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Month- January Week- 04th Issue – 10th Date-27-01-2023

(Oum Gang ganeshaaonamah, Jai Ambe)

Pulse of Cotton & Yarn prices in India and International Market

Aifcospin enjoy dedicating a new service for its members by keeping a finger on the pulse of cotton & Yarn market
and reporting it to them frequently. Please note as a word of caution that it’s a compilation and gist of market
information collected from different sources. AIFCOSPIN is no way responsible for any market variations, untoward
fluctuations and etc. and all the rights remain reserved. For private circulation (members only).
U.S Trade cotton #2 : in U.S cents / Lb (CASH) 26th January’2023 88.00 (+ 0.11)

Today’s report Last report

N.Y. Futures: in U.S Cent/Lb. (27-01-2023) Mar’23 87.18(+0.69) 86.49(+0.14)
1 US$/EURO(Bid) = Rs.81.4858 / 88.8042 May’23 87.70(+0.79) 86.91(+0.19)
1Kg. = 2.2046 Lb. July’23 87.98(+0.65) 87.23(+0.06)
Cotton 1-1/16”=26.98mm to middling 1-3/32” Oct’23 86.13(0.50) 85.63(+0.95)
Dec’23 85.33(+0.63) 84.70(-0.20)

Cotlook “A”- Index ,C/F Far-East, In U.S Cents / Lb. 26th January’ 2023 101.65(-0.15)

Note: A. Cot look “A” Index for FE is: 1) Upland cotton of SM 1 1/8”=28.58mm to Middling 1-3/32” =27.78mm and
from Aug’2015, to Middling 1-1/8”. 2) Avg. price of five cheapest quotations selected from most frequently traded
upland cotton (out of nineteen numbers) internationally. 3) Far East means, covering the port of destination of the
countries like Thailand, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. 4) Day’s indices time is 2.30 pm of U.K.
B. A weekly pamphlet that gives an in-detail review of the major crop and market developments around India & the
World, together with a complete listing of A Index(FE), its element growths and other significant prices and statistical
information, together with brief details of the main crop and marketing developments during the preceding week.

Indian Varieties: Trade name Indicating Prices: Rs. / Candy (Ex-Gin )

