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Quarter IV – Week 4
Classifying Organisms


Science – Grade 8
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter IV - Week 4: Classifying Organisms
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
Classifying Organisms
MELCS: Explain the concept of a species. (S8LT-IVg-19)
Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system. (S8LT-IVg-19)
1. Describe the concept of species.
2. Identify each level of classification.
3. Explain how organisms are named.

Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

___ 1. What is the branch of science that deals with the classification of living things?
A. Astronomy B. Biology C. Geology D. Taxonomy

___ 2. What is the basis for classifying living things?

A. Color and form C. Similarity of structure
B. Habitat of the organism D. Size and shape
___ 3. In what way do plants differ from fungi?
A. Plants are heterotrophs while fungi autotrophs.
B. Fungi are eukaryotic while plants are prokaryotic.
C. Fungi are mostly unicellular while plants are unicellular.
D. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose while fungi cellwalls are made of chitin.

___ 4. Which pair of animals is most related?

A. Bat and dog B. Bat and eagle C. Catfish and shark D. Shark and whale

___ 5. What are the two parts of a scientific name based on the hierarchical taxonomic
A. class and order C. genus and species
B. family and order D. kingdom and phylum

___ 6. Which of the following refers to the group of similar organisms and capable of
A. Autotroph B. Family C. Order D. Species

___ 7. Which of the organism/s is/are part of Kingdom Protista?

A. a protozoan C. protozoan and algae
B. bacteria and protozoans D. viruses and bacteria

___ 8. Which of the following taxa group of organisms has few similarities?
A. Domain B. Genus C. Species D. Phylum

___ 9. Which of the following is a correctly written scientific name for Palawan Hornbill?
A. anthracoceros marchei C. Anthracoceros marchei
B. anthracoceros marchei D. Anthracoceros marchei

___ 10. Cats and dogs belong to the same order. In what level of classification do they
A. Class B. Domain C. Family D. Kingdom
Let’s Explore and Discover
Unlocking of Palawan is known as the “Philippines’ Last Ecological Frontier”
Difficulties and “Haven of the Rare Philippine Wildlife.” According to Palawan
✓ Autotrophs or Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD), in 1995 there are
producers estimated 232 species of wildlife that can only be found in Palawan.
✓ Eukaryotes have To gather further information about these species, biologists used
cell nucleus. taxonomy, a branch of science that deals with naming, classifying
✓ Heterotrophs and describing all organisms of different species including plants,
depend on others animals and microorganisms.
for food.
✓ Multicellular or In classifying organisms, biologists follow a system so called-
levels of classification: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order,
✓ Prokaryotes have family, genus (plural, genera) and species in which they are grouped
no cell nucleus or based on the similarity of their structures and characteristics from
organelles common beginning to more specific categories. You can try
✓ Unicellular or one- memorizing the sentence below to remember the sequence:
celled organisms D-K-P-C-O-F-G-S
or Demure Kaka Ploning Chose Ordinary Family Gathering Song

A domain is the broadest level of classification in which scientists commonly use a

three-domain system of classification namely: DOMAIN ARCHAEA (ancient bacteria),
DOMAIN BACTERIA (true bacteria), and DOMAIN EUKARYA (protists, fungi, plants and
animals) in which organisms have few similarities. A kingdom comprises a number of phyla
(sing. phylum). A phylum comprises a number of classes. The term phylum is usually used
in classifying animals. Alternatively, division is used for plants. A class comprises several
orders. An order comprises several families; a family, of several genera (sing. genus); a
genus, of several species. A group of similar organisms and capable of interbreeding (or
reproducing their own kind) is referred to as species. This means only members of the same
species can mate and reproduce.

Table 1. Characteristics of the Different Domains and Their Corresponding Kingdoms

DOMAINS Archaea Bacteria Eukarya
KINGDOM Archae- Eubacteria Protista or Fungi Plantae Animalia
bacteria protists or plants or animals
CELL TYPE Prokaryote Eukaryote
CELL Cell walls Cell walls Cell walls of Cell walls Cell walls No cell walls
STRUCTURES without with cellulose in made of made of or
peptidogyl- peptidoglycan some, some chitin cellulose or chloroplasts
can have chloroplast
NUMBER OF Unicellular Mostly Mostly Multicellular
CELLS unicellular; multicellular
some ; some are
colonial; unicellular
MODE OF Heterotrophs Autotrophs/ Autotrophs Heterotrophs Autotrophs Heterotrophs
NUTRITION heterotrophs or
EXAMPLES Methanogens, Escherichia Algae, Bread molds, Trees, Sponges,
Halophiles, coli, Protozoa, yeasts, flowers, worms,
Thermophiles Mycobacteriu inoflagellates, Mushrooms shrubs, insects,
m tuberculosis Uglenoids herbs Chordates

I. Archaea Domain: Kingdom Archaebacteria II. Bacteria Domain: Kingdom Eubacteria
Members of archaebacteria are all Organisms that belong to this kingdom are
microscopic and live mostly in extreme or unicellular and microscopic.
severe environments.

