................................................................................ 3-149
Create Account................................................................................................................ 3-150
Candidate Upload Details Page....................................................................................... 3-151
Candidate Management Candidate Details Page.............................................................3-155
Compare Profiles............................................................................................................. 3-158
Candidate Management Applicant Search Page.............................................................. 3-159
Candidates For Vacancy Search Page.............................................................................. 3-160
Candidate Select Page...................................................................................................... 3-162
Candidate Select Page...................................................................................................... 3-163
Candidate Management Candidate Details Page.............................................................3-164
Candidate Search Page.....................................................................................................3-167
Candidate Management Qualifications Flex Page........................................................... 3-169
Candidate Management Previous Employment Page..................................................... 3-170
Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page............................................................. 3-171
Candidate Management Qualification Information Page................................................ 3-172
Candidate Management Educational Qualifications Page............................................... 3-174
Candidate Management Personal Information Page....................................................... 3-175
Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page............................................................. 3-178
Candidates For Vacancy Search Page.............................................................................. 3-180
Candidate Search Page.....................................................................................................3-181
Close Offer....................................................................................................................... 3-183
Create Offer Compensation Details Page......................................................................... 3-184
Create Offer Review Page................................................................................................ 3-184
Create Offer Note............................................................................................................. 3-185
Create Interview.............................................................................................................. 3-186
Create Offer Details Page................................................................................................. 3-187
Create Candidate Document Upload Page...................................................................... 3-188
Create Topic..................................................................................................................... 3-189
Create Topic..................................................................................................................... 3-190
Decline Offer.................................................................................................................... 3-191
Default Posting Page........................................................................................................ 3-192
Duplicate Profile.............................................................................................................. 3-193
Document Search Page.................................................................................................... 3-194
Document Preview Page.................................................................................................. 3-195
Document Search Page.................................................................................................... 3-196
Establishment Attendances Flex Page.............................................................................. 3-197
Employee Visitor Job Basket Page................................................................................... 3-198
Employee Visitor Search Page......................................................................................... 3-199
Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page.................................................................... 3-201
Employee Visitor Advanced Search Page........................................................................ 3-203
Employee Person Search Page......................................................................................... 3-204

Existing Linked Profiles................................................................................................... 3-206
Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page.................................................................... 3-206
Employee Visitor Login Page........................................................................................... 3-209
Ex-employee Registration................................................................................................ 3-210
Employee Visitor Vacancy Display Page......................................................................... 3-211
Employee Visitor Login on Apply Page...........................................................................3-213
Establishment Attendances Qualification Flex Page........................................................ 3-215
Enter Applicant Response................................................................................................ 3-216
Enter Applicant Response................................................................................................ 3-217
Extend Offer Duration..................................................................................................... 3-218
Extend Offer Duration..................................................................................................... 3-219
Generate Resume............................................................................................................. 3-220
HA System Administration Page..................................................................................... 3-220
iRecruitment Relaunch Page............................................................................................ 3-222
Interviewer Home Page................................................................................................... 3-222
Interviewer Bookings....................................................................................................... 3-223
Interview Details.............................................................................................................. 3-224
iRecruitment Manager Home Page.................................................................................. 3-225
iRecruitment External Job Basket Page............................................................................ 3-227
iRecruitment Site Visitor Home Page...............................................................................3-229
iRecruitment External Site Visitor Job Basket Page.......................................................... 3-230
iRecruitment Referral Home Page................................................................................... 3-232
iRecruitment Employee Job Basket Page..........................................................................3-233
iRecruitment Agency Home Page.................................................................................... 3-235
iRecruitment Employee Visitor Home Page.................................................................... 3-236
iRecruitment Registered User Home Page....................................................................... 3-237
iRecruitment Applicant Skills Flex View Page................................................................. 3-239
iRecruitment Manager Visitor Home Page...................................................................... 3-240
iRecruitment Vacancy Display Skills Flex Page............................................................... 3-241
iRecruitment Set Effective Date Page............................................................................... 3-242
iRecruitment Visitor Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page................................................... 3-242
iRecruitment Applicant Account Review Page Skills Flex Page...................................... 3-243
iRecruitment Employee User Home Page........................................................................ 3-244
iRecruitment Applicant Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page.............................................. 3-246
iRecruitment Applicant Skills Flex Update Page............................................................. 3-247
iRecruitment Mail Unsubscription Page.......................................................................... 3-248
Jobs Applied For Page......................................................................................................3-249
Jobs Applied For Page......................................................................................................3-250
Job Notifications Page...................................................................................................... 3-251
Mass Communication...................................................................................................... 3-252
My Account: Work Preferences....................................................................................... 3-253

Maintain Offer Address................................................................................................... 3-254
Manager Document Preview Page................................................................................... 3-256
Mass Interview Creation.................................................................................................. 3-256
Offer Notes.......................................................................................................................3-257
Offer Template Associations............................................................................................ 3-258
Offer Letter...................................................................................................................... 3-259
Offers............................................................................................................................... 3-260
Offer Letter...................................................................................................................... 3-261
Offer History.................................................................................................................... 3-261
Offer History Details........................................................................................................ 3-262
Offer Letter...................................................................................................................... 3-263
Offers Workbench............................................................................................................ 3-264
Offer Details..................................................................................................................... 3-265
Offer Letter...................................................................................................................... 3-266
Offer Approvers............................................................................................................... 3-267
Primary System Administration Page.............................................................................. 3-268
Person Search Page.......................................................................................................... 3-269
Person Search Page.......................................................................................................... 3-270
Pursue Consider Reject Candidates For Vacancy Page.................................................... 3-271
Recruitment Summary..................................................................................................... 3-273
Recruiting Site Flex Page.................................................................................................. 3-273
Requisition Launch Region.............................................................................................. 3-274
Recruiting Site Page......................................................................................................... 3-275
Recruiting Team Vacancy Search Page............................................................................ 3-276
Referrals Page.................................................................................................................. 3-277
Register and Apply: Personal Information...................................................................... 3-278
Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills......................................................... 3-281
Register: Enter Preferences.............................................................................................. 3-284
Register and Apply: Enter Preferences............................................................................ 3-286
Register: Enter Preferences.............................................................................................. 3-288
Register and Apply: Assessment..................................................................................... 3-290
Register and Apply: Personal Information...................................................................... 3-291
Register: Enter Preferences.............................................................................................. 3-294
Register and Apply: Review Account Information.......................................................... 3-296
Register: Personal Information.........................................................................................3-300
Registered User View Save Search Page.......................................................................... 3-304
Register: Personal Information.........................................................................................3-305
Register and Apply: Create Resume................................................................................ 3-308
Registered User Save Search Page................................................................................... 3-309
Register: Enter Preferences.............................................................................................. 3-310
Registration Assessment.................................................................................................. 3-312

Registered User Save Search Page................................................................................... 3-313
Register: Add Qualifications and Skills........................................................................... 3-314
Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills......................................................... 3-317
Register and Apply: Enter Preferences............................................................................ 3-320
Registration...................................................................................................................... 3-322
Registration Assessment.................................................................................................. 3-323
Register and Apply: Assessment..................................................................................... 3-323
Registered User View Save Search Page.......................................................................... 3-324
Registered User Save Search Page................................................................................... 3-326
Register: Add Qualifications and Skills........................................................................... 3-327
Registered User Save Search Page................................................................................... 3-330
Register: Review Account Information............................................................................ 3-331
Register: Create Resume.................................................................................................. 3-335
Reply to Topic.................................................................................................................. 3-336
Reply to Message............................................................................................................. 3-337
Send Offer........................................................................................................................ 3-338
Track Offer....................................................................................................................... 3-339
Update Offer Note........................................................................................................... 3-340
Update Interview............................................................................................................. 3-341
Update Offer: Enter Compensation................................................................................. 3-342
Update Offer Letter: Upload New Offer Letter Version.................................................. 3-343
Update Offer Details Page............................................................................................... 3-344
Update Offer Review Page............................................................................................... 3-344
Vacancies......................................................................................................................... 3-346
Vacancy Edit Details Page................................................................................................3-347
Vacancy Edit Skills Page.................................................................................................. 3-350
Vacancy Search Page........................................................................................................ 3-351
Vacancy New Posting Page..............................................................................................3-353
Vacancy View Internal Posting Page............................................................................... 3-354
Vacancy Edit Team Page.................................................................................................. 3-356
Vacancy View External Posting Page............................................................................... 3-358
Vacancy New Review Page.............................................................................................. 3-359
Vacancy Skills Flex Page.................................................................................................. 3-361
Vacancy New Skills Page................................................................................................. 3-362
Vacancy Edit Posting Page............................................................................................... 3-364
Vacancy View Page.......................................................................................................... 3-366
Vacancy New Team Page................................................................................................. 3-368
Vacancy Posting Page...................................................................................................... 3-370
Vacancy New Details Page.............................................................................................. 3-371
Vacancy Cancel Page....................................................................................................... 3-374
Vacancy Edit Review Page............................................................................................... 3-375

Vacancy Assessment Preview.......................................................................................... 3-376
Vacancy Approve Page.................................................................................................... 3-377
Vacancy View Page.......................................................................................................... 3-380
Vacancy Search Page........................................................................................................ 3-384
Vacancy Search Page........................................................................................................ 3-385
Vacancy Search Page........................................................................................................ 3-386
Vacancy View Page.......................................................................................................... 3-387
Vacancy Search Page........................................................................................................ 3-390
Visitor Confirm Page....................................................................................................... 3-391
Visitor Job Basket Page.................................................................................................... 3-393
Visitor Search Page.......................................................................................................... 3-395
Visitor Login on Apply Page............................................................................................3-396
Visitor Vacancy Display Page.......................................................................................... 3-397
Visitor Login Page............................................................................................................ 3-400
Visitor Password Page..................................................................................................... 3-401
Visitor Registration on Apply Page................................................................................. 3-402
Visitor Registration Page................................................................................................. 3-403
Visitor Advanced Search Page......................................................................................... 3-404
Withdraw Application..................................................................................................... 3-406
Withdraw Application..................................................................................................... 3-407
Withdraw Offer................................................................................................................ 3-407

HRMS Glossary


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E59063-06

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• Did you understand the context of the procedures?
• Did you find any errors in the information?
• Does the structure of the information help you with your tasks?
• Do you need different information or graphics? If so, where, and in what format?
• Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?

If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us your name, the
name of the company who has licensed our products, the title and part number of the documentation and
the chapter, section, and page number (if available).
Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the
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Send your comments to us using the electronic mail address: [email protected]
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area

• Oracle Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)

Oracle HRMS is a major component of the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications.
If you are unfamiliar with Oracle HRMS, then Oracle suggests that you attend one
or more of the Oracle HRMS training classes available through Oracle University.

• The Oracle Applications graphical user interface

To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user interface, read the
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

See Related Information Sources on page xxiv for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit

ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Implementing iRecruitment
2 Working with iRecruitment
3 iRecruitment Functions
HRMS Glossary

Related Information Sources

Oracle HRMS shares business and setup information with other Oracle Applications
products. Therefore, it is advised that you reference other user guides and
implementation guides when you set up and use Oracle HRMS.
Guides Related to All Products
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
This guide contains information about the strategies, tasks, and troubleshooting
activities that can be used to help ensure an Oracle E-Business Suite system keeps
running smoothly, together with a comprehensive description of the relevant tools and
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Guides Related to This Product
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Implementation Guide
Learn about the setup procedures you need to carry out to implement Oracle HRMS
successfully in your enterprise.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
Learn about extending and configuring Oracle HRMS, managing security, auditing, and
information access.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your enterprise. This includes setting up
your organization hierarchy, recording details about jobs and positions within your
enterprise, defining person types to represent your workforce, and also how to manage
your budgets and costs.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent
Management Guide
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your workforce. This includes recruiting
new workers, developing their careers, managing contingent workers, and reporting on
your workforce.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide
Learn about wage attachments, taxes and social insurance, the payroll run, and other
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Compensation and Benefits Management
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to manage your total compensation package. For
example, read how to administer salaries and benefits, set up automated grade/step
progression, and allocate salary budgets. You can also learn about setting up earnings
and deductions for payroll processing, managing leave and absences, and reporting on
compensation across your enterprise.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems FastFormula User Guide
Learn about the different uses of Oracle FastFormula, and understand the rules and
techniques you should employ when defining and amending formulas for use with
Oracle applications.
Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Set up and use self-service human resources (SSHR) functions for managers, HR
Professionals, and employees.

Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Window Navigation and Reports Guide
This guide lists the default navigation paths for all windows and the default reports and
processes as they are supplied in Oracle HRMS.
Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide
Learn how to set up and use performance management functions. This includes setting
objectives, defining performance management plans, managing appraisals, and
administering questionnaires.
Oracle Succession Planning Implementation and User Guide
Learn how to set up and use Succession Planning functions. This includes identifying
succession-planning requirements, using talent profile, organization chart, suitability
analyzer, and performance matrices.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Approvals Management Implementation Guide
Use Oracle Approvals Management (AME) to define the approval rules that determine
the approval processes for Oracle applications.
Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide
Set up and use Oracle iRecruitment to manage all of your enterprise's recruitment
Oracle Learning Management Implementation Guide
Learn how to implement and configure Oracle Learning Management (OLM).
Oracle Learning Management User Guide
Use Oracle Learning Management to accomplish your online and offline learning goals.
Oracle Time and Labor Implementation and User Guide
Learn how to capture work patterns, such as shift hours, so that this information can be
used by other applications, such as General Ledger.
Oracle Labor Distribution User Guide
Learn how to maintain employee labor distribution schedules, distribute pay amounts,
encumber (commit) labor expenses, distribute labor costs, adjust posted labor
distribution, route distribution adjustment for approval, and manage error recovery
processes. You also learn how to set up effort reporting for Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) compliance.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.

The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Implementing iRecruitment

iRecruitment Implementation

What type of user does iRecruitment support?

iRecruitment supports the following types of users:
• Site visitor: A user who accesses the external web site but does not create an

• Registered user: A user who registers on your web site and provides a minimum
amount of personal information. When an external visitor registers in iRecruitment,
iRecruitment creates an Oracle HRMS user with the e-mail address as the

• Employee: A user who can apply to internal job postings, perform employee
referral, and interview tasks.

• Manager or recruiter: A user who can access the entire functionality. Using
iRecruitment, managers or recruiters can:
• Post and manage vacancies

• Process candidates and applicants

• Manage recruitment communication

• Create and manager offers

• Create and manage interviews

You must assign the iRecruitment Manager and iRecruitment Recruiter

responsibilities to your managers or recruiters to enable them to access

Implementing iRecruitment 1-1

iRecruitment using their standard self-service login.

• Agency user: An external person who belongs to a recruiting agency and accesses
iRecruitment to conduct recruiting activities such as creating candidates and
applying on behalf of candidates. You assign the iRecruitment Agency
responsibility to agency users to enable them to access iRecruitment.

Is a HR Professional User Interface delivered with iRecruitment?

You need Oracle HRMS to hold work structure information that is used in
iRecruitment. An HR responsibility - iRecruitment HRMS Manager, is supplied to
customers who do not have the complete Oracle HRMS application. Using this
responsibility they can access all the HR functionality they require to run iRecruitment.

Can I migrate legacy data into iRecruitment?

Yes. You can migrate data such as candidate information and vacancy details to the
iRecruitment system. You can also import other data such as qualifications and
competencies. To load your legacy data to the Oracle database, use Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs).

What are the security features of Oracle iRecruitment?

You can define user profiles, security profiles, responsibilities, and menu structures to
control who uses iRecruitment. You can create security profiles to control manager
access to vacancy information. Managers can set up vacancy security to define who has
access to vacancy details.

Do we define users for iRecruitment candidates?

When an external site visitor registers in iRecruitment, an Oracle HRMS user is
automatically created using the visitor's e-mail address as the username. The
iRecruitment External Candidate responsibility is assigned to the user.

Can I use personalization options in iRecruitment?

Yes. Since iRecruitment uses the standard OA Framework, you can use all of the
personalization options. To enable administration-level personalizations you need to set
the profile options that are available for personalization as required:
• Personalize Self–Service Defn

• Disable Self–Service Personal

1-2 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Can I modify flexfields that are available on the iRecruitment web pages?
You can use Personlization Framework, a component of the Oracle Applications (OA)
Framework technology to customize pages and flexfields. You can restrict the display of
the whole flexfield, or certain segments of a flexfield.

Can I configure the existing notifications in iRecruitment?

A number of predefined notifications are supplied with iRecruitment. For example,
candidates can receive notifications about matching jobs and new vacancies. Managers
can receive notifications about the status of the vacancy that they have created. They get
a vacancy approval notification if the vacancy is approved. You can use the Application
Developer responsibility and the Messages window to edit the contents of the
notification messages.

Can I use iRecruitment to meet country-specific recruitment requirements?

Yes. iRecruitment supports localization level personalization. You can use this feature
to meet legislative or country-specific recruitment requirements. For example, you can
hide the gender field in the Enter Applicant Details page at the localization level to
conform to the legal requirements of a specific country.

Can I advertise and hire for vacancies in multiple locations?

Oracle iRecruitment provides hiring managers and recruiters the flexibility to create
vacancies in:
• A specific business group and location

• Multiple locations in a business group

• Multiple locations across business groups

This flexibility enables hiring managers or recruiters to post job openings across
countries and locations to search for and hire best candidates. If a manager has to post a
vacancy in more than one location, then the manager need not create vacancy details
multiple times. The manager can create a single vacancy and select appropriate
locations to post the vacancy in multiple locations.

Does iRecruitment support the approval process for vacancies and job offers?
Yes. You can set up an approval process to route vacancies and offers to appropriate
managers for approval.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-3

Can I create common job description for vacancies?
Yes. The Default Postings feature enables you to enter a set of values to use as a default
whenever a particular business group, organization, job, or position is selected for a
vacancy. For example, if you create a lot of similar job postings for administration jobs,
then you could set up a default job posting to use whenever you select Administrator as
the job for a vacancy.

How do I ensure that the offer letters follow our enterprise branding and HR policy
You can use offer letter templates or standard descriptions to create offer letters for
your business group, organization, jobs, or positions.

How does iRecruitment help my enterprise work with agencies to manage the
recruitment process?
Enterprises can use agencies functionality to manage a range of recruitment activities.
Agencies can register their candidates with iRecruitment and apply for jobs on their
behalf. Enterprises can process agency candidates to fill job openings or hand over the
complete placement process to an agency.

Is the candidate data secure when the enterprise works with multiple agencies using
Yes. Agencies can view data only of their candidates and cannot access details of
candidates who are self-registered or from other agencies. For example, agencies can
view details of the candidates that they themselves registered or candidates associated
with their agencies by managers.

Can I validate the email addresses candidates supply when they register?
You can set up a business event to send an e-mail to candidates when they register,
instructing them to reply to the e-mail to confirm that their e-mail address is correct.
This enables you to confirm if the candidates have supplied valid e-mail addresses. You
can then use Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs) to delete records of candidates
who do not respond within a certain time period.

Does iRecruitment support multi-lingual and multi- currency requirements?

Yes, iRecruitment supports multi-lingual and multi -currency requirements. You can
configure the application to address specific local and cultural requirements.

1-4 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

What is High Availability?
When you shut down the iRecruitment instance to carry out maintenance tasks, your
job site is not available for candidates to search and apply for jobs. You can use the
iRecruitment High Availability functionality to set up an alternate or high availability
instance to make the basic candidate job site available. This functionality enables you to
switch between the two instances to continuously support the candidate job site.

What are the iRecruitment features accessible through the HA functionality?

The iRecruitment High Availability solution supports only iRecruitment Candidate
functionality. You can maintain a basic job site that enables job seekers to apply for jobs
and enter basic information such as their e-mail address, first name, and last name.

Can I remove the old data in iRecruitment?

Oracle iRecruitment provides the iRecruitment Purge Old Data process to remove the
candidate and applicant data from the database. This process helps you meet any Data
Protection statutory requirements in your country. You can select any deletion method
from the various options and identify time criteria for deleting the inactive data.

Are there any processes that I should schedule to run regularly for iRecruitment?
You can schedule the Index Synchronization process to run regularly to update the
indexes for job postings and resumes.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-5


iRecruitment Overview
iRecruitment is a web-based recruitment solution that enables your enterprise to
manage all recruitment activities using a single self-service interface and provides an
easy-to-use interface for job seekers.
Note: If Oracle Endeca is installed and licensed in your environment, then refer to the
Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery Integration and System Administration Guide
for detailed information about the Endeca enhancements to your product.
iRecruitment includes a separate home page for each group of iRecruitment users: site
visitors, registered users, employees, managers, recruiters, and agency users. The home
pages outline the iRecruitment functions available for each user, and provide direct
access to these functions.

iRecruitment for Job Seekers

When job seekers visit your enterprise's job site, they can search for jobs, refer jobs to
other individuals, and add jobs to a temporary job basket. They must register with the
job site to apply for jobs.
See: Using the Candidate Interface, page 2-21

iRecruitment for Employees

• Employees can:
• Search for internal jobs, maintain their accounts, and apply for jobs using the
Employee Candidate Home page.

• Search for vacancies posted on the internal referral site using the Employee
Referral function. They can create candidate profiles, and refer candidates to
vacancies posted on the internal referral site.

• Perform interview tasks. Employees who are interviewers, can view and update
interview details using the iRecruitment Employee responsibility. The
Application tab of the Candidate Details page displays the applications for
which the employee is an interviewer. Employees can update interview details
based on their interviewer role. Only primary interviewers can update
interview details.

1-6 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

iRecruitment for Contingent Workers
Contingent workers can search and apply for jobs using iRecruitment. They can track
their job applications, interview schedules, communicate with recruiters, and receive
job offers online.
Contingent workers can use iRecruitment, if enterprises complete the requisite setup
steps. Depending on business requirements, enterprises can enable contingent workers
to apply for internal, external, or both internal and external jobs.

iRecruitment for Recruiters and Managers

iRecruitment enables managers and recruiters to manage both their vacancies and
applicants directly using a single interface.
The following figure shows the typical path through the recruitment process,
highlighting the steps that managers and recruiters can perform in iRecruitment.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-7

A Typical Recruitment Cycle

Create and Advertise Vacancies

After your enterprise identifies staffing requirements, managers can create vacancies.
They can provide vacancy details such as the job description, skills, and details of the
recruiting team. Managers can also associate an assessment with a vacancy, for
example, a test to measure the knowledge and skills of applicants.
Using the Default Job Advert functionality, recruiters can create default job posting
information for vacancies. When managers create vacancies, the default job posting
details automatically appear on the Create Vacancy page, thus reducing the effort
required to create vacancies.
Managers can route their vacancies through an approval process to ensure that vacancy
details are correct. Following approval, managers can post the vacancies to the third-
party recruiting sites with whom the enterprise has an agreement. iRecruitment
automatically posts vacancies to your enterprise's internal and external job sites.

1-8 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Managers can update vacancy details, for example, to change the location of a vacancy.
If your enterprise has multiple vacancies that contain the same information, managers
can copy vacancies using the duplicate functionality, and then edit the vacancy
information as required.

Note: The value set for the IRC: Update Vacancy Details When
Applications Exist profile option determines whether managers can
update vacancy details when applications exist for a vacancy.

Search for Candidates

Managers can search for candidates using a variety of search methods. They can:
• Search for candidates using criteria such as work preferences, skills, and
employment status.

• Search for individual candidates using last name or e-mail ID.

• Perform keyword searches on the resumes of candidates. For example, they can
search for resumes containing a particular skill or qualification.

When managers search for candidates using criteria such as skills, keywords, salary,
and work preferences, iRecruitment identifies candidates who match the specified
criteria. For example, when managers search for candidates whose skills match those of
a particular vacancy, iRecruitment showing for each a skills match percentage. This
function enables managers to make informed decisions when processing candidates
and applicants.

Process Candidates
Managers can view candidate details and:
• Allocate a consideration level to indicate their level of interest in the candidates.

• Invite candidates to apply for their vacancies.

• Refer candidates to other managers.

• Reject candidates for a specific vacancy.

To view details of candidates along with application details, managers can use the
Candidate Details page or the Candidate Profile page, based on how an enterprise
configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details page
The Candidate Details page is a multi-tabbed region page that shows complete
details of a candidate along with the application information.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-9

• Candidate Profile page
The Candidate Profile is a single page interface that provides a comprehensive
picture of candidates along with application information. It helps managers to
understand the skills match percentage of applicants and analyze the applicant

Review Applicants using Assessment Results

Managers can use assessment or test results to evaluate applicants for vacancies. They
can identify applicants who have passed the vacancy test to progress them to the next
level of the recruitment process. In addition to the assessment results, they can preview
applicants' resumes or download resumes to gather further information.

Progress Applicants
After managers review applicants, they can progress applicants through the interview
process and update applicants' details. They can use the Background Check function to
request a background-check to verify information such as the education history,
qualifications, and relevant experience of applicants. Managers can use the Mass
Update functionality to change the status of multiple applications for a vacancy.

Note: To use the background-check functionality, your enterprise must

be registered with a background check vendor.

Interview Applicants
Managers can schedule interviews for applicants. When managers create interviews,
they can provide details such as the interview type, date and time, location, category,
status, internal and external contact name and numbers, interviewers, notes to
candidate, interview notes, feedback and result (recorded when the interview is
Applicants can view scheduled interviews in the My Interviews region of their home
page. They can also view the interview details along with the interview notes on the
Applications Details page.

Communicate Online
iRecruitment enables communication between the recruitment team members and
candidates either individually or as a group. Applicants can verify their job application
status and check additional information for vacancies online using the communications
module. Hiring managers and recruitment team members can discuss interview
feedback. Recruiters can check with candidates their suitable time and date for

1-10 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Rate Applicants
Managers can rate applicants for their vacancies based on their performance during the
recruitment process. They can sort applicants in the rating order to select applicants for
their vacancies.

Send Offers
Managers can create and send offers to successful applicants. They can track applicants
responses to offers online and extend the offer duration, if required.

Hire Applicants
To hire iRecruitment applicants, managers or recruiters can initiate the hiring process
from iRecruitment and complete the entire hiring process. If enterprises use Oracle
SSHR, then they can configure iRecruitment to enable managers to launch the hire
applicant process directly from offer details and complete the hire process.

Key Functions of iRecruitment

iRecruitment provides the following features to support the recruitment process in your

Analyze the Recruitment Process

You can use Oracle Discoverer workbooks to analyze the recruitment process in your
enterprise. You need a full license to modify or create new Discoverer reports.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

Use Third-Party Agencies for Recruitment

If you work with recruiting agencies, then you can manage a range of activities using
the Agency functionality. You can:
• Identify one or more agencies to recruit for a vacancy.

• Specify how long the agencies can access the vacancy, and limit the number of
applicants that agencies can submit.

• Define whether agencies can manage all applicants for a vacancy.

Track Applicant Data for Compliance Purposes

iRecruitment enables enterprises to track applicant data for business requirements, such

Implementing iRecruitment 1-11

• Compliance with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
regulations for U.S. government contractors.

• Data analysis for recruitment management.

Enterprises can use the applicant data for internal audit purposes. For example,
enterprises can review applicant searches that managers perform to check for EEO
For information about functional solutions to meet the OFCCP requirements, see Oracle
iRecruitment Response to the OFCCP Internet Applicant Rule, an Oracle technical brief on
My Oracle Support, Note ID 418762.1

Use the iRecruitment High Availability Feature

iRecruitment provides the high availability (HA) functionality to set up an alternate or
high availability instance to make the basic candidate job site available when you shut
down the iRecruitment instance to carry out maintenance tasks. This functionality
enables you to switch between the two instances to continuously support the candidate
job site. Using the basic job, site job seekers can apply for jobs and enter basic
information such as their e-mail address, first name, and last name.

Virus Checks
Oracle iRecruitment's integration with Symantec AntiVirus engine enables you to
perform virus checks on any documents uploaded to your system. You can use this
feature to secure your systems from virus attacks.

Integration with Other E-Business Products

Oracle HRMS and Oracle iRecruitment use a single data repository to enable you to
share common information for recruitment purposes. This information includes: work
structures, competencies, applicant assignments, job requisitions, vacancies, and
compensation plans for applicants. Oracle iRecruitment uses Oracle Approvals
Management to provide flexible approval processes for vacancies and offers.
Integration with Oracle SSHR enables managers to launch the hire applicant process
directly from offer details and complete the hire process for iRecruitment applicants.
Since iRecruitment uses the standard OA Framework, you can use the personalization
options to configure data, content, labels, links, and logos to address the specific goals
of your job site.

Key Concepts
The following topics provide conceptual and procedural information about using
Using the Manager and Recruiter Interface

1-12 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• For information on manager and recruiter tasks, see: Overview of Manager and
Recruiter Tasks, page 2-3

• For information on using assessments, see: Creating and Managing Assessments for
iRecruitment, page 2-28

• For information on how to create and manage vacancies, see: Creating and
Maintaining Vacancies, page 2-42

• For information on how to search for vacancies, find candidates, and view
applicants, see: Searching for Vacancies to Manage Vacancies and to Process
Candidates, page 2-100

• For information on how to search for candidates, see: Working with Candidates,
page 2-58

• For information on how to search for applicants, see: Working with Applicants,
page 2-95

• For information on how to process candidates and applications using the Candidate
Details page, see:
• Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details, page 2-62

• Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• For information on how to use the Candidate Profile page, see: Using Candidate
Profile, page 2-71

• For information on iRecruitment Communication functionality, see: Understanding

iRecruitment Communication, page 2-52

• For information on how to create communication messages, see: Creating Topics

and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication, page 2-55 and Managing
Communication for Multiple Applicants, page 2-56

• For information on how to manage interviews in iRecruitment, see: Managing

Interviews, page 2-106

• For information on how to create and update interviews, see: Creating and
Updating Interviews, page 2-111, and Creating Interviews for Multiple Applicants,
page 2-114

• For information on how to create and send offers to applicants, see: Creating Offers,
page 2-128 and Sending Offers, page 2-133

• For information on how to enter an applicant's response for an offer and update an

Implementing iRecruitment 1-13

offer, see: Updating Offers, page 2-135

• For information on how to extend the duration of an offer and complete other offer
tasks, see: Maintaining Offers, page 2-137, Withdrawing Offers, page 2-138 and
Closing Offers, page 2-139

• For recruitment summary, see: Viewing the Recruitment Summary, page 2-8

Using the Agency Interface

• For information on how to search for agency candidates, and create details of
candidates, see: Working with Candidates -Agencies, page 2-141

• For information on how to view details of applicants, and progress applicants if you
get the permission to manage a vacancy, see: Working with Applicants - Agencies,
page 2-143

• For information on how to search for agency vacancies, and progress applicants,
see: Searching for Vacancies - Agencies, page 2-146

Using the Candidate Interface

For information on the tasks that site visitors and registered users can perform in
iRecruitment, see: Using the Candidate Interface, page 2-21
Using the Employee Interface
• For information on how employees and contingent workers can use iRecruitment,
see: Using iRecruitment as Employee Candidates or Contingent Workers, page 2-13

• For information on how to manage employee referrals, see: Managing Employee

Referrals, page 2-17

• For information on how to manage interviews, see: Managing Interview Tasks,

page 2-19

1-14 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Implementation Steps for iRecruitment

The following section gives you the implementation steps that are required to enable
you to run iRecruitment. For additional information on running iRecruitment in a
production environment, please see the detailed chapters in this Implementation Guide.
The number of required implementation steps depend on your installation of Oracle
HRMS. The minimum steps are given first. These minimum steps are required to set up
and run iRecruitment. You can then carry out the additional steps to implement and
configure iRecruitment to suit the specific needs of your enterprise.

Minimum Implementation Steps for iRecruitment

The following section lists the minimum implementation steps that are required for you
to be able to use iRecruitment.
1. Install Oracle HRMS
If you have recently implemented Oracle HRMS, you may wish to migrate legacy
data to your new Oracle HRMS system. To do this, use Application Programmatic
Interfaces (APIs) to load your legacy data from extracted flat files to the Oracle
The full list of public APIs and the purpose of each API is available in the Oracle
Integration Repository. See: Oracle Integration Repository Overview, Oracle
Integration Repository User Guide
For information on how to access and use Oracle Integration Repository, see:
Accessing Oracle Integration Repository, Oracle Integration Repository User Guide
For information on how to call APIs, see the technical essay APIs in Oracle HRMS,
Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide
Decide which components you want to migrate to the iRecruitment system. You
will typically import the following components:
• Job Postings - create vacancies for each advert and map the text in your adverts
to the fields in iRecruitment.

• Candidates - map the name and address information in your legacy system to
the iRecruitment system.

• Applications - map the work structures in your legacy system to the structures
for vacancies in iRecruitment.

You may also want to import other data such as qualifications and competences.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-15

2. Install the latest Oracle Human Resources patch
Check that the most up-to-date patch has been applied.
See the readme file for iRecruitment at the time of installation.

3. Install Apache server and Apache

Set up the Apache server as specified in the Oracle Self-Service Web Applications
Implementation Manual
See the readme file for iRecruitment at the time of installation.

4. Install and configure Oracle Text

If you do not configure Oracle Text correctly you will still be able to perform text
searches, however you will get errors when you try to upload documents.
See: Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide

5. Apply the iRecruitment patch

Make sure that all prerequisites are met, including those for the OSSWA
See: Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12 (My Oracle
Support Note 391554.1)

6. Install compatibility patches for your self - service components

If you are using other self-service products, you may want to check My Oracle
Support for information on compatibility patches.

7. Install Oracle Workflow Builder

See the readme file for iRecruitment at the time of installation for the latest version.

8. Set up security to define access to iRecruitment

iRecruitment uses the same security mechanisms as Oracle HRMS applications. By
defining user profiles, security profiles, responsibilities, and menu structures, you
can control who uses iRecruitment, which information they can access, and how
they access it.
See: User Access and Security, page 1-150
If you are an existing Oracle HRMS user, then review security profiles to ensure
that the correct access to candidates is setup
The Candidate Security feature of Oracle HRMS enables all users to access
iRecruitment candidates by default. This feature takes effect when you install
You must review your security profiles and consider whether all users can access
candidates. For example, you may not want users other than the iRecruitment

1-16 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

managers to access candidates.
Depending on your enterprise requirements, you can update all or specific security
See: Defining Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
See: Running the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles Process, page 1-134

9. Set up the Security Performance Enhancement feature, if required

Typically, most of the Oracle HRMS products use the security mechanism that
Oracle HRMS provides. Defining which records and information users can access is
fundamental to HRMS security. To enhance product performance when person
security evaluation happens during processing of voluminous data, Oracle HRMS
provides the security performance enhancement feature. You can set up this
feature, if required, based on your business needs.
For more information, see: Setting Up the Security Performance Enhancement
Feature, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

10. Add the iRecruitment responsibilities to your users

Oracle iRecruitment includes several standard responsibilities which contain the

appropriate functions for different user groups.
See: iRecruitment Responsibilities and User Menus, page 1-153
See: Responsibilities, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

11. Set up iRecruitment access for site visitors and candidates

1. Assign the iRecruitment External Candidate and the iRecruitment Employee

Candidate responsibilities to your guest user (identified by the Guest User
Password profile option). This step is required to allow access to the site visitor
screens without logging in to the application.
You use the Guest User Password profile option to create a generic user name
and password to enable users access iRecruitment. For more information, see:
Setting Up a Generic User ID For New User Registration, Oracle Self-Service
Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
See: iRecruitment Responsibilities and User Menus, page 1-153
See: Responsibilities, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide

2. Ensure that the IrcVisitor.jsp refers to the IRC_EXT_CANDIDATE

responsibility and IrcEmpVisitor.jsp refers to the IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE
responsibility. The Responsibilitykey variable in the JSP must contain the

Implementing iRecruitment 1-17

correct responsibility key, so that the users access the relevant pages. For
example, the supplied IrcVisitor.jsp contains the IRC_EXT_CANDIDATE
(iRecruitment External Candidate) responsibility key.
Create the classes and new methods for JSPs if you plan to use copies of the
delivered JSP files.

3. Review current settings of these profile options, and update if necessary.

• IRC: Visitor Homepage Function

• IRC: Homepage Function

• IRC: Candidate Permission Set

• IRC: Registration Responsibility

• IRC: Registration Business Group

4. Set the IRC: Employee Visitor URL profile option only at the responsibility level
for the employee candidate responsibility. This setting ensures that employees
access the correct URL and not the page for external candidates.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

5. Check the log-in URL for iRecruitment users.

The URL for connecting to the iRecruitment system varies according to the user
group. For example, the internal site visitor URL is different from the external
site visitor URL.
External site visitors access the IrcVisitor.jsp. The location of this jsp depends on
your applications server and is of the syntax:
Typically employees will access iRecruitment using their portal homepage,
however you can enable internal site visitor, to access the IrcEmpVisitor.jsp.
The location of this jsp also depends on your applications server and it is the
You should replace the part of the URL with
the URL of the html directory on your applications server.

Note: If you have installed other languages, you activate

iRecruitment in the required language by adding the following
suffix to the log-in URLs:

1-18 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

?L=<language code>
For example,
L=F would activate the French language version.
The language codes are available in the table
If you do not specify a language code, the default (US) is used.

6. Create grants if you are using custom responsibilities for external candidates
and employee candidates. Use the Functional Administrator responsibility to
create Grants.
iRecruitment supplies predefined grants for the GUEST user that enable site
visitors access to the application functions. The grants are associated with the
predefined iRecruitment External Candidate and iRecruitment Employee
Candidate responsibilities.
• If you plan to use the custom responsibility for external candidates, then
you must create a grant specifically for the GUEST user with the IRC
External Site Visitor Permission Set in the custom responsibility context.

• If you plan to use the custom responsibility for employee candidates, then
you must create a grant specifically for the GUEST user with the IRC
Employee Site Visitor Permission Set in the custom responsibility context.

For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

7. Set the Applications SSO User Creation and Updation Allowed Profile Option
for external candidate and ex-employee registration and profile updates.
iRecruitment applies the Applications SSO User Creation and Updation
Allowed profile option for ex-employee or external candidate registration and
profile updates.
This profile option works independently and does not impact setting of the
following profile options:
• Applications SSO Login Types

• Applications SSO Type

Using the System Profile Values window, select the Applications SSO User Creation
and Updation Allowed profile option. Set the Enabled value for the iRecruitment
External Candidate responsibility.
Following is the impact of the profile option, if the profile option is set to Disabled:

Implementing iRecruitment 1-19

• On the iRecruitment Site Visitor page, Register Today button will display an
error message: 'Registration is currently disabled'.

• Register Today button and Register Here link for ex-employees will be visible
on the Visitor Home Page, but when users click the button, the following error
appears: Registration is currently disabled.

• On My Accounts Page in the Personal Information tab the email field will not
be enabled. Similarly, email field will not be enabled on the first-page in Apply
For Job flow.

• On the My Accounts Page in Login Information tab the change-password fields

will not be enabled.

12. Assign iRecruitment Employee Candidate or iRecruitment Employee

responsibility to your employees
iRecruitment Employee Candidate Responsibility
The iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibility (IRC Employee Candidate
Menu) includes only the iRecruitment Employee Home page (function:
IRC_EMP_APL_HOME_PAGE). To enable employees to search and apply for
internal jobs and maintain their account, you must grant the IRC Employee
Candidate Permission Set (IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE_PSET).
iRecruitment Employee Responsibility
The iRecruitment Employee responsibility (IRC Employee Menu) includes the
following functions and employees can perform all recruitment related functions
from a single responsibility:
• Employee Candidate (IRC_EMP_APL_HOME_PAGE): Page to search and
apply for internal jobs, and maintain an account.

• Employee Referral (EMP_REF_HOME_PG_FUNCTION): Page to perform

referral functions. See: Managing Employee Referrals, page 2-17

• Interview (IRC_INTERVIEWER_HOME_PG): Page to manage interview tasks.

See: Managing Interview Tasks, page 2-19

You can assign either one of the responsibilities to your employees based on your
business requirements.
If your employees use the predefined iRecruitment Employee responsibility they
can automatically refer candidates to vacancies posted on the internal referral site
and perform the Employee Referral function tasks.
To enable employees to:
• Use the Employee Candidate features, you must grant them the IRC Employee

1-20 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Candidate Permission Set (IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE_PSET).

• Use the Interview function, you must grant them the iRecruitment Interviewer

See: iRecruitment Responsibilities and User Menus, page 1-153

Note: If you are on a release level R12.1 or above, you need not run
the iRecruitment Create Grants Process. To enable employees to
search and apply for internal jobs, you can grant the relevant
permission sets discussed in this section. For information on
creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide )

13. Enable contingent workers to use iRecruitment

Contingent workers can search and apply for jobs using iRecruitment. They can
track their job applications, interview schedules, communicate with recruiters, and
receive job offers online.
To enable contingent workers to use iRecruitment, complete the following setup
1. Assign the iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibility (IRC Employee
Candidate Menu) to contingent workers. If you are using a custom employee
candidate responsibility, then ensure that the custom responsibility is granted
the appropriate employee candidate permissions. See: iRecruitment Employee
Candidate responsibility, page 1-20

2. Define the IRC: Allow Jobs for Contingent Worker profile option. Depending
on your business requirements, you can enable contingent workers to apply for
internal, external, or both internal and external jobs. See: Profile Options, page

14. Define the business group for candidate registration

Set the IRC: Registration Business Group to define the default business group for
candidate registration. When a candidate registers, the application creates a person
record in the selected business group.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

15. Configure iRecruitment manager menu, if required

• iRecruitment assigns the following functions to the IRC Manager Menu by

default. Managers can:
• Create new candidates using the Irc Agency Create Candidate function.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-21

• Add applicants to a vacancy using the Irc Agency Candidate Select

To prevent managers from creating candidates and applying on their behalf,

you can exclude these functions from the menus associated with the manager

• To restrict access to the agencies functionality and hide agency fields from
specific managers you can exclude the Irc CM Show Agency Information
function from the IRC Manager menu. This function is available with the IRC
Manager menu by default.

16. Ensure to set the number generation method for applicants to automatic

When you define information for your business group make sure to set the
Applicant Number Generation to Automatic.
See: Entering Business Group Information, page 1-136
If you have set the applicant numbering to Manual, then run the Change Person
Numbering to Automatic process for your business group.
See: Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process, page 1-138

17. Check that the work structures in Oracle HRMS meet your requirements

Work structures include the jobs, positions, grades, and pay scales used in your
enterprise. You define your work structures using Oracle HRMS.
See: Organization Structures Overview (Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide)

18. If you have licensed iRecruitment, set the IRC: Installed profile option to Yes in the
System Profiles window of Oracle HRMS.
If you have not licensed iRecruitment, please contact Oracle for information on
purchasing a license.

19. Unzip the file

The is situated in your html directory. Extract the ircdtd file to your html
directory. If you do not extract the dtd file you will encounter problems when
parsing resumes or initiating background checks.

20. Schedule the iRecruitment Index Synchronization concurrent process

This process ensures the job posting and document indexes are kept up to date and
should be scheduled to run as follows:
• Online index rebuild - to run every 5 minutes

1-22 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Note: If the online synchronization process starts before the
previous one has completed, then the process will display an
error. Ensure that you set it to run 5 minutes after completion,
and not the start.

• Full index rebuild - to run each night

To schedule this process, use the iRecruitment HRMS Manager responsibility.

Schedule this process to run regularly.
See: Running the iRecruitment Index Synchronization Process, page 1-252

Additional Implementation Steps

When you have implemented the minimum steps, you can carry out the following steps
which enable you to define additional security options and function-specific
implementation requirements.
1. Set up the Recruitment additional organization information flexfield
To access the flexfield, display your business group in the Organization window.
See: Entering Recruitment Information, page 1-139

2. Define whether managers can update vacancy details when applications exist for
a vacancy
Set the IRC: Update Vacancy Details When Applications Exist profile option based
on your business requirements.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

3. Enable and manage applicant tracking, if required

You can record and track applicant data for compliance purposes. Use the
Recruitment window in Oracle HRMS to define the applicant tracking functionality
for a business group.
See: Entering Recruitment Information, page 1-139
To track changes to applicant profiles, schedule the iRecruitment Applicant Profile
Snapshot process.
See: Running the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot Process, page 1-254
To remove data that is retained for statutory compliance, run the iRecruitment
Purge Applicant Tracking Data process.
See: Running the iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data Process, page 1-255

4. Set the IRC: Suitable Seekers Function, IRC: Job Notification Function and the

Implementing iRecruitment 1-23

IRC: Vacancy Approval Function profiles
If you want to use a function other than the default from the suitable candidate, or
suitable job notification, then use these profiles to select them. In most cases, you
will not need to change these values .
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

5. Create default postings for your work structures

Job postings are the advertisements attached to your vacancies. You can create
default postings containing standard information at the organization, business
group, job, or position level.
See: Creating and Maintaining Default Job Postings, page 1-162

6. Set up details of recruiting sites

If your enterprise has an agreement to post job advertisements with third-party job
sites, you can record information about them.
You can use any of the following data transfer methods to send job details to the
recruiting sites:
• Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP)

• E-mail

• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Note: You can use the FTP method only if the destination
server supports Passive File Transfer Protocol (PASV) data
transfers. The FTP feature is a beta version and may not work
on all servers.

Your decision to use a specific method depends on whether the recruiting site
accepts job postings through HTTP, e-mail or FTP. After you identify the posting
method, provide the recruiting sites details.
See: Creating and Maintaining Recruiting Sites Details, page 1-164

7. Create a style sheet to post job details, if required

iRecruitment sends job postings to third-party recruiting sites in the default HR-
XML formats:
• JobPositionPosting.xsl (JobPositionPosting-1_1.dtd), which is compliant with
HR-XML 1.1 version.

• PositionOpening.xsl (PositionOpening.xsd), which is compliant with HR-XML

2.5 version.

1-24 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

If you use the standard HR-XML document, the Username field corresponds to the
SenderID column and the Password field corresponds to the Credentials column in
the HR-XML document sent to the recruiting site. These style sheets are stored in
the OA_HTML directory.
To send a posting in a format other than the default HR-XML format, create your
own style sheet using any text editor. Use the DTD of the supplied style sheet as an
example. Ensure that the style sheet format is correct, and store the style sheet in the
OA_HTML directory.

Note: The HR_XML Consortium certifies the HR-XML used in the

job-posting, background-checking, and resume-parsing processes.
For more information on the HR-XML certification program, see:

8. Write a Java class to define job posting implementation mechanism, if required

iRecruitment provides a default posting implementation Java class: oracle.apps.irc.
posting.JobPostingImpl that uses the standard HTTP Post, FTP, or MailTo option to
send job posting details to job sites.
To define a different data job posting mechanism, such as Web Services to send job
postings to job sites, you must create a Java class that implements iRecruitment's
predefined Java interface: oracle.apps.irc.posting.JobPosting. For information on
writing a Java class, see: Note ID 1117344.1 on My Oracle Support
Provide the Java class value in the Posting Implementation Class column in the Job
Vendor Details page. For more information, see: Creating and Maintaining
Recruiting Sites Details, page 1-164

9. Create external assignment statuses

Create external assignment statuses if required. You can use external assignment
statuses to assign an alternative name to a status for external users. For example,
you may want to create an external name for a status so that the manager sees the
status "Pending Interview" or "Interview Passed" while the external user sees just
"Interview". To enter an external name, enter the new name in the External Status
column of the Assignment Statuses window.
See: Defining Assignment Statuses (Assignment Window), page 1-140

10. Create compensation element lookups

Create compensation element Lookups to be advertised against your vacancies

using the IRC_VARIABLE_COMP_ELEMENT Lookup type.
User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

11. Define Lookup values for use with iRecruitment

Implementing iRecruitment 1-25

Ensure that all the Lookups supplied with iRecruitment contain the values required
for your enterprise.
See: User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

12. Add job postings to existing vacancies

To add a posting to an existing vacancy, search for the vacancy in iRecruitment and
choose Update. You can then add the posting to the vacancy.

13. Configure the existing messages if required

You configure the delivered messages in the Messages window of the Professional
Forms Interface. The prefix for iRecruitment messages is IRC.
See: Messages Window (Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide)

14. Configure the approvals rules if required

You can modify or create new approvals processes using Oracle Approvals
Management. iRecruitment is delivered with a number of approval rules that will
be applied unless you change your iRecruitment settings.
See: iRecruitment and Oracle Approvals Management (AME), page 1-102
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

15. If you are using the Candidate Matching functionality:

Set up qualifications and ranks in Oracle HRMS

You can create qualification and qualification types in Oracle HRMS. Make sure
that the existing qualifications and qualification types meet your requirements.
See: Creating Qualification Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and
Talent Management Guide

16. If you are using the Competencies functionality:

Check the competencies in Oracle HRMS

Check that the competencies in Oracle HRMS meet your business requirements.
You must create global competencies for use in iRecruitment.
See: Creating a Competency, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and
Talent Management Guide

17. Define the skills types for iRecruitment

Edit the IRC_COMPETENCE_TYPE lookup type to include the skill types that
candidates can select in the Add Skills page. This lookup type controls the skills
types displayed in iRecruitment. If you do not want to display all the lookups
defined in the COMPETENCE_TYPE in iRecruitment, then include only the
required lookups in the IRC_COMPETENCE_TYPE lookup type. Ensure that the

1-26 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

lookups in the IRC_COMPETENCE_TYPE lookup are same as the lookups in the
COMPETENCE_TYPE lookup type.
See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
See: User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

18. Identify the file types that users can upload

iRecruitment enables users to upload documents. For example, candidates can

attach resumes and cover letters while registering or submitting job applications in
iRecruitment. You can set the IRC_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES lookup type to define
the file types that users can upload. This lookup type definition applies only to the
documents such as resumes, cover letters, and other documents that are attached to
the candidate's profile and not to the documents such as attachments to vacancies
or offers. You can use the IRC_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES lookup type to prevent
users from uploading documents that introduce program codes to damage the
User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

19. Set up offers

To enable managers and recruiters to create and progress offers for applicants, set
up the offers functionality.
See: Setting Up Offers, page 1-171

20. Set up assessments

To evaluate candidates and applicants during the recruitment process, set up the
assessments functionality.
See: Setting Up Assessments, page 1-168

21. If you are using the Background Check functionality:

Register with a background check provider

The Background Check functionality enables a manager to verify applicant
information such as education, qualifications, and employment history. To use this
functionality, you must register with a background check provider.
For a list of providers, please contact your Oracle sales representative.

22. Enable self-registration for ex-employees

Ex-employees can identify themselves on iRecruitment and the application

automatically creates user accounts for the ex-employees. You must take steps to
protect the data of ex-employees before you implement this functionality.
To implement this functionality:

Implementing iRecruitment 1-27

• Evaluate your security structure and place additional checks to protect the data
of your ex-employees. Use the API user hook IRC_PARTY_BK6.
SELF_REGISTER_USER_A to validate the user registration data. For example,
you can make data such as date of birth and national identifier mandatory to
confirm that it is the previous employee who registers.

• Add the IRC Ex Employee Registration function to the IRC External Site Visitor
Permission Set menu, to display the registration link for ex-employees on the
Site Visitor Registration page.

The ex-employee registration function uses the workflow item type IRC_REG.
When an ex-employee provides details for registration, iRecruitment matches the
information with the existing records and if it finds the appropriate record, initiates
the Registration Request (REG_REQUEST) process within the IRC_REG item type.
This process sends an e-mail to the ex-employee about the new user account and
the password that they can use to log in to iRecruitment.

23. Set the profiles for the background check

Set the following profiles:

• Enter the URL provided by the partner in the IRC: Background Check Vendor
URL profile.

• Enter the credential provided by the partner in the IRC: Background Checking
Senders Credential profile.

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

24. If you are using the Resume Parsing functionality:

Register with a resume parsing provider

The Resume Parsing functionality enables iRecruitment users to extract information
from a resume. To use this functionality, you must register with a resume parsing
For a list of providers, please contact your Oracle sales representative.

25. Set the profile option to calculate annualized salary for offers with hourly salary
If the Oracle HRMS HR: Base Annual Salary On FTE profile option is not already
set, then you can set up this profile option to calculate annualized salary when
creating or updating offers. For more information, see: Calculation of annualized
salary, page 2-118

26. Set the profiles for resume parsing

Set the following profiles:

1-28 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Enter the URL provided by the partner in the IRC: Resume Parsing Vendor
URL profile.

• Enter the sender ID provided by the partner in the IRC:Resume Parsing Sender
ID profile.

• Enter the credential provided by the partner in the IRC: Resume Parsing
Credential profile.

• Indicate whether you want skills to be extracted during the parsing process in
the IRC: Extract Skills profile.

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

27. Display notifications of different item types

Set the profile option IRC: Notification List Types to display notifications of
different item types on the home pages of managers and candidates.
The delivered iRecruitment workflow item types are HRSSA, HR_SFL, and IRC -
WF. These workflows support notifications for vacancies and offers. You can create
workflow item types to display notifications other than the predefined ones. You
can then add the workflow item types in the IRC: Notification List Types profile
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

28. Change color schemes, if required

To alter the layout and color settings of iRecruitment pages, you must use Look-
and-Feel Extensions (Custom Skins) that OA Framework provides.
See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Oracle Application Framework
Documentation Resources, Release 12 (My Oracle Support Note 391554.1)

29. Set posting days to define the number of days for internal job postings

If you want to make the job details available to your employees first, then set the
IRC: Internal Posting Days profile option. You specify the number of days that the
application posts an advertisement internally before posting the advertisement on
the external site.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

30. Limit the number of document uploads

You can limit the number of documents that the candidates can upload to the
iRecruitment database. Set the following profile options:
• IRC: Document Upload Count Limit

Implementing iRecruitment 1-29

• IRC: Monthly Document Upload Count Limit

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

Note: If you do not want to limit the number of document uploads,

you can leave both the profile options blank.

31. Indicate resumes as mandatory for job applications

If your enterprise requires applicants to attach a resume with their job application,
then set the IRC: Resume Required profile option to enforce this business
requirement. This enables managers to get the required professional details of the
applicants for further processing.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

32. Set up different phone types in the My Account page

To set up different phone type fields in the My Account page, follow these steps:
1. Add the lookup values to the PHONE_TYPE lookup type.
See: User and Extensible Lookups, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide

2. Set the IRC: Phone Types profile option to specify the type of phone number
fields for candidates to record.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

33. Identify the default phone type for individuals search, if required

Set the IRC: Preferred Phone Type Display profile option to identify the default
phone type that iRecruitment can use when managers or recruiters search for
candidates without specifying the phone number on the Candidates: Individuals
page. If you do not set this profile option, then iRecruitment uses Home Phone as
the default phone type.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

34. Define whether managers can extend multiple offers

Set the IRC: Allow Multiple Offers for Candidate to determine whether managers
can extend multiple offers to applicants.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

35. Determine whether iRecruitment must create external user accounts for
candidates created by managers or recruiters
Set the IRC: Create User Account profile option to determine whether iRecruitment

1-30 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

must create external user accounts for candidates created by managers or recruiters.

36. Control access to vacancy applications

Set the IRC: Show Applications profile option to determine the vacancy applications
that managers can access.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

37. Enable managers to view employee applicant and ex-employee salary and
performance history during the offer process
iRecruitment displays employment history of employee applicants or ex-employees
when creating or updating offers, or when viewing candidate details in the
Qualifications tabbed region of the Candidate Details page, or the Candidate Profile
page. Managers can view employment details such as assignment number, years of
service, department, and location.
However, if managers require to view the salary and performance history of
employees or ex-employees, you must grant the following permission sets to the
managers or recruiters who are assigned the iRecruitment Manager or iRecruitment
Recruiter responsibility:
• iRecruitment Employee Salary Permissionset (IRC_EMP_SALARY_PSET):
Displays Salary History

• iRecruitment Employee Performance Permissionset

(IRC_EMP_PERFORMANCE_PSET): Displays Performance History

38. Enable managers to post vacancies in multiple locations

Oracle iRecruitment provides hiring managers and recruiters the flexibility to post
vacancies in multiple locations. See: Vacancies in iRecruitment, page 2-36
Complete the following steps to use the multilocation vacancy feature:
1. Create recruiting areas using the Oracle HRMS Generic Hierarchy function to
enable managers to create vacancies in multiple locations and multiple business
groups. For more information, see: Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type,
page 1-127

2. Display the Vacancy Location Details region:

When hiring managers or recruiters create vacancy details using the Create
Vacancy: Enter Primary Details page, they can select a recruiting area and
specify the locations where the vacancy will be available. The Vacancy Location
Details region provides the Recruiting Area field and the ability to select
multiple locations. The Vacancy Location Details region is hidden by default.
To enable managers to post vacancies in multiple locations, you can display the
Vacancy Location Details region. Follow these steps:

Implementing iRecruitment 1-31

1. Click Create Vacancy link in the Manager or Recruiter Home page. The
Create Vacancy: Enter Primary Details page appears. Click Personalize

2. Click Complete View option in the Personalization Structure table. Find the
row: Default Single Column: Region Preferences.

3. Click the Personalize icon in this row. The Personalize Default Single
Column : Region Preferences page appears.

4. Navigate to the Rendered row. The default value is False. Select True at the
appropriate level to hide the Vacancy Location Details region.

5. Click Apply.

3. Enable fields and columns related to the multilocation vacancy feature:

Enable the following fields and columns that are hidden by default. Use the
Personalization feature and set the Rendered item to true for the
personalization items.
• Recruiting Area column shows the recruiting area associated with a
vacancy. The Recruiting Area column is available in the following pages:

Page Item Page Location Personalization


Recruiting Area iRecruitment My Recent Column:

column Home page Vacancies table (RegionColumn)
(MgrHomePG) and Message
Styled Text:
Recruiting Area

Vacancies page Search Results Column:

(VacancyViewPG) table (RegionColumn)
and Message
Styled Text:
and Message
Styled Text:
Recruiting Area

1-32 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Page Item Page Location Personalization

Vacancies page Vacancies table Column:

(navigation: (RegionColumn)
Recruitment and Message
Summary > Styled Text:
Number of Recruiting Area
Vacancies link)

Vacancies Search Results Column:

(VacSrchPG) table (RegionDsplycolu
mn), Message
Styled Text:
lt), Column
Header, Sortable
Recruiting Area

Vacancies -for Search Results Column:

agency users table (RegionDsplycolu
(AgencyVacSrchP mn), Message
G) Styled Text:

• Multiple Business Groups column shows whether a vacancy is available in

multiple business groups. Values are Yes or No. The Multiple Business
Groups column is available in the following pages:

Page Item Page Location Personalization


Multiple Business iRecruitment My Recent Column:

Groups column Home page Vacancies table (MultiRegcolumn)
(MgrHomePG) and Message
Styled Text:
Multiple Business

Implementing iRecruitment 1-33

Page Item Page Location Personalization

Vacancies page Search Results Column:

(VacancyViewPG) table (MultiRegcolumn)
and Message
Styled Text:
Multiple Business

Vacancies page Vacancies table Column:

(navigation: (MultiRegcolumn)
Recruitment and Message
Summary > Styled Text:
Number of Multiple Business
Vacancies link) Groups

Vacancies Search Results Column:

(VacSrchPG) table (MultiRegcolumn)
and Message
Styled Text:
Multiple Business

Vacancies -for Search Results Column:

agency users table (MultiRegColumn
(AgencyVacSrchP ), Message Styled
G) Text:

• Recruiting Area field to search for vacancies that are available in a specific
recruiting area. The Recruiting Area field is available in the following

Page Item Page Location Personalization


Recruiting Area Vacancies Search criteria Message Lov

field (VacSrchPG) region Input: Recruiting

1-34 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Page Item Page Location Personalization

Vacancies -for Search criteria Message Lov

agency users region Input: Recruiting
(AgencyVacSrchP Area

39. Set the profile options to make salary basis and proposed salary fields mandatory
or optional for offers
For offers, enterprises can make the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields
optional or mandatory or base Salary Basis and Proposed Salary on work structure
configuration using the IRC: Salary Details Mandatory in Offer profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57
When you set the IRC: Salary Details Mandatory in Offer profile option value to
Based on Work Structure Configuration, you must:
1. Create a flex segment for salary details at organization, job, position, grade, and
salary basis levels and then, define the segment value at the appropriate work
structure level.

2. Enter the flex segment name in the IRC: Proposed Salary Flex Segment Name
profile option. To make the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields mandatory
or optional, iRecruitment validates the flex segment value configured at the
work structure levels.

See: Setting up Information for Salary Basis and Proposed Salary Fields in Offers,
page 1-174

40. Set the profile option to validate proposed salary for applicants when creating or
updating offers
When managers create or update offers, iRecruitment validates the salary entered
using the vacancy salary range. To validate salary during offer creation or update,
define the IRC: Offer Proposed Salary Validation profile option.
Based on your enterprise's requirements, you can decide whether to:
• Apply the salary validation rule

• Validate salary offered using the vacancy salary

• Validate salary offered using the grade rate

Implementing iRecruitment 1-35

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

41. Select the business group to display compensation information in corporate

Select the business group in the IRC: Corporate Business Group profile option that
iRecruitment can use to display compensation information in the corporate
currency. In the IRC: Currency Conversion Date profile option, enter the effective
date that iRecruitment can consider for currency conversion rate.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57
Set up currency conversion rate to view salary information in corporate currency
When managers and recruiters create vacancies, offers, or view a candidate's
desired minimum salary, they can view salary information in corporate currency.
Approvers can view salary details in corporate currency before approving or
rejecting an offer. A read-only field provides salary information after converting
salary into corporate currency. iRecruitment converts the currency using the
conversion rates configured in Oracle General Ledger.
Set up the currency conversion rate to display salary information in a common
currency using the Conversion Rate Types window of Oracle General Ledger. Set
up the Corporate conversion rate to define a standard rate for your enterprise.
Oracle General Ledger currency setup is a shared product. Contact your Financials
implementation team to get this information. If you do not use Oracle General
Ledger, add the GL_GCS_RATES menu or individual functions from the menu to
an existing menu that users access through their standard responsibilities. For
further information about conversion rates, see the Oracle General Ledger User Guide
in the Oracle Financial Applications documentation.
The corporate currency fields for salary are hidden by default. If required, you must
display these fields.
On the create, view, update offer, and offer notification pages display the following
salary fields to view in corporate currency:
• Proposed Salary

• Grade Range

• Comparatio

• Annualized FTE Salary

• Annualized Salary

On the create, update, view vacancy pages, and vacancy notification pages display
the Salary Minimum and Salary Maximum corporate currency fields.
On the Candidate Details page, display the Minimum Salary corporate currency

1-36 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


42. Control the ability of managers to apply for vacancies created by subordinate
employees in their supervisor hierarchyy
When a manager applies to a vacancy created by a subordinate employee reporting
to the supervisor, a loop is formed and it creates problems in the HR security
evaluation. iRecruitment provides the ability to avoid these types of job
applications. Enterprises can control the ability of managers to apply for vacancies
created by subordinate employees in their supervisor hierarchy using the 'IRC:
Allow job application in subordinate hierarchy' profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

43. Enable access to details of applicants

If required, set the HR: Enable RTM Security profile option to the iRecruitment
Manager or iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility to enable users who require
access to applicants to view their application and other details. The user can be
anyone who is involved in the recruitment process.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

44. Display the Candidate Details Page or the Candidate Profile Page based on your
business requirement
By default, the Candidate Details page (CandAplDetsPG) appears, when managers
click the name link in the candidate name or applicant name column in the search
results table of the iRecruitment candidate and applicant search pages. The column
that displays the Candidate Profile page (CandProfilePG) is hidden by default.
The Candidate Details page is a multi-tabbed region page that shows complete
details of a candidate along with the application information. The Candidate Profile
page is a single page interface that presents comprehensive picture of a candidate
along with application details and helps analyze the applicant pool.
For more information, see:
• Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details, page 2-62

• Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

Pages from where managers or recruiters can navigate to the Candidate Details
• Candidates: Prospect Pool - CmCandSrchPG

• Candidates: Individuals - CmPersonSrchPG

Implementing iRecruitment 1-37

• Candidates: Resumes - DocSrchPG

• Candidates: Applicants - CmAplSrchPG

• View Applicants - Apl4vacSrchPG (Vacancies > View Applicants)

• Manager Home page - MgrHomePG

• New Applications table

• Interviews table

• Recent Offers table

• Applications page - ApplicationsViewPG (Recruitment Summary >

Applications column links)

• Offers page - OffersViewPG (Recruitment Summary > Offers column links)

• Offers Workbench - OfferSearchPG

• Find Duplicates - FindDuplicatesPG

Depending on your business requirement, you can display the Candidate Details
page or Candidate Profile page.
To display the Candidate Details page or Candidate Profile page, personalize the
relevant page and set the Render property to either False or True for the page
attributes. For example, to use the Candidate Profile Page in iRecruitment, set the
Render property to True for Candidate Profile page and the Render property to
False for Candidate Details page properties.
The following table lists pages and properties that you can personalize:

1-38 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Page Name with Attribute to display Attribute to hide Navigation
Region Name of the column for the the column for the
the Search Results Candidate Profile Candidate Details
Table page Page

Candidates: Column: Column: Candidates tab >

Prospect Pool (CandidateProfileCo (PrPoolcolumn1) Prospect Pool.
CmCandResultsTbl For example, to
RN display the
Candidate Profile
page, click
Prospect Pool. Look
for for
umn, click
Personalize and set
Rendered to True for
Manager. Click
Apply and look for
PrPoolcolumn. Click
personalize and set
Rendered to False
for iRecruitment
Manager. Click
Apply and then
Return to

Candidates: Column: Column: Candidates tab >

Individuals (CandidateProfileCo (IndQrycolumn1) Individuals and click
lumn) Personalize Query
CmPersonSrchQuer Region.

Candidates: Column: Column: Candidates tab >

Resumes (CandidateProfileCo (DocTabcolumn1) Resumes and click
lumn) Personalize Search.

Candidates: Column: Column: Candidates tab >

Applicants (CandidateProfileCo (CandidateNameCol Applicants and click
lumn) umn) Personalize Query
CmAplSrchQueryR Region.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-39

Page Name with Attribute to display Attribute to hide Navigation
Region Name of the column for the the column for the
the Search Results Candidate Profile Candidate Details
Table page Page

View Applicants Column: Column: Vacancies tab > enter

(CandidateProfileAp (Apl4vacSrchQuery vacancy name and
Apl4vacSrchQueryR lColumn) RNcolumn1) click Go. Select a
N vacancy and click
View Applicants.
Click Personalize
"Applicants list for
the Vacancy"

Manager Home Message Styled Text Message Styled Text Home tab > click
: Applicant Name : Applicant Name Personalize "Results
New Applications for the Recent
table Destination Destination Applicants. Find
(ApplicantsSummar Function: Function: Message Styled Text:
PROFILE DETAILS Click Personalize. To
display the
Candidate Profile
page, change the
Destination Function
PROFILE for the

Manager Home Message Styled Text Message Styled Text Home tab > click
: Applicant Name : Applicant Name Personalize
Interviews table Interview
(MgrInterviewsTblR Destination Destination
N) Function: Function:

Manager Home Message Styled Text Message Styled Text Home tab > click
: Applicant Name : Applicant Name Personalize Recent
Recent Offers table Offers
(OfferSummaryTblR Destination Destination
N) Function: Function:

1-40 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Page Name with Attribute to display Attribute to hide Navigation
Region Name of the column for the the column for the
the Search Results Candidate Profile Candidate Details
Table page Page

Applications page Column: Column: Home >4.

(ApplicationTblRN) (ApplicantNameCP (ApplicantNameCol Recruitment
Column) umn) Summary. Click any
of the number in the
columns of the
Applications section.
Click Personalize
Advanced Table.

Offers page Column: Column: Home > 4.

(ApplicationTblRN) (ApplicantNameCP (ApplicantNameCol Recruitment
Column) umn) Summary. Click any
of the numbers in
the Offers columns
and then click
Advanced Table

Offers Workbench Column: Column: iRecruitment

page (CPApplicantName (ApplicantNameCol Recruiter > Offers
(OfferSrchQueryRN) Column) umn) Workbench

Find Duplicates Column: Column: Candidates tab >

page (FullNameColumnC (FullNameColumn) search for a
P) candidate and click
PotentialDuplicatesT Find Duplicates icon
blRN in the Potential
ConfirmedDuplicate Duplicates region.
sTblRN Click Personalize
Advanced Table

You can use the Candidate Profile feature that Oracle iRecruitment delivers or you
can configure some of the components of the Candidate Profile feature according to
your business requirements. For example, iRecruitment delivers XML templates to
compare profiles of two or three candidates. To compare more than two or three
candidates, you can create your own XML templates.
For more information, see: Configuring Candidate Profile Components, page 1-142

45. Make the Find Duplicates function available to specific users

When managers search for applicants or candidates on the following pages, they

Implementing iRecruitment 1-41

can click the Find Duplicates icon to find duplicate profiles.
The Find Duplicates column is available by default on the following pages:
• Candidates: Prospect Pool

• Candidates: Individuals

• Candidates: Resumes

• Candidates: Applicants

• View Applicants (Vacancies > View Applicants)

See: Finding Duplicate Profiles, page 2-64

If you do not want all managers or recruiters to use the Find Duplicates function,
then hide the Find Duplicates column in the appropriate pages of the iRecruitment
Manager or iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility.
Grant the Add Potential Duplicate Function to the Find Duplicates feature
When managers or recruiters click the Find Duplicates icon, the Duplicate Profile
page that lists the duplicate records of candidates appears. By default, this page
does not display the Add Potential Duplicate button.
To make this feature available, you must grant the IRC_FIND_DUPLICATES_PSET
permission set to the iRecruitment Manager or iRecruitment Recruiter
responsibility or to a specific user. This permission set grants the IRC: Adhoc
Duplicate Search Function.

46. Configure the Address Style flexfield segments to display global or local address
style as required
In iRecruitment, the address style defined to capture the address details is based on
the order of the segment list attached to the Address flexfield. Using
personalization, you can order the flexfield segments to specify the address style
that must be used. For example, if the segment list contains US_CUSTOM before US
and US_GLB, the application selects US_CUSTOM.
Complete the following steps to display the address style as required:
1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, query the 'Personal Address
Information' descriptive flexfield and verify that the Displayed check box in the
Context field section is enabled.
For more information on the Personal Address Information flexfield, see: Oracle
HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

2. Enable personalization by setting the following profile options:

Personalize Self-Service Defn

1-42 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled

3. Log in to iRecuritment and navigate to the candidate My Account page. In the

Address region, click the personalization link.

4. Search for the Personalize Flex : (FndFlexField) row in the Personalization

Structure and click the Personalization icon.

5. In the Segment List, enter the flexfield list in the order that you want the
address style to be displayed.
For example, consider the following segment list order:
BE|Street|Num|Box|City|Postal Code||BE_GLB|Address Line 1|Address
Line 2|Address Line 3|Postal Code|City||US_GLB|Address
Line1|Address Line2|Address Line3|City|County|State|Zip
Code||US|Address Line 1|Address Line 2|Address Line

Example 1: If a user selects Belgium as the country, as the local format (BE) is
first in the order, iRecruitment uses the local format as the address style.
Example 2: If a user selects United States, as the global address format
(US_GLB) is in the order before the local format (US), iRecruitment uses the
global format as the address style.
Example 3: If a user selects United Kingdom as the country, as there are no
flexfield entries for United Kingdom, iRecruitment uses the Generic address

Repeat these steps to configure the address styles in the required iRecruitment

47. Set up steps to launch the Applicant Hire and Rehire function from iRecruitment

When an applicant accepts an offer, the hiring manager can select the Hire action in
the Offers tabbed region of the Candidate Details page to launch the Applicant Hire
and Rehire function and complete the hiring process for iRecruitment applicants.
The Hire action appears for only those applications where an offer is closed with
the close reason of 'Offer Accepted by Applicant'.
If your enterprise uses Oracle SSHR, then you can complete the following steps to
enable managers to launch the Applicant Hire and Rehire function from
1. Display the Hire option in the Actions list
Grant the iRecruitment Hire Permission Set (IRC_HIRE_PSET) to the
iRecruitment Manager or iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility or to a specific
user. This permission set displays the Hire option in the Actions list of the
Candidate Details Offers tabbed region. Managers can initiate the hire process
using the Hire option.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-43

Use the Functional Administrator responsibility to create grants. For
information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

2. Complete the step required to navigate to the Hire function

To navigate to the Applicant Hire and Rehire function from the Candidate
Details page and Candidate Profile page, modify the following functions:
Complete these steps:
1. Navigate to the Form Functions window using the System Administrator

2. Query the IRC_CAND_APPL_DETAILS function. Click the Form tabbed


3. Click the Parameter field.

4. Select Edit > Edit Field icon to display the value of the field.

5. Set the &pHireFunction parameter value to HR_APPL_HIRE_MGR_SS, for

example, &pHireFunction=HR_APPL_HIRE_MGR_SS. Save your changes

Note: If you have defined a custom function other than

"HR_APPL_HIRE_MGR_SS", then set the &pHireFunction
parameter value to that custom function.

Repeat the steps to modify the IRC_CANDIDATE_PROFILE function.

48. Set up virus scan

Set up virus scan to check the documents that candidates and managers upload to
the database. This helps you to detect infected files and protect your systems from
possible virus attacks when you download documents for recruitment purposes.
See: Setting up Virus Scan, page 1-147

49. Set the profile option to filter Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

When users upload documents to the database or preview documents, some of the
documents may contain cross site scripting (XSS) that may affect your system. To
detect and disable XSS, set the IRC: XSS Filter profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

1-44 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

50. Create resume templates

iRecruitment supplies predefined resume templates for candidates to create

resumes online. You can use the predefined templates or create templates to suit
your business needs.
See: Customizing Resume Templates, page 1-148

51. Set up agencies

If your enterprise has agreements with recruiting agencies, then you define agencies
and set up agency users to work with iRecruitment.
See: Setting up Agencies, page 1-213

52. Set up iRecruitment High Availability (HA)

You can set up a secondary (HA) instance of iRecruitment to maintain the

iRecruitment candidate job site when the instance that hosts the job site is
See: Setting up High Availability, page 1-218

53. Set up International (Hijrah and Thai Buddhist) Calendars, if required

By default, the calendar in the Date Picker shows the Gregorian calendar. If
required, you can enable the Hijrah or Thai Buddhist calendar by defining the
following profile options:
• FND: Forms User Calendar: Choose a preferred calendar.

• FND: Calendar Week Start Day: Choose the first day of the week.

Note: Setting these profile options not only impacts the date picker
fields but also the read-only date fields. All the date fields in the
application will display the date format based on the profile

For information on how to set these profile options, refer to the Support for
Calendars topic in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and the Hijrah and Thai
Calendar Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 (Doc ID 807393.1) note on My
Oracle Support.

What Next
When you have installed iRecruitment, you need to carry out the following additional
1. Set up proxy server

Implementing iRecruitment 1-45

Use the following profiles to set up your proxy server:

Note: If you do not use a proxy server, you can skip this step.

• Applications Server Side Proxy Host and Domain

• Applications Proxy Port

• Applications Proxy Bypass Domain

• IRC: Proxy Authorization Password

• IRC: Proxy Authorization User Name

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

2. Run the location upgrade script

If you are using Geocode data for searching locations, then enter the URL for
geocode information in the following profile:
IRC: Geocode Host

Note: You can obtain the value for this profile option by contacting
your Oracle Support representative.

Before running the upgrade script, delete the spatial indexes by running the script
This script uses parameters of the HR schema owner name and the HR schema
owner password.
Then run the upgrade script $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irlocupd.sql
The script uses three parameters: worker_id, total_workers, and update_name. This
enables you to run the script in parallel. For example, if you want to run the script
with two processors in parallel, you would run the script in different sessions with
the values 1 and 2, and 2 and 2. If you only want to run with a single processor you
may just accept the default values. This process may take a long time and depends
on a number of factors, such as the volume of data that you have and the speed of
the internet connection from your database.
You may have to run this script in future to capture geocode information for
locations in countries that may be supported by geocode service. The next time you
are run the script in parallel ensure that the update_name is different. For example,
run the script in different sessions with the values 1, 2 and RUN2, and 2, 2 and
Once the upgrade script has completed, reload your spatial indexes by running the

1-46 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxloc.sql. This script uses parameters of the HR
schema name, the FND schema name, the APPS schema name, and the Oracle
Text schema name, for example, $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxloc.sql HR

• $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxadr.sql. This script uses parameters of the HR

schema name, the FND schema name, the APPS schema name, and the Oracle
Text schema name, for example, $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxadr.sql HR

• $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxisc.sql. This script uses parameters of the HR

schema name, the FND schema name, the APPS schema name, and the Oracle
Text schema name, for example, $IRC_TOP/patch/115/sql/irctxisc.sql HR

If you are not using Geocode data for searching locations: use the Personalization
function to hide the Location and Distance From Location (Miles) geocode search
Geocoding Disclaimer

3. Schedule the following concurrent processes

• iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner
This sends e-mail notifications to the managers of open vacancies to inform
them of suitable candidates for their vacancy. Schedule this process to run each
night, or as often as you want managers to receive notifications.
See: Running the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner
Process, page 1-253

• iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers

Implementing iRecruitment 1-47

This sends e-mail notifications to the job seekers to inform them of suitable
vacancies. Schedule this process to run each night.
See: Running the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers Process, page 1-
To schedule these processes, use the iRecruitment HRMS Manager

Note: For e-mail notifications to be sent you must also ensure

that the Workflow e-mail engine is running.

