Presentation HEA Orientation

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Orientation on the Grant of

COVID-19 Health
Emergency Allowance

September 21, 2022

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

1. Status of Approved OCA January to June 2022

2. Administrative Order (AO) No. 2022-0039 - Supplemental Guidelines on the Grant of Health
Emergency Allowance to Eligible Public and Private Health Care and Non-Health Care Workers
During the COVID-19 Pandemic Pursuant to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act No. 11712

3. . AO No. 2022-0001-A – Amendment to Administrative Order No. 2022-0001 entitled

“Guidelines for COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of Healthcare Workers”

4. Department Memorandum (DM) No. 2022-0390 - Implementation of the Health Emergency

Allowance Processing System (HEAPS) for the Grant of Emergency Allowance for Eligible
Public and Private Health Care and Non-Health Care Workers

5. Department Memorandum No. 2022-0398 Transition of One COVID-19 Allowance

Information System (OCAIS) to Health Emergency Allowance Processing System (HEAPS)

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

Supplemental Guidelines on the

Grant of HEA to Eligible Public and
Private HCW and non-HCWs During
the COVID-19 Pandemic Pursuant to
the IRR of RA 11712

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

These guidelines shall apply to all eligible HCWs and non-HCWs,

regardless of employment status, rendering services during the
COVID-19 pandemic, from 01 July 2021 until lifted by the President.

All provisions in this Order shall apply to COVID-19 Risk Exposure

Classification (CREC) reports for the months of July to December
2021, appealed reports from January to June 2022, and reports
from July 2022 onwards and until the declaration of Public Health
Emergency is lifted by the President.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

The following inclusion criteria shall ALL be satisfied to be eligible for the grant of HEA

1. HCWs and non-HCWs are either of the following:

a. occupying regular (permanent or temporary), contractual, or casual positions, whether full-time
or part-time
b. engaged through a contract of service (COS), including but not limited to regular, active, visiting,
affiliate, honorary, medical or one-peso consultants, and job order (JO), as certified by the
head of the facility
c. Outsourced personnel hired under institutional COS or JO basis assigned in health facilities
d. Duly accredited and/or registered BHWs in the DOH National BHW Registry (or with
documentation from the local health board or Municipal/City Registration and Accreditation
Committee of assignment in BHERTs or their successor entities)

2. assigned to health facilities involved in the COVID-19 response in line with the NAP Against COVID-
19 PDITR+ strategies

3. physically report for work at their assigned work stations in health facilities on the prescribed official
working hours, as authorized by the head of the agency/office

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039


1. Consultants and experts engaged for a limited period to perform specific activities or
services with expected outputs except medical consultants as mentioned in
Section V.A.1.b;

2. Laborers engaged through job contracts (pakyaw) and those paid on piecework

3. Volunteers (except BHWs), student interns, and apprentices;

4. Individuals, and groups of individuals whose services are engaged through COS or
JO, including BHWs, who are NOT assigned in health facilities involved in COVID-19

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039


5. HCWs and non-HCWs assigned in health-related establishments NOT duly licensed

or designated by the DOH for COVID-19;

6. Those personnel who are in work-from-home arrangements for the entire month; and

7. Those who are under quarantine and/or treatment due to COVID-19 and have not
rendered actual physical services in health facilities for the entire month.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

Risk Classification (based on AO 2022-0001-A)

Number of Hours Physically Reported to Work

a. full rate is granted to those who physically rendered their service in a month for at least
ninety-six (96) hours, otherwise will be pro-rated

b. if with different risk classifications, HEA will be in direct proportion to the hours of services
physically rendered under each risk classification (

c. hours in WFH or official business outside the facility to perform non-COVID-19 related services
shall not be counted

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

1. If personnel reports to more than one health facility
involved in COVID-19 response:

a. they shall only be listed under one facility’s

CREC report

a. they reserve the right to choose which facility they

prefer to be listed under to claim their HEA,
provided proper documentation (ANNEX A) is
presented to the chosen health facility to allow
proper verification of information to be included in
the CREC report

a. HEA shall be in direct proportion to the

services rendered and will not exceed PhP
9,000.00 for high risk, PhP 6,000 for medium risk,
and PhP 3,000 for low risk

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039


2. The HEA of personnel whose mandated roles and responsibilities are not involved in
COVID-19 response but are assigned for a certain number of hours in health facilities
involved in COVID-19 response shall be based only on the number of hours physically
rendered on such health facilities involved in COVID-19 response.

3. The HEA of an eligible DOH Office/Hospital/Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation

Center (DATRC) personnel detailed to another government health facility shall be granted by
the parent agency. On the other hand, the HEA of an eligible non-DOH
Office/Hospital/DATRC personnel detailed to another government office/agency shall be
granted by the receiving agency.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039


4. Eligible public or private HCWs or non-HCWs who are compulsory retirees or service
extensions may be granted the HEA, subject to the pertinent conditions and guidelines in
this issuance.

