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Date received:

Application no.:

INZ 1025

Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand

Supporting information for a visitors visa/permit application
Who can sponsor a visitor?
To be a sponsor you must be a relative or a friend of the visitor(s) you are sponsoring, and you must be a New Zealand citizen or the holder of a New Zealand residence permit. If you are the holder of a residence permit that is subject to requirements under section 18A of the Immigration Act 1987 you are not eligible to be a sponsor. If you are sponsoring a visitor(s) under the parent and grandparent multiple entry visitors visa policy, you must be a child or grandchild of the principal applicant (or the parent of the principal applicants child or grandchild). You can provide sponsorship for a visitor in three ways. You can: provide financial support for the visitor(s), and/or provide accommodation or the cost of accommodation for the visitor(s), and/or guarantee to provide the cost of return airfares for the visitor(s). Sponsors declaration with them. Justices of the Peace, solicitors or notaries public are authorised to take a statutory declaration. When your statutory declaration has been authorised, return the form with your evidence to the visitor.

Sponsors responsibilities
When you agree to be a sponsor, you undertake and agree to: reimburse the Crown for all costs/expenses the Crown incurs associated with the people you are sponsoring, for the whole length of their visit (whether they are on a temporary permit, or are in New Zealand unlawfully) repay the New Zealand Government for any costs the New Zealand Government incurs because of your failure to meet your obligations as a sponsor. If you fail to repay any such costs to the New Zealand Government, a debt for the amount of those costs is then due to the Crown. This debt may be enforced against you in the New Zealand Courts. If you do not carry out the responsibilities you have agreed to, it is likely that Immigration New Zealand will recover from you any costs incurred in the removal process for the person(s) who have been sponsored.

Evidence you must provide

You must provide evidence that you are a New Zealand citizen

or a resident. If you are providing financial support/the cost of accommodation/the cost of return airfares for the visitor(s) you must provide evidence that you have sufficient funds. If you are agreeing to provide accommodation for the visitors while they are in New Zealand, you must also provide evidence that you own, or hold a rental agreement on, the property that the visitor(s) will stay at while they are in New Zealand. If you wish to support your partners (or intended partners) application for a visitors visa/permit you must also complete the Form for Partners Supporting Partnership-Based Temporary Entry Applications (INZ 1146).

Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007

Under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, anyone giving immigration advice will have to be licensed (unless they are exempt). From 4 May 2009, all immigration advisers working in New Zealand must be licensed. From 4 May 2010, all immigration advisers, whether working onshore or offshore, must be licensed. It is an offence to provide immigration advice without holding a licence from these dates. If your immigration adviser is not licensed when they should be, Immigration New Zealand will return your application. For more information and to view the Register of licensed advisers, go to the Immigration Advisers Authority website, email [email protected], or write to them at PO Box 6222, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, New Zealand.

Signing the declaration

When you have completed sections A to D of the form (and, if necessary, your bank has completed Section E:

Bank confirmation), you must take the form and the evidence you are providing to a person authorised to take a statutory declaration, and complete Section F:

For further information on immigration visit

When filling in this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

Section A

Visitor(s) details

When filling in this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS. A1 Details of the visitor(s) you are sponsoring Visitor 1 Full name as shown on passport Relationship to you Date of birth Visitor 2 Full name as shown on passport Relationship to you Date of birth Visitor 3 Full name as shown on passport Relationship to you Date of birth Visitor 4 Full name as shown on passport Relationship to you Date of birth Gender
Male Female










A2 The visitor(s) is applying for a visitors visa/permit for a stay in New Zealand of


Section B
B1 Name

Sponsors details

Family/last name Given/first name(s) B2 Other names you are known by or have ever been known by

B3 Gender



B4 Date of birth B5 Town/city of birth Country of birth B6 Country of citizenship

2 Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand

B7 What is your employment status? in full-time paid employment in part-time paid employment unemployed receiving a benefit from Work and Income other (please specify) B8 Your residential address and contact details Name Address

Telephone (daytime) Fax Email

Telephone (evening)

B9 Name and address for communication about this sponsorship form. Same as address at Family/last name


Other. Given/first name(s)

Company name (if applicable) and address

Telephone (daytime) Fax B10 Do you authorise the person stated at Yes No

Telephone (evening) Email to act on your behalf?

