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Welfare Economy

Chapter 4
Efficiency and equity
We present the instruments to analyze inequality
and the questions linked to the equity efficiency

Winter 2021 Université de Tours - A. Chassagnon


Inequality is one of our most urgent social problems. Curbed in the

decades after World War II, it has recently returned with a ven-
geance. We all know the scale of the problem—talk about the 99%
and the 1% is entrenched in public debate (i.e. for instance, in
France, in 2010, 1% of the richest people earn 11% of the total
income, OR, hold 24% of the assets)

How do economists think systematically about the trade-offs bet-

ween efficiency and inequality ?

How do economists measure poverty of inequality ?


All of those concepts should be reviewed (in textbooks or in wikipedia)

• Distribution of income
• Lorenz curve
• Poverty threshold

• Poverty gap • Inequality • Dalton Atkinson measure

• Headcount ratio
• Giny index
• Trade-off equity efficiency
Map of the talk

1) Measures of inequality
Poverty index, poverty gap, Lorenz curve and Gini index,
Dalton-Atkinson measures
Other dimensions of inequalities

2) Reducing the inequalities

trade off efficiency equity
The role of the economist
1a. Measures of inequality

Poverty index, poverty gap, Lorenz curve and Gini index,

Dalton-Atkinson measures
Poverty threshold

The poverty threshold, poverty limit or poverty line is the minimum level
of income deemed adequate in a particular country.

The common international poverty line has in the past been roughly $1 a day.
Determining the Poverty threshold

The basic needs approach is one of the major approaches to the measure-
ment of absolute poverty in developing countries. It attempts to define the
absolute minimum resources necessary for long-term physical well-being,
usually in terms of consumption goods. The poverty line is then defined as
the amount of income required to satisfy those needs.

Determining the poverty line is usually done by finding the total cost of
all the essential resources that an average human adult consumes in one
year. The largest of these expenses is typically the rent required to live in
an apartment, so historically, economists have paid particular attention to
the real estate market and housing prices as a strong poverty line affector.
Individual factors are often used to account for various circumstances,
such as whether one is a parent, elderly, a child, married, etc. The poverty
threshold may be adjusted annually.
Headcount ratio

The Head count ratio (HCR) is the proportion of a population that
exists, or lives, below the poverty line.

The Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (percentage of

population) in India was last reported at 21.9% in 2011-12.

For example, The New York Times in July 2012 reported the poverty
headcount ratio as 11.1% of American population in 1973, 15.2%
in 1983 and 11.3% in year 2000
Poverty GAP
Given an household, the poverty gap is the relative difference bet-
ween the household ’s income and the poverty threshold. For ins-
tance, if the poverty threshold is $ 1,25 and that one household
income is $ 0,50, then the poverty gap is
1, 25 − 0, 50
= 0, 6 = 60%.
1, 25

The poverty gap index is defined as the average poverty gap in the
population as a proportion of the poverty line

1 X z − yj
 N the size of the population, q
PGI = the number of households which
N j=1 z
income is below z, q/N being
the HCR.
Features of the Poverty GAP

The poverty gap index can be interpreted as the average percentage

shortfall in income for the population, from the poverty line

If you multiply a country’s poverty gap index by both the poverty

line and the total number of individuals in the country you get the
total amount of money needed to bring the poor in the population
out of extreme poverty and up to the poverty line, assuming perfect
targeting of transfers.

For example, suppose a country has 10 million individuals, a poverty line of

$500 per year and a poverty gap index of 5%. Then an average increase of
$25 per individual per year would eliminate extreme poverty. Note that $25
is 5% of the poverty line. The total increase needed to eliminate poverty
is US$250 million—$25 multiplied by 10 million individuals.
Recent measures of the Poverty GAP

The poverty gap index is an important measure beyond the commonly used
headcount ratio. Two regions may have the similar headcount ratio, but
distinctly different poverty gap indexes. A higher poverty gap index means
that poverty is more severe.
Country Poverty line ($/month) Headcount ratio Poverty gap index Year
Albania 38 0.62 0.19 2008
Brazil 38 6.14 3.62 2009
Cameroon 38 9.56 1.2 2007
Comoros 38 46.11 20.82 2004
Laos 38 44 12.1 2002
Congo, Dem. Rep. 38 87.72 52.8 2005
Iran 38 1.45 0.34 2005
Yemen 38 17.5 4.2 2005
Australia 959 12.4 2.93 2010
France 861 7.1 1.44 2010
Germany 918 11 3.67 2010
Ireland 934 14.8 3.08 2010
Switzerland 1148 8.7 3.37 2010
United Kingdom 1027 8.3 2.06 2010
United States 1232 17.1 6.55 2010
Lorenz curve

In economics, the Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the distribution

of income or of wealth (of a group, a country for example). It was developed by
Max O. Lorenz in 1905 for representing inequality of the wealth distribution.