(A) (B)
Figure 1. Examples of methanogens. (A) Methanobacterium
ruminatum, from cow stomach undergoing division, and (B)
Methanospirillum hungatei, from waste treatment ponds (bar Figure 2. Basic shapes of bacteria.
scale = 1 m). The symbol m means micrometer. 1 m is equal
to 0.001 m.

III. Eukarya Domain

A. Kingdom Protista B. Kingdom Fungi
Members of protists include plant- Members of fungi are
like algae, animal-like protozoans important detrivores and
and fungi-like slime molds. in consuming
decomposing organisms.

(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)

Figure 3. Examples of green algae (A) Chlorella, (B) Draparnaldia, Figure 4. Differences in the fruiting structures of three
(C) colonial Pediastrum, and (D) filamentous Spirogyra groups of fungi. (A) occurs in bread mold, (B) in yeasts and
(c) in mushrooms

(Source: Philippines. Department of Education. (2009). Science and Technology II. Textbook (Rev.
ed.). Pasig City: Instructional Materials Development Corporation. p.242-264.)

C. Kingdom Plantae or Plants

Organisms that belong to this kingdom can manufacture their own food.


Vascular Non-vascular
plants which have tissues to transport plants which do not have tissues to
water and food. Examples: ferns, transport water and food. Examples:
horsetails, club mosses liverworts, mosses, hornworts

Seedless Plants - plants that

contain vascular tissue, but do
not produce flowers or Gymnosperms - or plants whose
seeds.Examples: Ferns seeds are borne in cones. Examples:
Conifers (pine trees) , Cycads,
Ginkgoes and gnetophytes
Seed-bearing Plants-plants
that contain vascular
tissue, and produces flowers or Angiosperms – or flowering
seeds.Examples: Calamansi, plants. Examples: gumamela,
Rice santan, rose

Figure 5. Classification of Plants

D. Kingdom Animalia or Animals
Organisms that belong to this kingdom mostly depend on other organisms for food.

Table 2. Classification of Animals

Annelida or segmented worms Chordata
Nematoda or roundworms ➢ Amphibians
Platyhelminthes or flatworms ➢ Birds
Arthropoda or insects, spiders ➢ Fishes
Porifera or sponges ➢ Mammals
Cnidaria or corals, jellyfish, etc. ➢ Reptiles
Echinodermata or starfish, sea urchins & sand dollars, etc.
Mollusca or snails, slugs, clams , oysters, mussels, squids, octopi

Aside from levels of biological classification, the Swedish botanist, Carolus

Linnaeus also developed a two-way system (or binomial nomenclature) for naming the
organisms. To standardize the system for naming organisms, scientists agreed to refer an
organism by its scientific name. This composed of two italicized Latin words in which the
first word describes the genus and the second word describes the specific epithet. The first
letter of genus should be in capital while the first letter of species should be in small letter.
If handwritten, scientific name should be underlined. Let us examine the samples of levels
of classification of organisms given below:

Table 3: Sample Classification of Organisms from Different Domains and Kingdoms

Intestinal Thermoplasma Amoeba Blusher Rice Human
bacteria mushroom
Domain Bacteria Archaea Eukarya
Kingdom Eubacteria Archae- Protists Fungi Plants Animals
Phylum proteobacteria Euryarchaeota Plasmo- basidiomycota Magnolio- Chordata
droma phyta
Class gamma thermo-plasmata sarcodina agaricomycetes Liliopsida Mammalia
Order Enterobacteriales Thermo-plasmatales amoebida agaricales Poales Primates
Family Entero- Thermo- amoebidae amanitaceae Poaceae Hominidae
bacteriaceae plasmataceae
Genus Escherichia Thermoplasma Amoeba Amanita Oryza Homo
Species coli volcanium proteus rubescen sativa sapiens
Scientific Escherichia coli Thermoplasma Amoeba Amanita Oryza Homo
Name volcanium proteus rubescen sativa sapiens
*A taxon (pl. taxa) is a taxonomic unit of any rank.

Let’s Practice

Jumble in the Jungle
Directions: Arrange the letters to form the correct word described in each item.
DIRECTIONS: A the correct word thJtters in thramid.___________ 1. PMHUPY

___________ 2. NESGU
___________ – group– within
1. MHUPLY a family
It is divided into classes.
___________ 3. REDOR – group within a class.
___________ 2. REDOR
4. SACLS – Itwithin
– group is a group within a class.
a phylum
___________ 5. LMIAFY
___________ – each
3. NESGU – Itrelated group
is a group within
within an order
a family.
___________ 4. SACLS – It is a group within a phylum.
___________ 5. LMIAFY
4. SACLS – within
– group It is a group within an order.
a phylum
___________ 5. LMIAFY – each related group within an order

Forest in the Box

Directions: Label each box in the diagram with the correct domain or kingdom name.

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________


Ex: Algae Ex: Rose

Archaebacteria Eubacteria 4. ______ Fungi 5. ______ Animalia

Let’s Do More

Check It Right
Directions: Examine the table below showing the classification of four organisms.
Answer the following questions by checking the box that corresponds to the correct term.

