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Training Guide for

Industrial Hygiene

Many thanks to Prof. Mark Friend

Website:, Authorized Training Provider for Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2348110141960, 08138591811
• Tell us your name
• Where you work and what you do
• Why you came for the training
• How you heard about the training
• Have you filled your details on the
attendance register?
Training Objectives
• Define terms associated with industrial hygiene
• Identify the classes of occupational hazards
• Describe basic toxic effects and routes of entry
• Differentiate between occupational and para-
occupational exposures
• Understand the roles and responsibilities of the
Industrial Hygienist
• Describe the primary controls employed by Industrial
Hygienists to control workplace exposures
• Explain the various types of sampling that may be
conducted by the Industrial Hygienist
• Identify how Industrial Hygiene fits into an overall
occupational safety and health program.
• Tell us your name
• Where you work and what you do
• Why you came for the training
• How you heard about the training
• Have you filled your details on the
attendance register?

Marana Global Services Ltd
Brief Introduction
• Every time at work, people are exposed to various hazards
that may pose significant threats to health.
• In many cases where the hazards are not adequately
controlled, workers have sustained avoidable health injuries
which have left them in lifetime pains.
• The need to study the effects of work conditions on health
has become absolutely necessary to protect workers from
• Occupational health is concerned with the two-way
relationship between health and work, the effects of the
working environment on the general wellbeing of workers
and the influence of the workers' state of health and their
ability to perform the tasks before them safely.
• Occupational Health is the science of designing,
implementing and evaluating comprehensive health
and safety programs that maintain and enhance
employees health, improve safety and increase
productivity in the workplace (FOH, 2011).
• Industrial hygiene has most often been described as
the art and science devoted to the recognition,
evaluation, and control of workplace health hazards.
• In addition to these three tenets, it has been suggested
that we add a fourth, anticipation. We must be careful
here to avoid ‘‘expecting the expected.’’
Note to the Industrial Hygienist
• Emphasis on the anticipation of workplace hazards
may result in overlooking the unexpected health
• A well-trained, well-prepared Industrial Hygienist is
equipped to deal with virtually any situation that
• Our focus will be centered on recognition,
evaluation and control in this course.
Industrial Hygiene as an “Art”
• ‘‘Art’’ implies that industrial hygiene cannot be practiced by
simply following a recipe. With each unique workplace
setting and each new day, an IH must reinvent himself or
• An IH does not simply report the measurements and levels
of workplace hazards, but also interprets those results.
Often, industrial hygiene measurements lie within ‘‘gray’’
areas; that is, they are neither safe, nor unsafe.
• An IH must make professional recommendations based
upon a preponderance of the quantitative data gathered as
well as intangible threads of information gathered by
• Experience, preparation, and study of the associated
sciences will help enable the IH to become a competent
practitioner of the craft.
The Science of Industrial Hygiene
• Industrial hygiene is steeped in a variety of
sciences, including engineering, epidemiology (the
study of the distribution of disease within a
population), physics, statistics, biology,
microbiology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, and
• Knowledge of the applied sciences, such as public
and environmental health, computer applications,
geographic information systems, and industrial
psychology, is essential to the IH who wishes to
practice comprehensive industrial hygiene.
Working as an Industrial Hygienist
• In theory, the IH is responsible for managing chemical,
biological, physical, and radioactive health hazards
within the work environment.
• In practice, no one individual can be an expert in all of
these areas.
• Control of workplace health hazards has become so
complex that in workplaces where most or all of these
hazards are present, the management of these hazards
is assigned to a team of occupational health
• Such a team might include an occupational physician,
occupational nurse, safety professional, health physicist
(radiation protection), and others.
Working as an Industrial Hygienist
• Workplaces with high-risk microbiological
exposures may also employ biological safety
• Industrial hygiene requires the cunning of a
detective, the discipline of a scientist, and the
persuasion of a TV evangelist.
• The IH must uncover the secrets of the often
invisible hazardous agents.
• What are they? Where do they originate? How
much is present? What harm might they cause?
How can I control or eliminate them?
Working as an Industrial Hygienist
• Industrial hygiene investigations must be performed
with scientific method. Procedures must be
reproducible, accurate, and precise.
• In order to be effective, an IH must sell the
recommendations to the management and entire
organization. He must convince the worker that
recommended work practices and controls are
absolutely necessary to a safe and healthful workplace.
• The IH must convince the administration that hazard
control expenses are worth every dime.
• The goal of the IH is to provide a safe and healthful
work environment for all workers.
Five Hazard Categories
The general hazard categories at work place include:
• Biological hazards
• Psychosocial hazards
• Ergonomic hazards
• Physical hazards
• Chemical hazards
Biological Hazards
These are hazards of biological origin. They include bacteria,
fungi, viruses and parasites. These organisms are found
• Medical personnel, research workers, laboratory scientists
and technicians, clerical offices, cleaners and other workers
in close contact with patients suffering from communicable
diseases are at very great risk.
• Such diseases are tuberculosis, acquired immune deficiency
syndromes (AIDs), anthrax, cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid
fever among others.
• Organic dust from wood can cause cancer of nasal sinus.
Other diseases caused through organic dust are bagassosis
through inhalation of waste from sugar-cane stalks,
byssinosis from inhalation of cotton dusts and farmers lung
from inhalation of spore-laden dust often found on mouldy
hay and straw.
Psychosocial Hazards
These are hazards that affect a worker’s emotional and
psychological stabilities and their attitudes to work. For
instance, an aggressive and power possessed Manager who
creates an atmosphere of fear, division and distrust among his
colleagues and subordinates, is a psychosocial hazard.
• The products of uncontrolled psychosocial hazards in an
organization are hostility, fear, aggression, distrust,
disrespect and lack of discipline.
• The degree of these factors in every individual determines
the level of job satisfaction and efficiency. If a person
derives no satisfaction from his work and his relationship
with others is not cordial, he will not be able to exert
himself to the full extent of his capacity or intelligence.
• This does not reflect disobedience or apathy, yet the ability
to perform has been destroyed through confrontation or
humiliation. The sustenance of the interest borne out of
satisfaction in his work no more exists.
Ergonomic Factors
• Ergonomics may be defined as the scientific study of the
relationship between man and his work environment to achieve
optimum adjustment in terms of efficiency, health and well being.
• It is a multidisciplinary approach, which provides a healthful and
safe working environment, in which efficiency is promoted
without detrimental effects on health and safety of the
• The first factor to be considered in ergonomics is the system
design, which should incorporate man as an integral part of a
total man-machine relationship. In other words, consideration
should be given at the design stage to the general physical and
mental demands of the task, with the main intention of avoiding
qualitative and quantitative overload.
• The second factor to be considered is the environmental design,
which should give consideration to space allocation to avoid
unhealthy postures through standing, sitting or exerting force.
• Other factors to be considered are lighting, ventilation, noise and
vibration that are appropriate to the requirements of the
Physical Hazards
• These are the general safety hazards in the workplace. Examples:
electrical hazards, manual handling, radiation, heat, vibration, noise,
heights, etc.
• Radiation exposure can be particularly dangerous, depending on the

