CAE Grammar (Articles)

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D e f i n i t e , indefinite a n d z e r o articles

Fill the gaps with the, a, an or no article.

1 Siberian tiger is threatened with extinction because it is

virtually impossible to trace cunning Russian poachers.
2 life of Marco Polo was full of bold and breathtaking adventures.
3. Today for several thousand dollars and with help of professional
mountaineers everyone can climb Mount Everest.
4. In Hyde Park in central London ordinary people can make
speeches and express their opinions on various issues.
5 bicycles standing on porch belong to our children's friends.
6 Mr Turner called you while you were out, but he didn't want to
leave a message, and said that he would call again later.
7 more I think of prospect of emigrating to Canada, less
idea appeals to me.
8. Don't you recognise the picture? It's Picasso!
9. W e ' r e trying to create friendly atmosphere in our company, and
therefore we often go out together after work.
10. If you happen to come late after midnight, try not to make noise as
other tenants are bound to be fast asleep at that time.
11 candidate for the advertised position should display in-depth
knowledge of IT related issues.
12. In his novels J a m e s Joyce depicts Dublin of his times.
13. W e stayed in New York for so short time that w e had no chance to
see Statue of Liberty, not to mention other tourist attractions.
14. This region of Germany is renowned for excellent white wine its
vineyards turn out.

15. According to the recently amended labour code, noise is classified
as a kind of pollution.
16 death of Czestaw Niemen is great loss to Polish music.
17. When I started working in television, my colleagues gave me hard
time, as happens to all rookies.
18. Jack is a real globetrotter. This year, for instance, he spent two months
in France, then went to Portugal, visiting on way his friends in
Madrid, then decided to stay in Sweden for three months and now he
has just set out for Netherlands.
19. As I see it, the most nerve-racking part of each practical English exam
is waiting for results.
20. With your fluent knowledge of English you can easily read such
magazines in English like Newsweek or Economist
21 dictionary is enormous help for novice translators.
22. The passer-by is reported to have been hit on head with beer
bottle and knocked unconscious by one of football hooligans.
23. In summer of 1996 raging storms swept through the country
wreaking havoc and causing panic.
24 computer has become so indispensable that it's difficult to imagine
life without this ingenious invention.
25. Do I get on with my neighbour well? Of course not! He's pain in
neck, always nagging about something for no apparent reason.
26 Bombay Restaurant offers remarkable selection of dishes
from India.
27 bicycle is environmentally-friendly means of transport.
28. Her child went down with mumps a couple of weeks ago, but now
he's as fit as fiddle.
29. I was woken up at break of dawn by knock on
door. I quickly put on my dressing gown, looked through peephole
and saw elderly woman.

30. William Wallace devoted his whole life to fighting for freedom of
3 1 . Having looked through various travel brochures I came to
conclusion that it's not worth going on holidays to Greece for one week
32. I've been racking my brains, but I can't remember exact date of
opening of exhibition. I think it's Thursday, but I can't tell
you which week.
33. In my opinion, buying shares in this ailing company is quite risky
34. Yesterday at 5 p.m. there was pile-up on roundabout close to
where I live. First, driver of blue van didn't give right of
way to approaching sedan and cars collided. Then
cars behind didn't manage to slow down in time, and bumped into them.
blue van wasn't badly damaged, but sedan was really
35. A lot of people believe that it is unlikely for human beings to ever settle
in space.
36. I don't suppose man like your boss believes in life after
37. Ask Derek. He keeps up with exchange rate and should know if
currently value of euro against dollar is favourable or
38. The shortest way to England is through Straits of Dover.
39 only piece of information public prosecutor's office wanted to
give to press was t h a t . . . . . . accused is going to stand trial
next Wednesday.
40. A lot of newlyweds choose Bahamas as destination for their
honeymoon trip.

41 editor is person whose duties include supervising work
of journalists in his newspaper or magazine.
42 lion might have been provoked by very fact that lion-
tamer approached its cage.
43. Her father is ardent supporter of Republicans and wants her
to marry Republican.
44. Do you want to say that you talked to Thorn Yorke, singer?
That's unbelievable!
45. Maggie claims that believing strongly in God helped her
endure a lot of suffering in her life.
46. Every democratic country should guarantee freedom of
47. Newspapers in England can be classified into two types:
broadsheets and tabloids Times is example of
48. Tough measures should be taken to decrease amount of
noxious fumes in atmosphere.
49. As I was leaving office, I caught sight of two dodgy-looking
men coming into secretary's room.
50 crew aboard Canberra didn't realise that they were in
grave danger and were reluctant to abandon ship.


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