• iRecruitment Recruitment Summary

This program populates the recruitment summary data in summary tables.
iRecruitment retrieves recruitment data from summary tables. Schedule the
iRecruitment Recruitment Summary program to run regularly.
See: Running the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary Program, page 1-257

4. Enter the URLs to use in notifications for external and internal candidates
When iRecruitment sends notifications for job invites, referrals, or matching jobs, it
identifies the receiver as internal or external using the e-mail address of the person.
It inserts the internal URL for internal candidates and external URL for external
candidates in the job details link in the notification. This feature enables internal
and external candidates to access the appropriate job detail pages.

Note: Internal candidates are employees or contingent workers.

External candidates are all other people who are not employees or
contingent workers.

To specify internal and external URLs, complete the following steps:

• Enter the URL of your external web server as the value for the IRC: External
Framework Agent profile option.

• Ensure that the Application Framework Agent profile option value is set to the
internal web server URL.

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

5. Set the profile option to avoid connection issues when using DMZ instance for
In a DMZ enabled instance for iRecruitment, accessing iRecruitment Style Sheets
and DTD from OA_HTML directory may cause issues during candidate
registration, resume parsing, background check, and job postings to third-party

1-48 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

recruiting sites. If you are using a DMZ enabled instance for iRecruitment, then you
can set the IRC: Avoid accessing stylesheets during URL formation profile option to
avoid such issues. This profile allows reading the style sheet content directly from
the file system instead of reading it through a URL formed using the Application
Framework Agent, thereby preventing any connection issues.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

6. Set Up iRecruitment for external users

Candidates and recruiting agencies who are external users access iRecruitment to
complete recruitment tasks such as applying for jobs and creating profiles of agency
candidates. For information on how to secure iRecruitment for use outside the
firewall, see:
• DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 12 (Note: 380490.1) on My Oracle

• Enabling SSL in Oracle Applications Release 12 (Note: 376700.1) on My Oracle


7. Enable partial registration for iRecruitment

If you have implemented multiple E-business suite products, then you can enable
external users having an account with any one of the products such as
iProcurement, to use their existing username and password to register with
iRecruitment. To use this registration feature, set the IRC: Enable Partial
Registration profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

8. Configure the web pages for iRecruitment

You configure the web page layout using the Personalization Framework. If
applicable, configure flexfields, instructions and tips, and the delivered logos.
Using personalization, you can:
• Display required fields
If required by your enterprise, you can display information hidden by default,
such as manager's details on the Job Details page, candidate registration date in
the search results of the Candidate pages, and vacancy duration dates (creation,
start, and end dates) in the search results of the Vacancy page. Also, the
Location Code field and the text search Location field are hidden by default for
external users. The City Location and the text search Location fields are hidden
by default for employees. You can display these fields using the Personalization
function depending on the search facilities you want to offer your users.

• Display the Approvers region or Approval History region on Offer pages as

Implementing iRecruitment 1-49

Oracle iRecruitment provides the following regions to view information on
offer approval:
• Approvers region: Displays offer approval information such as the offer
approver, approver type, approver category, offer approval status,
approval date, and offer approval comments if any.

• Approval History region: Displays offer approval action history, action

date, and offer comments, if any. Using this region, managers can track all
the actions that happen in an offer approval cycle. For example, they can
monitor offers that are reassigned, returned for correction, or require
further information.

On the following pages and regions, by default, the Approvers region is

displayed and the Approval History region is hidden:
• iRecruitment Manager/Recruiter home > Recent Offers region > Approvers
column > Offer Details page (irc/offers/webui/IrcOfferApproverPG)

• Recruitment Summary > Offers columns > Offers page > Approvers column
> > Offer Details page (irc/offers/webui/IrcOfferApproverPG)

• Offers Workbench > Approvers column > > Offer Details page

• Candidate Applicant Details Page > Offers tab > Offer Details region (

• Candidate Applicant Details Page > Offers tab > View Offer history > View
Offer History region (

To display the Approval History region, you must complete the following steps
using the Personalization feature:
1. Navigate to the relevant page or region using the Personalization feature.

2. Display the Approval History region by setting the Render personalization

property to True for the "Stack Layout: Approval History" element.

Note: If you want to hide the default Approvers region, then

set the Render personalization property to False for the
"Default Single Column: Approvers" or "Default Single
Column" elements.

1-50 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Display the Application Time Resume and Application Time Resume
Preview columns
The Application Time Resume and Application Time Resume Preview columns
available on the following pages enable managers or recruiters to view resumes
added by applicants at the time of job application:
• iRecruitment Manager Home (MgrHomePG) > New Applications region

• View Applicants page (Apl4vacSrchPG)

• Candidates: Applicants (CmAplSrchPG)

• Applications (ApplicationsViewPG)
(Navigation: Recruitment Summary > Applications > To Be Processed, In
Process, Rejected columns)

The Application Time Resume and Application Time Resume Preview columns
are hidden by default on these pages. If required, these columns can be
displayed using the OAF Personalization feature.
The following steps explain how to display the Application Time Resume and
Application Time Resume Preview columns in the iRecruitment Manager
Home page, New Applications region:
1. Enable personalization by setting the following profile options: Personalize
Self-Service Defn and FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled.

2. Log in to iRecruitment.

3. Navigate to the iRecruitment Manager Home (MgrHomePG), New

Applications region.

4. Click the Personalize "Results for the Recent Applicants" link. The
Personalize Region: Results for the Recent Applicants page appears.

5. Select Complete View and click the Expand All link.

6. Scroll down the page.

7. Click the personalize icon in the Message Styled Text: Application Time
Resume row. The Personalize Message Styled Text : Application Time
Resume page appears.

8. View the default value for the Rendered item. It is set to false.

9. Select true at the appropriate level.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-51

10. Click Apply. The Personalize Region: Results for the Recent Applicants
page appears.

11. Click the personalize icon in the Switcher: Application Time Resume
Preview row. The Personalize Switcher : Application Time Resume Preview
page appears.

12. Scroll to the Rendered row. The default value is false.

13. Select true at the appropriate level and click Apply.

14. Click Return to Application.

Now, you can view the Application Time Resume and Application Time
Resume Preview columns. Complete these steps to display the columns in the
following pages:
• View Applicants page (Apl4vacSrchPG)

• Candidates: Applicants (CmAplSrchPG)

• Applications (ApplicationsViewPG)
(Navigation: Recruitment Summary > Applications > To Be Processed, In
Process, Rejected columns)

• Display the Upload button on the Offer Letter page, if required

When managers create or update offers, they can upload offer letters using the
Upload button on the Offer Letter page. The Upload button is hidden by
default. If required, you can display the Upload button on the following pages
using the Personalization feature:
• OfferLetterPreviewPG (in the create offer flow)

• UpdOfferLetterPreviewPG (in the update offer flow)

Set the Rendered property to true for Button: Upload. The value is set to False
by default

• Configure additional validation criteria for employee referral

When candidates create their profiles or submit job applications, they can select
Employee Referral as source and provide either the e-mail address or employee
number as the source referral information. iRecruitment uses this information
to verify or validate the employee information.
You can configure additional validation criteria to validate the employee
information such as Department Name when candidates select Employee

1-52 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Referral as source in the Registration or Job Application process. For
information on how to enable additional validation criteria, refer to this My
Oracle Support note: 954140.1 Enabling Additional Validation Criteria for Employee

• Enable the Application Status field

The Application Status field on the Candidates: Applicants page enables
managers to search for applications using the application status criteria.
Managers can select single or multiple statuses to search for applications. The
Application Status field is hidden by default.
Using personalization, you can display the Application Status field. Display the
Business Group field as application statuses are dependant on the business
group selection.

See: Personalization Framework, page 1-159

9. Enable the export of interview details

From the Interviews table on their home page, managers, recruiters, and candidate
can export interview data to the calendar application that they use. Using the
Personalization function, you can enable the Export feature for interviews to help
users save interview details and view interview schedules.
You can configure Oracle Workflow Builder to display the iCalendar file (.ics) in the
interview notifications for confirmed or rescheduled interviews. Managers and
candidates can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the calendar
applications that support the .ics format and monitor upcoming interview events
easily in the calendar application.
For information on how to configure the Export feature and include the iCalendar
file in interview notifications, refer to this note on My Oracle Support Configuring the
iCalendar Export Feature in Oracle HRMS Applications, Note ID: 761563.1

10. Set up searchable flexfield

You can enable managers and candidates to record extra information that can be
included in a candidate or vacancy searches.
See: Setting Up a Searchable Flexfield, page 1-145

11. Freeze your flexfields

Freeze all flexfields used in iRecruitment. This stops error messages appearing on
the screen telling you that your flexfields have not been frozen.
See: Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

12. Set up workflow processes using business events

If required, you can use the Oracle Workflow functionality to create your own

Implementing iRecruitment 1-53

workflow processes. By including the delivered business events in your workflow
processes, you can define processing and routing logic for iRecruitment events.
See: Workflow Business Events, page 1-222

13. Enable the RSS Feeds Functionality

Site visitors and external candidates can use the RSS Feed links on the Job search
pages to subscribe to the RSS feeds with the job search criteria that they use. RSS
feeds help users to monitor job vacancies without having to visit iRecruitment.
To enable the RSS Feeds functionality:
• Grant the HR RSS Feeds (PER_RI_RSS_FEEDS) permission set to site visitor and
external candidate responsibilities.

• The RSS Feeds link on the following pages is hidden by default. To display the
link using personalization, set the Render property for the 'rssRegion'
(RowLayout) item to true:
VisitorJob Search Page (VisJobSchPG)
Visitor Advanced Job Search Page (VisAdJobSchPG)
External Candidate Job Search Page (AplJobSchPG)
External Candidate Advanced Job Search Page (AplAdJobSchPG)

14. Generate letters, other than offer letters, using Web Application Desktop
Integrator (Web ADI)
You can also use the HRMS Web Application Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) to
generate form letters such as interview and rejection to send to applicants.
See Data Download and Upload Using Web ADI Overview, Oracle HRMS
Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide
See: Requesting Letters/Running the Report, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting,
and System Administration Guide

15. Enable the Info Online content container to access Enwisen

You can configure access between Oracle iRecruitment and Enwisen, a third-party
information provider to enable end users to access company information hosted on
the Enwisen web site. The Info Online content container displays hypertext links to
information providers.
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle iRecruitment Pages, page 1-245
See: Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen, page 1-245

1-54 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuration Overview
All Oracle Self-Service Applications, including iRecruitment, are built on the Oracle
Applications (OA) Framework to enable maximum flexibility. Although the
iRecruitment functions are delivered with predefined settings which meet the HRMS
requirements of the majority of enterprises with little or no configuration, there are
configuration options available if required.
This chapter provides an overview of the different configuration steps for iRecruitment.
For detailed information on the set-up and configuration steps, see the following
• Implementation Steps

• Security

• Configuring Page Layouts

Guidelines for Configuring iRecruitment Functions

The iRecruitment functions have been developed to meet the majority of business
requirements and should rarely require modification. However, there are several
security and configuration steps that you can carry out if required.

User Access
For each responsibility (or combination of responsibility and user), you need to define a
security profile to restrict the user to an appropriate business group and, if required, a
subset of a business group. Alternatively, you can use a global security profile to enable
your managers and recruiters to work in multiple business groups.
See: User Access and Security, page 1-150

Process Flows
If the iRecruitment functions are workflow-enabled (currently the Vacancy function),
you can choose to modify the predefined process flow if required. However, the
delivered workflows have been designed to meet the business requirements of most
enterprises so modification should rarely be required.
See: Oracle Applications Workflow User's Guide

Profile Options
You must set up several profile options to enable iRecruitment. These profile options
include browser proxy settings, resume parsing provider information, and background
check information.
For a full list of profile options for iRecruitment, see: Profile Options, page 1-57

Implementing iRecruitment 1-55

You set up work structures (grade, position, organization, job), qualifications, and
competencies for iRecruitment using the Professional Forms interface of Oracle HRMS.
This data is then available in iRecruitment.
See: Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide and Oracle HRMS
Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Page Layouts
In most cases, the predefined page layouts contain all the fields that users need to
perform a transaction. However, you may decide that some changes are required. For
example, you could change the field prompts to match terminology used by your
enterprise. You can also add more detailed instructions to the web pages, display
selected flexfield segments, and hide fields or sections of web pages.
You modify page layouts using the Personalization Framework.
See: The Personalization Framework, page 1-159

Function-specific Configuration Options

Detailed information on the configuration options for each function is given in the
corresponding sections. Each section contains the following information:
• menu and function names

• workflow process names and attributes, if applicable

• profile options

Save For Later

The save for later functionality enables a manager or recruiter to store a vacancy or an
offer they are creating or modifying prior to submitting it. They can then complete the
creation or modifications at a later date. The vacancy or the offer can be saved for later
at any point during the creation or modification process, up until it is submitted.
If the creation or modification of a vacancy or an offer is interrupted, for example if the
browser is closed or if the session is timed-out through user inactivity, then this vacancy
or the offer is also saved for later.
Managers and recruiters can see the vacancies and offers that they have stored in the
Save for Later table on their home page. From here they can resume the work they were
doing. The following graphic depicts the save for later process.

1-56 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Save for Later Functionality

When a manager or recruiter creates or makes a modification to a vacancy or an offer,

they can either submit the transaction for approval immediately or save the transaction
for subsequent processing. If they submit the transaction immediately, the transaction is
subject to the usual approval processes. If they choose to save the transaction for later, it
is suspended and the user can restart it or delete it from the Save for Later table on their
home page.
If a manager or recruiter has made a modification to an approved vacancy or an offer,
saves the change for later, and then deletes the save for later record, the vacancy or the
offer remains as it was before the modifications were made.

iRecruitment Profile Options

There are several profile options for use with iRecruitment. The following table lists the
required profile options and gives a short description of their functionality.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-57

iRecruitment Profile Options

Profile Configurable Description Default


Applications Proxy Site Define the proxy

Bypass Domain exclusion list, if
appropriate. You must
set the profile option
in this format:*.;*.

Note: Make sure

you use this syntax
or else resume
parsing may not
work. Only the
format with a *.
before the domain,
and a ; separator
will work.

Applications Proxy Site Define the port for

Port your proxy server, if

Applications Server- Site Define the address of

Side Proxy Host And your proxy server, if
Domain appropriate.

1-58 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

HR: Enable RTM Site, Application, Set the profile option

Security Responsibility, to 'Yes' at the
User iRecruitment Manager
or iRecruitment
responsibility level to
provide an access to
all the applicants of
that vacancy despite
of HR security for
recruiting team
members. The default
value is null or blank.

If you set the profile

value to 'Yes' and if
the logged person is a
recruiting team
member of the
vacancy, then using
the iRecruitment
Manager or
iRecruitment Recruiter
responsibility, the user
can access applicants'
details despite of HR
security profile rules.

If you set the profile

option value to No or
leave it blank, then
iRecruitment applies
the HR security profile
and vacancy team
security rules when
providing access to

Implementing iRecruitment 1-59

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Agency Name Responsibility, Identifies the agency

User and the agency users
who use iRecruitment.
Set this profile option
to restrict agency
access only to their

For a manager user

and the manager
responsibility, leave
the profile option
blank to display all

1-60 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Allow job Site, Application, Controls the ability of

application in Responsibility, supervisors to apply
subordinate hierarchy User for vacancies created
by subordinate
employees in their
supervisor hierarchy.

• If the profile
option value is set
to No, then
supervisors are
prevented from
applying to
vacancies created
by subordinate
employees in
their supervisor

• If the profile
option value is set
to Yes or left
blank, then
supervisors can
apply to
vacancies created
by subordinate
employees in
their hierarchy.

Null is the default


Implementing iRecruitment 1-61

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Allow Jobs for Site, Defines the kind of

Contingent Worker Responsibility, jobs that contingent
User workers can search
and apply using

You can select any one

of the values:

• Internal Jobs: If
you select this
value, then
workers can
search and apply
for jobs that are

• External Jobs: If
you select this
value, then
workers can
search and apply
for jobs that are

• Both Internal and

External Jobs: If
you select this
value, then
workers can
search and apply
for internal or
external jobs.

Note: If you do not

set the profile
option value or
leave it blank, then
contingent workers

1-62 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

can search and

apply for external
jobs only.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-63

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Allow Multiple Site, Defines the No

Offers for Candidate Responsibility appropriate setting for
managers or recruiters
when they extend
more than one offer to
an applicant.

You can select any one

of the values:

• Yes: Managers
can create and
extend another

• Warning:
Managers can
create and extend
another offer.
displays a
warning that an
active offer exists
for the applicant.

• No: Managers can

create an offer,
but cannot extend
the offer to the
displays a
warning that an
active offer exists
for the applicant.
Managers must
close the existing
extended offer
before extending
the new offer.

• Error: Managers
cannot create or
extend another

1-64 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

The IRC: Allow

Multiple Offers for
Candidate profile
option works with the
HR: Cross Business
Group profile option.
If the IRC: Allow
Multiple Offers is set
to Yes applicants can
receive multiple offers
from your business
group and other
business groups. If the
Multiple Offers profile
is set to No, and:

• The Cross
Business Group
profile is set to
No, applicants
can have only one
offer per business

• The Cross
Business Group
profile is set to
Yes, applicants
can have only one
offer irrespective
of the number of
business groups.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-65

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Alternate Site, Set this profile option

Instance URL Responsibility on the primary
instance to identify
the high availability
(HA) instance url:
ML/IrcVisitor.jsp, that
should be used when
the primary is

Set this profile option

on the HA instance to
identify the primary
instance url: http:
that is used during
normal operation.

To enable employee
access to the job site,
replace the value
IrcVisitor.jsp in the
primary and HA
instance URLs with
IrcEmpVisitor.jsp at
the responsibility

IRC: Anti Virus Server Site Scans the documents

that managers and
candidates upload to
the iRecruitment
database. To scan the
documents, enter the
name of the server on
which Symantec
AntiVirus Scan engine
is running.

1-66 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Availability Site Defines the mode in

Mode which the primary
and the HA instances
run. You use this
profile to transition
between your primary
and HA instance
when using the high

For information on the

values that you can set
for this profile, see:
Setting the IRC
Availability Profile
Option, page 1-217

Implementing iRecruitment 1-67

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Avoid accessing Site, Application, Set this profile option

stylesheets using URL Responsibility, if you are using a
formation User DMZ enabled instance
for iRecruitment to
avoid issues during
candidate registration,
resume parsing ,
background check,
and job postings to
third-party recruiting
sites. This profile
allows reading the
style sheet content
directly from the file
system instead of
reading it through the
URL formed using
Framework Agent.

If the profile option is

set to Yes, then the
application reads the
files from the file
system, thereby
preventing connection
issues. If the profile is
set to No or not
defined, then the
iRecruitment XSL
Style Sheet and DTD
from OA_HTML will
continue to be
accessed through a
URL formed using the
Framework Agent.

IRC: Background Site URL of background

Checking Vendor check vendor.
URL Required for
Background Check

1-68 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Background Site, User Company account

Check Sender name for background
Credential checking.

IRC: Candidate Site, Identifies the IRC_EXT_CANDIDATE_

Permission Set Responsibility permission set (menu) PSET at the iRecruitment
that iRecruitment External Candidate
grants to candidates responsibility level
when they register
with the job site. The IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE
permission set enables _PSET at the
candidates to create an iRecruitment Employee
account and work Candidate responsibility
with the application. level

IRC: Corporate Site, Identifies the business

Business Group Responsibility group whose default
currency iRecruitment
uses to convert
currency to corporate
currency. Managers
and recruiters can
view salary details in
corporate currency.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-69

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Currency Site Use this profile option

Conversion Date in conjunction with
the IRC: Corporate
Business Group
profile option.

When you set this

profile option,
iRecruitment uses the
conversion rate on the
specified date for
currency conversion.
Enter the date in the
DD-MMM format, for
example, 10-Oct. If
you enter 10-Oct, then
iRecruitment uses the
conversion rate on the
specified date for
currency conversion.

If this profile option is

left blank, then
iRecruitment uses the
latest conversion date
available in the system
for currency

1-70 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Create User Site, Application, Determines whether No

Account Responsibility, iRecruitment can
and User create external user
accounts for
candidates created by
managers or

Set the value to Yes to

create user accounts
for candidates created
by managers or

Note: If you set the

value to Yes, then
the Email Address
field on the Create
Personal Details
page becomes
mandatory. Using
the email specified
on the Create
Personal Details
page, iRecruitment
sends email to
candidates with the
login information.
Candidates can log
in to the
iRecruitment job
site and search for
jobs, submit job
applications, and
complete tasks that

Implementing iRecruitment 1-71

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Default Country Site, Application, Defines the default

Responsibility country when:

Parsing resumes:

If the application
cannot find a country
when parsing a
resume, it uses the
default country
address style.

Entering address

When candidates
enter their address
details, the address
style defaults to that
of the country entered
in the profile option.
The candidate can
override this style.

Using eLocation for

location searching:

If you are using

eLocation, a service
hosted by Oracle to
search locations, the
application uses the
default country for
geo-code location

Note: If the default

country that you
specify is not
supported country,
the distance-from-
location search will
not work.

1-72 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Default Max. Site, Defines the default

Applicants Responsibility, maximum number of
User applicants that an
agency can submit for
a vacancy. This value
defaults to the
Maximum Applicant
Count field in the
Create Vacancy: Enter
Team Members page.
Managers can
override this value
when they create
vacancy details.

IRC: Default Offer Site, Defines the default

Letter Output Type Responsibility format that
iRecruitment uses to
create offer letters. For
example, select PDF to
create letters in the
PDF format.

IRC: Document Site, Determines the total 20

Upload Count Limit Responsibility number of documents
that a candidate can
upload to the
database. Enter a
value for the number
of document uploads
that you want to limit.
For example, if you
specify 10, a candidate
can load only 10
documents. If you
leave this profile
option blank, then the
candidate can upload
any number of
documents, provided
the total document
count does not exceed
the number of uploads
allowed each month.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-73

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: EEO Required Site, Application, Determines whether Any

Fields Responsibility, candidates must enter
and User gender and ethnic
origin when they
choose to provide
EEO information.

You can select any one

of the values:

• All: Candidates
must enter both
gender and ethnic

• Any: Candidates
can enter either
gender or ethnic

IRC: Employee Visitor Responsibility Identifies the URL that

URL iRecruitment uses to
redirect logged in
employees to, if they
access the external job
site. Set this profile
option only for the
employee candidate

1-74 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Enable Offers Site, Indicates whether the Yes

Compensation Responsibility benefits functionality
is used to complete
compensation details
for applicant offers.

Set to Yes to enable

managers to use the
Create Offer: Enter
Compensation page to
assign compensation
for applicants. For a
simplified offer
process that hides the
Enter Compensation
page, set the value to

If you set the option

value to Yes at the site
level, but for example,
do not offer
compensation benefits
to temporary workers,
then set this profile to
No at the
responsibility level.
When managers create
offers using this
responsibility, the
offer letter includes
only the basic details.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-75

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Enable Partial Site, Enables existing E- Yes at the site level
Registration Responsibility Business suite account
holders to register No at the iRecruitment
with iRecruitment Employee Candidate
using their current responsibility level
username and
password. If their
information already
exists in the database,
iRecruitment instead
of creating a new
account assigns the
responsibility to their

Set this profile to No

at the responsibility
level if you are using
your custom
responsibility for
employee candidates.

IRC: Extract Skills Site Indicates whether Yes

skills should be
extracted when
candidates parse a
resume. If you select
No, then candidates
will have to select
their skills manually.

IRC: Extend Offer Site Identifies the function IRC_EXTEND_OFFER_D

Duration Function that enables managers URATION
to access the Extend
Offer Duration page
when they click a link
in the offer

1-76 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Extend Offer Site Identifies the IRCOFFERAPPROVAL

Duration Transaction transaction type used
Type for extend offer
duration approvals. If
you do not want to
use approvals for offer
duration extension,
then ensure that this
profile is left blank.

IRC: External Site Identifies the URL of

Framework Agent your external web
server. If you use a
different server for
external candidates to
access the job details,
then enter the external
server name as the
value for this profile
option in this format:
iRecruitment uses the
external server URL in
e-mails to external
candidates and in the
links for the job
posting documents to
the third-party
recruiting sites.

IRC: Geocode Host Site URL for geocode


IRC: HA Apply For Site Enables candidates to IRC_HA_APPLY_FOR_J

Job Function access the Apply for OB_PAGE
Job page on the HA
instance and submit
the job applications.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-77

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: HA Information Site, Set this HA profile IRC_HA_SYS_MAINT_M

Message Responsibility option to display an SG for the iRecruitment
instruction message to External Candidate and
candidates accessing iRecruitment Employee
the candidate job site Candidate
on the primary responsibilities.
instance. This message
informs the
candidates about the
unavailability of the
candidate job site after
a specific time. You set
the time using the
profile option IRC:
System Down Time.

IRC: HA Job Search Site, Set this HA profile IRC_VIS_JOB_SEARCH_

Function Responsibility option to identify the PAGE at the iRecruitment
job search page that External Site Visitor
users can access when responsibility level.
they click Search for
instance, running in RCH_PAGE at the
the High Availability iRecruitment Employee
mode. Site Visitor responsibility

IRC: HA Login Page Site, Set this HA profile IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN

Function Responsibility option to identify the _PAGE at the
login function that iRecruitment External
directs users from the Site Visitor responsibility
primary instance to level.
the HA instance.
RCH_PAGE at the
iRecruitment Employee
Site Visitor responsibility

1-78 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: HA Redirect Site, Set this HA profile IRC_HA_SYS_NOT_AV

Information Message Responsibility option to determine AILABLE_MSG at the
the instruction site level.
message that users
view about the IRC_HA_MGR_SYS_NO
availability of the T_AVAIL_MSG at the
alternate candidate job iRecruitment Manager
site. responsibility level

IRC: Homepage Site, Determines the home IRC_APL_HOME_PAGE

Function Responsibility page function that at the iRecruitment
redirects users External Candidate
(candidates, responsibility level
managers, agency
users and , recruiters) IRC_EMP_APL_HOME_
to the previous page PAGE at the iRecruitment
after they complete or Employee Candidate
cancel a transaction. responsibility level

IRC_CM_HOME at the
iRecruitment Manager
responsibility level

the iRecruitment Agency
responsibility level

iRecruitment Recruiter
responsibility level

Implementing iRecruitment 1-79

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Internal Posting Site, Defines the number of

Days Responsibility days the vacancy
details appear on the
internal recruitment
site before these
details appear on the
external recruitment
site. If your
administrator sets this
profile, you cannot
alter the start date of
the external posting in
the Create Vacancy:
Job Posting page.
When the vacancy is
approved, the
application sets the
external posting start
date according to the
number specified in
the profile.

IRC: Installed Site Indicates that No

iRecruitment has been

1-80 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Job Notification Site, Identifies the function IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Function Responsibility used to show
advertisements to
users when they click
a link in a notification.

To displays job details

when users click the
job link in a
notification, set the
profile option for the

• iRecruitment

• iRecruitment

IRC: Monthly Site, Determines the 10

Document Upload Responsibility number of documents
Count Limit that a candidate can
upload within a
period of one month.
For example, if you
specify 5, a candidate
can upload only 5
documents within a
calendar month. If you
leave this profile
option blank, then the
candidate can upload
any number of
documents provided
the document upload
count does not exceed
the total document

Implementing iRecruitment 1-81

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Notifications Site, Identifies the Oracle IRCNTFAPPROVALS

AME Transaction Responsibility Approvals
Type Management (AME)
transaction type used
to identify the
recipients for the
notifications. Provide
the correct value if
you use a customized
AME transaction type
for notifications.

IRC: Notifications Site, Identifies the IRC_NTF

Workflow Item Type Responsibility workflow item type
used to send
notifications. Provide
the correct value if
you use a customized
workflow to send

IRC: Notification List Site, Application, Identifies which IRC_WF, HRSSA,HRSFL,

Item Types Responsibility workflow notifications IRC_NTF
are displayed on the
home pages of
managers and
candidates. For
example, in addition
to the default
workflow item types
you may want to
include notifications
associated with
business events you
have set up. Enter the
workflow item types
that you want to
include and use a
comma to separate
each item type.

1-82 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Offer Details Site Defines which offer IRCOFFERAPPROVAL

Approval Transaction approval transaction
Type type is used. If you do
not want to use
approvals for offers,
then you ensure that
this profile is left

IRC: Offer Duration Site, Determines the

Measurement Responsibility default measurement
value for offer
duration. The values
are days, weeks, and

Use the offer duration

profile option along
with the IRC: Offer
Duration Value
profile. The IRC: Offer
Duration Value profile
option section
explains how
iRecruitment uses the
two offer duration
profile values to set
the offer expiry date.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-83

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Offer Duration Site, Determines the

Value Responsibility default period within
which applicants must
respond to the job
offers. The offer
duration value along
with duration
measurement defaults
to the Basic Details
and Send Offer pages.
iRecruitment uses the
measurement and the
measurement value to
calculate the offer
expiry date while
extending the offer.
For example, the offer
duration value is 5
and the IRC: Offer
Measurement value is
Days. If a manager
extends the offer on
31-Aug-2005, then
calculates the expiry
data for the offer as
04-Sep-2005 and
displays the expiry
date on the Send Offer

You can leave both the

profile values blank, if
you want managers to
set the expiry date for
the offers. In this case,
you must use the
function to make the
Expiry Field enterable.

1-84 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Offer Proposed Site, Application, Defines how salary Validate against Vacancy
Salary Validation Responsibility, has to be validated Salary Range
User while creating or
updating offers.

Select any one of the


• No Validation:
iRecruitment does
not apply the
salary validation

• Validate against
Grade Rate:
iRecruitment uses
the grade rate
defined for the
vacancy for
proposed salary

• Validate against
Vacancy Salary
iRecruitment uses
the salary range
defined for the
vacancy for
proposed salary

IRC: Offer Send Site Defines how offers are

Method sent to candidates. Set
to System to send
online offers, or set to
Hardcopy to direct
managers to print
offer letters. If you
leave the profile
blank, then the
application defaults to
sending offers online.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-85

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Offer Workflow Site Identifies the HRSSA

Item Type workflow item type
used for offer

IRC: Phone Types Site Identifies the type of 'H1','W1','M','WF'

phone numbers that
candidates can record
in the Phone Numbers
table of the My
Account details page.
Enter the lookup
codes defined in the
as values for this
profile option. To
display the phone
type fields correctly,
you must enclose each
lookup value in a
single quotation mark
and use a comma to
separate the values as
in this example: 'W1',
X1', 'Y1', 'Z1'

1-86 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Salary Details Site, Application, Determines whether Yes

Mandatory in Offer Responsibility, the Salary Basis and
User Proposed Salary fields
become mandatory or
optional for offers.

Select any one of the

following values:

• Yes: If you select

this option, then
managers must
select the salary
basis and enter
the proposed
salary when
creating or
updating an offer.

• No: If you select

this option, then
the Salary Basis
and Proposed
Salary fields
become optional
when creating or
updating an offer.

• Based on Work
Configuration: If
you select this
option, then the
IRC: Proposed
Salary Flex
Segment Name
profile option
must be defined.
iRecruitment uses
the flexfield
segment defined
at the work
structure level to
make the Salary
Basis and

Implementing iRecruitment 1-87

Profile Configurable Description Default

Proposed Salary
fields either
optional or

For more
information, see:
IRC: Proposed
Salary Flex
Segment Name,
page 1-89

1-88 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Proposed Salary Site, Identifies the flex

Flex Segment Name Responsibility segment that
iRecruitment uses to
make the Salary Basis
and Proposed Salary
fields mandatory or
optional when
creating or updating
an offer. To make the
fields mandatory or
optional, iRecruitment
validates the flex
segment value
configured at the
work structure levels.
Set this profile option
only if you select the
Based on Work
Configuration value
for the IRC: Salary
Details Mandatory in

Enter the flex segment

related to the salary
basis and proposed
salary that you created
for the following
descriptive flexfields

• Add'l Org. Unit


• Additional Job

• Additional
Position Details

• Additional Grade

• Additional Salary
Basis Details

Implementing iRecruitment 1-89

Profile Configurable Description Default

For more information,

see: Setting up
Information for Salary
Basis and Proposed
Salary Fields in Offers,
page 1-174

IRC: Preferred Phone Site, Application, Identifies the default

Type Display Responsibility, phone type that
User iRecruitment can use
when managers or
recruiters search for
candidates without
specifying the phone
number on the
Individuals page. You
must enter any one
value (lookup code)
that you set for the
IRC: Phone Types
profile option.

If you do not set this

profile option, then
iRecruitment uses
Home Phone as the
default phone type for
individual searches.

IRC: Proxy Site Password for proxy

Authorization server if required.

IRC: Proxy Site Username for proxy

Authorization server if required.

IRC: Proxy Site User name for proxy

Authorization User server if required.

1-90 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Refresh Job Site, Application, Populates the No

Posting Responsibility, associated job posting
User content on the Format
Job Posting page
whenever managers
update or duplicate

If the profile value is

set to Yes, then when
managers change
business group,
organization, job, or
positing, while
updating or
duplicating vacancies,
iRecruitment displays
the associated job
posting content.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-91

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Registration Site, Identifies the business

Business Group Responsibility group for candidate
registration. When a
candidate registers,
the application creates
a person record in the
specified business
group. Note that this
profile option must be
set at the Site level to
run the iRecruitment
Person Data Migration
process. You can set it
at the Responsibility
level for candidate

If you host multiple

recruiting sites and
have multiple Java
Server Pages (jsp) for
visitor login, then you
can use this profile to
register candidates in
different business
groups. Set this profile
for the iRecruitment
External Site Visitor
associated with the
Guest user for each

1-92 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Registration Test Site, Identifies the survey

Responsibility or test that
iRecruitment presents
to candidates during
the registration
process. If you do not
set this profile option
at the site level but
want external
candidates to
complete an
assessment, for
example, then set this
profile option at the
responsibility level for
the iRecruitment
External Candidate or
your custom

IRC: Registration Responsibility Responsibility that a iRecruitment External

Responsibility user is given after Candidate or
registration. iRecruitment Employee

IRC: Resume Parsing Site, User Password for resume

Sender Credential parsing vendor.
Required for Resume
parsing. Note that not
all vendors required
this to be set.

IRC: Resume Parsing Site, User User name for resume

Sender ID parsing vendor.
Required for Resume
parsing. Note that not
all vendors required
this to be set.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-93

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Resume Parsing Site URL for resume

Vendor URL parsing vendor.

Set this profile option

if you are registered
with a resume parsing
provider. If you do
not set this profile,
then the resume
parsing functionality,
and the text in the
Upload Resume
Region is hidden from
your users and
replaced with
standard document
upload functionality
and text.

IRC: Resume Site, Set this profile option No at site level.

Required Responsibility to On Application to
ensure that applicants
upload their resume
with the job
Otherwise, leave this
profile set to No
(default value at site

If you set this to Yes at

the site level, but, for
example, do not want
to force managers to
upload a resume
when they apply on
behalf of a candidate,
then you can set this
profile to No at their
responsibility level.

1-94 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Search Criteria Site, Determines the

Segment Matching Responsibility segments that are
matched when your
managers perform
candidate matching
for a vacancy, or when
you run the processes:
iRecruitment Email
Job Seekers Details to
Vacancy Owner and
the iRecruitment
Email Vacancies to Job
Seekers. Enter the
segment numbers that
you want matched,
separated with a |
symbol. For example:
if you want to match
attributes 2,5, and 7
set the value as 2|5|7.
If you do not set any
value for this profile
option, the application
matches all the active

IRC: Skip Job Site, Application, Defines whether

Assessment Responsibility, managers, recruiters,
User or agency users must
complete assessment
when they apply for
jobs on behalf of
candidates. If you set
this profile option
value to Yes, then
iRecruitment does not
present the
assessment when
managers, recruiters,
or agency users apply
for jobs on behalf of

Implementing iRecruitment 1-95

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Show Application, Determines the Default

Applications Responsibility vacancy applications
that managers can

You can select the

following values:

• Default: If you set

the value to
Default, then
managers can
view applications
for vacancies that
they manage and
also access other
submitted by the

• Restrict On
Security: If you
set the value to
Restrict On
Security, then
managers can
view only
applications for
the vacancies that
they manage.
They cannot view
job applications
that the
candidates submit
for other
applies the
Restrict on
option configured

1-96 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

in the Security
Profiles window
to restrict
managers access
to applications for
vacancies that
they manage.

IRC: Suitable Seekers Site Identifies the function IRC_CAND_APPL_DET

Function used to show AILS
candidates to
managers when they
click on a link in a

IRC: System Down Site, Set this HA profile DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI

Time Responsibility option to indicate the
beginning of the
primary instance
down time. The
message defined by
the IRC: HA
Information Message
profile option shows
this time.

You can use whatever

time format you like.
For example, 15-MAR-
2005 5:30 PM or
March 15th, 5:30 PM
(PST) or 5 PM.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-97

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Update Vacancy Site, Determines whether

Details When Responsibility, vacancy details can be
Applications Exist Application, updated when
User applications exist for
that vacancy.

• If you set the

value to Yes, then
managers can
update the
following details
for a vacancy
even if
applications exist:

• Location

• Position

• Job Title

• Organization

• Grade

• Employment

• Professional

• If the value is No
or left blank, then
managers cannot
update vacancy
details when
applications exist
for that vacancy.
By default, the
profile value is
left blank.

1-98 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Vacancy Site When a person IRC_VACANCY_APPRO

Approval Function receives a vacancy to VE
approve, the
notification contains a
link to a page that
displays the vacancy
that they have been
asked to approve. This
profile defines the
function for that page.

IRC: Vacancy Site, Defines which IRCVACAPPROVAL

Approval Transaction Responsibility vacancy approvals
Type transaction type is
used. To select a
transaction type, enter
the transaction type
ID. If you do not want
to use approvals,
ensure this profile is
blank at all levels.

IRC: View Offer Site Identifies the function IRC_APPLICATION_DE

Function that shows applicants TAILS_PAGE
the offer letter when
they click a link in the
offer notification.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-99

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Visible Site, Controls the default

Preference Default Responsibility setting for the Allow
Account to be
Searched check box on
the candidate
Preferences page. Set
the profile option to
Yes to display Allow
Account to be
automatically selected.
Otherwise, the check
box is deselected by
default. Candidates
can update the default
settings when they
create or update their
account details.

Important: The
default setting
must comply with
the data privacy
rules of the country
in which the
organization is

IRC: Visitor Site, Identifies the function IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Homepage Function Responsibility that displays the site at the iRecruitment
visitor home page External Candidate
when users access responsibility level
iRecruitment using
the IrcVisitor.jsp or IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_P
IrcEmpVisitor.jsp AGE at the iRecruitment
Employee Candidate
responsibility level

1-100 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Profile Configurable Description Default

IRC: Workflow Item Site, Defines which IRC_WF

Type Responsibility workflow item is used
in iRecruitment. The
IRC_WF workflow
manages general
notifications in
Notifications are sent
when certain actions
occur, for example,
when a manager
refers a candidate to
another manager.

iRecruitment no
longer uses this
workflow for

IRC: XSS Filter Site Protects the instance

from Cross Site
Scripting (XSS) when
users upload or
preview files that have
cross site script
enabled in the
documents. When you
set the profile option
value to Enable,
iRecruitment scans
and filters the
documents during the
upload and preview

By default, the profile

value is left blank and
the XSS check is

If you have previously used the ICX_OA_HTML profile, note that this profile is now
obsolete and has been replaced by the profile ICX_PREFIX. This new profile option
works in the same way as ICX_OA_HTML, however, the OA_HTML part of the code is

Implementing iRecruitment 1-101

now obsolete. For example:
• ICX_OA_HTML = /OA_HTML/xyz becomes

• ICX_PREFIX = xyz

Applications SSO Type profile option

For information on this profile option, see: Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
with 10g AS Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On (My Oracle Support Note

Note: The IRC: Recruitment Summary Program Last Run is for

information purpose only and stores the date and time of the last
completed run of the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary program.
This date and time appears on the Report Summary page. You must not
modify the profile option value.

iRecruitment and Oracle Approvals Management (AME)

Oracle Approvals Management (AME) is a web-based application which is integrated
with Oracle Workflow and which enables you to define business rules to control your
approvals processes.
With AME, you use the following components to define your approvals processes. They
are associated with a transaction type for a particular application.
• Attribute - this is a business variable, for example, a salary amount, user ID, or a
vacancy status.

• Condition - a condition compares an attribute value with a set of allowed attribute

values. For example, a condition could look at a salary amount. If the salary is
greater than a specified value, a particular approver list is created.

• Approval type and approval specifications - these components define the type of
approver list that is generated. For example, to generate a supervisor-based
approver list with 5 levels, you use the 'supervisory level' approval type with the
'requires approval up to the first 5 approvers' approval specification.

• Rules - a rule links the other components together by associating one or more
conditions with the approval type and approval rule.

For more information on the components used in AME, see: Oracle HRMS Approvals
Management Implementation Guide.

Default Use of AME Configuration in iRecruitment

The default behavior of Oracle iRecruitment is to use a supervisor-based approvals

1-102 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

hierarchy which is delivered using AME rules.
The default AME configuration consists of:
• Transaction types with

• a number of attributes and conditions and

• a number of rules specifying that a transaction must be approved by the initiator's

immediate supervisor if certain conditions are true.
• This is based on the standard AME approval type 'chains of authority based on
number of supervisory levels'.

For details about the AME components supplied with iRecruitment see: AME
Components in iRecruitment, page 1-106

The Approvals Process in iRecruitment

Whenever a manager or recruiter creates or modifies a vacancy or an offer,
iRecruitment checks to see if an approval is required for the action that has been taken.
The following diagram shows the approvals cycle, starting with the recruiter creating or
modifying a vacancy or an offer.

Approval Process in iRecruitment

When a person is required to approve an action, they are sent a notification, which is
displayed on their home page. From here they can do one of the following options:
• Approve

Implementing iRecruitment 1-103

If the approver is happy with the suggested changes they can approve them. If they
are the final approver, the changes are committed to the database, and the person
submitting the vacancy or the offer is notified that their transaction has been
approved. If not the approval is routed to the next person in the approvals

• Reject
If the approver is not happy with the changes they can reject them. This ends the
approval process and the changessubmitted for approval are discarded. The person
submitting the vacancy is notified of the rejection.

• Return for Correction

If the approver wants amendments to be made to the change before they approve
them, they can select Return for Correction. This ends the approval process and the
person who submitted the change is notified of the need for corrections to be made.
Once they have made the changes they submit them for approval again.

Dynamic Approvals for Vacancies and Offers

When managers create or update vacancies and offers, in addition to the default
approvers, they can add approvers and identify recipients of the transaction
notifications in the Add Adhoc Approver region of the Create/Update Offer: Review
and Create/Update: Review Vacancy pages. Managers can send a For Your Information
(FYI) notification or an approval request. They can use the person or user name to add
an approver:
• Person: Add a person, for example, John Smith

• User: Add a user, for example, JSMITH

Managers can specify the approver's' position in the approvals chain (the insertion
point). They can:
• Insert a new approver either before or after an existing approver in the list.

• Add a new approver to the list.

Configuring iRecruitment Approval Levels in AME

You can configure the Vacancy Approval and Offer Approval transaction types to meet
local approval requirements.
• Vacancy Approval Transaction Type
You can add rules, conditions, and attributes to the predefined vacancy approval
transaction type. For example, the iRecruitment Create Vacancy rule requires one
level of approval at the most for creating or updating a vacancy. To enable a process

1-104 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

that varies with the number of openings, for example, you can create a new rule
requiring three levels of approval for vacancies with 10 or more openings, and add
the rule to the predefined transaction type.

• Offer Approval Transaction Type

You can add rules, conditions, and attributes to the predefined offer transaction
type. By default, the offer approval rule requires one level of approval for offer
creation and update. You can modify the default offer approval rule according to
your business requirements. For example, you can create a new rule that requires
three levels of approvals for offers to senior manager positions and add the rule to
the predefined transaction type.

For more information on configuring AME rules, conditions, and attributes, see: Oracle
HRMS Approvals Management Implementation Guide.
Some examples of minor changes that you can make to the customized transaction type
are shown below.

Example 1
To define a different approval level for the creation of vacancies or offers, for example,
to specify that a vacancy or an offer must be approved by a specific number of
• The approval level for a vacancy is currently defined in the rule 'iRecruitment
Create Vacancy'. You can define a new approval level for the supervisory level
approval type that 'requires approval up to the first two superiors at most'.

• The approval level for an offer is currently defined in the rule 'iRecruitment Offer
Approval' You can define a new approval level for the supervisory level approval
type that 'requires approval up to the first three superiors at most'.

Example 2
To define a new approval level (if the delivered approvals do not meet your
• You create a new approval (for example, 'requires approval up to the first 15
superiors at most') in the 'supervisory level' approval type. You then apply this to
whichever rules are required.

Example 3
To define a particular user as the final approver, or final authority (even if they are not
the last person in the approval chain):
• You create a List Modification Condition and specify a user, for example, a
manager, as the final approver. You would add this list modification condition to

Implementing iRecruitment 1-105

your rules so that the approval chain would stop at this specified approver.

AME Components in iRecruitment

Oracle iRecruitment uses Oracle Approvals Management (AME) to manage the
approvals processes. With AME, administrators can create business rules to define
approvals hierarchies without the need to write code or customize the application.
Oracle provides standard AME transaction types for iRecruitment. These transaction
types include a number of standard conditions, rules, and attributes for use with
iRecruitment. If you require additional conditions, rules, or attributes, you can create
them using the supplied components as examples.
For more information about Oracle Approvals Management see: Oracle HRMS Approvals
Management Implementation Guide

Transaction Types
iRecruitment delivers the following transaction types:
• iRecruitment Vacancy Approval, page 1-107
iRecruitment uses this transaction type for vacancy approvals.

• iRecruitment Offer Approval, page 1-115

iRecruitment uses this transaction type to approve new offers and offers whose
duration is extended.

• iRecruitment Notification Approvals , page 1-117

This transaction type defines the workflow rules to send notifications when
following transactions occur:
• Managers change the status of job applications

• Candidates apply for jobs

• Candidates withdraw applications

• Candidates request for reconsideration of their terminated applications

• Managers reconsider terminated applications

• Recruitment communication occurs

• Employees create candidate profiles using the Employee Referral function

• Employees refer candidates

1-106 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Employees apply for jobs on behalf of candidates using the Employee Referral

• Managers change the interview status. iRecruitment also sends notifications

when primary interviewers update interviews with their feedback

• Candidates provide incorrect employee referral information

• Managers update referral information in candidate profiles or job applications

iRecruitment Vacancy Approval Transaction Type

The following sections describe the attributes, rules, and conditions supplied with the
iRecruitment Vacancy Approval transaction type.

The following attributes are supplied with iRecruitment. These are in addition to the
mandatory attributes supplied with AME. You can use these attributes to create your
own conditions, or as examples for creating your own attributes.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Additional Details field in the Job Posting page.

Note: A boolean attribute type returns either True or False

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Brief Description field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Organization Name field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Department Description field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to

Implementing iRecruitment 1-107

the Department Description field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Graphic field in the Job Posting page. This field contains a URL for any graphic
associated with a job posting.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the How To Apply field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Job Title field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Job Requirements field in the Job Posting page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Job Posting Title field in the Job Posting page.

This is a string attribute type that returns the budget measurement type for a vacancy.
Note that this field is not displayed in iRecruitment by default.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the budget measurement type for a vacancy. Note that this field is not displayed in
iRecruitment by default.

This is a string attribute type that returns the value in the Number of Openings field in
the Primary Details page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Number of Openings field in the Primary Details page.

1-108 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

This is a number attribute type that returns the ID of a business group for a vacancy.

This is a string attribute type that returns value in the Employee Status field in the
Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that indicates whether a vacancy has been marked as
being for a contractor in the Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that indicates whether a vacancy has been marked as
being for an employee in the Primary Details page.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Grade field in the Primary Details page.

This is a number attribute type that returns the ID of a grade for a vacancy.

This is a string attribute type that indicates whether a vacancy has just been created
(INSERT) or modified (UPDATE).

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Job field in the Primary Details page.

This is a number attribute type that returns the ID of a job for a vacancy.

This is a number attribute type that returns the ID of a location for a vacancy.

This is a currency attribute type that returns the maximum salary for a vacancy.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-109

This is a currency attribute type that returns the minimum salary for a vacancy.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Organization field in the Primary Details page.

This is a number attribute type that returns the ID of an organization for a vacancy.

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Position field in the Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that returns value in the Professional Area field in the
Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that returns value in the Status field in the Primary Details

This is a boolean attribute type that indicates whether any changes have been made to
the Status field in the Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that indicates whether a vacancy has been marked as
allowing working from home in the Primary Details page.

This is a string attribute type that identifies which rule applies either SEEDED or

The following conditions are supplied with iRecruitment to support some of the
supplied attributes. These conditions can be used in rules to invoke particular approvals
processes, or can be used as examples upon which to base your own conditions.

1-110 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide



















The following table describes the rules that are supplied with iRecruitment. They link
one or two of the supplied conditions to an approval type and a rule. For all of the rules
supplied the approval type is based on the supervisor hierarchy, and the approval rule
is always to require approval up to the first superior at most. All of the supplied rules
are of the List Creation type.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-111

AME Rules supplied with iRecruitment

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

iRecruitment VACANCY_INSERT_OR_UPDAT Require approval up to the first

Create Vacancy E in [INSERT} superior, at most.


iRecruitment POSTING_ADDITIONAL_DETAI Require approval up to the first

Update Posting LS_CHANGED is true superior, at most.
Additional Info


iRecruitment POSTING_BRIEF_DESCRIPTION Require approval up to the first

Update Posting _CHANGED is true superior, at most.
Brief Description


iRecruitment POSTING_DETAILED Require approval up to the first

Update Posting DESCRIPTION_CHANGED is superior, at most.
Detailed true


iRecruitment POSTING_JOB_REQUIREMENTS Require approval up to the first

Update Posting _CHANGED is true superior, at most.
Job Requirements


1-112 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

iRecruitment POSTING_JOB_CHANGED is Require approval up to the first

Update Posting true superior, at most.
Job Title


iRecruitment VACANCY_INSERT_OR_UPDAT Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy E in [UPDATE} superior, at most.

is True

iRecruitment VACANCY_BUDGET_MEASURE Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy MENT_TYPE_CHANGED is true superior, at most.
Budget Type


iRecruitment VACANCY_BUDGET_MEASURE Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy MENT_VALUE_CHANGED is superior, at most.
Budget Value true



iRecruitment VACANCY_GRADE_CHANGED Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy is true superior, at most.


Implementing iRecruitment 1-113

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

iRecruitment VACANCY_JOB_CHANGED is Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy true superior, at most.


iRecruitment VACANCY_ORGANIZATION_C Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy HANGED is true superior, at most.


iRecruitment VACANCY_POSITION_CHANG Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy ED is true superior, at most.


iRecruitment VACANCY_STATUS_CHANGED Require approval up to the first

Update Vacancy is true superior, at most.


Example - Using the VACANCY_RULE_TYPE Attribute

To enable you to add rules to the predefined transaction type, iRecruitment provides an
attribute VACANCY_RULE_TYPE that you can customize to create a new condition for
your rule.
This example shows how to customize the iRecruitment Vacancy Approval transaction
type to use different set of rules.
The predefined rule - iRecruitment Create Vacancy has the following conditions:

1-114 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

To customize the transaction to enable a different approval process based on the
number of openings (Budget Measurement Value), follow these steps:
1. Create a new condition: VACANCY_RULE_TYPE in {CUSTOM_RULE}.

2. Create new rules with your condition as given in the example:

• Rule: Create Vacancy Custom
Actions: Supervisory level: require approvals up to the first superior, at most.

• Rule: Create Vacancy Custom - large

Actions: supervisory level: Require approvals up to the first three superiors, at

3. Change the value of the attribute VACANCY_RULE_TYPE to the static text


4. Save your changes and bounce the Apache listener.

After these changes, users would require 3 levels of approval when creating vacancies
with 10 or more openings, and would require only 1 level of approval when the number
of openings is less than 10. Note that after you change the VACANCY_RULE attribute,
none of the supplied rules apply any more. In this example, only create transactions will
require approval.

iRecruitment Offer Approval Transaction Type

The following sections describe the attributes, rules, and conditions supplied with the
iRecruitment Offer Approval transaction type. You can add additional rules, conditions,
or attributes to the predefined transaction type.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-115

The following attributes are supplied with iRecruitment. These are in addition to the
mandatory attributes supplied with AME. You can use these attributes to create your
own conditions, or as examples for creating your own attributes.

This string attribute type indicates whether the offer requires any approval.

This number attribute type indicates the person ID of the approver who is not part of
the default supervisor hierarchy chain.

This number attribute type indicates the person ID of the final approver in the offer
approval chain.

This number attribute type indicates the person ID of the manager who initiates the
offer transaction.

The following condition supports some of the supplied attributes. This condition can be
used in rules to invoke particular approvals processes. You can create your condition
using the supplied one as an example.

The following table describes the rule supplied with iRecruitment for offer approval.
The rule links one or two of the supplied conditions to an approval type and a rule. For
the rule supplied the approval type is based on the supervisor hierarchy, and the
approval rule is always to require approval up to the first two superiors at the most. All
of the supplied rules are of the List Creation type.

Note: When you install iRecruitment the approval rule is enforced. If

you want to use a custom set of rules, then you must create your own
transaction type based on the supplied transaction type and add the
rules that you want to apply. Then update the profile options IRC:
Offer Approval Transaction Type and IRC: Extend Offer Duration

1-116 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Transaction Type to point to your new approval transaction type.
If you do not want to apply any approval rules, then delete the value
against the profile options and leave them blank.

AME Rule supplied with iRecruitment for offer approval

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

iRecruitment OFFERS APPROVAL Require approvals up to the

Offer ACTION in {CREATE, first two superiors, at the
Approval EXTEND, UPDATE} most.

iRecruitment Notification Approvals Transaction Type

The following sections describe the attributes, rules, and conditions supplied with the
iRecruitment Notification Approvals transaction type. You can add additional rules,
conditions, or attributes to the predefined transaction type.

The following attributes are supplied with iRecruitment. These are in addition to the
mandatory attributes supplied with AME. You can use these attributes to create your
own conditions, or as examples for creating your own attributes.

This string attribute type describes the transaction.

This string attribute type indicates the name of the transaction flow that initiates the
notifications event.

This boolean attribute type identifies if the interview event has been raised to indicate
that the feedback has been updated for a completed interview. In this case, only
manager and/or recruiter are notified.

This string attribute type indicates the new status of a job application.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-117

This boolean attribute type indicates whether the employee referral information
provided by candidate is incorrect.

This boolean attribute type indicates whether candidate has to be included in interview
recipients list.

This boolean attribute type whether the status of an interview has been confirmed at
least once in the history.

The following condition supports some of the supplied attributes. This condition can be
used in rules to invoke particular approvals processes. You can create your condition
using the supplied one as an example.

1-118 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


The following table describes the rule supplied with iRecruitment for this transaction
type. All of the supplied rules are of the List Creation type and belong to the For Your
Information category type.

Note: When you install iRecruitment the rules are enforced. If you want
to use a custom set of rules, then you must create your own transaction
type based on the supplied transaction type and add the rules that you
want to apply. You can create only For Your Information category type
rules for this transaction type. Update the IRC: Notifications AME
Transaction Type profile option to point to your new notifications
transaction type.

AME Rule supplied with iRecruitment for notifications

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

Candidate IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Registration (CANDREG) iRecruitment Candidate
by Employee - Group

Application IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Status (APLSTACHG) iRecruitment Candidate
Changed - Group

Application IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Status (APLSTACHG) iRecruitment Recruiter
Changed - Group
Manager Rule
Require approval from
iRecruitment Manager Group

Apply For Job IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

- Candidate (APLFORJOB) iRecruitment Candidate
Rule Group

Implementing iRecruitment 1-119

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

Apply For Job IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

- Manager (APLFORJOB) iRecruitment Recruiter
Rule Group

Require approval from

iRecruitment Manager Group

Request IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Reverse (REQREVTER) iRecruitment Manager Group
Termination -
Default Rule

Interview IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Feedback CK_UPDATE is True iRecruitment Recruiter
Updated - Group
Manager Rule IRC_EVENT_NAME in
(INTVW) Require approval from
iRecruitment Manager Group

Candidate IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Withdraws (WTDRAPL) iRecruitment Recruiter
Application - Group
Manager Rule
Require approval from
iRecruitment Manager Group

Apply For Job IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

- Referrer Rule (APLFORJOB) iRecruitment Referrer Group

Update IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Referral in (UPDCANDREF) iRecruitment Candidate
Candidate Group
Profile by
Manager -

Update IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Referral in Job (UPDREF) iRecruitment Candidate
Application by Group
Manager -

1-120 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

Candidate IRC_INCORRECT_EMPLO Require approval from

Profile YEE_REFERRAL_INFORM iRecruitment Candidate
Incorrect ATION is True Action Performer Group
Referral - IRC_EVENT_NAME in
Candidate (UPDCANDREF)

Apply For Job IRC_INCORRECT_EMPLO Require approval from

Incorrect YEE_REFERRAL_INFORM iRecruitment Candidate
Employee ATION is True Action Performer Group
Referral -
Candidate IRC_EVENT_NAME in

Candidate Self IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Registration (CANDREG) iRecruitment Candidate
Acknowledge Action Performer Group
ment -

Communicatio IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

n Topic (COMTOPCRE) iRecruitment
Created - Communication Candidate
Candidate Group

Communicatio IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

n Topic (COMTOPCRE) iRecruitment
Created - Communication Recipients
Default Rule

Communicatio IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

n Topic (COMTOPUPD) iRecruitment
Updated - Communication Candidate
Candidate Group

Communicatio IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

n Topic (COMTOPUPD) iRecruitment
Updated - Communication Recipients
Default Rule

Implementing iRecruitment 1-121

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

Interview IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Created - CK_UPDATE is False iRecruitment Recruiter
Default Rule Group
(INTVCRE) Require approval from
iRecruitment Manager Group

Require approval from

iRecruitment Interviewers

Interview IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Details CK_UPDATE is False iRecruitment Candidate
Changed - Group
Candidate IRC_EVENT_NAME in

ONCE is True


Interview IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Updated - CK_UPDATE is False iRecruitment Recruiter
Default Rule Group
(INTVUPD) Require approval from
iRecruitment Manager Group

Require approval from

iRecruitment Interviewers

Interviewers IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Added Rule CK_UPDATE is False iRecruitment Added
Interviewers Group

Interviewers IRC_INTERVIEW_FEEDBA Require approval from

Deleted Rule CK_UPDATE is False iRecruitment Deleted
Interviewers Group

1-122 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Rule Name Conditions Approval Rule

Reverse IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Termination (REVTERACK) iRecruitment Candidate
Acknowledge Group
ment -

Update IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Referral in (CANDREG, iRecruitment Referrer Group
Profile -
ATION is False

Update IRC_EVENT_NAME in Require approval from

Referral in Job (UPDREF) iRecruitment Referrer Group
Application by
Manager -
Referrer Rule

User and Extensible Lookups

The following table contains a list of user and extensible lookups that are used within
Oracle iRecruitment.
See: Adding Lookup Types and Values (Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide)

Implementing iRecruitment 1-123

User and Extensible Lookups

Area Lookup and Description

Documents IRC_DOCUMENT_TYPE: The type of document being uploaded, such as

resume, cover letter, and any other document.

IRC_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES: The file types that users can upload as

resumes, cover letters, and other documents.

Note: This lookup type definition applies only to the documents such as
resumes, cover letters, and other documents that are attached to the
candidate's profile and not to the documents such as attachments to
vacancies or offers.

Notification IRC_MESSAGE_FREQ: The frequency of the notifications.


Candidate IRC_PROFESSIONAL_AREA: The professional area.

Criteria, and

IRC_TRAVEL_PERCENTAGE: The amount of travel.

Candidate IRC_VACANCY_SEARCH_DATE: The maximum age of the vacancy that

Search you are looking for.

Compensation IRC_VARIABLE_COMP_ELEMENT: The compensation options that are

Elements available to managers when creating a vacancy.

Phones IRC_CONTACT_TIMES: The times at which the person is willing to be


Skill Type IRC_COMPETENCE_TYPE: Skill types that candidates can select in the Add
Skills page.

Create Resume IRC_RESUME_STYLE: Resume styles that candidates can select to create
resumes during registration.

1-124 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Area Lookup and Description

Offer IRC_OFFER_DECLINE_REASON: Reasons available to applicants when they

decline an offer.

IRC_OFFER_POSTAL_SERVICE: Names of shipping companies to send



Reason that managers or recruiters can select when they withdraw offers to

Interviews IRC_INTERVIEW_TYPE: Interview type such as first interview or second


IRC_INTERVIEW_CATEGORY: Interview category such as technical or

personal interview.

IRC_INTERVIEW_RESULTS: Indicates interview result such as pass, fail or


Referrals IRC_REFERRAL_CRITERIA: Identifies the employee referral source detail

options such as e-mail address and employee number that candidates can
provide during the registration or job application process.

iRecruitment uses Oracle HRMS lookups such as VACANCY_STATUS,

APL_ASSIGN_REASON, MAR_STATUS, and REC_TYPE. For more information, see:
User and Extensible Lookups, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide

Generic Hierarchies Overview

Generic hierarchies group and correlate information about your business into an
ordered structure of parent-child relationships that implementation teams can use as
input parameters to reports and concurrent processes. One standard purpose for a
generic hierarchy is to supply input parameters to a generic purge process you perform
on temporary tables. With appropriate access rights, you can also design your own
generic hierarchies from scratch. You can extend predefined hierarchy and node types,
using any combination of HRMS data.
You can use the flexibility of generic hierarchies to correlate information across business
groups, specifying combinations of people, jobs, competencies, grades, locations,
training, or other structures, with precise scope. You can reuse hierarchies, delivering
comparable and consistent information limited only by your maintenance of the
hierarchies. You can process specific groupings of workers, process flexfield data, or
trigger Oracle Alerts or Workflow. Here are some examples of business questions you

Implementing iRecruitment 1-125

can address using generic hierarchies:
• What is the competency hierarchy for a given job?

• Who is qualified for which job?

• Who can take leave on a given date?

• What training is available in which location, for which jobs?

• What objectives apply to which job?

• Which are the vacancy locations that I can select when creating vacancies?

Defining and Maintaining Generic Hierarchies

You create or maintain generic hierarchies in the Generic Hierarchies pages. You define
a new hierarchy in three stages:

Defining a New Hierarchy

1. Create a hierarchy based on a predefined or user-defined hierarchy type.

2. Enter information about the initial version of the hierarchy and specify effective

Note: Some government-mandated reports, such as Multiple Work

Site in the US, require that you submit the report within a specified
date range. When you create the hierarchy, enter an effective date
and end date to match or encompass that range.
You cannot create a hierarchy version with an effective date range
that overlaps another version.

3. Enter node information, based on predefined or user-defined node types.

Hierarchy Types and Node Types

The top node is the hierarchy type itself you create in the Generic Hierarchies pages,
bearing a user-defined name, such as Competencies or Job Objectives. You define node
types and add them to your hierarchy structure as child nodes, to specify the kind of
information you want to include on each level. You can group related categories of
nodes on the same level. For example, you can define Personal, Programming, and
Communication node types, and include them on the same level in a competencies
hierarchy. Validation is optional, but you must link a value set to a node type if you
want to validate the data. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to the

1-126 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Maintain Hierarchy Types module by attaching the self-service menu
PQH_GHR_MENU to your responsibility.
For example, the structure of the predefined Establishment Hierarchy type ("VETS,
EEO, AAP, OSHA, Multi Work Sites") specifies that the top node must be a Parent
Entity. The value set for a Parent Entity node type contains organizations with the
classification of Parent Entity. Subordinate nodes must be an Establishment or a
Location. The value set for the Location node type contains locations that store report
information in a Location EIT.

Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type

Use the Recruiting Area Region hierarchy type to define recruiting areas for use in
Oracle iRecruitment. You define recruiting area regions to enable managers to create
vacancies in multiple locations in iRecruitment. A recruiting area consists of a set of
countries, business groups, and locations. When you define recruiting area region
hierarchies, hiring managers and recruiters can select appropriate locations as vacancy
locations when creating vacancies iRecruitment.
Managers can create vacancies in:
• Multiple locations in a business group

• Multiple locations across business groups

For more information on types of vacancies, see: Vacancies in iRecruitment, page 2-36
Prerequisites: You must define work structure components such as business groups
and locations in Oracle HRMS before you create recruiting areas using the Generic
Hierarchies function. A recruiting area region hierarchy must have the following
structure: Country > Business Group > Location.
For example, you can create a recruiting area region that has:
• One or more countries.
• One or more business groups within a country.
• One or more locations that you can associate with a business group.

Following are the steps to create a recruiting area region hierarchy type. In this
example, you define the Australia Recruiting Area so that your managers can select
vacancy locations in Australia.
1. Click Create Hierarchy on the Maintain Hierarchy Content page. The Create
Hierarchy page opens.

2. Enter a hierarchy name, for example, Australia Recruiting Area.

3. Select Recruiting Area Region as the Hierarchy Type.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-127

Important: You must select the Global check box if you are creating
a recruiting area region that spans multiple countries or multiple
business groups. For example, if you are creating a recruiting area
known as Asia Pacific that includes countries such as Japan,
Australia, India and New Zealand, then you must select the Global
check box.

4. Enter the version number and the valid from date.

5. Click Continue.

6. In the Nodes region, click Add Child. The Add Child Node page appears.

7. Select Country as the Node Type and Australia as the Node Name. Click Apply.

8. Click the Add Child icon in the country row to add a business group.

9. The Node Type field displays Business Group. Accept this value.

10. Select the appropriate business group in the Node Name field, for example, Vision
Australia and click Apply.

11. Click the Add Child icon in the business group row to add locations.

12. The Node Type field displays Location. Accept this value.

13. Select the appropriate location as the node name. You can add more than one
location if required.

14. Click Apply. This recruiting area is available to managers when they create vacancy
details. Managers can select specific locations as vacancy locations.

You can create more than one recruiting area region hierarchy type. Analyze your
business and recruitment requirements before you create recruiting areas.
The Recruiting Area Region hierarchy type provides you with the flexibility to create
different models of recruiting areas. The figures below describe two examples of
recruiting areas that you can create.
Example 1: Recruiting Area Region with Multiple Locations in a Business Group

1-128 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

This figure shows the Bay Area recruiting area region that consists of a country with a
single business group and multiple locations. If managers want to advertise vacancies
in multiple locations in the Bay Area, then they can select the Bay Area recruiting area
and select locations as vacancy locations.
Example 2: Recruiting Area Region with Multiple Locations across Business Groups

This figure shows the Americas recruiting area region, which contains two countries:
Canada and the United States. There are two business groups in the United States with
multiple locations. If there is a Sales Director vacancy requirement in the Americas
region, managers can select the Americas recruiting area while defining the vacancy
and select required locations in the United States and Canada as vacancy locations.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-129

Updating or Deleting Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type.
The following rules apply when you try to update or delete a recruiting area region
hierarchy type:
You can add locations to recruiting areas associated with vacancies even if active
applications exist.
You must not:
• Delete a recruiting area that is associated with a vacancy.

• Delete a location in a recruiting area that is associated with a vacancy, which has
active applications.

Hierarchy Versions
You can specify a status of Active or Inactive for your hierarchy version. You can create
a new version of an existing hierarchy, preserving only its structure. Or you can
duplicate an existing version, preserving both its structure and data.

Note: If you change a hierarchy after using it for government-mandated

reports, create and save a new version. This enables you to use the old
version to recreate old reports retrospectively, in compliance with
applicable laws.

Example: City Allowance Rates Hierarchy

The figure below is an example of a hierarchy that provides input data for travel
expense reports, correlating allowance rates with cities. Because it is unlikely that travel
destinations always correspond with organization locations, this example uses no
validation or value sets.

1-130 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Applicant Assignment Statuses
The progress of all applicants through the selection process is controlled by applicant
assignment statuses. Each stage of the selection process is identified by a single
assignment status. It is by changing the status that you can record the progress of any
applicant assignment.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-131

The Applicant Assignment and its Status

As with employee assignment statuses, there is a set of system statuses that are used in
various internal processes:
• Active Application: This is the normal status of an application as it progresses
through the selection stages.

• Offer: Use this status for your preferred candidate when an offer has been made.

• Accepted: Update the preferred candidate's assignment to Accepted status when you
are ready to hire him or her in the People window.

• First Interview: Use this to indicate a candidate has reached the first interview.

• Second Interview: Use this to indicate a candidate has reached the second interview.

• Terminate Application. Use this status to end an applicant's assignment. You can only
do this if the applicant has one or more other assignments in progress.

1-132 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• The Terminate Application status is not recorded on the applicant
assignment; it causes the assignment to end.

• The Active Assignment in Other Business Group status is for

information purpose and is used in Oracle iRecruitment only.
When applicants are hired in a business group other than the
vacancy business group, Oracle iRecruitment assigns this status to
the applicant assignment automatically. The user status of this
system status, which is Hired in other Business Group can be seen
in iRecruitment. For more information, see: Hiring Applicants in a
Business Group other than the Vacancy Business Group, page 2-128

On your system, you can give these statuses different names (called User Statuses),
appropriate to your enterprise. You can define user statuses such as Applicant
Received, Applicant Acknowledged for the system status Active Application.
See: Defining Assignment Statuses, page 1-140

Primary Applicant Assignment Statuses

Primary statuses determine how the assignment is processed and handled by the
system. An assignment must have one, and only one, primary status.
You can update an applicant assignment status in the following windows:
• Application

• Applicant Interview

• Terminate Applicant

When you change the status, you can enter a reason for the change. Define valid reasons
as values for the Lookup Type APL_ASSIGN_REASON.
You can also change the status of a group of applicants in the Mass Update of
Applicants window. For example, if you want to call 20 applicants to a selection test
and to reject all other applicants for the vacancy, you can do this in the Mass Update of
Applicants window.
Changing a primary applicant assignment status can trigger the generation of a
standard letter.

Secondary Applicant Assignment Statuses

There may also be Secondary statuses set up on your system. You can use secondary
statuses for analysis and reporting, but they are not used for processing.
See: Defining Secondary Statuses, page 1-141

Implementing iRecruitment 1-133

You can give an assignment multiple secondary statuses. You enter secondary statuses
in the Secondary Statuses window.
See: Entering Secondary Assignment Statuses, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing,
Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Running the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles Process

This process enables you to change candidate access settings for your security profiles.
This process is intended for use only if you use iRecruitment.

Warning: The process changes the candidate access settings for all
security profiles except the default View All security profiles that the
system creates automatically when you create a business group. You
should be aware of this before you run the process.

System Implications
With the introduction of Candidate Security, the default setting for the View
Candidates box in the Define Security Profiles window is All. However, if you use both
Oracle HRMS and iRecruitment, you will generally have some security profiles that
should allow access to candidates and some that should not allow access. In this case,
you can run the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles process to override the
security settings.
For example, if the majority of your security profiles should allow access to candidates,
you can run the process with the View Candidates parameter set to All. This would
reset the candidate access for all security profiles. Then, you could manually change the
View Candidates setting to None for those security profiles that should not allow
candidate access using the Define Security Profiles window.
See: Defining Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
You run the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles process from the Submit
Requests window.

❒ This process is not delivered in any request sets or groups. To use the process, you
need to add the process to a request group and, if applicable, a request set.
See: Organizing Programs into Request Groups, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
See: Organizing Programs into Request Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

To run the Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles process:

1. In the Name field, select Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles.

1-134 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

2. In the View Candidates field of the Parameters window, select one of the following
• All
Select this value to update your security profiles to include candidates.

• None
Select this value to update your existing security profiles to exclude candidates.

3. Choose OK and submit the process.

Running the iRecruitment Person Data Migration Process

You must run the iRecruitment Person Migration process if you are moving from a
previous version of iRecruitment to IRC C. When you run this process a person record
is created in Oracle HRMS for each of your existing iRecruitment candidates. This
means that the details that the candidates' enter using iRecruitment, such as personal
details and qualifications, are visible to Oracle HRMS users.

Important: If you are a new customer installing iRecruitment for the

first time you do not need to run this process.

When you run the migration process, the process:

• Creates person records for registered users in the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table in the
iRecruitment default business group, with the default user person type. It assigns
the user person type iRecruitment Registered User to the candidate person record.
This type identifies the candidates who have registered through iRecruitment. You
can view these multiple person types for the candidate record in the Person Type
Usages window.

• Creates person records for existing iRecruitment applicants who do not have a
person record in the iRecruitment default business group in the

• Updates the phones, addresses, previous employers, qualifications, establishment

attendances, competencies, documents, job basket items, notification preferences,
and vacancy consideration tables with the PERSON_ID for the new person records.

Prerequisite for migration: Before you run the migration process, make sure to set the
IRC: Registration Business Group profile option to define the default business group.
Oracle HRMS places the candidate details in the specified default business group when
you run the migration process.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

Implementing iRecruitment 1-135

Optional step: If you do not want to use the supplied user person type Candidate , you
can specify a user-defined person type for candidates as a default. You set the person
type for your default business group. Oracle HRMS creates records using this default
person type when you run the migration process.
See: Business Groups: Entering Recruitment Information, page 1-139
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Person Data Migration process:

1. Select iRecruitment Person Data Migration process in the Name field.

2. Choose the Submit button.

What's Next
Important: Use the Additional Personal Details flexfield to capture
additional information after the migration process. The Person
Information flexfield is no longer available to you from IRC.C.

Entering Business Group Information

To enter Business Group information:
1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already
appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group,
choose the Others button, and select Business Group Information.

2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the

Business Group Information window.

3. You can enter a short name for the Business Group. This name is no longer used in
Oracle HRMS it is provided for compatibility with earlier releases, where it
appeared in the header line of each form.

4. Select the method of creating identifying numbers for employees, applicants, and
contingent workers. The choices are:
• Automatic number generation.
If you choose the automatic entry method of number generation you can at a
later date decide to switch to global sequencing. Global sequencing enables you
to use a single sequence of person numbers for applicants, employees or
contingent workers across multiple business groups.

1-136 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

See: Running the Global Sequencing for Person Number Generation Process,
Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
You can switch from local automatic numbering to manual numbering for a
person type by editing the business group information and selecting Manual.

Note: If you are using Oracle iRecruitment, ensure to set the

applicant numbering to Automatic.

• Manual entry.
If you choose the manual entry method of number generation, but at a later
date decide to change to the Automatic method of number generation, you can
run the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process.
See: Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process, page 1-138

• Automatic use of the national identifier (for example, the social security
number in the US, and the NI number in the UK). If you choose this option you
must ensure that a national identifier is entered for each new person. This
option is not available for applicants.

Note: For whichever method of number generation you choose,

it is important to be aware that the number is displayed in
various windows and reports. Therefore, if you choose the
national identifier method, the person's national identifier is

• Employee numbering for contingent worker. This option allows you to use the
same sequence of numbers for contingent workers as you use for your
employees. For example, you enter an employee and the application gives the
employee number 101. If the next person entered is a contingent worker they
receive the number 102.

5. Select the names of the key flexfield structuresyou want to use in this Business

6. Select the appropriate Legislation Code and default currency. The Legislation Code
determines the startup data you can access and the contents of some legislation-
specific windows.
Mexico only: Specify MXN as the currency. Do not select MXP.

Important: Selecting the correct legislation code is essential for the

correct functioning of Oracle HRMS. You cannot change the

Implementing iRecruitment 1-137

legislation code after entering employees against the Business

7. US users: To maintain fiscal year balances in Oracle Payroll if your fiscal year is
different from the calendar year, enter the fiscal year start date.
The application does not provide a connection between the fiscal year functionality
in Oracle General Ledger and in Oracle HRMS. In Oracle General Ledger you
specify how the fiscal calendar is broken down in the Accounting Calendar view.
Oracle HRMS calculates a fiscal quarter as a three month period. The application
calculates four equal three month periods beginning from the fiscal year start date.
South African users: You must enter the fiscal year start date for your Business
Group, or you will not be able to define payrolls later.

8. You can enter a Minimum and Maximum Working Age for the Business Group.
When you enter or hire employees, you receive a warning if the person's age is
outside this range.