Bunny (31mm,30gpt/3.7-4.5mic) 63000
Shankar-6 (29mm,28gpt/3.5-4.5mic) 62000
J-34 (27mm,26gpt / 3.5-4.5mic) 59600
MECH-1 (28mm,27gpt/3.5-4.5mic) 60000
V-797 (22mm, 20gpt/4.0-6.0mic) 46800
*Crop of 2022-23
Avg Spot price of the probable used cotton during the year of 2020-’21 :
SPOT PRICES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
J-34 H-4 S-6 DCH-32 LRA-5166 Bunny MECH MCU-5
27/3.5- 28/3.5- 29/3.5- 34/3.0- 27/3.5- 31/3.8- 28/3.5- 32/3.5-
  4.9/26 4.9/27 4.9/27-28 3.8/33 4.9/26 4.2/30 4.9/27 4.9/31
Avg. cost per Candy:FY’16-17 38593 41464 41247 54293 39275 42803 40345 40413
Avg. cost per Candy:FY’17-18 40316 41347 40966 54332 37548 42570 39468 44281
Avg. cost per candy FY'18-19 43057 44048 44674 57017 39934 45667 42459 47012
Cost per Candy :FY '19-'20 39958 41856 42065 54928 39659 43923 41244 45280
A.Cost per candy-FY-'20-'21 37,952 38,520 38,957 55,534 35,117 40,708 37,905 41,413
A.Cost per candy-FY-'21-'22 56941 58315 61078 96373 37107 63722 40995 57946
Avg. of Sept'21 49763 50775 55350 93063 44363 55963 51463 57900
Avg. of Oct'21 56550 57592 59392 111708 48000 63117 56275 68500
Avg. of Nov'21 62740 63940 65850 116400 54000 67580 62500 71150
Avg. of Dec'21 61877 63431 66346 111385 NA 69323 NA NA
Avg. of Jan'22 68682 70436 73882 113509 0 77709 0 0
Avg. of Feb"22 73460 75660 77830 101350 0 81950 0 0
Avg. of March'22 77455 80236 81864 98364 71245 86782 80355 0
Avg. of April'22 88011 90867 92567 109056 78133 99200 90433 0
Avg. of May'22 95292 98638 99500 110923 82338 105615 98423 0
Avg. of June'22 88517 91908 97250 340667 75533 105583 94692 0
Avg. of July'22 79957 85029 88486 226500 69429 92100 85014 0
Avg. of August'22 92540 96980 97000 95000 77000 100900 94420 0
Avg. of Sept'22 76450 78770 82370 88650 71720 10150 78850 0
Avg. of Oct'22 65460 66740 69240 75900 61800 0 66960 0
Avg. of Nov'22 62044 64322 67233 72722 60000 69050 64600 0
Avg. of Dec'22 60650 62700 64188 69625 0 66038 0 64100
27-01-2023 59600 61100 62000 66000 NA 63400 60000 64500
T.Avg: Jan'22 to Jan'23
76057 78780 80996 102721 49897 80857 80089 64067
Diff. in CM (Jan'23-Jan’22):
-9437 -9670 -12093 -48231 0 -14909 46833 64033
Friday 27th January’2023 Standard Descriptions with Basic Grade & Staple in, Millimetres based on Upper Half
Mean .Length, [ By law 66 (A) (a) (4) ] Black- 2021-22, Blue-2022-23
G.Trash Strength/
No. Growth Grade Standard Grade Staple Micronaire Per Quintal Per Candy
1 P/H/R ICS-101 Fine Below 22mm 5.0 – 7.0 4 15 18250 64900
2 P/H/R ICS-201 Fine Below 22mm 5.0 – 7.0 4.5 15 18390 65400
3 GUJ ICS-102 Fine 22mm 4.0 – 6.0 13 20 13160 46800
4 KAR ICS-103 Fine 23mm 4.0 – 5.5 4.5 21 NA NA
5 M/M ICS-104 Fine 24mm 4.0 – 5.5 4 23 16928 60200
6 P/H/R(U) ICS-202 Fine 26mm 3.5 – 4.9 4.5 26 16759 59600
7 M/M(p)/SA/TL ICS-105 Fine 26mm 3.0 – 3.4 4 25 NA NA
8 P/H/R(u) ICS-105 Fine 27mm 3.5 – 4.9 4 26 16872 60000
9 M/M(p)/SL/TL/G ICS-105 Fine 27mm 3.0 – 3.4 4 26 NA NA
10 M/M(p)/SA/TL ICS-105 Fine 27mm 3.5 – 4.9 3.5 27 NA NA
11 P/H/R(u) ICS-105 Fine 28mm 3.5 – 4.9 4 27 17181 61100
12 M/M(P) ICS-105 Fine 28mm 3.5 – 4.9 3.5 27 16872 60000
13 SA/TL ICS-105 Fine 28mm 3.8 – 4.2 3.5 27 16928 60200
14 GUJ ICS-105 Fine 28mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 27 16984 60400
15 R (L) ICS-105 Fine 29mm 3.7 – 4.9 3.5 28 17266 61400
16 M/M (P) ICS-105 Fine 29mm 3.8 – 4.2 3.5 28 17153 61000
17 SA/TL (K) ICS-105 Fine 29mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 28 17209 61200
18 GUJ ICS-105 Fine 29mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 28 17434 62000
19 M/M(P) ICS-105 Fine 30mm 3.8 – 4.2 3.5 29 17434 62000
20 SA/TL/K/O ICS-105 Fine 30mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 29 17491 62200
21 M/M(P) ICS-105 Fine 31mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 30 17716 63000
22 SA/TL/K/TN/O ICS-105 Fine 31mm 3.8 – 4.2 3 30 17828 63400
23 SA/TL/K/TN/O ICS-106 Fine 32mm 3.5 – 4.9 3 31 18137 64500
24 M/M(P) ICS-107 Fine 34mm 3.0 – 3.8 4 33 18559 66000
25 K/TN ICS-107 Fine 34mm 3.0 – 3.8 3.5 34 18981 67500
26 M/M(P) ICS-107 Fine 35mm 2.8-3.7 3.5 35 18981 67500
Crop of 2022-23
Facts on Cotton :
World & India’s cotton scenario and updated Technology:

1. Displaying Cotlook Indices for the past days

‘A Index’ ‘A’ (FE,fwd) Date
100.60(NC) -(+) 20th January’2023
99.10(-1.50) -(-) 21ST January’2023
101.80 (+2.70) -(+) 23RD January’ 2023
101.15(-0.65) -(-) 25th January’ 2023
101.65(+0.50) -(+) 26th January’2022
98.60(+0.75) - (+) 18th January’ 2022
100.60(+2.00) - (+) 19th January’ 2022

2. Cotton/PSF/ Blended Ring or OE yarn price as on date: (Pl note that export price
is not steady as daily changes of cotton prices.) Type of Yarn Count(Ne) Price (Ex-mill in Increased (+)/

Rs/Kg OR $/kG) decreased (-)by
1 PC(80:20) weft ring yarn 32s 148.00 + 2.00
2 Do 50s 165.00 + 2.00
3 Do 47s 160.00 + 2.00
4 Cotton carded warp O.E yarn 20s 205.00 + 2.00
5 PC(38:62) Warp O.E yarn 30s 170.00 - 1.00
6 Cotton carded warp ring yarn 46s 278.00 -
7 PC(70:30) warp ring yarn 67s 190.00 + 5.00
8 Do 62s 175.00 - 5.00
9 Cotton carded warp ring yarn 60s 290.00 - 5.00
10 PC(67:33) warp ring yarn(TFO) 60/2s 260.00 - 5.00

For further info. Pl contact: AIFCOSPIN

Date Arrivals(MT) Avarege Prices in Rs/Quintal

26/01/2023 2997 7722.76
25/01/2023 20835 7777.22
24/01/2023 25705 7820.83
23/01/2023 28308 7817.22
22/01/2023 4208 7889.53
21/01/2023 27059 7872.85
State WISE TODAYS COTTON RATES (Quintal) Date : 27/01/2023
State RATE Arrivals(MT) Variety / Avg.Rate / Arrivals(MT)
AndhraPradesh 7698 851.31 V:Bunny R:8050 A:110.2V:Cotton(Ginned) R:7659 A:57.4V:Cotton(Unginned)
R:7663 A:683.71
Haryana 8080 86.40 V:American R:8110 A:48.4V:Other R:8050 A:38
MadhyaPradesh 7150 625.89 V:DCH-32(Ginned) R:6900 A:370.9V:DCH-32(Unginned) R:7400 A:254.99
Maharashtra 7900 90.00 V:Desi R:7900 A:90
Punjab 8095 8.90 V:Other R:8095 A:8.9
Rajasthan 8365 1273.60 V:American R:8365 A:1273.6
Telangana 6828 61.01 V:170-C2(Ginned) R:6080 A:0.01V:170-CO2(Unginned) R:8000 A:5
V:Bramha R:6080 A:1V:RCH-2 R:7150 A:55
Totday's Statwise 7730.86 2997  


Market Movement from 16th Jan 2023 to 21st Jan 2023.

