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Communication Directing

Communication is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans as well as Leadership

to an organization. It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, Incentives

facts, feelings from one place, person or group to another. Communication is the Communication

key to the Directing function of management. Elements of Directing

Introduction, Meaning, Importance and

A manager may be highly qualified and skilled but if he does not possess good Principles of Directing

communication skills, all his ability becomes irrelevant. A manager must

communicate his directions effectively to the subordinates to get the work done Download the App
from them properly. Watch lectures, practise questions and take tests
on the go.

Table of content

1 Suggested Videos

2 Process of Communication

2.1 1. Sender
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2.2 2. Message QUESTION PAPERS
2.3 Browse more Topics under Directing

2.4 3. Encoding Quick TIPS AND TRICKS for

2.5 4. Media Successful Exam Preparation

2.6 5. Decoding

2.7 6. Receiver Download NCERT Notes and

2.8 7. Feedback

2.9 8. Noise

3 Importance of Communication Learn from VIDEO lectures

3.1 1. The Basis of Co-ordination

3.2 2. Fluent Working

3.3 3. The Basis of Decision Making

3.4 4. Increases Managerial Efficiency

3.5 5. Increases Cooperation and Organizational Peace

3.6 6. Boosts Morale of the Employees

4 Types of Communication

4.1 1. Formal Communication

4.1.1 Vertical Communication

4.1.2 Horizontal Communication

4.1.3 Types of communication networks in formal communication:

4.2 2. Informal Communication

4.2.1 Types of Grapevine network:

4.3 3. Unofficial Communication

5 Barriers of Communication

5.1 1. Semantic Barriers

5.2 2. Psychological Barriers

5.3 3. Organizational Barriers

5.4 4. Personal Barriers

6 Communication Channels

7 Models of Communications

8 Verbal Communication

9 Nonverbal Communication

10 Mass and Public Communications

10.1 Control of mass communications

10.2 Effects of mass communications

11 FAQ on Communication

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Process of Communication
Communications is a continuous process that mainly involves three elements viz.
sender, message, and receiver. The elements involved in the communication
process are explained below in detail:

1. Sender

The sender or the communicator generates the message and conveys it to the
receiver. He is the source and the one who starts the communication

2. Message

It is the idea, information, view, fact, feeling, etc. that is generated by the sender
and is then intended to be communicated further.

Browse more Topics under Directing

Introduction, Meaning, Importance & Principles of Directing

Elements of Direction



3. Encoding

The message generated by the sender is encoded symbolically such as in the form
of words, pictures, gestures, etc. before it is being conveyed.

4. Media

It is the manner in which the encoded message is transmitted. The message may be
transmitted orally or in writing. The medium of communication includes
telephone, internet, post, fax, e-mail, etc. The choice of medium is decided by the

Learn more about Types of Communication here in detail.

5. Decoding

It is the process of converting the symbols encoded by the sender. After decoding
the message is received by the receiver.

6. Receiver

He is the person who is last in the chain and for whom the message was sent by the
sender. Once the receiver receives the message and understands it in proper
perspective and acts according to the message, only then the purpose of
communication is successful.

7. Feedback

Once the receiver confirms to the sender that he has received the message and
understood it, the process of communication is complete.

8. Noise

It refers to any obstruction that is caused by the sender, message or receiver during
the process of communication. For example, bad telephone connection, faulty
encoding, faulty decoding, inattentive receiver, poor understanding of message due
to prejudice or inappropriate gestures, etc.

(Source: businessjargons)

Importance of Communication
1. The Basis of Co-ordination

The manager explains to the employees the organizational goals, modes of their
achievement and also the interpersonal relationships amongst them. This provides
coordination between various employees and also departments. Thus,
communications act as a basis for coordination in the organization.

2. Fluent Working

A manager coordinates the human and physical elements of an organization to run

it smoothly and efficiently. This coordination is not possible without proper

3. The Basis of Decision Making

Proper communication provides information to the manager that is useful for

decision making. No decisions could be taken in the absence of information. Thus,
communication is the basis for making the right decisions.

Learn more about Barriers of Communication here in detail.

4. Increases Managerial Efficiency

The manager conveys the targets and issues instructions and allocates jobs to the
subordinates. All of these aspects involve communication. Thus, communication is
essential for the quick and effective performance of the managers and the entire

5. Increases Cooperation and Organizational Peace

The two-way communication process promotes co-operation and mutual

understanding amongst the workers and also between them and the management.
This leads to less friction and thus leads to industrial peace in the factory and
efficient operations.

6. Boosts Morale of the Employees

Good communication helps the workers to adjust to the physical and social aspects
of work. It also improves good human relations in the industry. An efficient system
of communication enables the management to motivate, influence and satisfy the
subordinates which in turn boosts their morale and keeps them motivated.

