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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines



First Semester, AY 2022-2023

Course Title : Philippine Public Administration

Course Code :
PS 107

VISION : Northwestern University envisions itself to be a premier institution of learning in Asia committed to excellence and
ethical formation of global relevance.

MISSION : Northwestern University is dedicated to develop individuals to become highly competent, socially responsible and
ethically upright leaders.

INSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES : Concomitant to its role as a university in which higher learning, research, and community extension are developed
and nurtured, Northwestern University adopts the following objectives where excellence as a way of life is its rallying

1. To provide a strong educational foundation by offering and maintaining comprehensive basic/general education
programs and strengthening pillars of knowledge in the academy in order to produce functional graduates who
will be able to meet the needs of both local and global markets.
2. To mold and prepare students and employees for responsible leadership and effective citizenship, and to be
socially responsible through the inculcation of the ideals of democracy and positive values in all aspects of their
3. To provide a strong and comprehensive training and development programs for students’ professional growth and
advancement and equip them with competitive advantage in these changing times.

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4. To align and harmonize the research and extension programs with the local, regional, national and global thrusts.
5. To explore and expand linkages with local and international agencies.

NAME OF THE PROGRAM : BA Political Science

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Program must:

1. Provide students with the analytical tools to address local, regional and national problems and issues, as well
as achieve their career objectives;
2. Provide students with the knowledge and skills essential for dealing with the emerging trends in re-shaping the
political landscape;
3. Aid a student’s career pursuit in local and national government, as well as in business and non-profit
organizations; and
4. Provide an excellent foundation for students who intend to pursue graduate study in law, public
administration, and business or in any other social sciences.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES : After graduation, students of the program shall have developed the ability to:

a. Compare, contrast and classify the major concepts in the discipline;

b. Recognize and define the distinctiveness of the discipline, its subfields, theories and methods;
c. Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods guided by theories or
conceptual frameworks;
d. Demonstrate written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports;
e. critique, judge and respond to current issues and problems based on a substantive understanding of the historical and
contemporary developments in the national and global contexts; and
f. Develop a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and practice in various forms and on different levels of

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TITLE Philippine Public Administration
PS 107
This is an advanced study on the concepts, principles and theories of Public Administration with special emphasis on policy
formulation and implementation, transparency and accountability, structure, process and nature of bureaucracy.
After finishing the course, the students should be able to :

1. Recite and discuss the IPVMO and Core Values of the University, VMO of the college, Program Educational Objectives and
Outcomes, and University policies;
2. Describe the nature and concepts of Philippine Public Administration;
3. Identify the process involved in public administration;
4. Compare centralized and decentralized method of administration; and
5. Determine the problems attached to public administration and provide possible solutions there to.

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MATERIALS: Module 1. Understanding Public Administration
Module 2. The Study of Public Administration
Module 3. Government and Bureaucracy
Module 4. Local Government, Autonomy and Decentralization
Module 5. Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations
Module 6. Personnel Administration in the Government
Module 7. Managing Financial Resources in the government
Module 8. Ethics and Accountability in the Government
Module 9. Electronic Governance and Public Administration
Module 10. Problems and Issues of Public Administration and Possible Solution

VIDEOS: Video 1. What is Public Administration?

Video 2. 'Bakit kayo pumayag?': Senators grill DepEd officials over approval of
'pricey' laptop procurement
Video 3. Political appointees in the Philippine bureaucracy: do increasing numbers
help or harm?

Note: Other videos needed as references to be included on canvas.

PRINTED AND ADDITIONAL 1. Public Administration : readings on the Philippines, Fabella, Jose-Burgos;
LEARNING MATERIALS: Fabella, Gabriel, Jr.,

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2. Public administration plus governance : assessing the past, addressing the

future : papers and proceeding, international conference on public administration
plus governance, October 21-23, 2002, Manila Hotel, Philippines, National College
of Public Administration and Governance
A. Classroom Requirements
For regular classroom instruction, the class shall have a minimum of 20 and maximum of 40 students. The classroom area shall
have at least 7 meters x 9 meters or 63 square meters.
(for colleges which need to
1. All students should be sage and comfortably seated.
incorporate facility&
2. The ventilation and temperature for the entire room should be conducive for learning and instruction.
3. The audiovisual facilities should be properly situated to ensure clear presentation visible form all areas of the classroom.
GRADING: 1. Transparency in the grading system keeps the instructors and the students accountable and aware of where they stand. It
exudes trustworthiness, which plays a vital role in nurturing good school relations and raising students’ achievement. Hence,
this should be discussed during the class orientation.
6. To conform to Outcomes-Based Education, students’ learning would be assessed using these two criteria: Written Works
(40%) and Performance Tasks (60%). Written Works include but are not limited to quizzes, long examinations (including
Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Examinations), essays, written reports, etc. while Performance Tasks include but are not
limited to performance/products/outputs, class participation/attendance, oral reporting, demonstrations, etc.


