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1 CHAPTER-1 1,2,3,4
2 CHAPTER-2 5,6,7

3 CHAPTER-3 8,9,10
4 CHAPTER-4 11
5 CHAPTER-5 12

Customer satisfaction is a metric that measures a company’s customers’ level of satisfaction with
its goods, services, and capabilities. Information about customer satisfaction, such as surveys and
ratings, can assist a business in deciding how best to adjust or improve its goods and services.

What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a measure of how well a company’s products and services meet
customers’ expectations. It reflects your business’ health by showing how well your products are
resonating with buyers

How to measure customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can seem like a vague concept, but there are concrete ways to measure it.
You can source a customer satisfaction score by conducting CSAT surveys, for example. These
are typically short, one- to two-question surveys offered at the end of a business transaction. A
classic question is “How satisfied are you with the product?” with answers ranging from “very
satisfied” to “very unsatisfied.”
Although CSAT is one part of customer satisfaction, it is far from the only measure. Businesses
also use Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to determine whether their customers are promoters,
detractors, or passives.

Customer satisfaction vs. customer loyalty

Warning: Do not confuse customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. They are intimately
linked, but there is a difference between the two concepts.

Customer satisfaction measures how happy a customer was with a support interaction or a
purchase. Customer loyalty, on the other hand, is an ongoing state. Loyal customers give a
company their repeat business over time. It’s not a short-term measure, but rather a long-term
understanding of the health of your customer relationship.

When you create and maintain a customer experience that resonates with buyers, customers
return again and again. Ensuring high customer satisfaction in the short term is a key component
of gaining that long-term customer loyalty.

Why is customer satisfaction important?

Customer satisfaction is important because it means your customer base likes what you are
doing. Research shows that customer satisfaction leads to greater customer retention, higher
lifetime value and a stronger brand reputation

5 reasons customer satisfaction is important

1. Customer loyalty
2. Customer satisfaction measurement
3. Repeat purchases
4. Customer lifetime value
5. New customer acquisitions


 The main aim this project is to knowledge about the customer satisfaction.

 To know how many people are satisfied with the customer services.

 To know how customer satisfaction is important.

 To interact with people

 To understand concept customer satisfaction.


One of the most important use of research methodology is that it helps in identifying the
problem, collecting and analyzing the required information and providing an alternative solution
to the problem. It also helps in collecting the vital information that is required by the top
management to assist them for the better decision making both day to day decisions and critical

Customer research may be conducted via a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods such
as interviews, surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic field studies. It also commonly involves
doing desk research of online reviews, forums, and social media to explore what customers are
saying about a product.


Both quantitative studies and qualitative studies are critical to understanding customer

Quantitative research studies

Quantitative studies allow a firm to develop an understanding of the “big picture” of their
customers’ experiences based upon a relatively small number of interviews. This sample of the
firm's customers must be carefully designed and drawn if the results of the study are to be
considered representative of the customer population as a whole. In most cases, the results of
quantitative studies are based upon the responses of a relatively large number of interviews.
Depending upon the size of the population and the amount of segmentation desired, “large” can
be as few as 50 responses or range from several hundred to thousands of interviews. Mail-based,
telephone-based, and (more recently) Internet-based surveys and related customer data

Qualitative research studies

A company can use quantitative research to learn about the “big picture” of their customers’
experiences based on a comparatively limited number of interviews. If the study’s findings are to
be regarded as typical of the customer community as a whole, this sample of the firm’s
consumers must be carefully planned and selected. The responses of a sizable number of
interviews typically form the basis of the findings of quantitative investigations. The definition
of "big" might range from a few hundred to thousands of interviews, depending on the size of the
population and the level of segmentation sought. Surveys conducted over the phone, by mail, and
more lately, online, together with the gathering of associated customer data

Important 6 Techniques of Measuring Customer Satisfaction:

 Customer Feedback Through Surveys.
 Customer Satisfaction Score.
 Net Promoter Score.
 Customer Effort Score.
In this project both primary and secondary data were chosen to collect the data that were used in
analyzing the survey study. Primary data is obtained through questionnaires given to respondents
while the secondary data were gathered from internet.

Collection of primary data –

Structured questionnaires were distributed to peoples through what Sapp messages.
Collection of secondary data –
 Google links
 A data collected by me which is referred from some author’s notes.

a) Questionnaire Method
For the collection of the
data the questionnaire
method was used. Sample
Was selected from different
areas of Islampur City.
Sample size was 100 for
consumers of milk and
milk products. The survey
was undertaken in Islampur
city because it is
Home City of
“Krishna” and most of
the people are
consuming Krishna Milk
and Milk Product
a) Questionnaire Method
For the collection of the
data the questionnaire
method was used. Sample
was selected form different
areas of Islampur City.
Sample size was 100 for
consumers of milk and
milk products. The survey
was undertaken in Islampur
city because it is
Home City of
“Krishna” and most of
the people are
consuming Krishna Milk
and Milk Produc
I have created a questionnaire about customer satisfaction it was like a survey. My family
members and my friends responded to that questionnaire. They shared their views, knowledge
and experiences about customer satisfaction. I collected around 30 responses from that survey
which gave me more knowledge and different point of views about customer satisfaction on
mobile shopping.


 To study the requirements of utilisation of smartphone.


 To study the references to mobile company’s

To study the satisfaction of coustomers with their smartphones.


To study the preference for recommending phone to others


To study the recommendation of the users for best quality and price.


To study the performance of users smartphone is priseworth.

It will helpful for me in my future . From this survey I learned how to make google form. How
to make questionnaire as well as how to interact with people and how to analyze the data and
make project or presentation on it and further I can give knowledge to other people also with this

The majority of individuals use their mobile phones to access the internet and download apps,
especially as the number of Smartphone owners rises. Additionally, people anticipate receiving
information rapidly via smartphones. Mobile phone technology has advanced significantly,
putting the entire world at our fingertips. This survey provided a comprehensive review of
customers’ satisfaction with using smartphones.

 Survey created on cutomer satisfaction.

1.Why you required smart phones?

 For using social media

 Picture clarity
 Entertainment sour
 Education
2.Which mobile company you have preferred for use?
 Samsung
 Oppo
 Vivo
 Mi
 One plus
 Other
3.What price should be normal smartphone according to you?
 Below than 10000
 10000-15000
 15000-50000
 More than 50000
4.Are you satisfied with your smartphone?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

5.Which smartphone are you using?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe
6.Performance of your smartphone is priceworth?
 Yes
 no

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