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Rome was not made in one day, as the saying goes, but in reality it took a lot of raw materials and
tools, common men and wills, but also and especially civil engineering engineers to design,to build
the buildings and the infrastructure and structures that are essential over the centuries so that the
city can properly deserve the title of “eternal city”. It goes without saying for any human group that
has historically experienced growth or sustainable development.The foundation on which the birth of
a civilization has always been the construction of an environment conducive to community life,
where man would not be constantly on alert because of external threats.

Thus, the profession of civil engineer, by its nature and its history, has an edifying contribution to the
improvement of life in society.

In this article, we will discover together his job description, the path required to be able to exercise it
and finally the skills and abilities necessary to excel.

Let’s start by presenting the description of his position: the civil engineer designs, executes and
manages urban infrastructure as well as any other construction project.Generally, his work covers
five main areas: structure, hydraulics, soil and foundation mechanics, transportation and the
environment. Through its expertise, it is committed to meeting social needs while ensuring the
protection of the environment and the safety of citizens.Its achievements are easily traceable,
because it works on various projects of great importance, the design of bridges, roads or airports, the
development of drinking water systems, the design of hydroelectric plants and dams, the proposal of
new materials, participation in wastewater treatment, industrial buildings, etc

The professional training of a civil engineer is accessible to holders of a scientific baccalaureate

essentially through two paths, that is directly in post-Bac at the level of an engineering school, or
following the success of a competition reserved for candidates who have validated at least two
preparatory years in CPGE, DUT, BTS, DEUG, etc.

The academic curriculum of an engineer in civil engineering is both rich, versatile and demanding,
insofar as the student engineer is led to master the fundamentals of mathematics, physics and
management, while focusing on modules with direct application to the building and public works
field, such as modelling, energy systems, material behaviour, topography, construction, etc. in
addition to the personal and professional development modules aimed at preparing qualified
engineers for the field, through the teaching of soft skills, languages or practical work, internships,
missions and research. However, university training remains ultimately a means of standardizing
demand in the labour market. If you are looking to go beyond the qualification stage and reach the
expertise, differentiation will be your ally.For this, it is important for a civil engineer to know how to
communicate effectively, work as a team and be endowed with an exceptional emotional
intelligence, since he always works with different profiles (workers, architects, etc.).

The deeper his management culture is, the more he will be able to develop professionally. It is
therefore necessary to be curious, to have the thirst to learn, while remaining organized and
pragmatic in its approach.

In conclusion, the profession of civil engineering is a noble profession that has existed for several
centuries and has allowed man to create an environment conducive to his prosperity.His social rank,
the status he enjoys, Benefits and wages are generally reasons that drive many young people to
make it a career project.

However, we must keep in mind that this is a mission that comes with heavy responsibilities and that
requires impeccable precision in its practice, in addition to a physical and intellectual dedication to its
daily work. We invite you to go beyond the superficial elements and conduct your research before
deciding to invest in this path where it is very difficult, if not almost impossible, to succeed if you are
not driven by the passion of the profession and its plus-value in improving the life of your

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