Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Project Management

Chapter 10
Project Management

Chapter 10 highlights the elements of a well-defined

project plan and offers the ICT systems cabling installer
strategies to support management of a successful
project. This chapter reflects industry best practices
for elements such as conducting site surveys, required
project documentation, project meetings, and material
handling and storage.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Table of Contents

Project Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Project Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Gathering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Contract Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Project Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Construction Specifications . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
Designer’s Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Checking Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Materials List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14
Scope of Work (SoW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15
Project Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15
Conducting a Site Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
Preparing for the Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20
Reviewing Responsibilities with Team Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
Examining the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
Developing a Job Plan (Pre-construction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
Project Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25
Project Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25
Request for Information (RFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
Submittals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
Job Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28
Acceptance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Punch List . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Record Drawings (As-Built Drawings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Closeout Submittals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
Maintenance and Material Equipment Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
Test Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
Final Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
Project Safety Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
Project Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33
Initial Construction Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33
Pre-installation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33
Perform Site Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Retrofit Additional Survey Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35

Progress Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35
Ordering Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36
Receiving Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36
Storing Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37
Work Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37
Company-Controlled Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-38
Distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-38
Distributing Materials on Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-38
Managing the Project Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-38
Closeout of a Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
Professionalism and the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
Project Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
Team Member Responsibilities . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
Project Team Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
Project Management Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-41

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Figure 10 .1 Example of project drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….. . . 10-4
Figure 10 .2 Sample T0 drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
Figure 10 .3 Sample T1 drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 10-7
Figure 10 .4 Sample room detail (top view) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….. . . . . 10-8
Figure 10.5 Example of a cover page for construction specifications . . . . . . . . ….. … ... . . 10-10
Figure 10 .6 Floor plan with proposed ICT work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . . . 10-12
Figure 10 .7 Sample riser diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Figure 10 .8 Example of access/security badge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20

Table 10 .1 Example of a project schedule . . . . . . . . . . . …….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Management
Planning, implementation, documentation, and professionalism are crucial to a
successful ICT installation project. Taking the time to develop a well-defined plan
before a project starts will enable an installation delivery to be completed on time
and within budget, and it will ensure that the work can be properly performed to
meet all customer requirements.
Project management is a discipline that encompasses planning, organizing, and
managing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project goals and
objectives. This chapter describes the components of a project plan and outlines
how to use the plan to manage a project more effectively.
Large, complex projects require more time to plan. It is difficult to manage loosely
defined objectives and the efforts of a large project team over an extended period.
Large projects may have several PMs, each of whom is assigned responsibility for a
different organization or activity. Some projects may not have an individual with the
formal PM title, and these tasks may be performed by a team leader, lead installer,
or a lead technician.
The purpose of a project plan is to provide:
• A tool for managing the project.
• An understanding of the work to be done and how it fits into the overall project.
• A list of project objectives.
• A list of specific tasks.
• A project schedule to track time and resources.
• Staffing assignments and project responsibilities.
• The identification of potential roadblocks and strategies for addressing them.
• Definitions of the documentation, forms, and procedures used on the job.
• A way to get commitment from the project team.

A BICSI® ICT Installer/Technician career path option to consider would be to

continue your ICT education to become a BICSI Registered Telecommunications
Project Manager (RTPM).

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Plan
An ICT project plan addresses all aspects of the installation. Conduct a pre-project
meeting to develop a pre-construction plan for the project. Developing this plan
involves a series of tasks, including:
• Gathering and reviewing contract documents, including drawings, specifications,
material list, and SoW.
• Developing the project schedule.
• Developing project documentation, including a project log, acceptance plan, and
forms for RFI, submittals, change orders, and project closeout documentation.
• Conducting a site survey to verify installation information.
• Reviewing and incorporating the correct safety plan.
An understanding of the following will contribute to the success and effectiveness of
the plan:
• Contract documents.
• Industry standards (e.g., BICSI, TIA, ETSI).
• Seismic codes per geography.
• Building codes and AHJ requirements (safety issues).
• BICSI manuals (design elements).
• Manufacturer’s specifications (e.g., installation methods, product quality).
• ICT fundamentals.

Gathering Information
Contract Documents
The contract is a written document that states the legal obligations of the customer
and the contractor. Some customers do not use contracting forms; they simply
generate a PO that refers to the other documents associated with the project. If a
contract is available, ensure that copies of the contract and any supplemental
documents it lists are provided to the ICT systems cabling installation team PM.
Contract documents typically include contracting requirements (e.g., agreement,
project forms, general and supplementary conditions, revisions, clarifications and
modifications), written specifications, and contract drawings.

Contracts may list penalties (e.g., liquidated damages) associated with work delays.

When installations are needed, building owners and managers have several ways of
soliciting prices from ICT systems contractors such as an RFP, RFQ, and an advertised
bid. In the Design-Bid-Build method of project delivery, the design professionals
deliver the contract drawings and specifications to the owner prior to soliciting
prices. In the Design-Build project delivery method the contractors and designers
are responsible for both the project design and construction.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

The contract documents typically contain drawings and specifications that identify
the materials to be used, the standards by which they will be installed, and the
individual installation locations. These contract documents may be transmitted
directly to a single general contractor or may be made available to multiple potential
prime contractors as bids are being solicited for the work.
In addition to these plans, the contract documents may include the following:
• ICT systems designer’s drawings (e.g., floor plans, risers, cabling installation
• List of materials.
• SoW.
• Customer safety plan.
• Overall project schedule.
• Other applicable contract documents that dictate the progress or method of
installation for the project, including:
– Conditions of the contract.
– General conditions that define the responsibilities of the contractual parties.
– Supplementary conditions that modify general conditions for a specific project.
– Notice of award.
– Certificates of insurance.
– Performance bonds (if necessary).
– Clarifications not incorporated in the contract.
For some projects, the contractor or a member of the ICT systems team will be
responsible for developing a set of submittal documents, a list of materials, and the
installation SoW.

Project Drawings
Project drawings (see Figure 10.1) are usually prepared by licensed architects,
registered professional engineers, and other design professionals. Traditional
project documents rely on two dimensional drawings; however, some projects share
BIM files with 3D (width, height, and depth) spatial dimensions. BIM files may be
used during the project to include properties of building components and enable
collaborative processes during construction. They usually will be accompanied by a
document containing written specifications; on smaller projects the specifications
may be included on the drawing pages.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.1
Example of project drawing