Taxon Green Frog Mountain Lion Domestic Dog Human

Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia
Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata
Class Amphibia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia
Order Anura Carnivora Carnivora Primates
Family Ranidae Felidae Canidae Hominidae
Genus Rana Felis Canis Homo
Species clamitans concolor familiaris sapiens

1. Which taxon includes the most specific characteristics?

Order Species Genus Family
2. Which taxon includes the broadest characteristics?
Class Family Domain Order
3. Which among the taxa has the most number of species?
Genus Phylum Class Kingdom
4. Which taxon includes only organisms that can successfully interbreed?
Species Family Kingdom Genus
5. Which two organisms in the chart are most closely related?
Domestic dog and human Domestic dog and mountain lion
Green frog and mountain lion Green frog and human

Science-tific Naming
Directions: Write the scientific name of every organism in the corresponding box below.


COMMON NAME Snake plant Pilandok Peacock Mango Pawikan

GENUS Sansevieria Tragulus Polyplectron Mangifera Chelonia

SPECIES trifasciata nigricans napoleonis indica mydas


Let’s Sum It Up

Word Hunting
Directions: Choose a word from the box to complete the table below.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided after the number.

A. Autotrophs E. Heterotrophs I. Rose

B. Eubacteria F. Multicellular J. Unicellular
C. Eukarya G. No cell walls
D. Eukaryotes H. Peacock

DOMAIN Archaea Bacteria 1

Archae- 2
KINGDOM Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
CELL TYPE Prokaryote 3
Cell walls Cell walls Cell walls of Cell walls Cell walls 4
CELL without with cellulose or made of chitin made of
STRUCTURE peptidoglycan peptidoglycan chloroplast cellulose or
5 Mostly Mostly 6
NUMBER OF unicellular multicellular;
CELLS some
Heterotrophs Autotrophs or Heterotrophs 7 8

Halophiles E. coli Algae Mushrooms 9 10


Let’s Assess
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

___ 1. Cats and dogs belong to the same order. In what level of classification do they
A. Class B. Domain C. Family D. Kingdom

___ 2. What is the branch of science that deals with the classification of living things?
A. Astronomy B. Biology C. Geology D. Taxonomy

___ 3. What is the basis for classifying living things?

A. Color and form C. Similarity of structure
B. Habitat of the organism D. Size and shape
___ 4. Which of the following taxa group of organisms has few similarities?
A. Family B. Genus C. Species D. Phylum
___ 5. Which pair of animals is most related?
A. bat and dog B. bat and eagle C. catfish and shark D. shark and whale

___ 6. Which of the following refers to the group of similar organisms and capable of
A. Autotroph B. Family C. Order D. Species

___ 7. What are the two parts of a scientific name based on the hierarchical taxonomic
A. class and order C. genus and species
B. family and order D. kingdom and phylum

___ 8. Which of the following is a correctly written scientific name for Palawan Hornbill?
A. anthracoceros marchei C. Anthracoceros marchei
B. anthracoceros marchei D. Anthracoceros marchei

___ 9. Which of the organism/s is/are part of Kingdom Protista?

A. a protozoan C. protozoan and algae
B. bacteria and protozoans D. viruses and bacteria

___ 10. In what way do plants differ from fungi?

A. Plants are heterotrophs while fungi autotrophs.
B. Fungi are eukaryotic while plants are prokaryotic.
C. Fungi are mostly unicellular while plants are unicellular.
D. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose while fungi cellwalls are made of chitin.

Answer Key

Let’s Try
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C

Let’s Practice
ACTIVITY 1: Jumble in the Jungle
1. phylum 2. order 3. genus 4. class 5. family
ACTIVITY 2: Forest in the Box
1. archaea 2. bacteria 3. eukarya 4. protists/protista 5. plants/plantae

Let’s Do More
ACTIVITY 1: Check It Right
1. species 2. domain 3. kingdom 4. species 5. domestic dog & mountain lion
ACTIVITY 2: Science-tific Naming
If handwritten: 1. Sanseviera trifasciata 2. Tragulus nigricans
3. Polyplectron napoleonis 4. Mangifera indica 5. Chelonia mydas

Let’s Sum It Up
ACTIVITY 1: Word Hunting
Let’s Sum It Up
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. G 5. J
6. F 7. A 8. E 9. I 10. H

Let’s Assess
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D


Campo, Pia C., Maria Helen D.H Catalan, Letisha V. Catris, Marlene B. Ferido,
Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla, and Jacqueline Rose M. Gutierrez. Science Grade 8
Learner's Module. Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education, 2016.
Fernandez, Jose, Fe Fernandez and Edna Imelda Fernandez-Legazpi. Palawan Flora and
Fauna. 2nd Edition. Puerto Princesa City: Palawan Council for Sustainable
Development, 2002.
Mason, Kenneth A., Jonathan B. Losos and Susan R. Singer. Biology. New York City:
McGraw-Hill, 2011.

Websites "Fungi." Accessed April 12, 2021. "Eubacteria." Accessed April 10, 2021.


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