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G.R. No.


Petitioner Coffee Partners, Inc. is a local corporation engaged in the

business of establishing and maintaining coffee shops

It has a franchise agreement6 with Coffee Partners Ltd. (CPL),

or a non-exclusive right to operate coffee shops in the Philippines using

trademarks designed by CPL such as "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE."

Respondent is a local corporation engaged in the wholesale and retail

sale of coffee

It registered the business name "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE & ROASTERY,

INC." with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

respondent formed a joint venture company with Boyd Coffee USA under
the company name Boyd Coffee Company

engaged in the processing, roasting, and wholesale selling of coffee

embarked on a project study of setting up coffee carts in malls

respondent discovered that petitioner was about to open a coffee shop

under the name "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE"

petitioner’s shop caused confusion in the minds of the public as it bore a

similar name and it also engaged in the business of selling coffee.
Respondent sent a letter to petitioner demanding that the latter stop
using the name


filed a complaint with the Bureau of Legal Affairs-Intellectual Property

Office (BLA-IPO) for infringement and/or unfair competition with claims
for damages.

BLA-IPO held that petitioner’s trademark infringed on respondent’s trade


Since respondent registered its business name with the DTI in 1995 and
petitioner registered its trademark with the IPO in 2001 in the Philippines
and in 1997 in other countries, then respondent must be protected from
infringement of its trade name
BLA-IPO also held that

respondent continuously used its trade name in connection with the

purpose for which it was organized.

The BLA-IPO ruled that for abandonment to exist, the disuse must be
permanent, intentional, and voluntary.

BLA-IPO held that petitioner’s use of the trademark "SAN FRANCISCO

COFFEE" will likely cause confusion because of the exact similarity in
sound, spelling, pronunciation, and commercial impression of the words
"SAN FRANCISCO" which is the dominant portion of respondent’s trade
name and petitioner’s trademark. It held that no significant difference
resulted even with a diamond-shaped figure with a cup in the center in
petitioner's trademark because greater weight is given to words – the
medium consumers use in ordering coffee products

Both parties moved for partial reconsideration

BLA-IPO denied the parties’ partial motion for reconsideration

parties appealed to the Office of the Director General-Intellectual

Property Office (ODG-IPO)

ODG-IPO reversed the BLA-IPO. It ruled that petitioner’s use of the

trademark "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE" did not infringe on respondent's
trade name

found that respondent had stopped using its trade name after it entered
into a joint venture with Boyd Coffee USA in 1998 while petitioner
continuously used the trademark

Court of Appeals set aside the 22 October 2003 decision of the ODG-IPO
in so far as it ruled that there was no infringement

Court of Appeals denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration and

respondent’s motion for partial reconsideration


whether petitioner’s use of the trademark "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE"

constitutes infringement of respondent’s trade name "SAN FRANCISCO
COFFEE & ROASTERY, INC.," even if the trade name is not registered with
the Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

P Argument
Petitioner alleged it filed with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
applications for registration of the mark "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE &

Petitioner maintained its mark could not be confused with respondent’s

trade name because of the notable distinctions in their appearances.
Petitioner argued respondent stopped operating

when it formed a joint venture


petition has no merit.

Ruled in favor of R

It is the likelihood of confusion that is the gravamen of infringement. But

there is no absolute standard for likelihood of confusion. Only the
particular, and sometimes peculiar, circumstances of each case can
determine its existence.

Applying either the dominancy test or the holistic test, petitioner’s "SAN
FRANCISCO COFFEE" trademark is a clear infringement of respondent’s
descriptive words "SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE" are precisely the dominant
features of respondent’s trade name

consuming public will likely be confused as to the source of the coffee

being sold at petitioner’s coffee shops.

Respondent has acquired an exclusive right to the use of the trade name
"SAN FRANCISCO COFFEE & ROASTERY, INC." since the registration of
the business name with the DTI in 1995.

Geographic or generic words are not, per se, subject to exclusive

appropriation. It is only the combination of the words "SAN FRANCISCO
COFFEE," which is respondent’s trade name in its coffee business, that is
protected against infringement on matters related to the coffee business
to avoid confusing or deceiving the public.


what constitutes infringement of an unregistered trade name, thus:

(1) The trademark being infringed is registered in the Intellectual
Property Office; however, in infringement of trade name, the same
need not be registered; (2) The trademark or trade name is
reproduced, counterfeited, copied, or colorably imitated by the
infringer; (3) The infringing mark or trade name is used in
connection with the sale, offering for sale, or advertising of any
goods, business or services; or the infringing mark or trade name is
applied to labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles, or
advertisements intended to be used upon or in connection with such
goods, business, or services; (4) The use or application of the
infringing mark or trade name is likely to cause confusion or mistake
or to deceive purchasers or others as to the goods or services
themselves or as to the source or origin of such goods or services or
the identity of such business; and (5) It is without the consent of the
trademark or trade name owner or the assignee thereof

a trade name need not be registered with the IPO before an

infringement suit may be filed by its owner against the owner of an
infringing trademark. All that is required is that the trade name is
previously used in trade or commerce in the Philippines

two tests: the dominancy test and the holistic test.

dominancy test focuses on the similarity of the prevalent features

competing trademark contains the main, essential, and dominant

features of another, and confusion or deception is likely to result,
infringement occurs.

holistic test entails a consideration of the entirety of the marks as

applied to the products, including the labels and packaging, in
determining confusing similarity.15 The discerning eye of the
observer must focus not only on the predominant words but also on
the other features appearing on both marks in order that the
observer may draw his conclusion whether one is confusingly similar

we DENY the petition for review. We AFFIRM the 15 June 2005 Decision
and 1 September 2005 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
No. 80396.

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