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

The following can be used to determine which drawing set(s) are necessary:
• A drawings—Architectural drawings show a plan (top) view of each floor in a
building. Architectural drawings include all aspects of the physical construction of
the building, which provide the detail for such items as wall types, elevations,
rated construction (fire and smoke), reflected ceiling plans, door hardware
schedule, exact floor penetration dimensions, cabinetry, and furnishings. If the
architect employs interior designers, their work will be reflected on these
• M drawings—Mechanical drawings indicate the size and route of the HVAC system
ducts, air handler units, chilled water piping, and refrigerant piping within the
• E drawings—Electrical drawings are very important to ICT systems cabling
installers. They indicate where the electrical services are installed inside the
building and the pathways that may be installed by the electrical contractor for use
by the cabling installation team. The drawings indicate the grounding system
installed by the electrical contractor and the location of supporting structures
installed by the electrical contractor (e.g., floor boxes, cable tray, surface raceway,
poke-thrus, duct banks).
• P drawings—Plumbing drawings indicate the size and route of potable water,
specialized water, sanitary sewer, and rainwater roof drain piping within the
• FP drawings—Fire protection drawings indicate the size and route of fire
suppression system piping and associated fire suppression agent heads and
nozzles within the structures.
• T drawings—Telecommunications, security, and audiovisual drawings indicate
telecommunications work area outlet locations, pathways, distribution room,
TR space layouts, and media required for the project.
• S drawings—Structural drawings are important because the drawings indicate the
location of all components of the building structure itself—the steel beams,
concrete floors, exterior walls, and other components that make up the basic
structure. The plans contain detailed sectionalized drawings that give both a plan
(top) view and an elevation (side) view of the structures.
Drawing packages provide the telecommunications pathways as well as
telecommunications outlet/connector drawings. In complex installations (e.g.,
school buildings, hospitals), there may be separate drawings for electrical, data,
audiovisual, fire alarm, and security systems. Alternatively, some projects use
coordinated service drawings, which integrate the M, E, P, and T drawings to
mitigate risk of collision or obstruction by different systems.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

For larger projects, T drawing sets may be comprised of up to six layers. The layers
are as follows:
• T0 drawings—Campus or site plans: exterior pathways and interbuilding systems.
• T1 drawings—Layout of complete building per floor: serving zone boundaries,
backbone distribution systems, and horizontal pathways.
• T2 drawings—Serving zones: telecommunications outlet/connector locations and
cable IDs.
• T3 drawings—Communication equipment rooms: plan views; tech and
architectural; electrical, mechanical, and plumbing; racks and walls; & elevations.
• T4 drawings—Typical detail drawings: faceplate labeling, firestopping,
disability/accessibility guidelines, and safety.
• T5 drawings—Schedules (cabling and equipment spreadsheets) for cutovers.
Examples of a T0 and T1 drawing can be found in Figures 10.2 and 10.3, respectively.
An example of a basic room drawing from a T2 drawing set is shown in Figure 10.4.
ICT symbols and other discipline symbols that are commonly found on
telecommunications design drawings can be found in the Glossary.

Figure 10.2
Sample T0 drawing

MH = Maintenance hole
R/W = Right-of-way
UG = Underground
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.3
Sample T1 drawing

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.4
Sample room detail (top view)

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

In some cases, pathways shown on design documents are schematic in nature. They
do not reflect the actual route or path; rather, they indicate beginning and end
points. Means and methods of specific cable installation routes are left up to the
The following are types of drawings that can be found within each set:
• Site drawings can be provided by civil, landscape, or electrical engineers or by
other members of the design team. These drawings indicate locations of exterior
pathways that are being installed for use by the ICT systems contractor. The
drawings indicate the size, quantity, and route of the pathways as well as the service
each will support. Site drawings usually identify service entrance pathways that will
be used by the local service providers in bringing service to the building from the
public network.
• Cross-sectional and elevation drawings show the building profile and the floor-to-
floor relationships within each building.
• One-line/riser diagrams show a schematic of the riser cabling, horizontal cabling,
and pathways and spaces.
• Floor plans are an overhead view showing dimensional relationships on each
individual floor of TRs, work area outlets, and cabling or pathway routes.
• Enlarged room detail drawings provide details of cable terminations, equipment
locations, cross-connects, and electrical services within the room.
• The drawing package generally contains one or more sheets for general notes,
legends, symbols, and abbreviations as well as a drawing list. It is important to check
this information to:
– Verify possession of all drawings on the drawing list and confirm none are
– Understand the symbols on the legend and interpret general and keyed code
– Identify all plans that impact installation of work.
– Identify locations of details and special notes.
– Understand how the overall project is expected to come together.
– Note any special requirements or limitations.
– Understand who is responsible for installing pathways. Do not assume that other
trades will be responsible.
– Compare the design with all sheets. Determine locations of other services and
Systems in walls, ceilings, and floors that impact installation. Coordinate with
other trades and verify installation.
Construction Specifications
Specifications provide a written description of the work to be performed and the
responsibilities and duties required of the contractors. Specifications also identify
whichproducts are to be used, as well as applicable standards, performance criteria,
warranty, installation, and testing methods that are required. This information is
typically created as a separate document for the project, and may have a cover page
(see Figure 10.5). Together with the drawings, contract forms, and conditions, the
specifications form the basis of contractual requirements.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.5
Example of a cover page for construction specifications

See Appendix C: Project Documentation Examples for further detail about specifications.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Designer’s Drawings
Drawings provide a pictorial representation of design professionals’ intent for
locating work on the project. A BICSI RCDD® may be employed by the customer,
architect, engineer, or ICT systems company to develop the required
telecommunications drawings and specifications. If not, a member of the installation
team may develop the drawings and specifications. In some jurisdictions, the AHJ
requires permit drawings be stamped by an RCDD or professional engineer.

These drawings and documents indicate the intent for size, quantity, description,
and route of the cables to be installed as well as the type of hardware used for
supporting and terminating the cables. The drawings and documents indicate the
type of cable to be installed (e.g., performance rating, type of construction, fire
rating), the splicing sequences (if any), and the cables to be terminated in all TRs. In
addition, the drawings show the type of connecting hardware by size, quantity, and
configuration as well as the supporting structure required (e.g., cable tray, conduit,
Examples of design figures are shown in Figures 10.6 and 10.7.

At times, separate drawings may be prepared for each type of ICT infrastructure to
be installed. Separate drawings may be prepared for copper cables, optical fiber
cables, coaxial cables, and other system cables. There often will be a riser diagram
showing the placement of the cables and sleeves so that backbone routing can be
Elevation drawings of the TRs show placement of various equipment items as part of
these drawings. A detail of each wall, cabinet, and rack in each TR, as well as a plan
view of the floor-mounted hardware, should be included.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.6
Floor plan with proposed ICT work

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Figure 10.7
Sample riser diagram

Checking Plans

Checking the plans prior to the start of work is a necessity to ensure the result
meets the project’s intent. An installer should:
• Determine the orientation and purpose of the drawing.
• Confirm the scale. Construction projects are drawn to scale and the drawing’s
creator chooses the scale that is used. While the scale can be anything, common
scales used are:
– Architectural scale
• 0.25 or 1/4 in = 1 ft (every 0.25 in on the drawing equals one actual foot of length
on the actual project)
• 0.125 or 1/8 in = 1 ft
– Engineering scale
• 1 in = 10 ft
• 1 in = 20 ft
– Metric scale–1:50 ratio
• 1 mm = 50 mm

