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Karuma Hydropower Plant and Associated Transmission Line Works





JUNE 2019



Prepared by Date 21st June, 2019



Authorized by

Document Reference Number: 908-01-L-RPT-006 rev 03

Revision Date Section Revision Description
Changed from gravel to AC and Road Class
01 16-October -20 5&6
from Gravel B to Class III Paved
Revised shoulder pavement to be similar to
02 26-02-2021 6 carriageway but with Single Bituminous
Surface Treatment
Changed the shoulder width from 1.5m to
0.5m and reduced AC thickness from 50mm to
03 21-06-2021 5&6
40mm, included AC on shoulder of 0.5m
instead of SBST on 1.5m
Included curve widening for chainage 0+070
04 11-08-2021 6
to 0+280

The EPC Contractor, Sino Hydro Corporation Limited appointed Creations Consult Africa
Limited in joint venture with MBW Consulting Limited, to undertake the Design of Permanent
Roads for the project. Among the scope of services include field surveys/investigations,
detailed design, tender documentation and tender action for the upgrading of the Road in
the Murchison Falls National Park (R7).


R7 is currently a gravel surface road. The existing drainage structures consist of pipe cross &
access culverts, lined & unlined side drains and a few miter drains, some of which are heavily
silted. The terrain on the Left Hand Side of Kampala-Gulu highway, is generally flat, while on
the Right Hand Side, it’s also a flat terrain with gentle ascend to the top of a ridge followed
by a steep slope towards River Nile.

The problem areas identified were the public lorry parking area off R7 Road at the junction
with Kampala – Gulu Highway, the steep last section of R7 road liable to erosion and several
substandard vertical and horizontal curves.


A detailed topographic survey was undertaken in accordance with UNRA standards and
specifications and included an extension of controls (24 No.s) using static positioning,
differential GNSS and Real Time Kinematics (RTK). It captured important the road including
the existing alignment, terrain and other features including buildings, river bank, drainage,
utilities, fences, trees and accesses.

The survey data was formatted in Excel csv format and AutoCAD civil 3D used to produce a
topographical base map and a Digital Terrain Model which was used to undertake the


A detailed traffic survey was undertaken to establish both the existing traffic and the
expected traffic during the operation in accordance with the Ministry of Works and
Transports’ Road Design Manual and Procedural Guide as well as UNRA guidelines. The study
included manual traffic counts and interview of the nearby police for the accident survey as
well as interviews of the management of Karuma HPP facility and of the similar facilities of
Isimba and Bujagali.
A detailed soils and materials investigation was undertaken in accordance with Ministry of
Works and UNRA guidelines. It included a condition survey of the existing alignment, test
pits for investigation of subgrade soils, identification of borrow pits, rock quarries, sand
sources and collection of the respective samples for testing in accordance with British

The investigation revealed that the following:

 Alignment Soils
- The existing earth/gravel road is in good condition.
- The in-situ subgrade is classified as S4.
 Construction Materials
- The sand source is suitable for concrete works.

The Ministry of Works Road Design Manual, Volume 3 - Pavement Design (MoWT, 2010) was
adopted for pavement design.

The Asphalt Concrete wearing course was fixed through a contractual agreement, while the
lower pavement layers were designed to carry the expected traffic, which is expected to be
very low. Instead of the using earth on the shoulder as stated in the EPC contract, a uniform
pavement layer has been suggested for both travel lane and shoulder but with single surface
dressing for the shoulders. This is to enable faster construction of the road.


The road was designed according to the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) Road
Design Manual (RDM) 2010, Volume 1: Geometric Design Manual. Accordingly, the road was
classified according to function as Class B Gravel the road within the National Park.

The design alignment closely follows the existing alignment horizontally with minor changes
to allow for the dewatering shaft. Improvement was made to the curve radii to meet
minimum standards.

Ancillary facilities such as ducts to accommodate services crossing the road and traffic
calming measures. Traffic calming facilities such as humps and road signs will guide users to
promote safety on the road. The side slopes of the road was modified and specially treated
at animal crossing locations which were identified with the help of UWA to enable wild
animals cross the road easily and safely.
Hydrological and hydraulic studies for all drainage catchments within the site was conducted
with careful analysis of available maps and field investigations. The catchment runoff and
channel discharge characteristics were based on rainfall intensity and duration for
appropriate return periods stated in the Road Design Manual, Volume 2 - Drainage Design
(M0WT, 2010).

The site lies in an area which is warm and has annual rainfall of over 1340mm. The choice of
appropriate drainage structures was determined by construction cost, ease of maintenance
and performance in similar conditions. Therefore, lined and unlined side drains were
designed to convey water along roads and culverts were provided across the roads along
their natural paths. No bridge structure was determined along any of the roads. Some
sections require multiple pipes, and it has been proposed to spread these pipes at the
location instead of bundling since the valleys are wide.


A structural design was undertaken, in accordance with British Standards to determine the
appropriate specification of the differenct pipe culvert types (900mm and 1200mm diameter
culverts), recommended in the dranage design. The design assumed a minimum cover of
0.6m, a design life of 120 years and the live loading for main roads to ensure that they
conformed to the Client’s prescribed loading.
0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................... iii
0.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. iii
0.2 Existing Road Condition Assessment............................................................................................ iii
0.3 Topographic Survey............................................................................................................................. iii
0.4 Traffic Study............................................................................................................................................ iii
0.5 Soils and Materials Investigation and Pavement Design.......................................................iv
0.6 Geometric Design................................................................................................................................. iv
0.7 Hydrology and Drainage..................................................................................................................... v
0.8 Structural Design of Pipe Culverts................................................................................................... v
1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Project Background............................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 description............................................................................................................................................. 10
2 EXISTING ROAD CONDITION ASSESSMENT........................................................................................ 12
2.1 General Observations/Findings from the Assessment..........................................................12
2.2 Road widths........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Drainage.................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Terrain...................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Alignment............................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 Traffic and Existing Traffic Management.................................................................................... 14
3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY............................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Quality Control..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 References and Datum...................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Methodology......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Results...................................................................................................................................................... 18
4 TRAFFIC STUDY................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.1 Scope of Traffic Study........................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Road Categorisation........................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Traffic Counts........................................................................................................................................ 19
4.4 Traffic Forecasts................................................................................................................................... 21
4.5 Design Traffic........................................................................................................................................ 24
4.6 Key Observations and Recommendations................................................................................. 27
5 SOILS AND MATERIALS INVESTIGATION AND PAVEMENT DESIGN..........................................28
5.1 Field Investigations............................................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Laboratory Investigations................................................................................................................. 31
5.3 Investigation Results.......................................................................................................................... 32
5.4 Pavement Design................................................................................................................................. 38
6 GEOMETRIC DESIGN AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT........................................................................41
6.1 Design Standards................................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 Design Control and Criteria............................................................................................................. 41
6.3 Design Software................................................................................................................................... 43
6.4 Horizontal Alignment......................................................................................................................... 43
6.5 Vertical Alignment............................................................................................................................... 44
6.6 Cross Section Elements..................................................................................................................... 45
6.7 Traffic Signage and Road Furniture.............................................................................................. 46
6.8 Design Departures.............................................................................................................................. 47
7 HYDROLOGY AND DRAINAGE................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 Hydraulic design.................................................................................................................................. 48
7.2 Culvert Design...................................................................................................................................... 48
7.3 Side drain design................................................................................................................................. 52
8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF PIPE CULVERTS............................................................................................ 55
8.1 Design Standards, References and Standards..........................................................................55
8.2 Structural Design................................................................................................................................. 55
8.3 Materials Specifications..................................................................................................................... 55
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 1-1: Location of Project Roads.............................................................................................11

Figure 4-1: Location Map showing Traffic Count Station........................................................20

Figure 4-2: AADT per Vehicle Type...................................................................................................21

Figure 4-4: Estimated Cumulative ESA’s vs Time for R7 Road...............................................26

Figure 5-2: Pavement Profile of R7 road........................................................................................29

Figure 5-3: Uniform Sections along R7...........................................................................................34

Figure 7-5: Drainage map....................................................................................................................49

Figure 7-6: Drainage map....................................................................................................................49

Figure 7-7: Drainage map....................................................................................................................50

Figure 7-8: Drainage map....................................................................................................................50

Table 1-2: Proposed Road to be designed....................................................................................10

Table 2-1: Average road width and surface type........................................................................13

Table 2-2: Drainage structures on the roads................................................................................14

Table 2-3: Existing Alignment Characteristics..............................................................................14

Table 3-1: UNRA Topographical Survey Specifications............................................................15

Table 3-2: Levelling and Traverse Accuracy Requirements.....................................................15

Table 3-3: GPS Specifications by Survey Type.............................................................................16

Table 3-4: Instruments and Software Used...................................................................................16

Table 3-5: Datum Controls used........................................................................................................17

Table 4-2: Summary of observed ADT............................................................................................21

Table 4-5: Generated Traffic for R7 Road......................................................................................22

Table 4-6: Combined Projected Traffic for R7 Road..................................................................23

Table 4-7: Nominal Equivalence Factors per Vehicle Type.....................................................25

Table 4-8: Adopted Growth Rates and Design Period..............................................................25

Table 4-9 Traffic Classes.......................................................................................................................25

Table 4-10 Projected Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle Loads.....................................26

Table 4-11: Capacity Check for Two-Lane Rural Road..............................................................27

Table 4-12: Observations and Recommendations per Road Category..............................27

Table 5-1: Existing road condition....................................................................................................29

Table 5-2: Summary of Potential Borrow Sources of Gravels................................................30

Table 5-3: Laboratory Test Standards Used for Testing Subgrade Soils............................31

Table 5-4: Laboratory Test Standards for Testing Coarse Aggregates...............................32

Table 5-5: Laboratory Test Standards for Testing Sand...........................................................32

Table 5-6: Subgrade Classes...............................................................................................................33

Table 5-7: Subgrade Test Results for R7........................................................................................33

Table 5-8: Subgrade Classification....................................................................................................34

Table 6-1: Road Classes........................................................................................................................42

Table 6-2: Design Speeds for Class III Paved Road....................................................................42

Table 6-3: Geometric Design Parameters for Class III Paved Road......................................43

Table 6-4: Widening on Curves..........................................................................................................44

Table 6-5: Recommended and Attained Minimum Radii........................................................44

Table 6-6: Recommended Slope Ratios (Vertical to Horizontal)..........................................45

Table 7-8: Peak flow estimates for culvert crossings.................................................................51

Table 7-9: Proposed culvert sizes......................................................................................................52

Table 7-10: Side drain design parameters.....................................................................................53

Table 7-11: Proposed side drain sizes.............................................................................................54

Table 8-1 Box Culvert Design Details..............................................................................................55



Sino Hydro Corporation Limited appointed Creations Consult Africa Limited in joint venture
with MBW Consulting Limited, to undertake the Design of Permanent Roads in Karuma
Hydro Power Plant. The contract was signed on the 11 th of March 2019 and commencement
date was set for March 18th 2019. The contract period is 2.5 months, ending May 31st, 2019.