Quizzes 30% Performance/Products/Outputs 50%
Long Examinations (Unit Tests/Prelims/ Oral Reporting/Demonstrations 35%
Midterms/Finals) 50% Class Participation/Attendance 15%
Written Reports/Simple Reflections 20%

Grades will therefore be calculated as follows:

Preliminary Grade = 0.4 (Written Works) + 0.6 (Performance Tasks)

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Midterm Grade = 0.4 (Written Works) + 0.6 (Performance Tasks)

End term Grade = 0.4 (Written Works) + 0.6 (Performance Tasks)

Final Grade = (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + End term Grade)/3

7. NWU implements a numerical grading system, with the following grade points, their recommended percentage equivalent,
and corresponding remarks. The Grading System is as follows:

1.00 98-100 Excellent 2.75 77-79 Fair

1.25 95-97 Superior 3.0 75-76 Passed
1.50 92-94 Very Good 4.0 70-74 Conditional Failure
1.75 89-91 Above Average 5.0 69 below Failure
2.00 85-88 Good INC Incomplete
2.25 83-84 Very Satisfactory UD Unofficially Dropped
2.5 80-82 Satisfactory OD Officially Dropped
*Note: Conditional Failure or 4.0 should only be given during the Preliminary Term and Midterm, hence should not appear as a final
grade of a student.

8. A faculty member can file a grade of Incomplete (INC) only for students that have satisfactory class standing but with the
following deficiencies: (1) an excusable absence for a major examination (lack of examination) and Finals Permit; (2) failure
to submit a course requirement as indicated in the syllabus. Compliance to the mentioned course requirements should be
done by the students one year after the INC grade has been filed at the Registrar’s Office. Failure to comply within the given
period means the student has to retake the course.

Note: Class Standing includes any/all of the following:

Recitation, quizzes/test, homework, seatwork, laboratory exercises, class reports, projects, etc.

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes
Program Outcomes
After finishing the course, the student must be able to:
a b c d e f g h i j k l
1.Recite and discuss the IPVMO and Core Values of the University, VMO of the
college, Program Educational Objectives and Outcomes, and University policies;
2.Describe the nature and concepts of Philippine Public Administration;
3.Identify the process involved in public administration;
4.Compare centralized and decentralized method of administration; and
5.Determine the problems attached to public administration and provide possible
solutions there to.
Legend: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D –Demonstrated

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A. Orientation on the Mission, The student demonstrates At the end of the topic, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
Vision and Objectives (VMO) understanding of awareness students should be able to: Face-to-Face
Short Quiz
of NWU in relation to of the NWU’s VMO and the
discussing the VMO of the College of Arts and Sciences 1. Recite the vision, Independent case analysis
Assessment Test
College of Arts and Sciences. (CAS) and be able to mission, and objectives of and other activities using
demonstrate in real Northwestern University Canvas

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

B. Orientation on the course situations the values and and the College of Arts Oral Report
learning outcomes, exemplify in person the and Sciences ; Documentary analysis
description, contents, course character of a true 2. Relate the importance of through YouTube and other Written Reports
requirements, remote Northwesternian. the VMOs in learning and online news network.
classroom rules and academic how it applies in real life;
policies during the pandemic and
3. Be informed and
anticipate the
requirements to be able to
Week 1-2 (4.5 hours) pass the course.

UNIT I. – Understanding Public


A. Public Administration The student demonstrates At the end of the topic, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
understanding of the key students should be able to: Face-to-Face
B. Importance of Public Short Quiz
concepts and principles of
Administration Independent case analysis
public administration. 1. Construct their own Assessment Test
C. Classical and Modern Approach definition of public and other activities using
to Public Administration administration; Canvas Oral Report
D. Nature and Scope of Public 2. Determine theories in each of
Administration the approaches in the study of Documentary analysis Written Reports
public administration; and through YouTube and other
online news network. Debate

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

E. Public and Private Administration 3. Write an essay on the

importance of public
Peculiarities of Public administration.