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

• Make sure correct symbols are in the legend.
• Confirm all locations for telecommunications spaces.
• Verify elevations, ceiling heights, and clearances.
• Compare other prints (e.g., electrical, mechanical) for conflicts with
telecommunications plans.
• Identify applicable general notes, review keyed notes, locate details, and match to
work on floor plan.
• Examine backboard and rack configurations for space requirements.
• Verify cable routes, pathways, and support structure locations.
• Identify location and type of rated walls or partitions required to have a minimum
fire resistance rating and smoke barriers or smoke partitions that will be
penetrated to determine products required for installation so that fire or smoke
resistance rating is not reduced.
• Examine work areas for cable distribution access.
• Determine cable counts and fill ratio meets pathway installation standards.
• Verify that plans correspond with specifications (e.g., plans have cabling to all
outlets, pathways shown for cabling, cabling counts match).
• Confirm that cabling or pathway solutions are adequate for specific environments
(e.g., plenum).
• Identify missing items. (e.g., cables to elevator phones, office outlet quantities,
cables to fire detection and alarm panel, cables to area of rescue assistance).

Materials List
To submit an accurate proposal, a list of materials should be prepared during the
bidding phase. This list should contain all of the installation items by:
• Description.
• Catalog number.
• Quantity.
• Unit price.
• Total price.
The list should have columns indicating the materials received and the materials
dispensed so that field personnel can use these two columns to manage inventory
during installation.
Many contractors prepare similar lists for installation labor units, indicating the
amount of time allocated for each portion of the installation. In addition, the list
should contain labor hours allocated for the project by work process.

NOTE: See Appendix C: Project Documentation Examples.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Gathering Information, continued

Scope of Work (SoW)
The SoW for the project covers the requirements for the ICT systems team. The SoW
document lists all of the elements of the installation, and it is usually generated by
the customer or the designer. However, the SoW can be developed by the
contractor when bidding or responding to a customer’s RFP.
The SoW should indicate:
• The people and firms involved in the project and their responsibilities.
• The work to be performed.
• The time frame for completing the work.
• The permits needed and the people responsible for obtaining them.
• The materials to be installed.
• The installation methodology to be used.
• Known limitations, restrictions, hazards, or potential problems.
• The test methods to be used.
• How the completed installation will be tested.
• The identification, labeling, and documentation systems to be used on the project.
• When and how the installation will be turned over to the customer.
• The cables and equipment to be removed and the disposal of these items.
• Clarifications or understandings that elaborate on the various items involved in
the installation.
NOTE: For examples of items that may be found in an SoW, see Appendix C: Project
Documentation Examples.
Project Schedule
Once all of the items associated with planning a cabling installation have been
identified, a project schedule is developed. The schedule should list all project tasks,
beginning with the award of the contract and ending with acceptance by the
customer and collecting the final payment.

The detail required for each task is directly proportional to its importance in
completing items that precede or follow it. The project schedule should indicate the
planned time required for each item as well as provide space for inserting the actual
time to perform the job task.

The first schedule obtained is the CM’s project construction schedule. It includes all
of them trades working on the project and indicates their specific time frames for
accomplishing the project work.

Of particular concern are the schedules for completion of the supporting structure
inside the building. For example, installation of the backbone cables or the
horizontal cables cannot be scheduled until the trade responsible has completed
installation of the pathways and spaces
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Schedule, continued

With new building construction and many retrofit projects, coordination and
communications with other trades is critical. For example, faceplates cannot be
installed until the wall covering is completed. Racks may not be installed until the
floor covering is installed. This can mean multiple trips to the work site for the
cabling installation team if the schedule is not fully understood.

The cabling project schedule should complement the CM’s project schedule. Failure
to coordinate the cabling project schedule with the overall schedule may result in
conflict between related trades and jeopardize timely completion of the project.
Companies use a variety of project management styles and software to develop
project schedules and track installations. Automated systems can reflect:
• Start and end times for specific tasks.
• Resources necessary to undertake specific tasks (e.g., some systems reflect people
only while others tie into materials lists).
• Interrelationship of tasks (e.g., what tasks must be completed before others, what
tasks must wait until several other tasks are completed).
As actual project information is entered in an automated schedule, the system can
• Percentage of completion.
• Progress payment schedule.
• Materials or other resources expended.
• Time delays or advancements.
• “What if” analyses to review the impact of moving dates or resources.
Manually generated project schedules can be used, especially when the project is
not complex. Copies of the completed schedule should be provided to all concerned
Table 10.1 is an example of a project schedule of a completed project. It shows both
the proposed timeline and the actual performance and can be used to assess areas
that may need to be improved in future projects.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Schedule, continued

Table 10.1
Example of a project schedule

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Schedule, continued

Table 10.1
Example of a project schedule, continued

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Conducting a Site Survey

After all contract documents are obtained and reviewed, visit the installation site.
This is the time to conduct a site survey. The purpose of the pre-construction survey
is to:
• Evaluate work environment considerations.
• Interface with the customer and contractors, as needed.
• Ascertain hours of operation and determine building access (e.g., personnel
related, code related).
• Verify building access and parking problems.
• Determine acoustical limitations for occupied areas of existing buildings.
• Perform visual inspection of job site, if appropriate. Identify potential conflicts or
• Identify alignment of existing construction with new work for additions to
existing buildings.
• Determine existing power, HVAC, and lighting conditions in areas of renovation.
Re-verify existing bonding infrastructure.
• Compare design documents with existing conditions.
• Determine cabling pathways and equipment locations to ensure adequate space.
• Identify pathway and space issues, including plenum and non-plenum areas and
rated (fire and smoke) wall locations and types.
• Determine cable removal requirements for existing buildings.
• Define any additional support required (e.g., access, pathways, electrical services)
and determine who is responsible for these additional services.
• Confirm location of main, intermediate, and remote TRs.
• Identify situations that will require special equipment or skills.
• Determine the amount of support material required to complete the project (e.g.,
hangers, cable tray, surface raceway).
• Determine location of work area outlets.
• Determine the work hour requirements, including the number and skill level of the
installation crew.
• Determine scheduling requirements for population portions of buildings.
• Determine equipment delivery methods and equipment access.
• Determine staging and security considerations.
NOTE: Some projects may require that all contractors (including ICT installation
personnel) obtain and display access/security badges to perform on-site
work (see Figure 10.8).

