A Book To Work On Enabling Skills-12

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Pronunciation for PTE

Pronunciation structure refers to the way in which sounds and syllables are arranged to
form words. The English language has a complex pronunciation structure, which includes:
Stress: the emphasis placed on certain syllables in a word. For example, the word "present"
is stressed on the first syllable (pre-sent), while the word "record" is stressed on the second
syllable (re-cord).
Intonation: the rise and fall of pitch in speech. For example, the intonation in the sentence "I
didn't do it" will change depending on the context, if is a question, an assertive statement or
an apology
Consonant clusters: groups of consonants that come together in a word. For example, the
word "splash" has a cluster of three consonants (s-p-l) at the beginning.
Vowel sounds: the sounds produced by the vocal cords when the airflow is unobstructed.
For example, the word "cat" has a short vowel sound, while the word "boat" has a long
vowel sound. MBSL Jalandhar
Diphthongs: a combination of two vowel sounds that are pronounced together. For
example, the word "eye" is pronounced as a diphthong (aɪ).
Silent letters: letters that are not pronounced in a word. For example, the letter "b" is silent
in the word "doubt"
Homophones: words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. For
example, "flower" and "flour" are homophones.
Schwa sound: the sound of the unstressed and reduced vowel sound in English, which is
represented by the symbol /ə/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For example, in
the word "about" the sound of the first "a" is a schwa sound.


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