UNIT II. The Study of Public


A. Emergence of Public The student should be able At the end of the topic, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
to trace the evolution and students should be able to: Face-to-Face
current face of Philippine Short Quiz
B. Distinct Function of Independent case analysis
Public Administration and 1. Understand the development
Government recall the emergence and of public administration in and other activities using Assessment Test
C. Evolution OF Public distinct function as basis of the Philippines; Canvas
Administration Oral Report
the Philippine Public 2. Learn the different functions
D. Overview of Public Administration of the government; and Documentary analysis
Written Reports
Administration in the 3. Write an essay describing through YouTube and other
Philippine how the Philippine online news network. Debate
government functions to
serve the people.
UNIT III. Government and

The students should be able At the end of the topic, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
A. Concept of Bureaucracy Face-to-Face
to understand the key students should be able to:
B. Characteristics of concepts and principles Short Quiz
Bureaucracy Independent case analysis

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C. Evolution of the Philippines underlying the Philippine 1. Appreciate the nature and and other activities using Assessment Test
Bureaucracy Bureaucratic System attributes, structure, and role Canvas
of Local Government Units; Oral Report
D. Regulating and Controlling
2. Identify and explain the Documentary analysis
the Bureaucracy Written Reports
decentralization and Local through YouTube and other
E. Ecology of Bureaucracy in Autonomy in the Philippines; online news network.
the Philippines Debate
F. Evolving |Field of Philippine 3. Write an essay or documentary
Bureaucracy analysis of topics related to the
state of bureaucracy in the

UNIT IV. Local Government,

Autonomy and The student should be able At the end of the topic, the
to effectively demonstrate students should be able to: Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
knowledge and application Face-to-Face
of the principles and 1. Compare and contrast the Short Quiz
A. Understanding Local Independent case analysis
processes under local concepts of values , ethics
Government governance and and other activities using Assessment Test
and morality;
B. Local Governance administration. Canvas
2. Expound and relate the Oral Report
C. Conceptual Perspective on
accountability in the practice Documentary analysis
Local Governance Written Reports
of public administration; through YouTube and other
D. Evolution of Local Government
3. Explain the norms of conduct online news network. Debate
in the Philippines
of government officials and
E. Nature and Attributes of Local
employees; and

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

F. Local Government Structure in 4. Enumerate the prohibited acts

the Philippines and transaction of the
G. Personnel Administration in the government officials and
Local Government Units employees.
H. Decentralization and Local
I. Imperatives for Decentralization
to Work
J. Decentralization and Local
Autonomy in the Philippines

UNIT V. Civil Society and Non-

Governmental Organizations

The student should be able At the end of the topic, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
A. Civil Society and Governance Face-to-Face
to understand the students should be able to:
B. Characteristics of civil Short Quiz
significance of the role of
Society civil society and non- 1. Articulate the composite of Independent case analysis
C. Composite of Civil Society governmental organizations civil society and its emerging and other activities using Assessment Test
D. Civil Society in the in public administration roles in the non-government Canvas
Oral Report
Philippines organization; and
2. Discuss the critique the issues Documentary analysis
E. Non-Governmental Written Reports
and challenges facing non- through YouTube and other
Organization in the online news network.
governmental organization. Debate
F. Emerging Roles of Non-

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Governmental Organization
Issues and Challenges Facing

UNIT VI. Personnel Administration The student should be able At the end of the lesson, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
in the Government to understand the students should be able to: Face-to-Face
importance of effective Short Quiz
A. Personnel Administration and personnel administration in 1. Identify personnel Independent case analysis
and other activities using Assessment Test
Human Resource governance as well the administration in the
Management concept of public service. government, and discuss the Canvas
Oral Report
B. Scope of personnel essence of Human Resource
Administration\Civil Service Management in the Civil Documentary analysis Written Reports
Commission Service. through YouTube and other
Civil Service Commission online news network. Debate

UNIT VII. Managing Financial The student should have a At the end of the lesson, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
Resources in the government clear understanding of the students should be able to: Face-to-Face
manner on how the Short Quiz
A. Fiscal Administration government’s funds are 1. Discuss and analyze the role of Independent case analysis
B. Government Expenditures the government in terms of and other activities using Assessment Test
being managed and
C. Revenue Generation in the channeled to support fiscal administration, Canvas
Oral Report
Government government programs. expenditures, revenues,
D. Government Budgeting and budgeting accounting, auditing Documentary analysis Written Reports
Its Processes and borrowing; through YouTube and other
E. Government Accounting and 2. Write essay or opinion related online news network. Debate
Auditing to how the funds of the

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Government Borrowing government are spent (from

priority to the least programs)
UNIT VIII. Ethics and
Accountability in the Government The student should be able At the end of the lesson, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
to learn the importance of students should be able to: Face-to-Face
A. Ethics and Accountability integrity, accountability, and Short Quiz
B. Maintaining Ethics and honesty in public service. 1. Compare and contrast the Independent case analysis
and other activities using Assessment Test
Accountability Through concepts of values , ethics
Oversight Institutions and morality; Canvas
Oral Report
C. Code of Conduct for Public
2. Expound and relate the
Officials and Employees Documentary analysis Written Reports
D. Graft and Corruption in the accountability in the practice through YouTube and other
Government of public administration online news network. Debate
Corruption and the Philippine 3. Explain the norms of conduct
Experience of government officials and
4. Enumerate the prohibited acts
and transaction of the
government officials and

