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Warlocks of the Great Old One gain their powers

through magical pacts forged with eldritch entities from
strange and distant realms of existence. Some of these
warlocks associate with cultists devoted to these enti-
ties, as well as aberrations that share their goals, yet
other warlocks of the Great Old One are experts at root-
ing out the insanity and wickedness inspired by bizarre
beings from beyond the stars.

Warlords are legendary battlefield commanders whose
names are spoken with awt. After a string of decisive
victories, a warlord could easily take on the role of mon-
arch or general and attract followers willing to die for WARLORD
his or her banner. Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
g;~ · 4s. ·i •fr .. S : &=SYS · - - 4 #> -~ £5§ - :55 a
Armor Class 18 (plate)
WARLOCK OF THE GREAT OLD ONE Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108)
Medium humci,roid {any race), any alignment Speed 30 ft.

Armor Class 12- {15 with mage armory STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+l) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Speed 30ft.
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +7, Con +8
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Perception +5,
9{-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+l) 12 (+l) 18 (+4) Persuasion +8
Senses passive Perception 15
Saving Throws Wis +-4, Cha +7 Languages any two languages
Skills Arcana +4, History +4 Challenge 12 (8,400 XP}
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Indomitable (3/Day). The warlord can reroll a saving throw it
Languages any two languages, telepathy 30 ft. fails. It must use the new roll.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Sur11ivor. The warlord regains 10 hit points at the start of its
Innate Spellcasting. The warlock's innate spellcasting ability is turn if it has at least 1 hit point but fewer hit points than half its
Charisma. It can innately cast the following spells (spell save hit point maximum.
DC 15), requiring no material components:
At will: detect magic,jump, levitate, mage armor (self only),
Multiattack. The warlord makes two weapon attacks.
speak with dead
1/day each: arcane gate, true seeing Creatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach S ft., one
Spellcasting. The warlock is a 14th-level spellcaster. Its spell- target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + S} slashing damage.
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
attacks}. It regains its expended spell slots when it finishes a one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage.
short or long rest. It knows the following warlock spells:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, guidance, mage LEGENDARY ACTIONS
hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, shocking grasp The warlord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
l st-5th level (3 5th-level slots}: armor of Agathys, arms of options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Hadar, crown of madness, clairvoyance, contact other plane, at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The
detect thoughts, dimension door, dissonant whispers, dominate warlord regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
beast, telekinesis, vampiric touch
Weapon Attack. The warlord makes a weapon attack.
Whispering Aura. At the start of each of the w~rlock's turns, Command Ally. The warlord targets one ally it can see within 30
each creature of its choice within S feet ofit must succeed on a feet of it. If the target can see and hear the warlord, the target
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage, can make one weapon attack as a reaction and gains advan-
provided that the warlock isn't incapacitated. tage on the attack roll.
Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The warlord targets one enemy
ACTION$ it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear it,
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +S to hit, reach S ft. or the target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2} piercing damage. be frightened until the end of warlord's next turn.
Aberrations Fiends Nilbog ......................................................... 182
Death kiss .................................................. 124 Babau .......................................................... 136 Ore Blade of Ilneval ................................ 183
Elder brain ................................................ 174 Barghest .................................................... 123 Ore Claw of Luthic .................................. 183
Gauth .................................., .................... 125 Devourer .................................................... 138 Ore Hand ofYurtrus ............................... 184
Gazer .......................................................... 126 Draegloth ................................................... 141 Ore Nurtured One ofYurtrus ........-•.,.... 184
Mindwitness ............................................. 176 Maw demon ......................,.......- .............. 137 Ore Red Fang of Shargaas .................... 185
Morkoth ...................................................... 178 Shoosuva ................................................... 137 Sea spawn ................................................. 189
Neogi........................................................... 180 Tanarukk ................................................... 186 Swashbuckler ............................,........,..... 217
Neogi hatchling ........................................ 179 Vargouille .................................................. 195 Transmuter.................................,..,,4,.,...., .. !218
Neogi master............................................. 180 Giants War priest .................................................. 218
Neothelid ................................................... 181 Cloud giant smiling one ......................... 146 Warlock of the archfey................... ,_ ..... 219
Ulitharid .................................................... 175 Fire giant dreadnought .......................... 147 Warlock of the fiend ................................ 219
Beasts Frost giant everlasting one .................... 148 Warlock of the Great Old One .............. 220
Aurochs ...................................................... 207 Mouth of Grolantor.................................. 149 Warlord ....................... ,......... ~..- ...... ,.22.0
M t t .. . .