• Non-ionising radiation are low frequency electromagnetic waves that

do not have sufficient photon energy to remove an electron from an
atom or molecule.

• Ionising radiation has high frequency and shorter wavelength, has

sufficient energy to knock off electrons from atoms. Effects can include
cancer, birth defects in pregnant mothers, destruction of reproductive
cells, etc.
Chemical Hazards
• These are hazards that originate from chemical
sources. Chemical hazards can take various forms,
from solids, liquids, gases, vapours, fumes or mists.
Examples of chemical hazards are various acids,
alkalis, paints, solvents, emissions from combustion
systems, aerosols, etc.
• Toxicology is known simply as the science of poisons.
• For all noncarcinogenic substances, there is a level below
which there is no adverse effect. This level is known as the
threshold level or no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL
or NOEL).
• As we increase that level or dose, within any population
there will be some measurable response to that dose. We
refer to this relationship as dose-response.
• Within any given population, there will be sensitive and
tolerant individuals. Those sensitive individuals will typically
respond to much lower doses than the majority of the
population, while the tolerant individuals must receive a
greater dose than the majority of the population in order to
elicit a response.
• If the response that is being studied is mortality, then the
dose that causes death in exactly one-half of the studied
population is called the lethal dose-50 (LD50).
Toxicity of Substances
This is the ability of a substance to produce injury once it reaches a site in
or on the body (Allan St. John Holt, 2003). Or the ability of a substance to
cause harm or adversely affect an organism (Mark and Friend, 2007).