5. The HEA shall be subject to existing taxation laws.

6. All issues arising from the grant of HEA to public and private HCWs and non-HCWs
assigned to health facilities involved in COVID-19 response shall be resolved exclusively
by the Grievance Board, established by the DOH, as prescribed by the IRR of RA No.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0039

ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES OF LGU Owned and Private Facilities

1. Facilitate the payment of the HEA to eligible HCWs and non-
HCWs assigned to health facilities involved in the COVID-19
2. Submit monthly CREC reports via the HEAPS using
templates as prescribed by the DOH.
3. Submit monthly through the HEAPS a certification (ANNEX
B) attesting to the authenticity and correctness of the contents
of the monthly CREC report, and that consent for sharing of
data has been obtained from the personnel involved.
4. Regularly update the COVID-19 risk exposure classification
of their personnel to enable proper monthly computation of
5. Submit physical and financial accomplishment reports
(ANNEX F) to the DOH-CHD/MOH for monitoring in
accordance with applicable accounting and auditing rules and

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Amendment to Administrative Order

No. 2022-0001 on the Guidelines on
COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification
of Health Care Workers

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Pertinent provisions of Section V of Administrative Order No.

2022-0001 dated 14 January 2022 entitled “Guidelines for
COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of Healthcare
Workers” are hereby amended as follows:

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

B. COVID-19 exposure shall be classified into three risk categories: low risk, moderate risk, and high risk
based on the following definition from Republic Act No. 11712 or the Public Health Emergency Benefits
and Allowances for Health Care Workers Act:

1. High Risk - health workers entering a COVID-19 patient’s room to directly provide care for patients
involving aerosol-generating procedures such as intubation, cough induction procedures,
bronchoscopes, dental procedures and exams, or invasive specimen collection, as well as those
collecting or handling specimens from known or suspected COVID-19 patients;

2. Medium Risk - health workers within the health facility that are providing direct physical care to the
general public who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients and are working at busy staff
work areas within a health facility; and

3. Low Risk - health workers performing administrative duties in non-public areas of health facilities,
away from other staff members or away from patients, otherwise known as “clean areas”.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Section V. C
C. Based on the type of health facility where the HCW is employed, assigned, or detailed, risk shall be
classified as follows:

Type of Health Facility Points

Hospital, regardless of level of service 3
Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility (TTMF), Isolation/Quarantine 3
Testing Center and/or Laboratory, Swabbing Site 3
Vaccination Site, duly authorized by the DOH or local government units 2
Rural Health Unit, Barangay Health Station, Primary Care Facilities (including 2
infirmary), Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, Birthing Clinic, Ambulatory
Clinic, and Health-Related Establishment
DOH-Central Office (CO), Center for Health Development (CHD), Attached 1
Agencies, Provincial/City Health Office, and Local Government Health Office

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Section V. D

D. Based on the work setting where the HCW performs their assigned functions, risk shall be classified
as follows:

Work Setting Points

Clinical Area
a. COVID-19 Area (catering to confirmed COVID-19 cases) 3
a. Other Clinical Area (catering to non-COVID-19 cases, 2
including suspect or probable)
Non-Clinical Area (including administrative offices) 1

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Section V. E

E. Based on the nature of work done by the HCW, risk shall be classified as follows:

Nature of Work Points

Direct Care to confirmed COVID-19 Patients 3
Direct Care to Non-COVID-19 (including suspect or 2
probable) Patients
Technical and Support Staff 1

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Section V. E

E. The overall COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of the HCW shall be derived from the total
scores of the above mentioned parameters guided by the following:

Total Score Over-all Risk Classification

3-4 points Low
5-7 points Medium
8-9 points High

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Administrative Order No. 2022-0001-A

Section V. Items G and I

G. The CREC Scorecard results shall be the basis of health resource allocation and provision of the
COVID-19 Health Emergency Allowance (HEA), subject to pertinent conditions and guidelines of
relevant issuances. The HCW and non-HCW listed in the CREC Report as submitted by the health
facility shall be subject for validation through the Health Emergency Allowance Processing System
(HEAPS) in accordance to eligibility criteria of pertinent guidelines.