• NY Cotton futures traded higher for three of the four trading sessions during the shortened
trading week. NY March gained 441 points during the week. NY March gained 331 points after
US export sales on Friday.
• US Export Sales was decent with 2,12,000 bales of new commitment and very limited
cancellation. China booked 55,100 bales which was considered a positive news by the market.
US exportshipment also was encouraging with 1,89,400 balesshipped during the week.
• In India prices remained in 62,000 to 63,000 range.
• As arrival was low at the start of the week due to festival holidays but picked up in later part of
the week.
• Indian basis are higher so very few bargain of raw cotton export.
• Yarn export is struggling but getting some orders.
• Indian rupee remained strong. Due to strong gain in NY future on last day basis narrowed to
11 cents on.
• We may expect better arrival in next week

Global US Weekly Export Sales

 Net UPLAND sales of 2,09,400 RB for 2022-2023 were up noticeably from the previous week
and from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for China (55,100 RB), Pakistan (43,600
RB, including decreases of 200 RB), Vietnam (42,500 RB, including 100 RB switched from
China), Turkey (25,600 RB, including decreases of 17,200 RB), and South Korea (18,700 RB),
were offset by reductions for Mexico (2,500 RB).
 Net UPLAND sales of 26,900 RB for 2023-2024 were primarily for Turkey (21,600 RB).
 UPLAND Exports of 1,83,100 RB were up 22 percent from the previous week and 48 percent
from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to China (60,200 RB), Pakistan
(46,100 RB), Mexico (13,500 RB), Vietnam (12,600 RB), and Indonesia (7,000 RB).
 Net sales of PIMA totaling 2,500 RB for 2022-2023 were down 24 percent from the previous
week, but up 6 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases were primarily for Vietnam
(1,300 RB), Taiwan (400 RB), South Korea (300 RB), Bangladesh (200 RB), and Bahrain (100
 PIMA Exports of 6,300 RB were unchanged from the previous week, but up 14 percent from
the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to India (4,100 RB), Vietnam (900
RB), Turkey (400 RB), Japan (300 RB), and Peru (200 RB).

Smart Textiles:

Researchers from Japan's university develop microelectronic fibre

25 Jan '23

A team of researchers led by assistant professor Dr Yuanyuan Guo from Japan’s Tohoku University's
Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences has developed a microelectronic fibre with
microscopic parameters that is capable of analysing electrolytes and metabolites in sweat. The fibre’s
micrometre scale allows it to be woven into clothes for healthcare applications.
The fibre could lead to fibre-based smart clothes that provide greater versatility in functions, larger
sensing areas, and greater comfort. The team believes that their developed smart fabric could
revolutionise the textile and healthcare industries, benefiting human society at large, according to a press
release by Tohoku University.
To produce the fibre, the group leveraged the versatile thermal drawing process, where heat is applied to
draw out micro-structured fibre from its macroscopic preform. The team also patterned on two sensing
electrodes for sodium and uric acid on the longitudinal surface of the fibre.
Although mainstream photolithography and printing technology have enabled wearable electronics, doing
so often entails attaching fairly rigid electronic patches to existing fabrics or directly on the skin, leading to
only a small area of the body being covered.
Smart fabrics allow for the seamless integration of electronics, optics, biosensors, and mechanics into a
thin strand of fibre that is intrinsically flexible and as thin as a human hair. These fabrics can then be used
to monitor vital physiological signals related to our mental and physical health status.
Guo said: “Our breakthrough is the first successful attempt at using thermally drawn fibre in wearable
bioelectronics for monitoring biochemical signatures.
"Since most developments so far could not be considered clothes, we devoted our effort to transforming
fibre, to make truly wearable smart fabric.”
Graduate student Jingxuan Wu was the leading author of the research work, and it was published in
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry on January 9, 2023.
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP)

Trade Fairs:
Textiles ministry supports 9th edition of Techtextil India

25 Jan '23
Event organiser Messe Frankfurt India has announced the ninth edition of Techtextil India, which is
scheduled to take place between September 12–14, 2023 in Mumbai. The support to the event from
India’s ministry of textiles further demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the
economy of the country.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, nonwovens, fibres, yarns, and
machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming
response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key
application areas, according to a press release by Messe Frankfurt.
“We are elated to have received the support from the ministry of textiles, Government of India and believe
that it will bring in strong value to the technical textiles segment of our trade fair while opening doors to
lucrative business engagements for the industry. We are optimistic that it will gain for us a wider reach
and increase our credibility among the industry,” said Raj Manek, executive director and board member,
Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd.
The last edition of Techtextil India in November 2021 emerged as a crucial meeting place form technical
textile players. Even though the show happened to be the first post lockdown edition, it garnered an
attendance of 4,087 visitors due to live demonstration of the latest products and technologies from over
150 technical textile brands.
Heading for its ninth edition, Techtextil India, along with the support of India’s ministry of textiles and other
supporting associations aims to play a key role in the overall development of the industry.
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (NB)