Two Types of Toxicity Effects

• Chronic effect: This describe the effect which results after prolonged
• Acute effect: This describes immediate response to a single exposure

Factors that Affect Toxicity of

• Concentration of the substance
• Duration of exposure
• Route of exposure
• Characteristics of the substance (physical, chemical)
• Its affinity to human tissue
• Its solubility in human tissues
Nature of Toxic Substances
Toxins found in the workplaces can take any of the
five forms described below. The IH must understand
how the nature of such toxins affects their toxicity
and be able to device best management practices to
control the risks.
• Dusts are solid particles suspended in air (particle
size ranges between 0.5 and 10 microns), which will
settle under gravity.
• They can be of organic or inorganic origin and
usually generated by mechanical handling and
transferring of materials.
• Other processes in the workplace that produce
dusts are machining, cutting.
• The most common occupational disease associated
with inhalation of mineral dusts and characterized
by damage to the lungs is referred to as
• Examples of disease conditions caused by dusts are
asbestosis, which results from inhalation of
asbestos fiber, silicosis caused by silica and
stannosis from tin dust.
• All these occupational diseases are characterized by
chronic fibrotic changes accompanied by cough and
• Most of these produce some degree of respiratory
disability, which are not reversible by any clinical
• These are the gaseous forms of substances which
are normally in the solid or liquid state.
• Vapours have the ability to be changed back to
solid or liquid state either by increasing the
pressure or decreasing the temperature alone.
• Most solvents which are organic, fall to this
• Examples are benzene which can cause leukaemia
after long exposure and trichloroethylene with
effect on the liver and skin after long exposure.
• Fumes are solid particles formed by condensation from
the gaseous state. The particle size is between 0.1 and
1 micron.
• Examples of these are lead oxide fume from smelting
and iron oxide from arc-welding.
• A long exposure to lead fumes can cause chronic lead
poisoning characterized by colic pain and anaemia
while inhalation of iron oxide can cause siderosis.
• Another effect of inhalation of fume is metal fume
fever. It is an acute condition caused by a short
exposure to the freshly generated fumes of metals,
such as zinc or magnesium or their oxides. Metal fume
fever is characterized by fever and shaking chills.
• These are substances in the physical condition with
no definite volume or shape but have the ability to
expand to fill any container into which they occupy.
• It has very low density and viscosity. An example of
gas is ammonia. It is a strong irritant and can
produce sudden death from bronchial spasm.
• Other examples are carbon monoxide, an
asphyxiant and chlorine which can cause irritation
of lower and upper respiratory tracts on exposure.
• These are suspended liquid droplets formed by
condensation from gaseous state or by break-up of
liquids in air.
• Examples are oil mist produced during cutting and
grinding operations, acid mists from electroplating,
acid and alkali mists from picking operations and
paint spray mist from spraying operations.
• Exposure to most of these mists result in
dermatitis, chronic bronchitis and asthma,
neurological damage, and adverse effects on liver,
kidney and haematological system.
Routes of Entry for Toxic Substances
• In order for any substance to cause injury to an
individual, it must first be taken up by the body.
Knowing the way in which substances are taken up is
critical in order to understand and prevent toxicity.
The body may be exposed to toxic substances through
any one or a combination of four routes:
• Ingestion: taken into the body orally.
• Inhalation: taken into the body through the lungs
(breathing in).
• Absorption: taken into the body by absorbing through
the skin.
• Injection: taken into the body through broken skin
Routes of Entry
• Occupationally, inhalation is the most common route of
entry for toxic substances. It is fairly common for
substances to have more than one route of entry, and
some may cause injury through all four routes.
• It should be noted that these routes only define
tangible hazards. Other hazards like ergonomics and
psychosocial are not covered with the standard routes
of exposure for toxic substances.
• A worker under a violent Manager will be exposed to
psychosocial hazards through psychological means.
Acute and Chronic Exposures
• When an individual receives a relatively large dose
over a single (or brief) time period, we refer to this
type of exposure as acute.
An example of an acute exposure is when a child
accidentally ingests a household chemical.
• When an individual receives a relatively low dose
over a long time period (perhaps over a lifetime),
we call this type of exposure chronic. An example of
a chronic exposure is asbestos exposure. Most
harm from asbestos fibers takes decades to
Acute versus Chronic Exposures
• Chronic and acute exposures to the same toxin
rarely have much in common. Often, the symptoms
vary and the health effects are quite different.
• For example, passive cigarette smoke (acute) may
