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Welcome to

Our Presentation
Discussion Topic

“Company Case Argos: Creating Customer Value amid change

and Turbulence”
First of all we would like to
thank our honorable teacher to
give us an opportunity to
perform this presentation and
also for her hard work for the
betterment of our
Roushanara Islam
Department of Finance,
Jagannath University
We are Group No-06

Zinia Akter Keya M22020203511

Tanny Roy M22020203522
Tahmina Akter M22020203566
Sherina Akter M20190203304
Tabassum Akhtar M20190203341
Question 1-16: To what extent do you think the acquisitions of Argos by
Sainsbury's resulted in delivering value to the customers?

1. Comparative retailer.
2. Offering a variety of products.
3. A vast catalogue with high quality product.
4. Making it accessible.
5. Creating more shopping possibilities.
6. Utilizing technology to meet customers needs.
7. Faster delivery.
8. Providing customer service easier.
9. Reinforced the loyalty of customers.
Tanny Roy
Question 1-17: How is the concept of share of
customer illustrated in the case study?

•Share of customer is the position of the customer’s

purchasing that a company gets in its product
•By adding a variety of products to client base and
adding an Argos selling point with Argo's technological
catalog in its supermarkets and on its websites to
make shopping cozy for its online visitors, Saintsbury
increases its range of products.
Tahmina Akter
Question1-18: To what extent would you agree with the claim that Argo’s
marketing management orientation is a marketing concept? Justify your
standpoint with relevant points from the case study.
❖ The marketing concept focuses on satisfying the needs and wants
of target markets The marketing management focus of Argos would
be a great example of the marketing concept. They followed the
concept well, as shown by the following executed ideas:
1. Convenient customers' experience in their transactions, from
placing the order to receiving the items.
2. The wide range of products categorized on its website make
shopping easier.
3. The focus on catalog retailing to please customers by providing

4. The daring "Same Day Delivery" service reinforced loyalty

among the organization's current clients and wooed others
happy to see more efficiency in the marketplace.
5. Argos's transformation into a digital business resulted in a
16 percent rise in internet sales in June 2016.
Sherina Akter
Question 1-19: what are the key actions taken by Argos which shows that the
organization is following the changing marketing landscape?

❖ In order to adapt to the changing marketing landscape, Argos

has taken several action: digital age, online store have been
created with easy access and a same day delivery option etc.
Argos focus on catalog retailing is based on its quest to satisfy
customers .
Make shopping easy for its online visitors.
The first retailer in the United Kingdom to make over euro 1 billion
through mobile payments.
All of this has helped Argos make a seamless entry into the digital
world in retail business.
Tabassum Akhtar
Question: 1-20 In view of stiff competition in the UK retail sector suggest various ways by

which Argos could continue to provide better value to its customers

Argos has been doing a great

job keeping pace with its
competitors and implementing
improvements that added
customer value. Following are
the few suggestions that help
provide better value to its

➔ Opinion from customers and a two way communication through

➔ Improvement of online stores and their catalogue
➔ Stop distribution of paper catalogue as printed paper doesn’t go with
modern company
➔ Personalized service for customers
➔ Free resources such as company branded calendar which is relevant
to the market and serve the purpose of the brand.

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