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Computer MCQS General Knowledge Half byte = 1nibble = 4 bits Bit means Binary Digit 1 byte = 8 bits 1 mega

mega byte = 1048576 bytes 1 kilo byte = 1024 bytes A combination of 16 bits are called word. A terabyte = 1 trillion bytes Our PC belongs to 4th generation Fred Cohen coined the word computer virus First computer virus was created in 1970 at Bell laboratories WORM means Write Once Read Many Power of a super computer is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations per Second) WWW/http: (hypertext transfer protocol) was created by Tim Burner Lee in 1992 Intel means Integrated Electronics 1 worksheet contains 256 columns G.W.Basic G.W stands for Gate Way Super Computer was created by J.H.Van Tassel CORBA is Common Object Request Broker Architecture URL is Uniform or Universal Resource Locator Intel invented RAM chip Information stored on disk as series of bumps on its shiny side. DVDs hold more information than CDs. They use smaller bumps and have two reflective layers Recordable CDs do not have bumps. There are patches of color on disk to change the reflected laser light In 1951 Univac 1, the worlds first commercial computer was designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. They built ENIAC, the first electronic computer in 1946 In 1968 mainframe was built. In 1976 first supercomputer the Cray-1 was developed In 1981 IBM produce the IBM PC. In 1998 IBM made quantum computer Super computers uses parallel processing In 1974, computer games were introduced. PROM is the abbreviation of programmable read only memory What was the worlds first high level programming language 1957: IBM FORTRAN A JPEG is a picture file format what does JPEG stand for: Joint Photographic Experts Group During World War II, IBM built the computers the Nazis used to manage their death/concentration camps Registers are temporary storage areas within the CPU. First apple computer was built in garage. The language of small talk is object oriented. Shell is an operating environment. Virtual memory is also known as virtual page.

NOS refer to operating systems for a network. In EBCDIC each character is denoted by 8 bits. Diodes are used in analog computer circuits as limiter. Wetware stands for any organic intelligence. GIGO stands for garbage in garbage out. Application of flip-flap are counters, shift register and transfer register. Bootstrap is associated with computer. FORTRAN stands for formula translator. A group of character that is termed as a single entity is called word. Clip art is a computer prepared art. Mark sensing is another term for OMR. Authorization to make multiple software copies is called site licensing. Antivirus is also known as vaccines. Free software is also known as public domain software. In computer DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram. Cyber Space is called to Virtual world of the computer. What does the sun in SUN Microsystems stand for Stanford University Network What does Intel stand for- Integrated Electronics All PCs have a BIOS what does bios stand for-Basic Input Output System What is the common name for an integrated circuit A Chip In WWW terms what does i.e. mean on a domain name-Ireland What company introduced the first commercial minicomputer 65 DEC Name the first web browser publicly available NCSA Mosaic The worlds most powerful super computer is called ASCI white. World Wide Web was invented in 1993 by Tim Bareness Lee. The B-programming language was developed by Ken Thompson. The 1st commercially produced and sold computer (1951) was UNIVAC. The transformation from heavy computers to PCs was made possible using microprocessors. The first microprocessor was developed in 1971 by Intel. A pentium 4 (P-4) employs roughly 40 million transistors. Mark-1, Apple-1, and collossus were initial desktop computers. Binary digits are briefed as bit. A collection of bits is called byte. The first home computer (1977), which was sold in millions of units was Apple II. PARAM is a supercomputer. Father of the Computer.. Charles Babbage What does CMOS stand for in a computer- Complimentary metal Oxide semi-conductor

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