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Conducting a Site Survey, continued

Figure 10.8
Example of access/security badge

• Determine if on-site material storage is possible. Locate both storage and staging
area space.
• Determine access or moving requirements.
• Describe construction types and installation impact:
– Ceiling height and ceiling type (e.g., accessible acoustic tile versus inaccessible
hard surface). Determine if scissor lifts, aerial lifts, or other equipment is
– Type of roof deck (e.g., pan deck, pre-stressed, post-tension).
– Wall construction (e.g., sheet rock, stucco, steel stud, wood frame).
Preparing for the Survey
When preparing for the site survey, include the following items:
• Contract documents—Secure copies of all drawings and specifications to
determine the SoW. Identify specific locations related to the project and work to
be performed there.
Drawings may indicate obstacles not visible from floor level.
• Checklist—Based on the criteria for the project, a checklist is used to ensure that
everything is taken into consideration during the site survey. If problems are
found, plans can be formulated to overcome them while still on site.
NOTE: Refer to Appendix C: Project Documentation Examples for sample checklists
for new and retrofit construction.
• Tools—To perform the work required for a thorough site survey, PPE (e.g., hard
hat, safety glasses, reflective vest, leather gloves, steel toe leather boots, hearing
protection) might be needed. Additional items that may prove useful are a ladder,
flashlight, measuring wheel, voice recorder camera, or video camera.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Conducting a Site Survey, continued

NOTE: Many project sites require personnel to wear PPE and high visibility vests or
shirts. Certain projects may require additional PPE and procedures to
address and/or mitigate specific requirements and hazards and to meet
regulatory requirements. Refer to Chapter 3: Safety and Professionalism for
additional information.
• Contacts—List of site contacts, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Reviewing Responsibilities with Team Members
The first stop at a project site should be at the site project office. While at the office:
• Identify yourself to the customer and contractors.
• Obtain the project safety requirements. Some projects require on-site safety
training of workers; therefore, the project orientation and safety training schedule
should be verified.
• Assess project safety powder-actuated tool requirements (e.g., certification
required and usage limitations and hours).
• Explain work to be performed for the customer.
• Identify other contractors working for the general contractor, and discuss the
impact of their work.
• Obtain a copy of the project construction schedule.
• Determine parking locations for workers when applicable.
NOTE: Use this document to determine how the installation schedule can be
coordinated with other contractors working on the project site.
It is important to review responsibilities with the owner or CM’s representatives so
that they understand the role the ICT systems installation company will play in the
completion of the overall project. Remember, the GC owns a new building until the
owner accepts it and has ultimate authority and responsibility for the project.
Verify who will construct the pathways and spaces. The contract documents should
state whether they would be provided by the general contractor or by others. In
many cases, the pathways and spaces of a new building project are part of the
responsibility of the GC or the electrical subcontractor. It is important to discuss the
details of the pathways and spaces with the person or firm responsible. Do not
assume they know the impact of their work on the installation of ICT systems
cabling. Recognize consequences of code violations. Compliance with cable pathway
codes, including seismic codes, is essential.
The contractor responsible for the pathways must determine how to install these
pathways, observing what obstacles and obstructions must be overcome. Failure to
make this determination might result in additional site surveys or project delays.
Determine if there is a commissioning process for the project. If there is, obtain
contact information for the commissioning authority and incorporate their
requirements into the construction process (e.g., submittal review, third party

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Conducting a Site Survey, continued

Some of the obstacles that may be encountered include:
• HVAC ducts and equipment.
• Plumbing piping.
• Electrical distribution conduits and raceways.
• Elevators and escalators.
• Stairways.
• Penetrations of fire- or smoke-rated walls, floors, ceilings, and partitions.
• Fire suppression systems.
• Structural elements (e.g., load-bearing walls, floor slabs, beams, columns).
• Interstitial space (space between floors).
• Hazardous locations.
Examining the Site
While on site, be sure to observe all locations where the cabling installation work
will be performed. Determine the physical location of all TRs; the size, type of
construction, and configuration of utilities within TRs; and the responsibilities
required to interface with other trades.
Identify the location of pathways that are the responsibility of other contractors and
determine the state of completion.
Determine, at a minimum, the answers to the following questions:
• Have the subcontractors adhered to the project drawings and specifications?
• Were there any change orders that affect the pathways and spaces? If so, how do
they affect the project?
• How is the bonding and grounding (earthing) infrastructure installed?
• Does the infrastructure comply with local and national telecommunications codes,
standards, and regulations?
• When will the telecommunications spaces be completed?
• Have environmental limitations been assessed (e.g., cable temperature, adequate
lighting, air circulation)?
• When will the pathways be completed?
• Will other contractors need ICT services activated in order to test systems they are
installing before system commissioning is performed (e.g., fire alarm, security
alarm, area of refuge communications, access control, elevator, building
• When will the AHJ be on site to perform interim inspections and the final
certificate of occupancy inspection?
• When will the project be turned over to the owner (tenant)?
• What are the service provider demarcation locations?
• What pulling technique will be used (per TIA standards and manufacturer’s
• Have existing network topologies been identified?
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Conducting a Site Survey, continued

Answers to many of these questions come from the materials contained in the
contract documents. However, do not leave anything to chance. Review all
requirements of the project before concluding if additional pathways, spaces, or
building facilities are required. If they are and they have not been included in the
original plans and specifications, job change orders may be required. At the very
least, these concerns need to be documented and provided to the ICT systems PM
for discussion with the CM or owner’s representative.
All information gathered during the site survey should be carefully documented and
placed in the project file. This information will become invaluable later, especially if
new team members are assigned to the cabling installation after it starts.
NOTE: If the project is a retrofit, identify all the existing pathways and spaces used
for ICT systems and their size, capacities, usability, congestion, and
compliance with local codes, standards, and regulations. See Chapter 11:
Retrofits and Upgrades for additional information.

Developing a Job Plan (Pre-construction)

Developing a job plan must involve all aspects of the project. The complexity of the
plan is directly proportional to the size of the installation and the number of systems
being integrated.
Recommended job plan tasks include:
• Participate in pre-installation briefing.
• Verify permit requirements from the AHJ.
• Discuss adherence to building codes (local, state, and federal) and compliance with
installation codes and standards.
• Confirm wiring scheme:
– Determine cable layout for horizontal cable.
– Determine cable layout for backbone cable.
– Determine routing for cable.
• Determine cable labeling system. Verify final room numbering and labeling
• Negotiate project schedule with owner, including:
– Calculate completion date.
– Sequence installation according to priorities.
– Obtain bill of materials and verify delivery schedule (lead time requirements).
• Create submittal schedule.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Developing a Job Plan (Pre-construction), continued

• Prepare manpower list, including:

– Coordinate with contractors and unionized labor.
– Schedule and organize installation team meeting.
– Discern internal and external manpower report requirements of building owner,
CM, and
ICT systems contractor.
– Discuss issues related to staffing (e.g., background checks).
• Complete daily progress report to efficiently track progress, including:
– Hours worked.
– Problems encountered.
• Establish goals, assess progress, and adjust job plan to meet job completion date.
• Determine and verify:
– Daily cleaning and equipment protection requirements.
– Clean up requirements (e.g., dumpsters, HAZMAT).
– Storage and lay down areas.
– Tool lists and special tool needs.
– Accuracy, sufficiency, and alignment of received materials to the bill of materials
and SoW.
– Integrity of received items (e.g., visible inspection and reel acceptance tests).
• Describe change order requirements and authorization process.
• Develop a labeling scheme:
– Identify labeling scheme from customer requirements and industry standards.
– Confirm labeling scheme per SoW (e.g., temporary, final).
– Document color coding of labels and cable.
– Identify consequences of incomplete or poor labeling.
– Maintain labeling consistency throughout project.
• Participate in post-installation debrief (lessons learned).