I. DOH-CO and Centers For Health Development (CHD) shall be considered as one health facility and
shall be classified as Low Risk. In cases where personnel may be classified as having medium or
high risk based on the criteria specified above, their respective head of office shall submit an
attestation form confirming their risk and involvement in COVID-19 response.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

Implementation of the HEAPS

for the Grant of HEA

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

A. The OCAIS shall be modified to HEAPS and shall adopt all of its functionalities and features
including the following but not limited to: (a) database; (b) user accounts and access; (c) CREC and
OCA submitted (d) submission, validation, approval and disbursement process flow as indicated in the
DM 2022-0126: “Implementation of the One COVID-19 Allowance Information System (OCAIS) for the
Processing of One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA) for Eligible Public and Private Health Care Workers
(HCWs) and Non-HCWs with the exception of some updates following the R.A. 11712: “Public Health
Emergency Benefits and Allowances for Health Care Workers Act” and its implementing rules and
regulations and supplemental guidelines.

A. The MST shall oversee the implementation for the grant of HEA to eligible public and private HCWs
and non-HCWs in health facilities involved in COVID-19 response.

A. The whole process of registration in the HEAPS, approval of the CREC report and generation of HEA
shall be guided by the flow chart in Annex A.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

The eligible health facilities defined in the IRR of RA 11712

shall register in HEAPS through
Facilities previously registered in the OCAIS do not
need to be registered again in the HEAPS.

licensed health facilities (hospitals,
1. LTO
infirmaries, diagnostic laboratories, COVID-19 testing 2. Letter of Intent (LOI)
laboratories, birthing homes, dialysis centers/clinics,
ambulatory surgical clinics, blood centers and
psychiatric facilities)

health facilities that may 1. LOI

operate without a license

(Provincial/City/Municipal Health Offices, rural health
units, barangay health stations, vaccination sites,
TTMFs, etc)

health-related 1. Certification from

respective CHD/MOH
establishments designated by the designating the facility
Department of Health for COVID-19 response for COVID-19 response
2. LOI

- coordinate with RLED

eligible health facilities not
found in the system
DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN
Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390
1. Starting 26 September 2022, only CREC reports submitted
using the new template (Annex C) provided by the
Management Services Team shall be accepted by the system.

2. All users are instructed to accomplish the provided CREC

template following the provisions of AO No. 2022-0001-A.

3. The health facility shall submit its CREC report monthly

following the prescribed schedules and deadlines set by MST
and shown on the landing page of the HEAPS website. The
encoded/uploaded CREC report must be submitted with the
accomplished Attestation form (Annex D.1) signed by the head of
Human Resources and/or the head of the facility acknowledging
the authenticity and correctness of the CREC report and that
he/she ensures that all the right processes were followed in its

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


1. Only use the CREC version 8 template.

2. All fields in the template are REQUIRED, except those fields for salary and PRC ID.
3. Only input the official PHIC number of the employee.
4. Register/encode employees ONLY to their mother health facilities.
5. Only submit your CREC once it’s finalized. It cannot be modified/edited once submitted.
6. Remarks in Linelist Import Result:
• Data Import Failed
• Incomplete employee details
• Profile already exists for this year and month
• Profile already exists in (Health facility name)

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

In cases where duplicates are detected by HEAPS, the health facility may submit a formal
query to [email protected] with the following details of the concerned
personnel in order to initiate a proper investigation:
a. Full name;
b. Birthday; and
c. Philhealth number

In the event the Philhealth number was found to be misused after investigation, the
CREC/HEA Form containing the questionable Philhealth number shall automatically be

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


Health Facility Validator Attachments

Private and LGU- CHD/MOH, Attestation Form of

owned subject to spot CHD/MOH validator
check by FICT (Annex D.2)

Assessment Form of
FICT (Annex F)

CHD, DOH FICT Attestation Form of

Hospital, Sanitaria, FICT validator (Annex

DOH-CO, GOCC, MST Attestation Form of

PGH, PGC, MST validator (Annex
Attached Agency D.2)
*Disapproved CREC reports at this level may still be modified by the health facility

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


1. Once a CREC report has been validated and forwarded to the MST for processing, it will be checked
for appropriateness and completeness of the attached documents. If errors (e.g. wrong file, wrong date,
no signature) are found in the attached documents, it will be disapproved and shall be returned to the
account of the concerned health facility.

2. Once CREC reports and its attached documents are found in order, the HEAPS shall automatically
compute the amount of HEA for each eligible HCW and non-HCW in the health facility based on AO
2022-0001, as amended.

3. An official HEA form shall be generated for each approved CREC report, which shall be available in
the accounts of the concerned health facilities and respective CHDs/MOH-BARMM and FICT. This
form is considered official and final. This CANNOT be returned to the health facilities for editing
or modification. This form shall be duly signed by the head of the health facility to include in the

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


4. The MST shall process sub-allotment/transfer of funds to all eligible health facilities based on the
official HEA forms generated by HEAPS.

5. The CHDs and MOH-BARMM shall transfer funds to the concerned health facility according to the
pertinent sub-allotment guidelines of the DOH.