Friday 27th January’2023 NIGHT Time of Issue:19:30 hours IST


Significant Weather Features

♦ The Western Disturbance as a trough in middle tropospheric westerlies runs along Long. 53°E to the
north of Lat. 24°N. it is very likely to move eastwards and high moisture feeding from Arabian Sea is very
likely on 29th & 30th January, 2023. Under its influence:
⇒ Light/moderate fairly widespread to widespread rainfall/snowfall very likely over Western Himalayan
Region ; light/moderate scattered to fairly widespread rainfall over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and
West Uttar Pradesh on 29th & 30th; light/moderate isolated to scattered rainfall over East Uttar Pradesh
29th & 30th and over Rajasthan 28th & 29th; Isolated light rainfall also likely over Delhi on 29th January,
⇒ Isolated heavy rainfall/snowfall very likely over Western Himalayan Region on 29th & 30th January
⇒ Isolated hailstorm very likely over Western Himalayan Region, Punjab, Haryana and West Uttar
Pradesh on 29th & 30th; over East Rajasthan on 28th & 29th and over West Rajasthan on
29th January, 2023.
⇒ Strong Surface Winds 20-30 kmph likely to prevail over northwest India on 29th & 30th January, 2023.
⇒ Ground frost very likely at isolated places over Rajasthan on 28th January 2023.
Main Weather Observations
♦ Rainfall/snowfall observed (from 0830 hours IST to 1730 hours IST of today): at isolated places over
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
♦ Significant amount of rainfall recorded (from 0830 hours IST to 1730 hours IST of today):(in cm): Nil.
♦ Today, Severe Cold Wave prevailed in isolated pockets over West Rajasthan and Cold wave in isolated
pockets over Punjab and East Rajasthan.
♦Moderate fog (at 1730 hours IST of today) in isolated pockets observed over Assam & Meghalaya.
♦ Visibility recorded (at 1730 hours IST of today)(≤500 m): Assam & Meghalaya: Haflong-200

Weather Warning during next 5 days *

27 Jan (Day 1):
♦ Severe Cold wave conditions very likely in isolated pockets over Rajasthan; Cold wave
conditions very likely in some areas over Punjab and in isolated pockets over Haryana, Chandigarh &
♦ Ground forest conditions very likely in isolated pockets over Rajasthan.
♦ Dense fog in isolated pockets very likely over Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam & Meghalaya,
Mizoram and Tripura.
♦ Squally weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 gusting 55 kmph) likely over Southeast Bay of Bengal.
28 Jan (Day 2):
♦ Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning & hail likely at isolated places over East Rajasthan.
♦ Squally weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 gusting 55 kmph) likely over Southeast Bay of Bengal.
29 Jan (Day 3):
♦ Heavy rainfall/snowfall very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and
♦ Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning & hail likely at isolated places over Jammu, kashmir, Ladakh,
Gilgit-Baltistan& Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, West Uttar Pradesh,
Rajasthan and with lightning atisolated places over West Madhya Pradesh.
♦ Squally weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 gusting 55 kmph) likely over Southwest & adjoining
Southeast Bay of Bengal.
30 Jan (Day 4):
♦ Heavy rainfall/snowfall very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh
♦ Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning & hail likely at isolated places over Jammu, kashmir, Ladakh,
Gilgit-Baltistan& Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, West Uttar Pradesh
and with lightning at isolatedplaces over East Uttar Pradesh, West Madhya Pradesh and Tamilnadu,
Puducherry & Karaikal.
♦ Squally weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 gusting 55 kmph) likely over Southwest & adjoining
Southeast Bay of Bengal.
31 Jan (Day 5):
♦ Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning likely at isolated places over Tamilnadu, Puducherry &
Karaikal and Kerala & Mahe.
♦ Squally wind (speed reaching 45-55 gusting to 65 kmph) likely over Southwest & adjoining Southeast
Bay of Bengal andsqually weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 gusting 55 kmph) over Southwest Bay of
Bengal & along & off Sri-Lanka coast.

