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unit 2 Listening Test

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to part 1.
Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? CD 3 Tracks 49 ● 50


1. Ann’s school is not big.

2. There are two buildings in her school.
3. The classrooms are all upstairs.
4. The music room isn’t upstairs.
5. Geography is her favourite subject.

B Listen to part 2. Tick () the correct option. CD 3 Tracks 51 ● 52

1. Jane’s favourite school club is
a. b. c.

2. Mark’s favourite school club is

a. b. c.

C Listen to part 3. Complete the sentences. CD 3 Tracks 53 ● 54

1. Today is ______________________.
2. The Walkers are in the ______________________.
3. Mr and Mrs Walker ___________ ______________________ to Jacob singing.
4. He plays the guitar ___________________ ________________ after school.

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5. Emily ___________ ______________________ with their dog.

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unit 2 Progress Test
Plural of nouns / Comparative and superlative of adjectives / [A]
Present Simple and Present Continuous

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

I – Reading

A Read the text.

Kevin Parker goes to St. Edmund’s Junior school in
Canterbury. It’s a very old but beautiful school. He is
happy at school because his teachers are nice, the
classrooms are modern and comfortable, the
5 playground is very big, the labs are great, there are
good sports fields and there is a big gym too.
Kevin’s favourite subjects are science and geography. He likes sports too.
Kevin is the best rugby player in the school. He plays three times a week: on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. He thinks this sport is more exciting than football.
10 Today is Saturday and Kevin is at the park with his friends Ron and Amy. Amy is running
with her dog. She runs faster than the boys. Kevin and Ron are riding their bikes. Sarah,
Kevin’s sister, isn’t at the park. She is skiing in the mountains with her friends.

Complete the description of Kevin’s school.
1. teachers 2. classrooms 3. playground 4. labs 5. sports fields 6. gym
modern and
_______________ _______________ _______ _______ _______________ _______________ _______________

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. Kevin’s school is not a new building.

2. He doesn’t like going to school.

3. Kevin’s favourite sport is football.

4. Now Kevin and his friends aren’t at school.

5. Kevin’s sister is at the park too.

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D Answer the questions about the text.

1. What are Kevin’s favourite subjects? ____________________________________________
2. Is he a good rugby player? ____________________________________________________
3. Where are Kevin, Ron and Amy today? __________________________________________
4. Is Amy riding her bike? _______________________________________________________
5. Who is Sarah? ______________________________________________________________
6. What is she doing? __________________________________________________________

II – Vocabulary

A Write the name of these school subjects.

1. 2. 3. 4.
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

B What parts of the school are these? Write their names.

1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ _________________

III – Grammar

A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets in the plural.

1. There are two ___________________ (man) in the park.
2. The ___________________ (child) have got new books.
3. I have got four ___________________ (class) today.
4. She has got brown ___________________ (shoe).
5. There are three ___________________ (story) in this book.

B Complete with the comparative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Kevin and Ron run ___________________ (fast) Amy.

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2. My sister is ___________________ (funny) me.

3. Kevin’s school is ___________________ (big) mine.

C Complete with the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. For Kevin, rugby is ___________________________________ (interesting) sport of all.
2. Amy is ___________________________________ (young) in the family.
3. Kevin is ___________________________________ (happy) student in the school.

D Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. At the moment they ___________________ (have) breakfast.
2. Kevin usually ___________________ (do) his homework before dinner.
3. Where ______________ Ron ______________ (live)? He ______________ (live) near the school.
4. Now I ________________ (not study). My brother and I ___________________ (watch) TV.
5. ________________ Kevin ________________ (write) an email now? Yes, he ________________.

IV – Writing

Write about your school.

My school
• Your name, age,
school year
• Name of the school
• Description of the
school (parts of the
• Your favourite
subject _________________________________________________________
• Your favorite school
club or activity _________________________________________________________

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2 Progress Test
unit Plural of nouns / Comparative and superlative of adjectives /
Present Simple and Present Continuous [B]
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

I – Reading

A Read the text.