The road is listed in Table 1 -1 with its design length, excluding short minor access roads.

Table 1- 1: Proposed Road to be designed.

S. Road Name Length Purpose/ Connectivity
No. (km)

1. R7 (National Park) 6.66 Access to Tail Race Tunnel outfall

Figure 1.1 is the location map of the project road.

Figure 1- 1: Location of Project Roads

This exercise was undertaken by the Consultant’s core design team to fully appreciate the
nature and local conditions of the proposed roads conditions. Furthermore, it was conducted
to establish the status of the roads to enable the consultant make informed decisions
regarding recommendations and engineering interventions required to improve the
geometry, structural capacity and surface condition of the roads in line with the Employers

A team consisting of project and support technical staff was mobilised from 18 th to 19th
march, 2019. Other team members who did not form part for condition assessment visited
the site for reconnaissance from 18th to 23rd March 2019.

Typically the following information was captured during the road condition assessment:
 Length of road link;
 Average width of carriageway;
 Road surface condition;
 Location of culverts; type, size and general condition;
 Location of existing road side drains; type, size and condition;
 Existing condition, (settlement, outcrops, farms etc.) along the road; and
 Existing traffic and traffic management facilities


 The proposed road is planned access road within the facility, linking the Tail Race
tunnel outfall and other permanent structure such as offices and staff quarters.
 The road is categorised as a single road of about 6.7km which starts off the left hand
side of Kampala-Karuma highway into the National Park, serving as access to the Tail
Race tunnel outfall.

Provided in Appendix 1 are selected photographs illustrating the existing conditions of the
project roads.


Measurement of road width and visual observation of the pavement type was done along
the road as detailed in Table 2 -2, which summarises the average existing road width of the
road. The difference between the shoulder and carriageway was not distinct, therefore, width
measurement was taken from edge to edge.

Table 2- 2: Average road width and surface type
Road Name Approx. Average Surface Terrain and Type of Cross
Length (km) Road Width Type Section
Road R7 Flat terrain. Generally low
(National 6.7 7.3 Gravel laying, with shallow side drains
Park) in some sections.

The main drainage structures recorded on the roads were cross culverts, lined and unlined
side drains and a few miter drains. Overall, there are few cross culverts along the road.
Summary of drainage structures is shown in Table 2 -3.

Table 2- 3: Drainage structures on the roads
Road Name Side Drain Culvert Size (mm) Culvert Condition
Road R7 Shallow unlined side 6No existing culvert Concrete Generally silted or
(National drain locations were blocked
Park) identified. In Three of
the locations, culverts
were visible, 900mm
diameter. Three
others were blocked
and hardly visible

The terrain on the Left Hand Side (LHS) of Kampala-Gulu highway, covering the R7 (National
Park) Road is generally flat.

In relation to the alignment, Table 2 -4 shows the summary of the key observations made
during the condition assessment.
Table 2- 4: Existing Alignment Characteristics
Road Name Horizontal Alignment Vertical alignment
Road R7 This road is generally straight up It’s generally flat, with some low
(National Park) to the last 500m. It is generally laying sections which require raising.
sufficient for 50km/h design speed The last 500m leading to the banks
except in the last 1km of the river is steep.


The traffic observed was associated with the on-going construction works and included
mostly SUV’s and pickups, as well as some heavy trucks and buses. At the main junction with
Kampala-Gulu highway, the construction traffic interacts with the public traffic.

At the main junction, there were flagmen stationed to help control the traffic between the
entrance and the park and highway. The roads is well demarcated with several temporary
road signs posted along the road. These locations were recorded during the conditional
survey, but due to their temporary nature, are not reported in here.



UNRA standards and specifications (summarized in Table 3 -5) were adopted as the guiding
framework for ensuring quality during the course of the survey.

Table 3- 5: UNRA Topographical Survey Specifications

Table 3 -6 gives the traverse and levelling accuracy requirements for the project. The
specifications are taken from the UNRA general requirements specified in "Technical Note
Release 1 – Best Practice Concepts for Surveying".

Table 3- 6: Levelling and Traverse Accuracy Requirements

Source: Technical Note Release 1 - Best Practice Concept for Surveying, Technical Services Unit - UNRA,
22 October 2009

UNRAs Technical Note Release 1 - Best Practice Concept for Surveying also include
specifications regarding GPS observations by survey type as shown in Table 3 -7.

Table 3- 7: GPS Specifications by Survey Type


3.2.1 Instruments and Software
Table 3- 8: Instruments and Software Used
Equipment Specifications Purpose
1 Digital Level machine Leica Sprinter 175 Differential Levelling to establish
Elevations of Benchmarks (Heighting)
1 Dual Frequency GNSS set South S82 Establishment of control, Detailed
(with 3 receivers) Topographical survey, Setting out.
1 Total Station Leica Ts 09, 1’’ Detailed Topographical Survey
GNSS Processor Static data Post Processing
Leica GEOFFICE Levelling Data downloading

3.2.2 References
Datum: Arc 1960 (NEW)
Spheroid: Clarke 1880 (modified)
Projection: Transverse Mercator
Grid: UTM, Zone 36 N
Units (Linear): Metric
Meridian Origin: 330 00 00 East
Latitude of Origin: Equator
Scale Factor: 0.9996

3.2.3 Datum Points in Plan and Height

The Control points in Table 3 -9 were the basis for controlling the survey.

Table 3- 9: Datum Controls used.
No Easting Northing Elevation ID Remarks
1 249096.401
417449.113 9 1058.6051 A2 KHPP project Control
2 249112.631
417449.1212 7 1058.2238 A4 KHPP project Control

The survey was split into two phases, namely;
 Extension of control (horizontal and Vertical)
 Detailed topographical survey.

3.3.1 Extension of Control

A total of 24 controls were established along the project road alignments using various
methods as listed below;
 Static Positioning
 Differential GNSS
 Real time Kinematics Static Positioning

This method of positioning was used to extend primary survey control from the existing
project points located on site to the various project roads. Static Observation sessions
running for 30 to 40 minutes were made for each using the GNSS receivers. Cartesian
coordinates in the WGS 84 system with subsequent transformation into the UTM System Arc
1960 datum using GNSS Processor software (See attached logfiles and adjustment print-outs
for accuracy). Controls PRK02, PRK04 and PRK09 were established using static positioning
with reference to A4 and R1-1. The Minimum requirements for determining position with
static survey are a single control point and a single observation session. The extra control
point was meant to provide redundancy as well as quality control. Differential GNSS Positioning

This method was used to extend secondary control along the project roads with reference to
the primary points. A base receiver was setup at the primary control points and a roving
receiver used to occupy the new controls to determine their positions by averaging
observations for 120 seconds (See attached GPS Survey reports). The controls established
using Differential GNSS positioning are R1-1, R1-2, R1-3, R2-1, R2-2, R2-3, R2-4, R2-6,
R2-8, R9-1, R9-2, R9-3, R9-4, R9-5, R9-6, R9-7, PRK 01, PRK03, PRK05, PRK06 and

18 Real Time Kinematics (RTK)
PRK07 was established in real time kinematic mode with the base receiver at PRK06, the
roving receiver used to occupy the point and cartesian coordinates determined in real time. Heighting (Differential Levelling)

Levelling was performed using a digital levelling instrument. Double run Spirit Leveling was
carried out for all Beacons, with relevels done for cases where error was greater than
10mm/km between forward and backward leg. Calculation and adjustment of the differential
levelling was performed in Excel spread sheet (raw and reduced data sheets appended).

3.3.2 Detailed Topographical Survey Field Survey
A topographical survey was done to capture the existing road alignments, random spot
points at terrain break lines, low, flat and high laying areas at varying intervals with in the
road corridors. Also, locations of features such as existing buildings, tunnel access points,
River bank extents, drainage structures, utility lines, drains, road side lighting, channels,
fences, trees, access roads and gates among others were captured with in the project road
corridors. The survey was concentrated mainly within the road corridor of averagely 30m. Production of Topo Map (Base Map) and DTM

Raw data was downloaded from the machine, formatted in Excel csv format and imported
into AutoCAD civil 3D. Features were plotted, surface created and contours generated at an
interval of 1m to depict the terrain.

The topographic survey produced a Digital Terrain Model which was used to undertake the
design. The detailed documentation resulting from the survey activities are provided in
Appendix 2.



In line with our consultancy agreement and in order to inform the road design, the scope of
the traffic study involved the following:
1. Reconnaissance Visit
2. Manual field traffic surveys
3. Interviews of the facility’s management
4. Benchmarking visits to similar facilities
5. Accident survey
6. Survey data analysis, forecasting and traffic class determination
7. Road design recommendations

The traffic survey procedure, analysis and interpretation referenced the following technical
1. Guidelines for Detailed Design, Design Review and Technical Audit of Road
Upgrading Projects (UNRA, 2011)
2. Procedural Guide to Economic Road Feasibility Studies (MoWHC/RAFU, March 2010)
3. Roads Design Manuals (MoWT, 2010)


The proposed road is categorised as an access road, providing access to the Tail Race tunnel
outfall, and traversing the neighbouring national park. The road starts off the left hand side
of Kampala-Gulu highway into the National Park.


