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Exercise 1 NG KUANG YONG 825934

Sampling distribution of the OLS estimators

 The sampling distribution of the OLS estimators describes the values which could take on
over different samples. This is because b0 and b1 are computed from a sample, hence the
estimators themselves are random variables with a probability distribution.

 In the statistic, sampling distribution of the sample mean shows that the mean of the
sample means is exactly equal to the population mean. Besides that, the dispersion of the
sampling distribution of the sample mean than the population distribution and tends to
become bell-shaped and to approximate a normal probability distribution.

 The sampling distribution of the OLS estimator as following:

y = xβ + e
which the e is normally distributed with zero mean and variance.
b = (X’X)-1X’y = f(y)
which the b is an estimator of β and function of the random sample data. b has a
probability distribution which called its sampling distribution.

 Based on the Gauss-Markov, the OLS estimator used is the best, linear and unbiased
which in the short form of the BLUE.

 The best means that the variance of the OLS estimator is always smaller than variances
for other estimator which can be shown by:
var (βi)OLS < var (βi)other
For example, the variance of OLS will get the v(b) = σ 2(X’X)-1 but other estimator will
have the variance that v(b) = σ 2(X’X)-1 + σ 2CC’.

 Secondly is the linear which the estimator of OLS is linear function to the dependent
variable (Yi), which is the
b = (X’X)-1X’y = Ay, which the A is a non-random matrix. For example:

()[ ]( )
b1 a11 ⋯ a1 n y 1
⋮ = ⋮ ⋯ ⋮ ⋮
bk ak 1 ⋯ a kn y 2

b1 = [a11y2 + a12y2 +…+a1nyn]

 And the lastly is the unbiased which mean that the value estimated for OLS estimator or
the E( βi ) same with the value of parameter ( βi ).
Hence, y is an unbiased estimator of parameter, μ. If assumed that X is non-random,
hence the E(b) will get the β and this show that the OLS estimator is unbiased.
Finally, because the error term, e is assumed to be normally distributed which y = xβ + e,
implied that y is normal distributed while b = (X’X)-1X’y = A(y) implies that b is also
normally distributed.

 Hence the full sampling distribution of the OLS estimator, b is the b ~ N[β, σ 2(X’X)-1].

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