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation
All projects require documentation. Some documentation is required by the
contract, and some ensures the project meets time and budget requirements.
Documentation depends on project size and complexity.
Projects will typically include:
• Project log.
• RFIs and log.
• Submittal forms and log.
• Job change orders.
• Acceptance plan.
• Punch list.
• Closeout documentation.
• As-built drawings.
• Patching matrix.
• Photographs.
• O&M documentation.
• Job inventory of materials and supplies:
– Interpret BOMs and create specific project material list.
– Verify accuracy of material list (quantity and content).
– Confirm sufficient materials and supplies ordered to complete job.
– Document arrangements to receive, inspect, handle, and store products in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
– Provide documentation for delivery of materials and procedure to verify integrity
of delivered items (e.g., pre-installation testing, NRTL listing).
– Document procedure to store products in manufacturer’s unopened packaging
and arrangements to keep dry and protected from damage until ready for
installation. Arrange to store electronic components in location with
environment per manufacturer’s recommendation including humidity,
temperature, and dust.
• Test documentation.
Project Log
If a standard form for tracking daily activities is not available, a project log should be
developed. This log should reflect all work undertaken each day, if it is complete,
and the plans for the following day.
It should provide a place to record detailed notes on any issues that arise, including
• Date.
• Time.
• Installation problems and individuals involved.
• Description of each problem.
• Resolution.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation, continued

A person on site should keep a project log during all work operations. This log should
begin on the first day of activity on the project site and continue until the company
vacates the site.
All activities relevant to the work should be logged daily, including the work
completed and ny problems encountered.
Contractual obligations that are affected by the work of others should be logged and
accompanied by detailed notes. This document could prove valuable when others
have caused delays. Therefore, accuracy and timeliness are critical to the credibility
of the log.
It is good practice for the PM to document certain elements of the project on a
weekly basis and to record the following information concerning events at the site:
• List of subcontractors present.
• Approximate count of personnel.
• Accidents and unusual occurrences.
• Meetings and significant decisions.
• Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses.
• Emergency procedures.
• Change orders received, implemented, and in process.
• Services connected and disconnected.
• Equipment or system tests and start-ups.
• Status of material orders.
• As-built documentation status report.
• Status of punch list.
• Weather conditions.
• Timesheets.
• Daily job reports.
Field personnel are responsible for reporting to ICT systems management:
• Accidents, unusual events, safety issues and hazards, stoppages, delays, shortages,
and losses.
• Coordination issues between trades, along with opportunities for improvements
to the project schedule and cost.
• Discrepancies between the construction documentation and actual site conditions.
• Requests from the owner or client for additional work or potential additional work
resulting from coordination activities and site conditions.
• Time worked via time sheets.
• Materials expended.
Field personnel need to assist in testing and commissioning activities, including
testing and preparation of testing documentation.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation, continued

The PM will use the project log to record all activities associated with the project. It is
especially important to log occurrences that may result in scope changes that could
have a financial impact on the cabling installation company. Sometimes, a contract
requires copies of this log to be submitted to the customer and general contractor on a
periodic basis.
Request for Information (RFI)
The contract documents cannot cover every detail about the materials, procedures,
and testing requirements to be used on the project. RFIs are used to request
clarification, supplemental information, or approval of materials substitution. The
RFIs can provide direction when unforeseen circumstances arise; however, they are
not intended to be used to request information on time-critical issues (e.g., gaining
access to a work site).
The RFI form provides a place to assign an identification tracking number to the RFI
and to record the date and time, a description of the request, who is sending the
request, and who will receive the request. This information must be entered in an
RFI log along with the date and time the response is received and the content of the
response. This log provides a way to track when an RFI 10.5
EXAMPLE: The drawings indicate that cables shall be fished through existing office
walls. However, the installer finds the walls are constructed with multiple
fire barriers, prohibiting a top to bottom pathway. An RFI asking for
direction from the owner’s representative or design professional should be
prepared. If a surface raceway is installed without obtaining approval in
writing, the contractor may not receive compensation for the extra work
and materials. In addition, the owner may direct that surface raceway be
removed and the work redone.
Submittals are a form of communication between the contractor and owner defining
the specifics of how a job will be undertaken. Action submittals are part of the
quality assurance process and require review by the design professional (e.g.,
architect, engineer, RCDD) to ensure compliance with contract documents prior to
installation of submitted products. Contractors who do not allow enough time for
approval of submittals can be required to remove nonconforming work installed
prior to approval of submittals. In the construction industry, these most often
consist of two components: shop drawings and manufacturer’s product data sheets
or certificates.
Specialty contractors (e.g., HVAC, fire suppression, audiovisual) most often provide
shop drawings. The shop drawings reflect the specific details of products to be used
and the method of their installation within the new or renovated spaces. Shop
drawings are often scaled drawings similar to the original construction drawings
showing the specific methods of interconnection, size of components, or individual
routes that will be used when installing the product.
Manufacturer product data sheets (e.g., cutsheet) submittals are used for
documenting the specific equipment or products provided on the job. These
submittals note the product name, specification section, and document complete
compliance with performance specifications.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation, continued

No work should begin until all preconstruction submittals are reviewed by the
design professionals and the owner. Preconstruction submittals typically include
workers compensation coverage, performance bonds, certificates of insurance,
proposed subcontractor lists, and a preliminary construction schedule.
Action submittals that might be required of the cabling installation team are:
• Products, including:
– Cable—each type and model.
– Outlet components (e.g., jacks, faceplates, connectors).
– Cable runway.
– Equipment racks or cabinets.
– Firestopping materials.
• Shop drawings, including:
– Backboard layouts.
– Equipment rack placement and component layouts.
– Cable routing—horizontal and vertical.
– Cable suspension methods, including seismic requirements.
Action submittals that are a contractual requirement must be tracked to determine
compliance with submittal procedures. This tracking is done by using a submittals
log—defining when a specific submittal was made, when it was returned, and
whether it was approved or requires resubmission.
Job Change Orders
Few projects are completed without changes to the original job plan. Even on small
projects, changes occur. The changes may be insignificant, but they must be
documented. When accounting for all materials and work operations at the
completion of the project, unless the changes are documented and approved by
duly authorized agents, compensation may not be received. A contractor should
never perform additions, deletions, or material changes to the SoW without written
When submitting a change order, keep the original and provide copies to the
customer and any other interested parties. Change orders are tracked by using a
change order log. Be aware of the consequences of change orders prior to
implementing them, especially their impact on the project schedule.
NOTE: For more details, refer to the Job Change Order example in Appendix C:
Project Documentation Examples.

