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Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study aims to assess the customers who are currently employed and
users of e-service of cashless payment, specifically e-payment users such as e-wallet like
Gcash, and are residents in Lubao, Pampanga to determine the impact of the e-service quality
of cashless payment on customer loyalty when using an e-payment system as the basis for
developing a proposed practical tip in using electronic services for cashless payments.
Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents ‘demographic profile be described in terms of:

1. Age;
2. Sex
3. and, Monthly Income?
2. How may the respondents describe the impact of e-service quality in terms of:
2.1 Ease of Use
2.2 Security
2.3 Convenience
2.4 Usefulness
2.5 Reliability
2.6 Customer Support
3. How may the respondents assessed customers loyalty?
4. Is there a significant difference on the assessment of the respondents on the e-service
quality and customer loyalty when grouped according to their profile?
5. Does e-service quality of cashless payment significantly impact customer loyalty?
6. What practical tips in using electronic services can be proposed based on the result of
the study?

Survey Questionnaire

To all the Respondents,

Good day!

We, the Marketing Student of Don Honorio Ventura State University under College of
Business Study, are currently conducting a research study entitled: IMPACT OF E-
required for our academic requirements in Business Research 2. We are respectfully asking
for your help and time to honestly answer the questions given on this questionnaire. Your
answer is very important and helpful to complete our paper. Rest assured that all of the
information/data given will be kept confidential and used for educational purposes only.

Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Thank You!

Yours Truly,
The Researchers

INSTRUCTION: Kindly fill the information being asked from each question. Put a check on
the box that corresponds to your answer. 

I. Demographic Profile

1. Age
 18-23
 24-29
 30-35
 36-41
 41-46
 46 and above

2. Sex
 Female
 Male

3. How much is your monthly salary or income?

 P5,000-P10,000
 P10,001-P15,000
 P15,001-P20,000
 P20,001-P25,000
 P25,001-P30,000
 P30,001 and above


Instruction: Please check the box corresponding to how you evaluated the customer loyalty
on the impact of e-service of cashless payment of e-payment such as e-wallet of Gcash.

A 4-point Likert scale will serve as your guide upon answering.

Likert Scale
4 - High Impact 2 – Low Impact
3 - Moderate 1 – No Impact at all


E-payment like Gcash makes payment transactions easier than before. 4 3 2 1

I have all the necessary requirements to access e- payment methods/services 4 3 2 1
like Gcash.

I can pay bills and make purchases using Gcash with just one tap on my 4 3 2 1
phone and/or computer, or with one swipe of my card.

I can easily monitor my transaction activities. 4 3 2 1

E-payment like Gcash is rigid and inflexible. 4 3 2 1


Gcash as an E-payment system is the most secure payment: paying by 4 3 2 1


E-payment like Gash provides great security for payment/other transaction. 4 3 2 1

Security problems will not arise with the usage of e-payments such as Gcash. 4 3 2 1

I make sure that I increase and/or update my security level before doing 4 3 2 1

cashless transactions using Gcash.

I am confident that my chosen-payment methods/services like Gcash have 4 3 2 1

good security.


Gcash as an E-payment methods/services are better than cash payments. 4 3 2 1

Gcash as an E-payment methods/services saves money and time. 4 3 2 1

Gcash provides convenience of access as it is available 24 X 7. 4 3 2 1

Using Gcash I don't need to appear in the bank or physical store before 4 3 2 1
instructing transfer of payment

Going cashless is easier and more convenient in Gcash. 4 3 2 1


Cashless payment using Gcash helps me shop conveniently in the comfort of 4 3 2 1

my home.

When doing transactions in Gcash, there are no long questions. 4 3 2 1

Gcash offers all the necessary modes of payment needed for 4 3 2 1

certain transactions.

Gcash as an E-payment methods/services are more useful than cash payments. 4 3 2 1

Gcash has made payments easy and hassle-free. 4 3 2 1


Through Gcash, I can shop anytime without worrying the payment process. 4 3 2 1

Gcash offers better rates than that of cash payments (e.g., Promos, Discounts, 4 3 2 1

Gcash Security isn’t an issue. 4 3 2 1

Their transaction process in Gcash isn’t hard and can be understood by any 4 3 2 1

Their overall service in Gcash is very reliable 4 3 2 1


In Gcash, I can easily contact customer service whenever I encounter 4 3 2 1

problems or have queries regarding my account and/or transactions.

Customer support in Gcash offers solutions that would help me in my 4 3 2 1

problems and/or inquiries.