9. Save your work.

Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process

Use this process to change the method of number generation for your employees,
applicants or contingent workers from manual to automatic. This process applies to
your current business group.
Run the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process from the Submit Request

To run the change person numbering to automatic process:

1. Select the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process in the Request Name

2. Click in the Parameters field if it does not automatically open.

3. Select the person type that you want the method to change from manual number
generation to automatic.

4. Choose OK and then Submit.

After the process has run, the first automatic number assigned to a person is one
higher than the maximum number already in use.

1-138 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Business Groups: Entering Recruitment Information
You enter recruitment information at the business group level to define various default
values for iRecruitment.
You enter additional information for iRecruitment in the Organization window of
Oracle HRMS.

To enter Recruitment information:

1. In the Organization window, query the business group. In the Organization
Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select

2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the

Recruitment information window.

3. Specify how the vacancy code is allocated. The choices are:

• Manual - the Vacancy Name field is displayed when you create a vacancy. You
must manually enter a name for the vacancy.

• Automatic - the application assigns a unique vacancy name automatically. The

Vacancy Name field is not displayed when you create a vacancy.

4. Enter the default number of openings for a vacancy. The default number is
displayed in the Total Openings field when you create a vacancy. You can
overwrite the default value if required.

5. You can specify the organization defaulting method. The choices are:
• Creator - The default organization for a vacancy is the organization for the
person who has created the vacancy (employee who has logged in).

• Manager - The default organization for a vacancy is the organization for the
manager of the vacancy.

You can overwrite these defaults when you create a vacancy. Both methods use the
primary assignment.

6. Specify the location defaulting method. The choices are:

• Manager - The default location for the vacancy is the same location as the
manager for the vacancy.

• Position - The default location for the vacancy is the same location as the
position for the vacancy.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-139

7. You can select a default budget measurement type, for example, FTE or headcount.
To find out more about budgets, see Budgeting Overview, Oracle HRMS Enterprise
and Workforce Management Guide

8. Select a default status which is assigned to a candidate when a candidate withdraws

an application. If you do not specify a particular status here, the candidate receives
the Terminate status.

9. Specify a user-defined person type as a default for candidates who register in

iRecruitment. Oracle HRMS creates a record with this default person type when a
candidate registers in iRecruitment. If you do not specify a value, the default person
type is Candidate.

Note: The user person type that you define here is associated with
the External system person type. The internal code for this system
person type is OTHER.

10. Select Yes if you want to exclude this business group from the list of business
groups available on the Create Vacancy page. You should do this if you do not
want managers or recruiters to be able to create vacancies for this business group.

11. Select a default resume template that iRecruitment can use to create resumes for
candidates. When candidates register, they can use the default template or select a
template of their choice in the Create Resume page.

12. Select Yes to record and track applicant data for compliance purposes. When you
enable the applicant tracking functionality, Oracle iRecruitment creates snapshots
of applicants who apply for vacancies in that business group. The snapshots include
personal information, skills, qualifications, and work preferences.

13. Save your work.

Defining Assignment Statuses (Assignment Window)

You define both primary and secondary user statuses. In the Assignment Statuses
window you can define these statuses for both employee and applicant assignments.

Defining Primary User Statuses

To rename a user status:

1. Delete the contents of the User Status field and type in your preferred name.

1-140 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

To supply additional user statuses for a system status:
1. Insert a new record.

2. Type in your user status name.

3. If you are using iRecruitment, you can enter an external status for your applicant
assignment user statuses. This status is displayed to candidates in iRecruitment. For
example, you may want to create an external status of 'Interview' for applicant
assignment user statuses of 'Pending Interview' and 'Interview Passed'. The
candidate in iRecruitment would see the external status and the manager would see
the user status names.

4. Select a Human Resource system status.

5. For employee assignment statuses, you must also select a Payroll system status.
You must do this, even if you do not have Oracle Payroll. If you have Oracle
Payroll, the payroll system status controls whether payroll processes the
assignment in a payroll run.

Note: If you select a payroll system status of Do Not Process,

payroll will still create assignment actions for assignments with this
status. It is these assignment actions that will not be processed.

6. Save the new status.

Note: For each system status, you must have one default user
status. The system automatically uses the default in certain
situations. For example, when you create a new employee
assignment, it automatically has the default user status
corresponding to the system status Active Assignment. You can
override this default.
When you update the assignment statuses, the application saves
the changes in the PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS table
instead of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES table.

You cannot delete a user status, but you can prevent its use by deactivating it. To
deactivate a user status, uncheck the Active check box.

Defining Secondary Statuses

A user status associated with a system status is called a primary status because it
determines how the system processes the assignment. You can also define secondary
statuses not associated with a system status. You use secondary statuses for analysis
and reporting, but not to control pay processing for assignments.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-141

To create a secondary status:
1. Insert a new record.

2. Type in a user status and do not select a system status.

The Type field displays Secondary.

Configuring Candidate Profile Components

The Candidate Profile feature helps managers or recruiters to obtain a comprehensive
picture of candidates along with application information and analyze the applicant
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71
You can configure some of the components of the Candidate Profile feature according
to your business requirements, if required.

Configuring the Print Profile and Compare Profile Default XML Templates:
Managers can print profiles of candidates and applicants. They can also generate
comparison reports of candidates and applicants.
Predefined Templates to Print Profiles
Oracle iRecruitment delivers the following predefined templates to print profiles:
• iRecruitment Print Applicant Profile (IRCAPLTP.rtf)

• iRecruitment Print Candidate Profile (IRCCANDTP.rtf)

Predefined Templates to Compare Profiles

By default, managers can compare two or three candidates or applicants using the
following predefined templates:
• iRecruitment Comparison Report for 2 Candidates (IRCCCMP2.rtf)

• iRecruitment Comparison Report for 3 Candidates (IRCCCMP3.rtf)

• iRecruitment Comparison Report for 2 Applicants (IRCACMP2.rtf)

• iRecruitment Comparison Report for 3 Applicants (IRCACMP3.rtf)

To enable your managers to compare the profiles of more than two or three candidates
or applicants, you must create suitable templates using Oracle XML Publisher. For more
information, see: Creating an RTF Template topic in the Oracle XML Publisher Report
Designer's Guide

1-142 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuring Region Icons in the Candidate Profile Regions:
You can add icons to the Candidate Profile regions using the Personalization function.
Each region is shared region and a separate XML document. Place the icons that are
going to be used in the Candidate Profile Regions in the OA_MEDIA folder.
Locate the region icon item and navigate to the IconCellRN page element. The
IconCellRN element has an Image: Icon item. This item has an Image URI property,
which is set to a blank image, by default. To display another image, personalize this
property to point to the required image to be used in the region by starting with
/OA_MEDIA/ followed by the icon file name of the icon being used for this region.

Personalizing Candidate Profile:

This section provides information on personalizing the Candidate Profile regions and
region columns.
See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for more information on
personalizing OA Framework pages.
Use the information in the following table to create or rearrange regions on the
Candidate Profile page (/oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/webui/CandProfileRN):

Note: CandProfileRN represents the entire page.

Region Display Name Region Path

Candidate Details /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/webui/CandidateDetailsR


Application Details /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/webui/CandAplDetailsRN

Skills Match Percentage /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/graphs/webui/SkillsMatch


Skills /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/skills/webui/SkillsOvervie

Jobs Considered For /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/jobs/webui/JobsConsidere


Registration Assessment /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/candidate/webui/Registrati


Implementing iRecruitment 1-143

Region Display Name Region Path

Education Qualifications /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/qualifications/webui/Educ


Jobs Applied For


Resume and Documents /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/documents/webui/Docume


Additional Qualifications /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/qualifications/webui/Addit


Work Preferences /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/candidate/webui/WorkPref


Employment History /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/employment/webui/EmpH


Communication /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/communication/webui/Co

Application Status History /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/applications/webui/AplnA


Application Assessment /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/applications/webui/Applic


Interviews /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/interview/webui/Interview

Offers /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/offers/webui/OffersOvervi

EEO Details /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/applications/webui/EEOO


Suitability Analysis /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/applications/webui/Suitabi


Essential Skills /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/graphs/webui/EssentialSkil


1-144 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Display Name Region Path

Desirable Skills /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/graphs/webui/DesirableSki


Salary Expectation

Assessment Score /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/graphs/webui/Assessment


Employee Details /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/employee/webui/EmpDeta


Salary History /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/employee/webui/SalHistor


Performance History /oracle/apps/irc/candidateProfile/employee/webui/PerfHisto


Other Personalizations:
Using personalization, you can change labels, hints, tips, and messages.
See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Extensibility chapter.

Setting Up a Searchable Flexfield

Oracle iRecruitment enables you to set up a flexfield to capture additional candidate
and vacancy information that can then be used by managers looking for a suitable
candidate and by candidates searching for a job.
You must use the Additional Search Criteria Details flexfield to define what information
you want to capture and then add these additional fields to the Create Vacancy and the
candidate's Work Preference pages. You can then include these same fields in your
candidate and vacancy search pages so that the information is available to candidates or
managers performing searches.
When you run the concurrent processes to notify managers of suitable candidates or to
notify candidates of suitable jobs, or when your managers perform candidate matching
for a vacancy, you may not want to include all of the flexfield segments in these
searches. For example, imagine you have set up a segment in your flexfield to record
Number of Years Experience and have a vacancy that requires 5 or more years experience.
If this segment was included when matching candidates to vacancies, only those

Implementing iRecruitment 1-145

candidates with exactly 5 years experience would be considered as matches. Those with
more than 5 years would not be returned as the search only performs an exact match on
the value in the segment. To control which segments are included in these searches you
use the IRC: Search Criteria Segment Matching profile option.

Additional Information: The IRC: Search Criteria Segment Matching

profile has no impact on searches run from any of the search pages.

To set up a searchable flexfield:

1. Define the segments for the Additional Search Criteria Details descriptive flexfield
in the Descriptive Flexfields Segments window.

Additional Information: When defining this flexfield Oracle

recommends that your segments should not be context sensitive.

See: Defining Descriptive Flexfields, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

2. Personalize the Create Vacancy pages and candidate's Work Preference pages to
display the Additional Search Criteria Details flexfield segments.

3. Personalize the following pages to display the Additional Search Criteria Details
flexfield segments in the Search criteria region and the results table as required. The
Column Name is SearchCriteriaFlex:
• Vacancy Search

• Candidate Search

• Candidates for Vacancy Advanced Search

• Visitor Job Search

• Candidate Job Search

• Candidate Job Advanced Search

To configure the flexfield, see: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide,

Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12 (My Oracle Support
Note 391554.1)

4. Set the profile option IRC: Search Criteria Segment Matching in the System Values
Profiles window. This profile option determines the segments that are matched
when the concurrent processes to notify managers of suitable candidates or to
notify candidates of suitable jobs are run, or when your managers perform
candidate matching for a vacancy. For example, to include only segments two,

1-146 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

three, and five enter 2|3|5.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

Setting Up Virus Scan

Oracle iRecruitment is integrated with Symantec AntiVirus Scan engine to perform a
virus scan and repair the documents that managers and candidates upload to the
database. If you are setting this up on an existing installation of iRecruitment you can
scan existing documents that are already uploaded to your database. Complete the
following steps to set up the virus scan.

To set up virus scan:

Set the IRC: Anti Virus Server profile option to specify the server name on which the
Symantec AntiVirus Scan engine is running.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

Note: After you set the profile option, you must bounce your
application server so that files are checked before they are uploaded to
the database.

The server on which the Symantec AntiVirus Scan engine is running must be accessible
from inside your firewall. The Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine must be running in the
Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) mode on the standard port of 1344. Oracle
recommends that you set the server to scan all files, regardless of their file extension.
You should also allow preview mode (default), and run in "Scan and repair or delete"
mode (default).

To test integration of iRecruitment with Symantec AntiVirus Scan server:

To test the integration with the server on which the Symantec AntiVirus Scan engine is
running, run the following command on your application server:
java oracle.apps.per.irc.common.VirusCheck checkFile [file name][virus server name]
For example:
java oracle.apps.per.irc.common.VirusCheck checkFile myfile.doc myserver.
The command performs a virus check on the file, and creates a clean version of the file.
The file name of the cleaned version has the _REPAIRED added to it, for example

To check existing documents in the database:

To check existing files in the database, run the following command on your application

Implementing iRecruitment 1-147

java oracle.apps.per.irc.common.VirusCheck checkDB [connection string][apps
username] [apps password] {repair}
The connection string is for the database in the form of server:port:instance, for
example:, and repair is an optional parameter that
indicates whether files should be repaired or deleted if they have a virus. If you do not
specify this option, then the application just checks the files without taking any action.
For example, to repair the files run the following command:
java oracle.apps.per.irc.common.VirusCheck checkDB
mydbapps apps repair
When you run the command in the repair mode, the application repairs the infected
files. If the application is not able to repair the infected files, it deletes the files from the
When you run the check, you can view the status of the files in the console window in
the following format:
• fileName: No virus detected (Number of the file/Total number of files). For
example, mydoc.doc: No virus detected (48/419)

• fileName:Virus detected and repaired

• fileName:Repairable virus detected but not repaired (not in repair mode)

• fileName:Unrepairable Virus detected and deleted

• fileName:Unrepairable virus detected but not deleted (not in repair mode)

• fileName: Unexpected error

Customizing Resume Templates

Oracle iRecruitment provides predefined resumes templates to enable candidates to
create their resumes online. To customize the resume content and style, you can create
your own resume templates.

Important: Oracle iRecruitment recommends that you create your own

templates using the predefined templates as samples. Do not modify
the predefined templates as your changes may be lost during an

To customize resume templates:

1. Create resume templates in XSL using any text editor or XML editor and store the

1-148 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

new resume XSL files in the $HTML_TOP directory. If you want to create a
language specific resume template, then place it in the $HTML_TOP/{Language
Code} directory, for example, $HTML_TOP/US. If no language specific file exists,
the application will then look in the $HTML_TOP directory.

2. Create image files of the resume templates to enable candidates to view a snapshot
of the resume styles in the Create Resume page. Use the resume template file name
as the image file name. For example, if the resume file name is companyresume1.
xsl, then save the image file as companyresume1.gif. Store the image files in the
media directory $OA_MEDIA/ directory.

Note: Ensure that the size of the custom resume images is same as
the predefined resume images.

3. Edit the IRC_RESUME_STYLE lookup type to include the resume templates. You
can then select the default resume in the Additional Recruitment Business Group
window. Use the resume file names without the extension as the lookup codes. For
example, if the resume file name is companyresume1.xsl, then enter the lookup

Note: As with all seed data, do not use the IRC prefix for the
custom resume file names. The IRC prefix identifies the predefined

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
See: User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

4. Restart the Apache listener after creating the resume templates. This ensures that
the new resume templates are available to the candidates.

5. Select a default resume template for your business group. The Create Resume page
displays the default. Candidates can override the default and select a resume
template of their choice.
See: Entering Recruitment Information, page 1-139

Note: If you choose to create your own resume styles, you must create a
fully valid XSL stylesheet. If your stylesheet is not valid, then the
resume generation and registration process will fail with a fatal error.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-149


User Access and Security in iRecruitment

Self-service applications use the same security mechanisms as Oracle HRMS
applications. By defining user profiles, security profiles, responsibilities, and menu
structures, you can control who uses the self-service applications, which information
they can access, and how they access it.
See: Security Overview, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
The purpose of this chapter is to identify the key concepts relating to self-service user
access and security and to provide information on how to apply these concepts to
address the needs of your enterprise.

A responsibility combines low-level elements of user access configuration to control
which functions the user can access (User Access to Functions) and on whom they can
perform these actions (see User Access to People).
You define responsibilities in the same way as you define responsibilities for Oracle
HRMS applications.

Note: When you define your responsibilities, make sure they are
available from Oracle Self-Service Web Applications.

You define users for iRecruitment managers in the same way as you define users for
other Oracle HRMS applications.
See: Users Window (Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide)
The Person field of the Users window is important for self-service applications as it acts
as the link between the professional forms interface and the self-service application.
This link enables the application to recognize who is using iRecruitment. For example, if
a user's name is entered in the Person field, the user's name is displayed on the
You do not need to create users for registered users (candidates). These users create
their own user IDs and passwords using the Registration function. When site visitors
become registered users by creating their user ID and password, their name is
automatically entered in the Person field of the Users window.

1-150 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

If, however you do need to create external candidates manually, then you must
associate the user with a person in the Person field of the Users window and assign the
iRecruitment External Candidate responsibility along with the relevant permission sets.

System Profiles
You apply user profiles to control how self-service applications run. You can set profile
options at site level, application level, responsibility level, and user level.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

User Access to Vacancies

iRecruitment uses security profiles to control a user's access to vacancy information and
their ability to create vacancies. By assigning the appropriate security profile, you can
determine the business groups and organizations in which a manager or recruiter can
create vacancies.

Important: If you do not define security profiles, then everyone in your

enterprise can view vacancies. To control access to iRecruitment, you
must create security profiles.

See: Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
Managers and Recruiters
You should always create security profiles to control manager and recruiter access to
vacancy information. For example, you could set up a supervisor-based profile which
would restrict managers and recruiters to viewing only the vacancies that are managed
by people within their supervisor hierarchy. The supervisor-based security profile
dynamically generates the list of vacancies based on the supervisor hierarchy (starting
with the current user).

Note: If required, you can override the top-level user in the supervisor
hierarchy by specifying a user in the Named User field of the Security
Profile window.

Supervisor-based security allows you to set up a single security profile and use it for
multiple users. To activate supervisor-based security, flag the Restrict by Supervisor
check box in the Security Profile window.
If you set up a global security profile, then you can create and manage vacancies in
multiple business groups.
See: Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

Implementing iRecruitment 1-151

See: Defining a Security Profile, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
Create Additional Security for Vacancies
In addition to the security managed using a security profile, managers and recruiters
can define additional security for the vacancy when creating a vacancy. See: Vacancy
Security, page 2-45
Registered Users and Site Visitors
Registered users and site visitors can access vacancy information for all vacancies so
there is no need to set a security profile for registered users or site visitors, if a single
visitor page is configured.

Manager Access to Vacancy Applications

Managers can view applications to the vacancies that they manage and also access other
vacancy applications submitted by applicants based on their security profile, if you set
the IRC: Show Applications profile option to Default. For example, John Smith who
manages the Plant Manager vacancy is assigned the supervisor security profile. Scott
Bird, who is an applicant submits job applications to the Plant Manager vacancy and
two other vacancies. When John reviews applications to the Plant Manager vacancy,
and navigates to the Candidate Details page of Scott Bird, he can view the application to
the Plant Manager vacancy and also access job applications to the other two vacancies.
To restrict managers' access to applications for vacancies that they manage, select the
Restrict on Assignment Security value in the IRC: Show Applications profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57
You must also select the Restrict on Individual Assignments option in the Security
Profiles window when you are setting up security to restrict managers access to the
vacancy that they manage. For more information, see: Defining a Security Profile, Oracle
HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide
Therefore, in the example, if both the security profile and profile option are set
appropriately, then John Smith can only access the job applications for Plant Manager
vacancy and cannot access the other job applications submitted by Scott Bird.

Access to Applicants
If required, set the HR: Enable RTM Security profile option to the iRecruitment
Manager or iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility to enable users who require access to
applicants to view their application and other details. The user can be anyone who is
involved in the recruitment process.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

1-152 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

User Access to Personal Information
User access to the personal information of candidates is defined by the candidates
themselves. When site visitors register with iRecruitment and become registered users
(candidates), they can choose whether their information should be made available to
your managers. If they choose to publish the information, it is made available to all
iRecruitment users with access to the manager functions.
If a candidate does not choose to publish their information, it can only be seen by the
managers and recruiters who access the vacancies for which they have applied.

Note: Registered users (candidates) can only access their own personal

User Access to Functions

You can control which functions employees, managers, and recruiters can access by
creating function exclusions at the responsibility level.

iRecruitment Responsibilities and User Menus

iRecruitment functions are accessible from predefined responsibilities, each with a
corresponding top level menu.
In this version of iRecruitment, the predefined responsibilities are:
• iRecruitment Manager

• iRecruitment Employee Candidate

• iRecruitment External Candidate

• iRecruitment HRMS Manager

• iRecruitment Agency

• iRecruitment Recruiter

• iRecruitment Employee

The additional responsibilities provided by OSSWA (Oracle Self-Service Web

Applications) are:
• Workflow User Web Applications

• Preferences

Implementing iRecruitment 1-153

See: Oracle Self-Service Web Applications Implementation Manual

Note: These responsibilities are provided as a starting point only. If you

need to change any of these responsibilities or menus you should create
your own using the predefined responsibilities and menus as examples.
Otherwise, your changes may be lost during an upgrade.
See: User Access and Security, page 1-150

User Menus
iRecruitment includes several predefined top-level menus:
• IRC Employee Candidate Menu

• IRC External Candidate Menu

• IRC Manager Menu

• IRC Agency Menu

• IRC Recruiter Menu

• iRecruitment HRMS Navigator

• IRC Employee Menu

These top-level menus contain submenus for the homepages, tabbed regions, and global
See: Self-Service Menus, page 1-156

iRecruitment Grants
Grants determine the functions that users can access. iRecruitment delivers the
following grants:
• Global Grant for the IRC External Site Visitor Permission Set
(IRC_EXT_SITE_VISITOR_PSET) that gives users access to iRecruitment External
Site Visitor functions.

• Global Grant for the IRC Employee Site Visitor Permission Set
(IRC_EMP_SITE_VISITOR_PSET) that gives users access to iRecruitment Employee
Site Visitor functions.

• Grant for the GUEST user to the IRC External Site Visitor Permission Set in the
iRecruitment External Candidate responsibility context. Responsibility context
refers to the user responsibility at runtime.

1-154 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Grant for the GUEST user to the IRC Employee Site Visitor Permission Set in the
iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibility context.

Grants and iRecruitment Responsibilities

To enable enterprises to easily maintain site visitor and candidate pages, iRecruitment
supports a single responsibility for both site visitors and candidate users. The
responsibilities are:
• iRecruitment External Candidate for external site visitors and external candidates

• iRecruitment Employee Candidate for employee site visitors and employee


As site visitors and candidates access the same responsibility, iRecruitment uses the
grants model to control the functions that users can access. Users can access a function
only if they have a grant to a permission set (menu) with that function.
• The iRecruitment External Candidate responsibility uses the
IRC_EXT_SITE_VISITOR_PSET permission set for site visitors. When the site visitor
registers, iRecruitment automatically grants the IRC_EXT_CANDIDATE_PSET
permission set for candidates to create an account and work with all the features of
the application.

• The iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibility uses the

IRC_EMP_SITE_VISITOR_PSET permission set for employee site visitors. When the
employee site visitors log in, iRecruitment uses the IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE_PSET
permission set for the employees.

For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
Grant Employee Candidate and Interview Permission Sets to the iRecruitment
Employee Responsibility
Enable the Employee Candidate Features
To enable employees to search for internal jobs and apply to these jobs, grant the IRC
Employee Candidate Permission Set (IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE_PSET) to employees
who are assigned the iRecruitment Employee responsibility.
Enable the Interview Function
To enable employees in your organization perform their interview tasks, grant the
iRecruitment Interviewer Permission Set (IRC_INTERVIEWER_PSET) to employees
who are assigned the iRecruitment Employee responsibility.
For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide)

Implementing iRecruitment 1-155

Self-Service Menus and User Access
iRecruitment uses six types of menu: top-level menus, homepage menus, submenus
(subtabbed regions, tabbed regions), hidden submenus, and global menus. The
following section looks at each of these menus in detail.
If the delivered menus contain functions that you do not require, you should define
function/menu exclusions at the responsibility level. Do not make changes to the
delivered menus.

Types of Menus
The following sections describe the types of menus delivered with iRecruitment.

Top-level Menus
The top-level menus define the choices available to the user when they log in to
iRecruitment. For example, the top-level menu for the Manager responsibility is the IRC
Manager menu.
See: Self-Service Responsibilities and User Menus, page 1-153

Homepage Menus
The homepage menus are the application menus for the user. They contain the
functions that a user can access from the homepage. The menus are named as in the
following example:
• IRC <user> Application Menu
• For example, IRC Employee Candidate Application Menu

Submenus (Tab and Subtab)

Submenus group together functions in a logical group. You can add functions to a tab
or subtab menu so that they appear on the tabbed (or subtab) regions of the
iRecruitment pages. Tabbed regions include Jobs and Home. The submenus are named
as in the following example:
• IRC <user> Home Site Name
• For example, IRC Manager Side Nav

Hidden Submenus (Security)

By attaching a submenu to the top-level menu without defining a prompt, you can
assign functions to the responsibility but hide them from the user so that they do not
appear on a menu.

1-156 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

All functions that are available within iRecruitment must be added to either a security
menu or another type of menu, depending on how they will be accessed. If you do not
want a function to appear on a menu, add it to the appropriate security menu. The
menus are named as in the following example:
• IRC <user> Other Functions
• For example, IRC Recruiter Security Functions

Global Menus
The global menus define the functions that are available in the top right-hand corner of
the web page in the global menu bar. These menus generally contain links to functions
such as Log Out. iRecruitment delivers one global menu for each user type. The menus
are named as in the following example:
• IRC <user> Global Menu
• For example, IRC Manager Global Menu

Defining User Access to Self-Service Functions

To define user access to self-service functions, you need to define a user, assign a
responsibility, and assign profile values. The following process takes you through the
separate procedures.

Note: It is not necessary for you to complete this procedure for

iRecruitment candidates.

If you do not want to use the delivered responsibilities, we recommend that you create
a different responsibility for each target group of users.

To define a responsibility for a self-service application:

1. Follow the standard procedure for creating a responsibility.
See: Defining a Responsibility, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide)

2. Define your responsibilities to be available from Oracle Self-Service Web


3. Consider whether you should create menu or function exclusions to restrict the
employee menus.

To set your system profiles:

1. Set the system profiles for security groups.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-157

If Security Groups are not enabled, use the System Profile Values window to link
your responsibility to a security profile in the appropriate Business Group.
If Security Groups are enabled, you can set the security profile at the user level
using the Assign Security Profiles window.

2. Set any additional required profiles.

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

To define a user:
1. Define the people you would like to access Self-Service. There are two ways to do
this. You can follow the typical steps for defining a new user and then assign each
individual user to a responsibility that enables access to self-service.

Note: You should assign the IRC Employee Candidate

responsibilities to all employees.

See: Users Window,Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide)

Alternatively, you can set up concurrent programs to automate this manual process.
See: Creating Batch User Accounts with Concurrent Programs, Oracle SSHR Deploy
Self-Service Capability Guide

2. If you manually create a new user, in addition to granting the user the correct
responsibility, you must now grant them the correct permission set using the
Functional Administrator responsibility. iRecruitment uses the Grants model to
determine the functions that users can access.
See: Grants and iRecruitment Responsibilities, page 1-155
For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permissions Sets,Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

1-158 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuring Page Layouts

The Personalization Framework

The Personalization Framework, a component of the Oracle Applications (OA)
Framework technology, enables you to modify many aspects of the appearance and
behavior of self-service web pages which are defined in the MDS Repository. The
Personalization Framework is a subset of the Web Applications Dictionary functionality
and provides a user-friendly interface for making changes to the definitions held in the
MDS Repository.
See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Oracle Application Framework
Documentation Resources, Release 12 (My Oracle Support Note 391554.1)

Personalization Framework Hierarchy

The Personalization Framework enables you to configure web pages at different levels:
function, localization, site, organization, responsibility, and user. The lower level
personalizations, for example, user-level personalizations, take precedence over the
higher level personalizations, for example, site-level personalizations.

Note: Not all personalization levels may be available for your self-
service application. For example, iRecruitment, does not use the
organization level.

If you make personalizations at the site level, they will affect all users. For this reason,
you should make site level personalizations wherever possible. For example, you may
want to include a particular logo in a web page for all users.
If you want a particular personalization to only appear for a certain group of users, then
you should do your personalization at responsibility level. For example, you may want
to show certain details about a vacancy to employees only, not external users. Many of
the iRecruitment screens make use of common regions. This allows you to make a
change to a region in one place, and have it reflected throughout the application, for
example you may want to hide the brief description field from the job search results
table. Doing this personalization at site level will hide it in both the simple job search
and the advanced job search. If you do not want to hide it on both screens then you
must do a function level personalization, just doing the personalization on the function
that you want to change.
There are a number of function level personalizations delivered with iRecruitment.
To enable administration-level personalizations (at the localization, site, organization,
function, and responsibility levels), the system administrator must set the
personalization profile options for the user in question. The user then logs on to the self-

Implementing iRecruitment 1-159

service application and selects a responsibility. If the profile options have been set
correctly, the user will see the Personalize Region links on the web page. By clicking on
these links, the user can customize the page to the level defined by the system
Typical administration-level personalizations include:
• Creating views

• Changing column labels

• Hiding/Displaying columns

• Configuring tables

• Filtering and sorting data

The system administrator decides whether to enable the Personalization Framework at

the different levels. For more information, see: Oracle Application Framework
Personalization Guide, Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12
(My Oracle Support Note 391554.1)

Configurable Profile Options

The following table presents a list of configurable profile options.

Configurable Profile Options

Profile Configurable Levels Values Default

Personalize Self-Service Defn Responsibility, User Yes/No No


Disable Self-Service Personal Site, Application, User Yes/No No


Personalize Self-Service Defn

This profile option enables or disables the global Personalize URL link that appears on
each self-service web application page for Admin-level customizations.
Disable Self-Service Personal
If this system profile option is set to Yes, the configurations you make will not be
applied, regardless of the level at which you make the configurations. Only the original
definition of each self-service page will be displayed.

1-160 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuring Web Pages
It may sometimes be necessary to modify the predefined web page regions to suit your
business requirements. You configure your web pages using the Personalization
Framework, see: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Oracle Application
Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12 (My Oracle Support Note 391554.1)

To configure web pages:

1. Make sure that you are using a responsibility with administration-level
customization access.

2. Navigate to the web page you want to configure.

3. Choose the global Personalize link for the web page or the Personalize Region link
for a specific region.

Note: If you want to configure the page at site level, you do not
need to enter a customization value. If you are configuring at the
responsibility or functional level, you must specify which
responsibility or function is affected.

The Choose Personalization Context page is displayed.

4. Make your configuration changes.

5. If required, you can hide or display flexfield segments.

6. Save your work.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-161

Setting Up Information for iRecruitment

Creating and Maintaining Default Job Postings

Job postings are the advertisements attached to your vacancies. They provide
information about your vacancy requirements, describe how to apply for jobs, and give
general details of your enterprise. As a recruiter, you can use the Default Job Postings
feature to create a set of default values to use whenever a particular business group,
organization, job, or position is selected for a vacancy.

Important: If you are using APIs to upload default job postings, add
HTML tags when uploading job postings using APIs. Paragraphs,
numbered steps, and other types of formatting will only be loaded if
HTML tags are added when loading the postings.

Using the default postings functionality:

• Saves you from reentering all the information when creating vacancy details

• Reduces the effort required to create vacancies

How default job postings work

When managers select a business group, organization, job, or position when creating
vacancy details, the default posting information automatically appears on the Create
Vacancy: Format Job Posting page. Managers can edit and format the default details.
Example - Creating Default Postings for Your Business Group
The following figure shows an example of a business group - Vision Corporation with
its organizations, jobs, and positions.

1-162 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

You can define default posting information according to your business needs. Using
Vision Corporation Hierarchy as an example, the following points explain different
approaches that you can take when creating default posting information.
• Set up default information for the business group
To use the same posting information for all vacancies in the Vision Corporation
business group, create the default posting information for the business group only.
If you define the job posting at the highest level and do not create posting
information at lower levels, then the default values appear automatically for all
vacancies in that business group.

• Set up default information for organizations and jobs

To use different job posting information for organizations and jobs in the business
group, create posting information specific to organizations and jobs. For example, if
the posting information is similar for Business Analyst and Marketing Analyst
positions, then create default posting information for the Analyst Job. When
managers select the Analyst Job when creating vacancy details for the Business
Analyst position, the default information defined for the Analyst job, automatically
appears for that vacancy.

• Set up default information for a position

You can create posting information for a position (lowest default level). For
example, you can create default information for the Staff Accountant position
associated with the Accountant job.
The default job postings at the lower levels override the default job posting set at

Implementing iRecruitment 1-163

the higher levels. For example, posting information exists for the Accountant job
and Staff Accountant position. When managers select the Accountant job and the
Staff Accountant position to create vacancy details, the default posting information
defined for the Staff Accountant position appears on the vacancy details page.

• Set up default information in a hierarchy

You can enter specific information at each level instead of providing complete
information at all levels. For example, you can define only:
• The how-to-apply information for the Finance organization.

• The job requirements for the Accountant job.

• Any additional information for the Staff Accountant position associated with
the Accountant job.

When managers select the position while creating vacancies, posting information
defaults from the organization, job, and position levels.

Creating Default Postings

On the Default Job Advert page:
• Select the posting level and the value for which you want to create a default

• Enter information such as department description, additional job information, and

how-to-apply details.

• To display a graphic on job postings, for example, your enterprise logo, specify the
file path of the directory in which you saved the graphic file.

Updating Default Postings

You can make any changes to default job postings that are in use. For example, you
might want to change the job requirements or how-to-apply information. You can also
delete in-use job postings and add new job postings to jobs, positions, organizations,
and the business group. Your changes or deletions do not affect vacancies associated
with previous job postings.

Creating and Maintaining Recruiting Sites Details

If your enterprise has an agreement to post job advertisements with third-party
recruiting sites, use the Job Posting Vendor Details page to record information about the
recruiting sites.
Complete the following information:

1-164 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

1. Enter the recruiting site name that identifies the third-party recruiting site where
your enterprise posts the job details.

2. Depending on the data transfer method that your enterprise uses, enter the
following details:
• To send job postings through HTTP, enter the Posting URL specified by the
recruiting site. Enter the user name to track those who submit job postings to
the recruiting sites. To base the user name on the manager or recruiter who
submits the posting, enter one of the following parameters. The application
dynamically includes the appropriate details for the person when the posting is
Sends the person's unique user ID as assigned by the application, for example,
Sends the person's login name, for example, JDOE.
Sends the person's e-mail address, for example, [email protected].

• To send job postings through e-mail, enter the receiver's address as the Posting
URL. Enter the address in this format: mailto:{email address}, for example,
mailto:[email protected].

• To send job postings using FTP, enter the username and password to enable the
manager to post job details to the FTP server. This username and password is
used to authenticate the user on the FTP server. Specify the Posting URL as FTP
URL with the directory that stores the job postings. For example, ftp://fptserver.

Note: You can use the FTP method only if the destination
server supports Passive File Transfer Protocol (PASV) data
transfers. The FTP feature is a beta version and may not work
on all servers.

3. Specify the style sheet that defines the job-posting format.

iRecruitment provides the following default style sheets:
• JobPositionPosting.xsl, which is compliant with HR-XML 1.1 standards.

• PositionOpening.xsl, which is compliant with HR-XML 2.5 standards.

If you leave the Stylesheet field blank, then iRecruitment uses the

Implementing iRecruitment 1-165

JobPositionPosting.xsl. To make use of HR-XML 2.5 compliant data, enter

4. Provide other details:

• Provide the Date From and Date To information to specify how long your job
advertisements appear on the recruiting site.

• Enter the posting cost of the job advertisements for the specified period.

5. In the Posting Implementation Class field, enter the Java class that provides the job
posting mechanism. You can enter the default implementation class: oracle.apps.irc.
posting.JobPostingImpl. Or, you can write an implementation class based on your
posting requirements and enter the complete path of the class.
For information about writing custom posting implementation class, see the Write a
Java class to define job posting implementation mechanism section in the Implementation
Steps, page 1-15 topic

Defining and Maintaining Templates for Offer Letters

iRecruitment uses offer templates to create offer letters. When you define a template,
iRecruitment uses Oracle XML Publisher, a template-based publishing tool, to merge
your template file with the offer data to create an offer letter.

Selecting a Default Template

On the Offer Template Associations page, you can select a default offer template for a
business group, organization, job, or position. When a manager creates an offer,
iRecruitment uses the default template to create an offer letter.
The following figure shows an example of a business group Vision Corporation with its
organizations, jobs, and positions.

1-166 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

You can analyze your recruitment practice to decide whether you want to set a default
template for your business group or specify different default templates. Using Vision
Corporation as an example, the following points explain different approaches that you
can take when setting up default templates for offer letters:
• Set a default template for the business group
To use the same offer details for all job offers in the Vision Corporation business
group, select a default template for the business group. When managers create
offers in the Vision Corporation business group, iRecruitment uses the default
template set for the business group to create offer letters.
Business Group is the highest level. If you select a default template at the highest
level and do not define default templates for organizations, jobs, and positions, then
the default template at the business group level is inherited at the lower levels.

• Set a default template for different levels in the business group

Alternatively, if terms and conditions of job offers vary, then select default
templates at the appropriate levels. For example, if job offer details are different in
the Sales and Finance organizations, then select different default offer templates for
those organizations.
The default templates set at the lower levels override the default offer template set
at the higher levels. For example, you select Vision Offer Template as a default
template for the Vision Corporation business group and Sales Offer Template as a
default template for the Sales organization. When managers create offers for the
Sales organization in the Vision Corporation business group, iRecruitment uses the
default template set at the organization level (Sales Offer Template) to create offer

Implementing iRecruitment 1-167


Updating Offer Template Associations

You can delete template associations in use and add new templates to jobs, positions,
organizations, and business groups. For example, you can add a new template, if there
is a change in the company policy or a request for a change from the HR department.
Your changes or deletions do not affect offers associated with previous templates.

Setting Up Assessments
iRecruitment enables you to use assessments to evaluate candidates and applicants
during the recruitment process. Follow these steps to set up the assessments

To set up assessments:
1. The OTA Assessment Top Menu appears by default in the IRC Recruiter menu.
This menu enables recruiters to:
• Manage questions and question banks.

• Manage surveys, tests, and test. sections.

• See test previews and test statistics.

To enable users of other responsibilities to create and manage assessments:

1. Add the OTA Assessment Top Menu to their corresponding menus.

2. Grant the IRC Assessment Administration Permission Set to those

responsibilities using the Functional Administrator responsibility.
For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and
Permission Sets in the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide -

2. Review the following profile options:

• OTA: Assessment Branding Image
An Oracle Learning Management (OLM) product profile option that controls
the display of the product brand name on assessment headers. The profile value
is set to IRCBRAND (iRecruitment graphic) by default for the predefined
candidate responsibilities. To display a different graphic, for example, the logo
of your job site or enterprise, enter the file name of your graphic as the profile
option value for predefined or custom candidate responsibilities. Omit any file
extension from the name.

1-168 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• OTA: Data Source Module
An OLM product profile option that restricts access to assessment data based
on the product defined in the profile option. By default, the profile value is set
to iRecruitment for the predefined iRecruitment responsibilities so that users
view assessment data only from iRecruitment. If you add the Assessment
Administration function to any custom iRecruitment responsibility, then you
must set iRecruitment as the profile value for that custom responsibility.

• OTA: Hide Assessment Points

An OLM product profile option to determine whether candidates can view
assessment points for test questions. If you set the profile option to Yes, then
candidates cannot view the assessment points allocated for the test questions. If
you plan to hide the assessments points, then set the OTA: Hide Assessment
Points profile option to 'Yes' at the Responsibility level (for example,
iRecruitment External Candidate responsibility) or Application level (for
example, Human Resources). If you use the custom iRecruitment external
candidate responsibility, then you must set the profile option at that
responsibility level. When external candidates attempt assessment tests, they
cannot view the assessment points. The assessment points are hidden for the
external candidates.

What's Next
The following steps summarize how to create and use assessments:
1. Creating assessments
After you set up the Assessments functionality, your recruiters or managers can
create surveys and tests to use during the recruitment process.
See: Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment, page 2-28

2. Making assessments available to candidates and applicants

• To make a survey or test available to candidates during the registration process,
set the IRC: Registration Test profile option.
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

• Managers can select a test when they create vacancy details. iRecruitment
presents the test when candidates apply for the vacancy.
See: Creating and Maintaining Vacancies, page 2-42
If an assessment is selected for a vacancy, then iRecruitment presents it when
managers or agencies apply on behalf of candidates. Use the IRC: Skip Job
Assessment profile option to decide whether managers, recruiters, or agency
users can complete assessment when they apply for jobs on behalf of

Implementing iRecruitment 1-169

candidates. See: iRecruitment Profile Options, page 1-57

1-170 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Setting Up Offers

Setting Up Offers
To enable managers to create and process offers for applicants, you must complete the
following steps:
1. Configure iRecruitment Manager and iRecruitment Recruiter menus, if required.
You can use the default menus that iRecruitment provides to work with the offers
functionality or configure the menus to suit your business needs.
• iRecruitment assigns the Irc CM Home Page Create Offer and Irc Enter Offer
Detail functions to the IRC Manager Menu and IRC Recruiter Menu by default.
This function enables managers and recruiters to create offers for applicants. If
you do not want specific managers to create offers, then you can hide this
functionality by excluding the Irc CM Home Page Create Offer and Irc Enter
Offer Detail functions from the responsibilities of other managers.

• iRecruitment assigns the Extend Offer Duration function to the IRC Manager
Menu and IRC Recruiter Menu by default. This function enables managers to
extend the duration of the offer when the offer expires. If you do not want
specific managers to extend the duration of the job offers after the expiry date,
then you can exclude the Extend Offer Duration function from the
responsibilities of other managers.

• iRecruitment assigns the following offer functions to the IRC Recruiter Menu by
• Irc Offer Search Workbench: to search offers and make changes to the offer

• Irc Template Associations Setup Page: to associate offer templates with a

business group, organization, job or position to generate offer letters.

• Irc Track Offer Letter: to enter tracking information such as the shipping
and offer number.

If you want your managers to carry out the recruiter tasks, then assign the
recruiter functions to the responsibilities associated with the managers.

2. Review current settings of these profile options, and update if necessary:

• IRC: Allow Multiple Offers for Candidate

• IRC: Enable Offers Compensation

Implementing iRecruitment 1-171

• IRC: Extend Offer Duration Function

• IRC: Offer Duration Measurement

• IRC: Offer Duration Value

• IRC: Offer Send Method

• IRC: View Offer Function

• IRC: Offer Workflow Item Type

• IRC: Offer Details Approval Transaction Type

• IRC: Extend Offer Duration Transaction Type

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

3. Ensure that the following Lookups contain the values required for your enterprise:
• IRC_OFFER_DECLINE_REASON: Enter the reasons that applicants select
when they decline the offer in the Decline Offer page.

• IRC_OFFER_POSTAL_SERVICE: Enter the names of the shipping companies

that your enterprise uses to send offers. The Shipping field on the Track Offer
page displays the lookup values.

• IRC_OFFER_EXPIRATION_DATE: Enter the values that your managers can

use to search offers that will close within a specific time, for example within a
day or within two weeks. The Offer Expiry Date list on the Offers Search page
displays the lookup values.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
See: User and Extensible Lookups, page 1-123

4. Configure the offer approval process, if required.

iRecruitment supplies default offer approval process. You can create your own
approval process to meet your business needs.
• If you create your own approval process, ensure that you:
• Update the following profile options for the transaction type and workflow
• IRC: Extend Offer Duration Transaction Type

1-172 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• IRC: Offer Details Approval Transaction Type

• IRC: Offer Workflow Item Type

• Update the parameters for the Irc Create Offer Review function using the Form
Functions window with the new values.
In addition to the default approvers, managers can select additional approvers
in the Add Adhoc Approvers region. To enforce default approval rules, you can
hide the Add Adhoc Approvers region using the Personalization function.

See: iRecruitment and Oracle Approvals Management (AME), page 1-102

See: iRecruitment Offer Approval Transaction Type, page 1-115
See: Profile Options, page 1-57
See: Personalization Framework, page 1-159

5. Create your own offer letter templates if you do not want to use the supplied offer
See: Customizing Offer Templates, page 1-177

6. Select a default template to generate offer letters for your business group,
organization, jobs, or positions. iRecruitment uses the default template to create
offer letters when managers create or update offers for applicants.
See: Creating and Maintaining Offer Templates, page 1-166

7. Set up compensation plans to enable hiring or line managers to assign benefits

components when they create or update the offers.
See: Setting Up Individual Compensation Distributions for Employees and
iRecruitment Applicants, page 1-179

8. Subscribe to the workflow event type IRCOFFER to send notifications to the offer
participants such as managers, recruiters, and applicants.
See: Using Workflow Business Events, page 1-237
See: Subscribing to Workflow Business Events, page 1-238

9. Schedule the following concurrent processes:

• iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications

• iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications

See: Running the iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications Process, page 1-178
See: Running the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications Process, page 1-179

Implementing iRecruitment 1-173

Schedule these processes to run daily to notify managers and applicants about
offers approaching the closing date and closed offers. Use the iRecruitment HRMS
Manager responsibility to schedule these processes.

Setting up Information for Salary Basis and Proposed Salary Fields in

Oracle iRecruitment provides enterprises the flexibility to decide if candidates hired
through iRecruitment should have their pay administered using Salary Administration
or not. For offers, enterprises can make the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields
optional or mandatory or base Salary Basis and Proposed Salary on work structure
configuration using the IRC: Salary Details Mandatory in Offer profile option.
See: Profile Options in iRecruitment, page 1-57
When you set the IRC: Salary Details Mandatory in Offer profile option value to Based
on Work Structure Configuration, you must define the IRC: Proposed Salary Flex
Segment Name profile option, which identifies the flex segment that iRecruitment uses
to make the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields mandatory or optional for offers.
You can set up information at the following work structure levels to make the Salary
Basis and Proposed Salary fields either mandatory or optional:
• Organization

• Job

• Position

• Grade

Note that the Salary Basis work structure level impacts only the Proposed Salary field.
To make Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields optional or mandatory in offers, you
must create flexfield segments and define values for these segments at the work
structure levels. Before you start implementing these steps, plan your requirements and
decide the work structure level that you want to use to make the salary details
mandatory or optional.

Setting up Information for Salary Basis and Proposed Salary Fields in

1. Using the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window, create a flexfield segment for the
following DFFs. You can define the flexfield segment at any of the work structure
levels or at all levels:

1-174 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Work structure Flexfield Flexfield Segment Value Set


Organization Add'l Org. Unit Salary Details Reqd Yes_No


Job Additional Job Salary Details Reqd Yes_No


Position Additional Position Salary Details Reqd Yes_No


Grade Additional Grade Salary Details Reqd Yes_No


Note: You must provide the same flex segment name if you are
creating the flex segment at different levels. The flexfield segment
given in the table is just an example. When you create a segment,
you can name the segment as per your business requirement.

If you decide to make Salary Basis mandatory at any of the work structure levels,
then create a flex segment for the Salary Basis work structure to make the Proposed
Salary field mandatory or optional. For example, you can make salary basis
mandatory at organization, job, position, or grade level and make proposed salary
optional by defining a flexfield segment for the Additional Salary Basis Details

Work structure Flexfield Flexfield Segment Value Set


Salary Basis Additional Salary Salary Details Reqd Yes_No

Basis Details

2. Using the System Profile Values window, enter the flex segment name as the value
for the IRC: Proposed Salary Flex Segment Name profile option.
iRecruitment checks the value set for the flex segment at organization, job, position,
grade, or salary basis level to make the salary basis and proposed salary basis fields
mandatory or optional.

3. Set the value to Yes or No for the flex segment for all or required work structure

Implementing iRecruitment 1-175

• Organization: Impacts the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields and defines
whether they are mandatory or optional.
To set the flex segment value:
Navigate to the Organization window and select the organization to define the
flex segment. Click the additional details icon to display the Add'l Org. Unit
Details window. Select Yes or No in the flex segment field.
For example, if you decide that all the offers created in an organization, Vision
Corporation must have salary basis and proposed salary, then select Yes for the
flex segment field.

• Job: Impacts the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields and defines whether
they are mandatory or optional.
To set the flex segment value:
Navigate to the Job window and select the job to define the flex segment. Click
the additional details icon to display the Additional Job Details window. Select
Yes or No in the flex segment field.

• Position: Impacts the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields and defines
whether they are mandatory or optional.
To set the flex segment value:
Navigate to the Position window and select the position to define the flex
segment. Click the additional details icon to display the Additional Position
Details window. Select Yes or No in the flex segment field.

• Grade: Impacts the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields and defines whether
they are mandatory or optional.
To set the flex segment value:
Navigate to the Grades window and select the grade to define the flex segment.
Click the additional details icon to display the Additional Grade Details
window. Select Yes or No in the flex segment field.

• Salary Basis: Impacts the Proposed Salary field and defines whether it is
mandatory or optional
To set the flex segment value:
Navigate to the Salary Basis window and select the salary basis to define the
flex segment. Click the additional details icon to display the Additional Salary
Basis Details window. Select Yes or No in the flex segment field.

You can make salary basis mandatory at organization, job, position, or grade level
and make proposed salary optional. For example, for the Stores Clerk job, set the

1-176 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Salary Basis as mandatory. Set the value for the Additional Salary Basis Details flex
to No for Hourly Salary Basis. When a manager creates an offer for the Stores Clerk
job and selects the Hourly Salary Basis, the Proposed Salary field becomes optional.

Note: However, if the Salary Basis field is optional, then the

Proposed Salary field also becomes optional, regardless of the
Additional Salary Basis Details flex segment set to Yes.

If the flex segment is configured at a higher level for example, for an organization
and the flex segment is left blank at the lower levels such as job or position, then the
value set at a higher level cascades as a default value to the lower levels. Values set
at a lower level, for example, grade, overrides any default from a higher level. The
following diagram shows the defaulting order and order of precedence:

Customizing Offer Templates

Offer letter templates simplify the offer-letter-preparation task and ensure consistency
among offer letters. An offer letter template determines the basic structure of an offer
letter and contains document settings such as text entries, page layout, and special

Implementing iRecruitment 1-177

iRecruitment supplies the following predefined documents to generate offer letters:
• IRCESOLDD_SD.xml: A data definition source file that contains all the data tags
that offer templates can use.

• IRCESOLT_en.rtf: A sample RTF offer template that you can use to generate offer

Oracle iRecruitment provides these predefined templates as an example reference. You

must modify and create new templates according to your business requirements. For
example, the predefined template uses Pounds as the default currency value. To use a
different currency value, you must create your own offer letter template.
To customize the offer letter details, you can create your own templates. You customize
the XML version of the offer template using Oracle XML Publisher.

Important: Oracle iRecruitment recommends that you create your own

templates. Do not modify the predefined templates as your changes
may be lost during an upgrade.

To customize the offer templates:

1. Create a new rich text or PDF format template.
Using the predefined offer template as a sample, create a new offer template and
save it as a rich text or PDF format file.
See: Creating an RTF Template and Creating a PDF Template in the Oracle XML
Publisher User's Guide

2. Create a new template definition.

Using the predefined template definition as a sample, create a new template
definition in the Template Manager for your template design file. When you create
the template definition in the Template Manager, you register and upload your
template design files.
See: Creating the Template in the Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

To use the custom templates for offer letter generation, associate the custom templates
with your business group, organization, job, or position using the Offer Templates
Associations page.
See: Defining and Maintaining Templates for Offer Letters, page 1-166

Running the iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications Process

Run the iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications process to alert managers and
applicants about offers approaching the closing date.

1-178 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the number of days that the application should consider to track offers
approaching the closing date. For example, if you enter 3, the process tracks the
offers that close within three days from the offer extended date and notifies the
participants. The default value is seven.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Submit.

Running the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications Process

Run the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications process to inform managers and
applicants about the closed offers. If required, managers can extend the duration of the
closed offers and send the offers to the applicants again.

To run the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications process in the Name field.

2. Click Submit to run the process.

Setting Up Individual Compensation Distributions for Employees and

iRecruitment Applicants
As a compensation manager, you set up individual compensation distribution (ICD)
plans to define the components of an award or allowance. The line manager uses the
self-service interface to assign the award - setting the start and end date of the
distribution - while the back-office maintains control of the plan's administration. You
can set up compensation plans so that hiring or line managers assign benefits
components to applicants when they create or update offers in iRecruitment.
Follow these process steps to set up a variety of plans for ICD and iRecruitment offers,
such as:
• Periodic or spot bonuses

• Sponsored allowances

Implementing iRecruitment 1-179

• Resettlement compensation

• Severance Payments

• Relocation

• Sign-on bonus

• New hire stock

• Other periodic or recurring awards

As a compensation and benefits administrator, you define plans for individual

compensation distribution and iRecruitment using the features of standard benefits or
Oracle Advanced Benefits following the guidelines in these sections.
• Define Plans, page 1-180

• Define Enrollment Requirements for the Plan, page 1-183

• Set Up Activity Rates and Coverages for the Plan, page 1-185

• Configure Web Pages, page 1-188

• Enter People for Test Purposes, page 1-188

• Set Up Employee Self-Service Access to ICD, page 1-189

Define Plans:
You set up plans for individual compensation distribution and iRecruitment by
defining the characteristics of the plan and any electable options in the plan. If
necessary, you can define participant eligibility profiles to limit the participants who are
eligible for the plan or option.

To set up plans for self-service individual compensation distribution and

1. Define the Plan Year start and end dates for the compensation plan. Set up several
plan years to account for future plan years.
See: Defining a Program or Plan Year Period, page 1-190

2. Optional: define a participant eligibility profile to control eligibility for the

compensation plan.
If you do not define a participant eligibility profile:
• ICD finds all employees and contractors reporting to the manager eligible for
the distribution.

1-180 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• iRecruitment finds all applicants eligible for the compensation plans defined for
applicant offers.

Note: Set the participant eligibility profile status to active if you

define a profile.

See: Defining an Eligibility Profile, page 1-191

3. Set up one or more Plan Types to group the compensation plans you administer.
• Required: select an Option Type of Individual Compensation Distribution to
enable a manager to distribute the award or assign benefits to applicants. When
you define Plan Types for iRecruitment, select Enterable Amount or Select List
as the option for Self Service Display format. Currently the other self-service
options do not apply for iRecruitment plans.

• Optional for ICD: select a Compensation Category of Compensation for

reporting purposes or for system extracts.

You can choose to set up a single plan type for all your compensation plans, or you
can define multiple plan types for groupings of plans (Bonus, Allowance,
Severance, and others).

Note: You should base the number of plan types you define on
your reporting requirements.

See: Defining Plan Types, page 1-194

4. Required for iRecruitment: Define reporting groups to group the compensation

plans for iRecruitment. Select the purpose as iRecruitment to display the plans on
the Compensation page of iRecruitment.
See: Defining a Reporting Group, page 1-195

5. Optional: define the options in the compensation plan.

• Enter a user friendly option name to display in the self service web page.

• Select the corresponding plan type of each option.

Note: Use options when there is a logical grouping of choices

within a plan, such as a car allowance plan with options of BMW,
Honda, and Ford. For bonus plans, severances, and allowances, set
up each compensation type as a separate plan.

See: Defining Options, page 1-204

Implementing iRecruitment 1-181

6. Define compensation plans for ICD and iRecruitment
• Enter a user friendly plan name to display in the self service web page.

• Select the plan type of the plan.

• Set the plan status to active. You can update the status to inactive if you need to
temporarily disable the plan.

• Select a Plan Usage code of May Not Be In a Program.

In the Not in Program tabbed region:

• Enter a sequence number that indicates the order in which the plan displays in
the self service web page relative to other plans in the plan type.

• Select the currency of the plan for monetary distributions. You do not enter a
currency for non monetary allowances, such as cars.

• Select the Activity Reference Period of the plan. For recurring awards, the
activity reference period is the period the manager sees when distributing the
award, for example, $100 per period.

For non recurring awards, you can select any activity reference period.

Note: For an iRecruitment plan, ensure that you select frequency

specific values such as Per Month or Per Year as the Enrollment
rate/frequency. As applicants are not assigned any payrolls, if you
select values such as Per Pay Period no plans will be displayed to
hiring managers when they create or update offers.

See: Defining a Benefits Plan, page 1-196

7. Link the Plan Years to the plan that you defined in Step 1.
See: Maintaining Plan Related Details, page 1-199

8. If you defined options in Step 5, link the options to the plan.

• Set the status for each option to active. You can update the status to inactive if
you need to temporarily disable an option.

See: Associating Options with a Plan, page 1-201

9. Link a participant eligibility profile to the plan if you limit eligibility for the plan.

10. For iRecruitment: Define a single life event reason with the iRecruitment type.
Oracle iRecruitment uses this life event type to process compensation plans for

1-182 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

See: Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons, page 1-205

Define Enrollment Requirements:

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to control the enrollment method.
ICD only: You can also set up required certifications that the individual must provide
before Oracle Payroll distributes the award.

To define enrollment requirements for ICD and iRecruitment plans

1. Define enrollment requirements for the plan.

• Query the plan you defined in step 6 above.

• Select an enrollment method of Explicit.

• Check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment check box.

• Select Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Can Choose as the Enrollment code.

For ICD Plans

• If you define coverages, select a Coverage Start Date code of Enterable if you
want to let the manager enter the coverage start date. The application
distributes the award to Payroll following the date. If you do not want the
manager to enter the start date, select any other coverage state date code.

• Select a Coverage Start Date code of Event to set the start date to the system
date when the manager enters the self service web page. Use this code for non-
recurring awards. The application distributes the award to Payroll in the
following payroll period.

• Required: select a Coverage End Date code that corresponds to your Coverage
Start Date code.

• Activity Rate Start and End Date codes function similarly to coverage codes.
Choose Enterable for recurring allowances; for non-recurring allowances,
choose Event.

For iRecruitment Plans

You must define enrollment requirements by specifying coverage and rates start
and end codes.
General Tab
1. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select the Coverage tabbed

2. Enter the enrollment coverage start and end dates to specify when the coverage

Implementing iRecruitment 1-183

begins and ends for participants in the plan. For example, select Event as the
start date and 1 Day Before Event as the end date code.

3. Select the Rates tabbed region.

4. Enter the rates start and end date codes to specify when the activity rates start
and end for participants in this plan. For example, select Event as the start date
and 1 Day Before Event as the end date code.

When you set up compensation plans for iRecruitment offers, you must associate
the plans with the iRecruitment life event. When a hiring manager completes the
basic details of an offer and clicks Continue on the Basic Details page, the
application detects that the iRecruitment life event has occurred for the applicant
assignment and runs the Participation process. The Participation process evaluates
the eligibility for the applicant and displays the appropriate benefit plans in the
Compensation page.
Timing Tab
Define the following iRecruitment Life Event in the Life Event region of the Timing
tab to allow users to make or change elections.
• Select Enrollment Type as the life event.

• Select iRecruitment Life Event as the life event.

• Select a Coverage Start Date code of Event and select the corresponding code 1
Day Before Event as the end date code.

• Select Event as the Rate Start Date and select the corresponding code 1 Day
Before Event as the end date code.

• Select As of Event Date as the Enrollment Period Start date code and select a
Enrollment Period end date that corresponds to the Period start date such as
Thirty Days After Event Date or Sixty Days After Event.

For information on compatible start and end codes, see the My Oracle Support
document, Oracle Applications HRMS Compatible Start & End Date Codes, ID:
See: Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans, page 1-211

2. Optional for an ICD plan: for Advanced Benefits users, link one or more
certifications to the plan if you request or require certification from the participant
before you make the distribution.
Oracle HRMS supplies the certification types available with the application.

Note: If you require a certification, the application suspends the

1-184 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

payroll distribution of the award until the participant returns the
certification. A message displays to the issuing manager indicating
that the distribution is suspended.

See: Defining Certifications for Enrollment in a Plan, Oracle HRMS Compensation and
Benefits Management Guide
See: Defining an Action Item Due Date (Advanced Benefits), Oracle HRMS
Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

3. Optional for ICD: for Advanced Benefits, you can define communication types that
the application generates to inform the participant of a suspended distribution.
You set up a system extract to write the applicable information from the
communication type to a text file. You can then merge the data from the text file
into the body of the participant communication.
See: Defining Communication Types, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits
Management Guide

Set Up Activity Rates and Coverages for the Plan:

You set up activity rates to define:
• The amount of a distribution (for fixed rate distributions) or to indicate that the
manager enters the distribution amount when the award is assigned in the self-
service web page.

Note: You can set up multiple activity rates for an ICD plan;
however, you can choose only one rate to display on enrollment to
the self-service user.

• The amount ranges that hiring managers can assign when they create or update
offers for applicants in iRecruitment

To set up activity rates for a plan

1. Optional: set up an activity rate for an ICD/iRecruitment plan or option in the
following cases:
• You do not use coverages.

• You offer a monetary award and you want to distribute the amount of the
award to payroll.

• You create element entries for the award.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-185

• You award a non monetary gift (defined as a coverage) and you need to keep
records of the taxable benefit.

• You want to control the maximum amount that can be distributed for a
recurring element.

Note: In order to control the maximum distribution amount, you

must configure Oracle Payroll using FastFormula.

Follow these guidelines when setting up the activity rate:

• Set the activity rate status to active.

• Indicate if the activity rate applies to a plan or to an option in a plan.

• Select any Activity Type code.

• Select a Usage code of Standard Contribution/Distribution.

• Select a Unit of Measure if the award is non monetary.

Note: If the Unit of Measure is monetary, do not select any unit of


• For ICD only: Select a rate certification type if you want to suspend the rate
until the appropriate certification is received and approved.

Define the calculation method for the activity rate.

• If the award is a flat amount, enter the value of the award.

• If the award is not a flat amount, check the Enter Value at Enrollment check
box. For recurring awards, the value the manager enters at enrollment is per the
activity reference period defined for the plan.

• Check the Assign on Enrollment and Display on Enrollment check boxes.

See: Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution, page 1-209

Note: Steps 2 - 3 do not apply to iRecruitment plans.

2. Optional for ICD: define a variable rate profile if the activity rate varies according to
one or more factors, such as the assignment of the person to whom the manager
distributes the award.
You can also use variable rate profiles to define minimum and maximum

1-186 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

distributions, increments, and default rates.
See: Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile, Oracle HRMS
Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

3. Optional for ICD: create a taxable benefit rate for use with non monetary coverages.
You set up a taxable benefit rate for non monetary coverages like you define a
standard activity rate, with the following exceptions:
• Leave the Unit of Measure field blank.

• Select a Calculation Method of Multiple of Coverage.

• Uncheck the Enter Value at Enrollment field.

• Define a multiplier where the number represents the value of one non
monetary award.

• Select a Coverage Operator of Multiply by.

• Select a Rounding Code of Round to Nearest Hundredth.

• Uncheck the Display on Enrollment check box.

Note: You may have to define your coverage first before saving this

4. Optional for ICD and iRecruitment: create a Maximum Distribution Rate to

accompany the standard rate.
You set up a Maximum Distribution Rate like you define a standard activity rate,
with the following exceptions:
• Select an Activity Type of Total Distribution Limit.

• Leave the Unit of Measure field blank.

• Leave the Recurring field blank.

5. Optional for ICD: define coverages for the plan if:

• The award is non monetary and you do not want element entries created for the
non monetary award.

• The award is a non monetary gift (which is defined as a coverage) and you need
to keep records of the taxable benefit.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-187

• You do not define standard activity rates.

See: Defining a Coverage Calculation, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits

Management Guide
Follow these guidelines when you set up a coverage definition:
• Enter a name for the coverage.

• Select a coverage type.

• Select a Unit of Measure if the Type is not Coverage.

• On the Calculation Method Tab, select a Calculation Method of Flat Amount.

Note: If you want the user to enter the value during the enrollment
check the Enter Value at Enrollment check box. Otherwise, enter
the amount.

• For recurring distributions, the coverage amount is per the activity reference
period defined in the plan.

Note: You should set up no more than one coverage per

compensation plan or option.

Configure Web Pages:

To configure ICD web pages, use the Application Dictionary to configure the field
labels, hints, tips, and messages that display in an ICD web page. You can also
configure menu names, function names, and certain workflow attributes, see:
Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD), Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits
Management Guide
To configure iRecruitment offers pages, including the Compensation page, see: Setting
Up Offers, page 1-171

Enter People for Test Purposes:

You can enter sample people into the Oracle HRMS database to test your Individual
Compensation Distribution plan.

Define a Manager
Using the People window, define a manager with a date of birth, social security
number, and address.
1. Enter an Assignment for the manager.

1-188 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

2. Check the Manager check box located in the Miscellaneous tabbed region.

3. Select the manager's GRE in the GRE tabbed region.

Define an Employee
Using the People window, define an employee with a date of birth, social security
number, and address.

Note: If you use eligibility profiles, make sure the test employee meets
your eligibility requirements.

1. Enter an Assignment for the employee.

2. Select the test manager you created as the employee's supervisor on the Supervisor
tabbed region.

3. Select the employee's GRE in the GRE tabbed region.

Create a User Name and Password for the Test Manager

As a system administrator, open the User Types window to define a user name and
password for the manager you created.
1. Link the Manager Self Service responsibility to the user name.

2. Save your work and close the window.

Assign an Individual Compensation Distribution to the Employee

1. Using the manager's user name and password, log on to Oracle Self Service HR.

2. Choose the Individual Compensation menu item.

3. Find the Employee you created.

4. Assign the individual an award.

Set Up Employee Self-Service Access to ICD:

You can configure ICD for employee self-service access. Use this feature if your
enterprise administers charitable contribution plans, savings bond plans, or service
recognition plans where you allow the employee to select from one or more awards.

Note: You set up employee self-service plans as you would other plans,
using the professional user interface. However, you should include
employee self-service plans in their own plan type, so that participants
cannot view plans only available to managers.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-189

To set up employee self-service access to ICD
1. Log in to Oracle HRMS using a System Administrator responsibility and open the
Form Functions window.

2. Choose the Description tab.

3. Enter a new function name--without spaces--in the Function field.

4. Enter a User Function Name for this function.

5. Select SSWA JSP Function as the function Type.

6. Optional: enter a Description of the function.

7. Choose the Form tab.

8. Enter the following parameter, substituting the function name you entered in Step 3
and your plan type IDs where indicated:
• pProcessName=HR_INDIVIDUAL_COMP_PRC&pItemType=HRSSA&pCalled
From=<your new function code>&PLANTYPE=<your plan type IDs separated
by commas>

9. Choose the Web HTML tab.

10. Enter the following string in the HTML Call field:

• OA.jsp?

11. Save your work.

12. Close the Form Functions window and open the Menus window.

13. Add the function you just created to the Employee Self-Service Menu.

14. Save your work.

See: Defining Communication Types, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits

Management Guide
See: Defining When a Communication is Used, Oracle HRMS Compensation and
Benefits Management Guide

Defining a Program or Plan Year Period

You use the Program/Plan Year window to record the dates through which programs or

1-190 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

plans are in effect.

To define a program or plan year period:

1. Enter the Start and End dates in the Plan region through which this program or
plan year period is valid.
In the Limitation region:

2. Choose the Start and End dates that define the limitation year that acts as the
reference period used to calculate a participant's yearly compensation.
You typically define a limitation year to determine a participant's yearly
contribution ceiling for a benefits plan such as a 401(k) plan in the US.
In the Period region:

3. Select the period Type code that identifies the period type by which you divide the
program or plan year, for example fiscal or calendar.

Note: The period type must be Fiscal if you are defining a year
other than from 01-JAN to 31-DEC. When the year period is from
01-JAN to 31-DEC the period type must be Calendar.

In the Within Year Periods block:

4. Enter the first day and first month of the within year period and the last day and
last month of the within year period in the following fields:
• Start Day

• Start Month

• End Day

• End Month.

5. Select the Unit of Measure by which you are dividing this period.

6. Save your work.

Defining an Eligibility Profile

You use the Participation Eligibility Profiles window to define an eligibility profile with
an effective start date of your choice. Before defining the profile, define any derived
factors (such as length of service or compensation level), or your own eligibility criteria,
that you plan to use as eligibility criteria.
If you want to create your own criteria to include in the eligibility profile, click User

Implementing iRecruitment 1-191

Defined Eligibility Criteria and create new criteria, see: Creating your own Eligibility
Criteria., Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide To access these
criteria, choose the Other tabbed region, and select User Defined Criteria from the list
You can use eligibility profiles to determine:
• employee eligibility for compensation and benefits plans

• entitlements in collective agreements

• eligibility for grade/step progression

• eligibility for various work schedules, and so on

The information you can enter differs slightly depending on whether you have accessed
this window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the

Note: If you use the Total Compensation Setup Wizard to set up grade
ladders, programs and plans, and Total Compensation Statements, you
can create or update eligibility profiles while you are working in the

To define an eligibility profile:

1. Enter the Name of the eligibility profile you are defining.

2. Enter a Description of this eligibility profile.

3. Select an Assignment Type to which this eligibility profile applies.

For example, you can define an eligibility profile for employee assignments if this
profile is only used for employees.

Note: You can only select Employee Assignment Only for profiles
to be used with collective agreements.

4. Select the profile Status.

Pending: This eligibility profile is currently proposed, but not active.
Active: This eligibility profile is in use.
Inactive: This eligibility profile is in use but cannot be associated with any new
programs, plans, or options.
Closed: This eligibility profile was once Active or Pending, but is no longer in use.

5. Select whether this eligibility profile applies to benefits or collective agreements. If

1-192 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

you are defining an eligibility profile for work schedules or grade step progression,
then select benefits.

6. Choose the tabbed region that contains a criteria element that you want to include
in your eligibility profile. Choose from:
• Personal

• Employment

• Derived Factors

• Related Coverages (Not applicable to collective agreements)

• Other

7. Select a criteria element.

For example, you could choose Person Type as one of several eligibility criteria of
the Personal type.

Note: When you define more than one value for a criterion, at least
one of the values must be present in the person's record for them to
be eligible. However, when you use multiple criteria in an
eligibility profile (for example, a Work Location and an
Organization), the person must meet at least one value for each

If you use a FastFormula eligibility rule as part of your eligibility profile, the
participant must meet the criteria of the rule and one value from any other criteria
that you include in the eligibility profile. If you use more than one FastFormula
rule, by default the participant must meet the criteria of all the rules. If you change
the user profile option BEN:Eligible Profile Rule from AND to OR, the participant
need only meet the criteria of one rule.

8. Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order the system processes this
criteria element relative to any other criteria in this eligibility profile.

Note: You must assign a sequence number of a higher priority to all

criteria that are used to exclude eligibility.

9. Select one or more values for the criteria element you have selected.

10. Check the Exclude field if a person becomes ineligible to participate in the
compensation object, or to receive the collective agreement entitlement you
associate with this eligibility profile if they meet this criterion.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-193

You typically check the Exclude field when it is easier or faster to define which
persons are excluded from eligibility, as opposed to defining which person are

11. If you are defining an eligibility profile for a grade ladder, and you want to rank
your employees to determine the most eligible person to progress, enter an
eligibility Score for this criteria.
The application calculates the eligibility rank based on the total score for all criteria
that the person satisfies.

12. For grade ladders, you can also enter an eligibility Weight for a criteria.

The application multiplies the weight by the criteria value. You can only use
weights with criteria that contain numeric values. If you enter a score and a weight
for a criteria, the application adds the person's score to the weight to arrive at the
final number.

13. Repeat steps 6, page 1-193 to 12, page 1-194 for each criteria element that you
include in your eligibility profile.

14. Choose the Display All tabbed region to view the criteria elements in this eligibility

15. Save your work.

Defining Plan Types

You use the Plan Types window to date effectively define, update, and delete or end-
date plan types.

To define a plan type:

1. Enter a unique Name for the plan type you are defining.

2. Select an Option Type to classify the options you associate with this plan type.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier in the IVR field that
participants use to identify this plan type using interactive voice response or
telephony technology.

4. Select a Compensation Category that classifies the benefit provided by the plans
and options in this plan type.

Note: You can use this information in system extracts that you send
to benefits carriers and other third party agents.

1-194 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

5. Select a Self Service Display format of horizontal or vertical to control how you
display the plans and options in a self-service enrollment form.

Note: The display format defaults to horizontal.

In the Enrollment block:

6. Enter the Minimum number of plans in this plan type in which an eligible person
can be enrolled simultaneously or check the No Minimum field if there is no

7. Enter the Maximum number of plans in this plan type in which an eligible person
can be enrolled simultaneously or check the No Maximum field if there is no

8. Save your work.

Defining a Reporting Group

You use the Reporting Groups window to define a reporting group and to associate
programs and plans with the reporting group. You can also define which regulatory
bodies and regulations govern the reporting group.
You can create reporting groups to represent:
• Groups of programs and plans that you report on as a set by entering the reporting
group name as a report parameter.

• Self-service personnel actions, such as promotions or transfers, and to configure

rules for these business processes.
See: Overview of Self-Service Actions, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide

• Compensation plans for applicants on the Compensation page of iRecruitment.

To define a reporting group:

1. Enter a unique Name for the reporting group.

2. Select the Global check box to include plans in the reporting group from any
business group.

3. Select the Purpose of the reports that will be generated for this reporting group.
Select the Personnel Action purpose if you are defining a self-service action.
Select the iRecruitment purpose if you are defining plans for iRecruitment applicant

Implementing iRecruitment 1-195

offers. The Compensation page displays only reporting groups defined with the
purpose of iRecruitment.

4. Enter a Description for the reporting group. The description that you enter for
iRecruitment reporting group appears as an instruction text on the Enter
Compensation page of iRecruitment.

5. Select the first Program Name if the reporting group is to consist of one or more
Alternatively, select the first Plan Name in the reporting group.

Note: Ensure that you do not include the same plan in multiple
reporting groups with the purpose iRecruitment.

Any row (record) in this table can include a Program Name or a Plan Name, but not
both simultaneously. While it is unlikely that you would want to use the same
reporting group to report at the program and plan levels, you could do so by
choosing a Program Name for one record, and then choosing a Plan Name for each
subsequent record in the reporting group.

Note: When a plan is selected, the Regulatory Bodies and

Regulations button is enabled, indicating that you can define
regulatory bodies for, and associate regulations with, that plan.

6. Save your work.

Defining a Benefits Plan

You use the Plans window to date effectively define the plans that you offer to
employees and other eligible participants.

To define a benefits plan:

1. Set the effective date to the date on which you want to create the plan.

Note: You must create the plan with an effective date on or before
the first day of the enrollment period in which it will be used.

2. Enter the Name of this plan starting with a letter of the alphabet (not a number or

Note: By setting the profile option BEN: Compensation Objects

1-196 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Display Name Basis in the System Profile Values window, you can
choose whether compensation object names display in application
windows (both in the professional and Self-Service user interfaces)
based on the life event occurred on date or the user's session date.
The default option value is Session.

3. Select the plan Status.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in this plan, but could be in the
future if you change its status to Active. Eligibility processes operate on this plan in
"evaluate-only" mode, but do not create active records. Select the Pending status
when setting up a plan that possibly may not become Active.
Active: Eligible persons currently may be enrolled in this plan.
Inactive: Current participants may remain in this plan, but no new participants
may enroll in this plan.
Closed: No participants are enrolled in this plan, nor will any enroll in the future
(unless you reactivate the plan).

4. Enter a Short Name if you also refer to this plan by an abbreviation.

5. Enter a Short Code if you also refer to this plan by a code.

You can extract data for a compensation object based on its Short Name or Short

6. Select the plan type for which you are defining a plan in the Type field.

7. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier in the IVR field that
participants use to identify this plan using interactive voice response or telephony

8. Choose the Inception Date to specify the calendar date on which you first
introduced this plan.

9. Select if this plan must be in a program or may not be in a program in the Plan
Usage field.

Note: If you include this plan in a program, benefits eligibility is

determined when eligibility is determined for the program. If you
do not want to determine participant eligibility for this plan during
a specific time period, you can link a required dummy eligibility
profile to the plan (for example, a benefits group containing no
people) so that no persons are found eligible for the plan.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-197

10. Choose the General tabbed region.

11. Check the Savings Plan field if you are defining a savings plan.

12. Enter the COBRA Payment Day that corresponds to the day of the month on which
COBRA payments are due for this plan.
For example, 1 refers to the first day of each month.

13. Select the Primary Funding Method to specify the source of funds for this plan.

Self Insured: You self-insure to fund this plan.

Trust: A financial institution such as a bank maintains a trust to fund this plan.
Split: You self-insure as well as use a trust to fund this plan.
Fully Insured: You set up an annuity to fund this plan.

14. Select a Health Service code to describe the type of health service this plan provides.

15. Select the participant type whose coverage is subject to imputed income taxation in
the Subject to Imputed Income field. Choose either participant, dependent, or

16. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext link from this plan name
on an Oracle Self-Service Human Resources benefits enrollment web page to a URL
containing information about this plan. This URL can reside on an intranet or the
World Wide Web.

17. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of family members that
must be recorded in a participant's contact record in order for the participant to be
eligible for this plan.

18. Save your work.

Defining a Plan to Determine Eligibility for a Self-Service Action:

You can use Compensation and Benefits functionality as a generic engine to determine
eligibility for self-service actions. You define a plan to represent a sub action, such as
Promotion (Sales) or Promotion (Italy). After defining a plan type with the option type
Personnel Action, use the Plans window to define a sub action and link it to a form
function. When users choose the function from a menu, the application calculates each
person's eligibility for the action.
See: Set Up Eligibility Processing, Oracle HRMS Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
See: Overview of Self-Service Actions , Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and
Talent Management Guide
1. On the Miscellaneous tab, in the Personnel Action Function Name field, select the

1-198 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

name of the form function from the LOV.