For many projects, there may be a specific required change order form. The cabling
installation company may have forms prepared for this purpose. If not, copies of an
approved American Institute of Architects change order form may be used.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation, continued

Acceptance Plan
An acceptance plan outlines the tasks, tools, staff, and skills necessary to test and
document the successful completion of a project. Many manufacturers and
individual project plans provide copies of the documentation required to fulfill the
contract needs but leave the logistics of how to conduct the tests up to the
To reduce the duplication of effort and provide an effective plan, the following items
must be defined:
• When testing will take place (e.g., once, several times, every day).
• Who will conduct the tests (e.g., how many people with what type of training).
• Who will witness the tests (if required).
• What tools, supplies, or other materials are required.
• Who needs to be notified or forewarned of the testing.
• How the tests will be documented.
• How the results will be transmitted to the contractor or owner.

Punch List
As with an acceptance plan, many firms use a specific form to document the work
that remains to be completed. A punch list is simply a formal listing of items or
issues needing resolution before the project is designated as complete. The initial
punch list should be prepared by the contractor. During a joint inspection of the
work site, a supplemental punch list may be prepared. It is typically performed by
the project’s architect, engineer, ICT designer, CM, GC, and owner’s/client’s
A punch list is not simply a list of all the problems or mistakes at the work site. The
punch list needs to clearly define the specific steps or work tasks that need to be
completed. Rather than stating “Faceplate crooked on station 342,” the punch list
should state “Realign faceplate on station 342.” A punch list should clearly define
the people or firm responsible for that work.
To be effective, the punch list must be in writing and must reflect the expected time
for completion. Using this approach, the installer knows exactly what needs to be
corrected and has a document that defines the work that needs to be completed.
Once punch list completion is signed off, it becomes difficult for the owner or CM to
request additional improvements or changes without compensation.

Record Drawings (As-Built Drawings)

The format to be used for the record drawings must be agreed upon before
beginning the project, so information can be gathered in a proper fashion
throughout the project. The most common type of as-built uses the original floor
plans and reflects the actual placement of outlets, the configuration, and the work
area outlet or jack numbers. Other information, such as cable routing, backboard
layouts and configuration, length of cables, and firestopping materials, may be

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Documentation, continued

The installer must keep in mind the need for this information and the format that
will be used. It is a good practice to keep a set of drawings updated on a weekly or
daily basis with completed work. Not only can these drawings be used for discussion
purposes, but the form and content can be reviewed and approved by the CM or
owner before a great deal of effort is expended.
As with any documentation required for submittal on a project, do not make
assumptions (e.g., a GC or the design professional will input all as-built information
into electronic form). Some contracts require the contractor to complete all
electronic drafting work, CAD, or BIM and produce multiple sets of final drawings.
Closeout Submittals
Maintenance and Material Equipment Documentation
An O&M manual should contain the title of the project and the names and contact
information for the architect or engineer, ICT systems designer, and ICT systems
contractor. Information for each product or system should be included identifying
the specific products and components installed for the project. Each sheet should
include the manufacturer’s installation steps and any maintenance procedures along
with a list of replaceable parts. Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products,
component parts, and data applicable to repairing or replacing materials damaged
as a result of building operations installation. Include a list of local suppliers from
whom replacement parts may be obtained.
The installers should retain all printed original equipment manufacturer material
that comes packed with the components installed for inclusion in the O&M manual.
The format to be used for O&M manuals must be agreed upon before beginning the
project, so information can be gathered in a proper fashion throughout the project.
Test Documentation
Specific test documentation may be required under the terms of an agreement
between a cabling installation company and a manufacturer’s product warranty
program. This should be discussed with the owner or contractor before the work
begins to determine the documentation required to transfer the warranty to the
The automated test sets used for documenting balanced twisted-pair cable
generally provide a simple and clear method of identifying and documenting station
cable. It is necessary for the installer to be aware of any additional procedural
requirements that may be part of this testing (e.g., certifying the accuracy of the
testing equipment, recalibrating the equipment).
Review and submit test results per specification requirements (e.g., paper,
electronic format).
Verify appropriate naming convention is used per customer request.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Closeout Submittals, continued

Final Documentation
• Review and submit additional/final documentation required for project closeout
(e.g., photographs, cross-connect list, patching matrix).
• Complete IP-addressable device documentation (e.g., MAC address, location,
serial number).
• Submit required maintenance contracts; include contact information for service
and maintenance call backs.
• Provide written documentation that software applications are updated with latest
security patches, if required.
• Provide a list of software and applications requiring passwords and verification
passwords that have been changed per customer request.
• Secure transmittals for non-installed equipment and accessories (e.g., TV remote
controls, keys, accessory kits).
• Perform a final walkthrough with the customer and provide an acceptance report
after completion of all punch list items.

Some contracts require tests to be witnessed by the owner’s representative. In

these cases, it is important for the installer to be aware that the witness has a
specific contractual responsibility and is not simply looking over the installer’s
shoulder. It is always best to discuss procedural issues before beginning work and to
maintain a dialogue as testing continues.

Project Safety Plan

The safety of workers, the customer’s personnel, and the subcontractors is of
paramount importance. Workplace accidents can disrupt the best-planned job and
cause costly delays.
Each company should have an occupational safety plan. Before beginning any work
operation, the contents of that safety plan should be reviewed with each employee
working on the project. Each employee should fully understand how the rules of
safety should be implemented as each cabling installation task is performed. Take
the time to ensure that each employee is equipped with the proper safety
equipment and has the knowledge to use the equipment safely. As a contractor or
subcontractor, attending periodic safety meetings may be contractually required.
Examine any existing construction to identify and review potential safety hazards in
renovation areas (e.g., asbestos, lead paint, mold, environmental) and address in the
safety plan.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Safety Plan, continued

Assess construction access to the site and project safety requirements:

• Ensure compliance with company safety plan and procedures (e.g., PPE, fall
protection, confined space entry permit).
• Ensure compliance with site safety requirements (e.g., orientation, material safety
data sheets, HAZMAT).
• Identify emergency procedures and telephone numbers (e.g., muster point,
medical facilities, egress).
• Complete safety documentation (e.g., PTP form, hazard assessment).
• Identify and review potential safety hazards.

All employees should attend an initial safety meeting prior to commencing the work.
All safety plans should be reviewed. Many GCs and customers have safety
orientation and drug screening programs that all employees must complete prior to
beginning the project work. Only through knowledge, understanding, and on-the-job
awareness can employees perform work safely.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Implementation
Just as a drawing provides a design for cable installation, a good project plan is a
design for managing and tracking the project. From the initial construction meeting
to closeout activities, the plan helps assess the progress and monitor the project.
This section defines the typical tasks included in a plan and the methods used for
implementing them.