4.3.1 Traffic Count Details and Stations
The traffic counts undertaken consisted of only manual classified counts, carried out for three
days, from 28th to 30th March 2019, at the cross junction of the Kampala-Gulu Highway. Night
counts were carried out for one day, 29 th March 2019. This is shown on the location map in
Figure 4 -2 below.

Gulu HPP

R7 Station
Falls NP


Figure 4- 2: Location Map showing Traffic Count Station

The location was selected to ease simultaneous capturing of segregated traffic data on the
three roads selected for counts i.e. enabling segregation of vehicles moving from and to the
project roads from the through traffic along the Kampala-Gulu Highway.

The counts covered only motorized traffic, including motorcycles. The vehicles were
categorised into various categories in accordance with the Procedural Guide to Economic
Road Feasibility Studies (MoWHC/RAFU, 2010). A sample count form is attached in Appendix

4.3.2 Traffic Counts Results

All data collected was cleaned, entered and analysed up to the required use-stage using
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

The 12hr counts data was expanded to 24hr using the night variation factors (nvf) i.e. ratio of
24hr to 12hr traffic derived from the night counts to derive the Average Daily Traffic (ADT).

As the traffic surveys were conducted in a short period during March 2019, the observed ADT
needed to be factored for the season to arrive at the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT).
However due to the absence of the necessary data, a monthly variation factors (mvf) of 1 was

The traffic volumes were converted from vehicles per day (vpd) to Passenger Car Units (PCUs)
using conversion factors for level terrain from Table 5-4 Road Design Manual, Vol. I:
Geometric Design (MoWT, 2010) Pg. 62.

Using the assumed seasonal factor of 1 (one), the AADT was calculated using the equation
AADT =ADT ×monthly variation factor
AADT – Average Annual Daily Traffic.
ADT – Average Daily Traffic.

The results of the traffic counts are summarised in Table 4 -10 below while the details are
attached in Appendix 3-2.

Table 4-10: Summary of observed ADT

S. Road Name 12 hour 12 hour AADT AADT Proportion
No. /Description Averag Averag including M- excluding 12hr to
e Incl. e Excl. cycles M-cycles 24hr
M- M- vpd PCUs vpd PCU Traffic
cycles cycles s
1 R7 Road (MFNP 228 226 287 531 285 529 79%

Figure 4 -3 shows the existing traffic volumes for each vehicle type for R7 road. It shows
that the proportion of light goods vehicles (vans, pickups and SUV’s) is high compared to the
other vehicle types for all three roads.





AADT (vpd)


12 8 8
3 4 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Vehicle Type

R7 Road
Figure 4-3: AADT per Vehicle Type


4.4.1 Traffic Growth
In order to estimate the cumulative traffic loading over the duration of the design period, the
Consultant needed to determine the traffic growth rate over this period. This growth is
usually represented by a growth in normal traffic, diverted traffic and generated traffic. Normal Traffic Growth

The normal traffic growth is not expected due to the nature of the purpose of the roads,

which is to provide access and circulation to outfall. This facility is not envisaged to
change/grow with time hence it will keep attracting the same amount of traffic over time. Diverted Traffic

Being access roads, with defined destinations and no way through, the project roads are
envisaged not to attract any diverted traffic following their improvement. Generated traffic

This is non-existing traffic that is expected to be generated as a result of the proposed

This is the traffic growth type that is envisaged for this project road. It will arise to meet the
requirements of the operation and maintenance activities after the facility is commissioned.

4.4.2 Projected Traffic for R7 Road

A normal traffic growth rate of 0% was adopted. No normal traffic growth is expected as its
purpose is only to provide access to the Tail Race Tunnel and Outfall, thus will keep
attracting the same amount of traffic over time.

Being an access road, with defined destinations and no way through, R7 road is envisaged
not to attract any diverted traffic.

Generated traffic is the main traffic growth expected. It will arise to meet the requirements of
the operation and maintenance activities and is envisaged to remain relatively constant over
the design life.

The expected generated traffic volumes per vehicle type are as summarised in Table 4 -11
below. As this particular road is envisaged to attract very little traffic since there will be very
minimal activities at the tail race tunnel and outfall during operation, the same nominal
number of return trips was simply assumed for the various vehicle types. Details of how the
traffic was derived and the assumptions made are attached in Appendix 3-3.

Table 4- 11: Generated Traffic for R7 Road

Combined Traffic Volumes per Vehicle Type (Both
Light Goods Vehicle 4
Small Bus 4
Medium Bus 4
Large Bus 4
Light Single Unit Truck 4
Medium Single Unit Truck 4
Heavy Trucks 4
Semi-Trailer &Trailer Trucks 4

Error: Reference source not found below shows the combined traffic projected per vehicle
type for R7 Road, segregated into the two directions, in both vehicles per day (vpd) and
Passenger Car Units (PCUs).

Table 4- 12: Combined Projected Traffic for R7 Road
Saloon Light Small Medium Large Light Medium Heavy Semi- TOTALS
Cars & Goods, Bus, Bus, Bus Single Single Trucks Trailer (Excl.
DESCRIPTION Taxis Vans, Minibuse Coaster unit unit &Trailer M-
Pickups & s& s Truck Trucks Trucks cycles)
4WD Matatus
AADT (Dir. A) (in vpd) 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16
AADT (Dir. B) (in vpd) 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16
AADT (Dir. A+B) (in vpd) 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32
PCU factors* 1 1 1 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5  
AADT (Dir. A) (in PCUs) 0 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 7 37
AADT (Dir. B) (in PCUs) 0 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 7 37
AADT (Dir. A+B) (in
0 4 4 8 10 10 10 14 14 74
* Passenger Car Conversion factors for level terrain from Table 5-4, Road Design Manual, Vol. I: Geometric Design (MoWT, 2010, p. 62)

4.5.1 Design Traffic Classes
One of the ways of doing this is using traffic count data and static vehicle axle load survey data as
detailed below: Baseline Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

The construction is envisaged to be completed in 2022 which is three years after the traffic survey
was undertaken in 2019. Thus, 2019 was considered as the survey year while 2022 the base year.
However, because road R7 is an access road for maintence purpose only, the traffic is expected to
remain constant, with zero growth rate, hence the AADT from the traffic survey year was considered
as the baseline AADT adopted for Pavement Design. Equivalence Factors

As no axle load survey was undertaken, the nominal Equivalence Factors (E.F.) provided in Annex 3,
Guideline for Detailed Design, Design Review and Technical Audit of Road Upgrading Projects,
Revision A (UNRA, 2011, p. 70) were used.

Table 4 -13 shows the summary of the nominal equivalence factors for each vehicle type used to
calculate the Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle Loads.

Table 4-13: Nominal Equivalence Factors per Vehicle Type
Vehicle Description Equivalence
Type Factor
1a Saloon Car & Taxi 0.002
1b Light Goods, Van & Pickup & 4WD 0.045
1c Small Bus (Matatu) 0.120
1d Medium Bus 0.200
2a Large Bus 0.600
2b Light Single Unit Truck 0.500
2c Medium Single Unit Truck 2.200
3 Heavy Single Unit Truck 2.900
6 Trailer Truck (6 axles) 12.000 One-Directional Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axles (CESA)

The Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axles were estimated based on the assumed growth rates as
described in the preceding section. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was undertaken by varying the
design life from 20 years to 15 and 35 years as shown in Table 4 -14 below.

Table 4-14: Adopted Growth Rates and Design Period

S. No. Road Traffic Growth Rates (%) Deign Life (Years)
1. R7 0 15, 20, 35

Based on these growth factors and design life, the Cumulative Equivalent Axles were determined
using the formula below in accordance with Equation 1, Road Design Manual, Volume 3: Pavement
Design, Part I: Flexible Pavements (MOWT, 2010, p. 2-3).

365 xESAx ( ( 1+r )n−1 )

r Design Traffic Class

To determine the design traffic class, the cumulative ESA’s derived were compared to the traffic class
ranges in below.

Table 4- 15 Traffic Classes

Traffic Ranges Traffic Class
(Million ESA’s) Designation
<0.3 T1
0.3-0.7 T2
0.7-1.5 T3
1.5-3.0 T4
3.0-6.0 T5
6.0-10 T6
10-17 T7
17-30 T8
Source: Table 2.5, Road Design Manual, Volume 3: Pavement Design, Part I: Flexible Pavements
(MOWT, 2010, p.2-7.)

The cumulative ESA’s thus derived together with the corresponding design traffic classes are

summarised in

3-4. below. For the design of the pavement structures, the traffic classes corresponding to the
design life of 20 years should be considered. The detailed calculations are attached in Appendix 3-

Table 4-16 Projected Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle Loads

Design Life Annual Traffic Cumulative Traffic Class
(Years) Growth Rate (%) ESAL’s (Millions) Designation

    R7 Road
15 0% 0.20 T1
20 0% 0.27 T1
35 0% 0.47 T2



Cumulative ESA's (millions)

1.000 0%

0.800 (0%)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Figure 4- 4: Estimated Cumulative ESA’s vs Time for R7 Road

4.5.2 Road Capacity Check
In order to determine whether a two-lane road would have sufficient capacity for the forecast traffic
volumes, a check on the resulting Level of Service was undertaken as shown in Table 4 -17 below.