2. Make sure to activate the Plan Years Not Applicable check box. Plan years do not
apply to self-service actions, and this step eliminates needless processing.

Maintaining Plan Related Details

You use the Maintain Plan Related Details window to:
• Associate a plan year period with a plan

• Associate a reporting group with a plan

• Associate reimbursable goods or services with a plan

• Associate regulations and reporting groups with a plan

• Associate an organization with a plan

Associating a Plan Year Period with a Plan

You associate a plan year period with a plan to define the period for which the plan is

To associate a plan year period with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you are associating a plan
year period and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Plan Year Periods tabbed region.

3. Enter a Seq (sequence) number to specify the order in which the system processes
this plan year period relative to any other plan year period for this plan.

4. Select the plan year period Start date.

The period end date displays based on the start date you select.

5. Save your work.

Associating a Reporting Group with a Plan

You can associate a plan to those reporting groups that you use to report on the plan.

To associate a reporting group with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you are associating a
reporting group and choose the Details button.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-199

2. Choose the Reporting Group tabbed region.

3. Select the Name of a reporting group that you use to report on this plan.
• Select more reporting groups, as necessary.

4. Save your work.

Associating Goods or Services with a Plan

You can associate the goods or services that your enterprise provides as a benefit or has
approved for reimbursement as part of a plan.

To associate a good or service with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you are associating goods or
services and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Goods or Services tabbed region.

3. Select the type of goods or services that you are associating with this plan in the
Type field.

4. Save your work.

Associating Regulations with a Plan

You can associate regulations with a plan and the reporting groups that support these

To associate a regulation or a reporting group with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you are associating a
regulation and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Regulations tabbed region.

3. Select a Regulation.

4. Select a Reporting Group associated with this regulation.

5. Complete the following fields based on the regulations that govern this plan. These
regulations support US non-discrimination legislation.
• Regulatory Plan Type is used to define the type of regulation that governs this
plan, such as Fringe benefit regulations or pension regulations.

• Contribution Nondiscrimination is used to identify those participants who

cause the plan to be out of compliance with contribution nondiscrimination

1-200 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


• Key Employee Determination is used to determine those participants who are

key in the context of the plan for nondiscrimination testing purposes.

• Highly Compensated Determination is used to determine those participants

who are highly compensated in the context of the plan for nondiscrimination
testing purposes.

• Five Percent Owner is used to determine those participants who are 5% owners
of the business.

• Coverage Nondiscrimination is used to identify those participants who cause

the plan to be out of compliance with coverage nondiscrimination provisions.

6. Save your work.

Associating an Organization with a Plan

You can associate organizations with a plan, such as third party administrators and
benefits suppliers. For example, you can link an organization to a plan when the
organization is a benefits supplier to whom you owe a monthly premium.

To define an organization for a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you are associating an
organization and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Organizations tabbed region.

3. Select the name of this Organization.

4. Enter the Customer Identifier this organization uses to identify this plan.

5. Enter the Policy or Group Number this organization uses to identify this plan.

6. Enter the Organization Role that describes the services this organization provides
for this plan.

7. Save your work.

Associating Options with a Plan

You use the Maintain Plan Options window to associate an option with a plan.
Advanced Benefits users can define how life event reasons impact a person's
participation eligibility for an option in a plan.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-201

To associate an option with a plan:
1. Enter or query a plan in the Plans window.

2. Choose the Options button.

3. Enter a Seq (sequence) number for an option you are associating with this plan if
you want the options to display in a particular order in the enrollment window.

Note: Advanced Benefits customers can use sequence numbers to

control the interim coverage assigned when an election is

4. Select an Option you are associating with this plan.

5. Select the Status of the option.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in this option, but could be in the
future if you change its status to Active. Eligibility processes operate on this option
in "evaluate-only" mode, but do not create active records. Select the Pending status
when setting up an option that possibly may not become Active.
Inactive: No participants currently are enrolled in this option in this plan, but may
be in the future.
Active: Participants currently may be enrolled in this option in this plan.
Closed: No participants are enrolled in this option in this plan, nor will any enroll
in the future (unless you reactivate the plan).

6. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the numeric identifier in the IVR field that
participants use to identify this option using interactive voice response or telephony

7. Enter the URL for this option in plan in the Web Address field if participants can
enroll in this option by using the product's self-service web interface.

8. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext link from this option
name on an Oracle Self-Service Human Resources benefits enrollment web page to
a URL containing information about this plan. This URL can reside on an intranet
or the World Wide Web.

9. Choose the Eligibility tab.

10. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Participation Eligibility Override Allowed
field if the standard eligibility criteria that this option inherits from this plan can be

1-202 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Checking this field is useful when you want to allow special circumstances for
participation in this option, such as a negotiated benefits package for a new hire.

11. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Track Ineligible Person field to cause the
system to track persons who are found ineligible for participation in this plan when
the Participation batch process is run.

Note: You use the View Participation Information window to view

the compensation objects for which a participant is either eligible or

Note: You must check this field if you determine benefits eligibility
based on temporal factors, such as age or length of service.

12. Choose the Dependent Criteria tab.

13. Select a person type or person type combination in the Eligibility Check field to
determine eligibility for this option for these person types.

14. Select if the participant's eligibility for this option is based on dependent eligibility
in the Eligibility Check field. Choose one:
• Participant: The participant is eligible if he or she meets the participant
eligibility requirements associated with the option. Eligibility for the option is
not based on dependent eligibility.

• Participant and Dependent: The participant is eligible only if he or she meets

the participant eligibility requirements associated with the option, and his or
her dependents meet the dependent eligibility profiles and designation
requirements associated with the option.

• Dependent Only: The participant is eligible if the participant's dependents

meet the dependent eligibility profiles and designation requirements associated
with the option. If you select this value, the system does not check for
participant eligibility.

15. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of family members that
must be recorded in a participant's contact record in order for that participant to be
eligible for this option.

Note: Family Members are recorded in the Contact window.

16. Save your work.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-203

Defining Options
You use the Options window to date effectively define, maintain, and delete options.

To define an option:
1. Enter a unique Name for the option you are defining starting with a letter of the
alphabet (not a number or symbol).

2. Enter a Short Name if you also refer to this option by an abbreviation.

3. Enter a Short Code if you also refer to this option by a code.

You can extract data for a compensation object based on its Short Name or Short

4. Check the Waive Option field if a person's election of this option represents the
waiver of coverage.

5. If this option is for a Compensation Workbench plan, select a Salary Component if

you want to link the option to a salary component.
At the end of a salary review cycle, a system administrator runs the Compensation
Workbench Post Process to update salary components with the new values stored
by the compensation components.
In the Required Period of Enrollment block:

6. Enter a Value that represents the length of time in which a person must be enrolled
in this option.

7. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

8. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the required period of enrollment for
this option.

9. Select one or more plan types you are associating with this option to indicate that
plans of this plan type may provide this option.
The option type displays in the Option Usage field to indicate the benefits category
for this option.

10. Save your work.

Defining Designation Requirements for an Option

You use the Designation Requirements window to limit the personal relationship types
that are covered by an option.
If you do not define designation requirements for an option, a participant can designate

1-204 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

a person of any relationship type as the designee for an option.
You can only have one designation profile per option, even if you associate the option
with more than one plan.

Note: Regardless of the designation requirements you define, you must

check the Personal Relationship field in the Contacts window in order
for a contact to display in a participant's list of eligible dependents.

To define designation requirements for an option:

1. Enter or query an option in the Options window and choose the Designation
Requirements button.

2. Select a Group Relationship for which you are defining designation requirements.

3. Specify if this designation requirement applies to dependents or beneficiaries in the

Type field.

4. Enter the minimum and maximum number of designees that can be covered under
this option or indicate that there is no minimum or maximum number of designees
by checking the appropriate field.

Note: Select a Group Relationship type of No Designees and enter

the maximum number of designees as zero for an employee only
coverage option.

5. Check the Cover All Eligible field if there is no minimum or maximum number of
designees for this option and you want to provide coverage to all designees who
meet your eligibility criteria.

6. Select one or more Relationship Types to include with this group relationship.

7. Save your work.

Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons

You use the Life Event Reasons window to date effectively define life events and their
associated processing.

To define general characteristics of a life event reason:

1. Set your effective date to the appropriate start date for this life event reason.

2. Enter a Name for this life event reason.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-205

Note: Use a noun for the life event reason name since this life event
may appear in communications that you send to participants.

3. Select a life event reason Type. Choose from a variety of types including:
• Absence: Select this type if you want entry and ending of absences to trigger
life events.

• Checklist: Select this type to trigger HR Checklist events for HR administrators.

• Compensation : Select this type if you are defining a life event for a
Compensation Workbench plan.

• Personal (Advanced Benefits only): Examples include Marriage, Divorce, and


• Scheduled (Advanced Benefits only): Examples include age and length of

service changes.

• Work (Advanced Benefits only): Examples include Change in Job Assignment,

New Hire, and Termination.

• iRecruitment: Select this type if you are defining a life event for compensation
plans for iRecruitment applicants.

4. If you selected Absence as the Type, select the Life Event Operation Code: Delete
Event, Start Event, or End Event. For example, to set up the life event reason that
detects entry of an absence end date, select End Event.

5. Select an Evaluation Rule to apply to this life event reason. You can use an
evaluation rule to define:
• How to combine multiple detected life events into one

• How to fully detect a life event when its detection is complex

• When to eliminate a previously detected life event.

6. Enter a description of the life event in the Description field.

7. Select a Life Event Treatment code if you want to limit the detection of seeded
temporal life events. Choose from:
• Do Not Detect Past Temporal Events: Prevents the detection of past temporal
events while the application processes this life event.

1-206 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Do Not Detect Past or Future Temporal Events: Prevents temporal event
detection while the application processes this life event. Use this code with the
seeded open and administrative events, or any other explicit events, when you
do not want to detect temporal events.

• Never Detect This Temporal Life Event: Prevents the automatic detection of a
specific temporal event. Set this code for any seeded temporal event, such as
Age Change or Length of Service Change, that you do not want to detect, such
as for mid-year changes.

8. Select a Timeliness Evaluation code to indicate how the system processes potential
life events that fall outside a time period that you define.
By default, the Timeliness Evaluation field is set to Process Potential Life Event

9. Do one of the following:

• Enter the number of days after the life event occurred beyond which the system
does not process this potential life event in the Timeliness Days field.
By default, Timeliness days is set to 90.

Note: By selecting timeliness evaluation and timeliness days

values for user-defined events, you can avoid over writing
processed life events during retroactive batch processing.

• Select a Timeliness Period if the potential life event should be voided or

processed manually because it occurred prior to the current calendar year.

• Select a Rule that controls your timeliness definition.

Note: The Timeliness Days and Timeliness Period fields are

mutually exclusive.

10. Select an Occurred Date Determination code that controls if the life event is
processed according to the date the event occurred or the date the event was
recorded in the system.

Note: By setting the profile option BEN: Comp Objects Display

Name Basis in the System Profile Values window, you can choose
whether compensation object names display in application
windows (both in the professional and Self-Service user interfaces)
based on the life event occurred on date or the user's session date.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-207

The default profile option value is Session.

11. If you want to link a life event reason to a self-service process, select a value in the
Selectable for Self Service field to indicate in which processes this life event should
be available.
• All--the life event can be selected in all self-service processes

• Add/Update/Delete Family Members--the life event can be selected in Self-

Service Benefits when the user adds, updates, or end dates a family member

• Add/Update Family Members--the life event can be selected in Self-Service

Benefits when the user adds or updates a family member contact

• Delete Family Members--the life event can be selected in Self-Service Benefits

when the user end dates a family member contact

• Basic Registration--the life event can be selected in the New Employee

Registration process

• COBRA Registration--the life event can be selected in the Non-employee

Registration process

• Basic and COBRA Registration--the life event can be selected in both the New
Employee and the Non-Employee Registration processes

Note: In Self-Service Benefits, a user can select life event reasons

with a Selectable for Self Service value of All, Add/Update/Delete
Family Members, or Delete Family Members as valid reasons for
ending a relationship between the primary participant and a
dependent or beneficiary.

Note: Do not use the Life Events page in self-service registration if

you are the employer of benefits recipients. This page is only for
third party benefits providers.

See: Configuring the New Employee and Non-Employee Registration Processes,

Oracle HRMS Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

12. Select the appropriate value from the Show Primary Care Providers in Self Service
to display or hide primary care providers in Self-Service for this life event. By
default, the application displays all the primary care providers in Self-Service for
this life event.

1-208 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

13. Select the Check Related Persons Eligibility field if the system generates a related
person life event when the primary participant experiences this life event.
If you select the Check Related Persons Eligibility field, complete the Causes
Related Person Life Events block as described in step 15, page 1-209

14. Select the Override field if this life event is the overriding life event in the case of
the collision of two or more life events.

Note: When two or more overriding life events collide, no life event
is selected as the winner. You use the Potential Life Events form to
select the winning life event.

15. Select the COBRA Qualifying Life Event field if this life event impacts eligibility for
US COBRA benefits.

16. Select the name of the related person life event this life event triggers in the Causes
Related Person Life Event field.
Repeat this step for each related person life event that is triggered by this life event.

17. Save your work.

Next Step
Associating a Person Change With a Life Event, Oracle HRMS Compensation and
Benefits Management Guide

Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution

You create a separate contribution or distribution activity rate calculation for each plan
or option in your benefits offering that requires a contribution or distribution. After you
link the calculation to the plan or option, you define the calculation.
You date effectively maintain standard contributions and distributions using the
Standard Rates window. You can also use Total Compensation Setup Wizard, Oracle
HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide to update multiple rates

To define an activity rate for a standard contribution/distribution:

1. Enter or query the standard contribution or distribution that you are defining in the
Name field.

2. Select the Status of this activity rate.

Pending: This plan or option in plan currently does not use this calculation, but
could in the future if you change the Status of this calculation to Active. Select the

Implementing iRecruitment 1-209

Pending status when setting up a standard contribution/distribution calculation
that possibly may not become Active.
Active: The system currently calculates this standard contribution/distribution for
this plan or option in plan.
Inactive: The system currently does not calculate this standard
contribution/distribution for this plan or option in plan.
Closed: The system currently does not calculate this standard
contribution/distribution, nor will it do so in the future.

3. Choose the General tabbed region if it is not already selected.

4. Select the Level in the compensation object hierarchy at which you are defining the
activity rate.

5. Select the Compensation Object for which you are defining the activity rate.

6. Select an Activity Type code that identifies the business function this calculation
performs, such as an Employee Contribution or an Employer Payroll Distribution.

7. Select the Tax Type indicating the tax impact of this calculation to participants.
You select this Tax Type primarily for classification purposes; the payroll system is
primarily responsible for processing taxability.

8. Select a Usage code that limits the use of this activity rate to a particular kind of
contribution or distribution.

9. Select a UOM (unit of measure) to express the result of this calculation if this
activity rate is for a non-monetary distribution.

10. Select an Element Determination Rule. The application uses this rule to determine
an employee's currency for the worksheet amount rate if you choose a
Determination Code of Automatic or do not choose a determination code.
See: Defining Processing Information for a Standard Contribution/Distribution,
Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

11. Select the Element you defined that corresponds to this activity rate definition.

Note: Set up your elements as a prerequisite to defining your

activity rates. If your element definition changes, you must re-
attach the element to the rate. For an absence plan, you must also
re-select the Extra Input Rule and re-map the input values to
formula results.

12. Check the Element and Input Value Required field.

1-210 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

13. Select the Input Value for the activity rate, such as pay value.

14. If you are defining a rate for an absence plan and you need to associate more than
one input value with the activity rate, select the Extra Input Rule. This is a formula
that calculates the values to be returned to the other input values. When you have
finished defining the rate, choose the Extra Inputs button to associate the formula
results with the appropriate input values.

15. Check the Uses Variable Rate field if the result of this calculation varies due to some
factor or other piece of discreet data about the participant and you associate a
variable rate profile with the calculation.
To associate a variable rate profile to this activity rate, see Associating a Variable
Rate Profile with a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation, Oracle HRMS
Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

16. Select the Parent/Child code to specify whether this calculation is a parent activity
rate (the primary activity rate) or a child activity rate (dependent upon the parent
activity rate).

17. Check the Subject to Imputed Income field if the activity rate for this compensation
object is governed by US imputed income regulations.

18. Save your work.

Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define special enrollment
requirements for plans that you do not associate with a program.

To define enrollment requirements for a not in program plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirements in the Plan
The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of the plan statuses, see
Defining a Benefits Plan, page 1-196.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select the Not in Program tabbed

3. For Advanced Benefits users, select a Default Enrollment Code or Rule to define
how the system processes enrollments when a participant fails to make an election.
See: Enrollment Codes, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Note: If an option in this plan is the default option, you must still

Implementing iRecruitment 1-211

select this plan as the default plan.

4. Save your work.

1-212 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Setting Up Agencies

Setting Up Agencies
Follow these steps to set up agencies to enable agency users to work with the
iRecruitment Agencies functionality:
1. Define agencies as suppliers
Record the information about agencies that your enterprise works with in the
Suppliers window of Oracle Services Procurement. Define the agency with the
classification of iRecruitment Job Agency to show the agency in the application. If
you do not use Oracle Services Procurement, add the Customer and Supplier Setup
menu or individual functions from the menu to an existing menu that users access
through their standard responsibilities. For further information about the functions
in the Customer and Supplier Setup menu, see the Oracle Payables User Guide in the
Oracle Financial Applications documentation.

2. Create a person record in Oracle HRMS

Create a person record for an agency or agency user using the People window in
Oracle HRMS. Unlike the employee or contingent worker record, this record need
not represent an actual person. You could set up one person record for all users at
an agency to use iRecruitment. Enter the details that the agency provides and any
mandatory information that Oracle HRMS requires. Select Contact as the person
type to identify the record as an external person record. You associate this person
record with the user record to enable the agency access to iRecruitment.
See: Entering a New Person (People Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing,
Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

3. Create a user record to enable an agency user to access iRecruitment

Create a user record for an agency user to access iRecruitment. Define the user and
assign the iRecruitment Agency responsibility to the user in the Users window of
the System Administrator responsibility. In the Person field, select the person
record that you defined in step 2. You associate the user record with the person
record to identify the agency user who accesses iRecruitment.

Note: Depending on the business need, you can create one user per
person or one user for all agency people to access iRecruitment. If
you create multiple user records and want all the agency users to
access the same functionality, then assign the appropriate
responsibility to all the user records.

See: Users Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Implementing iRecruitment 1-213

4. Set the profile options for agencies
• To define which agency the agency user belongs to, set the name of the agency
as the value for the IRC: Agency Name profile option. Typically you set this
profile option at the user level to identify the agency users.

• To determine the default maximum number of applicants that agencies can

submit for a vacancy, set the default value for the IRC: Default Max. Applicants
profile option. You can set the value at different levels:
• To specify the same default value for all your managers set the value at the
site level.

• To specify different default values for the manager responsibility and

manager users set the values at the responsibility and user levels.

See: Profile Options, page 1-57

5. Configure the agency menu, if required

To enable an agency to edit a vacancy, add the following functions to the
iRecruitment Agency responsibility. These functions are not available with the IRC
Agency Menu by default.
• Irc Vacancy New Launch Workflow (IRC_VAC_NEW_LAUNCH_WF)

• Irc Vacancy View (IRC_VAC_VIEW)

• Irc Vacancy Details - Edit (IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT)

• Irc Vacancy Skills - Edit (IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT)

• Irc Vacancy Team - Edit (IRC_VAC_TEAM_EDIT)

• Irc Vacancy Posting - Edit (IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT)

• Irc Vacancy Review - Edit (IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT)

Agency users can use the Update button on the Vacancy page to edit the vacancy
information. To enable agency users to navigate to the Home page after submitting
the updated vacancy, you must set the IRC: Homepage Function profile option
value to IRC_AGENCY_HOME at the iRecruitment Agency responsibility level.
See: Defining Menus, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

6. Set up the login URL for agency users to access iRecruitment

Agency users access iRecruitment through E-Business suite login page. For
information on how to make this login page accessible through a firewall, see DMZ

1-214 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 12 (Note: 380490.1) on My Oracle Support.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-215

iRecruitment High Availability

iRecruitment High Availability

Oracle iRecruitment provides the High Availability (HA) functionality to maintain the
candidate job site even if the instance (primary) that hosts the job site is down for
maintenance, such as application of patches or hardware updates.
You set up a secondary (HA) instance of iRecruitment that you use when the primary
instance is unavailable. The HA instance includes a basic job site that enables job
seekers to apply for jobs and enter basic information such as their e-mail address, first
name, and last name.

Important: The iRecruitment High Availability solution supports only

iRecruitment Candidate functionality. Managers and other users must
not use the HA system since any data which they process will not be
synchronized with the primary instance.

Features of the High Availability Candidate Job Site

Job seekers can:
• Search for jobs using search criteria such as data posted and location of the job.

• View details of vacancies such as organization, location and vacancy requirements.

• Apply for jobs when they identify suitable vacancies. The HA instance takes the site
visitor through a slightly different job application process. When the site visitor
applies for a job, they provide details such as their e-mail address, last name, first
name, and upload a resume for their job application. iRecruitment checks the e-mail
address to see if they are a registered user. If the site visitor is a registered user, then
they provide their password to submit the job application. Otherwise, the
application prompts the user to enter registration information before they apply for
the job.

Candidate Account on the HA Instance

When the site visitor provides the registration details as part of the job application
process, the HA instance creates a new user account for the newly registered user. It
subsequently recognizes the person as an existing user if the person applies for another
job. When the system administrator copies the user details to the primary instance, and
runs the iRecruitment HA Process Applications concurrent program, the program
creates a new iRecruitment account for the user in the primary instance and makes the
actual job application.

1-216 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Data Synchronization
You must ensure that the latest applicant and vacancy data is available on both the
primary and HA instances. The method of data transfer depends on factors, such as the
database version and the physical arrangement of the servers and it varies across
enterprises. Oracle provides sample scripts to help you transfer the data.
To enable efficient job searches and to display job details, you must keep the tables in
synchronization between the primary and the HA instances.
For information on the sample scripts and data synchronization between the instances,
refer to the High Availability Streams Processes technical brief available on My Oracle
Support note number: 299180.1.

Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option

The IRC: Availability profile option defines the mode in which the primary and the HA
instances run. You set this profile option on the primary and the HA instances to
transition between the two instances to support the candidate job site.
The profile option values are:
This value indicates that the complete iRecruitment functionality is available. This is the
default value and you must set it only on the primary instance.
High Availability
This value indicates that only the limited High Availability functionality is available. Set
this value only on the HA instance. When set, site visitors cannot log in or use the
complete registration functionality. They can only search and apply for jobs. During the
application process, if the person is not an existing iRecruitment registered user, the HA
instance prompts the person to register before they apply for a job.
HA Information
This value indicates that an alternate job site with limited features is available. Select
this value on the primary and HA instances in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Set this value on the primary instance before the maintenance downtime to
indicate the availability of the candidate job site on the HA instance. When you set this
value, the primary instance automatically directs the site visitors to the candidate job
site on the HA instance. Site visitors who have already accessed the candidate job site
on the primary instance cannot log in or register. The job site displays an instruction
message that informs site visitors to access the alternate candidate job site to search and
apply for jobs. It prompts the users who have already logged in to complete their work
and log out. Managers can continue their work and by default will not see any
information messages on their pages.
Scenario 2: Set this value on the HA instance when the candidate job site is available

Implementing iRecruitment 1-217

again on the primary instance and is in the Full functionality mode. When you set this
value, the HA instance automatically redirects the new site visitors to the candidate job
site on the primary instance. The HA instance displays an information message to the
site visitors who have already accessed the candidate job site to access the job site on the
primary instance. Registered users who are in the process of submitting their job
applications in the HA instance can complete their work. If the person is not an
iRecruitment registered user, the HA instance directs the person to the candidate job
site on the primary instance.
HA Redirect
This value suspends all user actions on either the primary instance or the HA instance
and informs the users that an alternate instance is available to search and apply for jobs.
Set this value on the primary and HA instances in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: Set this value on the primary instance after the instance is in the HA
Information mode for a specific period. When you set the profile option to HA Redirect,
the primary instance informs the site visitors, or candidates to access the candidate job
site on the HA instance to search and apply for jobs. Managers cannot access the HA
instance when the primary instance is down for maintenance.
Scenario 2: Set this value on the HA instance after it has been in the HA Information
mode for a specific period of time. When you set the profile option to HA Redirect, the
HA instance automatically redirects the site visitors and candidates to the job site on the
primary instance.
The following table gives a combination of values that you set for the primary and HA
instances when switching between the instances.

Combination of values that you set when switching between instances

Primary Instance High Availability Instance

Full HA Redirect

HA Info High Availability

HA Redirect High Availability

Full HA Info

Setting up the High Availability Instance

Follow these steps to set up the high availability instance:
1. Build the HA instance using one of the following methods:

1-218 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Make a full copy of the primary instance.

• Install a clean instance and create all data required for the iRecruitment Site
Visitor functionality such as custom responsibilities, business groups and
organizations necessary for security, lookup values, profile options, and any
personalizations applicable to the High Availability pages.
You must have a unique URL for each instance to run the primary and HA
instances simultaneously. You can either have a different domain name for the
HA instance or run HA with the same domain name but on a different port.
Make sure you change the Web Agent profiles to reflect the URL.

Note: The URLs for both instances must be full domain names,
and not the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

2. Set the IRC: Alternate Instance profile option for both the HA and primary
For information on IRC: Alternate Instance profile option, see: Profile Options, page

3. Ensure that all profile options are set to the correct functions to be used in the HA
candidate job site.
For information on the IRC: Apply for a Job Function, IRC: HA Job Search Function,
and IRC: HA Login Page Function profile options, see: Profile Options, page 1-57

Transition from a Primary Instance to an HA Instance and Back to the

The following steps take you through a complete cycle of using an HA instance when
you carry out maintenance and shutdown your primary instance. You must complete
the steps in sequence to ensure a smooth transition.

How to Transition from a Primary Instance to an HA Instance and back to

the Primary:
Prerequisites: Both the primary and HA URLs start off pointing to the same middle-tier
instance. Set the values as given in the example:
"primary url" - Primary Machine
"ha url" - Primary Machine
Note that the primary instance is running in the FULL mode.
1. Run your scripts to copy data from the primary instance to the HA instance.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-219

See: Data Synchronization, page 1-217

2. Start the HA instance application server, if it is not already running.

3. Set the IRC: Availability Mode profile option to High Availability on the HA
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-217

4. Change your network settings as given in this example:

"primary url" - PrimaryMachine
"ha url" - HAMachine

5. Set the IRC: HA Information Message profile option on the primary instance to
inform the users about the downtime of the primary instance.
For information on the IRC: HA Information Message profile option, see: Profile
Options, page 1-57

6. Enter the time from when the primary instance will be unavailable in the IRC:
System Down Time profile option.
For information on the IRC: HA Information Message and IRC: System Down Time
profile option, see: Profile Options, page 1-57

7. Set the IRC: Availability Mode profile option to HA Information at the site level on
the primary instance.
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-217

8. Set the IRC: HA Redirect Information Message profile option to display appropriate
messages to your users and managers. .
See: Profile Options, page 1-57

9. Set the IRC: Availability Mode profile option to HA Redirect on the primary
instance. This suspends all users actions on the primary instance.
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-218

10. Re-run your scripts to copy any data created since step 1 from the primary instance
to the HA instance.
See: Data Synchronization, page 1-217

11. Change your network setting as given in the example:

"primary url" - HAMachine

"ha url" - HAMachine

1-220 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

12. Shut down the primary instance and complete the maintenance tasks.

13. Set the IRC: Available Mode profile option to Full on the primary instance when the
maintenance work is complete.
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-217

14. Run your SQL script to copy data from the IRC_PENDING_DATA table on the HA
instance to the IRC_PENDING_DATA table on the primary instance.
See: Data Synchronization, page 1-217

15. Run the iRecruitment HA Process Applications concurrent program on primary

instance to process the data of application users.
See: Running the iRecruitment HA Process Applications, page 1-253

16. Change your network setting as given in the example:

"primary url" - PrimaryMachine

"ha url" - HAMachine

17. Set the IRC: Available Mode profile option on the HA instance to the HA
Information when the iRecruitment HA Process Applications concurrent program is
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-217

18. Set the IRC: Availability Mode profile option on the HA instance to HA Redirect at
the site level.
See: Setting the IRC Availability Profile Option, page 1-218

19. Re-run the SQL script to copy any data from the IRC_PENDING_DATA table on
the HA instance created since step 13 to the table on the primary instance and run
the iRecruitment HA Process Applications concurrent program to process the
copied applications.
See: Data Synchronization, page 1-217

20. Change your network setting as given in this example:

"primary url" - PrimaryMachine

"ha url" - HAMachine

Your transition from the primary instance to the HA instance and back again is now

Implementing iRecruitment 1-221

Extending iRecruitment

Workflow Business Events

Workflow business events are trigger points in an application which can be used to
drive custom code, for example, workflow notifications, and other workflow processes.
iRecruitment allows you to use workflow business events to define your processing
logic. For example, you may choose to create a workflow process to send a notification
to a candidate on receipt of an application. Alternatively, you could create a workflow
process to notify an HR manager if a vacancy is created.
For more information on the Oracle Workflow Builder and business events, see the
following sections in the Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide:
• Overview of Oracle Workflow

• Overview of Oracle Workflow Builder

• Managing Business Events

Oracle provides workflow business events for all APIs used in iRecruitment.
• For a list of iRecruitment business events, see: Business Events in iRecruitment,
page 1-223
The names of the workflow business events are structured as follows:
• oracle.apps.<product>.<subproduct>.api.<object>.<event>

• For example, oracle.apps.per.api.vacancy.create_vacancy


Note: You can also display the list of events using the Workflow
Administrator Event Manager responsibility. Select the Find Event
Groups function and search for events with the name oracle.apps.

• The full list of public APIs and the purpose of each API is available in the Oracle
Integration Repository. See: Oracle Integration Repository Overview, Oracle
Integration Repository User Guide

The business events are triggered at the same time as the After Process API user hook.
The business event is also able to use all of the data passed to the After Process API user

1-222 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Workflow Business Events and XML Data
You may choose to include XML data in your workflow processes. This enables you to
customize a notification to include a specific vacancy name, for example. The XML data
is passed to the workflow business event using the event message (notification). To
include XML in your notifications, you include the Get XML Value function in your
workflow process.
For more information, see the section, Managing Business Events in the Oracle Workflow
Developer's Guide.

Business Events in iRecruitment

The following table lists all the business events supplied with Oracle iRecruitment. For
further information on using business events see: Workflow Business Events, page 1-237

Business Events supplied with Oracle iRecruitment

Name Internal Name

Accept Apl Asg oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.accept_apl_asg

Activate Apl Asg oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.activate_apl_asg

Interview1 Apl oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.interview1_apl_asg


Interview2 Apl oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.interview2_apl_asg


Offer Apl Asg oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.offer_apl_asg

Terminate Apl oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.terminate_apl_asg


Update Apl oracle.apps.per.api.application.update_apl_details


Create Secondary oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.create_secondary_apl_asg

Apl Asg

Update Apl Asg oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_apl_asg

Implementing iRecruitment 1-223

Name Internal Name

Create oracle.apps.per.api.competence_element.create_competence_element

Delete oracle.apps.per.api.competence_element.delete_competence_element

Update oracle.apps.per.api.competence_element.update_competence_element

Create Attended oracle.apps.per.api.estab_attendances.create_attended_estab


Update Attended oracle.apps.per.api.estab_attendances.update_attended_estab


Delete Attended oracle.apps.per.api.estab_attendances.delete_attended_estab


Update Person oracle.apps.per.api.person.update_person

Create Phone

Delete Phone

Update Phone

Create Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.create_previous_employer


Create Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.create_previous_job


Delete Prev Job oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment_api.delete_prev_job_extra_info

Extra Info

Delete Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.delete_previous_employer


1-224 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Name Internal Name

Delete Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.delete_previous_job


Update Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.update_previous_employer


Update Previous oracle.apps.per.api.previous_employment.update_previous_job


Create oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.create_qualification

Delete oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.delete_qualification

Update oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.update_qualification

Create Rec oracle.apps.per.api.rec_activity_for.create_rec_activity_for

Activity For

Delete Rec oracle.apps.per.api.rec_activity_for.delete_rec_activity_for

Activity For

Update Rec oracle.apps.per.api.rec_activity_for.update_rec_activity_for

Activity For

Create oracle.apps.per.api.recruitment_activity.create_recruitment_activity

Delete oracle.apps.per.api.recruitment_activity.delete_recruitment_activity

Update oracle.apps.per.api.recruitment_activity.update_recruitment_activity

Create oracle.apps.per.api.requisitions.create_requisition

Implementing iRecruitment 1-225

Name Internal Name

Delete oracle.apps.per.api.requisitions.delete_requisition

Update oracle.apps.per.api.requisitions.update_requisition

Create Vacancy oracle.apps.per.api.vacancy.create_vacancy

Delete Vacancy oracle.apps.per.api.vacancy.delete_vacancy

Update Vacancy oracle.apps.per.api.vacancy.update_vacancy

Create Irc Asg oracle.apps.per.irc.api.asg_status.create_irc_asg_status


Delete Irc Asg oracle.apps.per.irc.api.asg_status.delete_irc_asg_status


Update Irc Asg oracle.apps.per.irc.api.asg_status.update_irc_asg_status


Create Default oracle.apps.per.irc.api.default_posting.create_default_posting


Delete Default oracle.apps.per.irc.api.default_posting.delete_default_posting


Update Default oracle.apps.per.irc.api.default_posting.update_default_posting


Create Document oracle.apps.per.irc.api.document_api.create_document

Delete Document oracle.apps.per.irc.api.document_api.delete_document

Update oracle.apps.per.irc.api.document_api.update_document

Create Job Basket oracle.apps.per.irc.api.job_basket_items.create_job_basket_item


1-226 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Name Internal Name

Delete Job Basket oracle.apps.per.irc.api.job_basket_items.delete_job_basket_item


Create oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notification_prefs.create_notification_prefs
Notification Prefs

Delete oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notification_prefs.delete_notification_prefs
Notification Prefs

Update oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notification_prefs.update_notification_prefs
Notification Prefs

Create Registered


Create User

Registered User


Registered User

Create Posting oracle.apps.per.irc.api.posting_content.create_posting_content


Delete Posting oracle.apps.per.irc.api.posting_content.delete_posting_content


Update Posting oracle.apps.per.irc.api.posting_content.update_posting_content


Create Rec Team oracle.apps.per.irc.api.rec_team_members.create_rec_team_member


Delete Rec Team oracle.apps.per.irc.api.rec_team_members.delete_rec_team_member


Update Rec Team oracle.apps.per.irc.api.rec_team_members.update_rec_team_member


Implementing iRecruitment 1-227

Name Internal Name

Delete Recruiting oracle.apps.per.irc.api.recruiting_sites.delete_recruiting_site


Update oracle.apps.per.irc.api.recruiting_sites.update_recruiting_site
Recruiting Site

Create Saved oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.create_saved_search


Create Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.create_vacancy_criteria


Delete Saved oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.delete_saved_search


Delete Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.delete_vacancy_criteria


Update Saved oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.update_saved_search


Update Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.update_vacancy_criteria


Create Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.vacancy_considerations.

Consideration create_vacancy_consideration

Delete Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.vacancy_considerations.

Consideration delete_vacancy_consideration

Update Vacancy oracle.apps.per.irc.api.vacancy_considerations.

Consideration update_vacancy_consideration

Create Variable oracle.apps.per.irc.api.variable_comp_element.

Compensation create_variable_compensation

Delete Variable oracle.apps.per.irc.api.variable_comp_element.

Compensation delete_variable_compensation

Create Work oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.create_work_choices


1-228 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Name Internal Name

Update Work oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.update_work_choices


Delete Work oracle.apps.per.irc.api.search_criteria.delete_work_choices


Offer Apl Asg oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.offer_apl_asg

Create Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offer_status_history.create_offer_status_history

Status History

Delete Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offer_status_history.delete_offer_status_history

Status History

Update Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offer_status_history.update_offer_status_history

Status History

Create Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offers.create_offer

Delete Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offers.delete_offer

Update Offer oracle.apps.per.irc.api.offers.update_offer

Create Agency oracle.apps.per.irc.api.agency_vacancies.create_agency_vacancy


Update Agency oracle.apps.per.irc.api.agency_vacancies.update_agency_vacancy


Delete Agency oracle.apps.per.irc.api.agency_vacancies.delete_agency_vacancy


Create Note oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notes.create_note

Update Note oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notes.update_note

Delete Note oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notes.delete_note

Create Template oracle.apps.per.irc.api.template_association.create_template_association


Implementing iRecruitment 1-229

Name Internal Name

Update Template oracle.apps.per.irc.api.template_association.update_template_association


Delete Template oracle.apps.per.irc.api.template_association.delete_template_association


Create Location oracle.apps.per.irc.api.location_criteria_val.create_location_criteria


Create Prof Area oracle.apps.per.irc.api.prof_area_criteria_val.create_prof_area_criteria


IRC Generic oracle.apps.per.irc.common.notifications


Publicly Callable Business Process APIs in iRecruitment

Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs) are a logical grouping of all external
process routines. The Oracle HRMS API strategy delivers a set of PL/SQL packages
procedures and functions that provide an open interface to the database.
Oracle® Integration Repository, an integral part of Oracle E-Business Suite, is a
compilation of information about the numerous interface endpoints exposed by Oracle
applications. The full list of public APIs and the purpose of each API is available in the
integration repository. See: Oracle Integration Repository Overview, Oracle Integration
Repository User Guide
For information on how to access and use Oracle Integration Repository, see: Accessing
Oracle Integration Repository, Oracle Integration Repository User Guide
For information on how to call APIs, see the technical essay APIs in Oracle HRMS,
Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide

Predefined Notifications
There are a number of predefined notifications supplied with iRecruitment. These
notifications are sent when certain actions occur in iRecruitment, for example when a
manager refers a candidate to another manager.
To edit the content of these notification messages log on to the application using an
Application Developer responsibility use the Messages window.

1-230 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Daily e-mail to candidates about new vacancies

Manager refers candidates to other managers


Daily e-mail to managers about candidates matching their vacancies


Candidate refers a vacancy to another candidate


Manager pursues a candidate


General e-mail to candidates


New password is sent to a candidate


Implementing iRecruitment 1-231


Mail to a user who registered on the HA instance about their new account

Mail to a user who registered on the HA instance about the status of their job application

Mail to a user who registered on the HA instance to upload their resume again

Mail to a manager about an accepted offer


Mail to an applicant about their expired offer


Mail to a manager about an expired offer


1-232 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Mail to an applicant about their offer approaching the closing date

Mail to a manager about an offer approaching the closing date


Mail to a manager about an offer on hold


Offer to an applicant

Applicant rejects offer


Offer sent to an applicant


Application status change

Mail to candidates

Implementing iRecruitment 1-233

Mail to managers and recruiters

Apply for jobs

Mail to candidates when managers, recruiters, or employees apply on behalf of the
Mail to managers or recruiters when candidates, managers, recruiters, or employees
apply for jobs
Mail to a referrer when managers, candidates, or recruiters apply for jobs

Mail to candidates about incorrect employee referral information in a new job application

Manager updates referral information in job application

Mail to candidates
Mail to referrers

Mail on communication messages

To managers, recruiters, and any other recruiting team members, if included

1-234 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

To candidates

Communication updated or message created

Mail to managers, recruiters, and any other recruiting team members if included
To candidates

Request reconsideration of application

To managers or recruiters

Reconsideration of application acknowledgement

To candidates

Candidate registration
To candidates when an employee registers
To candidates when candidate self-registration happens
To referrers when candidates fill up or update profile

Implementing iRecruitment 1-235


Mail to candidates about incorrect employee referral information in candidate profiles


Mail to candidates when managers update candidate profiles


Mail to managers and recruiters on interview feedback update


Mail to managers, recruiters, and interviewers on interview creation


Mail to managers, recruiters, and interviewers on interview update


Mail to candidates about scheduled interviews or updated interviews


Mail to interviewers who are added to an interview


Mail to interviewers who are no longer part of an interview


1-236 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Mail to managers and recruiters when candidates withdraw applications

Mail to an employee referrer when a referral applicant accepts an offer


Mail when a manager withdraws an offer

To an applicant
To a manager, recruiter or vacancy creator

Mail when a manager records an applicant's response when the applicant declines offer
after acceptance
To an applicant
To a manager or recruiter

Using Workflow Business Events

Oracle iRecruitment provides a sample business event: iRecruitment Sample Business

Implementing iRecruitment 1-237

Event (IRC_EVT).
The Create Vacancy Sample Process within the IRC_EVT business event can be
triggered whenever a vacancy is created and a notification is sent to a specified user to
inform them that the event has taken place.
Oracle recommends that you use the delivered business events to create your own
workflow processes to suit the particular requirements of your enterprise.
See the Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide for detailed information on:
1. Creating workflow processes using business events

2. Subscribing to business events

3. Testing your business event subscriptions

For a list of delivered iRecruitment business events, see: Business Events in

iRecruitment, page 1-223.

1-238 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Info Online Links to Information Provider Websites

Info Online Links to Information Provider Web Sites

Info Online is a generic framework to integrate Oracle Applications with partner
applications. Info Online enables users to access information from third-party providers
and integrations. Once the links have been enabled, users can access an information
provider web site directly from a button or link on an Oracle HRMS window or self-
service web page. Depending on the level of configuration available, the link can lead
directly to a page relevant to the window or even the record on which the user is
For example, someone entering tax information might access a web site providing up-
to-date information on tax regulations, or an administrator looking at benefit details for
an employee could open a web page providing documentation for that employee's
benefit plan.

Note: Info Online was previously known as the Knowledge Integrator.

See: Accessing Information Provider Web Sites, page 1-239

See: Integration between Oracle HRMS Products and Information Providers, page 1-241

Accessing Information Provider Web Sites

Oracle HRMS supports two versions of Info Online. The HR: KI Framework Version
profile option value identifies the Info Online version.

Info Online Version 1

If the system administrator sets the profile to Version 1, users can access:
• RIA (Research Institute of America) through the user interface for some payroll

• Authoria, a provider of health insurance and compensation information, through

links on some Benefits self-service web pages

• My Oracle Support , Oracle's support web site, through the Info Online button from
the user interface

Info Online Version 2

If the system administrator sets the profile to Version 2, users can access:

Implementing iRecruitment 1-239

• My Oracle Support and iLearning on self-service web pages in which the content
container has been included

• Transcentive through the menu link from the professional user interface and self-
services pages, after completing the setup steps.

• Enwisen through Oracle HRMS products after completing the setup steps

• Any other information provider with whom your enterprise has an agreement.

Accessing Information Providers from Oracle HRMS Interface

Info Online Button on Oracle HRMS Windows
Once the system administrator enables the links between Oracle HRMS and the
information provider pages, users access information provider web sites from the user
interface by clicking the Info Online button on the Oracle HRMS toolbar, or by selecting
Tools > Info Online from the menu (Shift+Control+F7). This button is enabled in
windows for which information provider links have been configured and enabled.

Note: Shift+Control+F7 is the key sequence currently mapped to

Function 7. Choose Help -> Keyboard on the menu to determine the
actual key combination. The Oracle Forms Deployment Guide explains
how to change this key assignment in the Oracle Terminal resource file

Clicking the Info Online button first opens a list of values, displaying a list of links to
any information provider web sites that are enabled for the current window. When the
user selects a value from the list, a browser window opens at the appropriate page.
If the user chooses the Info Online button from a window for which no links to
information provider web sites are enabled, no list of values appears.
Users can control the behavior of the Info Online button using the Open in New
Window option on the Tools menu. When this option is checked, each new search
opens in a new browser window. This option allows users to compare results from
different queries side by side, but the windows remain open until the user specifically
closes them. When this option is unchecked, the page appears in the last browser
window opened.
Info Online Content Container on the Oracle HRMS Products' Pages
Users access information provider web sites from the self-service web pages either
through links on Benefits pages or through the Info Online content container. The list of
applicable topics and providers appear alphabetically in the content container. See: Info
Online Content Container, page 1-242

1-240 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Integration between Oracle HRMS Products and Information Providers

Information Providers
Integration is available between Oracle HRMS and the following information providers:

My Oracle Support
My Oracle Support web site provides access to the latest product information,
discussion forums, bug fixes, and patch information for Oracle HRMS, as well as
enabling users to contact Oracle Support. Integration is available for all Oracle HRMS
windows in the user interface in KI Framework Version 1 and for self-service web pages
which include the content container in KI Framework Version 2. This integration is
available for all legislations.
See My Oracle Support Note 229585.1 for details of how to set up links from Oracle
HRMS to My Oracle Support pages.

Authoria HR
Integration is available between a number of Oracle Advanced Benefits windows and
self-service pages and the third-party product Authoria HR in KI Framework Version 1.
This integration is available for UK and US legislations. See: Links to Authoria HR,
Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide
Also see My Oracle Support Note 215637.1 for details of how to set up links from Oracle
HRMS to Authoria HR pages.

RIA PCP on Checkpoint

Integration is available between Oracle HRMS US tax windows and third-party
information provider RIA's Payroll Compliance Pro on Checkpoint in KI Framework
Version 1. This integration is available for US legislations.
See My Oracle Support Note 148468.1 for further details of how to set up links from
Oracle HRMS to RIA PCP on Checkpoint.

Integration is available between Oracle HRMS windows and Transcentive, a third-party
compensation management solutions provider, in KI Framework Version 2. This
integration is available for all legislations.
See My Oracle Support Note 294453.1 for further details of how to set up links from
Oracle HRMS to Transcentive.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-241

Oracle iLearning is an enterprise learning management system that prescribes, delivers
and tracks learning, and monitors and manages the learning process. Integration is
available between the Rapid Implementation Workbench web pages and Oracle
iLearning in KI Framework Version 2.
See My Oracle Support Note 294453.1 for further details of how to set up links from the
Rapid Implementation Workbench web pages to Oracle iLearning.

Integration is available between Oracle HRMS products and Enwisen, a third-party
information provider.
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle iRecruitment Pages, page 1-245
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle Performance Management Pages, Oracle
Performance Management Implementation and User Guide
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle SSHR Pages, Oracle Self-Service Human
Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle Time and Labor Pages, Oracle Time and
Labor Implementation and User Guide
See: Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen, page 1-245
See: Oracle technical brief Integrating Oracle Applications with Partner Applications on
Oracle My Oracle Support Note 294453.1 for further details of how to set up links from
Oracle HRMS to Enwisen.

Info Online Content Container

The Info Online content container is an ancillary region that appears on self-service web
pages. Topics and providers appear as an alphabetical list of links in the content
On clicking a topic, the list of providers who provide content for the topic appears in a
new web page. If only one provider exists for the selected topic, the single provider's
page opens immediately.
Users can also select a provider from the list in the content container, and view a list of
topics offered by that provider.
The More link appears when the number of topics or providers exceeds a predefined
limit. The limit of topics or providers is set in the HR: KI Maximum Topics and
Integrations profile. If no limit is set, the More link appears when the number of topics
or providers exceeds 3. On clicking the More link from the topics or providers region,
the complete set of topics or providers appears in a new page.

1-242 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configuring Links between Oracle HRMS Products and Information
You can configure links between Oracle HRMS products and information providers to
enable users to access content on information provider web sites.

Note: The information that your workforce can access on the

information provider web site depends on the agreement with the
information provider.

To configure links between Oracle HRMS products and information

1. Setting Profiles Options
Set the following profile options to set up links between Oracle HRMS and any
information provider web sites:
• HR: KI Framework Version

• HR: Extension Agent Enabled

• HR: Extension Agent Client Timeout

Setting the following additional profile options is optional if you are setting up
links between Oracle HRMS and any information provider web sites:
• HR: Extension Agent

• HR: Info Online: Open in New Window

• HR: Info Online: Toolbar Icon

• HR: KI Maximum Topics and Integrations

• HR: Servlet Timeout

• HR: KI Providers Enabled

• HR: KI Topics Enabled

• HR: KI User Options Enabled

Additional required and optional profile options exist for individual information
providers. See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide

Implementing iRecruitment 1-243

2. Configure links to information providers
After you configure Info Online, you can access configured partners in self service
pages through the Info Online content container and in forms through the Info
Online icon. You can also access configured partners as a menu link.
For more information on configuring links to information providers, see: Oracle
technical brief Integrating Oracle Applications with Partner Applications on My Oracle
Support Note 294453.1

3. Display the Info Online content container, if hidden by default

The links to information providers are available in the Info Online content container
on the Oracle HRMS products' pages. If the content container is hidden by default,
then use the Personalization Framework functionality to display the content
container on the appropriate applications pages.

1-244 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Info Online Links to Enwisen

Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle iRecruitment Pages

You can configure access between Oracle iRecruitment and Enwisen, a third-party
information provider to enable end users to access company specific information or any
other relevant information hosted on the Enwisen web site. The Info Online content
container on the self-service pages displays hypertext links to information providers.
The Info Online content container that is available on the iRecruitment Manager and
Recruiter Home page, is hidden by default. This content container includes the
iRecruitment Process link (default link) to access, for example, information on
company's recruitment policies.
To enable users to access Enwisen, complete the following steps. Using the
Personalization Framework function:
• Display the Info Online content container.

• Display the default iRecruitment Process link or configure links to Enwisen

according to your agreement with Enwisen.

See: Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen, page 1-245

Configuring Links between HRMS Products and Enwisen

If your enterprise has an agreement with Enwisen, a third-party information provider
to enable your workforce access company specific information or any other relevant
information hosted on the Enwisen web site, then you can configure links to Enwisen.

Note: The company information that your workforce can access on

Enwisen depends on your agreement with Enwisen.

See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle iRecruitment Pages, page 1-245
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle Performance Management Pages, Oracle
Performance Management Implementation and User Guide
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle SSHR Pages, Deploy Oracle SSHR Self-
Service Capability Guide
See: Info Online Links to Enwisen from Oracle Time and Labor Pages, Oracle Time and
Labor Implementation and User Guide

To configure links between HRMS products and Enwisen:

The following section lists the basic implementation steps that are required to configure

Implementing iRecruitment 1-245

links between Oracle HRMS products and Enwisen.
1. Set the HR: Extension Agent profile option to enable the Info Online functionality.
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

2. Set the HR: Enwisen Login URL profile option.

See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

3. Enable the Info Online content container and Topics region by setting an applicable
value for the HR: KI Topics Enabled profile option.
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
See: Info Online Content Container, page 1-242

4. Use the Personalization Framework function to display the Info Online content
container on the product pages that support Enwisen integration. The content
container is hidden by default on the following pages:
• iRecruitment
Manager and Recruiter Home page

• Oracle Self-Service HR
Absence Management page (Manager Self-Service and Employee Self-Service
Personal Information page (Employee Self-Service responsibility)

• Oracle Performance Management

Performance Management page (Manager Self-Service and Employee Self-
Service responsibilities)

• Oracle Time and Labor

Recent Time Cards page

5. Enter the login and authentication details that you receive from Enwisen for
Enwisen:Provider integration option on the Integration Options page.
To provide the details:
• Log on to the Info Online Administrator responsibility.

• Click the Info Online Options link.

1-246 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Search for the Enwisen:Provider integration option on the Integration Options

• In the Option Name region, set the Enabled and User Visible options to Yes.

Mandatory Details
Provide the following mandatory information:
• Enwisen Subscriber Name

• Enwisen TPPassword

• Enwisen TPUserID

Enwisen Secret Key

In the Enwisen Secret Key field enter the Enwisen authentication key.

Additional Implementation Steps:

After you implement the basic steps, you can carry out the following steps to define
user specific additional security to access Enwisen. For example, depending on your
business requirements, you can:
• Restrict access to information on Enwisen based on criteria such as jobs, positions,
or departments. Additionally, you can restrict information to different users such as
employees, line managers, and HR personnel.

• Enable specific users to view data across geographical areas. For example, if your
enterprise has a global presence, then the Vice President of the HR team may
require access to recruitment policies across geographic locations. You can define
security options to enable the vice president to access the required information.

To define additional security when accessing Enwisen:

1. Enwisen requires users to log in to access the provider's site for information. To
define additional security depending on your business requirements, you must
create a Java class that implements Oracle's predefined Java interface: oracle.apps. The Java class contains the method to retrieve login
values when end users access Enwisen from Oracle HRMS product pages.
For technical details of creating a Java class, see: Oracle technical brief, Integrating
Oracle Applications with Partner Applications on My Oracle Support Note 294453.1

2. Provide the Java class value in the HR: Class Name to Fetch KI Data profile option
to enable users to launch Enwisen from Oracle HRMS product pages that support
Enwisen integration.
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration

Implementing iRecruitment 1-247

Reports and Processes

iRecruitment Reports and Processes

This topic lists the reports and processes supplied with Oracle iRecruitment. Use the
iRecruitment HRMS Manager responsibility to run the reports and processes.

iRecruitment Processes
• iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner, page 1-253
Run this process to inform the managers of suitable candidates for their vacancies.

• iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers, page 1-251

Run this process to notify candidates about suitable vacancies.

• iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers , page 1-253

Run this process to send general e-mail notifications to registered users.

• iRecruitment Index Synchronization, page 1-252

Run this process to keep up to date the text indexes for iRecruitment documents
and job postings.

• iRecruitment Person Migration, page 1-135

Run this process if you are moving from a previous version of iRecruitment to IRC
C. This process creates a person record in Oracle HRMS for each of your existing
iRecruitment candidates.

• iRecruitment Purge Old Data, page 1-249

Run this process to remove the candidate and applicant data from the database.

• iRecruitment HA Process Applications, page 1-253

Run this program to process the applications submitted on the HA instance.

• iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications , page 1-178

iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications, page 1-179
Run these processes to notify managers and applicants about offers approaching
the closing date and closed offers.

• iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot , page 1-254

Run this process to create snapshots of applicant profiles.

1-248 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data, page 1-255
Run this process to remove the data that is retained for statutory compliance.

• iRecruitment Recruitment Summary, page 1-257

Run this process to populate the recruitment summary data in summary tables and
to enable the application display data faster on the Recruitment Summary page. The
performance is faster as iRecruitment retrieves recruitment data from summary
tables instead of transaction tables.

iRecruitment Reports
iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report, page 1-258
This report is for US users only.
Run the iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report to generate the
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and veteran external
applicant data in the event of a compliance audit.

iRecruitment Processes Available in Oracle HRMS

iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process, page 1-256
The iRecruitment Create Enrollment process is supplied with Oracle HRMS. After you
hire iRecruitment applicants as employees, run this process to enroll new hires in the
compensation plans included in their offer letters.

Running the iRecruitment Purge Old Data Process

Oracle iRecruitment provides various purge types and activity criteria that enables you
• Notify users that their accounts are to be deleted.

• Meet data protection legislative requirements by hiding users' identities whilst still
retaining some user data for use in statistical or other reporting.

• Remove person data completely and end date user name.

This process purges iRecruitment data which belong to the following system person
types only:
• EX_APL (Ex-Applicant)

• OTHER (Candidate, Contact, etc)

• IRC_REG_USER (iRecruitment Registered User)

Implementing iRecruitment 1-249

The purge options and activity criteria except Application Date, will consider data of
users whose person record is shown as iRecruitment Registered User in the Person
Type Usage window. The Application Date criterion limits the purge only to ex-
applicants associated with iRecruitment Registered User person type and who have not
applied for any job within the specific period. The purge process does not delete any
data if the person record is associated with any other person types.
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

Caution: If you enable the Applicant Tracking functionality, then

ensure that you do not run the 'iRecruitment Purge Old Data' process
till you generate reports for audit purposes. For information about the
applicant tracking functionality, see:
• Track Applicant Data for Compliance Purposes, page 1-11 in the
iRecruitment Overview topic

• Enable and manage applicant tracking, if required, page 1-23 in the

Implementation Steps for iRecruitment topic

To run the iRecruitment Purge Old Data process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Purge Old Data process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the date from when you want to run the purge process. The default is your
system date.

4. Select any of the following purge type options:

• Pre-Purge Notification: Use this option if you want to notify registered users
before you purge their data. This option sends a notification requesting users to
log into iRecruitment and apply for a job to avoid removal from iRecruitment.
You can use this option before you run any of the other purge types.

• Anonymize: Use this purge option if you want to hide the identity of users, but
retain information about them such as qualifications, address details and work
preferences. The process replaces the family name of the candidate with the
word Anonymous and deletes the first name. It also unchecks the Allow
Account to be Searched check box in the candidate's My Account: email
Preferences page so that the user record is no longer searchable. After you run
this process, users can still log into iRecruitment and update their name details,
and change their e-mail preferences again.

• Anonymize and Partial Purge: Use this purge option to hide the identity of
users and to delete sensitive information relating to them. A user's

1-250 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

qualifications, previous employment history, address details, job stored in job
basket, skills information, work preferences, schools and colleges attended are
all deleted when you use this option. The Anonymize feature of this option is
the same as that of the Anonymize option explained in the earlier step. After
you run this process, users can still log into iRecruitment and update their
personal and professional details.

• Complete Purge: Use this purge option to completely remove user records and
all of the data associated with them. Purged users will no longer be able to log
into iRecruitment. They have to register again if they want to access the
application, other then as a site visitor.

5. Select any of the following activity criteria options. This determines the records on
which the application will perform the defined purge type.
• Application Date: You select this option to remove data of ex-applicants who
have not applied for any job in the specified period.

• Login Date: You select this option to remove data of users who have not logged
into the application in the specified period.

Note: The purge process uses the login date recorded on the E-
Business Suite login page to process data. The process does not
consider login through either the iRecruitment JSP page or
Single Sign On (SSO) to purge data.

• Update Date: You select this option to remove data of users who have not
updated their account in the specified period.

6. In the Months Since Activity field, specify the number of months that the
application should consider to purge the data. For example, if you enter 6 for six
months, the application will purge records of candidates who have not performed
the activity defined in the Activity Criteria in the last six months from the effective
date that you specified.

7. Choose the OK button.

8. Choose the Submit button.

For more information on the process, refer to the My Oracle Support note: Information
Regarding the iRecruitment Purge Old Data Process (Doc ID 561222.1)

Running the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers Process

Run the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers process to notify candidates about

Implementing iRecruitment 1-251

suitable vacancies. The application matches the candidates' work preferences,
qualifications, and skills with the jobs and sends e-mail notifications of matching jobs to
the e-mail address specified in the candidate's profile.
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers process in the Name field.

2. Click Submit to run the process.

Note: You should not change the parameters for this process if you
are running it on a live installation. If you are working on a testing
environment you can set the Ignore Job Seekers Matching
Frequency and the Ignore Job Age parameters to Yes. This will
generate more data for your testing purposes.

Running the iRecruitment Index Synchronization Process

To keep the text indexes up to date for iRecruitment documents and job postings run
the iRecruitment Index Synchronization process. Oracle iRecruitment uses Oracle Text
to perform content-based searches on resumes and job posting details. When candidates
upload resumes or managers post new job details, you must synchronize the index at a
regular interval to keep the user searches accurate.
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Index Synchronization process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Index Synchronization process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to display the Parameters window, if it does not
automatically open. The Parameters window displays two parameters:
• Posting Index indicates index of job postings that managers post.

• Document Index indicates index of candidates' resumes.

3. Select any one of the following options for the Posting Index and Document Index
• Online: In the Online mode, the process adds new entries to the index, enabling
simultaneous searches.

• Full: In the Full mode, the process defragments the index, reducing its size, and
optimizing the performance. The process does not add new entries to the index.

1-252 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

4. Click OK.

5. Click Submit to run the process.

Running the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner

Run the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner process to inform the
managers of suitable candidates for their open vacancies. When you run the process the
application matches the candidates with jobs based on their work preferences,
qualifications, and skills and sends e-mail notifications of suitable candidates.
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner

1. Select the iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Vacancy Owner process in the
Name field.

2. Click Submit to run the process.

Running the iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers Process

Run the iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers process to send general e-mail
notifications to registered users. For example, if you want to inform users about a job
fair you have planned you can use this process to send mass mails. This process sends
notifications to registered users who have selected the Receive General Emails check
box in the My Account: email Preferences page.
You run the process from the Submit Request window

To run the iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers process:

1. Select the iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers process in the Name field.

2. Click Submit to run the process.

Running the iRecruitment HA Process Applications

Run this program to process the applications submitted on the HA instance. This
program processes data copied from the IRC_PENDING_DATA table on the HA
instance to the IRC_PENDING_DATA table on the primary instance and keeps the
application users' information up to date on the primary instance.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-253

Important: You must run this program only on the primary instance
when it is available after maintenance. Ensure that you run this
program only after final migration to process all the applications.

Use the iRecruitment HRMS Manager responsibility to run this program. When you run
the process, it:
1. Creates new iRecruitment user accounts on the primary instance if the users have
registered on the HA instance.

2. Adds or updates resumes if the users have uploaded any resumes on the HA
instance. The process updates the IRC_DOCUMENT table. If a previous resume
with same file name exists, then the new resume overwrites the previous one.

3. Creates job applications on the primary instance.

4. Updates the users accounts using information parsed from the resume if resume
parsing is enabled.

5. Notifies users of the application status indicating whether the applications to the
vacancies were successfully submitted or not.

You run the process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment HA Process Applications:

1. Select the iRecruitment HA Process Applications process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the server name of the primary instance to process the details of the
application users.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Submit.

Running the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot Process

If you enable the applicant tracking functionality for a business group, then Oracle
iRecruitment creates snapshots of applicant profiles during the job application process.
To track changes to applicant profiles, run the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot
process. This process creates snapshots whenever applicants change their details, such
as, personal information, qualifications, and work preferences, or upload supporting
You run the process from the Submit Request window.

1-254 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Important: Schedule this process to run daily to track changes to
applicant profiles.

To run the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Set the Consider Job Applications without Snapshot parameter to specify the
applicant profiles that Oracle iRecruitment must consider when creating snapshots.
You can select one of the following options:
• Yes: iRecruitment creates snapshots of applicant profiles for which snapshot
data does not exist. For example, you can create snapshots for the applicant
data that you migrate from the High Availability instance to the primary
instance. You can also generate snapshots for applicants if you enable the
applicant tracking functionality for a new or an existing business group.
When you select Yes, Oracle iRecruitment also reviews the existing applicant
profiles and creates snapshots of the changed profiles.

• No: Oracle iRecruitment reviews the existing applicant profiles and creates
snapshots only of the changed profiles. The default value is No.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Submit.

Running the iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data Process

Run the iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data process to remove the data that
you retain for statutory compliance.
This process removes:
• The applicant snapshots including stored resumes

• The applicant search criteria and saved searches

• The applicant profile access records

• The end dated documents

You run the process from the Submit Request window.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-255

To run the iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data process:
1. Select the iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. In the Purge Data Older than Months field, specify the number of months that the
application must consider to purge the data from the system date. The default value
is 24. For example, run the process with the default value to remove the data that is
more than two calendar years older than the system date.

Note: For testing purposes, you can enter a decimal value in the
'Purge Data Older than Month' parameter. A value of '0.1' is equal
to 3 days.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Submit.

Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process

In Oracle iRecruitment, when managers or recruiters create offers for applicants they
can select the compensation plans for applicants. iRecruitment includes these
compensation plans in the offer letters to applicants. As an HR administrator, you can
run the iRecruitment Create Enrollment process to automatically enroll new hires in the
compensation plans included in their offer letters. This program processes the
compensation plans associated with an offer and creates the enrollment records for the
Using this program, you can create enrollment records for:
• An individual person hired for a vacancy.

• All the employees hired for a vacancy.

• All the employees hired in a business group.

You run this process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Create Enrollment process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Select the business group for which you want to run the process. iRecruitment

1-256 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

processes the compensation plans for the new hires in this business group and
enrolls them into the relevant compensation plans. The business group information
is mandatory.

4. Optionally, you can run the process for a specific vacancy or an employee in the
business group.
If you leave these fields blank, then the application creates enrollment records for
all the new hires in the business group.

5. Click Submit, and then OK.

What's Next
After you run the process, you can view the enrollments in the View Enrollment Results
window. For more information, see: Displaying Enrollment Results, Oracle HRMS
Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Running the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary Process

The Recruitment Summary report that provides summarized recruitment information
by directs, recruiters and organizations handles voluminous data. To improve
performance and display recruitment summary details faster when handling huge
volumes of recruitment data, run the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary process. This
process populates the summary data in the summary tables. The performance is faster
as the application retrieves recruitment data from summary tables instead of transaction
Before running the program, ensure that there are no broken supervisor hierarchies. If a
broken supervisor hierarchy exists during the process run, then iRecruitment populates
the data only up to the supervisor who has a manager.
Schedule this process to run regularly depending on your business needs. You run the
process from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary process:

1. Select the iRecruitment Recruitment Summary process in the Name field.

2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the number of simultaneous requests or threads that you want the process to
run and populate the summary tables. The maximum number of requests is 12.

4. Select the mode to run the process. You can select any one of the values:
• Full Refresh: If you select this value, then all the existing data is deleted from

Implementing iRecruitment 1-257

summary tables and the tables are repopulated with the latest data.

• Incremental Refresh: If you select this value, then only the modified data and
data of failed transactions in the previous run are processed.

5. Click OK and then Submit.

The Recruitment Summary page displays the date and time of the last completed
process run.

Running the iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report

This report is for US users only. To comply with the Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations, Oracle iRecruitment enables external
applicants to provide their disability and veteran status.
Run the iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report to generate the
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and veteran external
applicant data in the event of a compliance audit.
You run this report from the Submit Request window.

To run the iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report:

1. Select iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA Audit Report in the Name

2. Enter the following parameters:

1. Report Type: Select either Disability Status Data or Veteran Status Data.
Selecting Disability Status Data will generate an audit report containing CC 305
form data. Selecting Veteran Status Data will generate an audit report
containing veteran status data.

2. Business Group: Select the business group for which you want to run the
report. All applicants who submitted either disability or veteran status data that
belong to business group selected will be included in the report.

3. Vacancy: This is an optional parameter and you can run the report for
applicants belonging to a particular vacancy. Note that the vacancies listed are
dependent upon the business group selected earlier.

4. Applicant: This is also an optional parameter and allows you to select a specific
applicant for which you need to generate the audit report. This list of values is
dependent upon both the business group and the vacancy selected earlier so
will be enabled once a vacancy is selected. Note that the list of values for this
parameter also considers terminated applicants or ex-applicants. All applicants

1-258 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

belonging to the business group selected will be considered when the report is

5. Effective Start Date and Effective End Date: Specify the period for which you
want to run the report.

3. To run the report, click OK and then Submit.

Implementing iRecruitment 1-259

Working with iRecruitment

Working with Oracle iRecruitment

What are the advantages to the HR or the recruiting group of using iRecruitment?
Oracle iRecruitment is a full-cycle recruitment solution. It automates every phase of the
recruitment process. iRecruitment integrates with Oracle HRMS to manage the entire
workforce lifecycle. Information that the two applications share simplifies your day-to-
day administrative tasks. For example, after you hire an applicant, your administrative
staff need not spend time filling our forms about the new hire. The employee's
assignment details are already available.

What are the reporting options available in Oracle iRecruitment?

iRecruitment provides you with business intelligence reports. These reports are called
the iRecruitment Performance Management Viewer (PMV) reports. They help you to
report on various measures of the recruitment process; for example, you can measure
the time taken to fill a vacancy or the effectiveness of a recruitment source.

Can I format job posting details?

You can use the editor to apply advanced formatting features when you create or
update job postings. You can use formatting options such as italics or bold to highlight
certain information.

How do applicants monitor the status of their applications?

Applicants can monitor the status of their job applications on their home page. They can
view the current status of their application on their home page, for example, first
interview, second interview, and so on. Candidates receive notifications when their
application status is updated.

Working with iRecruitment 2-1

Can I post job details on third party job sites?
If your enterprise has agreements to post your job advertisements with third party job
sites, you can record information about these sites using the Recruiting Sites function.
You can send job postings to multiple third party sites using the HR-XML output from

Can I create and send offers to applicants?

Using iRecruitment, you can create offer details, review offers, and send offers to
applicants. You can send offers online or print and send paper copies. You can update
the offer details to include changes, for example, revised compensation.

Is the offer data secure when multiple managers work with the offers functionality?
Yes. Managers or recruiters can view only offers of the applicants to their vacancies.
They cannot access offer details of applicants to other vacancies unless they are part of
the vacancy security. You use the vacancy security to define whether managers can
create, view, update, and maintain offers for a specific vacancy.

As a manager, can I create profiles of candidates and apply on their behalf?

Yes. Managers can create candidates and apply on their behalf. You can use this feature
only if your enterprise assigns the Create Candidate function to your responsibility.

How do I secure interview data?

When you create vacancies, you can define interview security. You can define who can
view interview details and which of the interviews are visible to the interviewers.

How do I maintain a record of communication that happens during the recruitment

iRecruitment supports online communication both among recruitment participants
(recruiters, hiring managers, and recruiting team members) and between recruitment
participants and applicants. You can initiate communication for vacancy applications.
For the purpose of communication, you can create topics and messages for applications.
You can select recipients based on the subject of the topic. Recipients can respond to the
messages and attach supporting documents. While creating or updating vacancies,
recruiters or hiring managers can define communication properties such as the
communication status, moderator, and who can add recipients and attachments to

2-2 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Overview of Manager and Recruiter Tasks

Overview of Manager and Recruiter Tasks

Manage Recruitment Tasks
From the iRecruitment home page, as a manager or recruiter you can:
• Create vacancies. You can enter relevant vacancy details, including the skills and
qualifications required, and create a job posting for candidates. You can nominate
the recruiting team that will work with the vacancy, allocate team members, and
specify different levels of access to the vacancy.
For information on types of vacancies that you can create, see: Vacancies in
iRecruitment, page 2-36

• Search for vacancies to:

• Update vacancies.

• Copy vacancies using the duplicate functionality.

• Find candidates for a vacancy using the matching skills functionality.

• View applicants for a vacancy.

• Search for candidates using various searches such as prospect pool, individual
names, and resumes. You can also search for candidates who specifically match
your own vacancy requirements. You can view a candidate's complete details and
allocate them a consideration level to indicate your level of interest in the candidate.

• Create offers for successful applicants.

• Initiate a background-check to verify information such as the education history,

qualifications, and relevant experience of your applicants.

Important: To use the background-check functionality, your

enterprise must be registered with a background check vendor. The
results of the background-check are not stored in the iRecruitment

The Background Check Maintenance function links the manager or recruiter to the
vendor's site and transfers the applicant information. You can check the status of a
background check at any time using either the Background Check Maintenance link
on the home page or the Background Check button on the Candidate Details page.

Working with iRecruitment 2-3

• Access the web site of Enwisen, a third-party information provider, if your
enterprise enables the Info Online content container. Click the Handbook link for
information on job postings and recruitment policies.

View Notifications
On your home page, you can view notification messages. You receive notification
messages when:
• Approvers approve, reject, or send vacancies back for correction.

• Applicants submit job applications. You can view applicants' resumes when you
receive notifications for new job applications.

• The application status changes for an application.

• Applicants accept or decline offers.

• Managers or applicants send communication messages.

• Applicants withdraw their job applications.

• Applicants request for reconsideration of their terminated applications.

• Managers refer candidates

• Offers approach their closing date. You also receive notifications about closed

• Managers schedule interviews or update interview details. You can view

applicants' resumes when you receive notifications for interviews, which are at the
Planned, Confirmed, or Rescheduled status.
The interview notifications for interviews, which are at the Confirmed or
Rescheduled status display an iCalendar file (.ics) that contains the interview
schedule details. You can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the
calendar application that supports the .ics format and monitor upcoming interview
events easily in your calendar application.

• Vacancies and offers are routed for approval

• Managers withdraw job offers to applicants

Some of the notifications contain links that you can use to navigate to the iRecruitment
pages. For example, when you receive a communication notification, you can click the
link in the notification to navigate to the Communication Details page and reply to the
View Save for Later and Pending Approval Transactions

2-4 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

You can view draft vacancies and offers in the Save for Later table. You can update
these vacancies and offers at a later date. Vacancy creators can view their vacancies that
are pending approval in the Save for Later table.

Use Dashboards
You can track recruitment progress using a summary of the recruitment transactions
that dashboards present. The dashboard presents the information for both hiring
managers and recruiters. Hiring managers can view dashboard information for the
vacancies that they directly manage as managers. Recruiters can view dashboard
information for the vacancies that they directly manage as recruiters.
As hiring managers or recruiters, you can view the following information on your
• My Recent Vacancies
You can view created or updated vacancies. You can view details of vacancies and
vacancy applicants. From this table, you can access applications submitted for
vacancies, and other details such as the status of vacancies, recruiting area
associated with a vacancy and whether a vacancy is available in multiple business

• New Applications
You can view new applications submitted for your vacancies. From this table, you
can access details such as candidate details, application details, source information,
and assessment test scores. You can also preview resumes of applicants.
When you click an applicant's name, any one of the following pages appears based
on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• Interviews
You can view all the interviews scheduled for applicants of your vacancies. From
this table, you can access the interview details and update interviews.
Select any one of the View Interviews options:
• All: View all interviews that are assigned to the logged in user as an
interviewer, whether the user is a vacancy manager or a recruiting team

Working with iRecruitment 2-5

• Assigned to Me: View all interviews that are scheduled for that logged in user
as an interviewer or member of the recruiting team.

• For My Vacancies: View all interviews that are scheduled for the vacancy where
the logged in person is a hiring manager or recruiter.

Note: If the Export column on the Interviews table is available, then

you can save the interview details to the calendar application that
you use and view interview schedules. Check with your system
administrator for the availability of the Export feature.

When you click an applicant's name, any one of the following pages appears based
on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• Recent Offers
You can view offers generated for your vacancies. You can view details such as the
offer status, offer expiry date, offer close reason, and approvers for offers . You can
also view offer letters from this region. From the Approvers column, you can
navigate to the Offer Details page to view the complete history of an offer approval.
If the Approvers region is visible, then you can view offer approval information
such as the offer approver, approver type, approver category, offer approval status,
approval date, and offer approval comments if any. If the Approval History region
is visible, then you can view the offer approval action history, action date, and offer
comments, if any. Using this region, managers can track all the actions that happen
in an offer approval cycle. For example, they can monitor offers that are reassigned,
returned for correction, or require further information.
When you click an applicant's name, any one of the following pages appears based
on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

In My Recent Vacancies, New Applications, and Recent Offers regions, you can specify
the number of days for which you want to view information. For example, you can

2-6 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

view offers extended to candidates in the last 10 days from the system date.
In the Interviews region, you can specify the next number of days for which you want
to view information. For example, you can view all the interviews scheduled for your
applicants in the next 7 days from the system date.

View Recruitment Summary

The Recruitment Summary page presents recruitment summary information based on
direct reports, recruiters or hiring managers, and organizations.
See: Viewing the Recruitment Summary, page 2-8

Key Concepts
For more information, see:
• Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment, page 2-28

• Creating and Maintaining Vacancies, page 2-42

• Troubleshooting Vacancies, page 2-50

• Working with Candidates, page 2-58

• Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details, page 2-62

• Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• Viewing Candidate Details on the Candidate Profile Page, page 2-75

• Viewing Application Details on the Candidate Profile Page, page 2-78

• Working with Applicants, page 2-95

• Searching for Vacancies to Manage Vacancies and to Process Candidates, page 2-100

• Troubleshooting Candidates and Applicants, page 2-105

• Understanding iRecruitment Communication, page 2-52

• Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication, page 2-55
and Managing Communication for Multiple Applicants, page 2-56

• Managing Interviews, page 2-106

• Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111 and Creating Interviews for Multiple

Working with iRecruitment 2-7

Applicants, page 2-114

• The Offer Process, page 2-123

• Creating Offers, page 2-128 and Sending Offers, page 2-133

• Updating Offers, page 2-135

• Maintaining Offers, page 2-137, Withdrawing Offers, page 2-138, and Closing Offers,
page 2-139

• Troubleshooting Offers, page 2-139

Viewing the Recruitment Summary

The Recruitment Summary page presents recruitment summarized information based
on direct reports, recruiters or hiring managers, and organizations.
iRecruitment uses the supervisory hierarchy to display a recruitment summary for
hiring managers and recruiters. To improve performance and display recruitment
summary details faster when handling huge volumes of recruitment data, for example,
data for top-level executives, your system administrator must run the iRecruitment
Recruitment Summary program. For information on the program, see: Running the
iRecruitment Recruitment Summary Program, page 1-257. Regardless of multiple
hierarchies and volume of data, recruitment data processing happens faster. On the
Recruitment Summary page, you can view the date and time of last completed run of
the Recruitment Summary program.
• If you use the iRecruitment Manager responsibility, then you view the recruitment
information for the vacancies that you and your direct reports manage as vacancy
managers. The summary also includes vacancy information that your directs'
subordinates manage as vacancy managers.