Initial Construction Meeting

After completing the site survey and formulating a project implementation plan, the
designated ICT systems installation PM should hold an initial meeting with the entire
ICT systems installation team. At this meeting, the PM and the team leader should
lay out the responsibilities of everyone involved. The project implementation plan
can be reviewed and updated as necessary. Communication between all personnel
involved in the project is critical to its success.
Updates to the project plan and minutes of all meetings should be maintained, and
printed copies should be provided to each person attending and additional persons
having a position of responsibility on the project. Meeting minutes must be
prepared and distributed shortly after each meeting and must provide a mechanism
to allow attendees to update or correct the material.

Pre-installation Meeting
After the initial construction meeting is held and the project implementation plan is
updated, the PM should conduct a pre-installation meeting. This meeting should
include the cabling installation team and appropriate contractors. All aspects
relating to the project should be addressed and discussed. If necessary, adjustments
should be made to the project schedule based on the results of the meeting. To
ensure that the work is performed in a timely and professional manner, the project
should be reviewed in detail so that team members can work in concert with each
other and with the other contractors.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Perform Site Survey

Site surveys are performed by the PMs and contractors and can include owner
representatives to determine the variables involved to implement the project
construction. The survey can include the following tasks:
• Verify current copies of all specifications, drawings, addendums, and SoW.
• Verify location of work area outlets.
• Perform visual inspection of job site, if appropriate:
– Inspect equipment locations to ensure adequate space.
– Verify cabling and pathway locations to ensure adequate space.
• Verify location of main, intermediate, and TR. Identify potential problem areas,
– Pathways and space issues.
– Plenum and non-plenum areas for cabling.
– Rated wall (e.g., fire, smoke) location and type.
– Building access and parking problems.
– Hours of operation and work environment considerations.
• Verify construction types and installation impact:
– Ceiling height and ceiling type (e.g., accessible acoustic tile versus inaccessible
– Type of roof deck (e.g., pan deck, pre-stressed, post-tension).
– Wall construction (e.g., sheet rock, stucco, shear wall, steel stud versus wood
– Seismic requirements.
• Comply with building access requirements (e.g., personnel related, code related).
• Use pre-defined pulling technique per TIA standards and manufacturing
• Comply with material storage plan.
• Determine scheduling requirements for populated buildings.
• Determine acoustics limitations.
• Discern PPE requirements.
• Determine powder-actuated tool certification required, usage limitations, & hours.
• Determine daily cleaning and equipment protection.
• Determine waste disposal requirements (e.g., dumpsters).
• Document pre-existing conditions (e.g., fire stopping considerations).
• Assess availability and limitations of existing pathways and raceways.
• Assess building addition alignment with old construction.
• Determine conduit location and size.
• Determine hazards such as asbestos-related and lead paint considerations.
• Determine cable removal requirements.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Perform Site Survey, continued

• Determine ceiling height and ladder or personnel lift or scaffold requirements.
• Assess rated wall (e.g., smoke, fire) penetration requirements.
• Verify furniture outlets and faceplates.
• Obtain customer safety and security requirements.
• Assess construction access requirements.
• Determine equipment delivery methods and access.
• Determine access or moving requirements.
• Determine material staging considerations.
• Determine accessibility with limited TRs.
• X-ray floor for core drilling with structural engineers.
• Assess environmental limitations (e.g., cable temperature, adequate lighting, air
• Determine power, HVAC, and lighting considerations.
• Determine substandard electrical upgrade requirements.
• Verify bonding (earthing) infrastructure.
Retrofit Additional Survey Tasks
During a retrofit installation project, surveying active circuits, their wiring blocks,
possible equipment and their ports shall be performed. This survey requires
with the end user. This type of survey can include:
• Requesting and checking existing circuit documentation.
• Verifying the existing documentation for changes.
• Looking for and verifying cable, wiring block, and equipment identification labels
or tags.
• Verifying terminations and jumpers with visual and hand tracing.
• Using the appropriate test set to verify the active service.
• Using a toner and probe set to verify spare copper cable pairs.
• Using a light source and probe for optical strand identification.
• Labeling both cable ends, wiring blocks, optical jumpers, and equipment ports.
• Updating the existing records.
Progress Meetings
Periodic progress meetings should be held for every project. These meetings can
occur as often as once a week or as necessary to ensure that team members know
the status of the project and what is expected of them. Work progress as well as
roadblocks and ways of overcoming them should be discussed and agreed upon by
all concerned parties. Each team member can contribute to the success of the
project by thoughtful participation in these meetings.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Progress Meetings, continued

When a project involves several contractors, the CM and subcontractors should
attend and participate in these meetings. The PM should attend the general project
construction meetings to ensure that all concerns are addressed. This facilitates
proper coordination between the ICT systems installation team and other
contractors working on the project.
If the owner or CM does not keep meeting minutes, the PM should keep notes of
the meeting and submit them as the PM’s understanding of items discussed. This
applies to all meetings.
Ordering Materials
The person responsible for ordering the materials should place the order as soon as
possible after the project plan is accepted and submittals are approved. Easily
overlooked are items termed consumables, which typically include tape, screws,
cable ties, hook and loop straps, and similar materials.
An order for materials is often placed using a PO.
NOTE: From a financial, accounting, and accountability viewpoint, a good practice
is for one person to obtain quotes, generate POs, and place material and
equipment orders with suppliers. Someone else needs to receive, inspect,
stock, maintain inventory of, and issue the materials and equipment for
Receiving Materials
Receiving materials is one of the most important tasks on a project. Determining
where to store the materials, how they will be dispensed, how to secure them from
theft or damage, and how to dispose of unused materials is critical to the project’s
As the materials arrive, the responsible team member must receive the job supplies
and materials, inventory them, and stage them in preparation for transportation to
the work site. If the materials are delivered to the work site, a company
representative should be there and should be responsible for receiving,
documenting, and storing them in a secure location.
All received items should be inspected and inventoried upon receipt. Each package
should be checked against the packing slip for accuracy, quantity, identity, and
condition. If the packaging is damaged in transit, the contents of the package may
be damaged. Verify this with the delivering agent prior to signing for the package.
This is especially true with large reels of copper and optical fiber cable. If damaged
materials are kept, indicate the extent of damage on the packing slip and the
shipper’s manifest for future claims processing.
If there is a visual indication that reels of cable are damaged, consider refusing to
accept responsibility for them, or immediately notify the supervisor to determine
the proper course of action. When optical fiber cables are received, check the cable
even when no damage is visible, using an optical fiber flashlight, optical loss test set,
or some other type of testing device to determine the continuity of the strand end
to end. Copper and coaxial cable may require testing with a time domain
reflectometer or other device to identify and document unseen damage.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Receiving Materials, continued

