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Technical Events

1. Soft Corner
1.1 Bug Hunt
Event is based on showcasing your C Language skills. The event would
comprise of two rounds.
Round 1:
Blind Coding: In this round the participants will be provided single C
programming problems and you have to write the code, while the monitor is
turned off. Participants with the correct solutions will be selected.
Round 2:
Participants will be given one written program but there will be multiple bugs
in each program causing error in the output. Participants have to fix the
programs. Judgement will be taken on the basis of time taken. This round will
be of 30 minutes.
1. Open entries.
2. Team strength should not exceed more than 2. Students only from same
educational institutes can form a team.
3. The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition.
4. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehavior.
5. Judges decision shall be final and binding on all.
6. Advancing to next level will be judged on basis of time, accuracy and
number of questions solved.
7. The participants are required to carry a valid identity card from their
respective educational institutes.




● In order to compete in the Utkarsh eGaming 2023 VALORANT

Tournament, all members of a team must be registered on our registration
page with their respective team and team members. This must be done no
later than the end registration date mentioned.

● Each team must have a minimum of five (5) players that are eligible to play
for each match. Failure to provide the minimum number of players could
result in disqualification.

● All members of a roster must have their Riot account in good standing. This
includes not being banned, chat banned, or restricted in any way due to
toxicity, breaking game rules, or not complying with Riot’s code of conduct.

● This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Riot Games, Inc. or


● Teams will be randomly created by Aaina Staff for solo registered players.


• All matches will consist of a “Best of 1” in a single elimination bracket.

• Matches will be played only from the venue mentioned in the rule book, no
play from home is allowed.

• Seeding will be determined by recent collegiate events, open qualifiers for

regional events and ranks during VALORANT Episode 5, Act 2 or 3.

• The captain of each team must check in for their match 30 minutes before
their scheduled match time. Failure to do so could result in losing “in-game
pause time” or disqualification.

• Any team that checks in on time but fails to join the lobby more
than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time, will be

• Mode: Standard
• Allow Cheats: Off
• Tournament Mode: On
• Overtime: Win by Two: On
• Server Region: To be agreed upon by teams; if teams cannot come to an
agreement, the tournament administrator will make a decision based on
regional latency.
• Team Size: Five (5)
• All Matches will be played on the latest patch.

• Lotus
• Haven
• Split
• Ascent
• Icebox
• Pearl



● Team A bans 1 map

● Team B bans 1 map
● Team A bans 1 map
● Team B bans 1 map
● Team A bans 1 map
● The final map is randomized from the two remaining maps
● Team B has a side choice

● After the completion of a match, the score must be reported by the winning team
to a tournament administrator, with a screenshot of the scoreboard. If there is a
dispute with a match score or result, a tournament administrator must be
contacted immediately.

● Each team will have five (5) minutes of pause time on each map to address
technical delays or disconnections. Teams will only be allowed to pause during the
buy phase of a round. Pausing at any other time or for any reason deemed
unreasonable by a tournament administrator can result in the forfeiture of rounds
or the map.

● Both teams may agree to restart a map prior to Round 1 beginning if the latency is
unreasonable for the server selected.

● The Aaina Team reserves the right to broadcast any match being played. The
match will be hosted as normal, and a spectator will be added to the lobby to
observe the match. Players are not allowed to stream their perspective of the
● Games or sets are not to be replayed due to a misinterpretation of the rules OR
misconfiguration of game settings, excluding player-specific settings. Game
settings should be configured according to sections LOBBY RULE and MAP
POOL. It is the player’s responsibility to ask the TO for any clarification of the rule
set in the event of a disagreement. The outcome of a game or set will not be
changed after the fact, unless under extreme circumstances. Judgment is reserved
for tournament staff.
● Any team member who breaks Riot’s code of conduct, which prohibits the use of
sexism, racism, hate speech, targeted harassment, or any other behaviour of
discrimination, will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

● Any team member who is displaying excessive toxic behaviour during matches
may also be disqualified at the discretion of a tournament administrator.

● To report a player for breaking this conduct, please send a screenshot of the
offending behaviour to a tournament administrator.


● Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the

tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a game, splitting
payouts/prizes(s), or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The TO
reserves the right to deny pay-out of event winnings/prize(s) to any player
suspected of colluding.


● In all competitions, there should be a fair playing field for all players.

● Every encounter, whether a ladder match or other competition, must be played

according to the rules until it is complete and the result on the event page is entered
or, at events, the result sheet is completed. Any encounter that did not take place
should be deleted. Matches will be opened only by admins.