cause an individual to cough and experience
symptoms of eye and upper respiratory irritation.
Over a lifetime, a person regularly exposed
(chronic) to secondhand cigarette smoke may
experience cardiovascular disease, respiratory
disease, and even cancer.
Acute versus Chronic Exposures
Often we are tempted to examine acute symptoms
to predict chronic exposures; however, we see from
this example that the acute symptoms from passive
cigarette smoke provide us with no information that
would help predict chronic outcomes.
Local and Systemic Effects of Toxins
• No matter which mode of entry a toxin takes, the
health effects can be either local or systemic,
depending upon the physical and chemical
characteristics of the substance.
• Local effects are the tissue reactions of the body areas
that come in direct contact with the contaminant.
• Systemic effects, on the other hand, occur in the target
sites of the body, which are not the initial contact
locations, but which, because of their affinity for that
particular substance, readily absorb it.
Example of Local and Systemic Effects
• Inhalation of heavy metals like lead will cause a
systemic effect because it does not have serious
impacts on the contact area, being the upper
respiratory parts. Over time, it goes to attack the
CNS, kidney and the blood, all of which there was
no primary contact during exposure.
• Exposure to sulphuric acid fumes will cause a local
effect because it affects the upper respiratory
system (irritation of the nose, trachea and bronchi),
being the primary contact during exposure.
Interaction of Toxins
When two or more substances are taken into the body, there are
three possible interactions that may take place. These are:
• Antagonism
• Additive
• Synergism
From toxicological studies, we know and can predict the amount of
injury caused by many individual substances.
• When we combine these substances, and the effects are as
predicted, we call this additive. It can be expressed as 1+1=2.
• When we combine two or more substances and a lower overall
effect is observed, that is, their combined effect is less than the
sum of their individual effects, we call this antagonism. This is
expressed as 1+1<2.
• When we combine two or more substances and the overall effect
is greater than the predicted effects, that is, their combined effect
is greater than the sum of their individual effects, we call this
synergism. This may be expressed as 1+1>2.
Classification of Toxic Materials
• There are numerous ways to classify toxic
materials. In general, toxic materials are
categorized according to their physical or chemical
characteristics or the physiological organs that they
• The following groups of toxic materials are
representative of the common methods used to
classify toxic substances.
Classification of Toxic Materials
• Physical Classification: This method of classification
attempts to examine toxic agents according to the form
in which they exist in the occupational environment.
These classifications include solids, liquids, gases, and
• Chemical Classification: This method of classification
uses the chemical structure, nature, and composition
that a substance possesses. Examples of chemical
classifications include aliphatic compounds, aromatics,
acids, alcohols, ketones, esters, and ethers.
• Physiological Classification: This extensive method of
classification uses potential human injury as a means of
categorizing certain agents. The following are several
physiological classifications.
Physiological Classifications
• Irritants: Chemicals that are not corrosive, but that
cause a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue
by chemical action at the site of contact.
• Asphyxiants: Substances that prevent the body from
taking in or utilizing oxygen, resulting in deprivation
and suffocation.
Simple asphyxiants are those agents that displace
oxygen in an atmosphere, resulting in what is called an
‘‘oxygen-deficient’’ atmosphere. We typically consider an
oxygen-deficient atmosphere as one containing less than
19.5 percent oxygen by volume (our normal ambient
atmosphere contains about 21 percent oxygen).
Methane, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, and
hydrogen are examples of gases (simple asphyxiants)
that can displace oxygen and reduce its concentration
below the level necessary to support life.
Physiological Classification
• Chemical asphyxiants are substances that prevent the
uptake, use, and/or transportation of oxygen by the body.
Gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and
hydrogen sulfide are examples of chemical asphyxiants.
• Nephrotoxins: Agents that produce kidney damage.
Examples of these agents include heavy metals (such as
cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury), halogenated
hydrocarbons (such as bromobenzene and carbon
tetrachloride), antineoplastic drugs such as cisplatin, and
• Neurotoxins: Agents that produce damage to the central
and/or peripheral nervous system. Examples of neurotoxins
include carbon monoxide, lead, methyl mercury, cyanide,
alcohols, and others.
Physiological Classification
• Hepatotoxins: Agents that produce liver damage, such as
liver necrosis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and carcinogenesis.