Kevin Parker goes to St. Edmund’s Junior school in
Canterbury. It’s a very old but beautiful school. He is
happy at school because his teachers are nice, the
classrooms are modern and comfortable, the
5 playground is very big, the labs are great, there are
good sports fields and there is a big gym too.
Kevin’s favourite subjects are science and geography. He likes sports too.
Kevin is the best rugby player in the school. He plays three times a week: on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. He thinks this sport is more exciting than football.
10 Today is Saturday and Kevin is at the park with his friends Ron and Amy. Amy is running
with her dog. She runs faster than the boys. Kevin and Ron are riding their bikes. Sarah,
Kevin’s sister, isn’t at the park. She is skiing in the mountains with her friends.

Complete the description of Kevin’s school.
1. teachers 2. classrooms 3. playground 4. labs 5. sports fields 6. gym
modern and
_______________ _______________ _______ _______ _______________ _______________ _______________

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?


1. Kevin’s school is not a new building.

2. He doesn’t like going to school.
3. Kevin’s favourite sport is football.
4. Now Kevin and his friends aren’t at school.
5. Kevin’s sister is at the park too.

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D Answer the questions about the text.

1. What are Kevin’s favourite subjects? Kevin’s favourite.........................................................
2. Is he a good rugby player? ................., he.............................................................................
3. Where are Kevin, Ron and Amy today? They at.........................................................
4. Is Amy riding her bike? ................., she.................................................................................
5. Who is Sarah? .Sarah Kevin’s..................................................................................
6. What is she doing? She with her........................

II – Vocabulary

A Write the name of these school subjects.

1. G __ __ g __ __ __ __ __ 2. __ __ t 3. H __ __ __ o __ __ 4. __ __ t h __

B What parts of the school are these. Write their names.

1. c __ __ t __ __ __ 2. l __ __ 3. __ __ b __ __ __ y 4. c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

III – Grammar

A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets in the plural.

1. There are two ___________________ (man) in the park.
2. The ___________________ (child) have got new books.
3. I have got four ___________________ (class) today.
4. She has got brown ___________________ (shoe).
5. There are three ___________________ (story) in this book.

B Complete with the comparative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Kevin and Ron run __________ __________ (fast) Amy.
2. My sister is __________ __________ (funny) me.
3. Kevin’s school is __________ __________ (big) mine.

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C Complete with the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

1. For Kevin, rugby is __________ __________ ____________________ (interesting) sport of all.
2. Amy is __________ ______________ (young) in the family.
3. Kevin is __________ ______________ (happy) student in the school.

D Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. At the moment they ____________________ (have) breakfast.
2. Kevin usually ________________ (do) his homework before dinner.
3. Where _____________ Ron _____________ (live)? He _____________ (live) near the school.
4. Now I __________________ (not study). My brother and I __________________ (watch) TV.
5. ______________ Kevin ______________ (write) an email now? Yes, he ______________.

IV – Writing

Write about your school.

My school
My name I’m years old ..
• Your name, age,
school year I’m a student at..........................................................................................
• Name of the school My school is.........................................................................................
• Description of the Downstairs there..................................................................................
school (modern, old, ....................................................................................................................
big, small…);
downstairs / upstairs;
there is / there are; ....................................................................................................................
parts of the school Upstairs there.............................................................................................
• Your favourite ....................................................................................................................
• Your school club or
activity and why you
like it (exciting / My favourite subject............................................................................
great / interesting / ....................................................................................................................
cool / fun) My favourite school club is…................................................................

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unit 2 Speaking Test

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

My favourite school club

Imagine your favourite school club is the nature club.

Talk about it. Use the information in the box.