● It is not allowed for participants to bet on matches in their own competition.

Betting against yourself (in team leagues: against your own team) will get you (in
team leagues: your team) disqualified and the betting player(s) banned.

● Organizers reserve the right to withhold payout/prize(s) if any of these rules are


● If any unforeseen situations occur, judgment by tournament staff is final. Rules

may be altered between phases of a tournament in the best interests of the event.
(Example: A game-breaking glitch is discovered on a map mid-tournament that
could be exploited. The map may need to be removed from legal play for the
remainder of the event.)
Brawlhalla Online Tournament

A “game” is defined as an instance of combat where the outcome is determined by a

team/player losing all their stocks.

A “set” is defined as the best-of-3 or best-of-5 games that is played until a team/player
has won a majority of the set. (Multiple sets are only played in the case of the lower
seed team/player winning a set in the Grand Finals.)

A “match” is defined as the set or collection of sets wherein a team/player has

officially lost and the winning team/player advances to the next round of the

A team/player may not forfeit a match. Forfeiting a match will result in punitive
measures to be determined by the Tournament Administration, including the loss of
any prize money that the team/player may have otherwise been entitled to

If a team/player fails to show up for a match they were scheduled for, they will be
subject to punitive measures to be determined by the Tournament Administration,
including the loss of any prize money that the team/player may have otherwise been
entitled to.

If a team is otherwise disqualified for any reason, they will be subject to punitive
measures to be determined by the Tournament Administration, including the loss of
any prize money that the team/player may have otherwise been entitled to.

Games are only to be created and started under the instruction of a Tournament

Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals are best-of-5; all other matches are

In Game Settings
Every 2v2 game must be created with the following Game Rules:

 Game Mode: Stock

 Teams: On
 Team Damage: On
 Lives: 3
 Match Time: 8:00
 Gadgets: Off
 Test Features: Off
 Map Set: 2v2
Every 1v1 game must be created with the following Game Rules:

 Game Mode: Stock

 Teams: Off
 Lives: 3
 Match Time: 8:00
 Gadgets: Off
 Test Features: Off
 Map Set: 1v1
Every game must be created with the following Lobby Settings:

 Region: US-East (for US tournaments), Europe (for EU tournaments) or your

region’s appropriate server.
 Friends: Off
 Clanmates: Off
 Room Number: On
 Room Type: Custom
 Max Players: 4 (2v2), 2 (1v1)
 Map Choosing: Tournament Striking
 Blind Pick: Off

Legend/Stance Locking

On the first game of any set, the lower seed player(s) must lock in their Legend(s) and
Stance before the higher seed player(s) is required to. In every other game of a set, the
winning player(s) of the previous game must lock in their Legend(s) and Stance before
the losing player(s) is required to.

After both teams are locked in, the lobby can move forward and map striking begins.

On the first game of any set, the higher seed team/player must strike all but three
stages from the map pool. The lower seed team may then choose from the remaining
three stages by striking two.

Every game afterward within the set, the losing team/player of the previous game
must strike all but three stages from the map pool. The winning team of the previous
game may then choose from the remaining three stages by striking two.

Stoppage of Time / Interruption of Game

If a player has an unforeseen issue preventing them from starting their next match,
they may have up to 5 minutes within their set to correct the issue and start their
match. After 5 minutes, it is up to the discretion of the individual tournament
organizer whether or not the offending team/player will forfeit their match or if
additional time will be given for the team/player to correct their issue.

If the game has loaded and begun and a player has an unforeseen issue preventing
them from competing in the game within the first 10 seconds of the game, they may
suicide 3 times to prematurely terminate the game and correct their issue. As stated
above, they will have 5 minutes within the entire set to correct these issues.

Player Behavior

Each player must display well-mannered behavior throughout the entire duration of
the tournament. This includes before, during, and after competitions. Good behavior
is expected in all public areas of interaction which include but are not limited to
Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and the in-game Brawlhalla client.

Poor or negative behavior towards tournament staff, sponsors, or other players is

unacceptable and punitive measures will be taken on a case-by-case basis as
determined by the tournament organizer.

Cheating is strictly prohibited.

Any players found cheating are subject to removal from all official Brawlhalla

If any player is found using any cheat during competitive play, all games that were
affected will be subject to forfeiture and other potential penalties.

Intentionally losing a game, collusion, or any other action of a similar or reprehensible

nature will not be tolerated.