B:rontosaurus ............................................ 139 Stone giant dreamwalker ...................... 150 Xvart .......................................................... 200
Cow (ox, rothe, stench kow) .................. 207 Storm giant quintessent... ...................... 151 Xvart warlock of Raxivort ..................... 200
Cranium rat ... ,...... ,... ,................................ 133 Humanoids Yuan-ti broodguard .................................203
Deinonychus ............. ,............................... 139 Abjurer ....................................................... 209 Monstrosities
Dimetrodon ............................................... 139 Apprent·ice w·1z ard ..................... _. ......... .. 209 Banderhobb ............................................... 122
Dolphin ..................................................... 208 Archdruid .................................................. 210 C.atoblepas ................................................. 129
Hadro!saurus .............. - ............................. 140 Archer ......................................................... 210 Cave fisher ................................................. 130
Que.tzalcoatlus.......................................... 140 Bard ............................................................ 211 Chitine ........................................_ _,,, .....,- 131
Stegosaurus .............................................. 140 Blackguard ................................................ 211 Choldrith .................................................... 132
Swarm of cranium rats .......................... 133 Ch amp1on. ................................................. . 212 Froghemoth .............................................. 145
Swarm of rot grubs ................................ 208 Conjurer ..................................................... 212 Giant strider .............................................. 143
Velociraptor ............................................... 140 Deep scion ................................................. 135 Girallon ...................................................... 152
Celestials Diviner ........................................................ 213 Leucrotta ................................................... 169
Ki-rin .......................................................... 163 Enchanter .................................................. 213 Shadow mastiff ..........................,.. ,........_..190
Dragons Evoker ........................................................ 214 Tlincalli ................................................... . ..,.193
G d d ak: 158 Firenewt .................................................... 142 Trapper....................................................... 194
uar r ·e.............................................. F' k f Yuan-ti anathema ...............................-... ,202
1renewt war1oc o 1mix .................... .. 143
Elementals Flind........................................................... 153 Yuan-ti mind whisperer .......................... 204
Flail snail .................................................... 144 Gnoll flesh gnawer .............,.................... 154 Yuan-ti nightmare speaker .................... 205
Fey Gnoll hunter ........................ ,......,............- 154 Yuan-ti pit master ................................... 206
Annis hag .............................................""" 159 Grung ...................................................... - 156 Oozes
Bheur hag .................................................. 160 Grung elite warrior ................................. 15 7 Slithering tracker .................................... 191
Boggle ....................................................... 128 Grung wildling ......................................... 157 Plants
Darkling ..................................................... 134 Hobgoblin devastator .............................. 161 Thorny ........................................................ 197
Darkling elder .......................................... 134 Hobgoblin Iron Shadow ......................... 162 Vegepygmy ......................._.......................196
Korred ........................................................ 168 Illusionist ................................................... 214 Vegepygmy chief ...................................... 197
Meenlock ................................................... 170 Kobold dragonshield ............................... 165 Wood woad ................................................ 198
Quickling ................................................... 187 Kobold inventor ........................................ 166
Redcap ....................................................... 188 Kobold scale sorcerer............................. 167 Undead
Yeth hound ................................................ 201 Kraken priest ............................................ 215 Alhoon ........................................................ 172
Martial arts adept .................................... 216 Bodak ......................................................... 127
Master thief ............................................... 216 Gnoll witherling ........................................ 155
Necromancer ............................................ 2 17 Mind flayer lich (alhoon variant) .......... 172
Spawn of Kyuss ....................................... 192


Challenge O(0-10 XP) Challenge 1/4 (SO XP) Vegepygmy ................................. m 196
. . . , -. . . . . .