Table 4- 17: Capacity Check for Two-Lane Rural Road

Base year Design Growt Design Year LoS if 2 Acceptable
AADT Year h Rate AADT without Lane LoS***
without (T) (r%) motorcycles* Rural
motorcycles (vpd) Road**
32 20 0% 32 A C


Based on the reconnaissance visit, traffic counts and interviews undertaken during the traffic study,
the following major observations were made together with subsequent recommendations.
4.6.1 Based on Road Category
Table 4- 18: Observations and Recommendations per Road Category
Category Description Observations and expected Design Traffic
Traffic Characteristics Class &
A. The road which starts off the left To convey work traffic once in a T1
hand side of Kampala-Gulu while. Expected to receive only
highway into the National Park, vehicular traffic of very low
serving as access to the Tail Race volume for maintenance of
Tunnel outfall facilities along the outfall tunnel



A comprehensive and detailed soils and materials investigation was carried out along the road and
the surrounding areas and it comprised of the following activities:
i. Road condition survey of the existing alignment
ii. Investigation of subgrade soils and rock outcrops,
iii. Identification and location of borrow pits for embankment fill, subgrade improvement,
natural gravel subbase and base,
iv. Identification and location of rock quarries to be used as sources for coarse aggregates for
chippings, base, concrete works and masonry works,
v. Identification and location of sand sources for concrete works and mechanical stabilization of
subbase materials,
vi. Collection of sufficient samples from subgrade soils and construction materials for laboratory

5.1.1 Road Condition Assessment
Visual condition surveys were conducted along the road to identify the extent of pavement distress and
hence recommend the method of rehabilitation. The existing road is of a gravel surface and traverse
through a fairly flat area. Generally, the road has an average width of 7.3m. The existing condition is
summarized in Table 5 -19

Table 5- 19: Existing road condition

Approx. Average Pavement Proposed Terrain and Type of Cross
Length Road Type Pavement Section
(km) Width
6.7 7.3 Gravel Gravel Flat terrain. Generally low laying,
with shallow side drains in some

In addition to visual condition surveys, tests pits were excavated along the alignments to expose the
pavement layers. It was observed that the majority of the roads consist of a layer of rockfill ranging
from 200mm to 400mm which is underlying a thin gravel layer of varying thickness (100 to 150mm) as
shown in Figure 5 -5.

Figure 5- 5: Pavement Profile of R7 road

5.1.2 Subgrade Soil Investigation
The subgrade soil investigation was undertaken by test pitting, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
testing and laboratory testing of the samples collected. Test Pitting and Material Sampling

Test pits were excavated manually along the road at intervals of 500m on the left- and right-hand side
of the alignments i.e. along the shoulders. Excavation was undertaken to a maximum depth of 1m
below the current ground level. Representative subgrade soil samples from the test pits have been
tested in the laboratory. A detailed description of materials encountered is presented in the Soils &
Materials Investigation Report in Appendix 4-1as Test Pit logs. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Testing

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test was carried out to a depth of 1.0m along the road in order to
ascertain the strength, thicknesses of pavement layers and uniform sections along the alignment. The
DCP test was carried out at intervals of 250m by alternating test positions i.e. Left, Centre and Right-
Hand Side. The standard procedure recommended by the Transport Road Research Laboratory (TRRL-
UK), was followed.

Summary of DCP test results is presented in the Soils & Materials Investigation Report in Appendix
4-1. The profiles were determined from the equation given below:

Log10 (CBR) = 2.48-1.057 log10 (mm/blow).

5.1.3 Construction Materials Natural Gravel Materials
Currently, four (04) borrow sources of natural gravel have been identified, sampled and tested
accordingly for suitability classification. For each borrow area, test pits were hand dug to an average
depth of 2.0m. Soils encountered were visually classified and representative bulk samples taken from
potential formations for laboratory testing. Details of gravel borrow source locations and suitability of
extracted materials are presented in Table 5 -20.

Table 5- 20: Summary of Potential Borrow Sources of Gravels

Borrow Area Borrow pits Coordinates Approved for Material
Use as Suitability
TP01 416478 245835
BP01 TP02 416474 245880 G15 Fill
TP03 416503 245859
TP01 415919 243880
BP02 TP02 415879 243895 G30 Sub base
TP03 415965 243919
TP01 415821 243815
BP03 TP02 415892 243805 G15 Fill
TP03 415847 243758
TP01 418153 247792
BP04 TP02 418230 247786 G15 Fill

TP03 418180 247857

Evidently, from the above table, borrow sources have sufficient quantities for fill, sub grade and
subbase construction operations. Fine Aggregates

One source of natural sand from Do Tochi River was identified and sampled for laboratory testing to
ascertain its suitability for concrete construction. Coarse Aggregates

An existing rock quarry was identified at the rock crushing site which is located on the LHS of the
Kampala-Gulu Highway, within the park. This quarry consists of METAGABBRO, which is currently being
mechanically crushed into three (3) main concrete aggregate sizes. The concrete aggregates consist of
size 0-5 mm (Quarry Dust), size 5-14 mm and 14-40 mm respectively. A sample was picked for each
aggregate sizze and tested to ascertain its suitability for roads works. Water
According to the client, there is sufficient water at river Nile and it has been tested and found to be
suitable for concrete and road works.


Samples were collected from the subgrade and from different sources of construction materials. After
sampling, the samples were properly packed and transported to GETLAB Ltd in Naguru where all tests
were carried out from.

The laboratory tests were performed in accordance with acceptable Ministry of Works and Transport
(MoWT) Standards and procedures.

5.2.1 Subgrade Soil Testing

The tests were carried out on subgrade soils and these included; classification tests, moisture content,
CBR and compaction tests. The samples were tested in accordance with the standards given in Table 5

Table 5- 21: Laboratory Test Standards Used for Testing Subgrade Soils
Test Description British Standards Test Designation

In-situ Moisture BS 1377: Part 2, Clause 3:1990

Liquid Limit BS 1377: Part 2, Clause 4: 1990

Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index BS 1377: Part 2, Clause 5: 1990

Linear Shrinkage BS 1377: Part 2, Clause 6: 1990

Particle Size Distribution - Wet sieving BS 1377: Part 2, Subcl. 9.2: 1990

Compaction BS 1377: Part 4: 1990

CBR (4 days soaked) BS 1377: Part 4, Clause 7: 1990

5.2.2 Hard Stone Testing
The hardstone materials which will be required during construction include coarse aggregates and
stone base. Coarse aggregates will be required for surfacing, base, concrete works and construction of
drainage structures. Stone base could be required for the mechanical stabilization of borrow materials
which do not meet specifications and for construction of base course. Hardstone materials were tested
in accordance with BS and AASHTO standards as shown in Table 5 -22.

Table 5- 22: Laboratory Test Standards for Testing Coarse Aggregates

Test Test Methods

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) BS 812: Part 110: 1990

Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) BS 812: Part 111:1990

Sodium Sulphate Soundness (SSS) BS 812-121:1995

Bitumen Affinity BS EN 12697-11:2005

Particle Size Distribution BS 812-103.1 1985

Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) BS 812: Part 112:1990

5.2.3 Sand Sources

The sand sample was tested in accordance with international standards as shown in Table 5 -23.

Table 5- 23: Laboratory Test Standards for Testing Sand

Test Description Test Standard

Sieve Analysis BS EN 933-1:1997

Chloride Content BS1377:Part 3:1990

Sulphate Content BS1377:Part 3:1990

Silt Content BS812: 1990

Organic Matter Content BS1377:Part 3:1990


5.3.1 Alignment soils
The Design Manuals classify the subgrade based on CBR values. These subgrade categories based on
the 10th percentile CBR are summarized in Table 5 -24.

Table 5- 24: Subgrade Classes

Subgrade Class CBR (%)
S1 2
S2 3–4

S3 5–7
S4 8 – 14
S5 15 – 29
S6 30+
Source: Uganda Pavement Design Manual (MoWT, 2010) & TRL ORN 31 Test Results for R7

Test results for alignment samples which were collected from the road are summarized in Table 5 -25.
The subgrade soils along the road may generally be classified as clayey GRAVEL to sandy CLAYS of
low to intermediate plasticity and fall into A-2-6, A-6 and A-7-6 groups of AASHTO classification. The
plasticity index of these subgrade materials falls into the regions of low to intermediate plasticity
(12.0% to 20.2%).

The CBR values determined in the field by the DCP test ranged from 7% to 50%. Laboratory
determined values ranged from 7% to 14% at a compactive effort of 93% AASHTO T 180. Figure 5-3
shows uniform sections along the road developed using the cumulative sum of difference method for
the laboratory CBR values. As it can be observed from the figure, two uniform sections each having
a10th percentile CBR value of 9% was obtained. Therefore, the subgrade strength class for the road is S4
according to the Uganda Pavement Design Manual (MoWT, 2010).

Table 5- 25: Subgrade Test Results for R7

% Passing NMC Atterberg Limits MDD OMC CBR 4 days Soaked
Chainage 3
2.00 0.425 0.075 (%) LL PL PI LS kg/m (%) 93% 95% 98%

0.00 86.7 76.0 58.5 22.6 34.0 18.1 16.0 8.1 1.829 15.4 9 12 16

0.50 99.3 92.3 73.0 17.3 39.5 19.7 19.8 10.7 1.773 17.5 11 13 20

1.00 84.8 75.5 58.2 13.1 33.5 17.6 15.9 7.9 1.840 15.5 13 14 18

1.50 97.1 90.3 64.0 12.0 31.6 14.5 17.1 9.3 1.826 16.4 10 14 16

2.00 97.0 90.0 63.0 14.0 31.5 14.0 17.0 9.3 1.826 17.6 10 13 17
2.50 97.3 90.7 59.2 14.7 32.6 15.5 17.1 9.3 1.734 19.4 12 16 18
3.00 94.4 91.8 79.1 23.3 42.3 23.5 18.8 9.3 1.661 21.3 7 11 18
3.50 98.5 89.2 64.6 16.6 34.6 17.3 17.3 8.6 1.830 16.4 10 13 17
4.00 58.8 52.6 35.0 9.0 31.0 14.6 16.4 8.6 2.026 10.7 14 18 24
4.50 99.4 84.4 49.1 13.2 35.7 15.5 20.2 9.3 1.834 16.2 11 12 14
5.00 91.7 84.2 60.5 13.4 30.5 14.7 15.8 7.9 1.850 15.7 9 13 17
5.50 90.0 82.9 55.3 18.0 30.1 15.4 14.7 7.1 1.796 17.3 11 14 19

6.00 91.5 81.9 52.4 12.9 27.6 15.6 12.0 10.0 1.917 13.7 10 13 17

6.50 99.5 91.4 57.8 12.2 29.4 15.3 14.0 7.1 1.901 13.6 11 15 18
7.00 99.2 95.5 63.9 12.6 31.1 14.5 16.6 9.3 1.883 15.4 13 16 19
7.50 98.2 95.5 67.1 14.1 35.7 15.5 20.2 10.0 1.811 15.3 9 14 19

Figure 5- 6: Uniform Sections along R7 General Conclusion on Alignment Soils

The roads is underlain by subgrade soils classified as S4 according to the MoWT Uganda Design
Manual as shown in Table 5 -26.