Types of Communication
1. Formal Communication

Formal communications are the one that flows through the official channels
designed in the organizational chart. It may take place between a superior and a
subordinate, a subordinate and a superior or among the same cadre employees or
managers. These communications can be oral or in writing and are generally
recorded and filed in the office.

Formal communication may be further classified as Vertical communication and

Horizontal communication.

Vertical Communication

Vertical Communications as the name suggests flows vertically upwards or

downwards through formal channels. Upward communication refers to the flow of
communication from a subordinate to a superior whereas downward
communication flows from a superior to a subordinate.

Application for grant of leave, submission of a progress report, request for loans
etc. are some of the examples of upward communication. Sending notice to
employees to attend a meeting, delegating work to the subordinates, informing
them about the company policies, etc. are some examples of downward

Horizontal Communication

Horizontal or lateral communication takes place between one division and another.
For example, a production manager may contact the finance manager to discuss the
delivery of raw material or its purchase.

Types of communication networks in formal communication:

Single chain: In this type of network communications flows from every

superior to his subordinate through a single chain.

Wheel: In this network, all subordinates under one superior communicate

through him only. They are not allowed to talk among themselves.

Circular: In this type of network, the communication moves in a circle.

Each person is able to communicate with his adjoining two persons only.

Free flow: In this network, each person can communicate with any other
person freely. There is no restriction.

Inverted V: In this type of network, a subordinate is allowed to

communicate with his immediate superior as well as his superior’s superior
also. However, in the latter case, only ordained communication takes place.

2. Informal Communication

Any communication that takes place without following the formal channels of
communication is said to be informal communication. Informal communication is
often referred to as the ‘grapevine’ as it spreads throughout the organization and in
all directions without any regard to the levels of authority.

Informal communication spreads rapidly, often gets distorted and it is very difficult
to detect the source of such communication. It also leads to rumours which are not
true. People’s behaviour is often affected by rumours and informal discussions
which sometimes may hamper the work environment.

However, sometimes these channels may be helpful as they carry information

rapidly and, therefore, may be useful to the manager at times. Informal channels
are also used by the managers to transmit information in order to know the
reactions of his/her subordinates.

Learn more about 7 C’s of Communication here in detail.

Types of Grapevine network:

Single strand: In this network, each person communicates with the other
in a sequence.

Gossip network: In this type of network, each person communicates with

all other persons on a non-selective basis.

Probability network: In this network, the individual communicates

randomly with other individuals.

Cluster Network: In this network, the individual communicates with only

those people whom he trusts. Out of these four types of networks, the
Cluster network is the most popular in organizations.

3. Unofficial Communication

There is also an unofficial way of communication. Unofficial communication

refers to employee communication outside of the workplace on matters unrelated
to work. Friendly meetings, dinner outings, and social gatherings among
employees are examples of unofficial communication channels. The management
must be aware of the existence of such a channel and the information flowing
through it.

Barriers of Communication
The communication barriers may prevent communication or carry incorrect
meaning due to which misunderstandings may be created. Therefore, it is essential
for a manager to identify such barriers and take appropriate measures to overcome
them. The barriers to communication in organizations can be broadly grouped as

1. Semantic Barriers

These are concerned with the problems and obstructions in the process of encoding
and decoding of a message into words or impressions. Normally, such barriers
result due to the use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations,

For example, a manager has to communicate with workers who have no

knowledge of the English language and on the other side, he is not well conversant
with the Hindi language. Here, language is a barrier to communication as the
manager may not be able to communicate properly with the workers.

2. Psychological Barriers

Emotional or psychological factors also act as barriers to communication. The state

of mind of both sender and receiver of communication reflects in the effective
communication. A worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry
recipient cannot understand the message properly.

Thus, at the time of communication, both the sender and the receiver need to be
psychologically sound. Also, they should trust each other. If they do not believe
each other, they cannot understand each other’s message in its original sense.

3. Organizational Barriers

The factors related to organizational structure, rules and regulations authority

relationships, etc. may sometimes act as barriers to effective communication. In an
organization with a highly centralized pattern, people may not be encouraged to
have free communication. Also, rigid rules and regulations and cumbersome
procedures may also become a hurdle to communication.

4. Personal Barriers

The personal factors of both sender and receiver may act as a barrier to effective
communication. If a superior thinks that a particular communication may adversely
affect his authority, he may suppress such communication.

Also, if the superiors do not have confidence in the competency of their

subordinates, they may not ask for their advice. The subordinates may not be
willing to offer useful suggestions in the absence of any reward or appreciation for
a good suggestion.

Communication Channels
Communication channels are the means by which people in a company
communicate and interact with one another. Without the proper communication
channel, it is exceedingly difficult for employees to align with the business
objectives and goals, as well as drive innovation and progress in the workplace.