The customer support in Gcash is friendly and helpful. 4 3 2 1

Gcash quality of service is exclusive. 4 3 2 1

In Gcash, I don’t need to wait in line in order to get assistance from them. 4 3 2 1

Part III. Customer Loyalty on E-service Quality of Cashless Payment.


I say positive things about my electronic wallet Gcash to others. 4 3 2 1

I consider my electronic wallet Gcash as my first option to mobile payment 4 3 2 1


I will recommend it to those who ask me for advice. 4 3 2 1

I encourage friends and family to use Gcash in cashless payment. 4 3 2 1

I will continue using the services of mobile payment from my electronic 4 3 2 1

wallet Gcash in the future.


E-payment makes payment transactions easier than before. Tella &
Olasina (2014)

(Predictors of User’s Satisfaction with E-
payment System: A Case Study of Staff at the
University of Ilorin, Nigeria)

I have all the necessary requirements to access e- payment Lopez, J., M.

methods/services (2021)
I can pay bills and make purchases with just one tap on my phone and/or (Customer Satisfaction and Preference on

computer, or with one swipe of my card. Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the
Employees of the Provincial Government of

I can easily monitor my transaction activities.

E-payment like is rigid and inflexible. Tella &
Olasina (2014)
(Predictors of User’s Satisfaction with E-
payment System: A Case Study of Staff at the
University of Ilorin, Nigeria)

E-payment system is the most secure payment: paying by invoice. Tella &
E-payment provides great security for payment/other transaction. Olasina (2014)
(Predictors of User’s Satisfaction with E-
payment System: A Case Study of Staff at the
University of Ilorin, Nigeria)

Security problems will not arise with the usage of e-payments Lopez, J., M.
I make sure that I increase and/or update my security level before doing (2021)
transactions (Customer Satisfaction and Preference on

I am confident that my chosen-payment methods/services have Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the
Employees of the Provincial Government of

good security

E-payment methods/services are better than cash payments. Lopez, J., M.
E-payment methods/services saves money and time. (2021)
(Customer Satisfaction and Preference on
Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the
Employees of the Provincial Government of

It provides convenience of access as it is available 24 X 7. Tella &

I don't need to appear in the bank or physical store before instructing Olasina (2014)
transfer of payment (Predictors of User’s Satisfaction with E-
payment System: A Case Study of Staff at the
University of Ilorin, Nigeria)

Going cashless is easier and more convenient Lopez, J., M.

(Customer Satisfaction and Preference on
Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the
Employees of the Provincial Government of

It helps me shop conveniently in the comfort of my home. Lopez, J., M.
When doing transactions, there are no long questions. (2021)
It offers all the necessary modes of payment needed for (Customer Satisfaction and Preference on

certain transactions. Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the

Employees of the Provincial Government of

Gcash as an E-payment methods/services are more useful than

cash payments.
It has made payments easy and hassle-free

I can shop anytime without worrying the payment process. Lopez, J., M.
It offers better rates than that of cash payments (e.g., Promos, Discounts, (2021)
etc.) (Customer Satisfaction and Preference on

Security isn’t an issue. Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the

Employees of the Provincial Government of

Their transaction process isn’t hard and can be understood by any

Their overall service is very reliable

I can easily contact customer service whenever encounter problems or Lopez, J., M.
have queries regarding my account and/or transactions. (2021)
Customer support offers solutions that would help me in my problems (Customer Satisfaction and Preference on

and/or inquiries. Electronic Payment (E-payment) Among the

Employees of the Provincial Government of

The customer support is friendly and helpful.

The quality of service is exclusive.
I don’t need to wait in line in order to get assistance from them.

I say positive things about my digital wallet to others. López-
I will recommend using it to those who ask me for advice. Miguens &
I encourage friends and family to use it. Vázquez
I consider my digital wallet as my first option to mobile payment (2017)
services. (Customer Loyalty in Digital Wallet Industry:

I will continue using the services of mobile payment from my digital The Role of Satisfaction, Effort Expectancy,
Performance Expectancy, and Habit)

wallet in the future.


Elok, C., S., & Hidayati, A. (2021, January). Consumer Loyalty in Digital Wallet Industry: The Role of Satisfactiom, Effort Expectation, Performance Expectancy, and Habit. Atlantis Express.
Lopez, J. M. (2021, September). Customer Satisfaction and Preference on Electronic Payment (E-paymnet) Among the Employees of the Provincial Government of Batangas. Asian Pasific Journal of Academic Research in
Business Management Administration., 7(2)(2467-6691/2467-5148), 17-25.
Tella, A., & Abdulmumin, I. (2015, November). Prediction of Users ‘Satisfaction with E-payment System: a Case Study of Staff at the University of Ilorin Nigeria. Organizacija, 48 (4), 272-286.

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