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UNIT 50. Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so/I hope so etc.

A. There are two verbs in each of these sentences:

I have lost my keys.

She can't come to the party.

The hotel was built ten years ago.

Where do you live?

In these examples have/can't/was/do are auxiliary (= helping) verbs.

You can use an auxiliary verb (without the rest of the sentence) when you don't want to repeat

'Have you locked the door?' 'Yes, I have.' (= I have locked the door)

George wasn't working but Janet was. (= Janet was working)

She could lend me the money but she won't. (= she won't lend me the money)

'Are you angry with me?' 'Of course I'm not.' (= I'm not angry)

Use do/does/did for the present and past simple:

'Do you like onions?' 'Yes, I do. (= I like onions)

'Does Mark smoke?' 'He did but he doesn't anymore.'

B. We use have you?/isn't she?/do they? etc. to show polite interest in what somebody has said:

'I've just met Simon.' 'Oh, have you? How is he?'

'Liz isn't very well today.' 'Oh,98 isn't she? What's wrong with her?'

'It rained every day during our holiday.' 'Did it? What a pity!'

Sometimes we use these 'short questions' to show surprise:

'Jim and Nora are getting married.' 'Are they? Really?'

C. We use auxiliary verbs with so and neither:

'I'm feeling tired.' 'So am L' (= I'm feeling tired too)

'I never read newspapers.' 'Neither do L' (= I never read newspapers either)

Sue hasn't got a car and neither has Martin. Note the word order after so and neither (verb before

I passed the exam and so did Tom. (not 'so Tom did') You can use nor instead of neither:
'I can't remember his name.' 'Nor can I' or 'Neither can I' You can also use '...not ... either':

'I haven't got any money.' 'Neither have I' or 'Nor have I' or 'I haven't either.'

D. I think so/I hope so etc. After some verbs you can use so when you don't want to repeat

'Are those people English?' J think so.' (= I think they are English)

'Will you be at home tomorrow morning?' 'I expect so.' (= I expect I'll be at home..)

'Do you think Kate has been invited to the party?' 'I suppose so.' You can also say I hope so, I guess
so and I'm afraid so.

The usual negative forms are: I think so/I expect so -> I don't think so/I don't expect so

I hope so/I'm afraid so/I guess so -> I hope not/I'm afraid not/I guess not

I suppose so/I don't suppose so or I suppose not

'Is that woman American?' 'I think so./I don't think so.'

'Do you think it's going to rain?' J hope so./I hope not.' (not 'I don't hope so')

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