Table 5- 26: Subgrade Classification

Range of CBR 10th Percentile MoWT Subgrade Class Adopted
(%) CBR Subgrade
7 – 14 9 S4 S4

5.3.2 Construction Materials

Construction materials which were investigated included natural gravels, aggregates, and sand. Natural Gravel

The project requires a significant amount of selected material for widening and
embankments/fill. Test results are presented in Table 5-9 and detailed results are attached in
Appendix 4-2. Their suitability for fill, capping material for subgrade improvement,
subbase and base course materials are discussed in here under.

Natural Gravel/Borrow for Fill and Selected Subgrade

The specification requirements given in Table 3602/1 of Series 3000 of the General
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works of (MoWH&C, 2005), specify a CBR of 3% for Fill.

For the upper selected subgrade, the minimum CBR is 15% and maximum PI is 25%. All the
gravel sources tested fulfil this requirement and hence no problem of fill and selected
subgrade materials along the road.

Table 5-9: Summary of Gravel Test Results

% passing Plasticity (%) MDD OMC
Borrow NMC percen
Borrow GM
Area (%) (kg/m3 (%) t
Pit )
2.0 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI LS 93% 95% 98%
TP01 25.8 17.5 10.5 2.5 10.0 32.8 15.8 17.0 8.6 2.059 11.7 39.5 43.0 50.1
BP01 TP02 33.5 21.2 13.4 2.3 11.4 34.6 16.0 18.6 9.3 2.083 10.4 35.0 39.9 45.8
TP03 29.0 19.4 8.6 2.4 13.4 30.1 15.7 14.4 5.7 2.109 10.7 41.4 47.3 54.5
TP01 29.3 20.9 9.9 2.4 9.0 31.4 18.8 12.6 6.4 1.974 13.6 45.4 48.6 56.4
BP02 TP02 25.7 20.4 11.9 2.4 11.5 35.3 21.2 14.1 7.9 2.037 11.8 46.1 49.9 57.3
TP03 28.6 18.8 11.6 2.4 8.4 29.3 15.5 13.9 6.4 2.015 12.4 42.1 46.0 53.0
TP01 25.3 17.2 10.2 2.5 8.4 32.9 24.2 8.7 7.9 1.945 13.7 48.7 53.4 60.8
BP03 TP02 33.7 21.8 15.7 2.3 14.2 35.1 18.5 16.6 7.1 2.099 10.4 42.0 47.1 54.8
TP03 38.3 22.3 13.1 2.3 10.7 30.6 19.8 10.8 11.4 2.073 9.9 40.4 43.6 48.7
TP01 54.1 44.8 32.6 1.7 9.6 32.1 19.0 13.1 6.6 1.943 14.0 22.4 27.3 32.6
BP04 TP02 59.8 43.8 30.8 1.7 13.4 38.5 25.6 12.9 10.0 1.983 13.4 20.4 23.5 31.3
TP03 44.9 36.3 24.5 1.9 11.4 36.6 20.8 15.8 7.9 2.000 12.5 27.2 33.6 38.7

Legend: GM – Grading Modulus, LL – Liquid Limit, PI – Plasticity Index, LS is Linear Shrinkage and MDD –
Dry Density

Subbase Layer
The general requirements for subbase materials in Table 3702/5 of the MOWT Standard
Specifications are:
 The completed sub-base will contain no material having a maximum dimension
exceeding two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.
 The minimum Grading Modulus not less than 1.2,
 PI maximum 16%, LL max 45% and LS max 8%
 The minimum soaked Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR) will be 30%

Only Borrow area BP02 satisfies all the above specification requirements. Only BP02 satisfies
the LS specification requirement for subbase. Two of the borrow areas (i.e. BP02 & BP04)
satisfy the requirement for PI. All sources satisfy LL, GM & CBR specification requirements for
the subbase and all the sources satisfy the GM & CBR specification requirements for the

Base Layer

The general requirements for base course materials in Table 3702/2 of the MOWT
Specifications are:
 The largest particles dmax shall be maximum 1/2 of compacted layer
thickness but not >50mm.
 The minimum Grading Modulus not less than 2.0,
 PI maximum 8%, LL max 30% and LS max 4%
 The minimum soaked Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR) will be 80% and
maximum swell 0.5%.

None of the gravel sources satisfy specification requirements for the base course. Additional
laboratory tests involving mechanical modification of the natural gravel have been

Mechanical Stabilization

Mechanical stabilization of the borrow areas was conducted using 20%, 40%, 60%&
crushed stone aggregates (CRR) and test results are presented in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10: Mechanical Stabilization of Gravel Material

% passing Plasticity (%) MDD OM percent Swe
Borrow % of (kg/m C ll
Area CRR 3 93 (%)
2.0 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI LS ) (%) 95% 98%

20% 30.2 19.3 12.1 2.4 29.8 16.0 13.8 7.7 2.091 8.6 45.9 50.3 55.3 0.21

40% 29.5 18.5 10.3 2.4 24.3 14.1 10.2 5.3 2.219 7.4 50.1 53.7 61.1 0.18
60% 27.0 16.9 9.7 2.5 22.9 13.3 9.6 4.8 2.337 6.94 62.5 65.9 73.2 0.14

80% 25.7 15.3 8.3 2.5 20.1 0.0 0.0 4.3 2.375 5.4 73.8 77.5 85.1 0.07

20% 28.5 21.3 11.3 2.4 31.4 17.5 13.8 6.8 2.042 10.2 54.1 57.1 64.0 0.13

40% 33.4 22.9 11.0 2.3 26.8 17.0 9.8 6.4 2.155 8.46 63.8 69.6 74.8 0.10

BP02 60% 35.6 23.5 10.3 2.3 24.4 16.3 8.1 3.8 2.278 7.42 71.6 76.1 81.9 0.02

80% 38.4 24.3 9.8 2.3 22.9 0.0 0.0 2.4 2.311 7.35 74.5 80.2 86.3 0.02

20% 29.5 20.2 14.8 2.4 31.7 19.0 12.7 7.6 2.066 10.64 56.9 61.1 66.2 0.10

40% 34.0 22.0 12.2 2.3 26.8 18.0 8.8 7.0 2.190 9.245 64.9 69.1 76.9 0.05

BP03 60% 36.2 23.1 11.7 2.3 25.3 16.8 8.5 6.2 2.209 8.01 74.3 79.1 85.5 0.03

80% 38.2 23.7 11.3 2.3 22.6 0.0 0.0 5.1 2.297 7.52 78.0 82.7 88.4 0.02
20% 46.7 35.1 23.4 1.9 30.8 21.2 9.6 8.3 2.023 11.06 29.3 34.4 40.1 0.52

% passing Plasticity (%) MDD OM percent Swe
Borrow % of (kg/m C ll
Area CRR 3 93
2.0 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI LS ) (%) 95% 98% (%)

40% 45.4 32.3 20.5 2.0 28.9 19.7 9.2 7.8 2.179 9.6 43.1 48.0 54.5 0.42

BP04 60% 43.7 29.6 17.1 2.1 28.7 19.6 9.1 6.8 2.235 9.01 48.4 53.0 59.1 0.41

80% 42.0 27.1 14.3 2.2 24.1 18.4 5.7 6.5 2.301 7.45 52.1 55.6 63.4 0.32

From the test results, the mechanically stabilized gravel materials (20% - 40% stone) meet
the specification requirements for subbase. However, the stabilized material does not satisfy
the specification requirements for the base. An alternative material such as CRR or CRS is
for construction of the base course. Since there is enough rock at site, CRR is recommended. Coarse Aggregates

Tests were conducted on representative samples taken from an existing rock quarry and
a summary of test results is given in Table 5-13. Detailed results are attached in Appendix

Table 5-13: Summary of Coarse Aggregate Test Results

Particle Size Distribution (% finer) Ten
Aggreg Aggreg Ten Percent Ratio
a te a tes Percen Fines of TFV Bitumen Soundn
Test Parameter Value, e ss (5
50 37.5 28 20 10 5 2 1.18 0.42 0.08 Impact Crushin t Fines
TFVsoa soaked Affinit
5 Value g Value Value, ked to y cycles)
(AIV) (ACV) TFVdry
Unit % % % % % % % % % % % kN kN dry
% % %

BS 812: BS 812: BS BS BS
BS EN BS 812-
Test Method BS 1377: Part 02: 1990 Part Part 812:Par 812:Par 812:Par 12697 121:199
112: 110: t 111: t 111: t 111: - 5
1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 11:2005
Specifications Max. Min. 75
100 100 100 87- 62- 44- 27- 22- 13- 5- - Min. Min. 95 Max. 12
Series 3000 (TABLE 97 77 62 45 38 27 12 30% 150 %
3902/2) for Crushed
Size 14-40 mm 100.0 95.5 70.6 29.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Size 5-14 mm 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 38.1 2.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
14.3 18.1 247.5 207.1 83.7 96.4 2.6
Size 0-5 mm 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 100.0 99.7 78.3 73.5 42.3 24.
0 5
Proportioned 100.0 99.9 99.4 96.1 65.2 48.5 41.4 34.1 25.5 11.
Aggregates 8

The specification requirements for Bituminous Base Course and Asphalt Concrete
Surfacing under Series 4000; Section 4200 of MoWT Uganda requires that

aggregates used for all the asphaltic pavement layers when tested shall conform
to the following requirements unless otherwise stated in the individual clauses:
 The Sand Equivalent of the fine aggregate shall be minimum 45,
 The flakiness index shall be less than 25%,
 The TFV shall not be less than 110 kN and the wet/dry strength ratio
shall not be less than 75%,
 The water absorption of the coarse aggregate shall not exceed 2% by mass,
 The sodium soundness shall be less than 12%,
 The coating of the aggregates (or bitumen affinity) shall be greater than 95%.