Current News: (Cotton and Textile Market)


1. Cotton Fades Day Session Highs, Still Closes Higher

Alan Brugler –Barchart
Thu Jan 26,
Cotton pulled back for the Thursday close, but still ended up on the day. March had seen 222
point gains at the day’s high, but settled up by 84 points. The other nearby contracts were up by
44 to 78 points at the bell. December remains a 158 point discount to the March. 
Cotton export bookings from the week that ended 1/19 were 213,680 RBs according to FAS
data. That was a weekly 2% increase but was still ~half of the same week last year. China was
the top buyer with 59k RBs leaving their net commitments at 1.877m RBs of the 9.282 million
total. Commitments trail last year by 21%.  
The Seam had 4,753 bales sold on 1/25 for an average gross price of 81.8 cents. The Cotlook A
Index was 101.15 cents/lb for 1/25 which was down by 130 points. The USDA average world
price (AWP) for cotton was raised 262 points this afternoon to 75.05 cents per pound. It will be
in effect until next Thursday. ICE Certified Stocks were 8,900 bales as of 1/18.  

2. India's PC, poly spun yarn up as raw material prices rise, demand high
25 Jan '23
(Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL): India’s polyester yarn prices increased amid improved
buying. Polyester-cotton yarn was also sold for higher prices. Polyester value chain witnessed a
better demand after a rise in polyester staple fibre (PSF) prices. Last week, Reliance increased
the prices of PSF and its upstream raw materials. Higher crude oil prices are said to have
pushed up polyester. 
Polyester yarn prices increased by ₹3-4 per kg in major trading centres such as Ludhiana and
Surat. Mills increased their selling prices after an increase in prices of PSF and upstream raw
materials by RIL. “Costlier PSF motivated buyers to stock up on the goods. Extended winter
also pushed polyester value chain up,” a trader from Surat told Fibre2Fashion.

3. Cotton yarn steady in south India; demand weak due to extended winter
24 Jan '23

(Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL): Cotton yarn prices remained stable in south India today as
demand from the weaving industry was not encouraging.

Extended winter season is hampering cotton yarn trade because the summer clothing season is
likely to be delayed. The entire value chain is looking forward to the summer season as the
demand for cotton clothing increases in this season.

Prices of most counts and varieties of cotton yarn were stable in Mumbai. Market sentiments
were weak because of uncertainty in buying from the weaving industry.

“This winter season is longer than usual. Trading activities were limited because buyers are not
in a hurry to buy cotton yarn for the upcoming summer season,” a trader from Mumbai told

1. Cotton Tug-of-War: Production and Prices Battle It Out for 2023
January 25, 2023
Cotton production will hang by the thin threads of demand in 2023 — and prices will likely sway
in the 80¢ to 85¢ per pound range, depending on La Niña’s trajectory. Patience might be the
most valuable tool for producers this year, especially when it comes to navigating the economic
Prices and Production
“New crop December 2023 futures are in the neighborhood of 80¢,” says Don Shurley,
University of Georgia’s professor emeritus of cotton economics. “This does not inspire cotton
acreage but much will also depend on the price of competing crops, production costs and the
individual farm situation dictating rotation and flexibility,” he explains.
Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board chairman, recently shared his takeaways from USDA’s
most recent supply and demand report and sheds light on what to expect in terms of production
and trade for the upcoming marketing year:
U.S. production is forecasted at 14.68 million bales.
Global production is projected at 115.40 million bales.
World consumption is down to 110.9 million bales due to decreased use in India, Indonesia and
U.S. exports are forecasted at 12 million bales, down from 14.6 million bales in 2021/22.
Global exports are forecasted at 41.7 million bales, down from 42.9 million bales in the previous
marketing year.
U.S. ending stocks are expected to be 4.2 million bales, representing 30% of projected use.