• If you use the iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility, then you view recruitment
information for the vacancies that you and your direct reports manage as vacancy
recruiters. The summary also includes vacancy information that your direct'
subordinates manage as vacancy recruiters.

Recruitment Summary Information for Hiring Managers

As hiring managers, you can view information using the following View Bys:
• By Directs
Displays information for vacancies that are not end-dated or closed as of the system
date. You can summarize information by one of your direct reports to view the
recruitment progress in that direct's hierarchy.

2-8 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• By Recruiters
Displays vacancy information by vacancy recruiters. You can view information for
a particular recruiter using the Recruiters list.

• By Organizations
Displays vacancy information by vacancy organizations. You can view information
for a particular organization using the Organizations list.

Recruitment Summary Information for Recruiters

As recruiters, you can view information using the following View Bys:
• By Directs
Displays information for vacancies that are not end-dated or closed as of the system
date. You can summarize information by one of your direct reports to view the
recruitment progress in that direct's hierarchy.

• By Hiring Managers
Displays vacancy information by hiring managers. You can view information for a
particular hiring manager using the Managers list.

• By Organizations
Displays vacancy information by vacancy organizations. You can view information
for a particular organization using the Organizations list.

Recruitment Summary Column Information

The recruitment summary columns display the following information for vacancies,
applications, and offers:
• The Number of Vacancies column displays vacancies that are not end-dated or
closed as of the system date. From the Number of Vacancies link, you can drill
down to the Vacancies page. The Vacancies page displays information such as the
vacancy name, job, position name, status, active applications for the vacancy,
whether the vacancy is available in multiple business groups, and the recruiting
area associated with the vacancy. From this page, you can further drill down to
vacancy, applications, and offer related pages.

• The Number of Openings column displays the total number of openings for
vacancies at the Approved status.

• The Filled column displays the number of applicants hired for the vacancies.

• The Total Number of Applications column displays the total number of applications
submitted for these vacancies.

Working with iRecruitment 2-9

From the Filled and Total Number of Applications columns you can navigate to the
Applications page. The Applications page displays information such as the applicant
name, vacancy name, manager name, and application status. You can also view
applicants' resumes. From the Applications page, you can further drill down to
candidate details, vacancy, and offer related pages.
• The To Be Processed column displays the number of applications at the Active
Application status.

• The In process column displays all applications except the applications at the Active
or Terminate Application status.

• The Rejected column displays the applications at the Terminate Application status.

From the Applications column links, you can navigate to the Applications page. The
Applications page displays information such as the applicant name, vacancy name,
manager name, and application status. You can also view applicants' resumes. From the
Applications page, you can further drill down to candidate details, vacancy, and offer
related pages.
• The Pending for Approval column displays offers that are at the Pending for
approval status.

• The Approved column displays the number of offers at the Approved status.

• The Extended column displays the number of offers at the Extended status.

• The Accepted column displays the number of offers at the Closed status with the
offer close reason as Offer Accepted by Applicant.

• The Declined by Applicants column displays the number of offer at the Closed
status with the offer close reason as Offer Declined by Applicant.

• The On Hold column displays the number of offers at the Hold status.

• The Withdrawn column displays the number of offers at the Closed status with the
offer close reason as Offer Withdrawn

From these Offer column links, you can navigate to the Offers page. The Offers page
displays offer information such as the applicant name, vacancy name, job title, and
manager name.
From the Offers page, you can further drill down to candidate details, vacancy, and
offer related pages such as offer letter and offer approval history. From the Approvers
column, you can navigate to the Offer Details page to view the complete history of an
offer approval. If the Approvers region is visible, then you can view offer approval

2-10 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

information such as the offer approver, approver type, approver category, offer
approval status, approval date, and offer approval comments if any. If the Approval
History region is visible, then you can view the offer approval action history, action
date, and offer comments, if any. Using this region, managers can track all the actions
that happen in an offer approval cycle. For example, they can monitor offers that are
reassigned, returned for correction, or require further information.
Total Values
The Vacancy, Applications, and Offers columns display total values that give a
complete picture of the recruitment process.

Viewing Application Details

When you click an applicant's name in the Applications or Offers page, any one of the
following pages appears based on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

Working with iRecruitment 2-11

Using the Employee or Contingent Worker Interface

iRecruitment for Employees and Contingent Workers

iRecruitment for Employees

Using iRecruitment, employees can:
• Search and apply for internal job postings
See: Using iRecruitment as Employee Candidates or Contingent Workers, page 2-

• Create candidate profiles, refer candidates, or apply for jobs on behalf of their
referral candidates
See: Managing Employee Referrals, page 2-17

• View vacancies for which they are interviewers and update interviews if they are
the primary interviewers.
See: Managing Interview Tasks, page 2-19

iRecruitment for Contingent Workers

Using iRecruitment, contingent workers can:
• Search and apply for jobs
See: Searching for Jobs, page 2-13

• Maintain their account

See: Using the My Account Function, page 2-15

• Track job applications

See: Applying for Jobs, page 2-15

• View interview schedules

See: Viewing Application Details, page 2-16

• Communicate with recruiters

See: Viewing Application Details, page 2-16

• Manage job offers online

2-12 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

See: Viewing Application Details, page 2-16

Using iRecruitment as Employee Candidates or Contingent Workers

Using iRecruitment, as an employee or a contingent worker, you can:
• Search for internal job postings

Note: Contingent workers can search for external or both internal

and external jobs depending on how an enterprise configures
iRecruitment for contingent workers.

• Maintain account

• Apply for jobs

• Track job applications

• View details of scheduled interviews

Accessibility Preference
You can select your accessibility preference when you log in to iRecruitment. The
accessibility preference is retained when you log in again and search for jobs, apply for
jobs, or refer jobs to friends.

Searching for Jobs

iRecruitment presents the following job search options:
• Search for jobs using a list of cities: You can select a city in which vacancies are
available. You can easily distinguish between cities with the same name as the
application lists each city with either its country, or state and country. For example:
London, UK or San Francisco, CA, USA.

• Search for jobs using city name or zip code and distance from location: You can
search for jobs available within a certain number of miles from a city, or zip code.
For example, you can enter a city name or a zip code and specify a distance from
that location. If vacancies are available within the search area they are listed by the
application. For example, you can search for jobs available within 30 miles of San

• Search for jobs using location name: You can do a text search for a location in which
vacancies are available. For example, you can enter a full name or partial name of a
city to search for available jobs in that location.

Working with iRecruitment 2-13

• Search for jobs using location code: The location code is the name given to a
location in Oracle HRMS. This enables you to distinguish between different
locations in the same city, for example, if you have more than one office in the same
city. Being able to search on the location code allows you to identify exactly where a
job is based.

You can view the basic details of the job such as job requirements, skills required, and
salary details in a popup window when you place the mouse over the Job Name field. If
a job opening is available in multiple locations, then the Location column in the search
results table displays a pop-up that lists the locations.

Job Basket
You can access and store jobs using the Job Basket function.

Using the Home Page

The home page displays the following regions:
• Notifications
You receive notifications when your job application status changes or when
registered users indicate you as the referral source in their job applications.
Some of the notifications contain links that you can use to navigate to the
iRecruitment pages. For example, when you receive a communication notification,
you can click the link in the notification to navigate to the Communication Details
page and reply to the message.

Note: The notifications that you receive may be related to the

responsibilities assigned to your user account. For example, you
may receive notifications related to your role as manager if your
user account is associated with the iRecruitment Manager

The interview notifications for interviews, which are at the Confirmed or

Rescheduled status display an iCalendar file (.ics) that contains the interview
schedule details. You can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the
calendar application that supports the .ics format and monitor upcoming interview
events easily in your calendar application.

• Jobs Applied For

This region displays information about job applications that you submit. You can
view job details such as the job title and organization and track the progress of their
job applications using the Status column. You can navigate to the Application
Details page to perform further tasks. See: Viewing Application Details, page 2-16

2-14 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• My Interviews
This region displays information about scheduled interviews. You can view
interview details such as the interview location, interview status, and interviewer.

Using the My Account Function

The My Account function enables you to store and update personal information,
qualification information, employment history, work preferences and other pertinent
Using iRecruitment, you can:
• Store information about your education, qualifications, skills, and previous
employment history.

• Upload resumes and other documents. If the resume-parsing functionality is

available, iRecruitment extracts the data from resumes and automatically populates
the My Account information fields.

• Set work preferences, such as a preferred work location and minimum salary
requirements. When managers search for candidates, iRecruitment identifies
candidates whose skills and work preferences match those of the vacancy. You can
receive job alerts based on your work preferences.

• Set e-mail preferences for receiving notifications about new job opportunities,
invitations to interviews, and notifications of company events.

• Change the accessibility preference

• Specify whether managers searching for candidates can access your details.
Candidates can elect to remain hidden from managers during a candidate search. In
this case, candidate details are available to only those managers who oversee the
vacancies for which the candidates applied.

• Search for jobs, and add jobs to a personal job basket.

Applying for Jobs

On the Jobs: Available Jobs page, you can search for jobs using the search criteria such
as keywords and city location. For information on job search, see: Searching for Jobs,
page 2-13
You can review the available jobs and submit job applications. You can review your
profile information before submitting the job application. Any changes that you make to
your account while applying for a job is not limited to the specific job application, but
applies to your account. When you apply for a job that is available in multiple locations,
you can specify your location preference.

Working with iRecruitment 2-15

You can attempt the job assessment, if the assessment is available in the language that
you selected as a display language in the My Account, Preferences tab region. If you
attempt an assessment in a specific language, then you cannot retake the assessment in
a different language, if you change the display language.
When you apply for jobs, you can either provide your Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) information or elect not to disclose the EEO information by selecting a check box
on the Enter Application Details page.
iRecruitment notifies managers when you submit job applications.

Viewing Application Details

The Application Details page presents the following tabbed regions:
• Job Details
You can view details of your job application such as the job details and application
status. You can also view details of your scheduled interviews such as the interview
status, interview type, location, timezone, interviewers' contact details and
additional notes to the candidate.

• Application Assessment
If an assessment is associated with the job, then you can view details of the
assessment that you completed during the job application process. You can retake
assessments, if the enterprise enable this feature.

• Communication
As an applicant, you can initiate communication for your applications and view
communication details in this region. You can view topics and messages for your
applications and respond to the messages.

• Offer Details
You can receive job offers online, and view offer details. You can accept or decline
an offer online.

Withdraw Job Applications

iRecruitment enables applicants to withdraw their job applications from the Application
Details page. You can provide comments when you withdraw your job applications and
managers can view these comments. When an applicant withdraws the job application,
the application status changes to the Terminate Application status and vacancy
managers receive a withdrawal notification.
Request Reconsideration of Terminated Applications
You can request managers to reconsider applications that you have voluntarily
withdrawn. When the applicant requests for reconsideration of application, vacancy
recruiters or managers receive notifications. Recruiters can review the application

2-16 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

details and reconsider the applications if they find them suitable for the job.

Managing Employee Referrals

This topic provides an overview of the tasks that employees can perform using the
Employee Referrals function available through the iRecruitment Employee
Using the Employees Referrals function, employees can:
• Create candidate profiles to refer candidates to vacancies in their enterprise.

• Apply on behalf of their referral candidates.

• Search for referral candidates to track their progress or submit applications on their

• Search for vacancies to refer candidates.

• Refer vacancies to their friends.

• Refer their candidates to managers or recruiters.

• View referral notifications.

Creating Referral Candidate Profiles

iRecruitment enables you to create candidate profiles using the Create Candidate
To create a candidate profile:
• Enter details such as name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, skills and
qualifications, and upload a resume. In the Referral Details region, the Source field
displays the default Employee Referral value. The Source Name automatically
displays the employee name. You can enter referral comments about the candidate
while creating the profile and also during the job application process.

• Specify the candidate's work preferences such as a preferred work location and
minimum salary requirements. When managers search for candidates, iRecruitment
uses work preferences and skills to find candidates who match the enterprise's
vacancy requirements.

• Indicate whether the candidate's details can appear in the manager or recruiter
search by selecting the Allow Account To Be Searched check box. If you do not
select this check box, then the candidate's information is available only to managers
or recruiters of vacancies for which they have applied. Irrespective of the setting of
this check box, you can view your referral candidates when you use the My

Working with iRecruitment 2-17

Referrals search.

After you create the candidate profile, the candidate receives an email notification with
the login information. The referral candidate can log in to iRecruitment using these
login details and perform the tasks that an external candidate can perform, such as
update account information, search for jobs, submit job applications, or respond to job

Searching for Referral Candidates

On the Candidates page, you can search for referral candidates using criteria such as
last name, location, or e-mail address and refer these candidates to other managers or
recruiters. If you know the home phone number of your referral, then you can use it to
quickly search for your referral candidate. Select the My Referrals check box to search
for all your referral candidates.
The search results table displays:
• Candidates that an employee refers using the Create Candidate function.

• External candidates who provided the employee's name as a reference.

Searching for Vacancies

Employees can search for vacancies using criteria such as job title, vacancy name, or
keywords and submit job applications on behalf of their referral candidates. They can
refer the vacancies to their friends. However, these vacancies must be available on the
external site for their friends to apply.

Applying for Jobs on Behalf of Referral Candidates

As an employee, you can submit job applications for your referral candidates. You can
use the Add Applicant function when you search for vacancies on the Vacancies page.
You can also apply for jobs on behalf of your referral candidates when you create their
profiles or search for existing profiles.
Review the candidate's information before you submit the job application. Changes that
you make to a candidate's account while applying for a job are not limited to the
specific job application, but they generally apply to the candidate's account. If the Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) region is visible, then provide appropriate information
such as date of birth, gender, and ethnic origin. If the 'I do not want to disclose my EEO
information' check box is available, then you can choose not to disclose the EEO
information. When you apply for a job that is available in multiple countries, the Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) information region does not appear.
After an employee submits a job application on behalf of a referral candidate, the
candidate receives a notification that includes the job application details. The candidate
can log in to view the application details, and withdraw the application, if required.

2-18 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Viewing Notifications
You receive notifications when your referral candidates apply for jobs identifying you
as the source or accept job offers.
You also receive notifications when external candidates or managers provide your
name as a reference while creating or updating candidate profiles or submitting job

Note: The notifications that you receive may be related to the

responsibilities assigned to your user account. For example, you may
receive notifications related to your role as manager if your user
account is associated with the iRecruitment Manager responsibility.

Managing Interview Tasks

This topic provides an overview of the tasks that employees who are recruiting team
members, can perform as interviewers using the Interview function available through
the iRecruitment Employee responsibility. The interview information that you access
depends on the interview security that is defined for interview participants and
whether you are the primary interviewer for the interview.
Using the Interview function, you can:
• View vacancy details for which you are the interviewer.

• View applications for which you are an interviewer.

• View interview details, such as the locations, times, and dates of your interviews.

• Update interviews.

Using the My Interviews Region

The My Interviews region on the Interviewer home page provides a summary of the
scheduled interviews. This region provides interview details such as the applicants,
interview location, interview start and end time, and interview status. You can specify
the number of days for which you want to view interview information. For example,
you can verify if any interviews are scheduled for the next 10 days from the system
date. From this region, you can access the interview details and also update interviews,
if you are the primary interviewer.
If the Export column on the Interviews table is available, then you can save the
interview details to the calendar application that you use and view interview schedules.
Your system administrator configures the Export feature.

Working with iRecruitment 2-19

Searching for Vacancies
On the Vacancies page, as an interviewer you can search for vacancies for which you
are added as the recruiting team member. You can view applicants for the vacancies
and update the interview information, if you are the primary interviewer.

Viewing Notifications
You receive notifications when managers schedule interviews, update the interview
status, and provide interview feedback. You also receive a notification if you are no
longer part of the interview panel.
The interview notifications for interviews, which are at the Confirmed or Rescheduled
status display an iCalendar file (.ics) that contains the interview schedule details. You
can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the calendar application that
supports the .ics format and monitor upcoming interview events easily in your calendar

Updating Interview Details

You can update interviews from the My Interviews table or navigate to the Candidate
Details page of the applicant.
When you conduct interviews, you can update the interview status and record
feedback. If multiple interviewers are listed, only the interviewer designated as the
primary interviewer can update the interview. Interviewers other than the primary
interviewer have read-only access to interview details of the applicants. For example,
you are designated as the interviewer for the first and second interviews for the Human
Resources Manager vacancy and added as a primary interviewer only for the first
interview. Because you are the primary interviewer for the first interview, you can
update the interview. iRecruitment does not enable the Update icon on the Interview
tab of the applications for the second interview.
See: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111

Maintaining Communication on Interviews

Depending on the default communication status set for a vacancy, participants
(applicants, recruiters, hiring managers, and recruiting team members) can initiate
communication for vacancy applications. Use the Start Communication button (enabled
only if the default communication status is set to Not Started) in the Communication
tabbed region of the Candidate Details page to create topics and messages for
applications. If you receive any message, then you can reply to that message. For
example, other interviewers can verify your availability when scheduling further
interview dates or they can discuss offer details with you.

2-20 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Using the Candidate Interface

Using the Candidate Interface

When job seekers first go to the iRecruitment site they are classified as site visitors and
have the ability to search all the available jobs. To apply for jobs, site visitors must
register with the iRecruitment site. Once registered, job seekers can create a personal
account or recruiting profile. Site visitors and registered users have an option to view
the iRecruitment site using accessibility modes such as screen reader or other assistive
technologies. Using the Accessibility link, users can navigate to the Accessibility
Preferences page to select their accessibility preference.
Accessibility Preference for Site Visitors
The accessibility preference that a site visitor selects is maintained for a specific session
only when the site visitor searches for jobs, views job details, or adds jobs to the job
basket. For information on how accessibility works for registered users, see:
Accessibility Preference for Registered Users, page 2-23

Using the Site Visitors Home Page

The home page for site visitors includes a job search capability and a link to the
registration function. The site visitor can also access a job basket.

Using Job Functions

As a site visitor, you can search for jobs that meet your search criteria. You can either
execute a simple search or define a more advanced search using additional criteria. The
search results are displayed in a results table.

Searching for Jobs

You can search for jobs using various options that iRecruitment presents. The following
sections discuss the options.

Use Different Job Search Options

iRecruitment presents the following job search options:
• Search for jobs using a list of cities: You can select a city in which vacancies are
available. You can easily distinguish between cities with the same name as the
application lists each city with either its country, or state and country. For example:
London, UK or San Francisco, CA, USA.

• Search for jobs using city name or zip code and distance from location: You can

Working with iRecruitment 2-21

search for jobs available within a certain number of miles from a city, or zip code.
For example, you can enter a city name or a zip code and specify a distance from
that location. If vacancies are available within the search area they are listed by the
application. For example, you can search for jobs available within 30 miles of San

• Search for jobs using location name: You can do a text search for a location in which
vacancies are available. For example, you can enter a full name or partial name of a
city to search for available jobs in that location.

When you move the mouse over the Job Name field, you can view the basic details of
the job such as job requirements, skills required, and salary details in a pop-up window.
If a job opening is available in multiple locations, then the Location column in the
search results table displays a pop-up that lists the locations.

Use RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) Feeds

Site visitors and external candidates can use the RSS feed links on the Job search pages
to subscribe to the RSS feeds with the job search criteria that they use. RSS feeds enable
users to monitor job vacancies without having to visit iRecruitment. You can view the
newly created or updated information that match the search criteria provided during
the feed subscription directly on the RSS Feeds reader.

Job Basket
After you search for jobs, you can store jobs using the Job Basket function. However, if
you are a site visitor, you must register before you can save jobs to the database
permanently. This means that jobs are only stored in the site visitor's job basket for the
duration of the iRecruitment session.

Registering in iRecruitment
The Registration function enables site visitors to become registered users. You can
register using your e-mail address and enter a password. If required, you may have to
complete a registration assessment. You can attempt the registration assessment in the
language in which iRecruitment is displayed.
Create Resumes Online
During registration if you do not have a resume, you can create your resume online.
iRecruitment uses the candidate's personal and professional information to
automatically create a resume in HTML, based on the candidate's choice of the format.
The application adds the automatically generated resume to the candidate's profile.
When you update your profile, iRecruitment does not automatically update the system
generated resume. You can download and update the resume, if required.
Ex-Employee Registration
If ex-employees want to register with iRecruitment they need not create a new user

2-22 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

account. They can provide unique data such as last name and date of birth to identify
themselves on iRecruitment. The application then matches this information with the
existing records of the ex-employee and end dates old records, if they exist. The new
account contains personal information entered in the previous account. Ex-employees
can review and update this information, if required.

Accessibility Preference for Registered Users

When a site visitor initiates the registration process and selects the accessibility
preference, the preference is set at the user level. The accessibility preference is retained
when the registered user logs in again and searches for jobs, views job details, adds jobs
to the job basket, refers jobs, or applies for a job. Registered candidates can change the
accessibility mode in the Preferences tab region of their My Account page. See: Using
the My Account Function, page 2-24

Using the Registered User Home Page

Registered users or candidates can access the job search function, the job basket, and
have direct access to the newest vacancies that appear on the site.
The home page for registered users displays the following regions:
• Notifications
You receive notifications when:
• You register in iRecruitment.

• Your job application status changes.

• Managers submit job applications on you behalf.

• Communication participants send messages.

• Managers reconsider terminated applications.

• An employee registers you in iRecruitment.

• Managers schedule interviews.

The interview notifications for interviews, which are at the Confirmed or
Rescheduled status display an iCalendar file (.ics) that contains the interview
schedule details. You can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the
calendar application that supports the .ics format and monitor upcoming
interview events easily in your calendar application.

• Managers update your profile.

• Managers update the referral information in your job application.

Working with iRecruitment 2-23

• You provide incorrect employee referral information in your profile.

• You receive job offers.

Additionally, iRecruitment notifies registered users when employees apply for jobs
on their behalf using the Employee Referral function.
Some of the notifications contain links that you can use to navigate to the
iRecruitment pages. For example, when you receive a communication notification,
you can click the link in the notification to navigate to the Communication Details
page and reply to the message.

• Jobs Applied For

This region displays information about job applications that you submit. Applicants
can view job details such as the job title and organization and track the progress of
their job applications using the Status column. You can navigate to the Application
Details page to perform further tasks. See: Viewing Application Details, page 2-26

• My Interviews
This region displays information about scheduled interviews. Applicants can view
interview details such as the interview location, interview status, and interviewer.
You can click the Interview Details link to navigate to the Interview Details page to
view more interview information. See: Viewing Interview Details, page 2-27
If the Export column on the Interviews table is available, then you can save the
interview details to the calendar application that you use and view interview

Using the My Account Function

The My Account function enables registered users to store and update their personal
information, qualification information, employment history, work preferences,
accessibility preference, and other pertinent information.
Using iRecruitment, as a registered user you can:
• Store information about your education, qualifications, skills, and previous
employment history.

• Upload resumes and other documents. If the resume-parsing functionality is

available, iRecruitment extracts the data from resumes and automatically populates
the My Account information fields.

• Set work preferences, such as a preferred work location and minimum salary
requirements. When managers search for candidates, iRecruitment identifies
candidates whose skills and work preferences match those of the vacancy. You can
receive job alerts based on your work preferences.

2-24 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Change the accessibility preference, if required

• Set e-mail preferences for receiving notifications about new job opportunities,
invitations to interviews, and notifications of company events.

• Specify whether managers searching for candidates can access your details.
Candidates can elect to remain hidden from managers during a candidate search. In
this case, candidate details are available to only those managers who oversee the
vacancies for which the candidates applied.

• Search for jobs, and add jobs to a personal job basket.

• View the registration assessment details, if a registration assessment has been


Provide Source Information

When candidates create their profiles or submit job applications, they can provide the
source information, for example, employee referral or advertisement. If they select
Employee Referral as source, they can enter either the email address or employee
number as the referral information for validation.

Apply for Jobs

On the Jobs: Available Jobs page, you can search for jobs using the search criteria such
as keywords and city location. For information on job search, see: Searching for Jobs,
page 2-21
You can review the available jobs and submit job applications. You can review your
profile information before submitting the job application. Any changes that you make to
your account while applying for a job is not limited to the specific job application, but
applies to your account. When you apply for a job that is available in multiple locations,
you can specify your location preference.
If required, you may have to complete a job assessment. You can attempt the job
assessment, if the assessment is available in the language that you selected as a display
language in the My Account, Preferences tab region. If you attempt an assessment in a
specific language, then you cannot retake the assessment in a different language, if you
change the display language.
When you apply for jobs, you can either provide your Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) information or elect not to disclose the EEO information by selecting a check box
on the Enter Application Details page. If you choose to provide EEO information, then
you must enter either gender or ethnic origin or both, depending on country specific
legislative requirements or business needs.
iRecruitment notifies managers when you submit job applications.

Working with iRecruitment 2-25

If candidates do not want to receive job alert and general mails from iRecruitment, then
they can the deselect the Receive emails of Matching Jobs and Receive General emails
check boxes in the Email Preferences region of My Account.
Candidates can also click the Unsubscribe link on the:
• New Jobs Alert notification page to stop receiving mails on matching jobs.

• General iRecruitment Update notification page to stop receive general mails.

Viewing Application Details

The Application Details page presents the following tabbed regions:
• Job Details
You can view details of your job application such as the job details and application
status. You can also view details of your scheduled interviews such as the interview
status, interview type, location, timezone, interviewers' contact details, additional
notes to the candidate, and location preferences chosen at the time of submitting a
job application.

• Application Assessment
If an assessment is associated with the job, then you can view details of the
assessment that you completed during the job application process. You can retake
assessments, if the enterprise enable this feature.

• Communication
As an applicant, you can initiate communication for your applications and view
communication details in this region. You can view topics and messages for your
applications and respond to the messages.

• Offer Details
You can receive job offers online, and view offer details. You can accept or decline
an offer online.

Withdraw Job Applications

iRecruitment enables applicants to withdraw their job applications from the Application
Details page. When an applicant withdraws the job application, the application status
changes to the Terminate Application status and vacancy managers receive a
withdrawal notification. Applicants can provide comments when they withdraw their
job applications and managers can view these comments.
Request Reconsideration of Applications
You can request managers to reconsider applications that you have voluntarily

2-26 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

withdrawn. When the applicant requests for reconsideration of application, vacancy
recruiters or managers receive notifications. Recruiters can review applications and
reconsider applications.

Note: Applicants cannot request managers to reconsider applications

that managers have terminated.

Viewing Interview Details

The Interview Details page displays interview information such as the interview type,
date and time of interview, and the interviewer's contact information. You can also
view the time zone of the interview location and notes about the interview.

Providing Disability and Veteran Status during Job Application (US Users Only)
To comply with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
regulation on providing disability and veteran status while applying for a job vacancy,
the following pages are available to external candidates:
• Applicant Disability Information Page: Offers candidates the opportunity to self-
identify their disability status when applying for a new job.

• Applicant Veteran Information Page: Enables candidates to self-identify as a

protected veteran when applying for a new job.

The disability and veteran status information provided during a job application defaults
to subsequent job applications. If the candidate updates the information, then new
values are updated to the person record.
Note that if the external candidate applies for different jobs on different days, then a
history of the disability and veteran status is maintained due to the date tracking of the
person record. But, if the candidate applies for multiple jobs on the same day, the last
update (status) on the person record is considered the final one for all the jobs that were
applied on that day.

Working with iRecruitment 2-27

Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment

Creating and Managing Assessments for iRecruitment

Using the Assessment Administration functionality, you can create tests and surveys to
evaluate candidates and applicants during the recruitment process.
The following figure shows the sequence of tasks required to create assessments.

To create and manage assessments for iRecruitment:

You must understand the following concepts to create and manage tests and surveys for
1. Creating questions and question banks
A question bank is a repository of questions and possible responses. Question
banks enable you to create questions once and use them multiple times. At least one
question bank must exist before you create a test.
See: Creating Question Banks, page 2-29

2. Creating surveys and tests

After you have created a question bank and added the required questions, you can
create tests and surveys. You can:
• Design surveys, for example, to gather information on work history,
employability, and work preferences of candidates. Surveys help you to screen
candidates when they register with your job site. To create a survey, select the
Assessment Type 'Survey' on the Create Test page.

• Create scored tests to measure candidates' knowledge and skills. When you

2-28 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

create a scored test, you specify a mastery score to indicate the minimum pass
mark for a test. Managers can associate a test with a vacancy when they create
vacancy details. iRecruitment presents the test to applicants during the job
application process and uses the mastery score to identify candidates who have
passed the test for a vacancy.

You must publish surveys and tests so that they are available for use in
iRecruitment. If you plan to use a test for multiple vacancies, Oracle recommends
that you do not limit the maximum number of attempts. Limiting the number of
attempts prevents applicants from applying for vacancies associated with the same
test. For example, you define a test and limit the number of attempts to 2. If your
managers associate the test with multiple vacancies, for example 4, then a candidate
cannot apply for more than 2 vacancies, as the maximum attempt limit is set to 2.
See: Creating Tests in iRecruitment, page 2-30
Managing sections
Tests comprise test sections, which contain questions drawn from one or more
question banks. You create test sections to organize the questions drawn from a
question bank. A test must contain at least one test section and at least one question.
See: Section Management, page 2-33

3. Analyzing test results

Analyze the results of candidates and applicants, either for a test or for individual
questions in the Learner summary section. You can view details such as the number
of applicants who have attempted, passed, or failed a vacancy test.
See: Reviewing Test and Question Statistics, page 2-33

Creating Questions Banks in iRecruitment

A question bank is a collection of questions that you can use to create one or more tests.
When a question bank is ready for use in a test, you publish the question bank. After
publication, you can use the question bank to create tests, or select the Quick Test
option to create a test based on all the questions in the bank.

Creating Questions
Question banks consist of questions, each containing the question text (or question stem
or prompt), possible responses, and feedback (if any). The feedback typically informs
the test taker if they have answered correctly, and can include a learning tip.
When you create a question, you decide what type it is, such as multiple choice, or true-
or-false. Once you create the question, you cannot change from one type to another,
since the style of responses depends on the question type. The exception is for multiple
choice, where you can change from a multiple choice single correct response to a

Working with iRecruitment 2-29

multiple choice multiple correct response.

Creating Responses
A response is a possible answer to a question. Each question has a set of responses,
depending on the question type:
• True or False: The two values, True and False, are not editable. Select the correct
response value, either True or False.

• Fill-in-the-Blank: Enter one or more correct responses. Text responses are case-
sensitive, so enter the correct response in both lower and upper case, if either is

• Multiple Choice (Single Correct Response): Enter two or more response values,
from which the learner must select one correct choice.

• Multiple Choice (Multiple Correct Responses): Enter three or more response values,
from which the learner must select two or more correct choices. Learners must
select all the correct responses to gain the points awarded to the question.

Removing Questions or Responses

Once you use a question in one or more tests, and a candidate has taken that test, you
cannot delete the question from the question bank. Similarly, you cannot delete a
response value if the question already appears in a test and if at least one candidate has
answered that question. You can mark a question or response as inactive, which makes
it unavailable for future tests, but does not affect previously created tests and existing
performance records.

Creating Quick Tests

You create a Quick Test if the test uses all or majority of questions in a question bank. A
Quick Test takes the default properties, and contains a single test section that holds all
questions (preselected) from the question bank. You can edit the test to modify the
properties, for example to set the scoring option and mastery score, or to add or remove

Note: You cannot use the quick test option to create a rule-based test, in
which you display a number of questions extracted randomly from the
question bank to the learner.

Creating Tests in iRecruitment

After you have a created question bank and added the required questions, you can

2-30 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

create a test and define the test properties.

Selecting Specific or Random Questions at Run Time

For each test section, you can select exactly the questions you wish to add (pre-selected)
or you can enter the number of questions and allow the test to extract a random
selection of questions when a learner launches the test (rule-based). The default is pre-

Randomizing the Sequence of Sections and Questions

You can choose whether multiple sections always occur in the same sequence, or in a
randomized sequence each time learners launch the test. There is a similar option for
sequencing questions within a section. However, you cannot randomize questions
across more than one section.

Resuming Tests
Select the Is Resumable box for learners to resume a test if they previously exited or
were logged out without submitting the test. Learners are taken to the page where they
last left the test. If the time has expired for the test, learners are taken to the page that
allows only submission of the test. The Resumable Instructions appear each time a
learner resumes a test.

Assessment Types
Depending on your business requirements, you can create tests, surveys, and
evaluations by selecting the appropriate option in the Assessment Type field. Typically,
you create tests that are scored to measure candidates' knowledge and skills, and
evaluations that are not scored to collect feedback on training courses.

Scoring a Test
The scoring options are percentage scored, or sum of item scores. If your test is rule-
based (random questions at run time), be aware that the sum of item scores will vary if
some questions have different points from others.
If you select either the percentage or sum scoring options, you can also set the mastery
score to indicate the minimum pass mark for the test. For example, using the percentage
scored option, enter a mastery score of 75 to indicate a 75 per cent pass mark. Using the
sum of item scores option, enter a mastery score of 12, to indicate the learner must
obtain at least 12 points to pass the test.
When you set a mastery score for the test, a learner passes or fails a test based on the
results. If you do not define a mastery score, the application calculates the points
scored, but marks the learner's test attempt as completed, rather than passed or failed.

Working with iRecruitment 2-31

Providing Feedback
By default, feedback is provided at the end of the test. You can change the feedback
type to After Each Page to provide more frequent feedback. You can define the
following feedback options:
• Select Questions Inherit Feedback if you have test questions that do not have
defined feedback, and you want them to inherit (and display) the section or test

• Deselect Show Answer in Feedback to prevent learners seeing the correct answers
when they review the feedback. This option is useful to encourage learners to retake
the test. (The default is selected.)

• Enter text for Correct Response Feedback and Incorrect Response Feedback, to
provide different feedback for the learners' responses.

• Enter Post Test Feedback to display a message to learners at the end of the test.

Limiting Test Attempts

You can limit the maximum number of times that a learner can attempt the test before
being prevented from launching the test. You can also specify the minimum time that
must elapse between each attempt.

Creating a Timed Test

To restrict the time allowed for a learner to complete a test, enter values for the duration
properties of the test. If you specify a value for Time Allowed in Minutes, you can
optionally set the additional duration fields. For example, if the time allowed is 30
minutes, you can enable the Time Remaining Alert, and display an alert five minutes
prior to the end, so the alert appears after 25 minutes into the test.

Note: The timer resides on the server, not on the learner's client, so this
message is only updated each time the browser page is refreshed. As
long as the learner remains on the same page, the alert is not updated.

Creating Tests in Multiple Languages

Oracle iRecruitment enables you to create tests or assessments in more than one
language. You can create the same test in multiple languages. When you create a test in
any other language other than the Default language, append the test name with the
'_language code' format for iRecruitment to correctly identify the language. For
example, the requirement is to administer a vacancy assessment in Korean and Arabic
languages. In such a scenario, create the assessment 'SampleTest' in the default

2-32 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

language. Create the same test in Korean and Arabic languages respectively. While
creating the tests in Korean and Arabic, append the language code to the test name. For
example, SampleTest_KO and SampleTest_AR. You can find the appropriate language
code in the FND_LANGUAGES_VL table.

Assessments in Multiple Languages

• Registration Assessment:
Candidates can attempt the registration assessment in the language in which
iRecruitment is launched.
For more information, refer to the Set up iRecruitment access for site visitors and
candidates section, in Implementation Steps for iRecruitment, page 1-15

• Vacancy Assessment
An applicant can attempt an assessment, if the assessment is available in the
language that is selected as a display language in their My Account, Preferences tab
region. If applicants attempt assessments in a specific language, then they cannot
retake the assessment in a different language, even if they change their display
language. If an assessment is not available in the language based on the applicant's
preference, then iRecruitment displays the assessment in the default language.

Section Management
A test must contain at least one test section and at least one question. You create test
sections to organize the questions drawn from a question bank. If your test has multiple
sections, you can specify the order in which the sections are displayed to the learner in
the test. However, you can determine a section order only if you have selected the Fixed
option in the Section Order field in the test properties. If the Random option has been
selected for the Section Order field in the test properties, the test displays a different
order of sections on each learner attempt

Deleting Sections
Once you make a test available to your learners, and at least one learner has taken the
test, you cannot delete the test section (or the test), since this affects learner performance
and test statistics on your production system. If one section becomes invalid, but the
test itself is still available, make the section inactive, instead of deleting it. Unpublish a
test to make the complete test unavailable to learners. Past performance and test
statistics information remain in the system when you unpublish a test.

Reviewing Test and Question Statistics

Statistics are available for you to analyze learners' performance for a given test or
question. Statistics exist only after at least one learner has attempted the test or

Working with iRecruitment 2-33


Reviewing Test Statistics

For each test, the Test Statistics page provides a summary of learner scores for the
selected test. Use the statistics to analyze both overall performance and individual
attempt results. The page initially displays summary results in a tabular format, and
provides an option to display a graph for each summary.
The summary statistic sections are:
1. Score Summary: Summarizes performance records for all learners. Each learner has
one performance record that in turn is a summary of the learner's attempts. A
performance record shows the score for the first Pass attempt, or the score for the
first Fail attempt. The application updates a performance record from Fail to Pass
(including the Pass score), if a learner subsequently passes the test. However, a
performance record is never updated from Pass to Fail if a learner subsequently
fails the test. A performance record does not change even if the learner score
improves. A learner's performance record may show a Pass with a score of 60, even
though the learner achieves a Pass with a score of 70 in a later attempt.
The User Score Summary graph displays the number of users who achieved a
specific performance score.

2. Learner Summary: Summarizes the total number of learners who launched the test,
and the total number of performance records (one record per learner). The
summary groups performance records as one of the following:
• Passed: The learner completed the test and achieved the mastery score or better.

• Failed: The learner completed the test but failed to achieve the mastery score.

• Completed: The learner completed the test, but the test has no mastery score, or
the scoring option is specified as not scored.

• Incomplete: The learner started the test but exited the player without
submitting the test.

The table enables you to drill down to more detailed statistics for each learner. Click
the Total Learners number to view all learners, or click the Passed number to view
only those learners who passed the test. The drill-down table shows one
performance record for each learner. Click an individual learner name to view all
attempts for the learner. An individual attempt can show a higher score than the
learner's performance record, since a performance record stores only the score for
the first pass.
The User Attempt Score Summary graph displays the score for each individual
attempt number. Attempts are color coded to show the day of the attempt.
In the table, click a specific attempt number to view the learner's individual attempt

2-34 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

details for each question in the test.
The Learner Performance Status graph shows the percentage of Passed, Failed,
Completed or Incomplete performance records.

3. Attempt Summary: Summarizes all attempt records for all learners, not just
performance records.
The Monthly Attempt Summary graph shows the number of attempts made in each

4. Question Summary: Summarizes the total number of questions displayed to all

learners in all attempts.

Reviewing Question Statistics

For each question bank, the Question Statistics page provides a summary of learners'
performance for each question, across multiple tests. Statistics appear in both tabular
and graphical formats. The graph shows Correct, Incorrect and Skipped totals as
percentages of the total number of attempts for the question.

Working with iRecruitment 2-35

Managing Vacancies

Vacancies in iRecruitment
Typically, vacancies arise in enterprises for jobs or positions that fall vacant. Hiring
managers or recruiters advertise vacancies as job openings to invite applications from
candidates. Enterprises advertise job openings locally within a country or across
countries based on their business and role requirements. iRecruitment enables
enterprises to post vacancies based on their business needs.
Using iRecruitment, hiring managers can create vacancies in:
• A specific business group and location

• Multiple locations in a business group

• Multiple locations across business groups

To enable managers to create vacancies in multiple locations and multiple business

groups, enterprises must create recruiting areas using the Oracle HRMS Generic
Hierarchy function. For more information, see: Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type
, page 1-127
The following examples explain the recruitment flow for different types of vacancies
that managers can create in iRecruitment.

Vacancy in a specific business group and location

This example uses the Vision Singapore business group associated with a default

2-36 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

In this example, the Vision Singapore business group is looking for a Vice President to
head its sales division and entrusts Alison James, a recruiter in the Vision Singapore
business group to create the vacancy details. The default location of this business group
is Singapore. Alison creates the Vice President vacancy in the Vision Singapore business
group. When the vacancy is approved, it is available on the internal and external
recruiting sites. Employees can also post applications for their referrals. When
candidates search for vacancies using Singapore as the location search criteria,
vacancies associated with this location appear in the search results. Candidates
interested in the Vice President vacancy can apply for this vacancy.

Vacancy in multiple locations in a business group

This example uses Vision Corporation business group that has locations in San
Francisco, San Jose, and San Diego. The default location of Vision Corporation is San

Working with iRecruitment 2-37

In this example, the Strategic Director - Sales position is vacant in the Vision
Corporation business group. This enterprise wants to search for the best talent in the
Bay Area by making this vacancy available in different locations. Jane Brown, a
recruiter with the Vision Corporation business group creates the vacancy details for the
Strategic Director - Sales position. To advertise the Strategic Director - Sales position in
multiple locations, Jane completes the following steps:
1. Selects the Bay Area recruiting area that her enterprise has created. The Bay Area
recruiting area displays the following list of locations with business group and

Location Business Group Country

San Francisco Vision Corporation United States

San Jose Vision Corporation United States

San Diego Vision Corporation United States

2. Selects the following locations as vacancy locations.

2-38 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Location Business Group Country

San Francisco Vision Corporation United States

Note that San

Francisco is the
default location and
must be added to the
list of vacancy

San Jose Vision Corporation United States

San Diego Vision Corporation United States

When this vacancy is approved, external candidates, employees, and employee referrals
can apply for this vacancy. When candidates search for jobs using locations, such as,
San Francisco, San Jose, or San Diego, iRecruitment displays the Strategic Director -
Sales vacancy in the search results. If a vacancy is available in multiple locations, then
the Location column in the search results table displays a pop-up that lists the vacancy
locations. Candidates can choose their location preference when submitting job
applications. In this example, as the applications are to a vacancy in a U.S based
business group applicants can either provide Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
information or elect not to disclose the EEO information. When a manager creates an
offer for an application to a vacancy in multiple locations, the manager must select an
appropriate location to initiate the offer.

Vacancy in multiple locations across business groups

This example uses Vision APAC, an enterprise that operates in different Asia Pacific

Working with iRecruitment 2-39

Vision APAC is expanding its business operations and plans to recruit a large number
of sales executives in the countries that it operates. To hire new employees in multiple
locations across countries, John Smith, a recruiter who has access to all the business
groups in Vision APAC creates details of the Sales Executive vacancy. John selects
Vision Australia as the default business group and Sydney as the default vacancy
location. To advertise the Sales Executive vacancy in multiple locations across countries,
John completes the following steps:
1. Selects the APAC recruiting area that his enterprise has created. The APAC
recruiting area displays the following list of locations with business group and

Location Business Group Country

Sydney Vision Australia Australia

Perth Vision Australia Australia

Melbourne Vision Australia Australia

Cairns Vision Australia Australia

Brisbane Vision Australia Australia

2-40 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Location Business Group Country

Beijing Vision China China

Shanghai Vision China China

Hongkong Vision China China

Tianjin Vision China China

Singapore Vision Singapore Singapore

Vision India India

New Delhi Vision India India

Hyderabad Vision India


Bangalore Vision India India

2. Selects the following locations as vacancy locations in the Asia-Pacific region:

Location Business Group Country

Sydney Vision Australia Australia

Note that Sydney is the

default location and must
be added to the list of
vacancy locations.

Perth Vision Australia Australia

Melbourne Vision Australia Australia

Beijing Vision China China

Shanghai Vision China China

Hongkong Vision China China

Working with iRecruitment 2-41

Location Business Group Country

Singapore Vision Singapore Singapore

Mumbai Vision India India

New Delhi Vision India India

External candidates, employees, and employee referrals can search and apply for this
vacancy when it is approved. When candidates search using locations, such as, Sydney,
Perth, or Mumbai, iRecruitment displays the Sales Executive vacancy in the search
results. If a vacancy is available in multiple locations, then the Location column in the
search results table displays a pop-up that lists the locations. Candidates can view job
details that display the locations and countries where the job is available. Candidates
can choose their location preference when submitting job applications. The Equal
Employment Opportunity region does not appear in job applications for vacancies that
are available in multiple business groups. When a manager creates an offer for an
application to a vacancy in multiple business groups, the manager must select an
appropriate business group to initiate the offer.

Creating and Maintaining Vacancies

As a manager or recruiter, you create and post vacancies to advertise job openings in
your enterprise.
For information on types of vacancies that you can create, see: Vacancies in
iRecruitment, page 2-36

Creating Vacancies
The following sections explain how to create vacancy details.

Entering Primary Details for a Vacancy

On the Create Vacancy: Enter Primary Details page, you specify:
• Primary details for a vacancy such as location, grade, job, position, and the
employment status.
For a new vacancy, the status is Unapproved by default.
If your enterprise has set up default recruitment information for your business
group, then the following details appear automatically on this page for the vacancy:
• Vacancy Name

2-42 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

If this field displays a unique vacancy number, for example, IRC1234, then you
cannot change the value. This setting indicates that your enterprise has set the
automatic vacancy code allocation method to generate vacancy names. If this
field is blank, then provide a vacancy name.

• Number of vacancy openings

• Organization

• Location

Enterprise policy determines whether you can modify the default information.

• The manager who manages the vacancy. The Manager field displays the user name
by default. You can select a different manager from the list of people in your

Note: The people whom you can access depends on the HR: Cross
Business Group profile option defined in your enterprise.

• Start and end dates to define the vacancy availability period.

• Vacancy location details. If the Vacancy Location Details region is visible, then
select a recruiting area to specify vacancy locations. Your enterprise defines
recruiting areas to enable managers to create vacancies in multiple locations. For
more information, see: Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type, page 1-127
When you select a recruiting area, a table with a list of locations appears.
Depending on the recruiting area definition, you can select appropriate locations as
vacancy locations. For example, you can select multiple locations in a business
group or multiple locations in multiple business groups.

Note: The default location selected in the Overview region must be

added to the list of vacancy locations for a vacancy that is available
in multiple locations.

• Compensation details such as stock options, company car, or pension options. Note
that they do not define the compensation elements that are included in the
employment assignment after a candidate has been hired.
You can view minimum and maximum salary in corporate currency. For example,
if you enter the maximum salary amount as 5,000 USD and the corporate currency
is set as GBP, then iRecruitment displays the corresponding value as 3085.905 GBP
(if the conversion rate is: 1 USD = 0.61 GBP)

Working with iRecruitment 2-43

Entering Skills and Qualifications
On the Create Vacancy: Enter Required Skills page, you:
• Define the skills and qualifications required for the vacancy. If the vacancy is
associated with a position, for example, any competencies required in that position
appear automatically. During a manager search, iRecruitment compares the skills
required for the vacancy with the candidates' skills and displays a list of candidates
whose skills match the vacancy requirements.

• Select an assessment, for example, a test that applicants can complete when they
apply for your vacancy. You can use tests to evaluate applicants' knowledge and
skills. iRecruitment presents the test to applicants during the job application

Entering Team Members

On the Create Vacancy: Enter Team Members page, you define a security method for
recruiting team members. You define security for the vacancy to control vacancy access.
If managers or recruiters have the appropriate security profile, then they can view
vacancies in their own organization (typically their own business group) or across
business groups.
• Defining a Security Method
You can select any one of the security methods:
• Team
Only people in the recruiting team that you select can see the vacancy. When
you select the Team members, you can select only those people that your
security profile gives access to. Your system administrator defines your security

Note: If your enterprise has not defined security to restrict

access to iRecruitment data, then everyone in your enterprise
can view the vacancy. Check with your system administrator to
define user access.
For more information on how user access and security is
defined in iRecruitment, see: User Access and Security, page 1-

When setting up Team Only security, you must include the recruiter or
manager in the team, or they will not be able to see the vacancy.

• Business and team

The recruiting team that you select and users with the appropriate security

2-44 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

profile can see the vacancy. Business indicates the security profile or the current
business group that you are part of.

• Public
If you select Public, anyone in your business group can see the vacancy.

• Identifying the Recruiting Team Members

You select a recruiting team to define who can access the vacancy and view
interviews details. When you define a recruiting team, you can also assign
additional vacancy and interview security to each of the members. Select hiring
managers and recruiters as part of the recruiting team if they perform interviewer
tasks also.

• Defining Additional Security for the Vacancy

Define additional security for the vacancy to control vacancy access. You can select
different levels of vacancy security. These are:
• Update

• Update/Delete

• View Only

Additional Information: In the current release of iRecruitment

you cannot delete vacancies, so in effect Update and
Update/Delete are the same. The Delete function is reserved for
future development.

• Defining Interview Security

Define additional security for the recruiting team members to restrict interview
access. Only employees who are part of the recruiting team appear in the
Interviewers list while creating an interview. As part of the interview security, you
specify the interviews that the interviewers can access.
iRecuritment provides the following interview security options:
• Assigned Interviews
The recruiting team member can only view the interviews that the member is
directly associated as an interviewer.

• Assigned and Previous Interviews

The recruiting team member can not only view assigned interviews but also
view interviews conducted prior to the assigned interview.

Working with iRecruitment 2-45

• All Interviews
The recruiting team member can view all interviews scheduled for applicants
during the entire interview cycle.

• Defining Agency Access

Define agency access to a vacancy in the Agencies table. You can make the vacancy
details available to recruiting agencies that your enterprise uses. The agencies can
then submit applicants for the vacancy or, if given authority, manage the whole
recruitment process.
Identify one or more agencies to assist with recruiting for a vacancy. You can:
• Specify the duration for which the agencies access the vacancy. This is the
duration for which the agency assists the enterprise in the recruitment process.

• Indicate the maximum number of applicants that agencies can submit for each
vacancy. This prevents agencies from indiscriminately submitting many

• Enable an agency to complete the recruitment process for a vacancy. Select the
Manage Applicants check box when assigning the vacancy to an agency to
enable the agency to progress applicants through the entire application process.
Otherwise, agencies can view only their assigned vacancies and submit
applications for these vacancies.

• Defining Communication Properties

Define communication properties for the vacancy. You can:
• Set the default communication status for the vacancy. Select from these options:
Indicates that none of the users can communicate. The moderator must initiate
the communication at the application level to open the communication for the
vacancy. This is the default value.
Not Started
Only a recruiter, hiring manager, or recruiting team member who can view or
update vacancy can initiate communication by clicking the Start
Communication button on the Application tab of the Candidate Details page.
Anyone who can view or update vacancy (hiring manager, recruiter, or
recruiting team member) or applicants can initiate communication.

• Define whether recruitment communication notifications can be sent to

communication participants. The default value is No.

2-46 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Define who can add attachments to the messages. Select from these options:
All the communication participants, including applicants can add attachments.
A recruiter, hiring manager, recruiting team member, or agency user with
manage applicant access can add attachments to messages.
None of the participants can add attachments. This is the default value.

• Define who can add recipients to messages. If you select Internal, then a
recruiter, hiring manager, recruiting team member, or agency user with manage
applicant access can add recipients to messages. Internal is the default value.

• Define who can moderate messages. The moderator can view, reply, and delete
messages initiated for applications. Only the moderator can close
communication for an individual application using the Candidate Details page
and multiple applications using the Mass Communication page. The moderator
can also view the entire message log for all topics. The default value is Recruiter
and Hiring Manager.

Formatting Job Posting

On the Create Vacancy: Format Job Posting page, you:
• Provide job posting information, such as job requirements. Depending on your
vacancy, the job postings details may appear automatically, for example, if the
position associated with the vacancy has default job posting information. You can
edit the job details as required.

• Use the editor to apply formatting features such as italics or bold to highlight
certain information.

• Specify whether candidates can view the recruiter's details, such as name and
contact phone number, so that they can contact the hiring manager directly.

In the Recruiting Sites region, internal, internal referrals, and external sites appear by
default. You can select multiple third-party sites for posting job details. You can specify
separate start and end dates for job postings on internal, external, internal referral, and
third-party sites. You can post vacancies on the internal referral site and employees can
refer candidates here. You can chose to post vacancies for internal referrals for a specific
time period and then make the vacancies available to external candidates and
If your enterprise posts the vacancy details to employees for a period of time before
posting to external candidates, then you can enter only the internal posting date and not

Working with iRecruitment 2-47

the external posting start date. The application automatically sets the external posting
start date when the vacancy is approved.

Reviewing and Submitting Vacancy Details

The Review page displays vacancy details that you have specified for the vacancy
including the locations where the vacancy is available. You can view default approvers
for your vacancy. In addition to the default approvers, you can add other people as
approvers and recipients of the vacancy notification. You can add approvers only if
your system administrator enables the Add Approvers region.
Adding Attachments
You can upload supporting documents to vacancies to provide additional information.
You can add documents for internal users (recruiting team members, managers, and
recruiters), for example, about headcount approvals and recruitment budget. External
user attachments can include documents such as company policies and additional
information about the grade, position, and location of the vacancy. Agency users and
candidates are external users. Managers, recruiters, vacancy approvers, and recruiting
team members can view both internal and external documents.
Review the vacancy to ensure that the details correct, and submit it for approval, if
appropriate. You can also save a draft of the vacancy and complete the details later.
See: Save for Later, page 1-56

Posting Vacancies to Third-Party Recruiting Sites

Use the Post Advert button on the Vacancy Details page to post the vacancy to third-
party recruiting sites. When you post vacancies, iRecruitment sends the documents
using the data transfer method specified by your enterprise. You can view and track
responses from each third-party site in the Response column. If your enterprise uses:
• HTTP to post the job details, the recruiting site sends an immediate response that
confirms the successful receipt of the job details

• E-mail to post the job details, you can view only the posting date in the Response

• FTP to post the job details, you can view the posting date and error details if the
transfer process fails

You do not post vacancies to your enterprise's internal and external sites. iRecruitment
automatically posts the job advertisements on the internal and external sites on the date
specified in the Start Date field of the Create Vacancy: Format Job Posting page.

Updating Vacancies
You can update a vacancy to modify the assignment and job posting details. For

2-48 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

example, if your enterprise moves the job opening to another location, you can change
the location information. You can update a vacancy when you receive the vacancy back
for correction. You can also update an approved vacancy, if required.

Updating Vacancy Details When Applications Exist for a Vacancy

The value set for the IRC: Update Vacancy Details When Applications Exist profile option
determines whether you can update vacancy details when applications exist for a
If the value is set to Yes, then you can update the following details for a vacancy even if
applications exist. Otherwise, you cannot update the details.
• Location

• Position

• Job Title

• Organization

• Grade

• Employment Status

• Professional Area

Updating Vacancy Details

When you update vacancy details, you can:
• Change any of the details that you provided earlier, such as the end date of the
vacancy and the employment status.

• Change the skills and skill ratings required for the job.
You cannot select a new assessment if applicants have already applied to the
vacancy and taken the test.

• Add agencies that can access your vacancy, and nominate a different recruiting

Note: When you update a vacancy, you cannot delete recruiting

team members associated with interviews that are at the Planned or
Confirmed status for the vacancy.

• Update the posting details, such as the How-to-Apply details.

Working with iRecruitment 2-49

• Select new approvers for the vacancy and new recipients of the vacancy

• Select more locations from the recruiting area list, in addition to the locations
selected when defining vacancy details.

You can delete a recruiting area associated with the vacancy only if applications do not
exist for the vacancy. You cannot delete a location that is chosen by applicants as their
location preference.
On the Update Vacancy: Review page, you can view the changed information
(highlighted with a blue dot in the proposed data region).
Depending on your enterprise's approval process, iRecruitment routes the updated
vacancy for approval.
Repost the Updated Vacancy on Recruiting Sites
If you update a vacancy that you posted to third-party recruiting sites, remember to
repost the updated vacancy once it is approved.
For troubleshooting vacancies, see: Troubleshooting Vacancies, page 2-50

Troubleshooting Vacancies
This topic looks at some common problems that may occur while managing vacancies
and suggests some approaches.

Problem Description What To Do

When you create a vacancy, the Vacancy If your enterprise decides to follow the
Name field on the Create Vacancy: Basic automatic vacancy code allocation method for
Details page displays an automatically vacancy names, then iRecruitment assigns a
generated number. unique number for the vacancy. You cannot
update the Vacancy Name field.

After you create and submit a vacancy for You cannot view a vacancy that you
approval, you cannot find the vacancy. submitted for approval until it is approved.

When you create a vacancy, you cannot If your enterprise posts the vacancy details to
provide the external site posting start date on employees before posting to external
the Format Job Posting page. candidates, then you can enter only the
internal posting start date; you cannot enter
the external posting start date. When the
vacancy is approved, the application
automatically sets the external posting start

2-50 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Problem Description What To Do

The iRecruitment session timed out when you Check the Save for Later table on your Home
were creating a vacancy. How do you retrieve page. iRecruitment saves the vacancy as a
the vacancy details? draft if the browser closes or the session times

You are not able to update vacancy details. Check the status of the vacancy. You can
update a vacancy only if it is approved; you
cannot update a vacancy in pending approval

You have posted a vacancy to the third-party If you update a vacancy posted on a third-
recruiting site with whom your enterprise has party recruiting site, you must post the
an agreement. At a later date, you update the vacancy again using the Post Advert button
vacancy details. The vacancy updates do not on the Vacancy Details page.
appear on the recruiting site.

Working with iRecruitment 2-51

Managing Communication in iRecruitment

Understanding iRecruitment Communication

In a typical recruitment process, communication occurs both among recruitment
participants and between recruitment participants and applicants.
For example:
• Recruiters check with candidates about suitable times and dates for interviews.

• Candidates verify their job application status and check for additional information
about vacancies.

• Hiring managers and recruitment team members discuss candidate offers.

• Candidates request changes to their job offers or their proposed start dates.

• Third-party recruiting agencies verify the progress of their agency's applicants with
the enterprise.

To support online recruitment communications and to enable enterprises to maintain a

record of communication for compliance purposes, iRecruitment provides the
Recruitment Communication functionality.
The Recruitment Communication functionality enables enterprises to:
• Facilitate communication between their recruitment team and applicants, either
individually or as a group for vacancy applications.

• Enable third-party recruiting agencies to participate in the recruitment

communication process.

• Define communication options for each vacancy based on their recruiting


• Enable communication for job applications using communication features such as

topics and messages.

Communication Participants
Communication can involve the following types of participants in iRecruitment:
• Recruiters, who manage vacancy recruitment. You identify a recruiting using the
Recruiter name field on the Create Vacancy: Enter Team Members or Update
Vacancy: Enter Team Members pages.

2-52 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Hiring Managers, who manage the vacancies in iRecruitment. You identify a hiring
manager using the Manager name field on the Enter/Update: Create Vacancy
Primary Details page.
The roles of recruiters and hiring managers in your enterprise depend on the
responsibilities assigned to them by your enterprise.

• Recruiting team members, who participate in the recruiting process. They have
access only to appropriate vacancy and candidate related information.

• Applicants, who submit applications for employment to an organization.

• Agencies are external organizations that assist enterprises in their recruitment

process. Agencies act on behalf of the candidates to help them search and apply for
jobs. They provide candidates to the fill up job openings in an enterprise or
sometimes handle the complete placement process for a vacancy.

The Communication Process

The following sections describe how Recruitment Communication functionality works
in iRecruitment.

Defining Communication Properties for a Vacancy

In iRecruitment, communication occurs for each application for the vacancy. Therefore,
when hiring managers or recruiters create vacancy details, they can:
• Define the default communication status for a vacancy and who can initiate

• Specify whether participants receive recruitment notifications.

• Define who can add attachments to messages.

• Define who can add recipients to messages.

• Define who can moderate the communication for the vacancy. The moderator can
view, reply, and delete messages initiated for applications. The moderator can also
view the entire message log for all topics and close communication channel if no
more communication is required with the applicant.

See: Defining Communication Properties, page 2-46

Initiating Communication for a Vacancy

Depending on the default communication status set for a vacancy, participants
(applicants, recruiters, hiring managers, and recruiting team members) can initiate
communication for vacancy applications. Use the Start Communication button to

Working with iRecruitment 2-53

initiate the communication if the default communication status is set to Not Started.
This button is available in the Communication tabbed region of the Candidate Details
page. After the communication starts, participants can create topics and message for
A topic is a collection of messages about a subject. For example, hiring managers can
create different topics, such as additional information about vacancies, interview
availability, job offers, and joining date. They can select recipients based on the subject
of the topic. Hiring managers can select an applicant and interviewers as recipients of
common messages, such as interview location details. They can select an applicant and
a recruiter for messages on the proposed joining date.
In addition to communicating with individual applicants, recruiters or managers can
communicate with multiple applicants using the Mass Communication page. Managers
can start or close communication with multiple applicants using a single interface.
See: Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page 2-
See: Managing Communication for Multiple Applicants, page 2-56

Closing Communication for a Vacancy

The communication status can remain open until the moderator decides to close it.
Communication can remain open with the candidates even though the vacancy is
closed. After the communication is closed, the Communication tab on the Candidate
Details page displays the topics and messages created for the application. A recruiter or
hiring manager can close the communication for an application by clicking the Close
Communication button on the Communication tabbed region of the Candidate Details
page. Using the Mass Communication page, managers can close communication for
multiple applications.

Communication and Candidates

Applicants can view the communication details in the Communication tabbed region of
the Application Details page. They can view topics and messages for their applications.
The communication properties set for a vacancy determine whether candidates can
create topics, reply to messages, add attachments, and add recipients to messages.
If the Add Recipients option is not available to applicants, then, by default,
iRecruitment adds the moderator to the recipients list. The moderator can reply by
adding the appropriate recipients.

Communication and Employees

Employees who are assigned to conduct interviews can view communication details on
the Communication tab of the candidate's Application Details page. They can review
messages, create topics, and reply to messages, if they have the required privileges and
are message recipients.

2-54 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Communication and Agencies
Agencies can create and respond to messages for their applicants using the Candidate
Details page.
• If an agency does not have the appropriate access to manage applicants for a
vacancy, then it can view messages only of their applicants.

• If an agency has the access to manage applicants for a vacancy and is set up as the
moderator for the communication, then the agency can review all messages related
to all of the applications for that vacancy.

Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication

This topic explains how hiring managers, recruiters, recruiting team members, or
agency users can create topics to initiate the communication for an application.
For a general introduction to recruitment communication, see: Understanding
iRecruitment Communication, page 2-52
On the Create Topic page:
• Specify the topic name.

• Describe the message.

• Select recipients of the topic. Recipients can view these topics and reply to
messages. You can add recipients, such as hiring managers, recruiters, recruiting
team members, or an applicant.
The communication properties set for the vacancy determine whether you can add
recipients for your topic. You cannot select multiple applicants as message
recipients. For more information, see: Defining Communication Properties, page 2-

The Communication tab of the Candidate Details page displays the following
• A brief summary of the topic

• The date on which the last message was posted for the topic

• The date on which the topic was started

• The creator of the topic

• The names of the topic recipients

Working with iRecruitment 2-55

• The total number of replies for the topic

Creating and Replying to Messages

After you initiate a topic, anyone (recruiter, hiring manager, members of the recruiting
team, agency user, or applicants) with access to the topic can reply to messages using
the Reply button on the Topics table. Only moderators can delete topics.
When you reply to a message using the Reply to Message page, you can:
• Enter a description of your message.

• Select recipients for your message. You can add recipients, such as recruiters,
recruiting team members, or applicants.

Note: You cannot delete recipients when you reply to messages.

However, if you want to send a message to only select recipients,
then you can create a new topic.

• Attach supporting documents to your message. For example, a recruiter can upload
a location map to provide additional information about interview location.
The ability to add recipients and attachments to messages depends on the
communication properties set for the vacancy.

Deleting Communication Messages and Closing Communication

You cannot close communication for an application unless you are a moderator for the
vacancy communication. Only the moderator can close communication if no more
communication is required with the applicant. iRecruitment displays the Close
Communication button only if you are the moderator for the vacancy communication.
Only the moderator can delete communication messages for an application. For more
information, see: Defining Communication Properties, page 2-46

Managing Communication for Multiple Applicants

During the recruitment process, hiring managers and recruiters can create a
communication topic to share the same information with multiple applicants for a
vacancy. The Mass Communication page enables you to send communication messages
to multiple applicants using a single interface. This page appears when you select
applicants for a vacancy and click Manage Communication.
Using the Mass Communication page, you can start and close communication for the
selected applications for a vacancy. You cannot close communication for applications
unless you are a moderator for the vacancy communication. Only the moderator can
close communication if no more communication is required with the applicants.

2-56 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

iRecruitment displays the Close Communication button only if you are the moderator
for the vacancy communication. For more information, see: Defining Communication
Properties, page 2-46

Creating a Topic
You can create a topic with the following details:
• Enter the appropriate message subject and text for communication.

• Select the internal recipients such as recruiting team members, recruiters, and hiring
managers who will receive your message.

• Attach any supporting documents, if allowed to add to the message.

• Review and click Send to communicate with multiple applicants.

Working with iRecruitment 2-57

Working with Candidates

Working with Candidates

In iRecruitment, candidates are users who register with your job site. As a recruiter or
manager, you can:
• Search for candidates using a variety of search methods.

• View candidate details.

• Invite candidates to apply for jobs.

• Create candidate details for candidates who are not registered with the job site.

Searching for Candidates

The following sections describe ways of searching for candidates.

Searching the Prospect Pool

The prospect pool contains all registered users who have given permission for their
information to be available on the job site. You can:
• Search for candidates using a variety of search criteria such as skills, applicant type,
or employment status.

• Search for agency candidates only, if your enterprise uses the Agencies
functionality to work with recruiting agencies.

If your enterprise uses location search to find candidates, then you can view the
Location, Country, and Distance from Location (Miles) fields on the Prospect Pool page.
To perform a location search, enter a city name or zip code in the Location field and
specify a distance from that location to find candidates within that distance. For
example, you can search for candidates located within 30 miles of San Diego or zip code

Searching for Resumes

On the Candidates: Resumes page, you can search for resumes using specific keywords.
For example, you can search for resumes that contain a particular skill or qualification.
iRecruitment highlights the search keyword in the HTML preview of the candidate's
resume to help you to identify where the matches occur quickly and easily.

2-58 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Linking Searches with Vacancies
When you search for candidates using the Candidates: Prospect Pool page and the
Candidates: Resume page, you can select a vacancy in the 'Link Search with a Vacancy'
field to associate your candidate searches with vacancies. An enterprise can use this
information to identify the types of searches made for vacancies and to check for data

Searching for Individuals

On the Candidates: Individuals page, you can search for individual users using criteria
such as last name, e-mail ID, or agency name. You can also search for candidates using
any of the phone types such as mobile, work or work fax numbers.

Searching for Referral Candidates

The Candidates: Individuals, Candidates: Prospect Pool, and Applicants pages present
the Employee Referrals check box to enable managers to search for employee referral

Viewing Candidate Details in a Pop-up Window

When you move the mouse over the candidate name in the search results table, you can
view the basic details of a candidate such as work preferences, skills, qualifications, and
previous employment details in a pop-up window. Candidate details pop-up is
available on all the candidate search pages: Prospect Pool, Individuals, Resumes, and

Processing Candidates
When you identify candidates, you can process them using the Take Action button on
the Prospect Pool and Resumes pages. When you click this button, the Pursue Consider
Reject Candidates page appears.
See: Processing Candidates, page 2-60
You can also create details of candidates. For more information, see: Creating Candidate
Details, page 2-61

Viewing Candidate Details

When you click a candidate's name in the search results table, any one of the following
pages appears based on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details, page 2-62

• Candidate Profile

Working with iRecruitment 2-59

See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

Finding Duplicate Profiles

After you search candidates, you can click the Find Duplicates icon available in the
search results table of the Candidates: Prospect Pool, Candidates: Individuals,
Candidates: Resumes, and Candidates: Applicants pages. Use this functionality to
identify duplicate profiles.
The Find Duplicates functionality helps to:
• Compare duplicate profiles.

• Confirm records as duplicates.

• Mark a profile as not duplicate.

• De-link profiles if two or more profiles are incorrectly linked.

See: Finding Duplicate Profiles, page 2-64

Processing Candidates

Processing Candidates
To process candidates, you can select any one of the following options that you can
view on the Pursue Consider Reject Candidates page or the Jobs Considered For tab on
the Candidate Details page:
• Consider: Decide whether to encourage a candidate to apply, or consider them for a
future job opening. This information is just for your reference. Unless you select
Pursue or Reject, the application takes no further action on the candidate. Consider
does not deliver any notification to the person. The application updates the
consideration status column for the candidate.

• Pursue: Invite a candidate to apply for a job. When you select this option,
iRecruitment sends a notification to the candidate inviting them to apply for the
vacancy. When the candidate applies to the specific vacancy, the person becomes an
applicant and is moved to the applicant list. The iRecruitment database maintains a
record of the action.

Note: Sending job invitations to candidates created by agency users

Unlike self-registered candidates, candidates created by managers

and agency users do not have user accounts and cannot receive
automatic job notifications or job invitations from iRecruitment.

2-60 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Use the e-mail address (on the Candidate Details page) to send job
invitations to candidates created by managers and agency

• Reject: Indicate that you do not find a candidate suitable for a vacancy.
iRecruitment excludes rejected people from future searches for a particular vacancy
but not for all vacancies.

• Refer: Suggest a candidate to other managers or recruiters, if you find a candidate

suitable for other vacancies.

For information on troubleshooting candidates and applicants, see: Troubleshooting

Candidates and Applicants, page 2-105

Creating Candidates

Creating Candidate Details

iRecruitment enables you to create candidate details using the Create Candidate button.
For example, you may receive resumes from candidates or referrals for candidates who
are not registered with iRecruitment. To refer or to process these candidates, their
profiles must exist in iRecruitment. To create a candidate profile, you can:
• Enter details such as name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, skills and
qualifications, and upload a resume.
Note: If your enterprise determines that iRecruitment must create external user
accounts for candidates created by managers or recruiters, then the Email Address
field becomes mandatory. Using the email address, iRecruitment sends email to
candidates with the login information. Candidates can log in to the iRecruitment job
site and search for jobs, submit job applications, and complete tasks that self-
registered candidates perform.

• Specify work preferences such as preferred work location and their minimum
salary requirements. When managers search for candidates, iRecruitment uses work
preferences and skills to find candidates who match their vacancy requirements.

• Indicate whether the candidate's details can appear in the manager search using the
Allow Account To Be Searched check box. If you do not select this check box, then
the candidate's information is available only to managers of vacancies for which
they have applied. iRecruitment does not automatically include candidates in the
manager search.

Working with iRecruitment 2-61

Applying for a Job on Behalf of a Candidate
You can apply for jobs on behalf of your candidates. Review the candidate's information
before submitting the job application. Any changes that you make to a candidate's
account while applying for a job are not limited to the specific job application, but
generally apply to the candidate's account. When you apply for a vacancy that is
available in multiple locations, you can select the applicant's location preference.
EEO Information
If the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) region is visible, then provide appropriate
information such as date of birth, gender, and ethnic origin. If the 'I do not want to
disclose my EEO information' check box is available, then you can choose not to
disclose the EEO information of the applicant. The EEO fields display a value of
'Entered' when other managers or recruiters view the application details.

Note: When you apply for a vacancy that is available in multiple

business groups, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
information region does not appear.

Attempt Assessments on Behalf of a Candidate

As a manager or recruiter, when you register on behalf of a candidate, you can attempt
the registration assessment in the language in which iRecruitment is launched or
manager's preferred language, if the assessment is available in the language that is
selected as the display language by manager or recruiter in their iRecruitment account,
Preferences tab.
If you attempt an assessment in a specific language, then you cannot retake the
assessment in a different language, if you change the display language.

Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details

You can view details of a candidate using the Candidate Details page. For a candidate,
you can view the information in the following tabbed regions:

Candidate Profile
This tab shows the candidate's personal details such as the name, e-mail address, and
date of birth. You can find out if the candidate is an agency candidate or a referral
candidate. You can view the work preferences of the candidate such as the candidate's
preferred location of work or minimum desired salary.

Confirmed Duplicates
This region displays duplicate profiles of a candidate. When managers search for

2-62 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

duplicates profiles using the Find Duplicates functionality, the profiles that are
validated as confirmed duplicates appear in this region.
See: Finding Duplicate Profiles, page 2-64

You can view the candidate's employment history and education qualifications. If the
candidate has entered information about their skills, this region presents the details
such as skill and the proficiency level of the candidate.

Resumes and Documents

You can preview the candidate's resume. You can view other supporting documents if
available such as a cover letter.

Jobs Considered For

After you review the candidate's details, if you find the candidate suitable for a
vacancy, you can invite the candidate to apply for the job. You can also consider the
candidate for a job opening.
For information on the processing options, see: Processing Candidates, page 2-60
You can apply for a job on behalf of the candidate. See: Applying for a Job on Behalf of a
Candidate, page 2-62
If the candidate has applied for jobs, you can process the applications using the
Candidate Details page. For more information, see: Processing Applications Using the
Candidate Details Page, page 2-96
Managers can use the Background Check function to request a background-check to
verify information such as the education history, qualifications, and relevant experience
of candidates.

Note: To use the background-check functionality, your enterprise must

be registered with a background check vendor.

Working with iRecruitment 2-63

Finding Duplicate Profiles

Finding Duplicate Profiles

Duplicate candidate records can occur, for example, when:
• External candidates register multiple times in iRecruitment with different e-mail
addresses. They can also apply to vacancies using different user accounts.

• Employees register on the external iRecruitment site with their personal e-mail
address and submit job applications instead of using the iRecruitment Employee
Candidate responsibility.

• Multiple sources like recruiters, employees, and agencies register the same

Using the Find Duplicates functionality, managers can search and identify duplicate
profiles that exist in iRecruitment. For example, when they review candidates or
applicants for a vacancy, they can perform a Find Duplicates search to identify
duplicate profiles.
Oracle iRecruitment uses the following criteria to identify profiles as duplicates:
Full name (last name and first name) and date of birth must match
Full name (last name and first name) and social security number (SSN) must match
Managers can use the Find Duplicates functionality to:
• Compare duplicate profiles

• Confirm records as duplicates

• Mark a profile as not duplicate so that the profile does not appear in the future Find
Duplicates searches.

• De-link profiles if two or more profiles are incorrectly identified as duplicate


The Duplicate Profile page that lists the duplicate records of candidates appears when
managers search for candidates and click the Find Duplicates icon on the following
• Candidates: Prospect Pool

• Candidates: Individuals

2-64 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Candidates: Resumes

• Candidates: Applicants

• View Applicants (Vacancies > View Applicants)

The following sections describe the features of the Duplicate Profile page:

Potential Duplicates
This region lists the probable duplicate profiles matching the criteria. You can drill-
down to view the candidate's details, only if you have the security access to a record.
This example explains working with the Potential Duplicates section. When you search
for candidates in the Candidate: Individuals page using the last name 'Snow', the search
table lists three records with the full name Snow, Mark. You want to verify if the three
records are of the same candidate or not. You select a candidate Snow, Mark, and click
the Find Duplicates icon. In the Potential Duplicates table, the following results appear:
• Snow, Mark whose e-mail address is [email protected]

• Snow, Mark whose e-mail address is [email protected]

• Snow, Mark whose email address is [email protected]

To verify whether the profiles are duplicate of the selected candidate, you can perform
the following tasks:
• Compare Profiles
Select the profiles that you want to compare and click Compare Profiles.
iRecruitment displays a comparison report in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. You
can either save the report to your local machine or open the report directly. This
report displays candidate details such as phone numbers, skills, educational
qualifications, work preferences, and registration assessment.
See: Comparing Candidates, page 2-90

• Not a Duplicate
After you compare profiles, if you find that a profile is not same as another profile,
select the profile that is unique and click Not Duplicate. iRecruitment moves the
unique profile to the Not Duplicate table and this profile does not appear in future
duplicates search in this candidate group.

• Confirm Duplicate
After you compare profiles, if you find that one or two profiles are same as a
profile, select the profiles and click Confirmed Duplicate. iRecruitment links the
profiles and moves the profiles to the Confirmed Duplicates table.

Working with iRecruitment 2-65

• Add Potential Duplicate
You can add candidates directly as potential duplicates using this option. For
example, when you review other candidates or applicants, if profiles look similar,
then you can search and add those profiles to the Potential Duplicates table to see
whether they are duplicates.

Note: The Add Potential Duplicate function is not available by

default on the Duplicate Profile page. Your enterprise may decide
to give access to this function only to a few users.

If duplicate profiles exist for a candidate, then you can view the number of profiles that
are linked in the Duplicates column. Click the number to view details of duplicate

Confirmed Duplicates
This region displays the profiles that you have validated as duplicate profiles.
When you confirm a profile as a duplicate of another profile, you can:
• Compare Profiles
See: Compare Profiles, page 2-65

• De-Link Profiles
Select this option if you want to disassociate profiles that you confirmed as
duplicate profiles. When you select the de-link profiles option, the de-linked
profiles move to the Potential Duplicates table.