Along with Formal and Informal Communication Channels, we also have a few
different types of channels used in business organizations. They are as follows:

Digital communication channels –

To reach and engage their staff, most firms use digital communication platforms.
They include a variety of online tools that employees utilize to stay in touch with
one another and stay up to date on corporate news and developments. This form of
communication channel is thought to be the most effective of all.

A few examples are social media, intranets, employee collaboration software,

project management tools, feedback software, etc.

Face-to-face communication channels –

Face-to-face communication is still vitally crucial in the workplace, despite the fact
that electronic forms of communication are gaining over. It is still crucial since
many situations require nonverbal communication (body language, gestures, signs,
facial expressions, etc.).

Written communication channels –

Within corporations, this sort of communication is nearly extinct. However, textual

communication is still required when communicating critical policies, letters,
memos, manuals, notices, and announcements to employees. But, for external
communications with the customers, retailers, distributors and other individuals,
written communication is still the most effective.

A few examples are emails, live chat, text messages, blogs, newsletters, written
documents, etc.

Models of Communications
The communication process is divided into three standard models: linear,
interactive, and transactional. They are useful because they simplify the
fundamental structure of communication and can help us understand it not only
verbally, but also visually. Most importantly, they identify the many
communication pieces and act as a form of a map to explain how different portions
of the communication process are interconnected.

Linear Model –

In this model, a sender encrypts a message and sends it to the recipient via a
channel. The message is decoded by the receiver. There could be obstacles or
background noise in the communication process. Also known as Straight-line
communication, it is most common in mainstream media such as television, radio,
and newspapers. There is no way to get immediate feedback in this model.

Interactive Model –

The Interactive model is similar to the Linear model, except it includes feedback.
The feedback concept was introduced to the model, which gave a closer simulation
of interpersonal human interaction than was previously known. Interactional
models follow two channels in a more dynamic perspective of communication.
After receiving the message, the receiver encodes and transmits a response to the
original sender, who has now become the receiver. A common example of this
model is a telephonic call.

Transactional Model –

In the Transactional Model, the receiver and sender can both perform the same
roles at the same time, as messages can be sent back and forth at the same time.
People generate shared meaning in a more dynamic process in the transactional
model. To create common meaning, there must be some overlap in realms of
experience. In other words, if people are to communicate at all, communicators
must share at least some degree of cultural, linguistic, or environmental

Verbal Communication
Vocal communication is accompanied by auditory signals produced by a vibrating
organ, such as the larynx in mammals’ throats. The vocal communication is the
process through which speakers’ express emotions by changing the nonverbal
components of their speech, and listeners use nonverbal aspects of speech to infer
the speaker’s emotional experience. This comprises aspects of the voice such as
intonation, stress, volume, speed, and accent interference. We use vocal
communication to frame our message more effectively. This form of
communication, as well as voice features such as pauses and focus stress, are used
to build a structure that allows the listener to follow your message.

Intonation – Intonation defines how the pitch of your voice increases and
falls during a speech. A shift or variation in pitch can have an impact on the
meaning of what we say.

Stress – Stressing is the process of emphasizing a word or statement in

order to bring attention to it. Stress syllables and words are said louder, for a
longer period of time, and with a higher pitch. When the speaker is
monotone, these crucial cues are missing, and the message becomes

Pauses – The pause allows the speaker to gather his or her thoughts before
making the final argument. This allows the audience to stay up with you
while also giving them time to process what you just stated.

Focus Stress – The listener’s attention is drawn to a certain word or phrase

when there is focus tension. The employment of focus stress is used to
clarify, emphasize, or demonstrate the difference.

Pace – Pace is the rate at which you speak. The pace might be rapid, slow,
or moderate, and it can fluctuate throughout. It is claimed to vary the tempo,
quickening up at times and then slowing down depending on the scenario
and the significance of the context, in order to keep the audience’s attention.

Nonverbal Communication
Non-Vocal Communication is the technique of transmitting meaning without the
use of written or spoken words. Non-verbal communication refers to any
communication between two or more people that involves the use of facial
expressions, hand motions, body language, postures, and gestures. These non-
vocal cues can provide insights, supplementary information, and significance in
addition to spoken communication.

Non-vocal elements such as unspoken symbols, signs, and signals to express

meaning are examples of verbal communication. Non-vocal elements such as body
language, gestures, facial emotions, and eye contact are examples of nonverbal


Signals are movements that are used to express to others one’s wants, desires, and
feelings. Signaling is a type of expressive communication. The primary goal of
signals is to change a single environmental aspect in order to attract attention and
convey meaning.


Signs do not belong to any specific language, although they are found in
practically every region of the world. The primary distinction between a sign and a

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