6. Upon release of the sub-allotment advice (SAA) to the respective CHDs, DOH hospitals, DATRCs,
and sanitaria, and certificate of availability of funds (CAF) and cheque to MOH-BARMM, GOCCs, PGH,
PGC, NIH, and specialty hospitals, MST/CHDs shall click the “Released HEA funds” button in the
HEAPS upon the release date of HEA funds.

7. Upon receipt of the sub-allotted/transferred funds, the respective health facilities shall click the
“Received HEA funds” button in the HEAPS upon receiving the HEA funds.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

1. All validated and approved HEA forms are considered OFFICIAL and FINAL.

Only appeals of the following nature shall be accommodated by the AFMT:

i. Submission of a new list of personnel who were not included in the original submitted
CREC report for the month.
ii. Resubmission of the list of personnel who were initially excluded (with a 0 value in the
generated OCA/HEA form) from the list of eligible health care or non-health care workers
for the grant of HEA.

Appeals for corrections in the cadre, employment status, risk classification, and the number of hours
of services physically rendered shall NOT be accommodated. All information in the submitted
monthly CREC report is assumed to be correct and accurate as attested to by the head of the facility
in the uploaded attestation form.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


2. Errors in the approved HEA form found during the process of disbursement of funds
shall be reported by the health facility in their fund utilization report that will be
submitted to the respective CHDs and the Financial and Management Service (FMS).
Discrepancies in the obligated amount and the actual disbursed amount shall be taken
into account in the allotment of funds for the succeeding months.

3. Only one (1) CREC report for appeal is allowed to be submitted per month.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390


DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

Letter of Approval of Appeal Letter of No Action to the Appeal

(must be attached upon submission of new CREC)

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0390

1. Only appeals approved by the CHDs and/or MST in accordance with the provisions
outlined in the previous section will be processed in the HEAPS.

2. Requests for Appeal in the HEAPS must have the following attachments in order for them to
be processed:
a. CREC report using the version 8 template (Annex C) – direct encoding
b. Updated and duly accomplished attestation form (Annex D.2)
c. Signed Letter of Approval of Appeal (Annex I.1)

Take note!
An appeal can ONLY be created if the health facility has already an APPROVED HEA status
approved by MST

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0398

Transition of OCAIS to HEAPS for the

Processing of HEA

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0398

16 Deadline of submission of all COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification (CREC) reports for the months of January to June 2022 using
September CREC Template version 7.

All submitted CREC reports by this day shall be processed using the guidelines for the grant of OCA as per DOH-DBM Joint Circular No. 2022-

If a submitted CREC report is disapproved after this day, the facility shall submit a new CREC report using the new template on their scheduled
date in the HEAPS.

19 Orientation by MST to CHDs and MOH-BARMM on the Supplemental Guidelines on the Grant of HEA and DEMO on the Use of HEAPS

20 Orientation by MST to DOH Hospitals, Sanitaria, TRCs, GOCCs, PGH, PGC on the Supplemental Guidelines on the Grant of HEA and
September DEMO on the Use of HEAPS

21 Orientation by MST to DOH-CO, Attached Agencies

Last day of processing of submitted CREC reports. All disapproved CREC reports by the end of this day shall be resubmitted in the HEAPS
using the new CREC template ( and shall be processed using the guidelines for the grant of HEA outlined in AO 2022-0039.

22-23 The OCAIS website shall be inaccessible to all users in preparation for the launch of the HEAPS website.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Department Memorandum No. 2022-0398

26 a. Official Launch of HEAPS ( at 9:00 AM. Please refer to Annex A for
Septemb the initial schedule of usage for each region. The schedules for the following months shall be
er posted in the landing page of the website.

a. Only CREC reports submitted using the new CREC template ( provided by MST
shall be accepted by the system.

a. On their scheduled dates, the health facilities may submit the following CREC reports:

a. All submitted CREC reports from this day onwards shall be processed using the
guidelines for the grant of HEA outlined in AO 2022-0039.

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Key Points:

● The grant of HEA shall be in place of the One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA), and in addition to other existing
benefits that the HCWs and non-HCWs receive, subject to the availability of funds.

● Covers all eligible HCWs and non-HCWs, regardless of employment status, rendering services during the
COVID-19 pandemic, from 01 July 2021 until the state of public health emergency is lifted

• Expanded Population:
1. Outsourced personnel hired under an institutional or individual contract of service or job order basis who
are similarly exposed to COVID-19
3. Personnel in Health-Related Establishments

● Health Emergency Allowance Processing System (HEAPS)

○ Amended CREC guidelines (AO 2022-0001-A)
○ New CREC template (version 8)
○ New computation for HEA
○ CHD to approve new registration
○ Only approved appeals shall be processed
○ Only 1 appeal may be submitted per month covered

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

Key Points:

DOH – Center for Health Development SOCCSKSARGEN

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