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Technology and Livelihood


Quarter 3 – Module 3
(Week 5 – 6)


For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they
do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Produce Recycled Project

Let’s Learn

This lesson provides basic information on common elements of recycling programs;

what recycling is, why it is important; how common systems work; and commonly
recycled materials and products.

Learners will fully understand how recycling conserves resources and reduce
pollution, waste, and greenhouse gases. It is crafted with a focus on the different
activities that will assess the skills and knowledge that learners are expected to
demonstrate after going through this learner’s materials and they are expected to
produce their recycled product.

LO 1: Understand Recycling

1.1 Recycled articles are identified based on recyclable materials.

LO 2: Created Recycled Product

2.1 Recycled articles are produced artistically based on the given steps
2.2 Tools are properly used
2.3 Good working habits are observed
Let’s Try

Let us determine how much you already know about recycling different
materials. Take this test.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form different terms about reduce,
reuse, recycle.

1. B A R A G G E = __________________________
2. E V SE C N O = __________________________
3. G I L N C Y R E C = __________________________
4. A T E W S = __________________________
5. T E R A M I L A S = __________________________
6. S G A L S = __________________________
7. A E R P P = __________________________
8. T L E T B O = __________________________
9. D U C E E R = __________________________
10. S E A V = __________________________
11. O P R E C T T = __________________________
12. T H E A R = __________________________
13. M F O R N S A R T = __________________________
14. T E A R E C = __________________________
15. S S E C O R P = __________________________

Let’s Recall

Garbage disposal is one of the biggest problems we Filipino’s face. There are so many
things we waste throw away, burn or just take for granted and yet the sophisticated
first world technology for waste processing is not within our reach.

Recycling which is the process of transforming an item that has already served its
original purpose but is still durable into something that can still be used for another
purpose is one good answer to the worsening problem of garbage disposal. Instead of
throwing away the scraps we have at home and waste them totally, we can be more
imaginative, creative, and resourceful people by seeing the potential in waste
materials. All we need is a little entrepreneurship skill and a lot of concern for the
Let’s Explore

Directions: Look around your home. Take note of the things that are normally
thrown away or disposed of after they have been used for their
original purpose. Think of the articles into which an item can be
converted or recycled. Then complete the table below. An
example has been provided to guide you.

Item Original Purpose Recycling Possibility

1.Plastic powder container 1.Container powder 1.Saving bank

2. _______________________ 2.____________________ 2._____________________

3._______________________ 3.____________________ 3._____________________

4._______________________ 4.____________________ 4._____________________

5._______________________ 5.____________________ 5._____________________

6._______________________ 6.____________________ 6._____________________

7._______________________ 7.____________________ 7._____________________

8._______________________ 8.____________________ 8._____________________

9._______________________ 9.____________________ 9._____________________

10.______________________ 10.___________________ 10.___________________

Let’s Elaborate

L.O 1- Understand Recycling

Recycling -is the process of converting waste materials

into new materials and objects. The recyclability of a
material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties
it had in its virgin or original state. It is an alternative
to conventional waste disposal that can save materials
and help greenhouse gas emissions.


1. INTERNAL RECYCLING - involves the use of materials

that are waste products of a manufacturing process.
An example of this is the processing of spent grain mash,
a waste product of distillation, into cattle feeds.

2. EXTERNAL RECYCLING - is the reclaiming of materials from a product that has

been worn out due to constant use. A good example of this type is the conversion of
old newspapers and magazines into other paper products.

3. PRIMARY RECYCLING - is where a recyclable material or product can be recovered

or reused without altering its current state. A lot of primary recyclables will be
repurposed for the same use as it was created for. Primary recyclables should not be
changed in any way. You may think of these types of recyclables as secondhand use.
They may be utilized by you, donated, or sold. Here are some examples of primary

• Glassware – dishes, glass jars, etc.

• Toys – donate to charities, friends, or family
• Electronics – reuse in another area of your business, sell to
recover some cost, or donate

4. SECONDARY RECYCLING - It will be repurposed without having to reprocess

them. So, the material may be reused in a different way than it was initially intended.
This often happens with DIY (Do It Yourself) crafts and can make a huge difference in
ensuring recyclable material stay out of landfills. Here are some examples of
secondary recycling:

• Cut egg cartons in half and use them to plant seedlings.

