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Together : good morning viewers.
Silvia : Come back with me silvia indriani
Dinda : and I am dinda damayanti
Together : on great news.
Silvia : Great news this time will report traffic jams which are often a problem on
major roads in Indonesia,
Dinda : It doesn't only happen on major roads, but also on the market street of the teak
stalls, Cikalong.
Silvia : On weekdays, vehicles already seem to crowd this area, especially in the
Dinda : because there are many school children passing by and many mothers going
in and out to shop at the market and people doing their usual activities.
Silvia : And this has an impact on traffic jams that are getting worse. Ok, we will
connect with my colleague Yesi Miftah who is on the market street of the teak shop, Cikalong.

(Crime scene)
Yesi : okay, thank you, Mrs. Silvia and Mrs. Dinda.
Yesi : viewers, I'm currently on Jalan Pasar Warung Jati, Cikalongwetan. Traffic jams here
have become commonplace and have always been a major problem for two-wheeled and four-
wheeled riders. Traffic jams hamper the activities of the surrounding community, especially
students who will go to school in the morning.
well, viewers here I am with two students who pass this street every day.
Yesi : hello good morning, what's your name?
Noer : noer apriani
Ihsan : ihsan mohammad
Yesi : what is the name of your school?
Yesi : ok, what do you think about the traffic jam in this market?
Noer : I think this really bothers us when we go to school
Yesi : why like that?
noer : sometimes, we are often late to school because of this traffic jam, here is also prone
to accidents because many big cars and many public transport stops suddenly.
Yesi : okay, thanks for your time
viewers, this time I'm with the parking attendant in this market
Yesi : good morning sir, what do you think about the traffic jam in this market?
Razba : I think this is a very serious problem, because this traffic jam sometimes causes
Yesi : what kind of accidents are examples?
Razba : it's like falling off a motorbike, and quite often people get hit while crossing, if it
wasn't for me, there might be more collisions

Yesi : ok, thank you sir, sorry to disturb your time

that's the report from the warungjati market street, I'm yesi miftah reporting

Dinda : Ok, thanks to Yesi Miftah who has reported directly to the traffic jams that occurred
on the Pasar Teak stall, Cikalong.
Silvia : viewers, that's the great news today. I am silvia indriani
Dinda : and I am dinda damayanti
Silvia : we both say goodbye
Dinda : thank you and see you

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