Examples of hepatotoxins include carbon tetrachloride,
aflatoxins, phosphorus, ethanol, bromobenzene, and
• Respiratory Toxins: Agents that irritate or damage the
pulmonary system. These agents may cause coughing, chest
tightness, and shortness of breath or no immediate (acute)
symptoms at all. Examples of respiratory agents include
asbestos, silica, sulfur dioxide, ozone, oxides of nitrogen,
chlorine, phosgene, and many others.
• Reproductive Toxins: Agents that affect the reproductive
capabilities, causing, for example, chromosomal damage
(mutagens) and effects on fetuses (teratogenes).
Reproductive toxins may affect both females and males.
Examples of these agents include lead and DBCP, which can
lead to birth defects or sterility.
Physiological Classifications
• Hematopoietic Agents: Chemical agents that act on the
blood to decrease the hemoglobin function or to
deprive the body tissues of oxygen. Symptoms affecting
the body include cyanosis and the loss of
consciousness. Chemicals that cause effects such as
these include carbon monoxide and cyanides.
• Cutaneous Hazards: Substances that cause skin
injuries, such as defatting, rashes, or irritations.
Examples of cutaneous hazards include ketones and
chlorinated compounds.
• Eye Hazards: Substances that injure the eye or
otherwise reduce visual capacity. Examples include
organic solvents, alkalis, acids, infrared and ultraviolet
radiation, physical hazards, and others.
Physiological Classifications
• Carcinogens: Substances that result in uncontrolled
cell growth. Examples of carcinogens are cigarette
smoke, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, ultraviolet
radiation, asbestos, and others.
• Mutagens: Substances that cause cell injury,
resulting in chromosomal damage. Examples of
mutagens are X rays and benzo(a)pyrene.
• Teratogens: Substances that lead to a birth defect.
Examples of teratogens are cigarette smoke,
alcohol, thalidomide, and others.
Toxicity versus Risk
• Risk is simply the probability that harm will occur, and the
severity of that harm if it occurs. Risk can be expressed as a
rate of harm (or injury) per total number of exposures.
• We often express this in terms of hazard and exposure as
Risk = Probability X Severity
• Toxicity is the ability of a substance to cause harm or
adversely affect an organism. When we fail to examine the
actual risk of a substance or activity, humans tend to let
emotion take over and cloud their perception of risk.
• For example, most of us believe that performing in a rodeo
or hang gliding is a risky activity. Nevertheless, the actual
risk of serious injury from these activities is much lower
than it is for motorcycle riding or cigarette smoking. When a
substance has been labeled by the scientific community as
hazardous or carcinogenic, such as saccharin, the public
perception is that contact with these substances should be
Toxic versus Poison
• Poison can be defined as any substance that causes
actual harm or death to an organism. Unlike toxic
substances(toxins) which CAN cause harm, poisons
WILL cause harm.
• The dose of a toxin will determine whether it will
cause harm or not; while the dose of a poison
determines the level of harm it causes.
• Dose is the quantity of a substance taken in or
absorbed at any one time.
• We must remember that all substances are toxic;
it is the dose that makes the poison.
Precautionary Principle
• When a toxin is perceived to be so dangerous that
it raises significant threats of harm to the
environment or human health, precautionary
measures should be taken even if some cause-and-
effect relationships are not fully established
scientifically. This is the consensus definition of the
precautionary principle.
Precautionary Principle
• An example of the application of the precautionary
principle is with nanotechnology. Nanotechnology
deals with particles that are less than one-ten
thousandth of the size of the human hair.
• The existing health and safety information on
nanoparticles is limited. Prudent practices with
nanotechnology assume that vigorous protective
measures are necessary for safe handling.
• Science may later tell us that our current practices
were overkill, but we would rather accept the
trouble and expense of excessive protection than
find out that our precautions were not adequate.
Tenets of Industrial Hygiene
• As we discussed earlier, the tenets of industrial hygiene are the
recognition, evaluation and control of workplace health hazards.
• The initial tenet, recognition, requires the IH to perform what is
known as a ‘‘walk-through’’ survey or inspection. This includes
but is not limited to the following:
Visual reconnaissance of all areas of the workplace;
Taking pictures;
Preparing drawings;
Interviewing employees;
Review of company safety policies, previous inspection reports,
injury logs, and medical records;
Any other measures.
• Tenets of Industrial Hygiene
• By thoroughly examining the workplace and observing
work practices and hazard controls, the IH will be able
to recognize visible hazards and/or identify areas that
need additional monitoring for contaminants that
cannot be evaluated visually.
• Inspections may be initiated as a result of a complaint
or general inspection schedule, or to determine if
existing or new contaminant controls are effective.