The aggregate samples which were tested satisfy all of the above specification
requirements. Therefore, there will be no problem of finding quality aggregates
for concrete and CRR. Sand Sources

Tests were conducted on representative sand sample taken from Do Touchi
River. Test results are summarized in Table 5-14 and detailed results are
attached in Appendix 4-2.

Table 5-14: Summary of Sand Test Results

Fine Sand Organi and Sulphat Chlorid
ss Equiv c Clay e e
Test Parameter Mod alent Conte Conten Conten Conten
10 5 2.36 1.18 0.60 0.30 0.15 0.08 (%) nt (%) t t (%) t (%)

Specifications (BS
882: 89- 60- 30- 15- 5- 0- Max. Max.
100 0-5 - - Max. 5% -
1992) 100 100 100 100 70 15 5% 0.03

Do Tochi River Sand 100.0 99.6 95.9 96.0 76.6 13.5 11.6 5.3 2.07 2.15 3.53 0.132 0.010

In general, there is no scarcity of quality sand for concrete within economically feasible
distance. The sand properties from Do Tochi Rive are within permissible limits for
works in accordance with Table 6, Section 5:1, BS 882: 1992.


The pavement design was based on the design guide and methods of the Ministry of
Works and Transport Road Design Manual, Vol. 3: Pavement Design (MoWT, 2010). For
pavement design, two parameters are required i.e. traffic volume using the road over the

design period and subgrade strength expressed in terms of CBR. The choice of
pavement type is governed by many factors among which the major ones are traffic,
availability of construction materials, prevailing construction and maintenance practice and
construction costs. Hence, the following important factors are considered during
pavement options selection,
 Traffic (Baseline flow, forecast and CESA)
 Construction M a t e r i a l s and g e o t e c h n i c a l information (field survey and
material properties)
 Subgrade (type, Classification, and material strength)

5.4.1 Design Traffic

The Road Design Manual Vol. 3: Pavement Design Part 1: Flexible Pavements (MoWT, 2010)
presents pavement structures classified in various traffic categories by cumulative
Equivalent Standard Axles (ESAs) expected over the design life of the road versus the
design subgrade class.

The cumulative ESA’s derived together with the corresponding design traffic classes for
the selected design life of 20 years are presented in detail in the Traffic Study in Chapter 4
of this report as Class T1 for road R7.

5.4.2 Design Subgrade Class

The MOWT Design Manuals classify the subgrade based on CBR values. These
subgrade categories based on the 10 percentile CBR are summarized in Table 5-8
above. The design
subgrade class which was considered is S4.

5.4.3 Practical Aspects Influencing the Pavement Design

The following measures were adopted in order to improve practicality of the design and
thus facilitate the roads’ construction, function and maintenance:

 From the sources of gravels investigated, it should be noted that no gravel source was
ascertained that could provide G80 materials. Accordingly, where G80 is
recommended in the design catalogues, it shall be replaced with crushed stone (CRR).
Other than the technical advantages of strength got from crushed stone, this material
also has far better drainage capabilities as it easily releases water due to its none or
very low plasticity properties.

 Despite finding gravel sources with CBR of 30% and above, the plasticity index (PI) was
on the margin of G30 quality materials or above and could not satisfy G45 quality.
Consequently, modification or lime stabilisation is needed but due to the technical and
economical disadvantages of stabilisation, mechanical modification is preferred.
 An asphalt wearing course is to be provided for the following reasons:

- Asphalt concrete performs better than surface dressing under turning movement
of especially heavy trucks. Thus, it is the recommended surfacing type for the
various junctions and roundabout.
- Asphalt concrete offers more strength than surface dressing thus lasts longer
hence requiring maintenance less often.
- Uniformity with the roads in the previously designed Employer’s Permanent
Camp, where asphalt concrete surface was provided.
- Predetermined based on contractual interpretation between the EPC contractor
and the Owner’s Engineer.

5.4.4 Carriage way

Based on the information presented in the preceding subsection, the pavement

construction thickness and materials and their overall equivalent pavement structural
number are presented in Table 5-11 for the different sections for the design life of 20
years. The proposed pavement structure presented is based on the MoWT Uganda
pavement design manual Chart W1 (MoWT, 2010).

Table 5-11: Proposed Pavement Structure and Structural Number (SN)

Road Subgrade Traffic Surfacing* Base Sub-base Structural
Section Class Class Course Course No. (SN)
Road R7 150mm
S4 T1 40mm AC 150mm CRR 2.26

Chart W1 of the Road Design Manual (MoWT, 2010) recommends a Surface Dressing (SD)
wearing course for a subgrade class of S4 and a traffic class of T1. However, since it was
predetermined that AC would be employed for the previously stated reasons, an AC
wearing course of 50mm was selected to replace the SD and the underlying layers
maintained. Thus, the road pavement will comprise of 50mm asphalt concrete, a 150mm
layer of crushed stone base (CBR>80%) and a mechanically stabilized gravel subbase with
CBR>30% of 150mm. This corresponds to the pavement recommended by the Road Design
Manual (MoWT, 2010) for traffic class T3 given S4 subgrade class.

5.4.5 Shoulders
Shoulders are essential elements of pavement structural design. The flexible pavement
design manual (MoWT, 2010) recommends that the shoulder material should be strong
enough to support occasional traffic. It should also help in removing surface water from
the road surface and facilitate internal drainage of the pavement.

The EPC contract stipulated earthen shoulders but because of time constraint on the

project, the shoulder pavement layer had to be revised to a superior material but one
which can be constructed faster. Therefore, the shoulder has been designed with the same
pavement layers as the carriageway with 40mm asphalt concrete as required by the client
and the Owners Engineer. This will ensure that the shoulder and carriageway are
constructed at the same time, thereby saving time while providing a more durable



The Road Design Manual (RDM) guidelines, specifically the Geometric Design Manual, 2010
Vol.1 published by the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT, 2010) formed the basis for
the design of the horizontal and vertical alignment of roads.

The main objective of the design process was to obtain an optimal geometry which will
among other things:
 Enable the road facility to perform its desired function.
 Minimise construction operations and maintenance costs.
 Minimise environmental and social impact to users and the community at large.

This section of the report catalogues the design principles employed and gives a summary of
the design output.


6.2.1 Functional Classification
The Road Design Manual defines five functional classes of roads namely.
 International Trunk Roads,
 National Trunk Roads,
 Primary Roads,
 Secondary Roads and
 Minor Roads

R7 road serve the purpose of linking a facility within the complex and may serve tourist
traffic in the Game Reserve. Based on the division of roads in the design manual as shown in
Error: Reference source not found, the road can be classified as Class E; Minor road.
According to the manual, Road Class E have short trip length and their primary function is to
provide access. Design speeds and level of service for these roads may be low.

6.2.2 Road Design Classification
As specified in the Road Design Manual (MoWT, 2010) the National Road Network of
Uganda is divided into seven classes – four classes for paved roads and three for gravel
roads. Table 4.2 from the design manual is in part reproduced in the Table 6 -27 below:

R7 inside the National Park has been designed as Class III Paved road.

Table 6- 27: Road Classes

Design Capacity Roadway Carriagewa Shoulder Right Design Speed (km/h)
Class (PCUs width (m) y Width (m) Width of Way
Fla Rollin Moun
x1000/day (m) (m)
t g t
Ia 12 - 20 20.80-24.60 14.6 2.5 60 120 100 80
Ib 6 - 10 11.0 7.0 2 60 110 100 80
II Paved 4-8 10.0 6.0 2 50 90 70 60
III 2–6 8.6 5.6 1.5 50 80 70 50
A 4–8 10.0 6.0 2 40 90 80 70
B 2–6 8.6 5.6 1.5 30 80 60 50
C 6.4 4.0 1.2 30 60 50 40
Source: Road Design Manual (MOWT, 2010)

6.2.3 Design Speed

Design speed is an important factor in geometric design. The RDM 2010 defines design
speed as that speed selected and used for design and which links road function, traffic flow
and terrain to the design parameters of sight distances, curvature, and super elevation to
ensure that a driver is presented with a reasonably safe and consistent speed environment.
The road has been classified as Class III paved. Design speeds applicable to various sections
of a class III paved road are presented in Table 6 -28.

Table 6- 28: Design Speeds for Class III Paved Road

Terrain Design Speed Environment

Flat/Level 80km/h Rural

Rolling 70km/h Rural

Mountainous 50km/h Rural

Peri-Urban 50km/h Trading Centers, Towns

Source: Table 4.5, Section 4, Road Design Manual (MOWT, 2010)

For R7 road which is located within a Game Reserve in Karuma Town Council and provides
access to the Tail Race Tunnel outfall, 50Km/h was adopted, though it is known that Uganda
Wildlife Authority prefers lower speed. Traffic control measures such as humps and speed
limit signs have been provided in the design to limit the operation speed to 30km/m.
Secondly, higher design speed but low driving speed limit could mean better visibility
because of the application of large radii horizontal and vertical curves, which may enable
animals on the road to be visible from a far distance.


AutoCAD Civil 3D 2020 version was used for the design of all geometric elements.


The governing design parameters are shown in Table 6 -29. These parameters govern the
entire road alignment, covering horizontal, vertical, and cross section. The shoulder width
was modified to 0.5m from 1.5m on the request of the client and Owners engineer.

Table 6- 29: Geometric Design Parameters for Class III Paved Road

Design Parameter Unit Urban/ Peri-Urban

Design Speed km/h 50
Number of Lanes No. 2
Roadway Width m 6.6
Carriageway Width m 2.8
Shoulder Width m 0.5
Min. Stopping Sight Distance m 60
Min. Passing Sight Distance m 345
Min. Horizontal Curve Radius m 100
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 9
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 11
Minimum Gradient in cut % 0.5
Maximum Super-elevation % 4

Crest Vertical Curve stopping Kmin 9
Crest Vertical Curve passing Kmin 126
Sag Vertical Curve stopping Kmin 11
Normal Cross fall % 2.5
Shoulder Cross fall % 2.5

The horizontal alignment of the road was designed to closely follow the existing gravel road
with limited improvement so as not to encroach further on the game reserve. Generally, the
alignment of the existing gravel road met requirements of a Class III paved road, hence the
limited need for improvement. Horizontal curves smaller than the minimum requirement
were encountered at the end of the road after Km 6+000 as the road connected to the
outfall structure. Similarly, the gradient of the road is mild along most sections of the road
except the end section after km 6+000.

