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English Immersion Program – LESSON PLAN FOR LEVEL BASIC 2

LEVEL: Basic 2 TEXTBOOK: Double Click 2 UNIT: Unit 1A

Lesson Topic: Conversations, the time, present progressive, jobs and occupations, likes and dislikes
TIME: 4 hours PAGES:6-9 MATERIALS: books, workbooks, EQUIPMENT: radio
paper, pencils.

Objectives: By the end of these activities SWBAT:

Activity 1:
* Identify (underline or circle) sentences in a text containing the simple present / present progressive.
* Express actions in Present Progressive and simple present.
* Dramatize conversations from the book using PP ( Oral assessment of grammatical structure use)

Activity 2:
* Practice telling times.
* Tell times in different ways. (Oral Production)

Activity 3:
* Name jobs / occupations.
* Point out what each occupation does. (Matching)

Activity 4:
* Categorize likes and dislikes using a chart or diagram
* Compare their likes and dislikes with other students (Oral Production)
* Write a short article about a friend in the class, expressing what they like or dislike.

Language Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

Life Skills and Values: Team Work

Four Circles:
Each student will use a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a diagonal line right down the
Warm Up middle of the paper and another one horizontally. This will leave them with 4 divisions 15 min
on their pieces of paper. Assign a topic to each division: Favorite animal, Hobbies,
Important things in life etc.
Allow students to draw or write something under each category and then have them
discuss in small groups (4 -5 students)

Pre listening Activity:

Activity 1: *First, ss will listen to the track and answer the sentences on exercise 1 (vocab).
* Ask ss to look at the pictures and identify what the people are doing. Listening: The 15 min
Listening teacher is going to write the questions on exercise 3 pg. 7 then play the audio program
for the SS to find the answers according to what they hear.

* SS will read the conversations while listening to the audio and underline the action
happening at the moment ( present Progressive) AND circle the simple present 10 min

* CONVERSATIONS: Ss will listen to the conversation for a 3 rd time. In groups they will
Speaking dramatize a conversation they select or the teacher may assign.
T. will walk around the room spending some time with each group to assist with 20 min
Activity 2: * Teacher is going to demonstrate how to tell time in English. 20 min
* After the demonstration the T will write more different times for the students to say
what time it is.
Writing * T. will ask the ss to write 10 different times ( like this: 6:15 , 8:30) 5 min
And in pairs ss will ask each other what time it is. Ss are free to walk around in the
Speaking room asking / helping other students once they are finished. (assessment) 15 min
T will walk around the room helping each pair of student.

T will use these extra 20 minutes to refresh ss memories on simple present / third
REINFORCE- person use and question formation. Workbook page 67. ( Ex. 1,2,3,4,5) or for telling
Language time Workbook page 4 (Ex. 3) Page 6 (Ex. 8 and 9 for more oral production) 20 min
Recycling * May be also used as homework.

Activity 3: T. will ask ss to name jobs or occupations they know.

Add the ones given on book P.8 Ex. 3 then add the phrases to them on the board and 20 min
ask ss to MATCH

Go over a role play.

Speaking 20 min
Example: A. what do you do?
Listening B. I am a nurse.
A. a nurse?
B. and what do you do exactly?
A. Well, I look after sick people.
B. wow! Very good. I really like your job.
A. thanks.
NOTE: Add does/ he/she others to this mini conversation.

Workbook P. 5 Ex. 5 / P.9 Ex. 23 15 min

Activity 4 T demonstrates the use of: love, like, not mind, not like and hate+ ing on the board. 10 min

Speaking Student Book: P.9 Ex.4 - Working in groups of 4 SS will go over the exercise to talk 15 min
about the activities shown in the pictures on the same page.

Writing INDIVIDUAL WORK: 10 min

Ss will create a chart to show the things ( activities listed in book and they may come up
with their own ideas) they love, like, don’t mind, don’t like and hate.

Listening / PAIR WORK:

speaking Ss will discuss with their peers which activities they like / dislike. T will encourage them 15 min
to ask follow up questions: “Really, why or why not!?”
T will walk around the classroom observing / listening to their exchange of ideas.

Language Book P.8 E.2 T may introduce Everyday and free time activites. Ss will state what they 25 min
Recycling like /dislike doing everyday.
HOMEWORK Workbook P.4 EX 1 / P.8 EX 19/ P.69 EX 12

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