2. China top buyer of Brazilian cotton with 28.81% share in Jan-Nov 2022
26 Jan '23
(Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL): World’s major cotton producer and exporter Brazil exported
cotton (HS code 5201) worth $3.342 billion in the first eleven months of 2022.
China was the top buyer of Brazilian cotton with a share of 28.81 per cent amounting to
$963.044 million in the same period. Brazil’s total cotton exports to the world increased in value
but declined in volume in 2022. 
The shipment to China increased by 23.84 per cent from the exports in the corresponding
period of last year when they were noted at $777.660 million, according to Fibre2Fashion’s
market insight tool TexPro. 
Besides China, Brazil exported cotton worth $492.038 (14.72 per cent) to Vietnam, $445.619
(13.33 per cent) to Bangladesh, $431.551 (12.91 per cent) to Pakistan and $430.163 (12.87 per
cent) to Turkiye, as per TexPro. Brazil’s cotton exports to the world increased in terms of value
but decreased in terms of volume. The shipment was $3.676 billion (1.803 billion kg) in 2022.

3. Zimbabwe’s Cotton Output Declines By Over 50%

JANUARY 24, 2023

Zimbabwe’s cotton output declined by over 50% last season, statistics from the Agricultural
Marketing Authority (AMA) show. In the 2021/22 season, farmers produced 57 000 tonnes of
the crop as compared to 137 762 tonnes produced during the 2020/21 marketing season, a
59% drop.

AMA chief executive officer, Clever Isaya, told NewsDay that the sharp decline in cotton output
is attributable to flooding and a cold spell in May. He said: Heavy rains and floods at the
beginning of this season leached soils, then erratic rains which were received thereafter up to
December (affected crops). In January 2022, we had Tropical Storm Ana which caused
destruction to both crops and animals, a cold spell quickly set in in May 2022 which affected ball
splitting of cotton.

4. US' NCC to set policies for nation's cotton, ancillary industries

25 Jan '23
(Fibre2Fashion News Desk (NB): Delegates at the National Cotton Council’s (NCC) upcoming
annual meeting will review and approve resolutions to help US cotton’s central organisation
guide the US cotton industry in the coming year.
At this forum, set for February 10-12 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas, industry
representatives from the 17 cotton-producing states and all seven industry segments will
establish policies reflecting common interests and promoting mutual benefits for its broad
membership and ancillary industries.
Highlights of the meeting’s general session on February 12 include NCC chairman Ted
Schneider reporting on major NCC activities and issues the industry will face in 2023 and Dr.
Jody Campiche, the NCC’s vice president of economics and policy analysis, presenting the
NCC’s economic outlook that includes the NCC’s 2023 planting intentions survey results,
according to a press release by the NCC.

5. China's textiles & apparel exports grow 2.53% to $323 bn in 2022

24 Jan '23
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL): China exported textiles, apparel and clothing accessories
worth $323.344 billion in the entire 2022, registering a slight growth of 2.53 per cent compared
to the previous year. The latest monthly data released by the General Administration of
Customs of China shows that the country's garment exports grew by 3.2 per cent in the same
Garment and clothing accessories exports reached $175.396 billion in 2022, which was 3.2 per
cent higher than the same period of last year. China's textile exports, including yarn, fabrics,
and others, registered a growth of 2 per cent year-on-year to reach $145.079 billion in 2022. 
Textile and apparel exports during December 2022 amounted to $25.295 billion. Out of this,
textile, yarn, and articles exports earned $11.002 billion, while garments and clothing
accessories fetched $14.293 billion in December this year, as per the data. (Source:
6. China EximBank raises credit support to foreign trade industry
27 Jan '23
(Fibre2Fashion News Desk (NB): The Export-Import Bank of China (China EximBank), which is
a state-funded and state-owned policy bank supporting China’s foreign trade, had increased
credit support for the foreign trade industry in 2022.