Earthworks was kept to a minimum so as not create a footprint overly wider than the existing
gravel road widen the game reserve.

Circular Curve
The minimum radius of circular curves was adopted based on the limiting values of Cross fall
of the road or the maximum super-elevation (e) and Coefficient of side friction force
developed between the vehicle’s tires and Road pavement (f). Horizontal curvature standards
in relation to design speed, terrain, and environment according to RDM 2010. Sections where
the minimum curve radius could not be achieved, lane widening was applied. Widening was
applied on the inside of the curve and reduced gradually over the length of the transition
curve or tangent. Furthermore, the design manual recommends that for curves with radii
less than 250m, widening should be provided to enable larger vehicles to remain within
their lane while turning. Table 6 -30 gives the widening widths based on curve radii.

Table 6- 30: Widening on Curves

Radius of curve (m) Curve widening on Two lane
20 – 40 1.5
41 – 60 1.2
6 1 – 120 0.9
12 1 – 250 0.6

>250 0.0
Source: Table 6-10, Section 6, Road Design Manual (MOWT, 2010)

The achieved radii on R7 road which required widening are presented in Table 6 -31 with
the applied widening. The same widening of 1.5m was applied over the two compound
curves at chainage 6+662 and 6+709.

Table 6- 31: Recommended and Attained Minimum Radii
Location Attained Radius (m) Widening Applied
0+034 – 0+098 60 0.9
0+170 – 0+281 150 0.6

5+848 - 5+888 150 0.6

6+326 - 6+406 100 0.9

6+626 - 6+649 32 1.5

6+649 - 6+725 48 1.5

The widening at chainage 6+626 to 6+725 was not reduced after reduction of the lane to
2.8m because of the narrow turn and steep gradient which make turning difficult.


Two major aspects of vertical alignment are vertical curvature, which is governed by sight
distance & comfort criteria, and gradient, which are related to vehicle performance and level
of service. The two types of vertical curves namely: Summit (or Crest) & Sag (for Valley)
curves were designed at vertical grade changes.

Though the purpose of the road is to provide access to the Tail race tunnel outfall, the safety
of animals along the road is paramount. Therefore, deep cut and high fill were minimised to
enable easy access across the road for the animals. Special animal crossing features were
provided at identified crossing points. This features included side slope of 1:6 while on other
sections of the road, a slope of 1:1.5 was adopted. The Design Manual presents different
slopes for different soil type as shown in Table 6 -32.

Table 6- 32: Recommended Slope Ratios (Vertical to Horizontal)

Slope Side Slope Fill Cut (V:H)
Height (m) (V:H) Back Slope Fore Slope
0.0 – 1.0 1:4 1:3 1:4
Earth or Soil 1.0 – 3.0 1:2 1:2 1:2
over 3.0 1 : 1.5 1 : 1.5 1 : 1.5
0.0 – 1.0 1:4 1:2 1:4
Lateritic Soil 1.0 – 3.0 2:4 1 : 1.5 2:4
over 3.0 1 : 1.5 1:1 1 : 1.5
0.0 – 2.0 1: 1.25 3: 1 1: 1.25
Hard Rock
over 2.0 2:1 4:1 2:1

Cut (V:H)
Slope Side Slope Fill
Material 0.0 – 2.0 1: 1.25 3: 1 1: 1.25
Weathered Rock Height (m) (V:H)
over 2.0 2:1 3:1 2:1

0.0 – 1.0 1:4 1:3 1:4

1.0 – 3.0 2:4 1:2 2:4
over 3.0 1 : 1.5 1 : 1.5 1 : 1.5
Source: Table 7-4, Section 7, Road Design Manual (MOWT, 2010)


The cross-sectional elements recommended for Class III Paved roads and those adopted by
the Consultant are shown in Table 6-7 adopted for R7 road.

Table 6-7: Cross-Sectional Values

RDM (MoWT, 2010)

Cross sectional Elements Adopted Values
Values for Class II Paved

Lane width 2.8m 2.8m

No. of Lanes 2 2
Shoulder Width 1.5m 0.5m
Carriageway width 5.6m 5.6m
Roadway width 8.6m 8.6m
Carriageway slope 2.5% 2.5%
Shoulder Slope 4.0% 2.5%
Source: Figure 7-14, Section 7, Road Design Manual (MOWT, 2010)

Figure 6- 1 Typical Cross section of road R7


Two (2) classes of traffic control signage were used:
 Traffic Signs; and
 Road Markings.

Details of these signs and speed control measures are included in strip maps, schedules and
other drawings.

6.7.1 Traffic Signs

The following five (5) main groups of vertical signs were used.
 Warning Signs;
 Regulatory Signs;
 Guidance Signs;
 Information Signs; and
 Supplementary plates.

Traffic signs have been provided in accordance with the MoWT Traffic Sign Manual, Volume
1. Accordingly, the size of the various sign board types for medium speed group (50-80
km/h) / high speed (> 80 km/h) respectively:
 Side length of triangular signs: 900/1100 mm
 Diameter of circular signs: 750/900 mm
 Capital letter height of informative signs: 210/280 mm.

6.7.2 Protection of Traffic Signs against Theft/Vandalism

The following protective measures will be adopted to protect traffic signs from vandalism,
especially those to be installed along the improved Kampala-Gulu highway which will be
exposed to the public.
 Traffic road signposts will be filled with concrete.

6.7.3 Guardrails
Guardrails with reflectors will be proposed at the following locations:
 Very steep locations with height greater than 3.0m;
 Along the banks of River Nile; and
 Sharp bends.

An additional 1.35m wide was provided at the end of the shoulders to accommodate the
guard rails in fill sections.

6.7.4 Speed control

As a requirement by Uganda WildLife Authority, the operation speed of traffic should be
limited to 30Km/h. The following features have been provided to emphasise that
requirement to road users.

 Provide roads signs indicating the required speed limit at regular interval.
 Provision of speed humps
 Posting road signs warming of presence of animals on the road

6.7.5 Animal Crossing points

Through collaboration with UWA, all established animal crossing points along the road were
identified. The road cross section at these locations has been specially modified to enable
easy crossing for large animaals. Traffic calming measures and road signs were provided to
improve safety of animals and other road users.


6.8.1 Horizontal curve radius
Curves radii below minimum requirements were provided on Road R7 as detailed in Table
6.5 and Curve widening was provided on the inside of the curve to provide extra turning
space for large vehicles.

This section presents the proposed drainage system, based on the site topography and
natural drainage network, proposed developments in the different parts of the site and the
locations, plans and profiles of the proposed road network.


Hydraulic design was aimed at sizing and alignment of the drainage structures in such a way
that they can safely convey the design flood without significant damage to the drainage
structure or roadway. The drainage structures considered included cross culverts, bridges
and side drains. Standard principles of hydraulic analysis were used in sizing of all structures.
The approaches to hydraulic analysis and design for different types of structures are detailed
in the respective chapters below.


7.2.1 Introduction
A culvert conveys surface water through a roadway embankment or away from the highway
right-of- way. In addition to this hydraulic function, it must also carry construction and
highway traffic and earth loads; therefore, culvert design involves both hydraulic and
structural design. The hydraulic and structural designs must be such that minimal risks to
traffic, property damage, and failure from floods prove the results of good engineering
practice and economics. Culverts are considered minor structures, but they are of great
importance to adequate drainage and the integrity of the facility. Minor culverts drain the
terrain and small streams and are usually pipe culverts with span less than 2m. Major culverts
drain larger streams and rivers and are usually box culverts.

7.2.2 Drainage maps

Figure 7- 7: Drainage map

Figure 7- 8: Drainage map

Figure 7- 9: Drainage map

Figure 7- 10: Drainage map

7.2.3 Peak flow estimation
The peak flow estimates for culvert crossings are shown in Table 7 -33.
Table 7- 33: Peak flow estimates for culvert crossings
TRRL East African Rational method (Q only
Model computed for Area <=80ha)
Retur Is
Propose Area Catch T-yr- Rainfa Ratio n
n Run- TRRL rational
Road d draine -ment stor ll nal Peak
period off peak method
Name Chainag d slope m Coef Intens Peak Flow,
(T) - coef flow applica
e (m) (km2) (%) dept f, C ity Flow QT
years f (m3/s ble?
h (mm/ (m3/s (m3/s)
(Ca) ) (yes/No
(mm) hr) )
R7 0+057 0.080 5.9% 25 90.8 9% 0.31 Yes 0.34 81.9 0.63 0.63
R7 0+710 0.643 6.3% 50 9% 1.83 Yes 0.28 84.9 4.25 4.25
R7 1+390 0.210 7.3% 25 94.2 9% 0.68 Yes 0.28 79.1 1.29 1.29
R7 2+125 0.100 8.8% 25 91.5 9% 0.37 Yes 0.28 81.4 0.64 0.64
120. 12.2
R7 2+514 5.800 6.5% 50 14% No - - - 12.25
9 5
R7 2+690 4.200 6.2% 50 14% 9.99 No - - - 9.99
R7 4+313 2.161 6.5% 50 14% 6.46 No - - - 6.46
R7 5+395 0.295 6.7% 25 95.5 9% 0.90 Yes 0.28 80.6 1.85 1.85
R7 6+045 0.152 6.6% 25 93.0 9% 0.53 Yes 0.28 82.6 0.98 0.98
R7 6+455 0.150 5.5% 25 92.9 9% 0.52 Yes 0.28 84.3 0.98 0.98

7.2.4 Culvert sizing Key culvert hydraulic design criteria
Culverts were designed to allow surface water through a roadway embankment or away from
the highway right-of-way. In addition to their hydraulic function, culverts must also carry
construction and highway traffic and earth loads. The hydraulic designs were aim at ensuring
that minimal risks to traffic, property damage, and failure from floods prove the results of
good engineering practice and economics.