Each player must use their best efforts to compete in a sportsmanlike manner at all

Tournament Administration has the right to deem any name, tag, or clan name
inappropriate. If any name or tag (including clans) is flagged as inappropriate, teams
or players may be denied registration, disqualified, or required to change it
appropriately in order to continue.

Additional content may be required out of players by Tournament Administration,

which all players must make themselves available throughout the entire duration of
the tournament for.
Fall Guys Online Tournament Rule

The game involves up to 60 players who control jellybean-like creatures and compete
against each other in a series of randomly selected mini-games, such as obstacle courses or
tag. Players are eliminated as the rounds progress until the last remaining player is
eventually crowned the winner.

Competition Structure and Dates

• Matches will be played only from the venue mentioned in the rule book, no play
from home is allowed.
• Players must check in for their match 30 minutes before their scheduled match time.
Failure to do so could result in loss or disqualification.
• Any player that checks in on time but fails to join the lobby more than 10 minutes
after the scheduled start time, will be disqualified.
• There will be 81 different types of maps in Fall Guys: 32 Races, 10 Survival, 12 hunts,
12 Teams, 2 Logic, 1 Invisibeans and 12 Finals. However, 37 of the 81 rounds are
currently vaulted, meaning they are unable to be selected from the round pool until
they get unvaulted.
• Every match contains 5 rounds and each round can last approximately 1 to 5 minutes
max. This means that in the span of about 15 to 20 minutes, 59 contestants will fall
and one player will come out victorious.
• The moment the timer starts counting down, players need to dash out and survive
the challenges ahead. There is no time to think, simply go out there and run.
• No. of batches will be decided on the total no. of players registered and one batch
will consist of 60 players at max. One (1) winner from each batch will be selected and
then they will compete with each other until a single winner is not decided.


Maps will be selected randomly.


Race minigames will have players, well, racing! Each map will have it’s own quirks and
maybe a unique mechanic or two, but the goal is always the same. Make it to the end as
quickly as possible or be knocked out of the game. There are 26 race maps in Fall Guys
Ultimate Knockout:

 Big Fans
 Dizzy Heights
 Door Dash
 Freezy Peak
 Fruit Chute
 Full Tilt
 Gate Crash
 Hit Parade
 Lily Leapers
 Knight Fever
 Party Promenade
 Pipe Dream
 Roll On
 See Saw
 Short Circuit
 Ski Fall
 Skyline Stumble
 Slime Climb
 The Slimescraper
 Speed Circuit
 Tip Toe
 Track Attack
 Treetop Tumble
 Tundra Run
 Wall Guys
 The Whirlygig


Survival Games are another minigame set in Fall Guys. You’ll need to outlast a bunch of
other players on the map, usually while obstacles and objects are being thrown your way.
There are eight survival rounds in Fall Guys:

 Big Shots
 Block Party
 Hoverboard Heroes
 Jump Club
 Roll Out
 Snowball Survival
 Stompin Ground
 The Swiveller


Hunt games will have players either hunting each other like in Tail Tag, or hunting for
scoring points like jumping through hoops. These are usually centered around scoring as
many points as possible. There are nine hunt maps:

 Airtime
 Bounce Party
 Bubble Trouble
 Button Bashers
 Hoopsie Legends
 Leading Light
 Pegwin Pool Party
 Tail Tag
 Volleyfall


These are puzzle-based games; luckily, there are only two because they can gereallyal tricky:

 Perfect Match
 Sum Fruit


Team games can be some of the most frustrating games in Fall Guys; this is mainly due to
how your teammates can perform in the game. Sometimes you can have a killer round, but
your teammates just can’t hold their end up. There are 12 team games in Fall Guys:

 Basketfall
 Egg Scramble
 Egg Siege
 Fall Ball
 Hoarders
 Hoopsie Daisy
 Jinxed
 Pegwin Pursuit
 Power Trip
 Rock N Roll
 Snowy Scrap
 Team Tail Tag


The finale games are some of the most intense games in Fall Guys. It all comes down to this
moment. Will you be able to snag the crown? There are nine final maps:

 Blast Ball
 Fall Mountain
 Hex-A-Gone
 Hex-A-Ring
 Jump Showdown
 Lost Temple
 Roll Off
 Royal Fumble
 Thin Ice

Player Conduct:

 Any team member who breakfall Guys code of conduct, which prohibits the use of
sexism, racism, hate speech, targeted harassment, or any other behaviour of
discrimination, will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

 Any team member who is displaying excessive toxic behaviour during matches may
also be disqualified at the discretion of a tournament administrator.