The Confirmed Duplicates region is also available on the Candidate Details page. See:
Using the Candidate Details Page to View Candidate Details, page 2-62

Not Duplicates
This region displays profiles of candidates that are unique. Profiles appear in this
region, when you perform the find duplicates search for a candidate and indicate that
the candidate's profile is unique by selecting the profile as Not Duplicate.

2-66 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Calculating Skills Match Percentage

Calculating Skills Match Percentage

This topic discusses the calculation of skills match percentage on:
• Find Candidates Page (Vacancies > Find Candidates button)
See: Finding Candidates, page 2-102

• Skills Match Percentage pie chart on the Candidate Profile page

See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• Skills Match Percentage row in the Suitability Analysis table in the Applicant Pool
Analysis section
See: Analyzing the Applicant Pool Using the Candidate Profile Page, page 2-82

Skills Match Percentage Calculation Rules

iRecruitment applies the following rules when calculating the skills match percentage:
• Vacancy Requirement Specifies Essential and Desirable Skills
If a vacancy requirement specifies Essential and Desirable skills along with the
levels, then iRecruitment checks whether a candidate possesses all the Essential
skills. Then, it verifies the number of Desirable skills that the candidate has. For
both the essential and desirable skills, the application verifies if the skill levels
specified by the candidate are equal to or fall within the minimum and maximum
range of values specified for the vacancy. If the candidate does not possess all the
Essential skills required for the vacancy, then iRecruitment considers the profile as a
mismatch, and the skills match percentage is shown as 0%.

• Vacancy Requirement Specifies Only Desirable Skills

If a vacancy requirement specifies only Desirable skills along with the levels, then
the application checks the number of desirable skills that the candidate possess and
if the skill levels specified by the candidate are equal to or fall within the minimum
and maximum range of values specified for the vacancy. The application considers
the number of desirable skills that match with vacancy requirements and calculates
the skills match percentage.

• Vacancy Requirement Specifies only Essential Skills

If a vacancy requirement specifies only Essential skills along with the levels, then
iRecruitment checks whether the candidate possess all the Essential skills. If the
candidate does not possess any one of the essential skills, then iRecruitment

Working with iRecruitment 2-67

considers the profile as a mismatch, and the skills match percentage is shown as 0%.
If the candidate possesses all the essential skills, then it verifies whether the
applicant's skill levels are equal to or fall within the minimum and maximum range
of values specified for the vacancy

The skills match percentage is calculated as follows:

Skills Match Percentage = % of Skills a Candidate Possess/Total Skills required for a
The total skills for vacancy = Essential skills + Desirable skills.

Skills Match Percentage Calculation - Examples

The following examples explain how iRecruitment calculates the skills match
percentage in various scenarios:

Example 1: Skills Defined as Desirable for a Sales Manager Vacancy

When defining the Sales Manager vacancy, the following skills are defined as the

Skill Name Minimum Level Maximum Level Desirability

Functional Sales 3-5 Years 10+ Years Desirable


Functional Strategic Leaner Expert Desirable


Core Presentation Semi - Proficient Expert Desirable


Core Negotiation Leaner Expert Desirable

Functional Conduct Learner Proficient Desirable

Effective Meeting

Core Customer Proficient Expert Desirable


Applicant Alex Thomas who applies to the Sales Manager vacancy has defined his skills
as follows:

2-68 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Skill Name Level

Core Presentation Skills Proficient

Functional Strategic Selling Proficient

Functional Sales Experience 3-5 Years

In this example, three skills of Thomas match with vacancy requirements. Therefore,
iRecruitment calculates skills match percentage as:
3/6 = 50%
In another example, applicant Jane Woodworth who applies to the Sales Manager
vacancy has listed her skills as follows:

Skill Name Level

Core Presentation Skills Proficient

Core Negotiation Expert

Core Customer Orientation Semi-Proficient

Though three skills of Jane match with vacancy skills, the Core Customer Orientation
skill level does not fall between the minimum and maximum levels and so it is ignored
during the calculation ofskills percentage, which is:.
2 / 6 = 33%.

Example 2: Skills Defined as Essential and Desirable for a Sales Representative Vacancy
The skills defined for the vacancy are as follows:

Skill Name Minimum Level Maximum Level Desirability

Core.Oral Proficient Expert Essential


Core.Presentation Proficient Expert Essential


Working with iRecruitment 2-69

Skill Name Minimum Level Maximum Level Desirability

Functional.Sales 3 to 5 years -- Essential


Applicant Price, Georgia who applies to the Sales Representative vacancy has defined
her skills as follows:

Skill Name Level

Core Presentation Skills Proficient

Core Oral Communication Proficient

Functional Sales Experience 1-3 Years

In this example, three skills of Georgia match with vacancy requirements. But, since the
applicant does not have the required Functional Sales Experience, which is an Essential
skill, iRecruitment considers the profile as a mismatch and the skills match percentage
is shown as 0%.

2-70 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Using Candidate Profile

Using Candidate Profile

The Candidate Profile feature helps managers or recruiters to obtain a comprehensive
picture of candidates along with application information and analyze the applicant

Candidate and Applicant Details

On the Candidate Profile page, you can view a snapshot of the candidate in the
following sections:

Candidate Details
You can view details of the candidate such as the candidate name, e-mail address,
phone number, current number of applications, and current number of offers. You can
view additional personal details and complete address of the candidate by clicking the
Additional Personal Details and Address links.

Applicant Details
You view the vacancy for which the candidate has applied, vacancy details such as job,
position, and organization. You can click the Vacancy link to view details of the vacancy
and navigate back to the Candidate Profile page. If the applicant is rated for the
vacancy, then you can view the rating value.
You can also add attachments. An Add Attachments window appears when you move
the mouse over the Add button. Use this window to add quick notes, for example your
feedback or observations on the applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a
relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Add button.
Click Additional Application Details to view more details such as referrer comments on
the applicant.

Skills Match Percentage

iRecruitment compares the applicant's skills with skills required for a vacancy and
displays the data in a pie chart.
For information on how iRecruitment calculates the skills-match percentage, see:
Calculating Skills Match Percentage., page 2-67

Working with iRecruitment 2-71

Recently Visited Profiles
This region lists the names of candidates whose profiles a manager views during a
browser session. This list is related to a specific session and the values change if the
manager logs in to iRecruitment at a later date and views candidate profiles. You can
view the name of the vacancy along with the candidate's name, if the candidate is an

Candidate Profile Regions

The Candidate Profile page displays information in the following regions:
• Candidate Details, page 2-72

• Application Details, page 2-73

• Applicant Pool Analysis, page 2-73

Candidate Details Region

For a candidate, managers can view information in the following regions:
• Skills

• Jobs Considered For

• Education Qualifications

• Jobs Applied For

• Registration Assessment

• Resumes and Documents

• Additional Qualifications

• Work Preferences

• Employment History

If the candidate is an ex-employee or an employee applicant, then the following regions

are available:
• Employee Details

• Salary History

• Performance History

2-72 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

See: Viewing Candidate Details on the Candidate Profile Page, page 2-75

Note: Managers can view the salary history and performance history
regions if they have required permissions. System administrator must
grant the following permission sets:
• iRecruitment Employee Performance Permissionset
(IRC_EMP_PERFORMANCE_PSET) to view the performance

• iRecruitment Employee Salary Permissionset

(IRC_EMP_SALARY_PSET) to view the salary history

See: Implementation Steps for iRecruitment, page 1-15

Application Details
If the candidate is an applicant, then in addition to the Candidate Details regions,
managers can view the following regions:
• Communication

• Application Status History

• Application Assessment

• Interviews

• Offers

• EEO Details

• Location Preferences

See: Viewing Application Details on the Candidate Profile Page, page 2-78

Applicant Pool Analysis

The applicant pool is a set of candidates who have applied for a specific vacancy.
Managers require to analyze the skills and skill levels of the applicants, assessment
scores, and find if applicants match the vacancy requirements. iRecruitment presents
the following regions to enable managers perform the analysis:
• Suitability Analysis: Compares the candidate attributes with the various vacancy
For information on how iRecruitment calculates the skills-match percentage, see:
Calculating Skills Match Percentage., page 2-67

Working with iRecruitment 2-73

• Essential Skills: Graphically represents the distribution of the applicant pool for the
essential skills defined for a vacancy.

• Desired Skills: Graphically represents the distribution of the applicant pool for the
desired skills defined for a vacancy.

• Salary Expectation: Graphically represents the distribution of applicants based on

the minimum and maximum salary level in the applicant pool. Use this pie chart to
understand the salary expectation of applicants for a job.

• Assessment Score: Graphically represents distribution of applicants based on their

assessment score. The pie chart indicates the number of applicants who did not take
the assessment, failed, and passed. The applicants who achieved the pass mark are
further categorized into various buckets.

For more details, see: Analyzing the Applicant Pool Using the Candidate Profile Page,
page 2-82

Performing Actions
If you are viewing the details of a candidate, then you can:
• Apply for a job on behalf of the candidate

• Initiate background check

• Print the profile of the candidate

• Refer the candidate to other managers

• Compare the candidate with other candidates

• Update the profile of the candidate

In addition, for an applicant, you can perform the following actions:

• Print profile with application details

• Compare the applicant with other applicants

• Create an interview for the applicant

• Create an offer for the applicant

• Update the details of an application

• Update the status of an application

• Add notes to an offer

2-74 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Search for individual candidates or applicants

• Create a communication topic

Viewing Candidate Details on the Candidate Profile Page

View Candidate Details Presented in Different Regions

This section lists the candidate profile regions that managers can view on the Candidate
Profile page. Your enterprise may display all the regions or hide some of the regions
according to business needs and processes.

This region displays the list of skills of the candidate. This region contains the skill
name and skill level of the candidate.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page where you can view additional skill details.

Jobs Considered For

When managers or recruiters review candidates on the Candidates: Prospect Pool or
Candidates: Individual page they can use the Take Action feature and consider them for
vacancies. Similarly, they can consider candidates using the Find Candidates page. This
region lists the jobs that the candidate is considered for with the vacancy name,
organization, last update date, and current consideration.
Click the More link to navigate to the Jobs Considered For region of the Candidate
Details page.

Education Qualifications
This region provides information about the candidate's education qualifications such as
degree, graduation date, graduation subject, education establishment, and location.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualification region of the Candidate Details page
to view additional details.

Jobs Applied For

This region displays the list of vacancies or jobs for which the candidate has applied
and the manager can access. This region displays the vacancy name, organization, and
the status of the application.
Click the More link to navigate to the Applications region of the Candidate Details page
to view details of job applications.

Working with iRecruitment 2-75

Registration Assessment
This region displays information about the assessment taken by the candidate during
registration. If the assessment type is of Test, then you can view the assessment score
and result. If the assessment is scored and has sections, then you can view the section
level score. If the assessment is not scored, then iRecruitment displays the assessment
questionnaire with the candidate's responses.
Click the More link to navigate to the Candidate Details page to view assessment
questions and the candidate's response to the questions.
If the candidate has not taken the assessment during registration, then this region does
not display any data and is indicated as Not Attempted.

Resumes and Documents

This region displays the list of resumes and documents that the candidate has
uploaded. You can view the file name, file type, uploaded date and description. You
can click the name of the document to download the document to your local machine.
You can also preview the document.
Click the More link to navigate to the Candidate Profile region of the Candidate Details
page where you can view additional details of the uploaded documents.

Additional Qualifications
You can view other professional qualifications of the candidate such as an award. This
region does not display educational qualifications, which are displayed in the
Qualifications region. You can view information in the fields such as category,
qualification type, date received, and qualification.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page where you can see more information about the additional qualifications.

Work Preferences
This region displays the work preferences that the candidate specifies, such as a
preferred work location and minimum salary expected.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page to view additional work preferences.

Employment History
This region displays employment history information such as the previous employer,
previous employment period, and employer location.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page to view additional employment history details.

2-76 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Employee Details
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Details if the candidate is an ex-employee.
Employee details region displays the employee details of the candidate such as the
assignment number, department, years of service, and location.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page to view more employee details

Performance History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Performance History if the candidate is an ex-
employee and Employee Performance History if the candidate is an employee.
Performance History details include last rating, main appraiser, and appraisal period
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page to view more details on the performance history.

Salary History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Salary History if the candidate is an ex-employee
and Employee Salary History if the candidate is an employee. Salary History details
include proposal reason, annualized salary, and currency.
Click the More link to navigate to the Qualifications region of the Candidate Details
page to view more details on the salary history.

Perform Actions
The Select an Action list displays the list of actions that you can perform for a candidate.
You can:
• Apply for a job on behalf of the candidate.
See: Applying for a Job on Behalf of a Candidate, page 2-62

• Initiate background check

Use the Background Check function to request a background-check to verify
information such as the education history, qualifications, and relevant experience of
the candidate.
The Background Check Maintenance function links the manager or recruiter to the
vendor's site and transfers the candidate information. You can check the status of a
background check at any time using either the Background Check Maintenance link
on the home page or the Background Check button on the Candidate Details page.

Working with iRecruitment 2-77

Note: To use the background-check functionality, your enterprise
must be registered with a background check vendor. The results of
the background-check are not stored in the iRecruitment database.

• Print the candidate's profile

Managers can print a candidate's profile. Select Print Profile in the Action list and
click Go. The Candidate Profile page appears where you can generate a profile in
the form of a PDF document.
See: Printing Candidate or Applicant Profiles, page 2-86

• Refer the candidate to other manager or recruiters

As you process the candidate's details, you may find that the candidate is suitable
for other vacancies. Select the Refer action and click Go. On the Refer Prospects
page, select the manager's name, and edit the default message subject and text, if
required. The candidate's resume gets automatically attached to the referral

• Compare with other candidates

You can compare the candidate's profile with other candidates using the Compare
with Other Candidates option. Select this option and click Go. The Compare
Candidate Profiles page appears where you can select the regions that you want to
print and generate a report.
See: Comparing Candidates, page 2-90

• Update profile
When you select the Update Profile action, and click Go, the Candidate Details page
appears. You can update information such as the candidate's address,
qualifications, or work preferences.

Viewing Application Details on the Candidate Profile Page

This topic lists the information that you can view for an applicant and tasks that you
can perform for an applicant using the Candidate Profile page.
For information on the candidate details, see: Viewing Candidate Details on the
Candidate Profile Page, page 2-75
The Candidate Profile page lists the job applications that you can access. By default, the
Job Applications list displays active applications. You can select the All value to view all

2-78 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

View Application Details
You can view the application details such as the vacancy, organization, and referral
source. You can also add attachments. An Add Attachments window appears when you
move the mouse over the Add button. Use this window to add quick notes, for example
your feedback or observations on the applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a
relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Add button.
You can view application details of hired applicants. You can view the complete job
history of hired applicants and use the referral details to award referral bonuses. While
viewing the application details of a hired applicant, the application details are read-

This region displays the communication summary for an application. You can view the
subject of the communication, the last posted date, communication participants and the
number of messages for a subject. When you click the number link in the Messages
column, the Communication region of the Candidate Details page appears.
Depending on the default communication status set for a vacancy, you can initiate
communication for an application. You can start communication, create a topic, or close
communication based on the rules that iRecruitment applies for the recruitment
communication function.
See: Understanding iRecruitment Communication, page 2-52
See: Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page 2-55
Click More link to navigate to the Communication region of the Candidate Details page.

Application Status History

This region displays the application status change history for the application such as the
status changed date, current application status, change reason, and comments.
When you select the Update Application Status action or click the More link, the
Applications region of the Candidate Details page appears. In the Status Details and
Change Reason, you can select a new status and provide applicant rating.
See: Updating Application Status, page 2-96

Application Assessment
This region contains information about the assessment taken by the applicant when
applying for the vacancy. If the assessment type is of Test, then you can view the
assessment score and result. If the assessment is scored and has sections, then you can
view the section level score. If the assessment is not scored, then iRecruitment displays

Working with iRecruitment 2-79

the assessment questionnaire with the candidate's responses.
If the candidate has not taken the assessment during job application, then this region
does not display any data and is indicated as Not Attempted.
Click the More link to navigate to the Applications region of the Candidate Details page
to view the assessment questions and the applicant's response to the questions.

This region displays a summary of interviews for the vacancy application. For an
interview, you can view details such as the interview type, interview date, and status.
You can view feedback and other notes for the interview in the Details column. Click
the View Interview icon to view details of an interview. You can update the details of
an interview depending on the status of the interview. For example, if you are the
primary interviewer, and if an interview is at the Completed status, you cannot update
the status of the interview, you can only change the interview result, and provide
For interview statuses available to the primary interviewer at each stage of the
interview, see: Interview Statuses, page 2-109
You create an interview using the Create Interview action. For information on how to
create interview details, see: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111
Click the More link to navigate to the Interviews region of the Candidate Details page.

This region shows the summary of an offer, if it exists for an application and you can
preview the offer. The offer summary details include offer status, proposed salary, and
close reason. The list of actions depend on the current offer status. For example, you can
send or update the offer, if it is at the Approved status. If an offer does not exist for an
application, then you select the Create Offer action.
For information on how to perform offer related tasks, see:
• Creating Offers, page 2-128

• Sending Offers, page 2-133

• Updating Offers, page 2-135

• Maintaining Offers, page 2-137

• Withdrawing Offers, page 2-138

• Recording Applicants Declining Offers After Acceptance, page 2-138

• Closing Offers, page 2-139

2-80 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Hiring an Applicant, page 2-100

Click the More link to navigate to the Offers region of the Candidate Details page.

EEO Details
If the applicant provides EEO details such as gender and ethnic origin, then it is
indicated as Entered. The value Not Entered indicates that the EEO data is not available.
Click the More link to navigate to the Application region of the Candidate Details page.

Location Preferences
This region displays the applicant's location preference, if the application is for a
vacancy in multiple locations. You can view the country and business group of each

Perform Actions
The Select an Action list displays the list of actions that you can perform for an
applicant. You can:
• Print profile of the applicant with application details
Select the Print Profile with Application Details action and click Go. The Applicant
Profile page appears where you can generate a profile report.
See: Printing Candidate or Applicant Profiles, page 2-86

• Compare the applicant with other applicants

Select the Compare with Other Applicants action and click Go. The Compare
Applicant Profiles page appears where you can generate the comparison report.
See: Comparing Applicants, page 2-92

• Create an interview
See: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111

• Create a communication topic

See: Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page

• Update the application details

See: Processing Applications, page 2-96

• Update the application status

See: Updating Application Status, page 2-96

Working with iRecruitment 2-81

Understanding Skills Match Percentage for an Applicant
You can view the Skills Match Percentage pie chart on the Candidate Profile page.
Skills match percentage compares the applicant's skills with skills required for a
vacancy and displays the data in a pie-chart.
The pie chart measures:
• The percentage of applicant's skills that match with vacancy skills. This data is
displayed as the applicant's skills percentage.

• The difference between an applicant's skills and the required skills of the job. This
data is displayed as the gap percentage.

For information on how iRecruitment calculates the skills match percentage, see:
Calculating the Skills Match Percentage, page 2-67

Analyzing the Applicant Pool Using the Candidate Profile Page

Applicant pool is a set of candidates who have applied for a specific vacancy. During
the recruitment process, recruiters or hiring managers process huge volume of
applications and data to identify the most suitable applicants for a vacancy.
The Applicant Pool Analysis answers some of the business questions that managers or
recruiters have:
• Does an applicant's profile match that of the vacancy requirements?

• What is the skill level of an applicant for a vacancy? Is it better than the average of
the applicants for the vacancy?

• What is the scoring pattern for the assessment for a vacancy?

• What is the percentage of applicants who have passed the vacancy assessment?

• What is the salary expectation of applicants for a job? Does it match the salary
offered for the job?

The Applicant Pool Analysis region shows the following sections:

• Suitability Analysis

• Essential Skills

• Desirable Skills

• Salary Expectation

2-82 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Assessment Score

Suitability Analysis
Suitability Analysis compares the candidate's information available in the job
application with vacancy requirements. When applicants apply for jobs, they enter their
qualifications, skills, and work preferences. iRecruitment uses the following attributes
to compare an applicant with the vacancy requirements for suitability analysis:
• Skills Match Percentage
iRecruitment compares the skills required for the vacancy with the applicant's' skills
and displays the skills-match percentage.
For information on how iRecruitment calculates the skills-match percentage, see:
Calculating Skills Match Percentage., page 2-67

• Qualifications

• Assessment Score

• Salary

• Amount of Travel

• Work From Home

• Professional Area

• Location

• Employment Category

• Employee

• Contractor

Essential Skills
This is a graphical representation of the distribution of the applicant pool for the
essential skills defined for a vacancy. As manager, you can use the Essential Skills graph
to assess an applicant's level of essential skills defined for a vacancy. You can compare
the applicant's skills with that of the applicants for the vacancy.
Essential Skills Graph
The following section explains the Essential Skills graph:
• The vertical Y axis plots the skills' levels on a scale of 1 to 5.

Working with iRecruitment 2-83

Note: Your enterprise may use a rating scale from 1 to 10 to assess
skill levels. Regardless of the different rating scales, iRecruitment
normalizes the data to convert Y values from different data sets of
maximum and minimum values to a scale of 1 to 5.

• The horizontal X axis displays the names of essential skills defined for the vacancy.

The graphs shows:

• The minimum and maximum levels defined for each of the essential skills defined
for a vacancy on a scale of 1 to 5.

• The applicant skill level for each of the skills.

• The average score for each of the skills from the applicant pool.
When calculating the average score for each skill, iRecruitment considers only those
applicants who have that particular skill.
This table lists skills defined for the Sales Manager vacancy. A total of 100
applicants have applied for the job.

Skill Name Number of Applicants who have listed

the skill

Functional Sales Experience 20

Functional Strategic Selling 30

Core Presentation Skills 80

Core Negotiation 70

In this example, when calculating the average of Functional Sales Experience skill,
iRecruitment considers only the 20 applicants out of 100 as they have specified this skill
in their application.

Desirable Skills
This is a graphical representation of distribution of the applicant pool for the desirable
skills defined for a vacancy. As manager, you can use the Desirable Skills graph to
assess an applicant's level of desirable skills defined for a vacancy. You can compare the
applicant's desirable skills with that of the applicants for a vacancy.
Desirable Skills Graph

2-84 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following section explains the Desirable Skills graph:
• The vertical Y axis plots the skills' levels on a scale of 1 to 5.

Note: Your enterprise may use a rating scale from 1 to 10 to assess

skill levels. Regardless of the different rating scales, iRecruitment
normalizes the data to convert Y values from different data sets of
maximum and minimum values to a scale of 1 to 5.

• The horizontal X axis displays the names of desirable skills defined for the vacancy.

The graphs shows:

• The minimum and maximum levels defined for each of the desirable skills defined
for a vacancy on a scale of 1 to 5.

• The applicant skill level for each of the skills.

• The average score for each of the skills from the applicant pool.
When calculating the average score for each skill, iRecruitment considers only those
applicants who have that particular skill.

Salary Expectation
The Salary Expectation region displays the salary expectation of the applicants
distributed in various buckets or bands. Managers can use this chart to understand the
salary expectation of applicants for a vacancy.
When applying for a job, applicants can specify minimum desired salary, which can
vary, for example from $40000 to $100000. In the applicant pool, iRecruitment identifies
the minimum expected salary amount and maximum expected salary amount.
iRecruitment uses the minimum and maximum amount to determine the salary range
and categorize applicants into various salary bands. For example, if the minimum
expected salary is $40000 and maximum expected salary is $100000, iRecruitment
creates bands dynamically and places applicants in bands of: 40,000 - 45,000, 45,001-
50,000, 50,001-55,000, and so on.
You can view the applicant desired salary and vacancy salary (minimum and
maximum) in corporate currency, if your enterprise sets up currency conversion.

Note: iRecruitment displays data in the Salary Expectation pie chart

only if the currency is defined for minimum and maximum salary for a
vacancy. If conversion rate is not set up to convert an applicant's salary
currency to that of the vacancy salary currency, then iRecruitment does
not consider such applicants when displaying data in the pie chart.

Working with iRecruitment 2-85

Assessment Score
You can use the assessment type of scored test to evaluate applicants for a vacancy. The
Assessment Score pie chart is a graphical representation of the percentage of applicants
• Passed the test

• Failed the test

• Not attempted the test

In addition to displaying the percentage of applicants who passed the test, iRecruitment
places the passed applicants in different score bands. To create the score bands,
iRecruitment uses the assessment test passing score or mastery score and the maximum
applicant score. For example, if the assessment test passing score is 60 and the
maximum points an applicant scored is 100, then iRecruitment creates score bands
dynamically in the range, for example: 60-70, 71-80, 81-90, and so on and places the
applicants in appropriate score bands.

Printing Reports Using Candidate Profile

From the Candidate Profile page, you can print the following reports:
• Candidate Profile
See: Printing Candidate Profiles, page 2-86

• Applicant Profile
See: Printing Applicant Profiles, page 2-88

• Candidates Comparison Report

See: Comparing Candidates, page 2-90

• Applicants Comparison Report

See: Comparing Applicants, page 2-92

Printing Candidate Profiles

Managers can print profiles of candidates when they view their details on the
Candidate Profile page.
When you select the Print Profile action on the Candidate Profile page and click Go, the
Print Candidate Profile page appears. On this page, the Include in Report check box is
automatically selected for all the Candidate Details regions. You can select only the
required regions, select the template and click Go. The application generates a printable

2-86 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

profile in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

The Candidate Profile Report

The PDF report displays the following information of the candidate.

General Information
You can view details of the candidate such as the candidate name, email address, phone
number, location, current employer, current number of applications, and current
number of offers.

Work Preferences
This region displays the work preferences that the candidate specifies, such as a
preferred work, amount of travel, and expected salary.

Education Qualification
The report displays information on the candidate's education qualifications such as
degree, graduation date, graduation subject, education establishment, and location.

Additional Qualification
You can view other professional qualifications of the candidate such as an award. For
example, certificate of proficiency in French language or best employee award.

The report displays information on the skills along with the skill levels of the candidate.

Previous Employment History

You can view previous employment details such as the previous employer, previous
employment period, job title, key responsibilities, and employment location.

Jobs Applied For

The report displays the list of vacancies or jobs for which the candidate has applied.
You can view the vacancy name, organization, the status and last update date of the

Jobs Considered For

This region lists the jobs that the candidate is considered for with the vacancy name,
organization, status, and last update date.

Working with iRecruitment 2-87

Registration Assessment
You can view information on the assessment taken by the candidate during registration.
If the assessment type is of Test, then you can view the assessment score and result. If
the assessment is scored and has sections, then you can view the section level score. If
the assessment is not scored, then iRecruitment displays the assessment questionnaire
with the candidate's responses.

Employment History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. Report
displays the employee details of the candidate such as the assignment number,
department, assignment start and end dates, and location.

Performance History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Performance History if the candidate is an ex-
employee and Employee Performance History if the candidate is an employee.
Performance History details include last rating and main appraiser.

Salary History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Salary History if the candidate is an ex-employee
and Employee Salary History if the candidate is an employee. Salary History details
include salary proposal reason, salary change date, annualized salary, and currency.

Printing Applicant Profiles

Managers can print profiles of applicants when they view their details on the Candidate
Profile page.
When you select the Print Profile with Application Details action on the Candidate
Profile page and click Go, the Print Applicant Profile page appears. The Include in
Report check box is automatically selected for all the Candidate Details and Application
Details regions. You can select only the required regions, select the template and click
Go. The application generates a printable profile in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

The Applicant Profile Report

For information on the candidate details of the applicant, see: The Candidate Profile
Report, page 2-87
In addition to the candidate details, you can view the following information for an

2-88 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Work Preferences
If the candidate is an applicant for a vacancy, then when you print the applicant profile,
in addition to the work preferences that the candidate specifies, you can view the
preferences specified for a vacancy. For example, you can view the amount of travel
that the job requires or vacancy salary range. You can compare work preferences of the
applicant with the vacancy work requirements.

Skills Matching Vacancy Requirement

If the candidate is an applicant for a vacancy, then you can view the skills required for
the vacancy along with the minimum and maximum skill level and know whether a
skill is desirable to have or is essential. You can use this information to compare the
applicant's skills with vacancy skills requirement.

Other Skills
This region displays additional skills of the applicant that are different from the
vacancy skills requirement.

Application Assessment
You can view details of the assessment taken by the applicant when applying for the
vacancy. If the assessment type is of Test, then you can view the assessment score and
result. If the assessment is scored and has sections, then you can view the section level
score. If the assessment is not scored, then iRecruitment displays the assessment
questionnaire with the candidate's responses.

Application Status History

The report displays the application status change history of the application such as the
status changed date, current application status, and change reason.

You can view the subject of the communication, status, communication participants,
number of messages for a subject, and last posted date.

Interview Details
The report displays a summary of interviews for the vacancy application. For an
interview, you can view details such as the interview type, interview category,
interview date, status, and location. For each interview, you can also view the feedback
from the members of the interview team.

Offer Details
The offer details include job and position name, offer status, proposed start date of

Working with iRecruitment 2-89

employment, and proposed salary,

EEO Details
If the applicant provides EEO details such as gender and ethnic origin, then it is
indicated as Entered. The value Not Entered indicates that the EEO data is not available.

Location Preferences
This region displays the applicant's location preference, if the application is for a
vacancy in multiple locations. You can view the country and business group of each

Comparing Candidates
You can compare profiles of candidates. By default, you can compare the profiles of two
or three candidates. Your system administrator can make available templates to
compare profiles of required number of candidates according to business requirements.

Generating the Candidates Comparison Report

The Compare Candidate Profiles page appears when you select the Compare with
Other Candidates action on the Candidate Profile page of a candidate.
Select the candidates that you want to compare. For each of the regions, the Include in
Report is automatically selected. You can choose to compare all the candidate profile
regions or select only the required regions. Select the required template and click Go.
The File Download window appears.
You can either save the PDF report to your local machine or view the report directly.
You can use the Candidates Comparison Report to analyze the profiles of candidates.

Contents of the Candidates Comparison Report

The report displays general information on candidates such as names, phone numbers,
and e-mail address.
You can compare the following information of candidates:

Work Preferences
This region displays the work preferences that the candidates specify, such as a
preferred work, amount of travel, and expected salary. You can compare the data that
the candidates provide.

Education Qualification
Compare candidates' education qualifications such as degree, graduation date,

2-90 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

graduation subject, education establishment, and location.

Additional Qualification
Compare other professional qualifications of candidates such as awards. For example,
find out if any of the candidates is proficient in any of the European languages or has
been chosen as the best employee.

Compare skills of candidates along with the skill levels.

Previous Employment History

You can compare previous employment details such as the previous employer,
previous employment period, job title, key responsibilities, and employment location.

Jobs Applied For

The report displays the list of vacancies or jobs for which candidates have applied. You
can view the vacancy name, organization, the status and last update date of the

Jobs Considered For

The report lists the jobs that the candidates are considered for with the vacancy name,
organization, status, and last update date.

Registration Assessment
You can view information on the assessment taken by the candidates during
registration and compare their performance. If the assessment type is of Test, then you
can view the assessment score and result. If the assessment is scored and has sections,
then you can view the section level score. If the assessment is not scored, then
iRecruitment displays the assessment questionnaire with the candidate's responses.

Employment History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. Report
displays the employee details of the candidate such as the assignment number,
department, assignment start and end dates, and location.

Performance History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Performance History if the candidate is an ex-
employee and Employee Performance History if the candidate is an employee.
Performance History details include last rating and main appraiser.

Working with iRecruitment 2-91

Salary History
This region is available only if the candidate is an employee or ex-employee. The title of
the region changes to Ex-employee Salary History if the candidate is an ex-employee
and Employee Salary History if the candidate is an employee. Salary History details
include salary proposal reason, salary change date, annualized salary, and currency.

Comparing Applicants
You can compare profiles of applicants. By default, you can compare the profiles of two
or three applicants. Your system administrator can make available templates to
compare profiles of required number of applicants according to business requirements.

Generating the Applicants Comparison Report

You can use the Applicants Comparison Report to analyze the profiles of applicants.
The Compare Applicant Profiles page appears when you select the Compare with Other
Applicants action on the Candidate Profile page of an applicant. Select the applicants
that you want to compare. For each of the Candidate Details and Application Details
regions, the Include in Report option is automatically selected. You can choose to
compare all the regions or select only the required regions. Select the required template
and click Go. The File Download window appears. You can either save the PDF report
to your local machine or view the report directly.
You can also compare applicants using the Compare Applicants button on the View
Applicants page or when you use the Find Duplicates functionality.

Contents of the Applicants Comparison Report

To compare the candidate details' of the applicants, see: Comparing Candidates, page 2-
For applicants, you can compare the following information:

Work Preferences
If the candidates are applicants for a vacancy, then the report displays the preferences
specified for a vacancy. For example, you can view the amount of travel that the job
requires or vacancy salary range. This information helps you to compare work
preferences of applicants with the vacancy work requirements. You can find out whose
salary expectations match with the vacancy salary or the applicant who is willing to
travel as per the vacancy requirement.

Skills Matching Vacancy Requirement

If the candidates are vacancy applicants, then the report displays skills required for the
vacancy along with the minimum and maximum skill levels. You can know whether a

2-92 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

skill is desirable to have or is essential. You can find out whether the applicants' skills
match with vacancy requirements and also compare the applicants' skills with vacancy
skills requirement.

Other Skills
This region displays additional skills of applicants that are different from the vacancy
skills requirement. You can compare the additional skills that applicants have listed.

Application Assessment
You can view details of the assessments taken by applicants when applying for the
vacancy. If the assessment type is of Test, then you can compare the assessment scores
and results. If the assessment is scored and has sections, then you can view the section
level score. If the assessment is not scored, then iRecruitment displays the assessment
questionnaire with the candidate's responses.

Application Status History

The report displays the application status change history for applications such as the
status changed date, current application status, and change reason. You can track the
progress of applicants for a vacancy using this information. For example, you can find
whether applicants have progressed from processing stage to the interview stage.

You can view the subject of the communication, status, communication participants,
number of messages for a subject, and last posted date.

Interview Details
The report displays a summary of interviews of applicants for a vacancy. For an
interview, you can view details such as the interview type, interview category,
interview date, status, and location. The feedback details help you to understand the
performance of an applicant compared to other applicants for the vacancy.

Offer Details
You can view if any of the applicants for the vacancy has been offered the job. The offer
details include job and position name, offer status, proposed start date of employment,
and proposed salary,

EEO Details
If an applicant provides EEO details such as gender and ethnic origin, then it is
indicated as Entered. The value Not Entered indicates that the EEO data is not available.

Working with iRecruitment 2-93

Location Preferences
You can compare location preferences of applicants, if the applications are for a vacancy
in multiple locations. You can view the country and business group of each location.

2-94 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Working with Applicants

Working with Applicants

In iRecruitment, applicants are candidates who have applied for a specific vacancy. On
the Candidates: Applicants page, you can search for applicants to:
• View their application details.

• Refer applicants to other managers, if you find them suitable for other vacancies.

• Update the status of applications.

• Create offers for applicants.

• Make additional notes on the applicants.

Searching for Applicants

You can search for applicants by vacancy, name, application status, or vacancy
assessment results, for example. The My Applicants search enables you quickly to
identify applicants for all your vacancies.
If your enterprise uses the Agencies functionality to work with recruiting agencies, then
you can search for applicants from a specific agency or exclude agency applicants from
the applicants search.
The search results table displays information relevant to your search criteria. For
example, if you search for applicants for a specific vacancy, then you can view search
results such as the applicant's name, e-mail address, application status , and the
applicant's test score. You can also preview applicants' resumes or download resumes
to gather further information. If the Application Time Resume and Application Time
Resume Preview columns are visible, then you can view resumes added by applicants
at the time of the job application. When you move the mouse over the candidate name,
you can view the basic details of a candidate such as work preferences, skills,
qualifications, and previous employment details in a pop-up window.
An Add Attachments window appears when you move the mouse over the Application
Notes icon in the search results table. Use this window to add quick notes, for example
your feedback or observations on applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a
relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Application Notes icon.

Working with iRecruitment 2-95

Viewing Application Details
When you click an applicant's name in the search results table, any one of the following
pages appears based on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page

You can view application details on the Candidate Details page. If an applicant has
multiple applications, then you can view details of a specific application using the View
Details button. While viewing the application details of a hired applicant, the
application details are read-only. If the applicant is hired in another business group
other than the vacancy business group, iRecruitment displays the Hired in other
Business Group status for the applicant. For more information, see: Hiring Applicants
in a Business Group other than the Vacancy Business Group, page 2-128
For an employee applicant or ex-employee, on the Qualifications tabbed region, you can
view the employee details such as the employee number and years of service.
iRecruitment displays the salary history and performance history, if you have the
required permissions.
Resume and Other Supporting Documents
In the Applications tabbed region, you can view the resume and supporting documents
that the applicant has uploaded when applying for the vacancy. You can also review
any latest supporting documents that are available as of the system date.
When you view the application details, you can complete the following tasks.

Updating Application Status

When an applicant applies for a job, iRecruitment sets the application status to Active by
default. In the Status Details and Change Reason region, select a status to indicate at
what stage an application is in the recruitment process. For example, you can select the
First Interview status, then Second Interview, and then Terminate or Offer for an
application. You can view the status history for each application in the Application
Assignment History table.
The significant statuses are:
• Active Application: The default status for an application.

2-96 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Offer: Indicates that the job has been offered to the applicant.

• Accepted: Indicates that the applicant has accepted the job. Applications must have
this status before you can hire applicants.

• Terminate Application: Ends the application because either you have rejected the
applicant or the applicant has withdrawn.
You can provide comments when you terminate applications.

The following figure shows examples of successful and unsuccessful applications.

Recording the Application Status Change Date

When you update the status of an application, you can record the date of the status
change. Sometimes, it may not be possible for you to update all applications in
iRecruitment on the same day an event occurs, for example, first interview of all
applicants for a vacancy. In such cases, you can always record the event date at a future
date. For example, you interviewed John Smith, an applicant on 15-May-2010 and could
not update the application. On 17-May-2010, you can change the status of John Smith's
application and record the interview date as 15-May-2010. If you enter a date for a
change of status, then you must enter a date that is between the last update date of the
application and the current date. When updating the status of an application if you
leave the Status Change Date field blank, then iRecruitment uses the system date as the
effective date for the status change.

Working with iRecruitment 2-97

Rating an Applicant for a Vacancy
You can rate applicants for your vacancy based on their performance during the
recruitment process. In the Applicant Rating region of the Candidate Details page, you
can enter a manual rating, for example, 3. On the View Applicants page, you can then
sort applicants in the rating order for a specific vacancy. iRecruitment saves only one
rating for each application.

Adding Attachments to an Application

You can add attachments to an application to include documents relevant to the
person's application. To add attachments, you can use the Add Attachments window
that appears when you move the mouse over the Add button, or the Add Attachment
page that appears when you click Add.
You can:
• Attach a file, such as a Microsoft Word document or a text file

• Provide the location of the directory in which you saved the feedback document

• Provide a text description of your observations

You can add multiple attachments to a single application by adding one attachment at a
time. You can also update the attachments when you progress the application.
Applicants cannot view the documents that you add as attachments to the job

Viewing Location Preferences

You can view the location preference of the applicant, if the application is for a vacancy
in multiple locations.

Providing the Missing EEO Information

When a manager reviews an application and if the Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) information is not available for an applicant, then the EEO information can be
entered. For example, managers can gather the EEO information when they meet face-
to-face with an applicant, such as in an interview. They can add a note that this
information was obtained through visual inspection. Only managers who provide the
applicant's EEO information can view or update the information for the applicant. The
EEO fields display a value of 'Entered' when other managers or recruiters view the
application details. The EEO information that you provide for an applicant is visible to
that applicant when the person applies for a vacancy in a business group in which the
applicant tracking functionality is enabled.

2-98 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Creating an Interview for an Applicant
Using the Interviews tab, you can create interviews for an applicant. The interview
details include the interview location, date and time of the interview, and list of
interviewers. If you are the primary interviewer, then you can update interviews.
See: Managing Interviews, page 2-106
See: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111

Initiating Communication and Sending Messages

Depending on the default communication status set for a vacancy, you can initiate
communication for an application. Use the Start Communication button in the
Communication tabbed region on the Candidate Details page to create topics and
messages for applications. The Communication tab displays topics and messages for the
See: Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page 2-55

Creating an Offer for an Applicant

When managers search for an applicant to create an offer, they can verify whether an
active offer exists for that applicant using the Active Offer Exists column on the View
Applicants page. You can create an offer for a successful applicant using the Create
Offer button on the Candidate Details page.
See: Creating and Sending Offers, page 2-128

Note: When a manager creates an offer for a vacancy, iRecruitment

checks the number of active offers existing for that vacancy with the
number of openings. The application considers the following offers as
active: accepted offers, offers pending for approval, extended offers,
offers on hold, and offers where applicants are hired. iRecruitment
validates active offers only for vacancies with the budget measurement
type of Headcount. If the number of active offers is more than the
number of vacancy openings, then the application displays an error
message. This validation also happens when managers try to create
new versions when updating offers.

Reconsidering an Application
If an application is at the Terminate Application status, you can reverse the termination
of the application using the Reconsider Application button and specify the change
reason for reconsideration. When you reconsider an application, iRecruitment changes
the application status to the status prior to the Terminate Application status. Applicants
receive notifications when you reconsider terminated applications.

Working with iRecruitment 2-99

You can also reconsider multiple applications that are terminated applications. See:
Reconsidering Multiple Terminated Applications, page 2-104

Referring Applicants to Other Managers

As you process the application details, you may find that some applicants are more
suitable for other vacancies. Using the Refer button, you can refer applicants to other
managers or recruiters in your enterprise.
For information on troubleshooting candidates and applicants, see: Troubleshooting
Candidates and Applicants, page 2-105

Hiring an Applicant
To hire iRecruitment applicants, hiring managers or recruiters can initiate the hiring
process from iRecruitment and complete the hiring process. You can launch the hire
applicant process directly from offer details, if your enterprise uses Oracle SSHR and
has configured integration between Oracle SSHR and iRecruitment.

Initiating the Hire Process for iRecruitment Applicants

The Action list in the Offers tabbed region for an application includes the Hire action.
The Hire action appears for only those applications where an offer is closed with the
close reason of 'Accepted by Applicant'. For such an application, when you select the
Hire action, the Applicant Hire and Rehire page appears. Click Hire to initiate the
hiring process for the applicant. If the offer has a proposed start date, then this date
appears in the Effective Date field. If there is no proposed start date for an offer, then
iRecruitment displays a date one day later than the system date. You can override the
date that automatically appears as the effective date to specify a new hiring date.
To complete the hiring process, you can provide basic details such as , phone and
address information. You can enter new assignment data, propose a pay, and select a
manager for the new employee assignment. You can review the new hire details and
submit the transaction for approval, if approvals are setup in your enterprise. For more
information, see the Oracle SSHR help topic: Applicant Hire and Rehire, Oracle SSHR
Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Searching for Vacancies to Manage Vacancies and to Process Candidates

In iRecruitment, you can search for approved vacancies to:
• Update vacancies.

• Copy vacancies using the duplicate functionality.

For a vacancy, you can:

• Find candidates using the skills matching functionality.

2-100 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• View applicants.

Searching for Vacancies

The vacancies that you can view are based on the vacancy security. For example, if the
vacancy is restricted to the recruiting team, you cannot view the vacancy unless you are
part of the recruiting team. On the Vacancies page, you can search for:
• Vacancies using criteria such as the vacancy name, job title, position, or recruiter.

• Your vacancies using the My Vacancies check box.

• Latest vacancies using the creation date.

• Referral vacancies that are posted on the internal referral site.

You can use the Recruiting Area search criterion when you search for vacancies. A
recruiting area consists of countries, business groups, and locations. Your enterprise
creates recruiting areas to enable managers to post vacancies in multiple locations and
multiple business groups. When you search for vacancies using the Recruiting Area
criterion, you can find out if vacancies are available in multiple business groups.

Copying Vacancies
If you have multiple vacancies that contain the same information, such as location,
position, and requisite skills, you can use the duplicate functionality to copy vacancy
details and create new vacancies. You can reuse common information and make
required changes to the new vacancy. For example, you can retain the job posting
details, but nominate a different security team for the new vacancy.
Using the duplicate functionality:
• Helps you avoid reentering vacancy details

• Reduces the effort required to create vacancies

• Ensures that vacancy details are uniform and accurate

To copy a vacancy, select the vacancy and click the Duplicate button. Provide a vacancy
name, and complete vacancy details. See: Creating and Maintaining Vacancies, page 2-

Finding Candidates and Viewing Applicants

• For a vacancy, you can use the Find Candidates button to find candidates whose
work preferences and skills match those of a particular vacancy.
See: Finding Candidates, page 2-102

Working with iRecruitment 2-101

• You can progress applications for a vacancy.
See: Viewing Applicants, page 2-102

Finding Candidates

Matching Skills in iRecruitment

Use the Find Candidates button to find candidates whose work preferences and skills
match those of a particular vacancy. When you search for candidates for a vacancy,
iRecruitment compares the skills required for the vacancy with the candidates' skills
and returns a list of candidates showing their skills-match percentage. You can use this
information along with other search results to shortlist candidates for vacancies.
See: Calculating Skills Match Percentage, page 2-67

Processing Candidates
When you find suitable candidates for your vacancy, you can:
• Consider candidates for vacancies.

• Invite candidates to apply for jobs.

• Refer candidates to other managers.

• Reject candidates for a specific vacancy.

For information about these tasks, see: Processing Candidates, page 2-60

Viewing Applicants

Viewing Applicants
On the View Applicants page, you can refine your search to find only current
applicants. You can also search for applicants with a specific status. For example, using
the Status field, you can search for applicants with the First Interview status to progress
them to the next level of the recruitment process. You can use the Qualified field to
search for qualified applicants. The Communication Status column displays the
communication status for each of the applications. When you move the mouse over the
candidate name, you can view the basic details of a candidate such as work preferences,
skills, qualifications, and previous employment details in a pop-up window.
An Add Attachments window appears when you move the mouse over the Application
Notes icon in the search results table. Use this window to add quick notes, for example
your feedback or observations on applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a

2-102 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Application Notes icon.
When you view applications, you can perform the following tasks:
• Update the status of an application.
See: Updating the Application Status, page 2-96

• Perform a mass update of applications.

See: Using the Mass Applicant Update Feature, page 2-104

• Rate an applicant for a vacancy.

See: Rating an Applicant for a Vacancy, page 2-98

• Refer an applicant to other managers.

See: Referring Applicants to Other Managers, page 2-100

• Add attachments to share your feedback with the recruiting team.

See: Adding Attachments to an Application, page 2-98

• Provide the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) information if it is missing for

an applicant.
See: Providing the Missing EEO Information, page 2-145

• Initiate recruitment communication for an application

See: Creating Topics and Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page

• Create communication topic for multiple applicants using the Manage

Communication button on the View Applicants page
In addition to communicating with individual applicants, recruiters or managers
can communicate with multiple applicants using a single interface: Mass
Communication page.
See: Managing Communication for Multiple Applicants, page 2-56

• Create an interview for an applicant using the Candidate Details page

See: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111

• Create interviews for multiple applicants using the Create Interview button on the
View Applicants page
See: Creating Interviews for Multiple Applicants, page 2-114

Working with iRecruitment 2-103

• Create offers for successful applicants.
See: Creating and Maintaining Offers, page 2-128

Using the Mass Applicant Update Feature

You can update the status of multiple applications for a vacancy, using the Applicant
Mass Update functionality. For example, if you want to reject most applicants for a
vacancy, select the relevant applicants on the View Applicants page and click the
Update Status button. On the Applicants: Mass Update page, select the status Terminate
Application and provide a status change reason, for example, poor performance. You can
enter the application status change date. See: Recording the Status Changed Date, page
For information on troubleshooting candidates and applicants, see: Troubleshooting
Candidates and Applicants, page 2-105

Reconsidering Multiple Applications

When you process applications for a vacancy, you can reverse the termination of one or
more applications. For example, if you mistakenly terminated applications, select the
relevant applications on the View Applicants page and click Reconsider Application.
The Mass Reconsider Applications page appears where you can select a change reason
for reconsidering terminated applications. You can enter the application status change
date. See: Recording the Status Changed Date, page 2-97
When you reconsider a terminated application, iRecruitment changes the application
status to the status set prior to the termination status. Applicants receive notifications
when you reconsider terminated applications.

Comparing Applicants
You can compare applicants for a vacancy to analyze their skill sets, education
qualifications or application details.
See: Comparing Applicants, page 2-92

Finding Duplicate Profiles

After you search applicants, you can click the Find Duplicates icon available in the
search results table to identify duplicate profiles.

Note: The Find Duplicates functionality may be available only to a few

super users based on your enterprise's requirements.

The Find Duplicates functionality helps to:

2-104 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Compare duplicate profiles.

• Confirm records as duplicates.

• Mark a profile as not duplicate.

• De-link profiles if two or more profiles are incorrectly linked.

See: Finding Duplicate Profiles, page 2-64

Troubleshooting Candidates and Applicants

This topic looks at some common problems that may occur while processing candidates
and applicants and suggests some approaches.

Problem Description What To Do

You cannot send job invitations to agency Use the e-mail ID on the Candidate Details
candidates. page to inform agency candidates about jobs
or offers.

When you search for applications for a To locate applications of a specific status, use
vacancy, you cannot locate applications of a the Status field on the View Applicants page.
specific status.

The candidates that you created, now want to To hide candidate details that were previously
hide their details in all manager searches. displayed, you must clear the Allow Account
To Be Searched check box on the candidate's
Preferences page. When you clear this check
box, the application displays candidate details
only to managers for vacancies to which the
candidate has applied.

Working with iRecruitment 2-105

Managing Interviews

Managing Interviews
Typically, a job interview is a discussion between a candidate and interviewers to
evaluate the candidate for a vacancy in an enterprise. The interviews can be in person or

The Interview Process

The following graphic shows the tasks in a typical interview cycle:

iRecruitment enables your enterprise to automate the interview process and to progress
applicants from initial interviews to eventual closure, for example, a job offer.

2-106 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Managing the Interview Process
Using iRecruitment, you can manage the following key interview tasks:

Create interview
Identify suitable applicants in your enterprise and schedule interviews for applicants.
You create an interview for an applicant in the Interviews tabbed region of the
Candidate Details page. The interview details can include the interview type, location,
date and time, and interviewers. You must designate a primary interviewer who can
update interviews. Additionally, you can create interviews for more than one applicant
for a vacancy using the Create Interview button on the View Applicants page for a

Confirm the interview schedule

Check for the availability of interviewers and confirm the interview schedule. You can
use the recruitment communication functionality to send messages to interviewers and
applicants to check their availability for interviews. When you set the interview status
to Planned, only interviewers receive notifications. When you change the status to
Confirmed, iRecruitment notifies applicants.

Conduct interview and add feedback

Interviewers can view the interviews assigned to them using the iRecruitment
Employee responsibility. Primary interviewers can record interview results and

Complete the interview

After you complete all the interviews, you can record the final result, feedback,
interview notes, and indicate that the interview as completed.

Maintain information about the interview

Complete tasks that are related to an interview, for example, updating the interview
schedule to include the revised date and time for an interview or change the
An analysis of your working practices will help you decide how to use the interview
management functionality and how to assign the interview functions based on the
recruiting roles.

Interview Participants
Interviews can involve the following types of participants in iRecruitment:
• Recruiters, who manage vacancy recruitment. You identify a recruiting using the

Working with iRecruitment 2-107

Recruiter name field on the Create Vacancy: Enter Team Members or Update
Vacancy: Enter Team Members pages.

• Hiring Managers, who are managers for vacancies in iRecruitment. They typically
create and manage vacancies. You identify a hiring manager using the Manager
name field on the Enter/Update: Create Vacancy Primary Details page.
The roles of recruiters and hiring managers vary depending on the responsibilities
assigned to them in your enterprise.

• Recruiting team members, who participate in the recruiting process and can access
appropriate vacancy related information.

• Applicants, who submit applications for employment.

Interview Details
When hiring managers create interviews, they can define information such as the
interview type (first or second interview), interview category (technical or personal),
interviewers, date and time of the interview, location, and the interview status.
Managers can update interview details but restrictions apply. In iRecruitment, only
interviewers designated as the primary interviewer can update interview details.
See: Creating and Updating Interviews, page 2-111
See: Creating Interviews for Multiple Applicants, page 2-114

Interview Security
Interview security specifies who can view interview information for a specific vacancy
and at what stage of the interview process they can view the interview. The interview
process involves different stages, different types of interviews, and different
participants, and you can assign interview security based on the roles that workers
perform throughout the process.
Interview stages can include the first interview, second interview, and HR round.
Interview categories can include personal interview, telephonic interview, and technical
interview. Interview participants can include, recruiters, hiring managers, and
recruiting team members.
The following example discusses how you can use interview security in iRecruitment.
As hiring manager, Sam Taylor, you create the Technical Consultant vacancy and
identify the following members of the recruiting team:
• Alison Smith, an HR manager

• John Ford, manager of the consulting team

• Tracy Price and Alex Palmer, consulting team members

2-108 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Your interview process:
• Tracy Price and Alex Palmer conduct the first interview and finalize candidates for
the second interview. Tracy is the primary interviewer for the first interview.

• John Ford conducts the second interview, which is a technical interview to assess
candidates' knowledge and skills. John is the primary interviewer for the second

• Alison conducts the HR interview. You assist Alison, who is the primary
interviewer for the HR interview round.

You decide who can view the interview details of the entire interview cycle. You:
• Assign the Assigned Interviews security option to Tracy Price and Alex Palmer to
restrict their access to the first interview, for which they are the interviewers. As
Tracy is the primary interviewer, she can update the first interview to provide
feedback from the team. Alex Palmer cannot update the interview as he is not the
primary interviewer.

• Assign the Assigned and Previous Interviews security option to John Ford to enable
him to view interview details of the previous interview (in this case the first
interview) and the second interview, for which he is the primary interviewer. John
can update the second interview with his feedback.

• Assign the All Interviews security option to Alison and yourself to enable both of
you to view details of all the interviews from the first interview to the final
interview. Alison can update the interview status to Completed and enter the
interview result.

For information on defining interview security, see: Defining Interview Security, page

Interview Statuses
A predefined (system) status helps managers identify the interview stage of the
interview process.
The following table explains interview statuses and lists the statuses available to the
primary interviewer at each stage of the interview:

Working with iRecruitment 2-109

Interview statuses available at each stage of the interview

The interview status is When Manager can change the

interview status to

Planned Manager schedules the Confirmed

interview and checks for the
availability of interviewers Hold
and applicants. Cancelled

Confirmed Manager moves it to the Hold

Confirmed status after
interviewers and applicants Cancelled
confirm their availability. Rescheduled


Hold Manager places the interview Confirmed

on hold, for example, when
the interviewer is awaiting a Cancelled
response from other interview Rescheduled
panel members or the
candidate's availability is not Completed
yet known.

Rescheduled Manager changes the Confirmed

schedule of the interview, for
example, the date and time. Cancelled

Completed Manager provides feedback Not Applicable

and sets the interview status
to Completed.

Cancelled Manager cancels the Not Applicable

scheduled interview

Interviewers in iRecruitment
Employees who are interviewers, can view, and update interview details using the
Interview function available through the iRecruitment Employee responsibility. The
Application tab of the Candidate Details page displays the applications for which the
employee is an interviewer. Employees with a primary interviewer role can update the
interview details.
See: Managing Interview Tasks, page 2-19

2-110 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Interviews and Candidates
Candidates can view their interview information on the Job Details page. They can view
information such as the interview status, location, type, and interviewers's contact
details. For candidates to view interview details, managers must set the interview status
to Confirmed at least once in the interview cycle. For example, if the manager sets the
status to Confirmed, and later updates the status to Cancelled or Hold, then the
interview details are visible. However, if the interview is in the Planned status, and the
manager changes the status to Cancelled or Hold, then candidates cannot view the
interview details. Candidates cannot view feedback comments and the interview notes
entered by the interviewers.
If candidates want to cancel or reschedule interviews, then they can send messages
using the Communication tabbed region on the Application Details page. Candidates
can withdraw their applications at any time during the interview cycle.

Interviews and Agencies

Agencies cannot create any interviews. However, agencies with the manage applicant
access can view interviews scheduled for all applicants; otherwise they can view the
interviews scheduled for agency candidates only.

Interview Notifications
All the participants (recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers) in the interview
process receive notifications. Applicants receive notifications when managers change
the interview status to Confirmed.
For example:
• Applicants can view the interview details online. They can view information such
as interview type, status, date, time, and interviewer's contact details.

• Managers and employees receive notifications for assigned interviews.

The interview notifications for interviews, which are at the Confirmed or Rescheduled
status display an iCalendar file (.ics) that contains the interview schedule details.You
can export the interview details in the iCalendar file to the calendar application that
supports the .ics format and monitor upcoming interview events easily in your calendar

Creating and Updating Interviews

Hiring managers or recruiters can create interviews for applicants.
For a general introduction to interview management, see: Managing Interviews, page 2-

Working with iRecruitment 2-111

The following sections explain how to create, update, and view interview details.

Creating Interview Details

On the Create Interview page:
• Specify the type of interview such as the first interview or the final interview.

• Identify the interview category, which is either technical or personal interview.

• Select the interview status. Set the initial status to Planned. When you set the status
to Planned, only interviewers receive notifications. iRecruitment does not send
interview notifications to the applicants, when the interview is at the Planned
status. When you change the status to Confirmed, iRecruitment notifies applicants.

• Specify the date, time, and location of the interview. The Location field displays HR
locations defined in Oracle HRMS. The Timezone field displays the time zone
associated with the interview location selected, irrespective of your location.

• Verify the internal contact name and phone number. The recruiter's name and
phone number appear by default. This information is available to candidates.

• Verify the external candidate's name and phone number. The name and phone
number of an external candidate appear by default. The external candidate's name
is read-only.

• Select a list of interviewers to conduct the interviews and designate one interviewer
as the primary interviewer. You can only select employees who are part of the
recruiting team for the vacancy as interviewers. If you want to select recruiters or
hiring managers as interviewers, then they must be a part of the recruiting team for
the vacancy. Otherwise, the Interviewers region on the Create Interview page does
not list the recruiters or hiring managers.
If multiple interviewers participate, then only the primary interviewer can update
interviews giving the final result and feedback.
If you are one of the interviewers, then you must select your name as an
interviewer. The person who creates the interview is not automatically selected as
an interviewer.

• Check the availability of interviewers for the specified date and time by clicking the
Check Availability button. iRecruitment verifies the booking records of interviewers
in iRecruitment and Oracle HRMS for the next seven days including the date of the
interview. If date and time overlap with other interview bookings, then
iRecruitment displays the conflicts along with a warning message but does not
prevent you from selecting the interviewer. You can use the Recruitment
Communication feature to send messages to interviewers to check their availability.

2-112 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Enter notes to the candidate, for example, additional information about the
interview. You can also record additional interview details for the benefit of other

• Review the interview and click Apply to create an interview. Interview participants
(interviewers and applicants) can view the interview details in the My Interviews
region of their home page.

For record purposes, you can create interviews with Completed status and set the
interview date to a past date.

Updating Interview Details

As an interviewer, you can view interview details but cannot update interview details if
you are not the primary interviewer.
As the primary interviewer, you can perform these interview updates:
• Change the interview details such as date and time of the interview.

• Update the list of interviewers to add or delete interviewers when the interview
status is Planned, Hold, Rescheduled, or Confirmed.

• Set the status to Completed and provide the interview feedback, interview results,
and interview notes.

• Update the interview notes, for example, to provide information about the

See: Interview Statuses, page 2-109

The following rules apply when you update an interview:
• When the interview status is at the Cancelled status you can only edit the interview

• When the interview status is at the Completed status, you can only update the
feedback, interview result, and interview notes.

• When the interview status is at the Completed status you cannot add or delete

Viewing Interview Details

The interview security setting defines the interviews that you can view.
See: Interview Security, page 2-45
You can view details of an applicant's interview such as the interview status, interview
type, location, timezone, interviewers' contact details and additional notes to the

Working with iRecruitment 2-113

candidate. In addition, hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers can view the
interview feedback and interview notes for their assigned interviews.

Creating Interviews for Multiple Applicants

To create interviews for more than one applicant, you can use the Mass Interview
Creation page.
For a general introduction to interview management, see: Managing Interviews, page 2-
On the Mass Interview Creation page, you schedule interviews for the selected
applicants from the View Applicants page.
To create interviews:
• Specify the type of interview such as first interview or final interview.

• Identify the interview category as a technical interview or a personal interview.

• Select the interview status. Set the initial status to Planned. When you set the status
to Planned, only interviewers receive notifications. iRecruitment does not send
interview notifications to applicants, when the interview is at the Planned status.
When you change the status to Confirmed, iRecruitment notifies applicants.

Note: You can create interviews only with the status of Planned or

• Specify the date, time, and location of the interview. The Location field displays HR
locations as defined in Oracle HRMS. The Timezone field displays the time zone
associated with the interview location selected, irrespective of your location.

• Verify the internal contact name and phone number. The recruiter's name and
phone number appear by default. This information is for candidates.

• Select the primary interviewer who can update interviews.

Note: When you create interviews for applicants using the Mass
Interview Creation page you can select only one interviewer.

• Enter notes to applicants, for example, additional information about the interview.

• Click the Populate button to fill in the interview details for each applicant. You can
then make specific changes to each of the applicant interview details before you
save the interview record.

2-114 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Click Apply to save the interview records.

The View Applicants page displays the number of completed interviews.

Viewing Interview Details

You can view the following details of the scheduled interview:
• Interview type: Specifies the type of interview such as the first interview or the final

• Interview category: Specifies the kind of interview such as technical or personal


• Date, start, and end time: Indicates the interview date and duration of the

• Interview status: Indicates at what stage the interview is in the recruitment process.
For example, the status can be either confirmed or completed.

• Interview location: Provides details about where the interview will be conducted.

• Time zone: Displays the time zone associated with the interview location.

• Interviewer's contact details: Provides information such as the interviewer's name

and contact phone number.

• Additional notes to the candidate: Provides further information about the interview
such as the exact location of the interview.

Working with iRecruitment 2-115

Managing Offers

Offers Overview
A job offer is a proposal from your enterprise to an applicant that defines the applicant's
job title, terms, and conditions of employment including salary and benefits. The offer
process includes tasks such as initiating offers for applicants, completing offer details,
reviewing offers, and sending offers to applicants.

Offer Process
The following graphic shows the tasks in a typical offer cycle.

A Typical Offer Cycle

iRecruitment enables your enterprise to automate the entire job offer process and to

2-116 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

progress offers from initial creation to approval, and eventual closure, for example,
when an applicant accepts a job offer.

Managing the Offer Process

Using iRecruitment, you can manage these key offer tasks:
• Create offers
Identify applicants in your enterprise and create offers for successful applicants.
The offer includes details such as the applicant's job title, terms, and conditions of
employment including salary.
iRecruitment provides offer letter templates to automatically generate offer letters.
Offer letters can also be created manually and uploaded to iRecruitment. Managers
can upload manually created offer letters when creating or updating offers.
Recruiters can upload offer letters when they review approved offers from the
Offers Workbench functionality.

• Define approval process

Route offers through an approval process to ensure that the offer details are correct.

• Create offer letters

Create offer letters for your business group, organization, jobs, or positions using
predefined or custom templates.

• Send offers
Send offers online or send paper copies to applicants.

• Track responses
You can view the response of the applicants online. You can also record an
applicant's response to a job offer, if you hear from the applicant or receive a
written note.

• Extend duration of job offers

If an applicant requests for more time to evaluate an offer, then extend the job offer.

• Maintain offers
Carry out tasks related to an offer, for example update an offer to include the
revised compensation and enter notes for the offer. Place an offer on hold if there is
a recruitment freeze in your enterprise. You can also withdraw an offer or record an
applicant's response if the applicant declines an offer after acceptance.

An analysis of your working practices will help you decide how to use the offers feature
and assign the offer functions based on the recruiting roles.

Working with iRecruitment 2-117

Offer Details
The offer details depend on the configuration choices you make in the create offer
process. A standard offer includes information about job, position, salary, and
Salary basis and proposed salary:
The salary basis selected during offer creation defines the period of time, such as hour
or year, to which the proposed salary applies. Oracle iRecruitment provides enterprises
the flexibility to decide if candidates hired through iRecruitment should have their pay
administered using Salary Administration or not. For offers, enterprises can make the
Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields optional or mandatory or base Salary Basis and
Proposed Salary on work structure configuration using the IRC: Salary Details
Mandatory in Offer profile option. When you set the IRC: Salary Details Mandatory in
Offer profile option value to Based on Work Structure Configuration, you must define
the IRC: Proposed Salary Flex Segment Name profile option, which identifies the flex
segment that iRecruitment uses to make the Salary Basis and Proposed Salary fields
mandatory or optional for offers.
For more information, see: Set the profile options to make salary basis and proposed
salary fields mandatory or optional for offers, page 1-35
Annualized salary and annualized FTE salary:
When managers create or update offers, the Salary Information region displays
annualized salary and annualized FTE salary based on the selected salary basis and the
proposed salary.

• Calculation of Annualized Salary

The application calculates Annualized Salary based on the
Proposed Salary and Annualization Factor. The calculation is:
Annualized Salary = Proposed Salary * Annualization Factor.
For Hourly salary basis, Oracle HRMS delivers the HR: Base
Annual Salary On FTE profile option for calculation of annualized
• If the profile option is set to Yes, then the application calculates
annualized salary based on the proposed salary, annualization
factor and the FTE factor. The calculation is: Annualized salary
= Proposed Salary * Annualization Factor * FTE Factor

• If the profile option is set to No or left blank, then the

application calculates annualized salary based on the proposed
salary and the annualization factor. The calculation is:
Annualized Salary = Proposed Salary * Annualization Factor

2-118 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Calculation of Annualized FTE Salary
The application calculates Annualized FTE Salary based on the
Annualized Salary and FTE Factor. The calculation is: Annualized
FTE Salary = Annualized Salary / FTE Factor

Note: To calculate FTE Factor, the application divides the person's

working hours by the business group's working hours.

Managers can view salary information in corporate currency when creating, updating,
or viewing offers. Approvers can view salary information in corporate currency when
they receive offer notifications.
Salary and Performance History of Employee Applicants or Ex-employees
When managers create or update offers for employee applicants or ex-employees, they
can view the salary history and performance history of such applicants, if they have the
requisite permissions. By default, iRecruitment displays employee details such as the
assignment number, department, years of service, and location.

Note: Managers can view the salary history and performance history
regions if they have required permissions. System administrator must
grant the following permission sets:
• iRecruitment Employee Performance Permissionset
(IRC_EMP_PERFORMANCE_PSET) to view the performance

• iRecruitment Employee Salary Permissionset

(IRC_EMP_SALARY_PSET) to view the salary history

See: Implementation Steps for iRecruitment, page 1-15

Compensation Details
When managers complete basic details for an offer, iRecruitment uses the applicant's
details to check whether the applicant is eligible for benefits and displays benefit plans
in the Compensation page. Managers can view the plan amounts in corporate currency.
Managers can then select the appropriate compensation options for the applicant. For
example, benefits administrator sets up plans such as car and relocation. If the applicant
is eligible for these benefits, then hiring managers can pick the appropriate options
when they create offers. If a manager updates an offer and if any assignment
information such as location or job changes, then iRecruitment checks the benefits based
on the new details and displays the revised compensation plans.

Offers for applications to vacancies in multiple locations in a business group

Managers can create vacancies that are available in multiple locations in a business

Working with iRecruitment 2-119

group. When managers initiate the offer process for an application to a vacancy in
multiple locations in a business group, they must select the appropriate location to
create the offer. For more information, see: Entering Basic Details for an Offer to a
Vacancy in Multiple Locations, page 2-129

Offers for applications to vacancies in multiple business groups

Managers can create vacancies that are available in multiple business groups. When
managers initiate the offer process for an application to a vacancy in multiple business
groups, they must select the appropriate business group to create the offer. For more
information, see: Entering Basic Details for an Offer to a Vacancy in Multiple Business
Groups, page 2-129

Offer Security
The vacancy security determines whether your managers can create, view, update, and
maintain offers for a specific vacancy. If managers cannot update a vacancy, then they
cannot create, update, or perform any other update action on the offer, for example,
send or extend the offer.
For example, as a hiring manager you create the Human Resources Manager vacancy
and define Business and Team security for the vacancy. You identify John Smith and
Dan Bird as members of the recruiting team and restrict their vacancy security to View
Only. When candidates apply to the Human Resources Manager vacancy, people within
the business vacancy security can create and update offer, while John Smith and Dan
Bird can only view the offer details. For information on vacancy security, see: Vacancy
Security, page 2-45

Offer Approvals
iRecruitment uses the approval process for offer approvals. By default, the predefined
offer approval process uses two levels of supervisory hierarchy. In addition, to the
default approvers, managers can add new approvers and specify their position in the
approvals chain. They can send also send a For Your Information (FYI) notification.
When managers submit offers for approval, iRecruitment routes the offers to people in
the approval chain. Each approver receives a workflow notification requesting their
approval when the previous approver in the chain has approved the offer. When the
final approver has approved the offer, the manager receives a workflow notification. If
any approver disagrees with the offer, they return the offer to the manager for
correction. Managers cannot extend the offer to the applicant, until the offer is
approved by all the participants in the approval chain.
See: iRecruitment and Oracle Approvals Management (AME), page 1-102

Offer Approval History

Recruiters or managers can view the approval history of an offer at any stage in the

2-120 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

offer process. Recruiters can view the offer approval history using the Offers
Workbench page. They can click the Approvers link to view the offer approval history.
Managers or recruiters can click the Approvers link in the Recent Offers table on their
home page to view the offer approval history. From the Approvers column, recruiters
or managers can navigate to the Offer Details page to view the complete history of an
offer approval. If the Approvers region is visible, then you can view offer approval
information such as the offer approver, approver type, approver category, offer
approval status, approval date, and offer approval comments if any. If the Approval
History region is visible, then you can view offer approval action history, action date,
and offer comments, if any. Using this region, all the actions that happen in an offer
approval cycle can be tracked. For example, managers can monitor offers that are
reassigned, returned for correction, or require further information. For individual
applications, managers can view the offer approval and action history in the Offers
tabbed region of the Candidates Details page.

Offer Statuses
A predefined (system) status helps managers to identify at what stage an offer is in the
offer process. When the participants complete a specific action on an offer, iRecruitment
automatically assigns a status to the offer. For example, when a manager sends an
approved offer to an applicant, the offer status changes from Approved to Extended.
When the applicant accepts or rejects the offer online, the offer status changes from
Extended to Closed. Managers cannot manually assign a status to an offer or update the
status of an offer.
The following graphic shows examples of how the status of an offer changes at each
stage of the offer process. You can view the system statuses such as Pending Approval
and Return for Correction.

Working with iRecruitment 2-121

Offer Status Values

Offer Versions
iRecruitment maintains versions of offers. Managers can view the version history of the
offer in the Offer History page. The Offer History page displays information such as the
offer status, offer change or decline reason, offer withdrawal reason, and notes about
the offer. iRecruitment creates a new version of the offer whenever a manager or a
recruiter updates the offer. When managers update an offer that is extended to the
applicant, the applicant can no longer respond to the offer until they receive a new
version of the offer. Applicants receive only the latest version of the offer.

Offer Notifications
All the participants in the offer process receive notifications. They can view the
notifications on their home page and take further action. For example:
• Applicants can view the job offer notifications online. The notifications contain links

2-122 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

to the job offer details that the applicants can view and respond.

• Managers receive notifications when offers are approved, returned for correction,
extended to applicants, or withdrawn.

Offers Save for Later

The save for later functionality enables a manager or recruiter to store an offer they are
creating or modifying prior to submitting the offer. They can view the saved offers in
the Save for Later table on their home page and complete the offers at a later date.
See: Save for Later, page 1-56

Key Concepts
To effectively use the offers functionality and to manage the offer process, see:
• The Offer Process, page 2-123

• Defining and Maintaining Templates for Offer Letters, page 1-166

• Customizing Offer Templates, page 1-177

The Offer Process

This topic presents a high-level overview of the tasks in the offer process. The topic also
describes the various offer statuses and the actions that you can perform for each of the
For a general introduction to offers, see: Offers Overview, page 2-116

Offer Tasks
• Creating and sending offers
When you create offer details, you provide information such as job, position, and
compensation details. You can send the offer to an applicant once the offer is
The following figure summarizes the tasks from creating an offer to sending the
offer to an applicant.

Working with iRecruitment 2-123

Offer Process: Create Offer to Send Offer

For information about creating and sending offers:

• See: Creating Offers, page 2-128

• See: Sending Offers, page 2-133

• Maintaining Offers
After you send an offer letter to an applicant, you can:
• Enter the applicant's response.

• Update an offer to modify the details.

2-124 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Extend the duration of the offer, if the applicant requests more time to evaluate
the offer.

• Withdraw the offer

The following graphic shows the flow of tasks after an applicant receives the job

Offer Process: Offer Receipt to Offer Closed

For information about updating and maintaining offers, see:

• Updating Offers, page 2-135

• Maintaining Offers, page 2-137

• Withdrawing Offers, page 2-138

• Recording Applicants Declining Offers After Acceptance, page 2-138

Working with iRecruitment 2-125

• Closing Offers, page 2-139

Offer Status and Actions

The offer status determines the actions you can perform on the offer.
The following table lists the actions that you can perform at each stage of an offer.

The offer status is When Tasks available at this


Saved for Later Recruiter saves the offer to Recruiters can:

complete it later
• Update the offer

• Close the offer

Pending Approval Recruiter submits an offer for Only approvers can update
approval the offer.

Approved Approvers review the offer Recruiters can:

and approve
• Extend the offer to the

• Update the offer

• Close the offer

Extended Recruiters extend the offer to Recruiters can:

the applicant
• Revise the offer letter

• Change the expiry date of

the offer

• Record the applicant's


• Close the offer

2-126 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The offer status is When Tasks available at this

Closed Recruiter or iRecruitment Recruiters can update the

closes an offer offer.

Recruiters withdraw offers to


Recruiter enters an applicant's

response when the applicant
accepts or declines an offer

Recruiter records the

applicant's response when the
applicant declines an offer
after acceptance

Offers lapse

Hold Recruiters temporarily place Recruiters can:

an offer on hold
• Take the offer off hold

• Close the offer

Pending Extend Duration Recruiters extend the Only approvers can update
duration of the offer and the the offer.
action is pending approval

Return for Correction Recruiters return an offer for Recruiters can update the
correction offer.

For more information on offer statuses, see: Offer Status Values, page 2-121

Hiring an Applicant
To hire iRecruitment applicants, you can:
• Initiate the Hire Process from iRecruitment
Hiring managers or recruiters can initiate the hiring process from iRecruitment and
complete the hiring process. You can launch the hire applicant process directly from
offer details, if your enterprise uses Oracle SSHR and has configured integration
between Oracle SSHR and iRecruitment.
See: Hiring an Applicant, page 2-100

• Use Oracle HRMS or Oracle SSHR

Working with iRecruitment 2-127

You can hire applicants using Oracle HRMS or Oracle SSHR.
See: Hiring an Applicant (People Window and Application Window), Oracle HRMS
Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide
See: Hire or Placement, Place Contingent Worker Processes, Oracle Self-Service
Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

When you hire an applicant, the application status changes to Active Assignment and
the offer status changes to Closed with the offer close reason as Applicant Hired. This
feature enables you to use the offers functionality for employee or ex-employee
candidates when the IRC: Allow Multiple Offers profile option for candidates is set to
Hiring Applicants in a Business Group other than the Vacancy Business Group
iRecruitment enables managers to create vacancies in multiple business groups. For
example, Vision APAC is an enterprise that operates in different Asia Pacific countries.
To hire new employees in multiple business groups, John Smith, a recruiter who has
access to all the business groups in Vision APAC creates details of the Sales Executive
vacancy. John selects Vision Australia as the default business group and Sydney as the
default vacancy location. John selects locations associated with different business
groups such as Vision Singapore, Vision China, and Vision India as vacancy locations.
When John initiates the offer process for an application to the Plant Manager vacancy,
he selects Vision China as the business group to create the offer. In this scenario, the
business group for offer is other than the vacancy business group. When an applicant
accepts the offer in the Vision China business group and is hired, iRecruitment displays
the assignment status as 'Hired in other Business Group' for the applicant.
After you hire iRecruitment applicants as employees, run the iRecruitment Create
Enrollment process to enroll new hires in the compensation plans included in their offer
letters. For more information, see: Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process,
page 1-256
Hiring a Contingent Worker
To hire a contingent worker, the contingent worker's hire date must be a date after the
current placement end date or after the offer acceptance date, whichever date is later.
You cannot hire a contingent worker until the current period of placement ends.