The major criteria in sizing of the culverts were as follows

a) The culvert slope was set to the drainage channel slope to minimise flow disruption.
However, the minimum culvert slope was set to 1% to ensure self-cleaning capacity.
The maximum slope was set to 10%. All culverts laid at slopes greater than 5% will
require anchoring.
b) To ensure smooth flow through the culverts, the maximum ratio of headwater depth
to culvert diameter was set to 1.5. However, care was made to ensure that the

maximum upstream water levels are always below the road sub-grade level.
c) The minimum cover over the culvert was set to 600 mm to ensure that the whole
culvert is below the road layers. However, a recommendation for encasing the culvert
was made for all culverts.
d) Culvert entrances and exits were provided with vertical headwalls and wingwalls. For
pipe culverts, the wingwall flare angle is 30 o while for box culverts, the angle is 45 o. In
areas with cuts upstream of the culvert inlets, drop inlet structures were proposed
and the wing walls shall not be included.
e) Downstream channels shall be included for cases where culvert outlet invert is less
than the ground level. Culvert sizing

The proposed culvert sizes are shown in Table 7 -34.

Table 7- 34: Proposed culvert sizes

Proposed Diameter/ T-yr peak Flow
Inlet Diameter/ No. of flow
Road Name Chainage Culvert shape span flow capacity
side rise (mm) barrels capacity
(m) (mm) (m3/s) ok?
R7 0+065 L Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 1 1.30 0.63 OK
R7 0+770 R Pipe culvert(s) 1200 1200 2 5.40 4.25 OK
R7 1+450 R Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 1 1.30 1.29 OK
R7 2+185 R Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 1 1.30 0.64 OK
R7 2+574 L Pipe culvert(s) 1200 1200 5 13.50 12.25 OK
R7 2+750 L Pipe culvert(s) 1200 1200 4 10.80 9.99 OK
R7 4+373 L Pipe culvert(s) 1200 1200 3 8.10 6.46 OK
R7 5+455 L Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 2 2.60 1.85 OK
R7 6+105 L Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 1 1.30 0.98 OK
R7 6+515 R Pipe culvert(s) 900 900 1 1.30 0.98 OK


Flow estimation for side drains was carried out using the rational method while the hydraulic
design process for open channels consisted of establishing criteria, developing and
evaluating alternatives, and selecting the alternative that best satisfies the criteria. Channel
design involved selection of trial channel characteristics, application of channel analysis
methods, and then iteration until the trial characteristics meet the desired criteria.

When designing drainage systems, an assessment of the following were carried out;
a) potential flooding caused by changes in water surface profiles
b) disturbance of the stream/river system upstream or downstream of the highway
c) changes in lateral flow distributions
d) changes in velocity or direction of flow
e) need for conveyance and disposal of excess runoff
f) need for channel linings to prevent erosion

55 Key hydraulic design criteria
The selection of the side drain lining depends on channel material, the permissible velocities
and the maximum allowable shear stresses. Generally, the following criteria were used in
specifying and sizing of side drains.
a) The materials considered for channel lining included grass, stone pitching and
concrete depending on the erosive power of the storm-water as defined by its flow
velocity and shear stress
b) For channel slopes that result in flow velocity and shear stress less than 1.2 m/s and
120 N/m2, respectively grassing was recommended.
c) For flow velocities and shear stresses up to 3.8 m/s and 250 N/m2, respectively stone
pitching was recommended.
d) For higher velocities, concrete channel lining was recommended. In cases were flow
velocities are higher than 10 m/s, sills shall be provided at regular intervals to create
hydraulic jumps in the concrete drains. The sills shall have a height of at least 200 mm
and shall be placed at intervals of 6 m along the steep section of the drain. In
addition, the trapezoidal concrete sections shall be widened to double their size to
further reduce velocities and shear forces.
e) Whenever possible, the channel slope was set to the ground slope or the road slope
for cut sections. However, minimum channel slope was set to 0.5% to allow for self-
f) Whenever required, road side drains shall terminate in a mitre/off-shoot drain to
divert water away from the road. The size of the mitre drain was set to match, as a
minimum, the size of the respective side drain at the start and widening to reduce
velocity at the confluence with the receiving system. Mitre drain will be 10 m long.
The preferred lining of the mitre drain shall be earth; though other lining types may
be considered where necessary.
g) A free board of 150 mm was allowed for. In any case the maximum water level in the
drain was never allowed to be above the top of the sub-grade.

The channel sizes and other parameters that were considered are shown in Table 7 -35.

Table 7- 35: Side drain design parameters

    Design parameters   Drain dimensions  
N Lining Manning max max Base Depth (m) Side
o n permissible permissible width - incl slope (n)
velocity shear stress (m) Freeboard
Vmax (m/s) (N/m2)

1 Grass 0.04 1.1 120 0.50 0.50 1.50

2 Stone -Trapezoidal 0.025 3.5 200 0.45 0.75 1.00

3 Concrete- 0.013 10.0 1000 0.30 0.75 1.00

56 Drain sizing method
Manning's equation was utilized for sizing of the side drains, i.e.
v = R2/3 S1/2
n (9)
where, v=flow velocity (m/s) = Q/A
n = Manning's roughness coefficient (Table 7 -35)
R = Hydraulic radius = A/P (m)
So = Drain slope (m/m)
Q = the T year peak flow
A = flow area (m2)
P = wetted perimeter (m)

Direct computation of flow variables (depth and velocity) requires an iterative process. In
order to simplify the calculations, a four stage approach was used;
 A trial channel type was selected from the standard sizes in Table 7 -35 above.
 For each the trial channel (size and lining type) and slopes, computations of discharge
(Q), were carried out for different flow depths (d).
 A line of best fit was determined as a power model (y=ax^b) and constants a and b
 Using the constants, the flow depth could then be directly determined.
 Flow velocity and shear stress were computed and compared with maximum values
for the selected lining.
 If the computed values were higher than the maximum value, another channel type
was selected and the process repeated. Side drain design results

The proposed drain sizes are shown in Table 7 -36.

Table 7- 36: Proposed side drain sizes

Drain Side Channel Channel
Start End Channel Free-
Road Start End Sectional on Lining Side base
level Level Depth boar
Name Ch. Ch. Length Roa Material slope width
(m) (m) (m) d (m)
(m) d (1:n) (m)
Stone -
R7 0+000 0+065 65 Left 1041.5 1039.6 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 0+000 0+065 65 Right 1041.5 1039.6 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 0+180 0+710 530 Right 1036.9 1018.4 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 1+060 1+390 330 Right 1020.4 1014.2 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 1+830 1+940 110 Right 1010.5 1006.7 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 2+800 3+380 580 Left 1004.7 1014.9 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15

Drain Side Channel Channel
Start End Channel Free-
Road Start End Sectional on Lining Side base
level Level Depth boar
Name Ch. Ch. Length Roa Material slope width
(m) (m) (m) d (m)
(m) d (1:n) (m)
Stone -
R7 3+980 4+220 240 Left 1002.8 994.1 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 5+020 5+395 375 Left 1003.1 998.5 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
R7 5+420 5+600 180 Left 998.8 1000.0 Grass 1.50 0.5 0.50 0.15
Stone -
R7 5+720 6+232 512 Left 998.8 985.9 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15
Stone -
R7 5+760 6+455 695 Right 997.5 980.5 1.00 0.5 0.75 0.15


Structural designs were prepared for the three types of pipe culverts recommended at
various locations by the hydrology and draiange design i.e. 600mm, 900mm and 1200mm
diameter culverts.


The pipe culverts have all been designed as concrete pipes in accordance with the provisions
of the British Standards, in particular:
 BS 9295:2010: Guide to the structural design of buried pipelines
 BD82/00 - Design of buried rigid pipes
 BS EN 1295-1: Structural design of buried pipelines under various conditions of

The design assumed that:

 The category of structural behavior is Rigid
 The design life is 120 years
 The live loading was considered as that for main roads (BS 9295: 2010), which caters
for the prescribed design loading of 70 Tonnes
 A minimum cover of 0.6m


The pipe culverts have been designed as 1 metre long pre-fabricated steel reinforced
concrete pipes with a concrete surround.

The design calculations were prepared using Excel Sheets produced by “The Concrete
Centre” as well as some customized ones. A summary of the pipe culvert structural designs is
presented in
below. The detailed design calculations for the different culvert types are provided in
Appendix 5.

Table 8- 37 Box Culvert Design Details

Culvert Pipe Concrete Longitudinal Distribution Concrete Internal
Size thickness Surround reinforcemen reinforcemen grade pipe

(mm) thickness t t cover
(mm) (mm)
900mm 80 200 H8@125 c/c H6@125c/c C30 40
1200mm 100 150 H10@125c/c H6@125c/c C30 40


All component materials are to be in conformance with the durability requirements of the
project sites/localities. The material specifications are therefore in accordance with
the Ministry of Works and Transport General Specifications for Roads and Bridge Work - Part

Defourney, P. et al. ,2015: ESA Land Cover Climate Change Initiative (ESA LC_cci) data, version
2.0.7, 1992-2015, via Centre for Environmental Data Analysis,
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MoWH&C, 2005: General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works of Ministry of Works,
Housing and Communications, Kampala
MoWHC/RAFU, 2010: Procedural Guide to Economic Road Feasibility Studies, Road Agency
Formation Unit (RAFU) of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Communication, Kampala
MoWT, 2010: Road Design Manuals, Ministry of Works and Transport, Kampala
Princeton Climate Data, 2006: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering/Princeton
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and Information Systems Laboratory. Accessed
30 Sep 2017.
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dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modelling, J. Climate, 19 (13), 3088-
UNRA, 2011: Guidelines for Detailed Design, Design Review and Technical Audit of Road
Upgrading Projects, Uganda National Roads Authority, Kampala
Vantakhah A, 2012: Explicit solutions for critical and normal depths in trapezoidal and
parabolic open channels, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2013) 4, 17–23
Were-Higenyi, F.M., 2008: The effect of environmental factors and traffic volume on the
performance of low-volume labour-based roads. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
WRMD, 2001:, Hydroclimatic Study, Technical Report No. 1, Water Resources Management
Department, Directorate of Water Development, Ministry of Water Lands and
Zinyengere N., Araujo J., Marsham J. And Roel D, 2016: Current and Projected Future Climate
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