B11 Have you received immigration advice on this application? Yes Please make sure that your immigration adviser completes Section G: Immigration advisers details. Go to No Go to
B13 . B12

B12 Immigration adviser reference code for online enquiries

This is not the advisers licence number.

B13 Would you like us to email you instructions for registering to check online how your application is progressing? Yes No B14 To sponsor a visitor you must be a New Zealand citizen or the holder of a New Zealand residence permit. Tick one of the options below to show what evidence you have provided. I am a New Zealand citizen and I have provided a certified true copy of my passport, citizenship certificate, or birth certificate. I am the holder of a New Zealand residence permit and I have provided a certified true copy of my residence permit/returning residents visa in my passport.

Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand 3

When filling in this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

B15 Have you sponsored any visitors to New Zealand previously? Yes Provide details No Details of ALL visitors you have previously sponsored. If the visitor(s) did not arrive, write N/A in Date of arrival.
Name Date of birth

Date of arrival

Date of departure

1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7.

/ / /

/ / /

/ / /

/ / /

/ / /

/ / /

Section C

Accommodation and airfares

Note: if you are sponsoring a visitor(s) under the parent and grandparent multiple entry visitors visa policy, you must agree to provide accommodation and airfares, or you will not be an eligible sponsor.

C1 Do you agree to provide accommodation for the visitor(s) while they are in New Zealand? Yes
Provide details of the property where they will stay in New Zealand

No Go to



Telephone C2 If you have ticked Yes at


you must provide evidence concerning the property.


I have attached evidence that I own or hold a rental agreement on the property named at C3 Do you agree to provide the cost of return airfares for the visitor(s), if necessary? Yes You must attach evidence that you have adequate funds to cover return airfares. No

Section D

Financial support

Note: if you are sponsoring a visitor(s) under the parent and grandparent multiple entry visitors visa policy, you must agree to provide financial support, or you will not be an eligible sponsor.

D1 Do you agree to provide the visitor(s) with full financial support (including the costs of any health care) while they are in New Zealand? Yes No Go to Section F: Sponsors declaration. D2 Have you attached bank statements/wage slips from the last three months, or letters from your employer as evidence? Yes Go to

No You will need to ask your bank to complete Section E: Bank confirmation. Go to


D3 Please tick one of the options below. I am providing accommodation for the visitor(s), or their accommodation has been prepaid. I agree and undertake to make available a minimum of NZ$400.00 per month for each person I am sponsoring. I am not providing accommodation for the visitor(s), and their accommodation has not been prepaid. I agree and undertake to make available a minimum of NZ$1,000 per month for each person I am sponsoring.

4 Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand

Section E

Bank confirmation

The sponsors bank must complete this section, if the sponsor has not provided bank statements/wage slips/letter from employer.
Name of bank Branch

This bank confirms that the person providing this financial undertaking has an account with this bank and has sufficient funds as at the date of the signature below to make available the amount of (tick one of the options): NZ$400 per month for NZ$1,000 per month person(s) specified in this form.

months in New Zealand for each of the

The bank accepts no obligation or liability in respect of these funds. Signature of bank officer

Full name of bank officer

Official stamp of bank

Section F
I, name

Sponsors declaration

of address and occupation

solemnly and sincerely declare that the information supplied on this form and in the attachments is true and correct, and that I will honour the obligations made in respect of the person(s) I have agreed to support in this form. I understand that if I fail to meet any obligation undertaken, I will be liable under Section 28(2) of the Immigration Act 1987 to pay the Crown all costs and expenses incurred in respect of that failure. I understand that if I have received immigration advice from an immigration adviser and if that immigration adviser is not licensed under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 when they should be, INZ will return my application. I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957. Signature Declared at (place)


day of

year Official stamp or seal

Signature of person authorised to take a statutory declaration

Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand 5

When filling in this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

Section G

Immigration advisers details

This section must be completed by the sponsors immigration adviser. If the sponsor does not have an immigration adviser, this section does not have to be completed. G1 Have you been lawfully present in New Zealand for more than 183 days in the last 12 months? G2 Tick the one option that applies to you. I am a licensed immigration adviser under the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007. Go to I am exempt from licensing under the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007. Go to I am an unlicensed immigration adviser. Go to Section H: Declaration by person assisting the sponsor.
If you are unlicensed when you should be licensed under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, Immigration New Zealand will return your clients application. It is an offence to provide immigration advice without holding a licence, unless you are exempt. G4 G3



G3 Licensed advisers. Please provide your licence details. Licence type full provisional

limited. List conditions specified in the Register.