 To report a player for breaking this conduct, please send a screenshot of the
offending behaviour to a tournament administrator.


 Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the

tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a game, splitting
payouts/prizes(s), or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The TO
reserves the right to deny pay-out of event winnings/prize(s) to any player
suspected of colluding.

Competitive Integrity:

 In all competitions, there should be a fair playing field for all players.

 Matches must be played according to the rules until it is complete and the result on
the event page is entered or, at events, the result sheet is completed. Any encounter
that did not take place should be deleted. Matches will be opened only by admins.

 Organizers reserve the right to withhold payout/prize(s) if any of these rules are

Final Rulings:

 If any unforeseen situations occur, judgment by tournament staff is final. Rules may
be altered between phases of a tournament in the best interests of the event.
(Example: A game-breaking glitch is discovered on a map mid-tournament that
could be exploited. The map may need to be removed from legal play for the
remainder of the event.)
2. Robo Games

2.1 Mini Robo Wars (7 Kg)

Design a wired/wireless, manually controlled machine that is capable of knocking out
or immobilized the opponents bot in a one on one competition.

1. The bot should fit in a box of 35cm x 35cm x 35cm (LxBxH) at any point during
the match. (Strictly)
2. The weight of the bot should not exceed the 7 Kg including the weight of
pneumatic source/tank. (Strictly)
3. All robots must have easily visible and control mobility in order to compete.
4. Power supply should not exceed 24 volt DC supply. (Strictly)
5. Use of an IC engine in any form is not allowed.

Robots can have any kind of magnetic weapons, cutters, flippers, saws, lifting devices,
spinning hammers etc.

Team Specifications
College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same

1. A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized.
2. A robot will be declared immobile if it cannot display linear motion of at least
two inches in a timed period of 30 seconds.
3. In case both the robots remain mobile after the end of the round then the winner
will be decided subjectively.
4. A robot that is unsafe, as deemed by the judges, will be disqualified
immediately and the opponent robot will be declared as the winner.
5. Every match will consist of 2 rounds of 5 min each and each subsequent round
will have a time gap of 1 min each.
6. If a robot is thrown out of the arena the round the opponent will be given extra
7. Robots cannot win by merely lifting their opponents. Organizers will allow
lifting for a maximum of 20 seconds for each lift and then the attacker robot
will be instructed to release the opponent. If, after being instructed to do so, the
attacker is unable to release, their robot may be disqualified.
8. If two or more robots become entangled due to any reason and becomes
trapped within another robot, then the competitors should make the
timekeeper aware and the fight should be stopped and the robots should be
separated by the safest means.
9. Points will be given on the basis of aggression, damage, control and strategy.
10. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
11. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.
The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules will
not be considered for the certificate.

2.2 RoboCon
Build a wired/wireless, manually controlled robot which can play a match by ball
passing or dragging in goal post.

1. Build 1 bot which can play with opponents’ team.
2. The bot should fit in a box of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm (LxBxH) at any point during
the match.
3. The weight of the bot should not exceed the 5 Kg. (Strictly)
4. All robots must have easily visible and control mobility in order to compete.
5. Power used should not exceed 12 Volt DC supply. (Strictly)
6. Use of an IC engine in any form is not allowed.

Team Specifications
College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same

Game Play
1. The bot will start from the bot starting zone.
2. Once started team members are not allowed to touch the bot.
3. Only one member is allowed to control the bot.
4. Two restarts are allowed during a game and bots will be placed at the last
checkpoint it crossed Judges' decision will be last and final in case of any
5. Physically damaging opponent’s bots will lead to foul and advantage will be
given to the opponent team.
6. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
7. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.
The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules will
not be considered for the certificate.
2.3 Line follower

The participants should build an autonomous bot that can follow the given path in
minimum possible time, without deviating from the line. The aim of the event is to
check the stability and sensing capabilities of the robot in comparison with other

1. The bot should fit in a box of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm (LxBxH) at any point during
the match.
2. The weight of the bot should not exceed the 5 Kg including the weight of
pneumatic source/tank.
3. All robots must have easily visible and control mobility in order to compete.
4. Power supply should not exceed 24 Volt DC supply.
5. Use of an IC engine in any form is not allowed.