Cranium rat ............................................... 133 Apprentice wizard ................................... 209 Velociraptor ............................................... 140
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Cow (ox, rot be, stench kow) .................. 2o7 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Boggle ........................................................ 128 DimetrQ clon ............................................... l 39 Chitine .................................... _.... -..........., .131
Dolph1·n ..................................................... 208 Gnoll witherling ....,.,........, ......................... 155 Darkl'1n~" ........................................... ,,_,•., .•134
Neogi hatchling ........................................ 179 Grung .............................................. ,.......... l S6 Firenewt ..................................................... 142
Xvart .......................................................... 200 Hadrosaurus ............................................. 140 Gazer .......................................................... 126
Kobold inventor........................................ 166
Gnoll hunter .............................................. 154 Ore Red Fang of Shargaas .................... 185 Draegloth .............~........... ::...................... 141
Ore Nurtured One of Yurtrus ............... 184 Redcap ....................................................... 188 Korred ........................................................ 168
Swarm of rot grubs ................................ 208 Slithering tracker .................................... 191 Warlock of the fiend ................................ 219
Challenae 1 (200 XP) Swashbuckler ........................................... 217 Challenae 8 (3,900 XP)
Delnonychus ............................................. 139 Trapper....................................................... 194 Blackguard ........................................,....... 211
Firenewt warlock of lmix ................- .... 143 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Diviner........................................................ 213
Giant strider.............................................. 143 Babau.......................................................... 136 Shoosuva .................................................... 13 7
Gnoll flesh gnawer .................. _.............. 154 Barghest .................................................... 123 Challenae 9 (5,000 XP)
Grung wildling ......................................... 157 Girallon ........................................,............. 152 Abjurer ................................................. ,...•. 209
Kobold dragonshield ............................... 165 Hobgoblin devastator .............................. 161 Champion ............................................,..... 212
Kobold scale sorcerer............................. 167 Neogi master............................................. 180 Evoker ........................................................ 214
Mawdemon ............................................... 137 Ore Blade of Ilneval ................................ 183 Flind ........................................................... 153
Nilbog ......................................................... 182 Stegosaurus .............................................. 140 Necromancer ............................................ 217
Quickling ................................................... 187 Warlock of the archfey............................ 219 Ulitharid .................................................... 175
Sea spawn ................................................. 189 Yeth hound ................................................ 201 War priest .................................................. 218
Thorny ........................................................ 197 Yuan-ti mind whisperer, ......................... 204
Vargouille .................................................. 195 Yuan-ti nightmare speaker.................... 20 5 Challenae 10 (5,900 XP)
Xvart warlock of Raxivort... .................. 200 Alhoon ........................................................ 172
Challenae 5 (1,800 XP) Death kiss.................................................. 124
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Banderhobb............................................... 122 Froghemoth .............................................. 145
Aurochs ...................................................... 20 7 Brontosaurus............................................ l 39 Stone giant dreamwalker ...................... 150
Bard ............. , .......................... ,.................. 211 Catoblepas................................................. 129
Darkling elder .......................................... 134 Enchanter ..... 1............................................ 213 Challenae 11 <7, 200 XP)
G run g e l1·te warrior.................................
· 157 Kra ken pries· t .......................................... .. 215 Cloud giant smiling one ......................... 146
Guard drake .............................................. 158 Master thief ............................................... 216 Morko t b ...................................................... l 78
Hobgoblin Iron Shadow ......................... 162 Mindwitness ............................................. 176 Challenae 12 (8,400 XP)
Meenlock ................................................... 170 Spawn of Kyuss ....................................... 192 Archdruid .................................................. 210
Ore Claw of Luthic .................................. 183 Swarm of cranium rats .......................... 133 Frost giant everlasting one,..............~ .... 148
Ore Hand of Yurtrus ............................... 184 Tanarukk ................................................... 186 Ki-rin .......................................................... 163
Quett'alcoatlus.......................................... 140 Tlincalli ...................................................... 193 Morkoth (in lair) ..........~.. ·• ........................ 178
Shadow mastiff ........................................ 190 Transmuter................................................ 218 Warlord ............................... ,.. ,................... 2'2,0
Vegepygmy chief ...................................... 197 Wood woad ................................................ 198 Yuan-ti anathema ..................................... 262
Yuan-ti broodguard ................................. 203 Yuan-ti pit master ................................... 206 Challenae 13 (10,000 XP)
Challenae 3 (700 XP) Challenae 6 (2,300 XP) Devourer .................................................... 138
Archer ......................................................... 210 Annis hag. ........................,_.,................... 159 Neothelid ................................................... 181
Cave fisher ................................................. 130 Bodak ......................................................... 127 Challenae 14 (11,500 XP)
Choldrith .................................................... 132 Conjurer ..................................................... 212 Elder brain ................................................ 174
Deep $Cion ............................................ - ... l3 5 Gauth .......................................................... l2 5 Fire giant dreadnought .......................... 147
Flail snail ................................................... 144 Mouth of Grolantor.................................. 149
lllus'onist ................................................... 214 Warlock of the Great Old One .............. 220 Challenae 16 (15,000 XP)
Storm giant quintessent. ........................ 151
Leucrotta ................................................... l 69 Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Martial arts adept .............................. - ... 216 Bheur hag .................................................. 160 Challenae 22 (41,000 XP)
epgi...................,....................................... 180 Mind flayer lich (alhoon variant) .......... 172