• Review of standard operating procedures and company
policies, along with a walk-through inspection, can
elucidate whether safety policies are just a piece of
paper or an actual day-to-day practice in the field.
• IHs categorize occupational health hazards into four
categories which include chemical, physical, biological, and
ergonomic stressors. These are called environmental
• Chemical stressors include substances such as solvents,
acids, caustics, and alcohols.
• Physical stressors include ionizing radiation (alpha, beta,
gamma, neutron, X-ray radiation), nonionizing radiation
(infrared, ultraviolet, visible light, radio frequency,
microwave, and laser radiation), noise, and temperature.
• Biological stressors include hazards such as bacteria,
viruses, mold, fungus, and insect-related contaminants.
• Ergonomic stressors are the human psychological and
physiological injuries or illnesses associated with repetitive
and cumulative trauma, fatigue, and exertion.
• Knowledge of work processes and an awareness of environmental
stressors allow safety and health professionals to anticipate and
recognize potential health hazards.
• Questions that should be answered during preliminary investigations
and inspections might include:
 What environmental stressors are present in the facility?
 Where are the points of origin of those environmental stressors?
 What are the forms that those environmental stressors take? Are they
dusts, vapors, gases, mists?
 What are the work processes at the facility?
 Have these work processes changed in any way?
 What are the raw materials and intermediate and finished products that
are involved in the work process? Do they pose health risks?
 What physical and mental tasks are required? Do these tasks require
frequent repetitive motions or excessive forces for long durations?
 What control methods are currently being used?
• Once these basic questions are answered, the safety and
health professional must then evaluate the potential health
hazards by determining the concentration and duration of
exposure to the contaminant or stressor.
• The potential mode of entry or exposure of the stressor
must be determined. Based upon the physical and chemical
properties of the stressor, the probability of contact,
absorption, inhalation, or ingestion must also be addressed.
• Then, the rate of generation of the contaminant must be
determined. The Industrial Hygienist must determine if,
based upon the nature, toxicity, concentration, and duration
of exposure, a significant health risk exists, thus creating the
potential for causing injury or illness.
• The majority of industrial hygiene evaluation is based upon
analytical measurement of workplace hazards, and the most
commonly monitored hazards are airborne chemical
• A variety of methods are utilized to conduct sampling,
including bulk, intermittent, or continuous sampling;
sampling across media, requiring subsequent laboratory
analysis or direct reading (real time) monitoring; and
qualitative or quantitative measurements.
• For these methods, various techniques including grab
sampling, passive monitoring, direct reading, etc. are used.
• Prior to evaluation, the IH must understand the manner in
which the potential contaminant appears in the workplace.
• For many substances, including dusts, fumes, and
mists, measurement is typically expressed in terms of
weight of the substance captured on the sampling
media per unit volume of air sampled. This is usually
represented in milligrams per cubic meter of air
sampled. The volume of air sampled is determined by
the flow rate of air volume passing through the
sampling media over a fixed period of time.
• Fiber density is measured as the ratio of fibers to the
volume of air sampled, typically in cubic centimeters.
Fibers such as asbestos, cotton, or fiberglass are
collected on the surface of the sampling media as a unit
volume of air crosses the media surface. Fibers are
typically counted via light or electron microscopy.
• While particulates are primarily sampled to determine
toxic effects upon workers, explosivity may also be of
concern. Dusts such as grain may explode when
concentrations are sufficiently elevated and an ignition
source is present.
• When monitoring is done to evaluate explosive hazards
in the occupational environment, dust-to-air
concentrations, as well as particle size and sources of
ignition, must be determined.
• Gas and vapor toxicity is measured in units of
concentration that compare the volume of the
contaminant to the volume of air sampled. This
volume-to-volume ratio is stated in parts per million or
• The percentage of a gas or vapor is used as the unit of
measure when monitoring for flammable or oxygen content
in the ambient atmosphere. This percentage represents the
ratio of the gas or vapor of concern to the total volume of
the air sampled.
• During the evaluation phase, the IH may collect the sample
on a sampling media. His interest is to measure the amount
of the contaminant present in the ambient atmosphere,
such as volume of gas, weight of dust, or number of fibers.
The volume of air sampled may also be readily determined.
This is established by pre- and post-calibrating the sampling
equipment used to establish the volume of air crossing the
