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Is Barack Hussein Obama a Natural Born Citizen of the United States of America?

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirtyfive years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. U.S. Constitution, Art. 2, Section 1. Let us agree that Mr. Obama has met the age and residency requirements of this section. What we are going to examine is the requirement that he be a natural born citizen of the United States in order to be qualified to be president of the United States. The term natural born citizen has never been defined by the Supreme Court of the United States with regard to its applicability to a person seeking or taking the office of POTUS. There is considerable agreement, however, that it means someone born on U.S. soil or territory; whose parents are both U.S. citizens, either natural born themselves or naturalized, at the time of the birth of the presidential aspirant. Some have argued that if only one of the parents is a U.S. citizen and the person was born on U.S. soil, he or she is still to be considered a natural born citizen. At this point in our law this has not been decided and will remain debatable until it is settled by SCOTUS. What is beyond doubt, however, is that someone born a foreign citizen or subject is automatically ineligible to be president of the United States. The only way a person who is a foreign citizen or subject at birth would be eligible for the office of POTUS is if there were appropriate amendment of the Constitution.

Fact: Barack Obama had dual citizenship at birth. His father was a British subject when he (Obama Jr.) was born and according to U.K. law Obama Jr. was therefore also a British subject. Obama himself does not dispute this. It seems to me the confusion of this whole matter lies over the fact that Obama was simultaneously a U.S. citizen and a British subject at birth. There is, however, nothing to be confused about. Dual citizenship is possessed by many people and is not an ambiguous condition in itself; it simply means that a dual citizen has the rights, privileges and responsibilities of two separate nations, simultaneously. On a personal note, this may or may not involve divided loyalties, but legally there is no confusion. Put directly: Barack Hussein Obama was fully a British subject at birth, as he was fully an American citizen. His American citizenship, however, in no way obliterated or diluted his status as a British subject. He was as fully British as the Queen! As well, his status as a British subject did in no way nullify or dilute his status as an American citizen. The important fact to note, however, was that, at birth, Obama had full status as a British subject. This is a simple fact, not obscured by his dual status. There is no way to square eligibility to the office of POTUS with the fact of Obamas being a British subject at birth. This in itself disqualifies him and the question of his being a natural born citizen is therefore actually irrelevant. Foreign subjects or citizens are not eligible to be POTUS, and Obama was a British subject at birth due to his fathers status. The language in Art. 2, Sec. 1, mentions status at birth only, and not status of the aspirant later in his or her life. The fact that, in some cases, a person loses

some aspect of dual citizenship upon majority doesnt alter the status they held at birth, and it is this status the Constitution examines and no other. It is reprehensible that Mr. Obama, knowing he was a legal British subject at birth, ignored the constitutional requirements for the presidency. He is an experienced lawyer, in fact a self-described constitutional scholar, and it is inconceivable he did not understand the requirements. That he went ahead anyway and won election without being properly challenged (and disqualified) shows how far we have gone in ignoring the basic law of our land. When he took the oath of office, he cynically swore to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. In fact, by taking this same oath on 1/20/09, he betrayed the Constitution he swore to defend. He committed perjury and usurped the office of president of the United States with that falsely taken oath.

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