UNIT IX. Electronic Governance and
Public Administration The student should be able At the end of the lesson, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
to understand the students should be able to: Face-to-Face
A. Understanding Electronic importance of technology in Short Quiz
Governance public management and how 1. Articulate the concept related Independent case analysis

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B. The Rise of Information technology is impacting to electronic governance and and other activities using Assessment Test
Society public management. public administration; Canvas
C. Electronics Governance and Oral Report
2. Cite and discuss Philippine
New Public Management Documentary analysis
experience on electronic Written Reports
D. Reinventing Government through YouTube and other
Through Information and governance through online news network.
information and Debate
Communication Technologies
E. Features and Phases of communication.
Electronic Governance
F. Core Relations in Electronic
G. Electronic Governance in the
H. Addressing the Concern of
electronic Governance
I. The Downside of electronics
J. The future of Electric

UNIT X. Problems and Issues of The student should identify At the end of the lesson, the Lecture via Google Meet and Graded Recitation
Public Administration and Possible and understand the problems students should be able to: Face-to-Face
Solution and issues affecting public Short Quiz
administration and cite 1. Articulate the concept of Independent case analysis
Assessment Test
solutions to solve them. governance and god and other activities using
governance, ethics and Canvas Oral Report
A. Political Dynasty administrative culture;

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

B. Red Tape Documentary analysis Written Reports

C. Corruption Government 2. Manifest higher thinking skills, through YouTube and other
D. Palakasan System Nepotism such as inquisitiveness, critical online news network. Debate
thinking as well as reflective
on the realities and
accountabilities in Public


UNIT I. – Understanding Public Administration To be announced.
(Presentation of cases) Submission on canvas.
UNIT II. The Study of Public Administration (Critic
UNIT III. Government and Bureaucracy
(Submission of Reports)
UNIT IV. Local Government, Autonomy and
Decentralization (Critic paper)
UNIT V. Civil Society and Non-Governmental
Organizations (Reaction of the Reports)
UNIT VI. Personnel Administration in the
Government (Reaction of the Reports)
UNIT VII. Managing Financial Resources in the

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

government (Submission of Analysis Reaction

UNIT VIII. Ethics and Accountability in the
Government (Submission of Analysis Reaction
UNIT IX. Electronic Governance and Public
Administration *( Submission of Analysis Reaction
UNIT X. Problems and Issues of Public
Administration and Possible Solution (Submission of
Analysis Reaction Papers)


A certain municipality experiences poor to no internet connection. Due to the demand for internet connectivity nowadays, the
CULMINATING Chief Executive Officer of a well-known Internet Service Provider plans to address the internet connectivity issue of the
PERFORMANCE/PRODUCT municipality. As the engineer of the company, you are to recommend the best location and appropriate height of the tower
OUTPUT considering the different conditions where the towers will be built. Your project proposal will be evaluated based on accuracy,
practicality, mathematical justification, and presentation.
INSTRUCTOR’S NAME Karl Lenin C Benigno INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE Office of the Vice President
AVAILABILITY FOR 10 AM to 12NN; 3 PM to 5 PM 09193052009

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Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte, Philippines




Balanoff, Howard R. et. Al; Annual Edition: Public Administration McGraw Hill 2001
Bautista, Victoria et al. 2013 Introduction to Public Administration Book Atbp. Publishing Corp 2015
Brillantes, A & Fernandez, M. In nthere a Philippine Public Administration? Or better still for whom is Philippine Public Administration? Philippine Journal of
Public Administration, 52, 2008
Denhart, Robert B; Denhardt, Janet V. Public Administration, An Action orientation Thomson/Wasworth Inc. 2006
De Guzman, Emmanuel 2013 Introduction to Public Administration
Geura, Dean, Practical Ethics in Public Administration Vienna Va 2005
McSwite, O.C. Invitation to Public Administration M.E. Sharp 2002
National College of Public Administration and Governance, Public Administration plus Governance: Assessing the past, addressing the future; paper and
proceeding, international conference on public administration plus governance UP Press, Manila Hotel, Philippines 2002
Nigro, Felix A Nigro, Llyod G. Modern Public Administration Harper and Rom 1989
Rosenbloom, David H.: Kravchuck, Robert S. Public Administration; Understanding Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector
McGraw Hill 2002
Rosenbllom, David H., Kravchuck, Robert S,;Clerkin, Richard M. Piblic Adminiotration; Understanding Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector
McGraw Hill Higher Education 2009
Stillman, Richard J. II Public Administration: Concepts and Cases Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2010
Shafritz, Jay M.; Pusselll E.W.; Borick, Christoper P. Introduction Public Administration Person Publishing House 2012

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Shults, David Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Facts on File 2004

Tapales, Proserpina Domingo Fifty Years of Public Administration in the Philippines, UPNCPAG 2002

Prepared by:



Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Head, Department of Social Sciences Dean, College of Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs

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