• Cut off the top half of a plastic bottle to use it as a plant pot.
• Reuse of plastic, paper, wood, metals to do any type of DIY project.
5. TERTIARY RECYCLING - involves the chemical altering of the products or material
to make it reusable. This may be done internally or externally. If external, the
recyclables are recovered and reprocessed through a public facility. It would involve
sorting recyclables and placing them in bins to be transported by a reprocessing
facility. Internal recycling would be where no public service is involved. Some factories
or manufactures may conduct internal tertiary recycling.


1. Decrease pollution and ease garbage pollution.

2. Conserve resources.
3. Enhance creativity and resourcefulness.
4. Potential in making a profitable business.
5. Makes people environmentally aware.
6. Promotes scientific advancements in recycling and biodegradable materials.
7. Makes governments and businesses choose programs and apply policies in
consideration of preserving and respecting the environment.

L.O 2 - Create Recycled Product

What are recyclable materials?

Aluminum and steel cans, cardboard, glass

newspaper and plastics bottles are all
recyclable. These items can be made into
new products including cans that hold food
and drinks, the steel used to build
skyscrapers and school buses, cardboard
boxes, glass jars, and bottles, newspaper &
office paper.
How does recycling works?

Recycling starts with people separating recyclable

materials from their other trash. The separated
recyclable materials are collected by recycling
programs, processed and then sold to
manufacturers for use in
new products.

What does your recyclable become?

The products listed below are only a few of the many products that can contain
recycled material. It is important to remember that each municipal recycling program
is different, so not all of these materials are necessarily accepted where you live.

• Products made from recycled newspaper

• Products made from recycled magazines

• Products made from recycled glass

• Products made from recycled plastics

In the following table, lists the articles that may be made from these recycled

Material Articles

Paper woven basket, paper mache’

1. Paper articles, paper beads, paper sculpture,
boxes for gift wrapping, album covers,
and paper bags.

2. Plastic containers Planters, plant tags, plastic sculptures,

and organizers

3. Glass bottles Decanter, storage items and terrariums,

cut bottles, bent bottles, and glass tiles.

Quilting and patchwork projects, rag

4. Fabric scrap rugs, doilies, runners of hand-stitched
circles of fabrics, stuffed toys, hair
accessories, fabric flowers, and collages.

Rugs, tapestries, embroidery, yarn dolls,

5. Yarn wastes crocheted or knitted articles, and string

Canisters, storage bins, planters, baking

6. Tin cans tins, candle holders, kerosene lamps,
metal art, and water catchers.
Let’s Dig In

Directions: Enumerate the following information needed.

Types of Recycling

1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

Advantages of Recycling

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

6. ___________________________________

7. ___________________________________

Recyclable Articles

8. ___________________________________

9. ___________________________________

10. ___________________________________

Let’s Remember

3R’s of Waste Management

1. Reduce - Waste reduction (prevention) is reducing

unnecessary packaging from manufactured products
and produce.

2. Reuse - is the practice of using material over and

over again and its current form. The essence of reuse
is that it preserves some or all of the energy and materials that went into
making an item.

3. Recycling - is the process of converting waste materials into new materials

and objects. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials
and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing:
energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution.

Ways to Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle:

1. One way to reduce is to reuse. Instead of using plastics

bags, bring reusable bags and Tupperware when going
shopping or packing food or leftovers.

2. Shop responsibly. When going out, purchase items that

are easy to recycle. Avoid items that are individually wrapped or in single
servings. Buying in bulk helps to reduce waste.

3. Composting is your friend. Create a compost bin and throw food scraps and
variously yard waste into your compost bin. You can use leaves and yard
trimmings to supplement the compost.

4. Start recycling.

5. Go paperless. Most stores now offer digital versions of receipts and you can
also receive bills online or on your smart device rather than in the mail.