Check the project plan for specific methods to be used in accepting costly materials.
It may be necessary to conduct and document physical tests on various types of
cable prior to accepting them. For example, it is a common practice to conduct an
OTDR test on optical fiber cable while it is on the reel.
If materials delivered to a work site are visibly damaged upon arrival, the materials
should be refused and the delivery service instructed to return them to the
distributor or manufacturer. If materials are accepted and then found to be
defective, they should be stored separately from other materials and returned to
the appropriate source via prearranged instructions from that distributor or
manufacturer. If it is not possible to identify the defect and document it, enclose
a copy of the documentation with the materials to aid the distributor or
manufacturer in properly replacing it and correcting the problem that caused the
defect. Confirm that the SoW and materials are aligned. Confirm sufficient materials
were ordered to complete the job.
Storing Materials
Three basic locations for storing materials for a project are the:
• Work site.
• Company-controlled location.
• Distributor from which the materials were purchased.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages. These storage options should be of
prime concern when considering how to plan for materials distribution and use on a
job. Depending on the size of the project, the best alternative may be a combination
of all options.
Work Site
Work site storage offers immediate availability of materials. Some building
owners/managers may make space available for storing job materials; however, few
agree to accept liability for loss or damage until the materials are installed and
accepted. Most of the time, security of material is the first concern in selecting a
storage location. Until the materials are installed and accepted by the customer,
they are the property and the responsibility of the contractor installing them.
If space is not available for storage inside the building, a work site container might
be needed. If large cable reels are to be used on the project, a security fence may be
Some of the risks associated with storing materials at a work site include:
• Owner/CM may not have secure space inside the building available during
duration of construction.
• Exterior space (e.g., trailer, other building) when available may not be secure.
• Unauthorized persons may have access to the space.
• Other trades may have to perform tasks in the secured space (e.g., wall
finishing/painting, electrical trim, HVAC trim). Do not rely on the tradespersons or
the GC to re-secure the space when those tasks have been completed. Monitor
other trades activity in the space, and re-secure the space when tasks are
completed for the day.
• Space may become wet, or construction activities may damage materials.
© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Storing Materials, continued

Company-Controlled Location
When a project site is near the cabling installation contractor’s office/warehouse
and adequate space is available, materials can be stored at the company location
and sent to the job as needed. Otherwise, the cabling contractor may rent or lease
secure dry space near the project.
Distributors often will deliver materials to a work site or company location on
Some distributors provide a preloaded enclosed delivery trailer on site or intermodal
shipping container with the purchased materials and equipment.
Distributing Materials on Site
Control of the access to job materials will determine who is allowed to distribute
them to the installer. Only designated persons should be allowed to distribute
materials on the work site or receive them at the end of the workday. Allowing full
access to the job materials by the entire work crew invites abuse and materials loss.
When materials are distributed, some record of accountability should be made to
track where the materials are used. Excess materials should always be accounted for
at the end of each workday and stored for use later on the job or returned to the
company storage area for use on another project. In addition, the records of the
distributed materials must be returned to the company PM to ensure proper
Plan for a distribution area on site regardless of where the bulk of the materials and
tools are being staged. The installers will always know where to get their materials,
and accounting and control are easier from a single location.
Managing the Project Schedule
Once the project has started, the original project schedule should be compared with
the other construction schedules, and the various schedules should be updated at
least weekly for accuracy.
The cabling installation schedule should be updated daily, indicating the progress of
the day’s work and whether the project is on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind
schedule. Any supporting documentation that will lend credibility to delays
encountered in the project should be referenced in the project schedule updates.
The PM may revise the schedule after each meeting or activity where revisions have
been recognized or made and issue the updated schedule with the report of each
The project schedule should include all materials and services required from the
sources that are not under the cabling contractor’s direct control to include actions
required by the owner. The PM should describe any dependencies upon the owner
and third parties as well as all project assumptions, expediting methods, active
system interfacing requirements, and other management-related issues critical to
the timely and successful completion of the project. The plan should describe the
manpower and mobilization requirements in terms of functional responsibility, skill
level, certification level, and head count.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Closeout of a Project
The closeout phase of a project typically begins at the end of the testing and
commissioning phase of a project and ends with the final acceptance of the project.
Closeout activities may include:
• Reviewing and submitting test results; complying with appropriate naming
conventions per client requirements.
• Reviewing and submitting as-built drawings with labeling.
• When required, reviewing and submitting photographs of the final project.
• Documenting device addresses, identification codes, locations, and serial numbers
in IP-addressable systems (e.g., security, wireless, IP cameras, building
maintenance systems).
• Providing patching matrix.
• Obtaining transmittals for non-installed equipment and accessories (e.g., TV
• Reviewing original SoW and developing punch item list (clean up items), including
missing items, removing material from site, recording missing documentation, and
missed test results.
• Finalizing and submitting O&M manual package.
• Performing final walk through with owner representative.
• Submitting manufacturer warranty documentation.
Professionalism and the Project
Project Objectives
Information should be provided about the job location and work area, customer
requirements, project schedule, materials, safety issues, and code requirements.
The installer is responsible for knowing the:
• Background of the project and project relationships.
• Project milestones.
• Specific roles within the project.
• Specific tasks expected to be performed.
• Challenges and issues unique to the project.
• Methods and techniques planned to be used.
• Applicable codes and standards (e.g., local, state, national, company, customer).
• Security requirements.
• Safety requirements.
• Evaluation of work process.
• Recordkeeping process and requirements.
• Status and monitoring processes of both the company and the customer.
• Required meetings.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Professionalism and the Project, continued

Team Member Responsibilities
Installers are part of a team. The full team consists of the installer’s company and
organization as well as the people and organizations for whom and with whom they
The installer must take responsibility to know, understand, and communicate all
aspects of the job.
This involves getting and receiving information and asking the right questions such
• What is expected?
• What is the project environment?
• What is the expected schedule?
• What are the critical time frames and why?
• What other projects are being installed simultaneously during the project that may
impact this project?
• Why was a particular installer chosen for this job?
• Is the installer expected to contribute a particular skill, knowledge, or task?
• What new skills might the installer acquire?
• Is the installer expected to provide training?
• What is the most efficient way to execute the project and see it through to
The items listed above are important when dealing with large and small projects. On
a small project, the installer must possess high technical and interpersonal skills
because there is more interaction with the customer in a shorter period of time.
Project Team Interactions
An installer may be required to talk and work with many different people:
• Consultants/ICT designers/engineers/architects
• Supervisors
• PMs
• Coworkers
• Customers
• Manufacturers
• Vendors
• Suppliers
• Administrative and clerical staff
• Regulatory and government staff
• Other trades

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition
Chapter 10: Project Management

Project Management Summary

All projects require project management. An ICT systems PM will sequence the work
and ensure that the job proceeds as anticipated. As projects become larger and
more complex, there is more risk. As projects become larger or new team members
become involved in the work, project management tools provide great benefits.

A good project plan is essential for the successful completion of the work. The
communication that takes place among team members while building the plan is
often just as important as the actual documents.

These techniques help ICT systems projects to be completed on time, under budget,
within specification, and beyond customer expectations.
The project plan should reflect each aspect of the work and the company’s effort to
ensure that this work will be performed in a timely, safe, and efficient manner.

© 2022 BICSI® AA-1 ITSIMM, 8th edition

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