The curve is a graph showing the proportion of overall income or wealth as-
sumed by the bottom x% of the peoplePoints on the Lorenz curve represent
statements like “the bottom 20% of all households have 10% of the total income”
- The situation of the country is depicted by
the curve between the area A and B
- A perfectly equal income distribution would
be one in which every person has the same
income. In this case, the bottom N% of so-
ciety would always have N% of the income.
This can be depicted by the straight line y =
x ; called the "line of perfect equality."
- By contrast, a perfectly unequal distribution
would be one in which one person has all the
income and everyone else has none. In that
case, the curve would be at y = 0% for all x
< 100%, and y = 100% when x = 100%. This
Comparing Lorenz curve (case of Denmark, Hungary and Namibia)

As you can see the income distributionst of Hungary and Denmark are almost
the same
Lorenz curve and GINI index

- Lorenz curve is convex and be-

low the 45 degree line ;

- The more LC is convex, the

more the inequality
Here, more inequality on Pa-
trimony than in Income

- The proportion of the area

above the lorenz curve relative
to the area below the 45 degree
line is called the GINI index
Here, the Gini index for Pa-
trimony is Greater than the Gini
index for Income (that is more
and less 32.7 %)
Make an approximation of the GINI index

- 100 is divided by 4*5

100 thicks,
- Half whole area
is 25∗25
= 312, 5
80 squares
- The approximations
of squares below the
lorenz curve (by co-
60 lumn) is 0, 25 + 0, 6 +
1 + 1, 5 + 2, 1 + 2, 5 +
3, 2+3, 7+4, 5+5, 2+
6+6, 75+7, 5+8, 5+
9, 5 + 10, 5 + 11, 5 +
12, 7 + 14 + 15, 5 +
16, 7 + 18, 5 + 20, 2 +
20 22, 4 + 25 = 229, 8
- The Gini In-
dex : (312, 5 −
229, 8)/312, 5 ≈
0, 26
20 40 60 80 100
Inequality and redistribution in rich countries
Inequality and redistribution in Latin america
Other representations : distributions of income

A distribution of income is a mathematical function that provides the probabi-
lities of occurrence of different level of income.
How to read the picture :
- 50% of the population
have an income below $
- 45% of the population
(different from the prece-
ding group) have an in-
come between $ 53.700 and
- The top 5% have an in-
come above $206.600

The distribution gathers

always more information
Comparing distributions of income across countries and time

To make incomes comparable across

counties and time, daily income is mea-
surd in constant international dollars.
The normalized areas have been diffe-
rentiated amongst the continents. The
total area of Europe (Yellow) is equal to
one. A the extreme the total area of Asia
(red) is equal to one, but it have been
multipleed by 4. At the end, what is im-
portant is the shape of the distribution.
In 1800, the majority of the world lived
in poverty ; the mean income (and the
mode) are quite similar, almost $ 0,75.
in 1975 the world much more unequal,
and particularly asian distribution was
In 2015 world inequality declined, the
two-humped camel shape changed into
a one-humped dromedary.
Other representations : Towards the Dalton-Atkinson measure

The measure introduced by Sir Hugh Dalton is based on the premise that socie-
ties, under the assumption of a same mean, prefer more egalitarian distributions,
as the right distribution “equitable” in the next figure :

low and big income receive less weight, intermediaries income receive more.
This is the contrary of a spread. HOWEVER, this reconcentration is not always
possible when the mean is preserved.
Other representations : The Dalton-Atkinson measure

The Dalton-Aktkinson measure of inequality is the fraction of mean income a
society be willing to give up to obtain a situation where income is completely
equally distributed

Formally, Suppose a utilitarian Social Welfare Function D is such that

U((1 − D)Y ) = U(Y1 ) + · · · + U(YN ) (1)
with Y = Y1 + · · · + YN (2)
1b. Measures of inequality

Other dimensions of inequalities

Inequality in income and education

Education has positive effects on earnings :

Differences in opportunities to invest in human ca-

pital, its levels and quality, together with poor redis-
tributive policies may result in increased inequality.

Higher educational attainment and more equal dis-

tribution of education should enhance economic
growth and more equal income distribution.
Inequality in income„ (un)employment and (un)happiness

Employment is not only a source of income ; it also provides individuals with

social relationships and identity.

Unemployment thus has both economic and social costs to

individuals and societies ; it affects income, inequality and
Joblessness is expected to be negatively correlated with in-
dividual wellbeing and health.
Inequality in income and health

Let define ill health as the rate of mortality. Deaton in a no so recent study
(2001) concludes that there is no direct link from income inequality to ill health.

Income inequality is an indicator of the quality of social ar-

rangements, of stress in rich countries, and of mortality in
poor countries.

Indeed, in the US, White mortality and incomes are lower in places
where the fraction of blacks is higher.
Inequality in weath and growth

The growth and inequality literature has recognized that it may be the distribu-
tion of assets, rather than income, that underlies effects of inequality on growth
by restricting access to credit markets (Stiglitz and Weiss, 1981).