˃ nature club → love nature (trees,
plants and animals)

˃ do lots of interesting things → clean parks,
recycle, plant trees and flowers

˃ Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 o’clock

˃ great club / have lot of fun / learn a lot about

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Unit 2 – Listening Test

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Oral

Objetivos Domínio Estrutura Cotações Critérios
Intercultural de Correção
 Compreender Conhecer o seu A. Verdadeiro / Falso 5 × 6 = 30 Certo / Errado
discursos articulados meio e o dos
de forma clara e outros: identificar B. Seleção de 2 × 7 = 14 Certo / Errado
pausada disciplinas, horários informação
e espaços de 8 × 7 = 56 Certo / Errado
trabalho e de lazer B. Preenchimento
na escola de espaços Total: 100

Unit 2 – Progress Test A

Instrumento de Avaliação – Leitura e Produção Escrita
Objetivos Domínio Estrutura Cotações Critérios
Intercultural de Correção
 Ler textos breves  Conhecer o seu I
sobre assuntos do seu meio e o dos B. Preenchimento de 6 × 0,5 = 3 Certo / Errado
interesse: identificar a outros para tabela
ideia principal e a comparar
informação essencial universos C. Verdadeiro / Falso Afirmações Certo / Parcialmente
em textos diferenciados: (com correção das verdadeiras: certo / Errado
diversificados identificar afirmações falsas) 2×2=4
disciplinas, (C.1; C.4)
horários e Afirmações falsas:
espaços de 3×2=6
Correção das
trabalho e de
afirmações falsas:
lazer na escola 3×1=3
Certo / Parcialmente
D. Respostas a 6 × 3 = 18 certo / Errado
perguntas sobre o (Conteúdo certo: 3 pontos
texto Conteúdo parcialmente
certo: 1 a 2 pontos
Conteúdo errado: 0 pontos)
 Aplicar itens lexicais II
relacionados com as A. Legendagem de 4×1=4 Certo / Errado
áreas temáticas imagens
(disciplinas e espaços
de trabalho e de lazer B. Legendagem de 4×1=4
na escola) imagens
 Aplicar estruturas III
frequentes do A. Preenchimento de 5 × 2 = 10 Certo / Errado
funcionamento da espaços
língua (plural of
nouns; comparative B. Preenchimento de 3×2=6 Certo / Errado
and superlative of espaços
adjectives; Present
Simple; Present C. Preenchimento de 3×2=6 Certo / Errado
Continuous) espaços

D. Preenchimento de 8 × 2 = 16 Certo / Errado

 Produzir um texto IV Competência
simples (descrever a Produção de texto 20 pragmática: 12
escola, disciplina Competência
favorita e atividades linguística: 8
escolares) (ver níveis de
desempenho na
Total: 100 página 328)

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Unit 2 – Progress Test B

Instrumento de Avaliação – Leitura e Produção Escrita

Objetivos Domínio Estrutura Cotações Critérios
Intercultural de Correção
 Ler textos breves  Conhecer o seu I
sobre assuntos do seu meio e o dos B. Preenchimento de 6×1=6 Certo / Errado
interesse: identificar a outros para tabela
ideia principal e a comparar
informação essencial universos C. Verdadeiro / Falso Afirmações Certo / Errado
em textos diferenciados: verdadeiras:
diversificados identificar 2×2=4
(C.1; C.4)
disciplinas, Afirmações falsas:
horários e 3×2=6
espaços de
trabalho e de D. Respostas a 6 × 3 = 18 Certo / Parcialmente
lazer na escola perguntas sobre o certo / Errado
texto (Conteúdo certo: 3 pontos
Conteúdo parcialmente
certo: 1 a 2 pontos
Conteúdo errado: 0 pontos)
 Aplicar itens lexicais II
relacionados com as A. Legendagem de 4×1=4 Certo / Errado
áreas temáticas imagens
(disciplinas e espaços
de trabalho e de lazer B. Legendagem de 4×1=4
na escola) imagens

 Aplicar estruturas III

frequentes do A. Preenchimento de 5 × 2 = 10 Certo / Errado
funcionamento da espaços
língua (plural of
nouns; comparative B. Preenchimento de 3×2=6 Certo / Errado
and superlative of espaços
adjectives; Present
Simple; Present C. Preenchimento de 3×2=6 Certo / Errado
Continuous) espaços

D. Preenchimento de 8 × 2 = 16 Certo / Errado

 Produzir um texto IV Competência
simples (descrever a Produção de texto 20 pragmática: 12
escola, disciplina Competência
favorita e atividades linguística: 8
escolares) (ver níveis de
desempenho na
Total: 100 página 328)

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