Licence number 2 0

Go to Section H: Declaration by person assisting the sponsor.

G4 Exempt from licensing. Tick one box below to show why you are exempt from licensing. I provided immigration advice in an informal or family context only, and I did not provide the advice systematically or for a fee. I am a New Zealand member of Parliament or member of their staff and I provided immigration advice as part of my employment agreement. I am a foreign diplomat or consular staff. I am an employee of the New Zealand public service and I provided immigration advice within the scope of my employment agreement. I am a lawyer and I hold a current practising certificate as a barrister or as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. I am employed by, or I am working as a volunteer for, a New Zealand community law centre where at least one lawyer is on the employing body of the community law centre or is employed by or working as a volunteer for the community law centre in a supervisory capacity. I am employed by, or I am working as a volunteer for, a New Zealand citizens advice bureau. I provided immigration advice offshore in relation to applications or potential applications for student visas or student permits only.
Go to Section H: Declaration by person assisting the sponsor.

6 Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand

Section H

Declaration by person assisting the sponsor

This section must be completed and signed by the sponsors immigration adviser, or by any person who has assisted the sponsor by providing immigration advice, explaining, translating, or filling in the form for the sponsor. If the sponsor does not have an immigration adviser, and no one helped the sponsor to fill in this form, this section does not have to be completed.
If you are unlicensed when you should be licensed under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, Immigration New Zealand will return your clients application. It is an offence to provide immigration advice without holding a licence. For more information, go to the Immigration Advisers Authority website, or email [email protected] or write to them at PO Box 6222, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, New Zealand.

Name and address of person assisting sponsor. Family/last name

Same as address given at Given/first name(s)

B9 , or

as below.

Company name (if applicable) and address

Telephone (daytime) Fax Email

Telephone (evening)

I understand that after the sponsor has signed this form it is an offence to change or add further information, change any documents attached to the form, or attach any further documents to the form. I note that the maximum penalty for this offence is a fine of up to NZ$100,000 and/or a term of imprisonment of up to seven years. However, if changes are needed, the person making the changes must state on the form what information or documents have been changed and give reasons for the changes. I certify that the sponsor asked me to help them complete this form and any additional forms. I certify that the sponsor agreed that the information provided was correct before signing the declaration. I have assisted the sponsor as an interpreter/translator I have assisted the sponsor with filling in the form I have assisted the sponsor in another way. Please specify I have provided immigration advice (as defined in the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007) and my details in Section G: Immigration advisers details are correct. Signature of person assisting Date

This form has been approved under section 132(1) of the Immigration Act 1987

MARCH 2009

Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand 7

When filling in this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

About the information you provide

Deciding whether you are eligible to be a sponsor The information about you on this form is collected to determine your eligibility to be a sponsor of a visitor to New Zealand. The main recipient of the information is Immigration New Zealand, Department of Labour, but it may also be shared with other Government agencies, which are entitled to the information under applicable legislation. The address of Immigration New Zealand is PO Box 3705, Wellington, New Zealand. This is not where the application should be sent. Collecting this information is authorised by the Immigration Act 1987 and the Immigration Regulations made under that Act. You do not have to provide the information, but if you do not then the visitors application may be declined. Any person who is in New Zealand has the right to access the information about them held by Immigration New Zealand and to ask for any of it to be corrected if they think that is necessary. Health and disability services Visitor permit holders generally are not eligible for publicly-funded health and disability services. People covered by New Zealands Reciprocal Health Agreements with Australia and the UK are entitled to publicly-funded health care for immediately necessary medical treatment only. We strongly recommend that visitors have comprehensive health insurance for the duration of their visit. For more information visit the Ministry of Health website at

8 Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand

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