Creating Offers
The process of extending a job offer to an applicant starts with identifying a successful
The following sections explain how to create offer details and send an offer to an

2-128 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Entering Basic Details
When you click Create Offer for an applicant, the initial page that appears depends on
whether the offer is for a vacancy in a specific business group, multiple locations in a
business group, or multiple business groups. Enter basic details for an offer depending
on the type of offer.

Entering Basic Offer Details for a Vacancy Application in a Specific Business Group
When you click Create Offer for an applicant who applies to a vacancy in a specific
business group, the Create Offer: Basic Details page appears as the initial page. On this
page, the assignment details of the vacancy, such as job, position, and location, appear
by default. Your enterprise policy determines whether you can update the assignment
details for an offer. For a new offer the status is Unapproved, by default. You specify
• Discretionary Job Title
This value is the job title for the offer, and the vacancy job posting title appears
automatically in this field. You can either retain the default information or provide
a new job title.

• Proposed Start Date

The applicant's proposed employment start date, if the person accepts the job offer.

• Expiry Date
Indicates the offer closing date. If your enterprise has set an expiry date for all
offers, then you cannot update the Expiry Date field for an individual offer.

Entering Basic Details for an Offer to a Vacancy in Multiple Locations in a Business Group
When you click Create Offer for an applicant who applies to a vacancy available in
multiple locations in a business group, the initial page that appears is the Select
Location to Create Offer page. You can view a list of vacancy locations with the
applicant's location preference. Select the appropriate location to create the offer. After
you select the location, and click Continue, you can provide offer details. The location
that you selected defaults to the Offer Basic Details region. The primary details that
appear such as organization, job, position, and grade default from the vacancy details. If
required, you can change the discretionary job title.

Entering Basic Details for an Offer to a Vacancy in Multiple Business Groups

When you click Create Offer for an applicant who applies to a vacancy available in
multiple business groups, the initial page that appears is the Select Business Group for
Offer page. As the vacancy is available in multiple business groups, you can view a list
of business groups along with the applicant's location preference. Select the appropriate
business group to create the offer. After you select the business group and click

Working with iRecruitment 2-129

Continue, you can provide the basic offer details.
The business group name that you selected in the Select Business Group for Offer page
defaults to the Offer Basic Details region. The primary details that appear are related to
the default business group originally associated with the vacancy. Therefore, edit the
vacancy default business group information. As the following fields are editable,
manually enter the basic offer details such as:
• Discretionary job title

• Job

• Position

• Grade

• Organization

After you provide basic offer details for an offer to a vacancy application in a specific
business group or multiple business group, you can enter salary and compensation
details as explained in the subsequent paragraphs.

Providing Salary Details

Based on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment, the Salary Basis and Proposed
Salary fields become mandatory or optional. Select the salary basis for the applicant.
The salary basis defines the period of time, such as hour or year, to which the quoted
salary applies. Depending on the information set for your business group, the salary
basis and currency details can appear automatically.
The Salary Information region displays annualized salary and annualized FTE salary
based on the selected salary basis and the proposed salary. For information, see:
Calculation of annualized salary, page 2-118
You can view the salary information in corporate currency. For example, if you enter
the proposed salary amount as 5,000 USD and the corporate currency is set as GBP, then
iRecruitment displays the corresponding value as 3085.905 GBP (if the conversion rate
is: 1 USD = 0.61 GBP). You can view details such as the currency conversion rate and
If you are creating an offer for an employee applicant or ex-employee, then on the Enter
Basic Details page, you can view the employee details such as the employee number
and years of service. iRecruitment displays the salary history and performance history,
if you have the required permissions.

Entering Compensation Details for an Offer

When you complete basic offer details, iRecruitment checks whether the applicant is
eligible for benefits and displays benefit plans on the Create Offer: Compensation page.
You can select appropriate compensation options for the applicant. For example, your

2-130 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

benefits administrator sets up plans such as car and relocation benefits. If the applicant
is eligible for these benefits, these plans appear on the Compensation page. You can
then pick the appropriate options. You can view the plan amounts in corporate
If you are creating an offer for an employee applicant, then you can view details of the
compensation plans that the employee is currently enrolled in. These details help you to
make an informed decision on compensation given as part of the offer.
You can allocate compensation for applicants only if you have access to the
Compensation page. Your enterprise may limit access to this page to a few hiring
managers, based on the recruiting policy.

Reviewing and Submitting an Offer

The Review page displays the default approvers for your offer. You can add approvers
only if your system administrator enables the Add Approvers region. Review the offer
to ensure that the offer details are correct. You can view the resume and supporting
documents that the applicant has uploaded when applying for the vacancy. You can
also review any latest supporting documents that are available as of the system date.
For an employee applicant, the Review page provides a comparison between the
current employee assignment and the proposed offer assignment.
Adding Attachments
You can upload supporting documents to offers to provide additional information. You
can add documents for internal users, such as HR and recruiting managers about offer
and candidate analysis. External user attachments for candidates can include
documents, such as contractual obligations for job offers. Managers and recruiters can
view both internal and external documents. Candidates can view only external
Viewing the Offer Letter
You can preview the offer letter in any one of the formats decided by your enterprise:
PDF, HTML, or RTF. You select a new offer template in the New Template field and
save the offer letter using the new template.
If the Upload button is enabled, then managers can upload manually created offer
letters when creating offers using the Upload button on the Offer Letter page.
For more information, see: Viewing and Updating Offer Letters, page 2-132
When you create an offer, you may have to submit the offer for approval, depending on
the approval requirements of your enterprise. You can also save the draft offer and
submit it at a later date.
See: Save for Later, page 1-56

Working with iRecruitment 2-131

Taking Further Action on an Offer
You can view an offer approval notification on your home page only after the offer is
approved. Using the list of actions displayed on the Candidate Details page for an offer,
you can complete subsequent tasks, such as sending an offer.
See: Sending Offers, page 2-133

Viewing and Updating Offer Letters

This topic explains how managers and recruiters can view offer letters and update
letters, if required.

Viewing Offer Letters

When managers create or update offers, iRecruitment uses the predefined offer
template to generate offer letters automatically. Managers can preview offer letters on
the Offer Letter page before submitting offers for approval or saving them as drafts.
Using the Offers Workbench page, recruiters can search for offers and click the
applicant's Offer Letter link in the search results table to preview the offer letter.
Approvers can view offer letters when offers are pending for their approval. They
receive an approval notification that includes the View Offer Letter link to preview the
offer letter.

Changing the Predefined Offer Letter Template

To automatically generate offer letters, when setting up the offer functionality, the
system administrator selects a default offer template for a business group, organization,
job, and position.
For more information, see: Defining and Maintaining Templates for Offer Letters, page
As a manager or recruiter, when you create or update an offer and view the offer letter,
you can select a new offer template in the New Template field of the Offer Letter page.
iRecruitment uses the new template to generate the offer letter and displays the letter.
You must save the offer letter before submitting it for approval, saving it as a draft,
approving or rejecting it.

Note: You can change the offer letter template only if your enterprise
enables this feature.

Exporting the Offer Letter

Managers and recruiters can save the offer letter to their local desktop using the Export

2-132 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Uploading Offer Letters

iRecruitment enables:
• Managers to upload offer letters when they create or update offers, if the Upload
button is enabled on the Offer Letter page. They can create an offer letter, click the
Upload button on the Offer Letter page when they create or update an offer, and
upload the offer letter. However, if an offer that has a manually uploaded offer
letter is saved for a later date, then the manager must upload the offer letter again
when the offer transaction is processed from the Save for Later table.

• Recruiters can upload offer letters after offers are approved from the Offers
Workbench functionality.

Manual Offer Letters

To create offer letters manually, the following options are available:
• Updating iRecruitment generated offer letters:
Managers or recruiters can export the offer letters generated by iRecruitment to
their desktop to edit the contents of the offer letters. The offer letter can be in any of
the formats decided by the enterprise: PDF, HTML, or RTF. As a manager or
recruiter, you must have access to the appropriate text editor to make changes to
the offer letter. Using the Export button on the Offer Letter page, you can download
an offer letter, make required changes in the offer letter, and upload the changed
offer letter using the Upload button. You must save the uploaded offer letter.

• Creating offer letters that are not template based:

Managers or recruiters can also create offer letters depending on the requirements
of the enterprise. They can create offer letters that are not template based. Instead of
exporting and updating the iRecruitment generated offer letter, managers can
create letters that are specific to their business needs.

Sending Offers

Sending an Offer to an Applicant

Enterprise policy determines: whether you can send an offer letter as an electronic copy
or as a paper copy. If your enterprise:
• Sends offers as electronic copies, then the Send Offer page appears when you select
the Send Offer action. The Send Offer page displays the offer duration value and
the offer expiry date. If your enterprise has set a duration for all offers, then you
cannot update these fields for an individual offer. You can enter notes for the

Working with iRecruitment 2-133

applicant before sending the offer.

• Sends paper copies of offers, iRecruitment directs you to print the offer letter when
you select the Send Offer action. Before you send a paper copy of the offer, check
the address details of the applicant on the Maintain Address page and update if
necessary. Record details such as shipping information and the offer number on the
Track Offer page.

Sending offers to agency applicants and applicants created by managers If agency

applicants and applicants created by managers do not have user accounts, then use the
e-mail address on the Candidate Details page to inform such applicants about offers or
send paper copies of offer letters.

Maintaining an Offer
After you send an offer to an applicant, you can update the offer or extend the duration
of the offer. For information about these tasks, see:
• Updating Offers, page 2-135

• Maintaining Offers, page 2-137

For information on offers, see:

• Offers Overview, page 2-116

• The Offer Process, page 2-123

• Troubleshooting Offers, page 2-139

Using Offers Workbench

As recruiters, you can access the Offers Workbench page using the iRecruitment
Recruiter responsibility.
The Offers Workbench enables recruiters to search and track offers and take further
action on offers.

Searching for Offers

You can search for offers using the following search criteria:
• Applicant name

• Vacancy name

• Offer approval date

2-134 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Offer expiry date

• Offer status such as Closed, Extended or Approved

• Offer close reason such as Offer Accepted by Applicant or Offer Expired

• Manager, recruiter, or job title

Using the Search Results Table

You can navigate to different iRecruitment pages from the links in the search results
• When you click an applicant's name, any one of the following pages appears based
on how your enterprise configures iRecruitment:
• Candidate Details
See: Processing Applications Using the Candidate Details Page, page 2-96

• Candidate Profile
See: Using Candidate Profile, page 2-71

• From the Vacancy Name link, you can navigate to the vacancy details page.

• From the Offer Letter link, you can navigate to the Offer Letter page. For more
information, see: Viewing and Updating Offer Letters, page 2-132

• From the Approvers column, you can navigate to the Offer Details page to view the
complete history of an offer approval. If the Approvers region is visible, then you
can view offer approval information such as the offer approver, approver type,
approver category, offer approval status, approval date, and offer approval
comments if any. If the Approval History region is visible, then you can view the
offer approval action history, action date, and offer comments, if any. Using this
region, managers can track all the actions that happen in an offer approval cycle.
For example, they can monitor offers that are reassigned, returned for correction, or
require further information.

Updating Offers
This topic describes how to enter an applicant's response to an offer and update an

Entering an Applicant's Response

If an applicant telephones you or sends a letter, you can record whether the applicant

Working with iRecruitment 2-135

has accepted or declined the offer on the Enter Applicant Response page. iRecruitment
changes the status of the offer to Closed on either of the responses.
If an applicant responds to an offer online, then iRecruitment automatically records the
applicant's response for the offer and closes the offer. You receive an e-mail notification
when an applicant accepts or declines an offer.

Updating an Offer
You can update an offer that is approved or already sent to an applicant. You cannot
update an offer that is pending approval or on hold. When you update an offer,
iRecruitment closes the existing version and creates a new version of the offer. The
applicant can no longer respond to the offer until they receive a new version.
Updating Basic Details
On the Update Offer: Enter Basic Details page, you can change details such as the
location or position offered to the applicant . When you update an offer, the status is
Unapproved by default. The Salary Information region displays annualized salary and
annualized FTE salary based on the selected salary basis and the proposed salary. For
information, see: Calculation of annualized salary, page 2-118
Updating Compensation Details
If you update assignment information such as location or position, then iRecruitment
checks the benefits based on this information and displays any revised compensation
plans on the Update Offer: Enter Compensation page. Review the compensation details,
and select the appropriate benefits for the applicant.
Reviewing Updated Offer Details
On the Update Offer: Review page, you can view the changed information (highlighted
with a blue dot in the proposed data region), before submitting it.
Viewing the Updated Offer Letter
You can preview the updated offer letter in any one of the formats decided by your
enterprise: PDF, HTML, or RTF. iRecruitment provides offer letter templates to
automatically create offer letters. You also select a new offer template in the New
Template field and save the offer letter using the new template. Offer letters can also be
created manually and uploaded to iRecruitment. Managers can upload manually
created offer letters when updating offers using the Upload button on the Offer Letter
page, if the Upload button is enabled.
For more information, see: Viewing and Updating Offer Letters, page 2-132
Based on the approval rules set up in your enterprise, iRecruitment routes the updated
offer for approval.

Viewing Offer Notes

Use the Offer Notes page to add notes to an offer and update existing notes. You can

2-136 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

also view notes recorded for an offer, for example, notes on extending an offer, notes to
an applicant, and the applicant's response to the offer.
For more information, see:
• Offers Overview, page 2-116

• The Offer Process, page 2-123

• Troubleshooting Offers, page 2-139

Maintaining Offers
As a recruiter, you can extend the duration of an offer or place the offer on hold.
For general information on offers, see:
• Offers Overview, page 2-116

• The Offer Process, page 2-123

• Troubleshooting Offers, page 2-139

Extending Offer Duration

Use the Extend Offer Duration page to extend the duration of an offer. For example,
you may need to extend the offer duration if the applicant requests extra time to
evaluate the offer. You can also extend the duration of an offer if the offer is
approaching its expiry date. When you extend the duration of an offer, you can provide
a new offer expiry date. If your enterprise has set an extend duration value for all offers,
then you cannot update the New Expiry Date field for an individual offer. Based on
approval rules, iRecruitment routes the offer for approval and displays the Pending
Extend Duration status during the approval stage. When the offer is approved,
iRecruitment automatically sends the offer to the applicant.

Placing an Offer on Hold and Taking an Offer off Hold

You may need to place an offer on hold, for example, if your enterprise cancels a project
or an organizational restructure occurs. When you place an extended offer on hold,
applicants can no longer respond to the offer. You can make the offer available to the
applicant again by taking the offer off hold. iRecruitment displays confirmation
messages when you place an offer on hold or take the offer off hold.

Other Offer Tasks

You can close an offer, withdraw an offer, and also record an applicant's response when
the applicant declines the offer after acceptance.

Working with iRecruitment 2-137

See: Withdrawing Offers, page 2-138
See: Recording Applicants Declining Offers After Acceptance, page 2-138
See: Closing Offers, page 2-139

Withdrawing Offers
Using the Withdraw Offer page, as a manager or recruiter, you can withdraw an offer
that is at one of the following statuses:
• Pending for Approval

• Pending Extend Duration

• Returned for Correction

• Approved

• Extended

• Placed on Hold

• Closed, with offer reasons as Offer Accepted by Applicant or Offer Declined by


The Withdraw Offer page appears when you select Withdraw Offer in the Action field
of the Offers tabbed region for an application. On the Withdraw Offer page, you can
select the offer withdrawal reason for example, Hire Freeze in the Organization, and
enter additional notes about the withdrawal. When you submit the change, the offer is
withdrawn from the applicant.
After the transaction is complete, the offer status changes to Closed with the Offer Close
Reason as Offer Withdrawn and the Application Status changes to the status before the
offer is extended to the applicant. The manager, recruiter, and applicant receive a
notification on the offer withdrawal after the transaction is complete. You can update
closed offers and extend them to applicants.

Recording Applicants Declining Offers After Acceptance

When an applicant declines an offer after accepting an offer, you can record the
response using the Applicant Declined Acceptance page. This page appears when you
select the Applicant Declined Acceptance value in the Action list in the Offers tabbed
region of the Candidate Details page.
On the Applicant Declined Acceptance page, you can select the offer decline reason for
example, Not Willing to Relocate, and enter additional notes. When you click Submit,
iRecruitment saves the record.

2-138 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

After the transaction is complete, the offer status changes to Closed with Offer Close
Reason as Applicant Declined Acceptance and the application status changes to the
status before the offer is extended to the applicant. The manager, recruiter, and
applicant receive a notification after the transaction is complete.

Closing Offers
Using the Close Offer page, as a manager or recruiter, you can close an offer to
applicant, when the offer is:
• Saved as a draft

• Approved

• Extended to the applicant

• Placed on hold

When you close an offer, you can enter the reason for closing the offer in the Notes text
box. When you save the changes, iRecruitment changes the offer close reason to
Manager Closed Offer and the offer status to Closed.

Troubleshooting Offers
This topic looks at some common problems that may occur while managing the offers
functionality and suggests some approaches.

Problem Description What To Do

iRecruitment fails to generate an offer letter iRecruitment uses offer templates to create
when you create an offer. offer letters. Check with your HR
administrator to ensure that a default template
exists for offer letters.

See: Defining and Maintaining Templates for

Offer Letters, page 1-166

iRecruitment displays offer letters only in the iRecruitment generates offer letters in the
PDF format. default PDF format. Contact your system
administrator about generating offer letters in
other formats, such as RTF and HTML.

The iRecruitment session timed out when you Check the Save for Later table on your Home
were creating an offer. How do you retrieve page. iRecruitment saves an offer as a draft if
the offer details? the browser closes or the session times out.

Working with iRecruitment 2-139

Problem Description What To Do

You cannot update an offer. Check the offer status. You cannot update an
offer that is pending approval or on hold. You
can update an offer when the offer is
approved or extended to the applicant.

iRecruitment does not display the View Offer The View Offer History page provides
History page for an offer. information on offer versions. You can view
the history of an offer only if the offer has
more than one version.

iRecruitment closed an offer as an applicant Navigate to the Candidate Details page and
did not respond within the offer expiry select the Extend Offer Duration action on the
period. How do you extend the offer again to Offer tab to extend the offer again. Depending
the applicant? on the approval rules, iRecruitment routes the
updated offer for approval. iRecruitment
sends the offer to the applicants after it is

iRecruitment displays the following message This message appears if your enterprise sends
when you select the Send Offer action on the paper copies of offers to applicants. Before
Offer Summary page: "This offer is extended you send a paper copy of the offer, check the
to the applicant. Please print the offer letter to address details of the applicant in the
send the offer to the applicant." Maintain Address page and correct if
necessary. Record details such as shipping
information and the offer number in the Track
Offer page.

2-140 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Working with iRecruitment - Agencies

Overview of Agency User Tasks

From the iRecruitment home page, as an agency user you can:
• Search for vacancies assigned to your agency, and view vacancy details such as the
maximum number of applicants that you can submit for a vacancy and current
number of applicants.

• Create user accounts for your candidates.

• Search for agency candidates using search criteria such as prospect pool, resumes,
or individuals.

• Apply for jobs on behalf of your candidates.

• Progress applicants for a vacancy, if appropriate. For example, some enterprises

delegate the complete recruitment process to an agency. In this instance, the agency
processes all applications for a vacancy to provide the enterprise with the best

Key Concepts
For more information, see:
• Working with Candidates -Agencies, page 2-141

• Working with Applicants - Agencies, page 2-143

• Searching for Vacancies - Agencies, page 2-146

Working with Candidates - Agencies

Searching for Candidates

As an agency user, you can view details of your agency candidates only. You can search
for candidates using the following search criteria:
• Prospect pool
Search for candidates using criteria such as work preferences, skills, and
employment status. You can use a combination of criteria to search for specific
candidates, for example, candidates who prefer part-time jobs in marketing.

Working with iRecruitment 2-141

• Individuals
Search for individual users using last name, first name, e-mail ID, or location. You
can also search for candidates using any of the phone types such as mobile, work or
work fax numbers.
When you search for candidates using the Candidates: Prospect Pool page and the
Candidates: Resume page, you can select a vacancy in the 'Link Search with a
Vacancy' field to associate candidate searches with vacancies. An enterprise can use
this information to identify the types of searches made for vacancies and to check
for compliance.

• Resumes
Search for resumes using specific keywords, such as a skill or qualification.
iRecruitment highlights the search keyword in the HTML preview of the
candidate's resume to identify where the matches occur on the resume quickly and

Viewing Candidate Details

When you move the mouse over the candidate name, you can view the basic details of a
candidate such as work preferences, skills, qualifications, and previous employment
details in a pop-up window. Candidate details pop-up is available on all the candidate
search pages: Prospect Pool, Individuals, Resumes, and Applicants.
When you identify suitable candidates, you can apply for vacancies on their behalf.
See: Applying for Jobs on Behalf of Your Candidates, page 2-143

Creating Candidates
From the Prospect Pool, Individuals, or Resumes pages, you can create candidate
profiles. You can:
• Provide details such as name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, skills and
qualifications, and upload a resume.

Note: You can enter a common e-mail ID for your candidates, for
example, the e-mail address of your agency. As agency candidates
do not have user accounts, managers or recruiters can use the e-
mail ID to send suitable vacancies for candidates or any offer

• Specify work preferences such as preferred work location and their minimum
salary requirements. When managers search for candidates, iRecruitment uses work
preferences and skills to find candidates who match their vacancy requirements.

• Indicate whether the candidate's details can appear in the manager search using the

2-142 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Allow Account To Be Searched check box. If you do not select this check box, then
the candidate's information is available only to managers of vacancies for which
they have applied.

When you create candidates, iRecruitment associates the candidates with your agency
and identifies them as your agency candidates for all subsequent recruitment activities.
Recruiting managers can easily distinguish agency candidates as the application lists
them with the agency names. You can apply for jobs on behalf of your candidates. See:
Applying for Jobs on Behalf of Your Candidates, page 2-143

Applying for Jobs on Behalf of Your Candidates

You can apply for jobs on behalf of your candidates when you create their details or
search for vacancies. The changes that you make to a candidate's account while
applying for a job are not limited to the specific job application, but apply generally to
the candidate's account.
EEO Information
When you apply for a job on behalf of your agency applicant, you can either provide
the applicant's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) information or elect not to
disclose it. Only agency users who provide the applicant's EEO information can view or
update the information for the applicant. The EEO fields display a value of 'Entered'
when other agency users view the application details. If you choose to provide EEO
information, then you must enter either gender or ethnic origin or both, depending on
country specific legislative requirements or business needs.

Working with Applicants - Agencies

Managing Applicants
If your agency has permission to manage applicants for a specific vacancy, then you can
view and progress not only your agency applicants but also other applicants for that
vacancy. For more information, see: Progressing Applications, page 2-144
However, you cannot submit job applications on behalf of other applicants except your
agency applicants.
If you do not have permission to manage applicants for a specific vacancy, then you can
view details of your agency applicants only but cannot see self-registered and other
agency applicants.

Note: If a recruiter or a manager applies to a vacancy on behalf of your

agency candidate, then you can view application details of that
candidate. However, you cannot progress the application unless your
agency has permission to manage applicants for the vacancy.

Working with iRecruitment 2-143

Recruiters or managers can create candidate profiles and associate
candidates with agencies. If recruiters apply on behalf of such
candidates, then agencies can view the application details. However,
agencies cannot progress applications if they do not have access to
manage applicants for vacancies.

Searching for Applicants

On the Candidates: Applicants page, you can search for applicants using criteria such as
vacancy name or application test result.
The search results table displays information relevant to your search criteria. For
example, if you search for applicants for a specific vacancy, then you can view search
results such as the applicant's name, e-mail address of the applicant, application status,
and the applicant's test score. When you move the mouse over the candidate name, you
can view the basic details of a candidate such as work preferences, skills, qualifications,
and previous employment details in a pop-up window.
If you have permission to manage applications for a vacancy, then you can use the Add
Attachments window that appears when you move the mouse over the Application
Notes icon in the search results table. Use this window to add quick notes, for example
your feedback or observations on an applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a
relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Application Notes icon.

Viewing Application Details

To view the details of an application on the Candidate Details page, click the applicant's
name. If an applicant has applied for multiple vacancies, then you can view only the
applications for vacancies that your agency manages.

Progressing Applications
The following sections explain how you can progress applications if you have
permission to manage applications for a vacancy.

Updating the Application Status

When an applicant applies for a job, iRecruitment sets the application status to Active by
default. In the Status Details and Change Reason region, select a status to indicate at
what stage an application is in the recruitment process. For example, you can select the
First Interview status, then Second Interview, and then Terminate or Offer for an
application. You can view the status history for each application in the Application
Assignment History table.

2-144 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The significant statuses are:
• Active Application: The default status for an application.

• Offer: Indicates that the job has been offered to the applicant.

• Accepted: Indicates that the applicant has accepted the job.

• Terminate Application: Ends the application because either you have rejected the
applicant or the applicant has withdrawn.

Providing the Missing EEO Information

If the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) information is not available for an
applicant, then you can enter the information. For example, you can gather the EEO
information when you meet face-to-face with an applicant, such as in an interview. You
can add a note that this information was obtained through visual inspection. Only
agency users who provide the applicant's EEO information can view or update the
information for the applicant. The EEO fields display a value of 'Entered' when other
agency users view the application details. The EEO information that you provide for an
applicant is visible to that applicant when the person applies for a vacancy in a business
group in which the applicant tracking functionality is enabled.

Rating an Applicant for a Vacancy

You can rate applicants for your vacancy based on their performance during the
recruitment process. In the Applicant Rating region of the Candidate Details page, you
can enter a manual rating, for example, 3. On the View Applicants page, you can then
sort applicants in the rating order for a specific vacancy.

Adding Attachments to an Application

You can add attachments to an application to include documents relevant to the
person's application. To add attachments, you can use the Add Attachments window
that appears when you move the mouse over the Add button, or the Add Attachment
page that appears when you click Add.
You can:
• Attach a file, such as a Microsoft Word document or a text file

• Provide the location of the directory in which you saved the feedback document

• Provide a text description of your observations

You can add multiple attachments to a single application by adding one attachment at a
time. You can also update the attachments when you progress the application.
Applicants cannot view the documents that you add as attachments to the job

Working with iRecruitment 2-145

Managing Recruitment Communication for Applicants
iRecruitment supports online recruitment communication for applications.
For more information, see: Understanding iRecruitment Communication, page 2-52
Depending on the following rules set, agencies can view, create, and respond to
messages for applicants using the Candidate Details page.
Initiating Communication and Viewing Messages
• If your agency does not have the appropriate access to manage applicants for a
vacancy, then you can view messages only of your agency applicants. Use the Start
Communication button in the Communication tabbed region of the Candidate
Details page to create topics and messages for applications

Note: iRecruitment enables the Start Communication Button only if

an agency has the access to manage applicants for a vacancy.
Otherwise, you can only communicate if the communication status
is Started.

• If your agency has the access to manage applicants for a vacancy and is set up as the
moderator for the vacancy communication, then you can review all messages
related to all the applications for that vacancy. Additionally, you can create topics
and messages for applications using the Start Communication button in the
Communication tabbed region. You also get the access to close the communication
and delete messages.

Note: The communication status of vacancy depends on the default

value defined for the vacancy.

For information about creating topics and adding messages, see: Creating Topics and
Adding Messages for Recruitment Communication , page 2-55

Viewing Interview Details of Applicants

Agencies cannot create any interviews. However, if your agency has the access to
manage applicants for a vacancy, then you can view interviews scheduled for all
applicants; otherwise you can view the interviews scheduled for your agency
candidates only.

Searching for Vacancies - Agencies

Searching for Vacancies

On the Vacancies page, you can search for vacancies using criteria such as vacancy

2-146 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

name, professional area, and the creation date. You can view only the vacancies
assigned to your agency. You can use the Recruiting Area search criterion when you
search for vacancies. A recruiting area consists of countries, business groups, and
locations. When you search for vacancies using the Recruiting Area criterion, you can
find out if vacancies are available in multiple business groups.
When you find a vacancy, you can view the following details:
• The number of job applications you can make for the vacancy

• The vacancy availability period

• Whether your agency is the sole agency

• Whether your agency can manage all applicants for a vacancy

For a vacancy, you can:

• Find candidates whose skills match the vacancy requirements.

• View applicants for a vacancy.

Matching Skills in iRecruitment

Use the Find Candidates button to find candidates whose work preferences and skills
match those of a particular vacancy. When you search for candidates for a vacancy,
iRecruitment compares the skills required for the vacancy with the candidates' skills
and returns a list of candidates with their skills match percentage. You can review the
skills information to apply for vacancies on behalf of your agency candidates.

Viewing Applicants for a Vacancy

On the View Applicants page, for a vacancy, you can view details of your agency
applicants only. You cannot see self-registered and other agency applicants, unless you
have permission to manage a specific vacancy. When you move the mouse over the
candidate name, you can view the basic details of a candidate such as work preferences,
skills, qualifications, and previous employment details in a pop-up window.
If you have permission to manage applications for a vacancy, then you can use the Add
Attachments window that appears when you move the mouse over the Application
Notes icon in the search results table. Use this window to add quick notes, for example
your feedback or observations on an applicant. You can add text, provide a URL to a
relevant document, or attach a supporting document. You can view, edit, or delete
existing attachments. You can also upload attachments using the Add Attachments
page that appears when you click the Application Notes icon.
The following sections explain how you can progress applications if you have
permission to manage applications for a vacancy.

Working with iRecruitment 2-147

When you view applications, you can perform the following tasks:
• Update the status of an application.
See: Updating the Application Status, page 2-144

• Rate an applicant for a vacancy.

See: Rating an Applicant for a Vacancy, page 2-145

• Add attachments to an application.

See: Adding Attachments to an Application, page 2-145

• Provide the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) information if it is missing for

an applicant.
See: Providing the Missing EEO Information, page 2-98

• Perform a mass update of applications.

See: Using the Mass Applicant Update Feature, page 2-148

• Manage recruitment communication for applicants.

See: Managing Recruitment Communication for Applicants, page 2-146

• View interview details of applicants.

See: Viewing Interview Details of Applicants, page 2-146

Using the Mass Applicant Update Feature

You can update the status of multiple applicants for a vacancy, using the Applicant
Mass Update functionality. For example, if you want to reject most applicants for a
vacancy, select the relevant applicants on the View Applicants page and click the
Update Status button. On the Applicants: Mass Update page, select the status Terminate
Application and provide a status change reason, for example, poor performance.

2-148 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Workforce Intelligence for iRecruitment

Workforce Intelligence for iRecruitment

You can use the following Oracle Discoverer workbooks to analyze the recruitment
process in your enterprise:
• Applicant Detail Workbook, page 2-149

• Candidate Detail Workbook, page 2-153

• Job Posting Content Detail Workbook, page 2-158

• Job Posting Content Detail Workbook, page 2-158

• Vacancy Detail Workbook, page 2-159

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

These workbooks are available with the following responsibilities:

• Human Resources Intelligence - Administrator (OLTP)

• Human Resources Intelligence - End User

For information on deploying Discoverer workbooks, refer to the Oracle HRMS Deploy
Strategic Reporting (HRMSi) guide.

Applicant Detail Workbook

This workbook enables you to report on applicant details; for example, name, type,
current employer, and projected hire date. The details are shown as of the date you
select as your effective date.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

This workbook has the following worksheets:

Working with iRecruitment 2-149

• Detail, page 2-151

• By Vacancy, page 2-151

• By Source Type, page 2-151

• By Organization, page 2-151

• By Location, page 2-152

• By Job, page 2-152

• By Grade, page 2-152

• By Position, page 2-152

• Qualification, page 2-152

• Competence, page 2-153

• School College Attendance, page 2-153

• Address, page 2-153

• Phone, page 2-153

Workbook parameters
The worksheets have the following parameters.
You must specify a value for the following parameter:
• Effective Date

You can also enter a value for the following optional parameters, for all worksheets:
• Business Group Name

• Applicant Name

For the Detail, By Vacancy, By Source Type, By Organization, By Location, By Job, By

Grade, and By Position worksheets, you can also enter a value for the following
optional parameters:
• Vacancy Name

• Source Type

• Organization Name

2-150 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Location Name

• Job Name

• Position Name

• Grade Name

Detail Worksheet
The Detail worksheet enables you to report on the details of your applicants based on
the parameters you set for the report.

Business Question
Show me the details of the applicants in whom I am interested.

By Vacancy Worksheet
The By Vacancy worksheet enables you to report the applicants who have applied for a
particular vacancy as of the date you select as your effective date. Vacancy Name is a
page item on this worksheet so you can group your results by the vacancy for which the
applicant has applied.

Business Question
Who has applied for a vacancy?

By Source Type Worksheet

The By Source Type worksheet enables you to report where applicants have indicated
they saw the advertisement for your job. Source Type is a page item on this worksheet
so you can group your results by the source type the applicant indicated.

Business Questions
Where are applicants seeing my job advertisements?
Which of my sources of job posting has been most or least successful in attracting applications?

By Organization Worksheet
The By Organization worksheet enables you to report on the applicants who have
applied to a specific organization. Organization Name is a page item on this worksheet
so you can group your results by organization.

Working with iRecruitment 2-151

Business Question
Who has applied for vacancies in my organization?

By Location Worksheet
The By Location worksheet enables you to report on the applicants who have applied to
a specific location. Location Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group
your results by the locations to which applicants have applied.

Business Question
Who has applied for vacancies based at my location?

By Job Worksheet
The By Job worksheet enables you to report on the applicants that have applied for a
specific job. Job Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your results
by the jobs for which your applicants have applied.

Business Question
Who has applied for specific jobs in my organization hierarchy?

By Grade Worksheet
The By Grade worksheet enables you to report on the applicants who have applied to a
specific grade. Grade Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your
results by the grades for which your applicants have applied.

Business Question
Who has applied for vacancies at a particular grade in my organization hierarchy?

By Position Worksheet
The By Position worksheet enables you to report on the applicants who have applied
for a specific position. Position Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group
your results by the positions for which your applicants have applied.

Business Question
Who has applied for a position in my organization hierarchy?

Qualification Worksheet
The Qualification worksheet enables you to report on the qualifications your applicants

2-152 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Business Question
What level of qualifications have my applicants achieved?

Competence Worksheet
The Competence worksheet enables you to report on the competencies your applicants
have indicated they possess. Competencies are entered by your applicants as 'skills' as
part of their account.

Business Question
What competencies do my applicants possess?

School College Attendance Worksheet

The School College Attendance worksheet enables you to report on the schools and
colleges your applicants have attended.

Business Question
Which schools and colleges have my applicants attended?

Address Worksheet
The Address worksheet enables you to report on the addresses of your applicants.

Business Question
What are the addresses of my applicants?

Phone Worksheet
The Phone worksheet enables you to report on the phone numbers of your applicants.

Business Question
What are the phone numbers of my applicants?

Candidate Detail Workbook

This workbook enables you to report on candidate details; for example, name, address,
employment history and qualifications. The details are shown as of the date you select
as your effective date. Candidate details are only displayed for iRecruitment users who
have checked the Allow my account to be searched check box.

Working with iRecruitment 2-153

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

This workbook has the following worksheets:
• Personal Detail, page 2-154

• Address, page 2-155

• Phone, page 2-155

• Employment History, page 2-156

• Education, page 2-156

• Competency (Skill), page 2-157

• Qualification, page 2-157

• Job Search Views, page 2-158

Personal Detail Worksheet

The Personal Details worksheet enables you to report on the details that your
candidates have entered as part of their iRecruitment account.

Business Question
What preferences have my candidates set up for receiving email notifications of suitable

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Candidate Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
names partially match the entered value.

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value.

2-154 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Address Worksheet
The Address worksheet enables you to report on the addresses of your candidates.

Business Question
Where do my candidates live?

You must specify values for the following parameters:
• Effective Date

You can also enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Country (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose country
names partially match the entered value

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

Phone Worksheet
The Phone worksheet enables you to report on the phone numbers of your candidates.

Business Question
What are the phone numbers of my candidates?

You must specify values for the following parameters:
• Effective Date

You can also enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Candidate Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
names partially match the entered value

• Phone Type

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

Working with iRecruitment 2-155

Employment History Worksheet
The Employment History worksheet enables you to report on the previous and current
employers of your candidates

Business Question
Who are my candidates currently working for? Who have my candidates worked for in the past?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Candidate Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
names partially match the entered value

• Employer Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
employer names partially match the entered value

• Employer Country (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
country names partially match the entered value

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

Education Worksheet
The Education worksheet enables you to report on which schools and colleges your
candidates have attended and the qualifications they have achieved. Business Question
Where have my candidates studied? What qualifications have schools or colleges
awarded my candidates?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Qualification Type

• Qualification Category

• School or College Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates
whose school or college names partially match the entered value

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email

2-156 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

addresses partially match the entered value

Competency (Skill) Worksheet

The Competency (Skill) worksheet enables you to report on the competencies of your
candidates. It also includes their level of proficiency. Competencies are entered by your
candidates as 'skills' as part of their account.

Business Question
What competencies do my candidates have, and how proficient are they?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Candidate Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
names partially match the entered value

• Competence Name (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose
competence names partially match the entered value

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

Qualification Worksheet
The Qualification worksheet enables you to report on the level of qualifications that
your candidates have.

Business Question
What qualifications do my candidates have, and at what level?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Email Address (like) – this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

• Qualification Type

• Qualification Category

Working with iRecruitment 2-157

Job Search Views Worksheet
The Job Search Views worksheet enables you to report on the saved job searches your
candidates have set up.

Business Questions
What are my candidates searching on? What sort of jobs are my candidates looking for?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Candidate Name

• Email Address (like): this parameter restricts the report to candidates whose email
addresses partially match the entered value

Job Posting Content Detail Workbook

This workbook enables you to report on the content of the job postings that have been
created for your vacancies; for example, job title, job description, and job requirements

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

This workbook has the following worksheets:
• Posting Detail, page 2-158

Posting Detail Worksheet

The Posting Detail worksheet enables you to report on the details of your job postings.

Business Question
What information is contained in the job postings for vacancies in my enterprise?

You can enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Recruiter Activity Name

2-158 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

• Business Group Name

Vacancy Detail Workbook

This workbook enables you to report on the vacancies that have been created in your
organization. You can report on information such as salary, qualifications and
competencies (skills) required, the location of the vacancy and whether it is for a
contractor or an employee. The worksheets show the available vacancies in the date
range you select. The worksheets use the organization hierarchy version that is effective
as of the date you enter.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

All worksheets have the following parameters.
You must specify values for the following parameters:
• Date From

• Date To

• Organization Hierarchy

• Top Organization

You can also enter a value for the following optional parameters:
• Hiring Manager

• Recruiter Name

• Vacancy Status

• Location

• Job

• Grade

• Position

Working with iRecruitment 2-159

This workbook has the following worksheets:
• Detail, page 2-160

• By Hiring Manager, page 2-160

• By Recruiter, page 2-160

• By Vacancy Status, page 2-161

• By Organization, page 2-161

• By Location, page 2-161

• By Job, page 2-161

• By Grade, page 2-161

• By Position, page 2-162

Detail Worksheet
The Detail worksheet enables you to report on the details of the vacancies in your
organization hierarchy.

Business Question
Show me the details of the vacancies in which I am interested.

By Hiring Manager Worksheet

The By Hiring Manager worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies associated
with each hiring manager. Hiring Manager Name is a page item on this worksheet so
you can group your results by vacancy hiring manager.

Business Question
What vacancies do my managers have?

By Recruiter Worksheet
The By Recruiter worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies associated with each
recruiter. Recruiter Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your
results by vacancy recruiter.

2-160 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Business Question
What vacancies are my recruiters responsible for?

By Vacancy Status Worksheet

The By Vacancy Status worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies with each
vacancy status. Vacancy Status is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your
results by vacancy status.

Business Question
Which of my vacancies are at a particular status (for example Approved)?

By Organization Worksheet
The By Organization worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies that are
available in each of your organizations. Organization Name is a page item on this
worksheet so you can group your results by vacancy organization.

Business Question
What vacancies exist in my organizations?

By Location Worksheet
The By Location worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies available at each
location. Location Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your results
by the location of the vacancy.

Business Question
What vacancies are available at each of my locations

By Job Worksheet
The By Job worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies that exist for a specific job.
Job Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your results by the
vacancy job.

Business Question
What vacancies exist for jobs in my organization hierarchy?

By Grade Worksheet
The By Grade worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies that exist with a specific

Working with iRecruitment 2-161

grade. Grade Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your results by
the vacancy grade.

Business Question
What vacancies exist at each grade in my organizations

Position Worksheet
The By Position worksheet enables you to report on the vacancies that exist for a
specific position. Position Name is a page item on this worksheet so you can group your
results by vacancy position.

Business Question
What vacancies exist for positions in my organization hierarchy?

2-162 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

iRecruitment Functions

iRecruitment Functions 3-1

iRecruitment Functions

Accept Offer

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant accept a job offer online. This page is displayed
when the applicant clicks the Accept button on the Offer Details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCEPT_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_ACCEPT_OFFER_INST

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-2 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Applicant Background Check Page

Document Name:
Description: Page used to redirect mangers to the background check vendor.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_BACKGROUND_CHECK_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Attachments

Document Name:
Description: Page to add internal and external documents as attachments to offers.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-3


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Skills

Document Name:
Description: Page to search for applicant skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_ADD_SKILLS_PAGE

3-4 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Declined Acceptance

Document Name:
Description: Page to record the reason for applicant declining the offer after acceptance
and notes about declining the offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DECLINED_ACCEPTANCE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-5

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of canddates and their
applications and offers. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of a
candidate or applicant.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_APPL_DETAILS_RO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_APPLICATION_MSG

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_OFFER_MSG

3-6 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_SINGLE_OFFER_MSG

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Candidate Profile PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Candidate Profile PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Candidate Profile NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Contact Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Contact Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-7

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Application IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application Notifflex2 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Application IrcFlexFieldRO1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexFieldRO2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application NotifflexRO Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

3-8 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event PER_EVENTS


Basic Offer AdditionalAssig Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details nmentDetailsDFF Assignment

Basic Offer OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS


Basic Offer PersonDeveloper Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Flex Personal Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of canddates and their
applications and offers. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of a

iRecruitment Functions 3-9

candidate or applicant.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_APPL_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_APPLICATION_MSG


Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Status Details and shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Change Reason

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_OFFER_MSG

Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_DETAILS_INST

Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_SINGLE_OFFER_MSG

3-10 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Page Level PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Page Level NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Contact Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Contact Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


iRecruitment Functions 3-11

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Application IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application Notifflex2 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Application IrcFlexFieldRO1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexFieldRO2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application NotifflexRO Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

EEO Information EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF


EEO Information EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF


Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

3-12 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event PER_EVENTS


Basic Offer AdditionalAssig Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details nmentDetailsDFF Assignment

Basic Offer OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS


Basic Offer PersonDeveloper Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Flex Personal Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-13

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS


Document Name:
Description: Page displays information such as the applicant name, vacancy name,
manager name, and application status. This page appears when managers click the
Filled, Total Number of Applications, To be Processed, In process, or Rejected column
links in the Recruitment Summary Report.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

3-14 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Application Selection Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to search for suitable applications to make an
offer for.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLICATION_SELECTION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Document Upload Page

Document Name:

iRecruitment Functions 3-15

Description: Page to enable Agencies and Managers to upload documents as part of
Creating a Candidate, for example resumes, or covering letters

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_DOC_UPLOAD

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Generic Document Upload Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to upload documents as part of My
Account, for example resumes, or covering letters

3-16 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_GENERIC_DOC_UPLOAD

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Attachments

Document Name:
Description: Page to add internal and external documents as attachments to a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-17


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Update Password Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to update their password if required, for
example, if their existing password has expired

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_UPD_PASSWORD_PAGE

3-18 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Application: Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page that displays assessment during the job application process after
registration in iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_ASMT

iRecruitment Functions 3-19

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Accessibility Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page that enables visitors to enter their accessibility preference.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_ACCESSIBILITY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

3-20 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualifications Review Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flex page to enable candidates to update their educational qualifications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EDUQUAL_REV_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-21


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-22 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-23

Application Review

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-24 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

iRecruitment Functions 3-25

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to perform an advanced job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-26 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ADV_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Advanced Search Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO

Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Advanced Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Advanced Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-27

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualifications Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter details of their qualifications as
part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


3-28 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name





Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-29

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Application Confirmation Page

Document Name:

3-30 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page displayed to confirm an application has been successfully submitted.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Email EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Preferences Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-31

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Applicant Qualification Review Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a candidate to enter additional qualifications

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-32 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_ACCREV_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to view a description and status history for their

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-33

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLICATION_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Person Person Developer DF


Description IrcFlexField3 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Description IrcFlexField4 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-34 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APPLICATION_DETAILS_PAGE

Applicant Account Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter their account details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



iRecruitment Functions 3-35

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST







Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

3-36 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Page Level NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-37

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

3-38 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-39

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Application Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to view a description and status history for their

3-40 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APPL_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Further Person Person Developer DF


Page Level IrcFlexField3 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level IrcFlexField4 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-41

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part
of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_OTHER_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

How Did You Hear Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

About Us

Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

3-42 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

How Did You IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Hear About Us Assignment

How Did You IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Hear About Us Personal Details

How Did You IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

Hear About Us Information

How Did You NotifFlex1 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Hear About Us Notification CES

Equal EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF

Employment Information

Equal IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Employment Assignment
Opportunity Details

Equal IrcFlexField4 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Employment Personal Details

Equal IrcFlexField5 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Employment Notification CES
Opportunity Preference

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-43

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part
of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-44 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

How Did You Hear Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

About Us

Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

How Did You IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Hear About Us Assignment

How Did You IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Hear About Us Personal Details

How Did You IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

Hear About Us Information

How Did You NotifFlex1 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Hear About Us Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-45

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Equal EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF

Employment Information

Equal IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Employment Assignment
Opportunity Details

Equal IrcFlexField4 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Employment Personal Details

Equal IrcFlexField5 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Employment Notification CES
Opportunity Preference

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket Page for Applicant

3-46 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-47

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Email Preferences Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to set their email preferences as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


3-48 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-49

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Applicant Personal Account Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their personal details as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name




3-50 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Page Level PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Page Level NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-51

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

3-52 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_VETERAN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-53

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:

3-54 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-55

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_VETERAN

3-56 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-57

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:

3-58 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as
part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Mass Reconsider Applications Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to update many applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-59

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_MASS_REVTERM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/C IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Apply For Job Page

Document Name:
Description: Page that enables visitors to enter their accessibility preference.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-60 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_HA_APPLY_FOR_JOB_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_APPLYFORJOB_INST

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Equal EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF

Employment Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-61

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Account Verify Page

Document Name:
Description: Page in the high availability instance candidate job site to verify if the
candidate is already registered with iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_HA_APPLY_ACCT_VERIFY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_NEW_USER_INST

Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_EXIST_USER_INST

3-62 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Document Upload Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to upload their resume.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



iRecruitment Functions 3-63

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Skills

Document Name:
Description: Page to search for applicant skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ADD_SKILLS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-64 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Applicant Qualification Update Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to update qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CM_QUALUPD_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-65

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of applicants who have applied
for a particular vacancy. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of
an applicant in the Vacancy Search page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER



Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST

Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

3-66 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Status Details and shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Change Reason

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Application IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

iRecruitment Functions 3-67

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Application Notifflex2 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Other Jobs JobsApldPerAssi Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Applied To gnmentsFlex Assignment

Other Jobs JobsApldSearchC Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Applied To riteriaFlex Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

3-68 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:
Description: Applicant Details Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-69

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER



Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST

Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Status Details and shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Change Reason


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-70 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Application IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application Notifflex2 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


iRecruitment Functions 3-71

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Other Jobs JobsApldPerAssi Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Applied To gnmentsFlex Assignment

Other Jobs JobsApldSearchC Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Applied To riteriaFlex Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

3-72 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Applicant Referral Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable site visitors and registered users to refer vacancies to other

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REFER

iRecruitment Functions 3-73

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REFER_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_CM_REFER

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_APL_REFER

Applicants Management Mass Update Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to update many applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-74 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Status Details and shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Change Reason

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/C IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-75

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as
part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APL_ACCOUNT_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

3-76 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST




Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Work Preferences Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Work Preferences shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REVIEW_DETAILS

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-77

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcAplPrevEmpFl Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History ex Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Email EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Preferences Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-78 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-79

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Agency Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Agency to search for suitable applicants for a particular

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-80 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

Page Level longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as
part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-81


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CREATE_CAND

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP


Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST




Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



3-82 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Work Preferences Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Work Preferences shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcAplPrevEmpFl Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History ex Previous
Employer Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-83

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Email EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Preferences Notification CES

Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

3-84 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-85

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:

3-86 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

View Applicants IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

: Information

View Applicants IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

: Personal Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-87

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

View Applicants IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

: Information

Search IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Search IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part
of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_ADDITIONAL_APL_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-88 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

How Did You Hear Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

About Us

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

How Did You IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Hear About Us Assignment

How Did You IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Hear About Us Personal Details

How Did You IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

Hear About Us Information

How Did You NotifFlex1 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Hear About Us Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-89

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level IrcFlexField4 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Page Level IrcFlexField5 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Email Preferences Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to set their email preferences as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-90 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-91

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Available Jobs Search

Document Name:

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EID_VIS_INTG_GATEWAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

3-92 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Available Jobs

Document Name:

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EID_APL_INTG_GATEWAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-93

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_RTM_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-94 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

View Applicants IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

: Information

View Applicants IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

: Personal Details

View Applicants IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

: Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-95

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF


Search IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Search IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:
Description: Page enables an agency user to review application details of their

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-96 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APLN_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-97

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-98 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of applicants who have applied
for a particular vacancy. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of
an applicant in the Vacancy Search page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-99

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Application Details Instruction IRC_AGENCY_APL_VIEW_HEADER



Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST

Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Status Details and shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Change Reason

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

3-100 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Application PersonFlexfield Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Personal Details

Application AssignmentFlexfi Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details eld Assignment

Application Notifflex2 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Details Notification CES

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Other Jobs PerAssignmentsF Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Applied To lexfield Assignment

Other Jobs SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Applied To xField Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-101

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/A IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Apply for Job: Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page that appears when an agency user applies for a vacancy associated

3-102 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

with an assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412385_NO_ASMNT_ATTACHED

Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Advanced Job Search Page for Registered Users

iRecruitment Functions 3-103

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_ADV_JOB_SRCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Advanced Search Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO

Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

3-104 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Advanced Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Advanced Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CONFIRM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-105

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

3-106 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-107

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-108 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Search Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-109

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-110 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Applicant Skills Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skill IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Information Competence
Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-111

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part
of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_OTHR

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

How Did You Hear Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

About Us

Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

3-112 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

How Did You IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Hear About Us Assignment

How Did You IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Hear About Us Personal Details

How Did You IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

Hear About Us Information

How Did You NotifFlex1 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Hear About Us Notification CES

Equal EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF

Employment Information

Equal IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Employment Assignment
Opportunity Details

Equal IrcFlexField4 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Employment Personal Details

Equal IrcFlexField5 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Employment Notification CES
Opportunity Preference

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-113

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Previous Employer Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their employment history as part of
My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_PREVEMP_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-114 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Qualifications: IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

Employment Previous
History Employer Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualifications Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUALS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-115


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as
part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-116 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REVIEW_DETAILS

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-117

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcAplPrevEmpFl Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History ex Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-118 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-119

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Applicant Update Password Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to changed their login password.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_UPD_PASSWORD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


3-120 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Application: Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page in the job application process that presents the vacancy assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-121

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as
part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu HR_APPLY_REVIEW_SS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-122 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Page Level Instruction IRC_412188_UPLOAD_RESUME_APPLY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-123

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcAplPrevEmpFl Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History ex Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-124 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi HR_APPLY_REVIEW_SS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

iRecruitment Functions 3-125

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Applicant Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket Page for Applicant

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-126 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-127

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Applicant Qualification Details Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_DET_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-128 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part
of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_OTHER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-129

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

How Did You Hear Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

About Us

Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL


Equal Employment Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

How Did You IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Hear About Us Assignment

How Did You IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Hear About Us Personal Details

How Did You IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF

Hear About Us Information

How Did You NotifFlex1 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Hear About Us Notification CES

3-130 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Equal EthnicGroup Further Person Person Developer DF

Employment Information

Equal IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Employment Assignment
Opportunity Details

Equal IrcFlexField4 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Employment Personal Details

Equal IrcFlexField5 Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Employment Notification CES
Opportunity Preference

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Qualifications Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter more detailed information about
their qualifications as part of My Account.

iRecruitment Functions 3-131

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EDUQUALS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

3-132 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_UPLD_REV

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-133

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-134 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Search Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

4.0(Apply for Job)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-135

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi HR_APPLY_FOR_JOB_SS

Applicant Previous Employer Review Page

Document Name:

3-136 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable registered users to review their previous employment

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCOUNT_REVIEW_PREVEMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to display the details of a vacancy.

iRecruitment Functions 3-137

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Description FndFlexField Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content


Element Det's

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

3-138 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

iRecruitment Functions 3-139

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Application Review

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_REV

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

3-140 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412667_MULTI_REG_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

iRecruitment Functions 3-141

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

3-142 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Applicant Qualification View Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flex page to enable managers to view qualification details of candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_VIEW_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-143

Candidate Profile Page

Document Name:
Description: Page for managers or recruiters to view a snapshot of the candidate in the
following sections: Candidate Details, Application Details, Skills Match Percentage, and
Applicant Pool Analysis.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CANDIDATE_PROFILE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_412606_SAL_GRAPH

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-144 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Candidate Name PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Candidate Name PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Candidate Name FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Candidate Name IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Application AssignmentFlex Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details Assignment

Application AplPersDetsFlex Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Field Personal Details

Application AplPersonDevelo Further Person Person Developer DF

Details perFlex Information

Page Level DEE Further Person Person Developer DF


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details
about educational establishments attended.

iRecruitment Functions 3-145

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Work Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to update a registered user's work preferences

3-146 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-147

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates to add additional details about
educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

3-148 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Account

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a registered user to create their account details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CREATE_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-149

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name




Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Account

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their account details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_CREATE_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-150 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name




Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Upload Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Review Uploaded Candidate Details Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-151

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Number Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST



Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Page Level Instruction IRC_412143_APL_PARSE_RES_HDR

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

3-152 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Number IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

iRecruitment Functions 3-153

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

3-154 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Candidate Management Candidate Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to view a candidate's details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-155


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Applicant Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

3-156 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Jobs Applied For JobsApldPerAssi Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

gnmentsFlex Assignment

Jobs Applied For JobsApldSearchC Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

riteriaFlex Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-157

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Compare Profiles

Document Name:
Description: Page to print profiles of candidates and applicants, compare candidates
and compare applicants.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

3-158 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Applicant Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for suitable applicants for a particular

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-159

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

Page Level longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Person Developer DF


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a
particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-160 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_SRCH_HDR

Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Vacancy Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Vacancy Details SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-161

Candidate Select Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CANDIDATE_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-162 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Select Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMPLOYEE_CANDIDATE_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-163

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Candidate Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to view a candidate's details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-164 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAND_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Applicant Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER


Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP

Site Preferences shortTip IRC_APL_ALLOW_SEARCH_INST

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-165

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification


Element Det's

Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


3-166 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/agency/webui/Age IRC_AGENCY_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManage IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Candidate Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for candidates in the prospect pool.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-167

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

(Prospect Pool)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search Instruction IRC_CM_CAND_SRCH_HDR

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Candidates: IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Prospect Pool Personal Details

Candidates: SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Prospect Pool xResults Search Criteria

3-168 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH

Candidate Management Qualifications Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CM_EDUQUAL_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-169


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualification Qualification
Details Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Previous Employment Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to view and update previous employer
information for registered users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_PREVEMP_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-170 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Previous IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

Employer Previous
Employer Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a
particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-171

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Advanced Search Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_ADV_SRCH_HDR

Advanced Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Results Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Results IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Results SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Qualification Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to update a candidate's qualification details.

3-172 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name




Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-173

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS



Element Det's

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Candidate Management Educational Qualifications Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to view and update the details of an applicant's

3-174 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_EDUQUAL_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Personal Information Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a candidate to update personal details.

iRecruitment Functions 3-175

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

3-176 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Overview NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-177

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a
particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-178 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Advanced Search Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_ADV_SRCH_HDR

Advanced Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Results Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Results IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Results SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-179

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a
particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAN4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_SRCH_HDR

Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-180 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Vacancy Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Vacancy Details SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for candidates in the prospect pool.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

(Prospect Pool)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-181

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search Instruction IRC_CM_CAND_SRCH_HDR

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Candidates: IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Prospect Pool Personal Details

Candidates: SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Prospect Pool xResults Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

3-182 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/w IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH

Close Offer

Document Name:
Description: Page to close an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CLOSE_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_NOTES_INST

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-183

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Create Offer Compensation Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_OFFER_COMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

3-184 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_OFFER_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Note

Document Name:
Description: Page to create offer notes.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-185

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Interview

Document Name:
Description: Page to create interviews for applicants.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-186 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Interview Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Event PER_EVENTS


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-187

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_ENTER_OFFER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Candidate Document Upload Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Agencies and Managers to upload documents as part of
Creating a Candidate, for example resumes, or covering letters

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_CAND_DOC_UPLOAD

3-188 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Topic

Document Name:
Description: Page to create and update topics for communication messages for
managers, recruiters, and agency users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

iRecruitment Functions 3-189

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Topic

Document Name:
Description: Page enables an applicant to create a new communication topic, update
topics for communication messages for managers, recruiters, and agency users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

3-190 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Decline Offer

Document Name:
Description: Page for an applicant to decline a job offer online. This page is displayed
when the applicant clicks the Decline Offer button on the Offer Details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DECLINE_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_DECLINE_OFFER_INST

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-191

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Default Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to define default job postings

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

U(Default Postings)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DEFLT_POST_SEARCH

Page Level longMessage IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DPOST_HEADER

3-192 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_DEFAULT_POSTINGS

Default Posting

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Duplicate Profile

Document Name:
Description: Page for managers or recruiters to search and identify duplicate profiles
that exist in iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_LINKED_CANDIDTATES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-193

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Document Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to perform a search on resumes that have been
uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

3-194 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Document Preview Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable any document to be previewed.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_DOCUMENT_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-195

Document Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to perform a search on resumes that have been
uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-196 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details
about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-197

Employee Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket page for employee site visitors.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-198 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable employee visitors to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-199

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH

Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-200 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Details Display Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Description FndFlexField Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

iRecruitment Functions 3-201

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Element Det's

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

3-202 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Employee Visitor Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Advanced Job Search Page for Visitors

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_ADV_JOB_SRCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO

iRecruitment Functions 3-203

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Person Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by

3-204 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-205

Existing Linked Profiles

Document Name:
Description: Page appears when managers click the number in the Duplicates column of
the Potential Duplicates region. This page displays details of the duplicate profiles.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Details Display Page

3-206 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu HR_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_SS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Description FndFlexField Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content


Element Det's

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

iRecruitment Functions 3-207

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi HR_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_SS

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

3-208 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Employee Visitor Login Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable employee site visitors to log in

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-209

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Ex-employee Registration

Document Name:
Description: Ex-employee registration page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EX_EMP_REGISTRATION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_EX_EMP_REGISTRATION

3-210 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_EXEMP_REGISTER_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an employee site visitor to display the details of a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-211


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Description FndFlexField Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content


Element Det's

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

3-212 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Employee Visitor Login on Apply Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable employee site visitors to log in when applying for a

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-213

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

3-214 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Establishment Attendances Qualification Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details
about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_QUAL_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-215

Enter Applicant Response

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to enter an applicant's response to a job offer.
Managers can select whether an applicant has accepted or declined an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_ENTER_APL_RESP2OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-216 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Enter Applicant Response

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to enter an applicant's response to a job offer.
Managers can select whether an applicant has accepted or declined an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_ENTER_APL_RESP2OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-217

Extend Offer Duration

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to extend the duration of an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXTEND_OFFER_DURATION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-218 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Extend Offer Duration

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to extend the duration of an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXTEND_OFFER_DURATION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-219

Generate Resume

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to select a resume format and create a resume.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_GENERATE_RESUME

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

HA System Administration Page

Document Name:
Description: Page for High availability feature administration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-220 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP1

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP2

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP3

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP4

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP5

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP6

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-221

iRecruitment Relaunch Page

Document Name:
Description: iRecruitment relaunch page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_RELAUNCH_PG

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interviewer Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Page for employee interviewers to view vacancy details of their interviews
and view applications for which they are the interviewers. They can also view interview
details, such as the location, time, and date of their interviews. Only primary
interviewers can update interview details.

3-222 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interviewer Bookings

Document Name:
Description: Page displays any booking conflict when managers click the Check
Availability button to verify the availability of the interviewer on the date of interview.

iRecruitment Functions 3-223

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interview Details

Document Name:
Description: Interview details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-224 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_INTERVIEW_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event PER_EVENTS


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Manager Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home page for managers

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-225

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP

Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP

Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP

Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP

Save For Later Instruction IRC_412505_SFL_HEADER

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-226 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/M IRC_CM_HOME

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/M IRC_CM_HOME

iRecruitment External Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket page for external registered users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXT_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


iRecruitment Functions 3-227

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

3-228 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

iRecruitment Site Visitor Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Site Visitor Home Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

(Recruitment Home)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Job Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH

Job Search shortTip IRC_412603_EID_KEYWORDS_TIP

Job Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Job Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-229


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

iRecruitment External Site Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Obsolete

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-230 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXT_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-231

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Referral Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home page for managers

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-232 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Employee Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket page for employees.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-233

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

3-234 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Agency Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home page for agencies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-235

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Employee Visitor Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home page for employee site visitors.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Job Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH

Job Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Job Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-236 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

iRecruitment Registered User Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-237

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_HOME_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Jobs Applied For Instruction IRC_APL_HOME_HEADER2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-238 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

iRecruitment Applicant Skills Flex View Page

Document Name:
Description: Flex page to enable candidates to view their skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_VIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-239


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Details Competence
Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Manager Visitor Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home page for manager

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_LOGIN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

3-240 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Vacancy Display Skills Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills
information, or a manager to enter additional skills information for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DISP_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Details Competence
Element Det's

iRecruitment Functions 3-241

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Set Effective Date Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable users to set the effective date

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_SET_EFFECTIVE_DATE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Visitor Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a site visitor to display the details of a vacancy

3-242 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Details Competence
Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Applicant Account Review Page Skills Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills

iRecruitment Functions 3-243

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACREV_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Information Competence
Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Employee User Home Page

Document Name:
Description: Home Page for Registered Employee Users

3-244 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1

Jobs Applied For Instruction IRC_APL_HOME_HEADER2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-245

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Applicant Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Details Competence
Element Det's

3-246 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Applicant Skills Flex Update Page

Document Name:
Description: Flex page to enable candidates to update their skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_UPD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Details Competence
Element Det's

iRecruitment Functions 3-247

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

iRecruitment Mail Unsubscription Page

Document Name:
Description: Confirmation page that appears when candidates click the Unsubscribe
link on the New Jobs Alert notification and General iRecruitment Update notification

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UNSUBSCRIB_FUNC

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-248 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Jobs Applied For Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to see the full list of jobs for which they have

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-249

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Jobs Applied For Page

Document Name:
Description: Search Jobs Applied For

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APPLIED_JOBS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS


3-250 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Job Notifications Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to see their job notifications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_JOB_NOTIFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Notifications Instruction IRC_NOTIFS_RECEIVED

iRecruitment Functions 3-251

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Mass Communication

Document Name:
Description: Page for mass communication.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-252 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

My Account: Work Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work preferences as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-253


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Maintain Offer Address

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to check whether the address details
of an applicant is correct before a paper copy of an offer letter is sent to the applicant. If
an applicant wants the offer letter to be sent to another address, then the changed
address details can be entered using this page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-254 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MAINTAIN_OFFER_ADDRESS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Information for

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-255

Manager Document Preview Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to preview documents uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_NAV_DOCUMENT_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Mass Interview Creation

Document Name:
Description: Mass interview creation page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-256 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Notes

Document Name:
Description: Page to view offer notes.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-257

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Template Associations

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to associate offer letter templates
with business group, organization, jobs, or positions. This page is used to create and
maintain default offer letter template associations.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Template Associations)

3-258 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to preview offer letters.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PREVIEW_OFFER_LETTER

iRecruitment Functions 3-259

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.


Document Name:
Description: Page that displays offer information such as the applicant name, vacancy
name, job title, and manager name. This page appears when managers click the Pending
for Approval, Approved, Extended, Accepted, Declined by Applicants, On Hold, or
Withdrawn column links in the Recruitment Summary Report.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

3-260 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:
Description: Offer letter preview page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer History

Document Name:
Description: Offer history page.

iRecruitment Functions 3-261

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIEW_OFFER_HISTORY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer History Details

Document Name:
Description: Offer history details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-262 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_OFFER_HISTORY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Offer AdditionalAssig Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details nmentDetailsDFF Assignment

Basic Offer OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS


Basic Offer PersonDeveloper Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Flex Personal Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:
Description: Offer letter page.

iRecruitment Functions 3-263

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_TEMPLATE_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offers Workbench

Document Name:
Description: Page enables managers or recruiters to search for offers using criteria such
as offer status. Managers can click the applicant's name to view the offer details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-264 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Details

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable an applicant to view an offer letter.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-265

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VIEW_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to preview offer letters.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPD_OFFER_LETTER_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

3-266 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Approvers

Document Name:
Description: Page displays offer details and offer approval history.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-267

Primary System Administration Page

Document Name:
Description: Page for High availability primary system administration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP1

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP2

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP3

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP4

Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP5

Not applicable.

3-268 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Person Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_412510_PHONE_NUMBER_TIP

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-269


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Person Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-270 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search longMessage IRC_412510_PHONE_NUMBER_TIP

Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person HZ_PERSON_PROFILES


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Pursue Consider Reject Candidates For Vacancy Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to pursue, consider or reject a candidate.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-271

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PCR_CAND4VAC_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Pursue Consider Instruction IRC_CM_PCR_HDR

Reject Candidates

Candidate List Instruction IRC_CM_PCR_INST_TXT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Candidate List IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PEOPLE

Personal Details

Candidate List SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-272 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Recruitment Summary

Document Name:
Description: Recruitment summary.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_RECRUITMENT_SUMMARY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruiting Site Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a manager to enter additional details for a
recruiting site

iRecruitment Functions 3-273

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REC_SITE_MAINTAINFLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional FndFlexField Additional IRC_ALL_RECRUITING_SITES

Recruiting Site Recruiting Site
Information Information

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Requisition Launch Region

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Workflow Page

3-274 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_NEW_LAUNCH_WF

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruiting Site Page

Document Name:
Description: Job posting vendor details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-275

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

U(Recruiting Sites)

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Posting RecruitingSites Additional IRC_ALL_RECRUITING_SITES

Vendor Details Recruiting Site

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruiting Team Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-276 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REC_TEAM_VAC_SRCH_FUNCTION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Referrals Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to refer candidates to other managers or

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_REFER

iRecruitment Functions 3-277

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_CM_REFER_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Personal Information

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to add work preferences to their account as part
of the registration process and create resumes online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PERSON_INF

3-278 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


iRecruitment Functions 3-279

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

3-280 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to add qualifications and skills to their account
as part of the registration process and create resumes online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_QUALS

iRecruitment Functions 3-281

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

3-282 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-283

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their preferences as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PARSE_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


3-284 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-285

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Register and Apply: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to enter work preferences as part of registration
process to apply for jobs.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


3-286 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-287

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work and e-mail preferences as
part of their account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


3-288 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-289

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Register and Apply: Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page appears during the registration process where external candidates
can attempt registration assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REG_APL_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING

Not applicable.

3-290 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Personal Information

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to add personal information to their

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST

iRecruitment Functions 3-291

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-292 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

iRecruitment Functions 3-293

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work preferences as part of My

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

3-294 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-295

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Register and Apply: Review Account Information

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to review their account information after
resume extraction.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PARSE_REVIEW_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-296 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Page Level Instruction IRC_REG_REVIEW_PARSE_INFO

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

iRecruitment Functions 3-297

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-298 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

iRecruitment Functions 3-299

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Personal Information

Document Name:
Description: Enter personal information page.

3-300 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST



The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-301


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

3-302 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

iRecruitment Functions 3-303

Registered User View Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to view the job searches they have saved.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIEW_SAVED_SEARCHES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Personal Job Search Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_SAVED_SEARCHES


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-304 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Personal Job IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Views Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register: Personal Information

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to update personal details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-305

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

3-306 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

iRecruitment Functions 3-307

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register and Apply: Create Resume

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to register with iRecruitment and create their
resumes to apply for jobs.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_CREATE_RESUME

3-308 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to save the criteria of a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-309

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CREATE_SV_SRCH_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to add preferences to their account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-310 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_PREF

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

iRecruitment Functions 3-311

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Registration Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page appears during candidate registration, if a registration assessment is

3-312 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REGISTER_ASSESSMENT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to update the criteria of a saved job search

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-313

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_UPD_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_UPD_SV_SRCH_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to add details about their educational

3-314 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

qualifications and skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_QUAL_SKILLS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-315


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

3-316 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:
Description: Add qualifications and skills page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_QUAL_SKILLS

iRecruitment Functions 3-317

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

3-318 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-319

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register and Apply: Enter Preferences

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable candidates to add work preferences.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


3-320 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-321

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE


Document Name:
Description: Partial registration page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PARTIAL_REG_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-322 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Registration Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page appears during candidate registration, if a registration assessment is

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_REG_ASSESSMENT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Assessment

Document Name:
Description: Page in the job application process that provides the application

iRecruitment Functions 3-323

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_UPLD_RESUME_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User View Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to view the job searches they have saved.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-324 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VIEW_SAVED_SEARCHES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Personal Job Search Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_SAVED_SEARCHES


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Personal Job IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Views Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-325

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable employee applicants to save their job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CREATE_SV_SRCH_HDR

3-326 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to enter details of their qualifications and
skills as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_QUAL_SKILLS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-327

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

3-328 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

iRecruitment Functions 3-329

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to update the criteria of a saved job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_UPD_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_UPD_SV_SRCH_HDR

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-330 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/O IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register: Review Account Information

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to review their account information after
resume extraction.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PARSE_REVIEW_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT

Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP

iRecruitment Functions 3-331

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST

Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST






Additional Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS



Page Level Instruction IRC_REG_REVIEW_PARSE_INFO

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Basic Details PersDetsFlexFiel Additional PER_PEOPLE

d Personal Details

Basic Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Basic Details NotificationPrefe Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

rencesFlex Notification CES

3-332 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Address FndFlexField Personal Address Address Structure


Address IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_ADDRESSES

Address Details

Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone PER_PHONES

Number Det's

Employment IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

History Previous
Employer Details


Element Det's

Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTEND

Qualifications Establishment ANCES
Att. Det's

Education QualFlexField Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Additional IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Qualifications Qualification

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-333

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

3-334 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/we IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Create Resume

Document Name:
Description: Create resume during registration page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-335


Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CREATE_RESUME

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Reply to Topic

Document Name:
Description: Page for managers to reply to an existing communication topic.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-336 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Reply to Message

Document Name:
Description: Page for an applicant to reply to an existing communication topic.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-337

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Send Offer

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers send offers to applicants online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_SEND_OFFER_EMAIL

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-338 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Track Offer

Document Name:
Description: Track offer page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_TRACK_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_TRACK_OFFER_HDR_MSG

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-339


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Mailing Address Address Personal Address Address Structure


Mailing Address AddressAdtnlDe Additional PER_ADDRESSES

ts Address Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Note

Document Name:
Description: Update offer note.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

3-340 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Update Interview

Document Name:
Description: Update interview details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_INTERVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-341


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Interview Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Event PER_EVENTS


Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer: Enter Compensation

Document Name:
Description: Update offer compensation details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_COMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-342 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_COMP_INST

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Letter: Upload New Offer Letter Version

Document Name:
Description: Update offer letter page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPLOAD_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-343

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:
Not applicable.

Update Offer Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to update an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable Managers to update an offer for the selected application.

3-344 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_REVIEW_INST

Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_REVIEW_INST

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Offer Basic WorkScheduleFle Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Details x Assignment

Offer Basic OffersFlexField Offer Details IRC_OFFERS


iRecruitment Functions 3-345

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Offer Basic PersonDeveloper Additional PER_PEOPLE

Details Flex Personal Details

Offer Basic EmpOffersFlexFi Offer Details IRC_OFFERS

Details eld

Proposed UpdWorkSchedu Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Additional leFlexCompare Assignment
Assignment Details

Employee GlbWorkSchedul Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Additional eFlexCompare Assignment
Assignment Details

Employee WorkScheduleFle Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Additional xCompare Assignment
Assignment Details

Employee WorkScheduleFle Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Additional xEmp Assignment
Assignment Details

Employee WorkScheduleFle Additional PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Additional xOffer Assignment
Assignment Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.


Document Name:
Description: View vacancy details page.

3-346 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Edit Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to update the primary details of a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-347

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Overview shortTip IRC_VAC_EMP_CON_TIP

Update Vacancy: Instruction IRC_412607_SELECT_RA

Primary Details

Locations Instruction IRC_412608_SELECT_VAC_LOC

Compensation shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT


Compensation shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT


Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DETAILS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

3-348 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview FndFlexField Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Compensation IrcFlexField1____ Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information 1 Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

iRecruitment Functions 3-349

Vacancy Edit Skills Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to update the skills and qualifications required
for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Update Vacancy: Instruction IRC_VACANCY_ASSESSMENT_INSTR

Skills and

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_SKILLS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-350 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Element Det's

Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

iRecruitment Functions 3-351

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-352 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Vacancy New Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to create a job posting for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_POSTINGS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-353


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

Vacancy View Internal Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to preview a job posting

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-354 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Description IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Description IrcFlexField3 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria


Element Det's

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-355

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Vacancy Edit Team Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to update the security for a vacancy

3-356 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_TEAM_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level longMessage IRC_412461_STATUS_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412462_ATTACH_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412492_RCPT_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412493_MOD_COMM_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_TEAM_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

iRecruitment Functions 3-357

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Sec IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Sec IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Vacancy View External Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to preview external job postings

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-358 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_PREV_EXT_POST

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Preview Job IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to review an updated vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-359

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_REVIEW_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

3-360 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Salary IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Element Det's

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Skills Flex Page

Document Name:
Description: Flexfield page to enable a manager to enter additional skills information
for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-361

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Element Det's

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Skills Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to enter the skills and qualifications required for a

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW

3-362 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Create Vacancy: Instruction IRC_VACANCY_ASSESSMENT_INSTR

Skills and

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_SKILLS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code


Element Det's

Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

iRecruitment Functions 3-363

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT

Vacancy Edit Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable a manager to update the job posting for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-364 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_POSTINGS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

iRecruitment Functions 3-365

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

3-366 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Compensation IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Skills and IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Qualifications Competence
Element Det's

Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

iRecruitment Functions 3-367

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Vacancy New Team Page

Document Name:

3-368 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable managers to set the security for their vacancy, for example
by defining a recruiting team

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level longMessage IRC_412461_STATUS_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412462_ATTACH_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412492_RCPT_COMM_TIP

Page Level longMessage IRC_412493_MOD_COMM_TIP

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_TEAM_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-369


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Create Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Enter Team Vacancy Details

Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Sec IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Sec IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Vacancy Posting Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to create and update job postings

3-370 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REQ_JOB_POSTING

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Details Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to enter the primary details for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-371

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Overview shortTip IRC_VAC_EMP_CON_TIP

Create Vacancy: Instruction IRC_412607_SELECT_RA

Primary Details

Locations Instruction IRC_412608_SELECT_VAC_LOC

Compensation shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT


Compensation shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT


Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DETAILS_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

3-372 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Overview FndFlexField Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Compensation IrcFlexField1____ Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information 1 Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

iRecruitment Functions 3-373

Vacancy Cancel Page

Document Name:
Description: Page displayed when an action is cancelled

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_CANCEL

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Warning Instruction IRC_CANCEL_VACANCY

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-374 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Vacancy Edit Review Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to review the vacancy they are creating

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_REVIEW_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-375


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Update Vacancy: IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

Review lex Flexfield

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Review Search Criteria

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Review Vacancy Details

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Review Search Criteria

Salary IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Review Search Criteria

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Review Competence
Element Det's

Update Vacancy: IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Review Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Assessment Preview

Document Name:

3-376 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Description: Page to enable managers to enter the skills and qualifications required for a

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_ASSESSMENT_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Approve Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable people approving new or changed vacancies to see the
vacancy details

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

iRecruitment Functions 3-377

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Compensation IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Skills and IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Qualifications Competence
Element Det's

3-378 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

iRecruitment Functions 3-379

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETAILS_RO

3-380 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Compensation IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Skills and IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Qualifications Competence
Element Det's

Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Page Level IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

iRecruitment Functions 3-381

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Salary IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Element Det's

Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

3-382 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

iRecruitment Functions 3-383

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMPLOYEE_VACANCY_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_SELECT_VAC_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

3-384 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_VACANCY_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-385

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_SELECT_VAC_HEADER

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-386 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

xResults Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:
Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

iRecruitment Functions 3-387

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_VAC_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupF People Group GRP

lex Flexfield

Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional PER_VACANCIES

Vacancy Details

Compensation IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

Travel IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Information Search Criteria

3-388 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Skills and IrcFlexField1 Add'l PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Qualifications Competence
Element Det's

Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

iRecruitment Functions 3-389

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

3-390 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name


Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Confirm Page

Document Name:
Description: Page displayed to confirm the candidate registration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

iRecruitment Functions 3-391

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Email EmailPrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Preferences Notification CES

Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFEREN

Notification CES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

3-392 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:
Description: Job Basket Page for Visitor

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name



iRecruitment Functions 3-393

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

3-394 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Visitor Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable visitors to perform a job search

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH

Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:

iRecruitment Functions 3-395


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Search SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Search IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Login on Apply Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable site visitors to log in when applying for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

3-396 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Visitor Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:

iRecruitment Functions 3-397

Description: Page to enable a site visitor to display the details of a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Description IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Description FndFlexField Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content


Element Det's

3-398 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_VIEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

iRecruitment Functions 3-399

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Va IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/Re IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Visitor Login Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable site visitors to log in

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

3-400 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Seeded Function Level Personalizations

Document Name Level Value

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfServi IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Visitor Password Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable registered users to request that their password is reset

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_PASSWORD_PAGE

iRecruitment Functions 3-401

Configurable Tips and Instructions:
The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction IRC_VIS_PASSWORD_EMAIL

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Registration on Apply Page

Document Name:
Description: Visitor Registration Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_APPLY_REGISTER_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

3-402 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Your Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Registration Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable site visitors to register for iRecruitment

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_REGISTER_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-403

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Your Details PersonDeveloper Further Person Person Developer DF

Flex Information

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Advanced Search Page

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable visitors to perform an advanced job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

3-404 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO

Page Level shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT

Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT

The following table presents a list of flexfields:


Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code

Page Level SearchCriteriaFle Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

x Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Posting Content

Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Search Criteria

Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Criteria Details

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Functions 3-405

Withdraw Application

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable applicants to provide reasons when they withdraw their

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_WITHDRAW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Region Name Tip Type Message Name

Page Level shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-406 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Withdraw Application

Document Name:
Description: Page to enable agency users to withdraw application on behalf of their

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_WITHDRAW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Withdraw Offer

Document Name:
Description: Page to withdraw an offer extended to an applicant.

iRecruitment Functions 3-407

Menu and Function Names:
This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the

Menu and Function Names

User Menu Name Function Name

Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_WITHDRAW_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

3-408 Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide


360-Degree Appraisal
Part of the Performance Management Appraisal function and also known as a Group
Appraisal. This is an employee appraisal undertaken by managers with participation by

A period of time in which an employee performs no work for the assigned organization.