The bot follow a black line.
1. Caging will be done before the start of the event.
2. Teams are not allowed to feed any information about the track although they
can calibrate their sensors as per the arena. Five minutes will be given to each
team for calibration.
3. The bot should not be constructed using readymade Lego kits or any
readymade mechanism. However, readymade gear assemblies can be used.
Violating this clause will lead to disqualification of the team.
4. Once started team members are not allowed to touch the bot.
5. Bot should not receive any signal from external means like
6. Three restarts are allowed during a run and bots will be placed to last
checkpoint it crossed
7. Judges decision will be last and final in case of any dispute.
8. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
9. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

Team Specifications
College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same

1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.

The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules will
not be considered for the certificate.
2.4 Robo Marathon
Build a wired/wireless, manually controlled robot which can complete the given track
in minimum possible time.
1. The bot should fit in a box of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm (LxBxH) at any point during
the match. (Strictly)
2. The weight of the bot should not exceed the 5 Kg. (Strictly)
3. All robots must have easily visible and control mobility in order to compete.
4. Power supply should be in range of 12-19 Volt DC supply.
5. Use of an IC engine in any form is not allowed.

Team Specifications
College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same

Game Play
1. The bot will start from the bot starting zone.
2. Once started team members are not allowed to touch the bot.
3. Only one member is allowed to control the bot.
4. There will be three check points in the arena.
5. Two restarts are allowed during a run and bots will be placed at the last
checkpoint it crossed Judges' decision will be last and final in case of any
6. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
7. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.
1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.

The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules
will not be considered for the certificate.

2.5 Light follower

The participants should build an autonomous bot that can follow the given light in
minimum possible time. The aim of the event is to check the stability and sensing
capabilities of the robot in comparison with other opponents
1. The bot should fit in a box of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm (LxBxH) at any point during
the match. (Strictly)
2. The weight of the bot should not exceed the 5 Kg including the weight of
pneumatic source/tank. (Strictly)
3. All robots must have easily visible and control mobility in order to compete.
4. Power supply should not exceed 12 Volt DC supply. (Strictly)
5. Use of an IC engine in any form is not allowed.

The bot will follow a light.
1. Caging will be done before the start of the event.
2. Teams are not allowed to feed any information about the track although they
can calibrate their sensors as per the arena. Five minutes will be given to each
team for calibration.
3. Teams found using hard coding will be disqualified.
4. The bot cannot be constructed using readymade Lego kits or any readymade
mechanism. However, readymade gear assemblies can be used. Violating this
clause will lead to disqualification of the team.
5. Once started team members are not allowed to touch the bot.
6. Bot should not receive any signal from external means like
7. Two restarts are allowed during a run and bots will be placed to last checkpoint
it crossed
8. Judges decision will be last and final in case of any dispute.
9. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
10. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

Team Specifications
College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the same

1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.
The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules
will not be considered for the certificate.


About the Event

RoboWars is an event that allows you to merge your passion for robot making with
your love for destruction. In this ferocious, tracherous competition with robots in an
arena of destruction with their flipping tusks, pneumatic spikes, hydraulic pincer,
angle grinders and lots more, slashing and wrecking other robots. This will decide the
fate of your robot whether it will be the king of ultimate glory or will end up in a junk

Team Specification
1. Maximum of 7 members in a team.
2. Team members can be from same college.
3. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
4. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

Weight and Size

1. The robot should fit in a box of dimension 800mm x 800mm x 600mm (L*B*H)
[at any time during the match]. The remote used to control the machine or any
external tank is not included in the size constraint.
2. The machine should not exceed 40 kg of weight.

1. Methods of mobility includes Rolling (with wheels or tracks), jumping or
hopping. Flying (with helium balloons, aerofoil, etc.) is not allowed.
2. Non-wheeled robots (whose whole body rolls being in contact with the floor)
should not have a continuous rolling motion.
3. The controller must not be changed during the game.

Robots Control
1. The robot could be controlled with wired or wireless remote.
2. Teams with wired control are completely responsible for the tangling problem
with their own bots. In such as a case, match will not be halted.
3. Teams with wireless remote control should have at least three frequency
wireless remote circuits to avoid frequency interference with other teams. The
case of any interference in the wireless systems will not be considered for

1. The robot should be powered electrically and power Supply has to be carried
by the participants. It can be either onboard or via wire. Use of any type of IC
(internal combustion) engine to power the bot is not allowed.
2. Batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type.
3. The electric voltage (EPD Electric Potential Difference) between 2 points
anywhere in the robot should not be more than 40V DC at any point of type.
4. All efforts must be made to avoid short circuits which may cause battery fire,
failure to do so will cause direct disqualification immediately.
5. Special care must be taken to protect the onboard batteries. Failing to do so will
cause a disqualification immediately (will be regarded as unsafe).
6. Changes of battery will not be allowed during the match (exemption can be
made in case of battery damage, which will be decided by the judges).
7. There should be a provision of a mandatory ‘kill switch’ to stop the robot in
case of any uncontrolled response.
8. It is suggested to have an extra battery ready and charged up during the event
so that you don’t have to suffer due to uncharged or damaged batteries.