sample collection media during fixed units of time.
• Once again, the volume of air sampled is the product of the
volume of air passing across the media during a given
interval of time.
• The quantitative amount of the substance collected is
then divided by the volume of air sampled and
expressed in terms of ppm, percentage, mg/m3, or
fibers per cc, depending upon the specific substance
being monitored.
• Once the concentration of the contaminant in the
employees’ work area has been established, the health
and safety professional or IH compares the results to
established criteria.
• Established criteria have been set by three groups:
OSHA, NIOSH, and the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
• These criteria can also be employed in Nigeria work
Standards for Evaluations
• OSHA requirements are mandatory standards. This means
that professionals must ensure that employee exposures fall
below the specified limits or face the risk of citations and
penalties for failing to comply with these standards. The
OSHA health chemical hazard standards are referred to as
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs).
• NIOSH provides recommended exposure levels; these are
voluntary guidelines. The NIOSH recommendations are
referred to as Recommended Exposure Levels or RELs.
• The ACGIH standards are also voluntary; however, they are
reviewed annually by panels of recognized experts.
Companies are not required to comply with the ACGIH
standards, which tend to be more conservative (lower
recommended concentrations). The ACGIH standards are
referred to as Threshold Limit Values (TLVs).
Standards for Evaluation
TLVs versus PELs
• TLVs are reviewed and published annually in the
publication Threshold Limit Values and Biological
Exposure Indices. TLVs are based on the best available
information from industrial experience, human
exposures, experimental animal studies, and when
possible all three. They are based upon science and not
typically influenced by congressional politics.
• Many OSHA PELs have not been changed since their
inception in 1970, despite advances in our
understanding of workplace health hazards. Since PELs
are law, they must pass through Congress, and are
subject to both politics and lobbyists, thus limiting their
timeliness and effectiveness in promoting a safe
Categories of TLVs
Threshold Limit Values can be categorised in to three as discussed
1) Threshold limit value-time-weighted average (TLV-TWA): The
time-weighted average concentration for a normal 8-hour workday
and a 40-hour work week, to which nearly all workers may be
repeatedly exposed day after day, without adverse effects.
2) Threshold limit value-short-term exposure limit (TLV-STEL): The
concentration to which workers can be exposed continuously for a
short period of time without suffering from (i) irritation, (ii) chronic
or irreversible tissue damage, (iii) narcosis of sufficient degree to
increase the likelihood of accidental injury, impaired self-rescue, or
materially reduced work efficiency, provided the TLV-TWA is not
The STEL is equal to a 15-minute TWA exposure, which should not
be exceeded at any time during a workday even if the 8-hour TWA
is within the TLV. There should be at least 60 minutes between
successive exposures for a maximum of four exposures/day or work
3) Threshold limit value-ceiling (TLV-C): The concentration
which should not be exceeded, even instantaneously. OSHA’s
PELs are typically expressed in terms of time-weighted
averages or ceilings using the same definition and parameters
as ACGIH’s TLVs (the first PELs were the 1968 TLVs).
• OSHA permissible exposure limits are published in the
tables found in Subpart Z of 29 CFR 1910. While health and
safety professionals know that the OSHA PELs must be met
to avoid citations, progressive companies attempt to meet
the more conservative ACGIH standards.
• By meeting the TLV recommendations for maximum worker
exposure to contaminants, health risks are reduced and
there is a greater margin of compliance in the event that
health hazard control methods are compromised.
Hazard Control
• Controls can be defined as processes, procedures, or
method changes that correct existing health problems
and prevent or minimize the risk of health hazards in
the workplace.
• Control options can either be elimination, engineering,
substitution, administrative or the use of protective
• Elimination involves total removal of the hazard
sources from workplace. Ultimately, if the hazard can
be eliminated, there would be no risk. Also, removing
the hazard completely means there would be no need
for control and recovery measures. In reality,
elimination is hardly feasible because most hazard
sources are essential part of the work system.
Control by Substitution
• This simply means using a less hazardous process or
substance in place of the identified hazard.
• For examples, a mild liquid detergent may be
substituted for powdery detergent to achieve the same
cleaning objective. A diesel engine plant is a preferred
option instead of a petrol engine in a pipeline facility to
minimize risk of explosion. The use of citric acid–based
solvents in place of a cancer causing agent like carbon
tetrachloride or the use of enamel-based paint in place
of lead-based paint would be another example of