Creatures Challenge (XP) Creatures Challenge (XP)
Gnoll witnerling 1/4 (50 XP) Dolphin .1/& (25 XP}
Cnoll hunter 1/2 (100 XP) Dimetrodon 1/4 (50 XP)
C noll flesh gnawer ;-·(200XP) Sea spawn 1 (2oo ·xM
Guard drake (white) 2 (450 XP) Quetzalcoatl us 2 (450 XP)
Warlock of tht archfey 4 (1,100 XP) Deep sdon, swashbuckler 3 {700 XP)
Warlock of the Great Old One 6 (2,300 XP) Kraken priest 5 (1,800 XP)
Bheur ha!twarlock of the fiend 7 (2,9ooxPf Stone gfantdreamwalker 10 {5,900 XP)
Shoosuva 8 (3,900 XP) Morkoth 11 (7,200 XP)
Flind 9 (5,000 XP) Frost giant everlasting one, ki-rin 12 (8,400 XP)
Frost ~~~-t. everlasting one 12 (8,400 XP) Storm giant quintessent 16 (15,000 XP)
Storm giant quintessent 16 {15,000 XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP} Creatures Challenge (XP}
Cranium rat 0 (10 XP) Dolphin 1/8 (25 XP)
Boggle, ~~?!i ~atchli~g, xvart 1/8 (25 X_
P) Sea spawn 1 (200 XP)
Cow (deep fothe), kobold inventor 1/4 (50 XP) Deep scion 3 (700 XP)
Chitine, darkling, firenewt, gazer, ore Nur- 1/2 (100 XP) Kraken priest 5 (1,800 XP)
tu red One of Yurtrus, swarm of rot grubs Morkoth- ·- · · 11 {7,200 XP)
Firenewt warlock of Imix, giant strider)obold 1 (200 XP) Archdruid 12 (8,400 XP)
dragonshield, kobold scale sorcerer, maw Storm giant quintessent 16 (15,000 XP)
demon, nitbog, vargouitte, xvart warlock of
Darkling elder, guard drake (red), ore Claw of 2 (450 XP) Creatures Challenge (XP)
Luthic, ore Hand of Yurtrus, yuan-ti brood- Cranium rat 0 (10 XP)
guard Apprentice, boggle 1/8 (25 XP)
Cave fisher, choldrith, flail snail, neogi, ore 3 (700 XP) Cow (ox}, kobold inventor 1/4 (50 XP)
Red Fang of Shargaas, slithering tracker, Darkling 1/2 (100 XP)
trapper Kobold scale sorcerer - -, (200 XP)
Babau, barghest, neogi master, ore Blade of 4 (1,100 XP) Bard, darkling elder, guard drake (any), meen- 2 (450 XP)
llneval, yuan-ti mind whisperer, yuan-ti night- lock
mare speaker Archer, illusionist, martial arts adept, ore Red 3 (700 XP)
Mind;itness, spawn of l(yuss, swarm of 5 (1,800 XP) Fang of Shargaas, slithering tracker, swash-
cranium rats, tanarukk, yu_ an·-ttpit master buckler
Bodak, gauth, warlock of the Great Old One 6 (2,300 XP) Babau, warlock of the archfey 4 (1 ,100 XP)
Draegloth, warlock of the fiend 7 {2,900 XP) Banderhobb, enchanter, master thief, swarm 5 (1,800 XP)
Blackguard 8 (3,900 XP) of cranium rats, transmuter
Ulitharid 9 (5,000 XP) Bodak, conjurer, warlock of the Great Old 6 (2,300 XP)
Alhoon, death kiss, froghemoth 10 (5,900 XP) One
Yuan-ti anathema 12 (8,400 XP) Warlock of the fiend 7 (2,900 XP)
Devourer, neothelid 13 (10,00~ -~!J Blackguard, diviner 8 (3,900 XP)
Elder brain, fire giant dreadnought 14 (11,500 XP) Abjurer, champion, evoker, necromancer, war 9 (5,000 XP)
Mind flayer lich (see Alhoon) 22 (41,000 XP)
Warlord 12 (8,400 XP)

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