Weapon Systems
1. Robots can have any kind of magnetic weapon, cutters, flippers, saws, lifting
devices, pneumatic weapons. Refer below for further details on Pneumatics or
Hydraulics based weapons.
2. Use of any kind of nets, tapes, gluebased, radio jamming, tasers, tesla coils
explosives or flame based weaponry systems are not allowed.
3. The robot itself should not intentionally be split into components.
4. Spraying of any kind of liquid or gaseous substance on the opponent is strictly

1. Robots can use noninflammable liquid to actuate hydraulic devices.
2. All hydraulic devices onboard must be securely mounted to ensure that if
ruptured, direct liquid streams should not escape the robot.
3. All hydraulicbased weaponry systems should use noncorrosive liquids and
your robot should be leakproof. Maximum pressure allowed is 8 bars.
4. Participants must indicate the used pressure with integrated or temporarily
fitted pressure gauge.
5. Entire hydraulic setup should be on board, no external input (from outside the
arena) could be given to the robot for functioning of its hydraulic system.
6. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.

1. Robots can use noninflammable, noncorrosive gases to actuate pneumatic
systems. Maximum pressure allowed is 8 bars.
2. Participant must be able to indicate the used pressure with integrated or
temporarily fitted pressure gauge. Also there should be a provision to check
the cylinder pressure on the robot.
3. Participant should have a safe way of refilling the systems and determining the
onboard pressure.
4. All pneumatic systems must be securely mounted to ensure that if ruptured it
will not escape the robot.

1. Special care should be taken for onboard batteries, pneumatics and hydraulics;
those without proper protection will not be allowed to compete.
2. If you have a robot or weapon design which does not fit within the categories
set forth in the above rules, please contact the event organizers.
3. Proper activation and deactivation of robots is critical. Robots must only be
activated/ deactivated in the arena or testing area with proper consent of the
event organizers.
4. All weapons with sharp edges must have a safety cover. Event organizers will
check your robots before the event. So safety covers are necessary. Without
them your bots will not be checked, and hence are not allowed in the event.
5. All participants build and operate robots at their own risk. Combat robotics is
inherently dangerous. There is no amount of regulation that can encompass all
the dangers involved. Please take care to not hurt yourself or others when
building, testing and competing. Any kind of activity (repairing, battery
handling, pneumatics systems etc.) which may cause damage to the
surroundings during the stay of the teams in the competition area should not
be carried out without the consent of organizers. Not following this rule may
result in disqualification.
6. There should be a ‘kill switch’ on the bot visible normally which would
disconnect all the power supply.
7. If you have a robot or weapon design that does not fit within the categories set
forth in these rules or is in some way ambiguous or borderline, please contact
the event organizers. Safe innovation is always encouraged, but surprising the
organizers with your brilliant exploitation of a loophole may cause your robot
to be disqualified before it even competes.