In testing the robustness of the inequality–growth relation-

ship using country level data for 108 countries during 1960-
92 on income and land distribution Deininger and Squire
(1998) show that there is a strong negative relationship bet-
ween initial inequality in asset distribution and long- term

Inequality reduces income growth for the poor, but not for
the rich.
2a. Reducing the inequalities

trade off efficiency equity

Efficiency and equity

The evaluation of a public programs entails balancing its consequences for

economic efficiency and for the distribution of income.

How can we conceptualize the trade-offs between efficiency and equity ?

Efficiency and equity in an exchange economy

Let consider a simple exchange economy, with two household, Robinson

Crusoe and Friday. In the process of transfer from Robinson to Friday, one
orange gets losts.

Robinson Initially -4 Robinson, after redistribution

Friday, Initially +3 Friday after redistribution

Most of the inequity has been eliminated, but in the process, the total
number of oranges available has been diminished.
Efficiency and inequity trade-off, two possible disagreements

In considering a trade-off like the one presented in the preceding

slide, two sources of disagreements will occur

What is the nature of the trade-off ? For instance, within the

mechanism that implement the process of Transfer between
Robinson and Friday, is that true that only one orange will be
lost ?

What is the relative decrease of inequality in terms of

decrease of efficiency ? Some people argue that even if one
wishes to help the poor, in the long run, the best wayward to
do that is to increase the size of the pie.
Going back to the first talk of the curse on Welfare, the project was
to measure collective welfare, and at the collective level, the Pareto
measure was doing the job. How can we reconcile the Pareto
frontier of the Economy with the preceding trade-off between
efficiency and equity ?

Next figure, coming from “Lectures on Publics Economics” by T.

Atkinson and J. Stiglitz (chapter 12), will help to summarize and to
do a synthesis. There are two classes of individuals whose utility are
plotted on the axes. The drawn curve represents the feasible frontier,
and the outcome, given the initial entitlements is at N.
What are the questions addressed by advising the society go to N, to N 0 , to W , to R or to E ?
The minimal approach of Nozick (stay N)

Nozick develops in Anarchy, State and Utopia a minimalist approach

to the functions of the state, “limited to the narrow functions of
protection agains force theft, fraud, enforcement of contracts, ...
Any more extensive state will violate person’s right not to be forced
to do certain things and is unjustified”

The support of this position is in term of the process by which a

given outcome emerges. Justice is defined not with respect to a
particular distribution of incomes, but in term of the processes that
generated those incomes.

(this is a state of nature of anarchy, with limited recognition of the rights of others.)
Unanimously approved activities (bet. N & C )

Buchanan and Tullock (1962) allow the government to carry out

unanimously approved activities.

“This allow to consider taxation to make at least one person better

off and no one worse off. Individuals acting in their self interest will
agree to such measures and, since they need no coercition, it can
be argued that no violation of individual right is involved.”

Starting from N, any point on NC represents a Pareto improvement,

and a move to any point on NC would be unanimously approved.
Social Welfare Functions (between N 0 & R)

With a benthamist social welfare function, one can argue that some
point on the efficient frontier (between N 0 & R) could be chosen by
the government. In the case of the picture, W is the best choice,
relative to the criterium of the particular dotted SWF.

The ethical justification of for the adoption of the SWF approach

has been discussed, and in particular, one consider a person that is
uncertain of its position in a community where there is this particular
distribution of endowment.
Rawlsian Social Welfare Functions (R only)

The Rawlsian objective is to maximize the objective of the worst-off

individual (maxi-min).

The ethical justification of for the adoption of the Rawlsian outcome

is more drastic. It is assumed that when they vote, people does not
know the original state, which ensure that their choice “under the
veil of ignorance” is impartial or just.
Non paretian objective (E for instance)

The allocation E is the Egalitarian solution, that is when we want

that the utility of all the individuals be the same.

In the considered case, the Egalitarian solution is far from the Rawl-
sian solution.
2b. Reducing the inequalities

The role of the economist

A supplier of information

A possible role of economist is to explore the relationship between

specified objectives and the policy recommandations to which these
objectives lead. In particular, there should be anticipations about the
behavior of the taxed people.

If the objective, under the veil of ignorance, is efficiency,

then the economist will provide the Pareto efficiency
curve, and different solutions corresponding to different

If the objective is short term redistribution, then, the

economist will analyze the different process that could
get to some objective

If the objective is more equity, the economist will provide

some measure of loss of efficiency to get to more equity
About the VAT

What should be the design of the indirect tax system ? Should we

have a single rate of indirect tax on all commodities, or should the
rates be differentiated ?

To minimize distorsion In order to minimize distorsion, one unique

rate should be chosen.
For redistributive purpose Luxuries should be taxed more heavily
On the attractiveness of an objective

The exploration of the structure of arguments may lead to the revi-

sion of attitudes to certain objectives.

For instance, if ti transpires that principal 1 leads consistently to

policies that are unattractive, then this may make acceptance of
this principle less likely or may lead to its being revisd.

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