Let’s Apply

Show that you learned something by doing this activity

Performance Task 3.1



• Fabric colors Scissors

• Plastic spoons Cutter
• Decorative stones Craft glue
• Glitter paper Paintbrushes
• Colored paper Glue gun
• Cardboard
• Cotton bud
• Pencil


1. Gather your craft supplies

2. Make the base.

Begin by making the feathers of the peacock.

Grab a handful of plastic spoons and paint
them using fabric colors in strokes and designs,
forming the design of the peacock’s feathers.

Let the paint of the spoons dry completely.

Cut out the body, neck, face, and beak of the

peacock from cardboard.

Then take circular cardboard and cover it with

a colored paper.

Paste the decorative glitter sheet on one side.

Arrange and paste the plastic spoons on this

glitter circular base.
3. Build up your Craft
Take the cotton buds and paint them in blue
color for the peacock's body.

Paste them on the peacock's body with a glue

gun and retouch them with color is required.

Cut and paste the bowl section of a spoon to

make the peacock's face and add the detailing
of eyes to it.

4. Your beautiful peacock is ready

Paste the peacock's body on the base of the

craft with the help of a glue gun.

Paint and add glitter to a few cotton buds and

place them as the peacock's crest.

Performance Task 3 .2

Plastic Bottle Flowers


Watch the full video on youtube by using the links below:


Find out your score by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely.


Design and color 25% PS TS

A. The color used is appropriate for the Materials 10
B. Simple and appropriate design 8
C. Properly placed design 7
Workmanship 50%
A. Good working habits 20
B. Used appropriate tools 15
C. Different stitches are applied to the design following 15
the correct procedure.
Neatness 10%
A. No stain or dirt 5
General Appearance 15%
A. Beautiful finished article 8
B. Worthy of the time, effort and material used 7

PS Perfect Score TS Teacher’s Score

Let’s Evaluate

Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
the statement is wrong.

__________1. Reducing is using trash to remake new goods that can be sold again.
__________2. Recycling is finding a new way to use trash so that we don't have to throw
it out.
__________3. Reusing is cutting back on the amount of trash we make.
__________4. All aluminum cans are accepted for recycling.
__________5. Plastic bottles and jugs with #1-#2 on the bottom are recyclable:
__________6. Put drinking glasses, cups, or dishware in the recycling bin.
__________7. All plastic bottles can be recycled, from water bottles to salad dressing, so
put all of them in your recycling container.
__________8. Most metallic items in the home can be recycled, such as empty spray
cans and tin foil, and of course, all empty soda, fruit, vegetable, and
other food cans.
__________9. Recycling does not help in decreasing pollution and ease the garbage
__________10. Recycling conserve resources.

Let’s Extend

Performance Task 3.3

Direction: Make your own quarantine bottle face shield.

Bottled Face Shield


• Clear transparent 1.5 or 1.75 liter plastic bottles.

• Cutter or scissor
• Double-sided tape
• Garter ( measure it according to fit )
• Puncher
• Thermal foam


1. Cut the end part of the bottle. Then, cut the bottle into half.
2. Trim the sharp sides. Punch both sides.
3. Use thermal foam. Put double-sided tape on the glittery part of the thermal foam
and then tape it into the bottle (for your forehead).
4. Tie garter on both sides. Write your name in the bottle indicating that you own the
face mask.

Find out your score by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely.


Design and color 25% PS TS

D. The color used is appropriate for the materials. 10
E. Simple and appropriate design 8
F. Properly placed design 7
Workmanship 50%
D. Good working habits 20
E. Used appropriate tools 15
F. Different stitches are applied to the design following
the correct procedure. 15
Neatness 10%
B. No stain or dirt 5
General Appearance 15%
C. Beautiful finished article 8
D. Worthy of the time, effort and material used 7


PS Perfect Score
TS Teacher’s Score

Congratulations!!! You did a great job!! Rest and

relax a while then move on to the next lesson.
Good luck!!

• Maria A. Roque, Senior TESDA Specialist, Grade 7 and 8 of the K-12 Curriculum an Exploratory
Courses in Technology and Livelihood Education.










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