1. A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized. In case both the
robots remain mobile after the end of the round then the winner will be decided
subjectively as described below.
2. A robot will be declared immobilized if it cannot show linear motion of at least
one inch for a period of 30 seconds. However if it can show some degree of
circular movement, it will not be considered as immobilized. Incase both the
robots will remain mobile after the match, then the winner will be declared
3. Robots cannot win by pinning or lifting. Maximum of 10 seconds is allowed per
lift/ pin. Then the attacker robot is instructed to release the opponent.
4. If robots become entangled within a grinding or crushing weapon of the
opponent robot, the attacker will be instructed to release the opponent. Failing
to do so will lead to disqualification.
5. A robot that is deemed unsafe by the organizers after the match has begun will
be disqualified and therefore declared the loser. The match will be immediately
halted and the opponent will be awarded a win.
6. If a robot is thrown out of the arena the match will stop immediately, and the
robot still inside the arena will automatically be declared as the winner.
7. Points will be given on the basis of aggression, damage, control and strategy.
8. Aggression – Aggression is judged by the frequency, severity, boldness and
effectiveness of attacks deliberately initiated by the robot against its opponent.
If a robot appears to have accidentally attacked an opponent, that act will not
be considered Aggression.
9. Control – Control means a robot is able to attack an opponent at its weakest
point, use its Weapons in the most effective way, and minimize the damage
caused by the opponent or its weapons.
10. Damage – Through deliberate action, a robot either directly or indirectly
reduces the functionality, effectiveness or defensibility of an opponent.
Damage is not considered relevant if a robot inadvertently harms itself. Also, if
a pressure vessel or a rapidly spinning device on a robot fragments, any
damage to the opponent will not be considered "deliberate".
11. Strategy – The robot exhibits a combat plan that exploits the robot's strengths
against the weaknesses of its opponent. Strategy is also defined as a robot
exhibiting a deliberate defence plan that guards its weaknesses against the
strengths of the opponent
12. The decision of organizers will be final and in no case a organizer can be
persuaded to reconsider his/her decision by the participants.
13. Note : It has nothing to do with winning or losing. Winning is subjected to
making the opponent immobile.

1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.
The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules will
not be considered for the certificate.


This event requires that participants construct a 4 wheeled gripper robot with
constrained dimensions which could move over various terrains and performs simple
tasks such as grabbing and shifting

Bot Specifications
1. The bot should not be beyond 35cm*35cm*40cm (L*B*H) during the entire
game play.
2. There should not be a potential difference of more than 24V between any two
3. The wires should remain slag at all times during the game play.
4. Teams will have to bring their own power supply source for their bot.
5. Weight of the Bot Should not exceed 7Kg. (Strictly)

Game Play
1. Game play will be a total of 4 minutes.
2. The bot has to start from the initial starting point, pick up blocks and stack
them. Multiple blocks can be carried only in the gripper not anywhere else.
3. Block size will be 7 cm * 7 cm * 7 cm (L*B*H). (Strictly)
Points System
1. Two tower stacking - 10 points
2. Three tower stacking - 30 points
3. Four tower stacking - 50 points
4. A team can do any number of stacks.
5. There will be a total of 12 blocks.
6. If a team completes the task before 4 minutes then their time taken will be
Tie Breakers
1. Time taken for first stacking shall be noted and would be considered to resolve
any tie - breakers.
2. In case of any disputes, the decision of the coordinators would be final and
binding to all.
Team Specifications
1. College teams: A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants, all from the
same institute.
2. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
3. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.
1. Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
2. Certificates of Participation will be given to all teams.
The teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules will
not be considered for the certificate.

3 Miscellaneous


Welcome to the world of technology and the technocrats. Exhibitions are the most
cutting edge technology on display. This is the ideal platform for the budding
technocrats and the tech-savvy, providing them an opportunity to gain exposure and
interact with various researchers whose global expertise has brought these
breathtaking exhibits into existence.

Rules and regulations:

1. Open Entries
2. Maximum participants per team: 5, all are of same institute.
3. No repetition of team members allowed.
4. Each Team must have a Team Representative. All communications will be
coordinated with the specified Team Representative only.
5. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

Going Green
The engineering projects are invited from students under the theme GO GREEN.
The idea behind GO GREEN is to use non-conventional sources of energies. Green Expo is
focused on spreading awareness about renewable resources and save mother nature. Students
are invited to show their live projects in Green Expo.
Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques and IOT systems is suggested. The projects can be
built under the ideas such as use of robotics in agriculture, solar energy, green products, water
conservation, waste management, air purifiers, green building, renewal energy and organic
food etc.
3.2 Tech Mania –
Event is based on testing the knowledge of participants about technology and
software industry. The event would comprise of two rounds.

Round 1: Qualification Round

The teams will have to face a quiz in which each team will have to answer the MCQs
(30 Questions) based on topics like technological advancement, software industries,
coding, social media, tech companies and their founders. This round will be of 20
minutes. Top 10 teams will be selected.

Round 2: Face-Off
The Face-Off round will be based on answering questions displayed on screen. Each
team will be provided link to the quiz. Questions will be based on company founders,
coding, tech personalities and software industries. Team with the highest points will
be the winner.