Towards the end of 2022, China EximBank’s outstanding loans to the country’s foreign trade
industry totalled 2.87 trillion yuan (around $423.92 billion), which was an increase of 470 billion
yuan compared to the start of the year, according to local media reports. Outstanding loans in
yuan and other currencies that were lent by the bank capped 5 trillion yuan as of the end of
2022, which was a rise of 12 per cent compared to the beginning of 2022. (Source:

7. PK: Buyers take interest in fresh buying on cotton market

Jan 27, 2023

LAHORE: The local cotton market on Thursday remained bullish and the trading volume
remained satisfactory.
Cotton Analyst Naseem Usman told Business Recorder that the rate of cotton in Sindh is in
between Rs 17,000 to Rs 20,000 per maund. The rate of cotton in Punjab is in between Rs
19,000 to Rs 21,000 per maund. The rate of Phutti in Sindh is between Rs 6,500 to Rs 8,000
per 40 kg. The rate of Phutti in Punjab is in between Rs 7,500 to Rs 10,500 per 40 kg.

200 bales of Panu Aqil were sold at Rs 19,500 per maund, 200 bales of Sanghar, 200 bales of
Nawab Shah, were sold at Rs 16,800 per maund, 600 bales of Mian Wali were sold at Rs
19,500 to Rs 20,000 per maund, 400 bales of Rahim Yar Khan, 400 bales of Khan Pur, 800
bales of Sadiqabad were sold at Rs 20,000 per maund.

8. DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Stokes Higher Thursday

Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst
January 27, 2023
The cotton market ended Thursday with double-digit gains. Fiber prices were encouraged
higher by another positive weekly export-sales report, a strong GDP, plus higher grains and
energies markets.
Friday afternoon, the CFTC will present its weekly commitments-of-traders report. At last count,
the managed-funds were net short some 1900 contracts, their first such position since 2020.
Since that time, the cotton market has graduated higher, so the data ought to be interesting.
Next week, traders will be keying on the Federal Reserve meeting. It is expected that the central
bank will hike interest rates 25 basis points on Wednesday. Of course, next week is also the
end of the month, thus some position squaring will be seen. To that end, there has been a ton of
farmer fixations occurring so that operating lines can be settled and then re-upped for 2023.


anuary 18, 2023
THE Egypt opened its market cotton in feather to exports of Brazil after a process that had
dragged on since 2006, said the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Favaroto
journalists.After meeting with the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvahe pointed out that Egypt is
a niche market that gives a seal to the quality of the product from Brazil.
Brazil is the second largest cotton exporter in the world, behind the United States, and has been
gaining markets especially in Asiawhere demand grows the most, betting on fiber quality
“Everyone wants to buy a shirt or sheet with Egyptian cotton, because of the quality of the
Egyptian cotton. If you are going to export, it means you have quality, you have credibility, you
have respect…”, he said.

10. Nigeria: FG committed to developing cotton subsector—minister

By NAN | 18 January 2023
The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Otumba Adeniyi Adebayo has expressed the
Federal Government’s commitment to promoting the development of the cotton subsector of the
economy. Adebayo said this at the opening of the 1st Nigeria International Cotton Summit and
Expo in Abuja. Adebayo who was represented by Mr Adewale Bakare, the Director of, the
Industrial Development Department in the ministry, emphasised the need to resuscitate the
country’s textile industry.
He said that the ministry facilitated the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) intervention fund to the
Cotton, Textile and Garment (CTG) sector as part of efforts to promote the development of the
cotton sector of the economy. “This is with the aim of resuscitating and returning the textile
industry back to its old glory days of creating jobs and achieving self-sufficiency in cotton
production. “This which aimed at minimising and eradicating smuggling and dumping of textile
goods and facilitating foreign exchange earnings, financed over 320,000 farmers between 2018
and 2020,’’ he said. According to him, Nigeria has yet to harness the potential in the CTG

The information contained in this weekly bulletin has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about the
market feelings on cotton and yarn prices around India and related countries by AIFCOSPIN,Mumbai to its member and
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