Absence Case
Two or more absences for the same person that you associate manually because they
share a common factor, such as the same underlying cause.

Absence Type
Category of absence, such as medical leave or vacation leave, that you define for use in
absence windows.

The recognized amount of leave credited to an employee which is accumulated for a
particular period.

Accrual Band
A range of values that determines how much paid time off an employee accrues. The
values may be years of service, grades, hours worked, or any other factor.

Accrual Period
The unit of time, within an accrual term, in which PTO is accrued. In many plans, the
same amount of time is accrued in each accrual period, such as two days per month. In
other plans, the amount accrued varies from period to period, or the entitlement for the
full accrual term is given as an up front amount at the beginning of the accrual term.

Accrual Plan
See: PTO Accrual Plan, page Glossary-31

Accrual Term
The period, such as one year, for which accruals are calculated. In most accrual plans,
unused PTO accruals must be carried over or lost at the end of the accrual term. Other
plans have a rolling accrual term which is of a certain duration but has no fixed start
and end dates.

In AME, an Action is the Then part of an Approval Rule that specifies how the
application must progress a transaction's approval process in a particular way
depending on the conditions met.

Action Type
In AME, an action type is the generic container for specific actions. It enables you to
specify the action to take if a transaction meets the condition of an approval rule. The
action type, thus, generates the appropriate approvers for a transaction. As an AME
administrator you can make particular action types available for specified transaction

Activity Rate
The monetary amount or percentage associated with an activity, such as $12.35 per pay
period as an employee payroll contribution for medical coverage. Activity rates can
apply to participation, eligibility, coverages, contributions, and distributions.

Actual Premium
The per-participant premium an insurance carrier charges the plan sponsor for a given

Administrative Enrollment
A type of scheduled enrollment caused by a change in plan terms or conditions and
resulting in a re-enrollment.

A process that recalculates the amount to pay an employee in the current period, to
make an authorized early payment of amounts that would normally be paid in future
payroll periods.

An external organization that assists an enterprise in their recruitment process.
Agencies act on behalf of the candidates to help them search and apply for jobs. They
provide candidates to the fill up job openings in an enterprise or sometimes handle the
complete placement process for a vacancy.

Agency Candidate
An agency candidate is a person whose profile is created in iRecruitment by a recruiting
agency. This profile includes personal and professional information.

Agency User
An external person who belongs to a recruiting agency and accesses iRecruitment to
conduct recruiting activities such as creating candidates and applying on behalf of the

An email notification that you can set up and define to send a recipient or group of
recipients a reminder or warning to perform a certain task or simply a notification to
inform the recipient of any important information.

To define a relationship between objectives. Workers can align their own objectives
with objectives that other workers have shared with them. Aligned objectives are also
known as supporting objectives.

Oracle Approvals Management Engine. A highly extensible approvals rules engine that
enables organizations implementing Oracle Applications to simply and effectively
define business rules that determine who must approve a transaction originating within
an application. You can devise simple or complex rules, as your organization requires,
which then form part of your overall business flow. A central repository holds all the
rules to facilitate management and sharing between business processes.

Application Programmatic Interfaces, used to upload data to the Oracle Applications
database. APIs handle error checking and ensure that invalid data is not uploaded to
the database.

An applicant is a person who submits an application for employment to an

In HRMS budgeting, a term describing whether a budget reallocation rule pertains to
donors or receivers.

Applicant/Candidate Matching Criteria

Matching functionality in the iRecruitment system that systematically identifies which

candidates and applicants possess the skills, knowledge and abilities to be considered
for a specific vacancy. The following columns are used for matching:
• Skills


• Contractor/Employee

• Work at Home

• Job Category

• Distance to Location

• Key Words

• Salary

Apply for a Job

An SSHR function that enables an employee to, apply, search and prepare applications
for an internally advertised vacancy.

An appraisal is a process where an employee's work performance is rated and future
objectives set.
See also: Assessment, page Glossary-5.

The person who is the subject of an appraisal.

A person, usually a manager, who appraises an employee.

Appraising Manager
The person who initiates and performs an Employee-Manager or 360 Degree Appraisal.
An appraising manager can create appraisal objectives.

Approval Rule
In AME, a business rule that determines a transaction's approval process. You construct
rules using conditions and actions. For example, you can write a business rule with the
conditions that if the total cost of a transaction is less than 1000 USD, and the
transaction is for travel expenses, then the action must be to obtain approval from the
immediate supervisor of the person triggering the transaction.

Approver Groups
In AME, an approver group is a collection of approvers you define, which you can
include as part of actions when you set up your approval rules.

Scottish court order made out for unpaid debts or maintenance payments.
See also: Court Order , page Glossary-12

An information gathering exercise, from one or many sources, to evaluate a person's
ability to do a job.
See also: Appraisal, page Glossary-4.

A worker's assignment identifies their role within a business group. The assignment is
made up of a number of assignment components. Of these, organization is mandatory,
and payroll is required (for employees only) for payment purposes.

Assignment Number
A number that uniquely identifies a worker's assignment. A worker with multiple
assignments has multiple assignment numbers.

Assignment Rate
A monetary value paid to a contingent worker for a specified period of time. For
example, an assignment rate could be an hourly overtime rate of $10.50.

Assignment Set
A grouping of employees and applicants that you define for running QuickPaint
reports and processing payrolls.
See also: QuickPaint Report, page Glossary-32

Assignment Status
For workers, used to track their permanent or temporary departures from your
enterprise and, for employees only, to control the remuneration they receive. For
applicants, used to track the progress of their applications.

In AME, attributes are the business facts of a transaction, such as the total amount of a
transaction, percentage of a discount, an item's category, or a person's salary and so on.
These business variables form part of the conditions of an approval rule, and determine
how the transaction must progress for approvals.

A provider of health insurance and compensation information, that provides additional
information about benefits choices.

Banks Automated Clearing System. This is the UK system for making direct deposit
payments to employees.

Balance Adjustment
A correction you make to a balance. You can adjust user balances and assignment level
predefined balances only.

Balance Dimension
The period for which a balance sums its balance feeds, or the set of
assignments/transactions for which it sums them. There are five time dimensions: Run,
Period, Quarter, Year and User. You can choose any reset point for user balances.

Balance Feeds
These are the input values of matching units of measure of any elements defined to
feed the balance.

Positive or negative accumulations of values over periods of time normally generated
by payroll runs. A balance can sum pay values, time periods or numbers.
See also: Predefined Components , page Glossary-30

Bargaining Unit
A bargaining unit is a legally organized group of people which have the right to
negotiate on all aspects of terms and conditions with employers or employer
federations. A bargaining unit is generally a trade union or a branch of a trade union.

Base Summary
A database table that holds the lowest level of summary. Summary tables are populated
and maintained by user-written concurrent programs.

A person or organization designated to receive the benefits from a benefit plan upon the
death of the insured.

Any part of an employee's remuneration package that is not pay. Vacation time,

employer-paid medical insurance and stock options are all examples of benefits.
See also: Elements, page Glossary-16

The largest subordinate unit of a window, containing information for a specific
business function or entity. Every window consists of at least one block. Blocks contain
fields and, optionally, regions. They are delineated by a bevelled edge. You must save
your entries in one block before navigating to the next.
See also: Region, page Glossary-33, Field, page Glossary-18

Budget Measurement Type (BMT)

A subset of Workforce Measurement Type. It consists of a number of different units
used to measure the workforce. The most common units are headcount and full time

Budget Value
In Oracle Human Resources you can enter staffing budget values and actual values for
each assignment to measure variances between actual and planned staffing levels in an
organization or hierarchy.

Business Group
The business group represents a country in which your enterprise operates. It enables
you to group and manage data in accordance with the rules and reporting requirements
of each country, and to control access to data.

Business Group Currency

The currency in which Oracle Payroll performs all payroll calculations for your
Business Group. If you pay employees in different currencies to this, Oracle Payroll
calculates the amounts based on exchange rates defined in the system.

Business Number (BN)

In Canada, this is the employer's account number with Revenue Canada. Consisting of
15 digits, the first 9 identify the employer, the next 2 identify the type of tax account
involved (payroll vs. corporate tax), and the last 4 identify the particular account for
that tax.

Business Rule
See Configurable Business Rules, page Glossary-10

Cafeteria Benefits Plan

See: Flexible Benefits Program, page Glossary-18

Calendar Exceptions
If you are using the Statutory Absence Payments (UK) feature, you define calendar
exceptions for an SSP qualifying pattern, to override the pattern on given days. Each
calendar exception is another pattern which overrides the usual pattern.

In Oracle Human Resources you define calendars that determine the start and end
dates for budgetary years, quarters and periods. For each calendar you select a basic
period type. If you are using the Statutory Absence Payments (UK) feature, you define
calendars to determine the start date and time for SSP qualifying patterns.

Canada/Quebec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP) Contributions

Contributions paid by employers and employees to each of these plans provide income
benefits upon retirement.

(iRecruitment) A candidate is a person who has either directly provided their personal
and professional information to a company's job site or provided their resume and
details to a manager or recruiter for entering in the iRecruitment system.

Candidate Offers
An SSHR function used by a line manager to offer a job to a candidate. This function is
supplied with its own responsibility.

Career Path
This shows a possible progression from one job or position from any number of other
jobs or positions within the Business Group. A career path must be based on either job
progression or position progression; you cannot mix the two.

Carry Over
The amount of unused paid time off entitlement an employee brings forward from one
accrual term to the next. It may be subject to an expiry date i.e. a date by which it must
be used or lost.
See also: Residual, page Glossary-34

A process managers at each level in a hierarchy use to allocate their own objectives to
workers who report directly to them. This technique enables the allocation of enterprise
objectives in some form to all workers.

Cash Analysis
A specification of the different currency denominations required for paying your

employees in cash. Union contracts may require you to follow certain cash analysis

The maximum amount of unused paid time off an employee can have in an accrual
plan. When an employee reaches this maximum, he or she must use some accrued time
before any more time will accrue.

Documentation required to enroll or change elections in a benefits plan as the result of
a life event, to waive participation in a plan, to designate dependents for coverage, or to
receive reimbursement for goods or services under an FSA.

Child/Family Support Payments

In Canada, these are payments withheld from an employee's compensation to satisfy a
child or family support order from a Provincial Court. The employer is responsible for
withholding and remitting the payments to the court named in the order.

Collective Agreement
A collective agreement is a form of contract between an employer or employer
representative, for example, an employer federation, and a bargaining unit for example,
a union or a union branch.

Collective Agreement Grade

Combination of information that allows you to determine how an employee is ranked
or graded in a collective agreement.

Benefits plan information that is presented in some form to participants. Examples
include a pre-enrollment package, an enrollment confirmation statement, or a notice of
default enrollment.

The pay you give to employees, including wages or salary, and bonuses.
See also: Elements, page Glossary-16

Compensation Category
A group of compensation items. Compensation Categories determine the type of
compensation that you award under a plan.

Compensation Object
For Standard and Advanced Benefits, compensation objects define, categorize, and help
to manage the benefit plans that are offered to eligible participants. Compensation

objects include programs, plan types, plans, options, and combinations of these entities.

Any measurable behavior required by an organization, job or position that a person
may demonstrate in the work context. A competency can be a piece of knowledge, a
skill, an attitude, or an attribute.
See also: Unit Standard Competency, page Glossary-40

Competency Assessment Template

The entity that configures the Competencies section of an appraisal.
See also: Objective Assessment Template, page Glossary-25

Competency Evaluation
A method used to measure an employees ability to do a defined job.

Competency Profile
Where you record applicant and employee accomplishments, for example, proficiency
in a competency.

Competency Requirements
Competencies required by an organization, job or position.
See also: Competency, page Glossary-10, Core Competencies, page Glossary-11

Competency Type
A group of related competencies.

In AME, a Condition is the If part of an Approval Rule that specifies the conditions a
transaction must meet to trigger an approval action. A condition consists of an attribute,
which is a business variable, and a set of attribute values that you can define. When a
transaction meets the specified attribute values, then the application triggers the
appropriate action.

Configurable Business Rule

In HRMS position control and budgeting, predefined routines (also called process rules)
that run when you apply an online transaction, and validate proposed changes to
positions, budgets, or assignments. You set their default status level (typically Warning)
to Warning, Ignore, or Error.

Configurable Forms
Forms that your system administrator can modify for ease of use or security purposes
by means of Custom Form restrictions. The Form Customization window lists the forms
and their methods of configuration.

(iRecruitment) Consideration means that a decision is registered about a person in
relation to a vacancy so that the person can be contacted.

Consolidation Set
A grouping of payroll runs within the same time period for which you can schedule
reporting, costing, and post-run processing.

A person who has a relationship to an employee that you want to record. Contacts can
be dependents, relatives, partners or persons to contact in an emergency.

When you create a spreadsheet or word processing document using Web ADI, the
content identifies the data in the document. Content is usually downloaded from the
Oracle application database.

Contingent Worker
A worker who does not have a direct employment relationship with an enterprise and
is typically a self-employed individual or an agency-supplied worker. The contingent
worker is not paid via Oracle Payroll.

A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and employee or
potential employee that defines the fundamental legal relationship between an
employing organization and a person who offers his or her services for hire. The
employment contract defines the terms and conditions to which both parties agree and
those that are covered by local laws.

An employer's or employee's monetary or other contribution to a benefits plan.

Core Competencies
Also known as Leadership Competencies or Management Competencies. The competencies
required by every person to enable the enterprise to meet its goals.
See also: Competency, page Glossary-10

Costable Type
A feature that determines the processing an element receives for accounting and
costing purposes. There are four costable types in Oracle HRMS: costed, distributed
costing, fixed costing, and not costed.

Recording the costs of an assignment for accounting or reporting purposes. Using
Oracle Payroll, you can calculate and transfer costing information to your general
ledger and into systems for project management or labor distribution.

Court Order
A ruling from a court that requires an employer to make deductions from an
employee's salary for maintenance payments or debts, and to pay the sums deducted to
a court or local authority.
See also: Arrestment, page Glossary-5

A part of the Qualifications Framework. The value a national qualifications authority
assigns to a unit standard competence or a qualification. For example, one credit may
represent 10 hours of study, a unit standard competence may equate to 5 credits, and a
qualification may equate to 30 credits.

Criteria Salary Rate

Variable rate of pay for a grade, or grade step. Used by Grade/Step Progression.

Current Period of Service

An employee's period of service is current if their most recent hire date is on or before
the effective date, and either the employee does not have a termination date for their
latest employment, or their termination date is later than the effective date.
The table below provides an example using an effective date of 12 October 2004:

Effective Date Hire Date Termination Date Current Period of


12 Oct 2004 23 Jan 1994 16 Aug 2003 No

12 Oct 2004 14 Oct 2004 ANY No

12 Oct 2004 14 Mar 2000 NONE Yes

12 Oct 2004 11 Sep 2001 15 Oct 2004 Yes

Additional Information: In Oracle HRMS an employee cannot transfer

from one business group to another. To move from one business group
to another, the business group they are leaving must terminate the

employee, and the business group they are joining must re-hire the
employee. Therefore the definition of period of service, above, does not
take account of any service prior to the most recent business group

Current Period of Placement

A contingent worker's period of placement, page Glossary-28 is current if their most
recent placement start date is on or before the effective date, and either the contingent
worker does not have a placement end date for their latest placement or their placement
end date is later than the effective date.

Effective Date Place Date End Placement Date Current Period of


12 Oct 2004 23 Jan 1994 16 Aug 2003 No

12 Oct 2004 14 Oct 2004 ANY No

12 Oct 2004 14 Mar 2000 NONE Yes

12 Oct 2004 11 Sep 2001 15 Oct 2004 Yes

Database Item
An item of information in Oracle HRMS that has special programming attached,
enabling Oracle FastFormula to locate and retrieve it for use in formulas.

Date Earned
The date the payroll run uses to determine which element entries to process. In North
America (and typically elsewhere too) it is the last day of the payroll period being

Date Paid
The effective date of a payroll run. Date paid dictates which tax rules apply and which
tax period or tax year deductions are reported.

Date To and Date From

These fields are used in windows not subject to DateTrack. The period you enter in
these fields remains fixed until you change the values in either field.
See also: DateTrack, page Glossary-13, Effective Date, page Glossary-15

When you change your effective date (either to past or future), DateTrack enables you
to enter information that takes effect on your new effective date, and to review
information as of the new date.
See also: Effective Date, page Glossary-15

Default Postings
(iRecruitment) Default text stored against business groups, organizations, jobs, and/or
positions. The default postings are used to create job postings for a vacancy.

In a benefit plan, a person with a proven relationship to the primary participant whom
the participant designates to receive coverage based on the terms of the plan.

The temporary or permanent employment of an employee in a business group.
See also: Secondment, page Glossary-36

Deployment Factors
See: Work Choices, page Glossary-42

Deployment Proposal
The entity that controls the permanent transfer or temporary secondment of an
employee from a source business group to a destination business group. The HR
Professional in the destination business group creates the deployment proposal using
the Global Deployments function.

Derived Factor
A factor (such as age, percent of fulltime employment, length of service, compensation
level, or the number of hours worked per period) that is used in calculations to
determine Participation Eligibility or Activity Rates for one or more benefits.

Descriptive Flexfield
A field that your organization can configure to capture additional information required
by your business but not otherwise tracked by Oracle Applications.
See also: Key Flexfield , page Glossary-22

A change to the standard approver list is a deviation.

Developer Descriptive Flexfield

A flexfield defined by your localization team to meet the specific legislative and

reporting needs of your country.
See also: Extra Information Types, page Glossary-18

Direct Deposit
The electronic transfer of an employee's net pay directly into the account(s) designated
by the employee.

Discoverer Workbook
A grouping of worksheets. Each worksheet is one report.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge

Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for
Discoverer 11gR1.

Discoverer Worksheet
A single report within a workbook. A report displays the values of predefined criteria
for analysis.

Monetary payments made from, or hours off from work as allowed by, a compensation
or benefits plan.

The process of transferring data from the Oracle HRMS application to your desktop
(the original data remains in the application database).

Effective Date
The date for which you are entering and viewing information. You set your effective
date in the Alter Effective Date window.
See also: DateTrack, page Glossary-13

See: Extra Information Type, page Glossary-18

The process which determines whether a potential benefits participant, who has
satisfied the eligibility rules governing a program, plan, or option in a plan, is able to
elect benefits. Participants who are eligible for benefits do not always have electable
benefit choices based on the rules established in a benefit plan design.

Element Classifications
These control the order in which elements are processed and the balances they feed.

Primary element classifications and some secondary classifications are predefined by
Oracle Payroll. Other secondary classifications can be created by users.

Element Entry
The record controlling an employee's receipt of an element, including the period of
time for which the employee receives the element and its value.
See also: Recurring Elements, page Glossary-33, Nonrecurring Elements, page Glossary-

Element Link
The association of an element to one or more components of an employee assignment.
The link establishes employee eligibility for that element. Employees whose assignment
components match the components of the link are eligible for the element.
See also: Standard Link, page Glossary-38

Components in the calculation of employee pay. Each element represents a
compensation or benefit type, such as salary, wages, stock purchase plans, and pension

Element Set
A group of elements that you define to process in a payroll run, or to control access to
compensation information from a configured form, or for distributing costs.

The process by which a potential benefits participant satisfies the rules governing
whether a person can ever enroll in a program, plan, or option in a plan. A participant
who is eligible for benefits must also satisfy electability requirements.

Eligibility Profile
A set of eligibility criteria grouped together. Eligibility profiles help determine
eligibility for compensation and benefits and are re-usable. Eligibility profiles can be
linked to a compensation object (such as a program, plan, or option), a collective
agreement, a grade ladder, or a work schedule to restrict eligibility for these.

A worker who has a direct employment relationship with the employer. Employees are
typically paid compensation and benefits via the employer's payroll application.
Employees have a system person type of Employee and one or more assignments with
an assignment type of Employee.

Employee Histories
An SSHR function for an employee to view their Learning History, Job Application

History, Employment History, Absence History, or Salary History. A manager can also
use this function to view information on their direct reports.

Employment Category
A component of the employee assignment. Four categories are defined: Full Time -
Regular, Full Time - Temporary, Part Time - Regular, and Part Time - Temporary.

Employment Equity Occupational Groups (EEOG)

In Canada, the Employment Equity Occupational Groups (EEOG) consist of 14
classifications of work used in the Employment Equity Report. The EEOGs were
derived from the National Occupational Classification system.

Employment Insurance (EI)

Benefit plan run by the federal government to which the majority of Canadian
employers and employees must contribute.

Employment Insurance Rate

In Canada, this is the rate at which the employer contributes to the EI fund. The rate is
expressed as a percentage of the employee's contribution. If the employer maintains an
approved wage loss replacement program, they can reduce their share of EI premiums
by obtaining a reduced contribution rate. Employers would remit payroll deductions
under a different employer account number for employees covered by the plan.

Enrollment Action Type

Any action required to complete enrollment or de-enrollment in a benefit.

In Australia, this is all unused leave from the previous year that remains to the credit of
the employee.

Employee Self Service. A predefined SSHR responsibility.

An activity such as a training day, review, or meeting, for employees or applicants.
Known as class in OLM.

Someone who has previously applied for a vacancy or multiple vacancies, but all
applications have ended, either because the applicant has withdrawn interest or they
have been rejected. Ex-Applicants can still be registered users.

Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC)
In the UK, this is the week in which an employee's baby is due. The Sunday of the
expected week of childbirth is used in the calculations for Statutory Maternity Pay

Extra Information Type (EIT)

A type of developer descriptive flexfield that enables you to create an unlimited
number of information types for six key areas in Oracle HRMS. Localization teams may
also predefine some EITs to meet the specific legislative requirements of your country.
See also: Developer Descriptive Flexfield, page Glossary-14

A view or entry area in a window where you enter, view, update, or delete
See also: Block, page Glossary-7, Region, page Glossary-33

Flex Credit
A unit of "purchasing power" in a flexible benefits program. An employee uses flex
credits, typically expressed in monetary terms, to "purchase" benefits plans and/or
levels of coverage within these plans.

Flexible Benefits Program

A benefits program that offers employees choices among benefits plans and/or levels of
coverage. Typically, employees are given a certain amount of flex credits or moneys
with which to "purchase" these benefits plans and/or coverage levels.

Flexible Spending Account

(FSA) Under US Internal Revenue Code Section 125, employees can set aside money on
a pretax basis to pay for eligible unreimbursed health and dependent care expenses.
Annual monetary limits and use-it-or-lose it provisions exist. Accounts are subject to
annual maximums and forfeiture rules.

A predefined grouping of functions, called from a menu and displayed, if necessary, on
several windows. Forms have blocks, regions and fields as their components.
See also: Block, page Glossary-7, Region, page Glossary-33, Field, page Glossary-18

Format Mask
A definition of a person-name format. The format mask comprises standard name
components, such as title, first name, and last name, in an order appropriate to its
purpose and legislation.

Format Type
A format-mask classification that identifies the mask's purpose. Oracle HRMS defines
the Full Name, Display Name, List Name, and Order Name format types. You can also
define your own format types for use in custom code.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

A Workforce Measurement Type (WMT) that measures full time equivalent. Although
the actual value and calculation may vary, this value is taken from the Assignment
Budget Value (ABV) in Oracle HRMS. If the Assignment Budget Value in Oracle HRMS
is not set up then a FastFormula is used to determine the value to be calculated.

Global Value
A value you define for any formula to use. Global values can be dates, numbers or text.

Goods or Service Type

A list of goods or services a benefit plan sponsor has approved for reimbursement.

A component of an employee's assignment that defines their level and can be used to
control the value of their salary and other compensation elements.

Grade Comparatio
A comparison of the amount of compensation an employee receives with the mid-point
of the valid values defined for his or her grade.

Grade Ladder
The key component of Grade/Step Progression. You use a grade ladder to categorize
grades, to determine the rules for how an employee progresses from one grade (or step)
to the next, and to record the salary rates associated with each grade or step on the

Grade Rate
A value or range of values defined as valid for a given grade. Used for validating
employee compensation entries.

Grade Scale
A sequence of steps valid for a grade, where each step corresponds to one point on a
pay scale. You can place each employee on a point of their grade scale and
automatically increment all placements each year, or as required.
See also: Pay Scale, page Glossary-27

Grade Step
An increment on a grade scale. Each grade step corresponds to one point on a pay
See also: Grade Scale, page Glossary-19

A term used in Benefits Administration. A person's benefits are said to be
grandfathered when a plan changes but they retain the benefits accrued.

A component that you define, using the People Group key flexfield, to assign
employees to special groups such as pension plans or unions. You can use groups to
determine employees' eligibility for certain elements, and to regulate access to payrolls.

Group Certificate
In Australia, this is a statement from a legal employer showing employment income of
an employee for the financial year..

A Workforce Measurement Type (WMT) that measures headcount. Although the actual
value and calculation may vary, this value is taken from the Assignment Budget Value
(ABV) in Oracle HRMS. If the Assignment Budget Value in Oracle HRMS is not set up
then a FastFormula is used to determine the value to be calculated.

An organization or position structure showing reporting lines or other relationships.
You can use hierarchies for reporting and for controlling access to Oracle HRMS

High Availability
iRecruitment functionality that enables enterprises to switch between two instances to
continuously support the candidate job site.

Imputed Income
Certain forms of indirect compensation that US Internal Revenue Service Section 79
defines as fringe benefits and taxes the recipient accordingly. Examples include
employer payment of group term life insurance premiums over a certain monetary
amount, personal use of a company car, and other non-cash awards.

In Oracle HRMS, the term Incumbent refers to an active worker (employee or

contingent worker).

Individual Compensation Distribution

A tool that enables managers assign one-time or recurring awards, bonuses, and
allowances to qualified employees such as housing allowances, spot bonuses, and
company cars. Also enables employees to enter voluntary contributions, such as savings
plans, charitable organizations, and company perquisites.

Info Online
A generic framework to integrate Oracle applications with partner applications,
enabling users to access information from third-party providers, My Oracle Support
and Oracle Learning Management.

A person who starts a 360 Degree appraisal (Employee or Self) on an individual. An
initiator and the appraisee are the only people who can see all appraisal information.

Input Values
Values you define to hold information about elements. In Oracle Payroll, input values
are processed by formulas to calculate the element's run result. You can define up to
fifteen input values for an element.

An SSHR user assistance component displayed on a web page to describe page

Integrating Application
In AME, an application that uses Oracle Approvals Management Engine to manage the
approval processes of its transactions.

Defines all the information that you need to download or upload from a particular
window or database view using Web ADI.

A Web ADI term for the item that specifies the columns to be transferred from the
Oracle applications database to your desktop or vice versa.

Used in turnover to describe employees who have ceased employment with the
enterprise not of their own accord, for example, through redundancy.

A job is a generic role within a business group, which is independent of any single
organization. For example, the jobs "Manager" and "Consultant" can occur in many

Job Posting
An advertisement for a specific vacancy. This is the public side of the vacancy for
which a candidate would apply.

Key Flexfield
A flexible data field made up of segments. Each segment has a name you define and a
set of valid values you specify. Used as the key to uniquely identify an entity, such as
jobs, positions, grades, cost codes, and employee groups.
See also: Descriptive Flexfield, page Glossary-14

Indicates the columns to be displayed in a spreadsheet or Word document created
using Web ADI.

Learning Management
Oracle's enterprise learning management system that administers online and offline
educational content.

Leave Loading
In Australia, an additional percentage amount of the annual leave paid that is paid to
the employee.

Leaver's Statement
In the UK, this Records details of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid during a previous
employment (issued as form SSP1L) which is used to calculate a new employee's
entitlement to SSP. If a new employee falls sick, and the last date that SSP was paid for
under the previous employment is less than eight calendar weeks before the first day of
the PIW for the current sickness, the maximum liability for SSP is reduced by the
number of weeks of SSP shown on the statement.

Legal Employer
A business in Australia that employs people and has registered with the Australian Tax
Office as a Group Employer.

Legal Entity
A legal entity represents the designated legal employer for all employment-related

activities. The legal authorities in a country recognize this organization as a separate

Life Event
A significant change in a person's life that results in a change in eligibility or
ineligibility for a benefit.

Life Event Collision

A situation in which the impacts from multiple life events on participation eligibility,
enrollability, level of coverage or activity rates conflict with each other.

Life Event Enrollment

A benefits plan enrollment that is prompted by a life event occurring at any time
during the plan year.

Linked PIWs
In the UK, these are linked periods of incapacity for work that are treated as one to
calculate an employee's entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). A period of incapacity
for work (PIW) links to an earlier PIW if it is separated by less than the linking interval.
A linked PIW can be up to three years long.

Linking Interval
In the UK, this is the number of days that separate two periods of incapacity for work.
If a period of incapacity for work (PIW) is separated from a previous PIW by less than
the linking interval, they are treated as one PIW according to the legislation for
entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). An employee can only receive SSP for the
maximum number of weeks defined in the legislation for one PIW.

Line Manager Self Service. A predefined SSHR responsibility.

Long Service Leave

Leave with pay granted to employees of a particular employer after a prescribed period
of service or employment with that employer.

Lookup Types
Categories of information, such as nationality, address type and tax type, that have a
limited list of valid values. You can define your own Lookup Types, and you can add
values to some predefined Lookup Types.

Lower Earnings Limit (LEL)

In the UK, this is the minimum average weekly amount an employee must earn to pay
National Insurance contributions. Employees who do not earn enough to pay National

Insurance cannot receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP).

(iRecruitment) A manager accesses the iRecruitment system to document their hiring
needs and conduct their recruiting activities online. Specifically, these activities include
vacancy definition, searching for candidates, and processing applicants through the
vacancy process.

Manager-Employee Appraisal
Part of the Appraisal function. A manager appraisal of an employee. However, an
appraising manager does not have to be a manager.

If you are bringing in data from a text file to Oracle HRMS using a spreadsheet created
in Web ADI, you need to map the columns in the text file to the application's tables and

Maternity Pay Period

In the UK, this is the period for which Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) is paid. It may
start at any time from the start of the 11th week before the expected week of
confinement and can continue for up to 18 weeks. The start date is usually agreed with
the employee, but can start at any time up to the birth. An employee is not eligible to
SMP for any week in which she works or for any other reason for ineligibility, defined
by the legislation for SMP.

Medicare Levy
An amount payable by most taxpayers in Australia to cover some of the cost of the
public health system.

You set up your own navigation menus, to suit the needs of different users.

My Account
(iRecruitment) My Account is the total of either a candidate or applicant's personal and
vacancy-specific information including the information needed to manage their
progress through the recruitment process.

National Automated Clearing House Association. This is the US system for making
direct deposit payments to employees.

National Identifier
This is the alphanumeric code that is used to uniquely identify a person within their
country. It is often used for taxation purposes. For example, in the US it is the Social
Security Number, in Italy it is the Fiscal Code, and in New Zealand it is the IRD

National Occupational Classification (NOC) code

In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) System was developed to
best reflect the type of work performed by employees. Occupations are grouped in
terms of particular tasks, duties and responsibilities. The use of this standardized
system ensures consistency of data from year to year within the same company as well
as between companies. These codes are used in the Employment Equity Report.

Net Accrual Calculation

The rule that defines which element entries add to or subtract from a plan's accrual
amount to give net entitlement.

Net Entitlement
The amount of unused paid time off an employee has available in an accrual plan at
any given point in time.

Nonrecurring Elements
Elements that process for one payroll period only unless you make a new entry for an
See also: Recurring Elements, page Glossary-33

North American Industrial Classification (NAIC) code

The North American Industrial Classification system (NAICs) was developed jointly by
the US, Canada and Mexico to provide comparability in statistics regarding business
activity across North America. The NAIC replaces the US Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) system, and is used in the Employment Equity Report.

Not in Program Plan

A benefit plan that you define outside of a program.

Objective Assessment Template

The entity that configures the Objectives section of the appraisal.
See also: Competency Assessment Template, page Glossary-10

Objectives Library
A collection of reusable objectives. HR Professionals can either create individual
objectives in the Objectives Library or import them from an external source.

Descriptive term covering all HR processes and procedures involved in removing a
worker from your organization, including termination, relocation, and long-term

Oracle Learning Management.

Descriptive term covering all HR processes and procedures involved in hiring and
integrating a worker in your organization, including recruitment, hiring, and

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

Analysis of data that reveals business trends and statistics that are not immediately
visible in operational data.

Online Transactional Processing (OLTP)

The storage of data from day-to-day business transactions into the database that
contains operational data.

Open Enrollment
A type of scheduled enrollment in which participants can enroll in or alter elections in
one or more benefits plans.

A level of coverage for a participant's election, such as Employee Only for a medical
plan, or 2x Salary for a life insurance plan.

Oracle FastFormula
Formulas are generic expressions of calculations or comparisons you want to repeat
with different input values. With Oracle FastFormula you can write formulas using
English words and basic mathematical functions. The output of FastFormulas is fed
back into reports.

A required component of employee assignments. You can define as many organizations
as you want within your Business Group. Organizations can be internal, such as
departments, or external, such as recruitment agencies. You can structure your
organizations into organizational hierarchies for reporting purposes and for system
access control.

Organization Manager Hierarchy
An HRMS structure that contains supervisors and subordinates on a reporting chain
who also own organizations. HRMS uses this hierarchy to filter the information you
display in report modules.

Oracle Self Service Web Applications.

For a unit standard competence, a behavior or performance standard associated with
one or more assessment criteria. A worker achieves a unit standard competence when
they achieve all outcomes for that competence.

You can enter overrides for an element's pay or input values for a single payroll period.
This is useful, for example, when you want to correct errors in data entry for a
nonrecurring element before a payroll run.

Parameter Portlet
A portlet in which you select a number of parameters that may affect all your portlets
on your page. These may include an effective date, the reporting period, the comparison
type, the reporting manager, and the output currency for your reports. The parameter
portlet is usually available at the top of the portal page.

A pattern comprises a sequence of time units that are repeated at a specified frequency.
The Statutory Absence Payments (UK) feature, uses SSP qualifying patterns to
determine employees entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Pattern Time Units

A sequence of time units specifies a repeating pattern. Each time unit specifies a time
period of hours, days or weeks.

Pay Scale
A set of progression points that can be related to one or more rates of pay. Employee's
are placed on a particular point on the scale according to their grade and, usually, work
See also: Grade Scale, page Glossary-19

Pay Value
An amount you enter for an element that becomes its run item without formula

See also: Input Values, page Glossary-21

Payment Type
There are three standard payment types for paying employees: check, cash and direct
deposit. You can define your own payment methods corresponding to these types.

A group of employees that Oracle Payroll processes together with the same processing
frequency, for example, weekly, monthly or bimonthly. Within a Business Group, you
can set up as many payrolls as you need.

Payroll Reversal
A payroll reversal occurs when you reverse a payroll run for a single employee, in effect
cancelling the run for this employee.

Payroll Rollback
You can schedule a payroll rollback when you want to reverse an entire payroll run,
cancelling out all information processed in that run. To preserve data integrity, you can
roll back only one payroll at a time, starting with the one most recently run.

Payroll Run
The process that performs all the payroll calculations. You can set payrolls to run at any
interval you want.

People List
An SSHR line manager utility used to locate an employee.

Performance Management Plan

The entity that defines the performance-management process for a specified period. A
component of the Workforce Performance Management function.

Performance Management Viewer (PMV)

A reporting tool that displays the report that corresponds to one or more PMF targets.

Period of Incapacity for Work (PIW)

In the UK, this is a period of sickness that lasts four or more days in a row, and is the
minimum amount of sickness for which Statutory Sick Pay can be paid. If a PIW is
separated by less then the linking interval, a linked PIW is formed and the two PIWs are
treated as one.

Period of Placement
The period of time a contingent worker spends working for an enterprise. A contingent
worker can have only one period of placement at a time; however, a contingent worker

can have multiple assignments during a single period of placement.

Period Type
A time division in a budgetary calendar, such as week, month, or quarter.

Personal Public Service Number (PPS)

The Irish equivalent to National Insurance number in the UK, or the Social Security
number in the US.

Personal Tax Credits Return (TD1)

A Revenue Canada form which each employee must complete. Used by the employee
to reduce his or her taxable income at source by claiming eligible credits and also
provides payroll with such important information as current address, birth date, and
SIN. These credits determine the amount to withhold from the employee's wages for
federal/provincial taxes.

Person Search
An SSHR function which enables a manager to search for a person. There are two types
of search, Simple and Advanced.

Person Type
There are eight system person types in Oracle HRMS. Seven of these are combinations
of employees, ex-employees, applicants, and ex-applicants. The eighth category is
'External'. You can create your own user person types based on the eight system types.

Personal Scorecard
A collection of objectives for a single worker arising from a single Performance
Management Plan.

Personnel Actions
Personnel actions is a public sector term describing business processes that define and
document the status and conditions of employment. Examples include hiring, training,
placement, discipline, promotion, transfer, compensation, or termination. Oracle HRMS
uses the term self-service actions synonymously with this public sector term. Oracle Self
Service Human Resources (SSHR) provides a configurable set of tools and web flows for
initiating, updating, and approving self-service actions.

Plan Design
The functional area that allows you to set up your benefits programs and plans. This
process involves defining the rules which govern eligibility, available options, pricing,
plan years, third party administrators, tax impacts, plan assets, distribution options,
required reporting, and communications.

Plan Sponsor
The legal entity or business responsible for funding and administering a benefits plan.
Generally synonymous with employer.

A specific role within the Business Group derived from an organization and a job. For
example, you may have a position of Shipping Clerk associated with the organization
Shipping and the job Clerk.

Predefined Components
Some elements and balances, all primary element classifications and some secondary
classifications are defined by Oracle Payroll to meet legislative requirements, and are
supplied to users with the product. You cannot delete these predefined components.

Process Rule
See Configurable Business Rules, page Glossary-10

Professional Information
An SSHR function which allows an employee to maintain their own professional
details or a line manager to maintain their direct reports professional details.

A worker's perceived level of expertise in a competency, in the opinion of an assessor,
over a given period. For example, a worker may demonstrate the communication
competency at Novice or Expert level.

Progression Point
A pay scale is calibrated in progression points, which form a sequence for the
progression of employees up the pay scale.
See also: Pay Scale, page Glossary-27

Prospect Pool
(iRecruitment) The prospect pool contains all registered users who have given
permission for their information to be published.

Provincial/Territorial Employment Standards Acts

In Canada, these are laws covering minimum wages, hours of work, overtime, child
labour, maternity, vacation, public/general holidays, parental and adoption leave, etc.,
for employees regulated by provincial/territorial legislation.

Provincial Health Number

In Canada, this is the account number of the provincially administered health care plan

that the employer would use to make remittances. There would be a unique number for
each of the provincially controlled plans i.e. EHT, Quebec HSF, etc.

PTO Accrual Plan

A benefit in which employees enroll to entitle them to accrue and take paid time off
(PTO). The purpose of absences allowed under the plan, who can enroll, how much
time accrues, when the time must be used, and other rules are defined for the plan.

(See Canada/Quebec Pension Plan)

QA Organization
Quality Assurance Organization. Providers of training that leads to Qualifications
Framework qualifications register with a QA Organization. The QA Organization is
responsible for monitoring training standards.

Qualification Type
An identified qualification method of achieving proficiency in a competence, such as an
award, educational qualification, a license or a test.
See also: Competence, page Glossary-10

Qualifications Framework
A national structure for the registration and definition of formal qualifications. It
identifies the unit standard competencies that lead to a particular qualification, the
awarding body, and the field of learning to which the qualification belongs, for

Qualifying Days
In the UK, these are days on which Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) can be paid, and the only
days that count as waiting days. Qualifying days are normally work days, but other
days may be agreed.

Qualifying Pattern
See: SSP Qualifying Pattern, page Glossary-37

Qualifying Week
In the UK, this is the week during pregnancy that is used as the basis for the qualifying
rules for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). The date of the qualifying week is fifteen
weeks before the expected week of confinement and an employee must have been
continuously employed for at least 26 weeks continuing into the qualifying week to be
entitled to SMP.

Quebec Business Number
In Canada, this is the employer's account number with the Ministere du Revenu du
Quebec, also known as the Quebec Identification number. It consists of 15 digits, the
first 9 identify the employer, the next 2 identify the type of tax account involved
(payroll vs. corporate tax), and the last 4 identify the particular account for that tax.

A function which records the results of an appraisal.

QuickPaint Report
A method of reporting on employee and applicant assignment information. You can
select items of information, paint them on a report layout, add explanatory text, and
save the report definition to run whenever you want.
See also: Assignment Set, page Glossary-5

QuickPay allows you to run payroll processing for one employee in a few minutes'
time. It is useful for calculating pay while someone waits, or for testing payroll

(iRecruitment) A manually entered value to indicate the quality of the applicant against
other applicants for a specific vacancy.

A set of values for employee grades or progression points. For example, you can define
salary rates and overtime rates.

Rate By Criteria
A function that enables the calculation of pay from different rates for each role a worker
performs in a time period.

Rating Scale
Used to describe an enterprise's competencies in a general way. You do not hold the
proficiency level at the competence level.

Record of Employment (ROE)

A Service Canada form that must be completed by an employer whenever an
interruption of earnings occurs for any employee. This form is necessary to claim
Employment Insurance benefits.

Recruitment Activity
An event or program to attract applications for employment. Newspaper
advertisements, career fairs and recruitment evenings are all examples of recruitment
activities. You can group several recruitment activities together within an overall

Recurring Elements
Elements that process regularly at a predefined frequency. Recurring element entries
exist from the time you create them until you delete them, or the employee ceases to be
eligible for the element. Recurring elements can have standard links.
See also: Nonrecurring Elements, page Glossary-25, Standard Link, page Glossary-38

Recruiting Area
A recruiting area consists of a set of countries, business groups, and locations. Define
recruiting areas using the Generic Hierarchy function of Oracle HRMS. In iRecruitment,
when managers create vacancies, they can select multiple locations as vacancy locations
using recruiting areas.

Referenced Rule
In HRMS budgeting, any predefined configurable business rule in the Assignment
Modification, Position Modification, or Budget Preparation Categories you use as the
basis for defining a new rule.
See Configurable Business Rules, page Glossary-10

A collection of logically related fields in a window, set apart from other fields by a
rectangular box or a horizontal line across the window.
See also: Block, page Glossary-7, Field, page Glossary-18

Registered Pension Plan (RPP)

This is a pension plan that has been registered with Revenue Canada. It is a plan where
funds are set aside by an employer, an employee, or both to provide a pension to
employees when they retire. Employee contributions are generally exempt from tax.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

This is an individual retirement savings plan that has been registered with Revenue
Canada. Usually, contributions to the RRSP, and any income earned within the RRSP, is
exempt from tax.

Registered User
(iRecruitment) A person who has registered with the iRecruitment site by entering an
e-mail address and password. A registered user does not necessarily have to apply for


Reporting Group
A collection of programs and plans that you group together for reporting purposes,
such as for administrative use or to meet regulatory requirements.

Report Parameters
Inputs you make when submitting a report to control the sorting, formatting, selection,
and summarizing of information in the report.

Report Set
A group of reports and concurrent processes that you specify to run together.

The statement of a requirement for a vacancy or group of vacancies.

Request Groups
A list of reports and processes that can be submitted by holders of a particular
See also: Responsibility, page Glossary-34

The amount of unused paid time off entitlement an employee loses at the end of an
accrual term. Typically employees can carry over unused time, up to a maximum, but
they lose any residual time that exceeds this limit.
See also: Carry Over, page Glossary-8

A level of authority in an application. Each responsibility lets you access a specific set
of Oracle Applications forms, menus, reports, and data to fulfill your business role.
Several users can share a responsibility, and a single user can have multiple
See also: Security Profile, page Glossary-36, User Profile Options, page Glossary-41,
Request Groups, page Glossary-34, Security Groups, page Glossary-34

A document that describes the experience and qualifications of a candidate.

A process that recalculates the amount to pay an employee in the current period to
account for retrospective changes that occurred in previous payroll periods.

Method of correcting a payroll run or other process before any post-run processing takes
place. The original run results are deleted and the process is run again.

Revenue Canada
Department of the Government of Canada which, amongst other responsibilities,
administers, adjudicates, and receives remittances for all taxation in Canada including
income tax, Employment Insurance premiums, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and
the Goods and Services Tax (legislation is currently proposed to revise the name to the
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency). In the province of Quebec the equivalent is the
Ministere du Revenu du Quebec.

Method of correcting payroll runs or QuickPay runs after post-run processing has taken
place. The system replaces positive run result values with negative ones, and negative
run result values with positive ones. Both old and new values remain on the database.

Reviewer (SSHR)
A person invited by an appraising manager to add review comments to an appraisal.

Research Institute of America (RIA), a provider of tax research, practice materials, and
compliance tools for professionals, that provides U.S. users with tax information.

Method of removing a payroll run or other process before any post-run processing takes
place. All assignments and run results are deleted.

An aggregate of data that includes subsidiary totals.

Run Item
The amount an element contributes to pay or to a balance resulting from its processing
during the payroll run. The Run Item is also known as calculated pay.

Salary Basis
The period of time for which an employee's salary is quoted, such as hourly or
annually. Defines a group of employees assigned to the same salary basis and receiving
the same salary element.

Salary Rate
The rate of pay associated with a grade or step. Used by Grade/Step Progression.

Scheduled Enrollment
A benefits plan enrollment that takes place during a predefined enrollment period.
Scheduled enrollments can be administrative, or open.

Search by Date
An SSHR sub-function used to search for a Person by Hire date, Application date, Job
posting date or search by a Training event date.

The temporary transfer of an employee to a different business group.

Security Group
Security groupsenable HRMS users to partition data by Business Group. Only used for
Security Groups Enabled security.
See also: Responsibility, page Glossary-34, Security Profile, page Glossary-36, User Profile
Options, page Glossary-41

Security Groups Enabled

Formerly known as Cross Business Group Responsibility security. This security model
uses security groups and enables you to link one responsibility to many Business

Security Profile
Security profiles control access to organizations, positions and employee and applicant
records within the Business Group. System administrators use them in defining users'
See also: Responsibility, page Glossary-34

Self Appraisal
Part of the Appraisal function. This is an appraisal undertaken by an employee to rate
their own performance and competencies.

Separation Category
Separation category groups the leaving reasons. HRMSi refers to Termination Category
as Separation Category.
See also: termination category, page Glossary-39

Site Visitor
(iRecruitment) A person who navigates to the iRecruitment web site and may view job

postings. This person has not yet registered or logged in to the iRecruitment system.
This individual may search for postings on the web site and also has the ability to log in
or register with the iRecruitment site.

See: Statutory Maternity Pay, page Glossary-38

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

A unique number provided by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) to
each person commencing employment in Canada. The number consists of 9 digits in the
following format (###-###-###).

Source Deductions Return (TP 1015.3)

A Ministere du Revenu du Quebec form which each employee must complete. This
form is used by the employee to reduce his or her taxable income at source by claiming
eligible credits and also provides payroll with such important information as current
address, birth date, and SIN. These credits determine the amount of provincial tax to
withhold from the employee's wages.

Special Information Types

Categories of personal information, such as skills, that you define in the Personal
Analysis key flexfield.

Special Run
The first run of a recurring element in a payroll period is its normal run. Subsequent
runs in the same period are called special runs. When you define recurring elements
you specify Yes or No for special run processing.

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources. An HR management system using an intranet
and web browser to deliver functionality to employees and their managers.

See: Statutory Sick Pay, page Glossary-38

SSP Qualifying Pattern

In the UK, an SSP qualifying pattern is a series of qualifying days that may be repeated
weekly, monthly or some other frequency. Each week in a pattern must include at least
one qualifying day. Qualifying days are the only days for which Statutory Sick Pay
(SSP) can be paid, and you define SSP qualifying patterns for all the employees in your
organization so that their entitlement to SSP can be calculated.

Standard HRMS Security

The standard security model. Using this security model you must log on as a different

user to see a different Business Group.

Standard Link
Recurring elements with standard links have their element entries automatically
created for all employees whose assignment components match the link.
See also: Element Link, page Glossary-16, Recurring Elements, page Glossary-33

Statement of Commissions and Expenses for Source Deduction Purposes (TP

A Ministere du Revenu du Quebec form which allows an employee who is paid partly
or entirely by commissions to pay a constant percentage of income tax based on his or
her estimated commissions for the year, less allowable business expenses.

Statement of Earnings (SOE)

A summary of the calculated earnings and deductions for an assignment in a payroll

Statement of Remuneration and Expenses (TD1X)

In Canada, the Statement of Remuneration and Expenses allows an employee who is
paid partly or entirely by commission to pay a constant percentage of income tax, based
on his or her estimated income for the year, less business-related expenses.

Statutory Adoption Pay

In the UK, Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) is payable to a person of either sex with whom
a child is, or is expected to be, placed for adoption under UK law.

Statutory Maternity Pay

In the UK, you pay Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) to female employees who take time
off work to have a baby, providing they meet the statutory requirements set out in the
legislation for SMP.

Statutory Sick Pay

In the UK, you pay Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to employees who are off work for four or
more days because they are sick, providing they meet the statutory requirements set out
in the legislation for SSP.

Statutory Paternity Pay

In the UK, Statutory Paternity Pay Birth (SPPB) is payable to a person supporting the
mother at the time of birth. In cases of adoption, the primary carer receives Statutory
Adoption Pay, while the secondary carer receives Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption

Suitability Matching
An SSHR function which enables a manager to compare and rank a persons

Superannuation Guarantee
An Australian system whereby employers are required to contribute a percentage of an
eligible employee's earnings to a superannuation fund to provide for their retirement.

An internal or external organization providing contingent workers for an organization.
Typically suppliers are employment or recruitment agencies.

Supporting Objective
An objective aligned with another objective. Supporting objectives contribute to the
achievement of the objectives they support.

Tabbed Regions
Parts of a window that appear in a stack so that only one is visible at any time. You
click on the tab of the required region to bring it to the top of the stack.

Task Flows
A sequence of windows linked by buttons to take you through the steps required to
complete a task, such as hiring a new recruit. System administrators can create task
flows to meet the needs of groups of users.

Tax Point
The date from which tax becomes payable.

Template Letter
Form letter or skeleton letter that acts as the basis for creating mail merge letters. The
template letter contains the standard text, and also contains field codes, which are
replaced by data from the application during the mail merge process.

Terminating Employees
You terminate an employee when he or she leaves your organization. Information
about the employee remains on the system but all current assignments are ended.

Termination Category
When employees leave an enterprise, the decision is either made by the employee or by
the enterprise. When the decision is made by the employee the termination is
Voluntary. When the decision is made by the enterprise, the termination is Involuntary.

HRMSi elsewhere refers to Termination Category as Separation Category.

Termination Rule
Specifies when entries of an element should close down for an employee who leaves
your enterprise. You can define that entries end on the employee's actual termination
date or remain open until a final processing date.

An SSHR user assistance component that provides information about a field.

Total Compensation Statement

A module to communicate compensations, rewards, and benefits to employees and
contingent workers.

Transaction Type
In AME, an integrating application may divide its transactions into several categories,
where each category requires a distinct set of approval rules. Each set of rules is a
transaction type. Different transaction types can use the same attribute name to
represent values that the application fetches from different places. This enables several
transaction types to share approval rules, thus facilitating a uniform approval policy
across multiple transaction types.

A third-party compensation management solutions provider, that provides additional
information about benefits choices.

Unit Standard
A nationally registered document that describes a standard of performance. The
standard is typically defined and maintained by industry representatives.

Unit Standard Competency

A competency that is defined in a Unit Standard and linked to a Qualifications
Framework qualification.

The process of transferring the data from a spreadsheet on your desktop, created using
Web ADI, back to the Oracle HRMS application.

User Assistance Components

SSHR online help comprising tips and instructions.

User Balances
Users can create, update and delete their own balances, including dimensions and
balance feeds.
See also: Balances, page Glossary-6

User Profile Options

Features that allow system administrators and users to tailor Oracle HRMS to their
exact requirements.
See also: Responsibility, page Glossary-34, Security Profile, page Glossary-36

User-based Security
With this type of security, the application generates the security permissions for a
current user when that user logs on to a system. The system uses the security profile
(can be position, supervisor, or organization-based, for example) to generate security
permissions for the current user, for example, based on the user's position. An
alternative to user-based security is a security profile with defined security rules, for
example, to specify that the top-level position for a position-based security profile is
Position A, irrespective of the current user's position.

An example of an interface that you can use to download data from the Oracle HRMS
application to a spreadsheet using Web ADI.

Viewer (SSHR)
A person with view only access to an appraisal. An appraising manager or an
employee in a 360 Degree Self appraisal can appoint view only access to an appraisal.

Viewer (Web ADI)

A desktop application, such as a spreadsheet or word processing tool, that you use to
view the data downloaded from Oracle HRMS via Web ADI.

Term used in turnover to describe employees who have ceased employment with the
enterprise of their own accord, for example, by resigning.

Waiting Days
In the UK, statutory Sick Pay is not payable for the first three qualifying days in period
of incapacity for work (PIW), which are called waiting days. They are not necessarily
the same as the first three days of sickness, as waiting days can be carried forward from
a previous PIW if the linking interval between the two PIWs is less than 56 days.

WCB Account Number
In Canada, this is the account number of the provincially administered Workers'
Compensation Board that the employer would use to make remittances. There would
be a unique number for each of the provincially controlled boards i.e. Workplace Safety
& Insurance Board of Ontario, CSST, etc.

Work Choices
Also known as Work Preferences, Deployment Factors, or Work Factors. These can
affect a person's capacity to be deployed within an enterprise, such willingness to travel
or relocate. You can hold work choices at both job and position level, or at person level.

An employee, page Glossary-16 or a contingent worker, page Glossary-11

Workers' Compensation Board

In Canada, this is a provincially governed legislative body which provides benefits to
employees upon injury, disability, or death while performing the duties of the
employer. Workers' Compensation Board premiums are paid entirely by the employer.

An Oracle application which uses charts to manage approval processes and in addition
is used in SSHR to configure display values of sections within a web page and

Workforce Measurement Type (WMT)

Groups of different units combined to measure the workforce. The most common units
are headcount and full time equivalent.

Workforce Measurement Value (WMV)

A WMT value, for example, headcount or FTE.

Workforce Performance Management

The Oracle HRMS functions that support enterprise-directed objective setting,
management, and assessment.

Work Structures
The fundamental definitions of organizations, jobs, positions, grades, payrolls and
other employee groups within your enterprise that provide the framework for defining
the work assignments of your employees.


limiting attempts, 2-32

A resumable, 2-31
reviewing statistics, 2-33
Activity rates
scoring options, 2-31
defining for standard contributions, 1-209
Assignment statuses
Add attachments to an application, 2-98
defining primary statuses, 1-140
Additional Search Criteria Details flexfield
defining secondary statuses, 1-141
setting up, 1-145
defining user statuses, 1-140
Agencies, 2-141
primary statuses for applicants, 1-133
managing applicants, 2-143
secondary statuses for applicants, 1-133
search for vacancies, 2-146
system statuses for applicants, 1-131
setting up, 1-213
Attachments to offers, 2-131
Agency access to vacancy
Attachments to vacancies, 2-48
defining, 2-46
AME, 1-102
approvals, 1-106, 1-107, 1-115, 1-117
APIs, 1-222, 1-230
applicant identification numbers, 1-137
links from HRMS, 1-239
rating, 2-97
refer, 2-100 B
tracking progress, 1-131 balances, fiscal year, 1-138
Applicant tracking business groups
setting up, 1-23 defining, 1-136
Applications recruitment information for, 1-139
processing, 2-96
Application status C
updating, 2-96
Calculating skills match percentage, 2-67
Approvals, 1-102, 1-103
components, 1-106, 1-107, 1-115, 1-117
interface, 2-21
Assessments (tests and surveys)
Candidate details
creating and maintaining, 2-28
creating, 2-61
Assessment tests
viewing, 2-59
feedback options, 2-32
Candidate Details page

processing application, 2-96 Conditions
viewing candidate details, 2-62 approvals, 1-110, 1-116, 1-118
Candidate Profile Configuration Framework
actions, 2-74 hierarchy, 1-159
analyzing the applicant pool, 2-82 Personalization Framework, 1-159
Applicant Pool Analysis, 2-73 Configuring
assessment score pie chart, 2-86 web pages, 1-161
candidate and applicant details, 2-71 Configuring links from HRMS to Enwisen, 1-245
comparing applicants, 2-92 content container, 1-242
comparing candidates, 2-90 Create
desirable skills graph, 2-84 test sections
essential skills graph, 2-83 sequencing, 2-31
printing applicant profiles, 2-88 Creating interviews for multiple applicants , 2-
printing candidate profiles, 2-86 114
printing reports, 2-86 Cross Site Scripting (XSS), 1-44
regions, 2-72 customizing
salary expectation chart, 2-85 resume templates, 1-148
skills match percentage, 2-71
suitability analysis, 2-83 D
understanding skills match percentage, 2-82
data synchronization for high availability, 1-217
using, 2-71
Default job postings
viewing application details, 2-78
creating and maintaining, 1-162
viewing candidate details, 2-75
Disable Self-Service Personal profile option, 1-
Candidate registration, 2-22
Duplicate profiles
accessibility preference, 2-21
compare profiles, 2-66
consider, 2-60
confirm duplicate, 2-65
processing, 2-60
finding, 2-60, 2-64
pursue, 2-60
not a duplicate, 2-65
refer, 2-60
not duplicates, 2-66
reject, 2-60
potential duplicates, 2-65
Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles
process, 1-134
Change Person Numbering to Automatic
process, 1-138 eligibility profiles, 1-191
Communication and agencies, 2-55 Employee referrals
Communication and candidates, 2-54 managing, 2-17
Communication and employees, 2-54 Enrollment Requirements
Communication for a vacancy defining for not in program plans, 1-211
closing, 2-54 Enwisen
initiating, 2-53 links from HRMS products, 1-245
Communication participants, 2-52 links from Oracle iRecruitment pages, 1-245
Communication process, 2-53 Existing files
Communication properties scan, 1-147
defining, 2-53
Communication properties for a vacancy F
defining, 2-46

features of candidate job site on High Interview details, 2-108
Availability instance, 1-216 creating, 2-112
fiscal year balances, 1-138 updating, 2-20, 2-113
Formatting job posting, 2-47 viewing, 2-111, 2-113, 2-115
Functions Interview notifications, 2-111
configuring, 1-55 Interview participants, 2-107
user access, 1-153, 1-157 Interview process, 2-106
G creating and updating, 2-111
managing, 2-106
generic hierarchies, 1-125
multiple applicants, 2-114
Generic Hierarchies
Interview security, 2-45, 2-108
defining, 1-126
Interview statuses, 2-109
recruiting area region hierarchy type, 1-127
Interview tasks, 2-110
Goods and services
managing, 2-19
associating with a plan, 1-200
Grants, 1-154
business events, 1-223
overview, 1-6
vacancies, 2-36
hierarchy types, generic hierarchies, 1-126 iRecruitment Active Assignment in Other
HR: Extension Agent, 1-243 Business Status, 1-132
HR: Extension Agent Enabled, 1-243 iRecruitment applicants, automatic numbering,
HR: Info Online: Open in New Window, 1-243 1-137
HR: Info Online: Toolbar Icon, 1-243 iRecruitment Communication
HR: Information Provider Integration Enabled, 1- understanding, 2-52
243 iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process
HRMS data, 1-56 running, 1-256
iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to
I Vacancy Owner Process
iLearning running, 1-253
links from HRMS, 1-239 iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers
Implementation steps, 1-15 process
Implementation Steps for iRecruitment, 1-15 running, 1-251
Info online iRecruitment functions
Enwisen, 1-245 Accept Offer, 3-2
Info Online, 1-239 Accessibility Preferences, 3-20
content container, 1-239, 1-242 Add Attachments, 3-3, 3-17
Info Online Links to Information Provider Web Additional Qualification Details, 3-21, 3-32, 3-
sites, 1-239 65, 3-115, 3-128, 3-143, 3-169
information providers Additional Recruiting Site Information, 3-273
Authoria HR, 1-241 Additional Skill Information, 3-111
Enwisen, 1-241 Additional Skills Details, 3-239, 3-241, 3-242, 3-
links from HRMS, 1-239 246, 3-247, 3-361
My Oracle Support, 1-241 Additional Skills Information, 3-243
RIA PCP on Checkpoint, 1-241 Add Skills, 3-4, 3-64
Interview communication, 2-20 Applicant Background Check Page, 3-3
Applicant Declined Acceptance, 3-5

Applicant Home Page, 3-237 Create Personal Details, 3-81
Applicant Job Basket Page, 3-126 Create Primary Details, 3-371
Applicants Mass Reconsider Applications, 3- Create Skills, 3-362
59 Create Topic, 3-189, 3-190
Applicants Mass Update, 3-74 Create Vacancy: Enter Team Details, 3-368
Applicant Update Password, 3-18 Decline Offer, 3-191
Application: Assessment, 3-19, 3-121 Default Postings Page, 3-192
Application Details, 3-33, 3-40, 3-66, 3-69, 3-99 Document Preview, 3-195, 3-256
Application Review, 3-96 Duplicate Profile, 3-193
Applications, 3-14 Edit Job Postings, 3-364
Apply for Job: Additional Information, 3-88 Edit Recruitment Team, 3-356
Apply for Job: Assessment, 3-102 Edit Skills, 3-350
Apply for Job: Candidate Details, 3-76 Edit Vacancy Details, 3-347
Apply for Job: Disability Information, 3-54, 3- Educational Qualifications, 3-131, 3-174
54, 3-58, 3-58 Email Preferences, 3-30, 3-391
Apply for Job: Select Candidate, 3-162, 3-163 Employee Job Basket Page, 3-233
Apply for Job: Select Vacancy, 3-385 Employee Login on Apply, 3-213
Apply for Job: Veteran Information, 3-53, 3-55, Employee Referral Home Page, 3-232
3-56, 3-57 Employee Visitor Home Page, 3-236
Apply Now: Enter Application Details, 3-44, 3- Employee Visitor Login Page, 3-209
106, 3-116, 3-122 Employment History, 3-114, 3-136
Available Jobs, 3-22, 3-93, 3-109, 3-135, 3-199, Enter Applicant Response, 3-216, 3-217
3-203, 3-395, 3-404 Establishment Attendances Additional
Available Jobs Search, 3-92 Details, 3-145, 3-148, 3-197, 3-215
Cancel, 3-374 Ex-employee Registration, 3-210
Candidate Details, 3-6, 3-9, 3-155, 3-164 Existing Linked Profiles, 3-206
Candidate Home Page, 3-244 Extend Offer Duration, 3-218, 3-219
Candidate Personal Details, 3-175 External Job Basket Page, 3-227
Candidate Profile Page, 3-144 Format Job Posting: Preview:, 3-354
Candidate Qualification Details, 3-172 Generate Resume, 3-220
Candidates, 3-204 Interview Details, 3-224
Candidates: Applicants, 3-80, 3-159 Interviewer Bookings, 3-223
Candidates: Individuals, 3-269, 3-270 Interviewer Home Page, 3-222
Candidates: Prospect Pool, 3-167, 3-181 iRecruitment: Apply For Job: Account
Candidates: Resumes, 3-194, 3-196 Verification, 3-62
Candidates For Vacancy, 3-171, 3-178 iRecruitment: Apply For Job: Enter Basic
Candidate Upload, 3-151 Information, 3-60
Close Offer, 3-183 iRecruitment: High Availability System
Compare Profiles, 3-158 Administration, 3-220
Create Account, 3-149, 3-150 iRecruitment: Primary System Administration,
Create Interview Details, 3-186 3-268
Create Job Posting, 3-353 iRecruitment Agency Home Page, 3-235
Create Offer: Enter Basic Details, 3-187 iRecruitment External Site Visitor Job Basket,
Create Offer: Enter Compensation, 3-184 3-230
Create Offer: Review, 3-184 iRecruitment Mail Unsubscription Page, 3-248
Create Offer: Select Application, 3-15 iRecruitment Manager Home Page, 3-225
Create Offer Note, 3-185 iRecruitment Manager Visitor Home, 3-240

iRecruitment Relaunch, 3-222 Register and Apply: Create Resume, 3-308
iRecruitment Set Effective Date Page, 3-242 Register and Apply: Enter Preferences, 3-286,
iRecruitment Visitor Home Page, 3-229 3-320
Job Basket Page, 3-46, 3-198 Register and Apply: Personal Information, 3-
Job Details, 3-137, 3-201, 3-206, 3-211, 3-397 278, 3-291
Job Notifications, 3-251 Register and Apply: Review Account
Job Posting Vendor Details, 3-275 Information, 3-296
Jobs: Available Jobs, 3-26, 3-103 Register and Apply: Review Application
Jobs Applied For Page, 3-249, 3-250 Details, 3-24, 3-132, 3-140
Login Information, 3-120 Registration Assessment, 3-312, 3-323
Maintain Offer Address, 3-254 Reply to Message, 3-337
Mass Communication, 3-252 Reply to Topic, 3-336
Mass Interview Creation, 3-256 Requisition Launch Region, 3-274
Matching Candidates, 3-160, 3-180 Review, 3-359, 3-375
Matching Jobs, 3-105 Saved Job Searches, 3-304, 3-324
My Account, 3-35 Save Job Search, 3-309, 3-326
My Account: email Preferences, 3-48, 3-90 Send Offer, 3-338
Offer Approvers, 3-267 Track Offer, 3-339
Offer History, 3-261 Update Interview, 3-341
Offer History Details, 3-262 Update Offer: Enter Basic Details, 3-344
Offer Letter, 3-259, 3-261, 3-263, 3-266 Update Offer: Enter Compensation, 3-342
Offer Notes, 3-257 Update Offer: Review, 3-344
Offers, 3-260 Update Offer Letter, 3-343
Offers Workbench, 3-264 Update Offer Note, 3-340
Offer Template Associations, 3-258 Update Save Job Search, 3-313, 3-330
Partial Registration Page, 3-322 Upload Document, 3-15, 3-16, 3-188
Personal Details, 3-50 Upload Resume, 3-63
Preview Assessment, 3-376 Vacancies, 3-276, 3-346, 3-351, 3-384, 3-386, 3-
Preview Job Posting, 3-358 390
Previous Employer, 3-170 Vacancy Details, 3-366, 3-377, 3-380, 3-387
Pursue Consider Reject Candidates, 3-271 Vacancy Posting, 3-370
Qualifications, 3-28 View Applicants, 3-86, 3-94, 3-94
Recruitment Summary, 3-273 View Offer, 3-265
Refer Prospects, 3-277 Visitor Job Basket Page, 3-393
Refer Vacancy, 3-73 Visitor Login on Apply Page, 3-396
Register: Add Qualifications and Skills, 3-314, Visitor Login Page, 3-400
3-327 Visitor Password Page, 3-401
Register: Create Resume, 3-335 Visitor Registration on Apply Page, 3-402
Register: Enter Preferences, 3-284, 3-288, 3-294, Visitor Registration Page, 3-403
3-310 Withdraw Application, 3-406, 3-407
Register: Personal Information, 3-300, 3-305 Withdraw Offer, 3-407
Register: Review Account Information, 3-331 Work Preferences, 3-146, 3-253
Register and Apply: Additional Details, 3-42, iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers Process
3-112, 3-129 running, 1-253
Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and iRecruitment HA Process Applications
Skills, 3-281, 3-317 running, 1-253
Register and Apply: Assessment, 3-290, 3-323 iRecruitment High Availability, 1-216

iRecruitment Index Synchronization Process
running, 1-252 N
iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications Process
node types, generic hierarchies, 1-126
running, 1-179
Notifications, 1-230
iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications Process
running, 1-178
iRecruitment Person Data Migration Process
running, 1-135 Offer
iRecruitment Purge Data Process vacancy in multiple business groups, 2-129
running, 1-249 vacancy in multiple locations in a business
iRecruitment Recruiting Area Region hierarchy group, 2-129
type, 1-127 offer approvals, 2-120
iRecruitment reports and processes, 1-248 offer cycle, 2-116
iRecruitment US OFCCP Disability/VEVRAA offer notifications, 2-122
Audit Report, 1-258 Offer process, 2-123
J creating and sending, 2-128
setting up, 1-171
Job application, 2-25
updating, 2-135
location preference, 2-25
offer save for later, 2-123
offer security, 2-120
search, 2-21
Offers overview, 2-116
Job search, 2-21
offer statuses, 2-121
Offer templates
K customizing, 1-177
knowledge integration offer versions, 2-122
See Info Online Options
associating with plans, 1-201
L defining, 1-204
designation requirements, 1-204
legislation code, 1-137
Oracle Approvals Management, 1-102, 1-106, 1-
Life event reasons
107, 1-115, 1-117
general characteristics, defining, 1-205
Oracle HRMS Applications and information
Location search, 2-58
Lookups, 1-123
configuring links, 1-243
Lookup types
Oracle iRecruitment
business requirements, 2-1
implementation business requirements, 1-1
Oracle Workflow Builder, 1-237
Mass applicant update, 2-104 Organizations
Matching candidate skills, 2-102 associating with a benefits plan, 1-201
Menus Overview of manager and recruiter tasks, 2-3
types of, 1-156
user access, 1-156 P
sending, 2-99
Candidate Details, 2-60
My Account, 2-24

Candidates: Applicants, 2-95 iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers,
Candidates: Individuals, 2-59 1-251
Candidates: Prospect Pool, 2-58 iRecruitment General Mail to Job Seekers, 1-
Candidates: Resumes, 2-58 253
Create Offer: Basic Details, 2-129 iRecruitment HA Process Applications, 1-253
Create Offer: Compensation, 2-130 iRecruitment Index Synchronization, 1-252
Create Vacancy: Enter Primary Details, 2-42 iRecruitment Purge Applicant Tracking Data,
Create Vacancy: Enter Team Members, 2-44 1-255
Create Vacancy: Format Job Posting, 2-47 iRecruitment Purge Data, 1-249
Default Job Advert, 1-162 iRecruitment Recruitment Summary, 1-257
Enter Applicant Response, 2-135 processes
Extend Offer Duration, 2-137 Change Candidate Access for Security
Find Candidates, 2-102 Profiles, 1-134
Job Posting Vendor Details, 1-164 Process flows, 1-55
Offer Template Associations, 1-166 profile options
Pursue Consider Reject Candidates , 2-60 HR: Extension Agent, 1-243
Send Offer, 2-133 HR: Extension Agent Enabled, 1-243
Vacancy Details, 2-48 HR: Info Online: Open in New Window, 1-243
View Applicants, 2-102 HR: Info Online: Toolbar Icon, 1-243
Page layouts, 1-56 HR: Information Provider Integration
Permission sets, 1-154 Enabled, 1-243
Personal information, 1-153 Profile options, 1-55, 1-57
Personalization Framework, 1-159 Disable Self-Service Personal, 1-160
Personalize Self-Service Defn profile option, 1- Personalize Self-Service Defn, 1-160
160 Program and plan year periods
person numbering and plan year periods
changing to automatic, 1-138 defining, 1-190
Plans Publicly Callable Business Process APIs, 1-230
associating goods and services with, 1-200
associating options with, 1-201 Q
associating organizations with, 1-201
Question Bank
associating plan year periods with, 1-199
creating, 2-29
defining, 1-196
Question banks
regulations, 1-200
reviewing statistics, 2-35
reporting groups
reporting group for, 1-199
reviewing statistics, 2-33
Plan types
selection, 2-31
defining, 1-194
Plan year periods
defining, 1-190
Posting vacancies to third-party recruiting sites, Recruiting sites details
2-48 Creating and maintaining, 1-164
Process Recruitment communication
iRecruitment Applicant Profile Snapshot, 1- creating topics and adding messages, 2-55
254 initiating, 2-99
iRecruitment Email Job Seekers Details to Recruitment communication for agency
Vacancy Owner, 1-253 applicants, 2-146

recruitment information for business groups, 1- Statistics
139 question banks, 2-35
Recruitment Summary tests and questions, 2-33
viewing, 2-8 System requirements, 1-15
Recruitment Summary page, 2-8
Referral candidate profiles T
creating, 2-17
Templates for offer letters
Referral candidates
defining and maintaining, 1-166
search, 2-59
Test questions
searching , 2-18
selection, 2-31
associating with a plan, 1-200
feedback options, 2-32
reporting groups
limiting attempts, 2-32
defining, 1-195
resumable, 2-31
for Compensation Workbench, 1-195
reviewing statistics, 2-33
Reporting groups
scoring options, 2-31
associating with a benefits plan, 1-199
Test sections
Reports, 2-1
deleting, 2-33
Responsibilities, 1-150, 1-153
managing, 2-33
sequencing, 2-31
test and question statistics, 2-33
third-party information providers
links from HRMS, 1-239
links from HRMS, 1-239
Timed Tests
changing time allowed, 2-32
approvals, 1-111, 1-116, 1-119
Transaction types
approvals, 1-106, 1-107, 1-115
S iRecruitment Notification Approvals , 1-117
Save for Later, 1-56 Transcentive
Searching for candidates, 2-58 links from HRMS, 1-239
Security, 1-150 Transition from primary instance to HA instance
responsibilities, 1-153 and back to primary, 1-219
user menus, 1-153 Troubleshooting
Self-Service Benefits candidates and applicants, 2-105
Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD), offers, 2-139
1-179 vacancies, 2-50
IRC Availability Profile Option, 1-217 U
setting up
User access, 1-55, 1-150, 1-156
High Availability instance, 1-218
to functions, 1-153, 1-157
resume templates, 1-168
to personal information, 1-153
Skills match percentage
to vacancies, 1-151
Applicant Pool Analysis, 2-67
User menus, 1-153
Candidate Profile page, 2-67
Users, 1-150
Find Candidates page, 2-67
User statuses
Standard contributions and distributions
renaming, 1-140
defining activity rates for, 1-209

Vacancies Year periods
copying, 2-101 associating with a plan, 1-199
creating, 2-42 defining, 1-190
creating and maintaining, 2-42
multiple locations across business groups, 2-39
multiple locations in a business group, 2-37
search, 2-100
specific business group and location, 2-36
troubleshooting, 2-50
updating, 2-48
multiple locations, 2-43
Vacancy security
defining, 2-44
Virus scan
setting up, 1-147

Web pages
configuring, 1-161
Business Group Information, 1-136
Participation Eligibility Profiles, 1-191
Assignment Statuses, 1-140
Bulk Status Change, 1-133
Designation Requirements, 1-204
Maintain Plan Options, 1-201
Maintain Plan Related Details, 1-199, 1-201
Options, 1-204
Plans, 1-196
Plan Types, 1-194
Program/Plan Year, 1-190
Workflow business events, 1-222, 1-237
notifications, 1-223
XML data, 1-223
Working with agency candidates, 2-141
Working with applicants, 2-95
Working with candidates, 2-58

XML Data, 1-223


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