1. Open entries.
2. Team strength should not exceed 2. The teams must adhere to the spirit of
healthy competition.
3. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehavior.
4. Judges decision shall be final and binding on all.
5. Advancing to next level will be judged on basis of time and accuracy.
6. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

3.3 Blue Print

Participants are expected to present a power point presentation on the following
theme: “Go Green using Artificial Intelligence”
Rules and Regulations
1. It’s an individual event.
2. Maximum of 7 minutes will be given for your presentation.
3. In Round 1 participant has to submit an abstract (in not more than 350 words).
4. Failing to do so would result in automatic disqualification of the participant.
IMPORTANT NOTE - The email should clearly mention the registration ID of
the participant, the name of participant, college details and contact number of
the participant.
5. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the final presentation round.
6. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.
The shortlisted candidates will give their presentations and candidates will have to
handle the queries asked by the Judges. Their presentations will be evaluated on the
following benchmarks.
1. Content 20%
2. Confidence level 20%
3. Feasibility 20%
4. Originality 20%
5. Query Handling 20%
There may be a final round of faceoff between the final selected candidates in which
a technical debate over a topic based on the theme would happen. Specific details
would be disclosed to the candidates later.

3.4 Think Tank

Think Tank is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to showcase their products.

The product should be based on the theme GO GREEN. Candidates will pitch their
ideas and products in front of the Judges using power point presentation. Think Tank
is an chance to advance the ideas to real life application.

1. Product 20%
2. Innovation 20%
3. Feasibility 20%
4. Originality 20%
5. Query Handling 20%

1. Open entries.
2. Team strength should not exceed 5. The teams must adhere to the spirit of
healthy competition.
3. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehavior.
4. Judges decision shall be final and binding on all.
5. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.

3.5 KBUT (Kaun Banega Utkarsh TechnoChamp)

All the questions of KBUT (First and Final Round) will be asked from the title “Use of
Artificial Intelligence and IOT in Monitoring and Control of Air Pollution” along with the
fundamental facts and statistical data about air pollution.

1. Shortlisting by MCQ based Technical Quiz Paper (General Technical
2. 04 students will be selected for final round (One Student from University and
Each College)

Main Game play
Total number of Questions – 12
The timing and stages are given below.

Stage 4
(Champion Prize)
Stage 3
(Second Prize)
Stage 2
(Third Prize)
Stage 1
(Token Prize)


1. 50:50- There will be four options for each question, but if the participant
selected this life line, two options will be omitted and two options will remain.
2. Carry-A-Friend- The participant will carry a friend to answer one question for
which this lifeline is selected.
3. Expert Advice- Each participant will be provided with an EXPERT to answer
one question for which the participant will select this life line.

Time Limits
Question No. 1 to 4: 20 Seconds
Question No. 5 to 8: 25 Seconds
Question No. 9 to 10: 30 Seconds
Question No. 11 to 12: 35 Seconds

The participant will be declared “Utkarsh Techno Champ” if he/she completes all
the stages successfully. In case if no participant completes all the stages, the
participant with highest marks will be declared Techno Champ considering value
of each question as 10 marks.

3.6 Innovate
Innovate is an intellectually stimulating environment that spurs innovation and
collaboration to get the best out of technologists. Innovate is a hackathon which
encourages the participants to create modernized and innovative approach to current
issues faced by the industries. Each team will have to make and present projects on
one of the following problem statements –

1. Develop an automated irrigation system for gardens.

2. Develop an automated smart library management system.
3. Make waste management system for lakes and rivers.
4. Develop a software which tells farmers which tells the farmer when to irrigate the
crop on the basis of weather predictions.
5. Develop a smart system that converts normal speaker to smart speaker using 3.5
mm jack or USB.
6. Make a family safety software or a device for the protection of each family member.
7. Develop an AI based software that tells farmers about the pesticides to be used on
crops on the basis of picture taken.
8. Make fire proof robot that can help people stuck inside the building of fire.
9. Develop a cost efficient attendance management system.
10. Develop an online ambulance booking and tracking system.
11. Develop a white cane that feedbacks the blind person.
12. Develop a real time subtitle making software for calls for deaf people.
13. Develop a system which detects the flood prone areas.
14. Develop a device or software that provides blind people a secondary vision.
15. Develop a portal for jobs available in the local region for disabled people.
16. Make IOT device and a software for women safety.

Judging criteria will be based on the following factors:

Originality 20%
Creativity 20%
Commercial viability 20%
Innovation 20%
Design and Implementation 20%

1. Open entries.
2. Team strength should not exceed 6. The teams must adhere to the spirit of
healthy competition.
3. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehavior.
4. Judges decision shall be final and binding on all.
5. All students with a valid identity card from their respective educational
institution are eligible to participate.


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