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Computational Geometry
Spring Term, 2003
Problem Set 1 on Differential Geometry

Issued: Day 2
Due: Day 6
Weight: 15% of total grade
Individual Effort

1. Show that the curvature of a planar curve is independent of the parametrization. Namely, if

r(t) = [x(t), y(t)] (1)

is the curve then a change of variables

t = w(u) with w  (u) = 0 (2)

does not affect the curvature. (Problem 18 in the textbook)

2. Let a curve X be defined by

X(t) = a g(t) × g (t)dt, a = const = 0, (3)

where g(t) is a vector function satisfying |g(t)| = 1 and [gg g ] = 0. Show that the curvature
and the torsion of the curve are κ = 0 and τ = 1/a, respectively.

3. Find the parametric equation of a curve whose curvature κ and torsion τ are respectively
a b
κ= , τ= , (4)
a2 + b2 a2 + b2
where a > 0 and b are constants.

4. A curve C1 is called an involute of a given curve C if tangents of C are normal to C1 . The

curve C is called an evolute of C1 . Show that the curvature κ1 of C1 is given by

κ2 + τ 2
κ21 = , (5)
κ2 (c − s)2

where c is a constant, s is the arc length of C measured from a fixed point on C, and κ and τ
are the curvature and torsion of C.

5. Let E, F, G be the coefficients of the first fundamental form of a regular surface R = R(u, v).
Let f (u, v) = c and g(u, v) = d be two families of regular curves defined in the parameter space
u − v of the surface with images in 3D space obtained for various constants c and d. Prove
that the 3D images of these two families of curves are orthogonal (i.e. whenever two curves of
distinct families meet, their tangents are orthogonal) if and only if
Efv gv − F (fu gv + fv gu ) + Gfu gu = 0 (6)
where E = Ru · Ru , F = Ru · Rv , G = Rv · Rv , and subscripts u, v denote partial derivatives.
6. Consider a torus parametrized as follows:
r(u, v) = [(R + a cos u)cos v, (R + a cos u)sin v, a sin u] (7)
where 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ v ≤ 2π, and R and a are constants such taht R > a. Derive formulae for
the Gauss, mean and principal curvatures. Sketch the torus and subdivide it into hyperbolic,
parabolic and elliptic regions. In a follow-up sketch illustrate the lines of curvature of the torus.
Explain the above subdivision and sketches. (Problem 17 in the textbook)
7. Show that the surface area on a Monge patch X(u, v) = ue1 + ve2 + f (u, v)e3 is given by the
A= 1 + fu2 + fv2 dudv, (8)
where W is the parameter domain, and e1 , e2 and e3 the unit coordinate vectors.
8. Show that the second fundamental form on a Monge patch X(u, v) = ue1 + ve2 + f (u, v)e3 is
II = (fu2 + fv2 + 1)− 2 fuu du2 + 2fuv dudv + fvv dv 2 , (9)
where e1 , e2 and e3 are the unit coordinate vectors.
9. Show that the principal curvatures of the surface f (x, y, z) = x sin(z) − y cos(z) = 0 are
±(x2 + y 2 + 1)−1 .
10. Consider the parametrized surface
u3 v3
r(u, v) = u − + uv 2 , v − + vu2 , u2 − v 2 . (10)
3 3
Show that
(a) The coefficients of the first fundamental form are
E = G = (1 + u2 + v 2 )2 , F = 0. (11)

(b) The coefficients of the second fundamental form are

L = 2, M = −2, N = 0. (12)

(c) The principal curvatures are

2 2
κ1 = , κ2 = − . (13)
(1 + u2 + v 2 )2 (1 + u2 + v 2 )2

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