• Substituting less toxic materials in the manufacturing

and work processing is one other way by which work
hazards can be effectively managed.
Engineering Controls
These are the most reliable and practicable method
of choice because of their ability to isolate or contain
hazards. Isolating or containing the hazards means
preventing (or greatly reducing) employee exposure.
• Examples of engineering controls include the use of
ventilation systems to reduce the concentration of
contaminants or enclosing and shielding hot work
areas. Sound proofing systems for plants and
control rooms are also examples of engineering
Engineering Control
• This may involve machine or process redesign and
inventions to isolate the workers from the hazards or
contain the hazards.
• Effective exhaust ventilation removes the hazard ‘‘at
the source,’’ before it can reach the worker’s breathing
zone. Enclosures place a barrier between the employee
and the health hazard point of origin. In both examples,
the employee is separated, and thus protected, from
the health hazard in the workplace environment.
• When it is impossible to implement engineering
controls or when fabrication and construction of
engineering controls will take time, administrative
controls and personal protective equipment options
may be required.
Administrative Controls
Those health hazard control methods that are employee
oriented or process management oriented. In other words,
they are the control methods that the management of a
facility has influence over through work process methods or
employee work assignment activities.
• Job rotation is an example of administrative control. It
involves moving employees from one workstation or task to
another at regularly assigned intervals. If noise is the
workplace health hazard of concern, it may be possible to
rotate the employee to a less noisy area during portions of
the shift. In this example, the overall exposure to the noise
hazard is reduced, thus reducing the employees’ risk of
hearing loss.
• Other administrative control options include establishing
training programs that make the employee aware of the
existing health hazard. Similarly, the use of signage,
symbols, notices, etc are part of administrative procedures.
Personal Protective Equipment
• This is the last category of health hazard control available to the
occupational health and safety professional. It is considered the
last line of defense because the barrier separating the employee
from the health hazard must be worn correctly and consistently. If
the employee does not wear the PPE or it fails, they will be at
greater risk for illness or injury.
• It is an unfortunate fact that for many occupational safety and
health programs, PPE is the symbol of the safety program rather
than a last resort.
• The main reason why administrative controls and PPE are not
considered the preferred methods for protecting workers’ health
is that the health hazards still exist in the workplace and can
present a significant risk at any time.
• In many instances, both administrative controls and PPE can be
evaded. Employees, for example, may use the wrong respirator
for a particular hazard. This mistake will result in the employee
inhaling toxic vapors or dusts, thus increasing their risk of
occupational disease.
Objectives of Evaluation
The main objectives for monitoring and evaluation of
exposure of workers to health hazards include:
• Determination of the best means of controlling hazards
through adequate and safe design
• Determination of exposures of workers to hazards.
• Keeping of the exposure to minimum levels through the
use of authorized standards.
• Detection of hazardous agents before they cause harm.
• Provision of data or material for epidemiological
• Assessment of workers compensation after work-
related illnesses.
Minimum Health Management Standards

• Health risks assessment

• Monitoring of health performance and incident
reporting and investigation
• Health impact assessment
• Human factor engineering in new projects
• Products stewardship
• fitness to work
• Local health facilities and medical emergency
Submission of Continuous Assessment

• You are required to answer the continuous

assessment questions and submit by email to
[email protected]

• If you have questions, send to

[email protected]

• For general information and complains, send to

[email protected]
continuous improvement
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what you want us to do to improve.

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Core values: Safety-Professionalism-Integrity-Improvement-Competence-Quality

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