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Cardio Success Recipe & Workouts

Learn to love aerobic training and get more from your movement
(without overtraining) when you follow the FBB Recipe for success:

Cyclical – repeatable movements and efforts, whether a single

movement such as biking intervals, or a simple circuit

Sustainable – maintain a 7/10 or below on the RPE scale, or leave your

sessions feeling like you put some work in but are still good to attack
your day

Low Complexity - individual to each person, but generally avoid

eccentric motions such as burpees where you need to control your
body weight on the way down. Keep both movements and workouts to
a low complexity for your own level of fitness.
5 “Magic Formula” Cardio Workouts

Tips: If the intervals are LONGER, then your 7/10 will yield a lower
power output as compared to intervals that are only 30 seconds
long. Remember, 7/10 keeps you in the sustainable realm for the
time domain you are working in.

Additionally, if there are machines you don't have access to, then
you can use the conversion chart and interchange some machines
or movements. 

1. 30/30 for 30

This format is time-prioritized. Therefore, anyone can do this

format and stick to the time domains and just be sure to hit their
RPE correctly for the full 30mins. 

10 Rounds
:30 – Row
:30 – Rest
:30 – Bike
:30 – Rest
:30 – Ski
:30 – Rest

2. Back to Back Long Intervals

This format is task-prioritized. While this will take most people in the ballpark of 12–15mins
per triplet, it might push you out of your RPE zone of 7/10. You don't want to just ramp up
your effort or find yourself getting crushed because the numbers don't align with your
fitness level for now. See the notes below on how to scale back.

AB Cals
Row Cals
Run Cals

rest as needed

Ski Cals
Bike Cals
Double Unders (4x the reps)

**Scaled Reps: 6–9–12–15–18

3. Every 3 for 10

This format is a combination of Task and Time priority. The time is fixed and the task
numbers are fixed. Therefore, it is possible that the work and time don't align for you and
you end up falling behind, not being able to recover sufficiently, and taking your RPE way
above 7/10. Don't let this happen. See the scale numbers below and notes.

Every 3mins x 10 Rounds

15 Cal Bike
45 Double Unders
15 Cal Row

**Scaling notes – start with 10/30/10 on the first rounds. You should end up with at least
1min of full rest before the next round begins. If you get done with more time than that and
you are still at a 7/10, you can increase your numbers slowly round by round towards

4. 15–12–9 for 10

We are back to task priority and in this workout you can keep dialing your RPE in towards a
7/10 by going slower or faster on the machines. Your rest period is always going to remain
fixed. If 45sec doesn't help get you back to a 7/10, then you may need to lower your
intensity on the machines. The goal is to have these workouts fall inside the 30min total
time domain so we don't end up spending too many minutes or hours doing cardio. You
make the call if you need to stop after 8 Rounds.

10 Rounds
15 Row
12 Bike
9 Ski
rest 45sec

Scaling Notes – You can perform fewer rounds. Or you can even dial your reps down from
15/12/9 to 12/9/6.

5. 45/15 for 30

The final workout format is time-prioritized again. Therefore, anyone can do this format and
stick to the time domains and just be sure to hit their RPE correctly for the full 30mins.
Format #1 had 30-second intervals and this one has 45-second intervals with shorter rest.
What does this mean? It means that in order to keep your 7/10 RPE you will have to adjust
your pace DOWN from workout #1. If you attempt to hold the same power output as you
did in the 30/30 format, you will likely spill over into unsustainable territory.
:45 – Assault Bike
:15 – Rest
:45 – Run
:15 – Rest
x 15 Sets

OK, have fun with these and remember that the key to better body composition, mood,
energy, and health with CARDIO is to follow the recipe below.



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