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Timestamp Score Nama Kelas

12/3/2020 10:35:30 20 / 100 Rusnia dinata X MIA 3

12/3/2020 10:36:25 25 / 100 Indah lestari X MIA 3
12/3/2020 10:41:36 35 / 100 Suhari Simamora X MIA 2
12/3/2020 10:54:12 75/100 IMAM SYAWALI X MIA 2
12/3/2020 11:09:04 70/100 Suhari Simamora X MIA 2
12/3/2020 11:20:08 80/100 M.Taufik Syahbana X MIA 1
12/3/2020 11:24:40 45/100 JAKA SAPUTRA X MIA 3
12/3/2020 11:58:52 15/100 Ika Risnawati Br.Simbol X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:07:12 25 / 100 Yanti sara amelia br gul X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:13:36 25 / 100 baik X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:14:36 30 / 100 M Firmansyah SimanjuntX MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:18:20 20 / 100 Darwin Rio sianipar X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:18:24 40 / 100 jelek X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:21:13 20 / 100 Bv X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:22:13 20 / 100 kolhimadaya X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:23:04 10 / 100 Linda sri dewi X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:23:04 70 / 100 Rasyid Miftahul Farid X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:23:51 15 / 100 Sari wulandari X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:25:07 15 / 100 keluar X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:26:55 35 / 100 prayoga nalianda X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:27:34 60 / 100 Salbiah safitri X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:30:03 45 / 100 Rifanca lasmana X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:31:46 50 / 100 Enzelina X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:37:35 20 / 100 Bambang prakoso X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:40:08 10 / 100 Siti X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:40:30 70 / 100 Castia Patricia SimanjunX MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:41:08 30 / 100 Sri Dwi kasmala sari X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:41:10 60 / 100 Hihi X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:41:30 95 / 100 Sisyono ariwibowo X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:41:42 90 / 100 Adinda Putri Claudia X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:41:55 75 / 100 Reflina Ira Santi X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:41:56 75 / 100 Agnes Purnama Sari X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:42:01 30 / 100 Angel Nasrani br SitorusX MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:42:46 85 / 100 Stevanie Sinambela X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:48:54 65 / 100 Rianci Nainggolan X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:48:56 35 / 100 Laura Marizwan X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:49:14 45 / 100 Alex Yosef Manurung X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:49:16 85 / 100 Beni setiawan X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:49:17 85 / 100 Hizrul amani syahputra X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:50:50 80 / 100 Marta Sinaga X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:51:02 80 / 100 Mahendra X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:51:34 80 / 100 Eka Sri Utari X MIA 4
12/3/2020 12:51:56 30 / 100 Rima afriyanti X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:52:05 60 / 100 Marlina Br Girsang X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:53:17 85 / 100 Agung Dimas Pratama X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:56:23 65 / 100 Tirta Naila X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:56:33 70 / 100 Devi oktriana X MIA 3
12/3/2020 12:56:42 85 / 100 Ruth Br Sormin X MIA 1
12/3/2020 12:57:05 25 / 100 NURHAYATI X MIA 2
12/3/2020 12:58:42 60 / 100 Imelda Safitri X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:00:17 85 / 100 Robert andriatno X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:00:26 85 / 100 TRI CANDRA MUKTI X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:00:39 55 / 100 Feby dwi ananda X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:01:49 85 / 100 Al Afriansyah X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:01:54 85 / 100 Rini Agustin X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:02:00 85 / 100 Silvi X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:02:06 85 / 100 Rehan Agustiansyah X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:03:29 40 / 100 Putri Lastari Siregar X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:03:51 85 / 100 Angga Ardiansyah X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:04:28 65 / 100 Euodia Octaviani Br ManX MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:04:30 30 / 100 Muhammad noer rafly X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:05:23 20 / 100 Rizky Abdul Malik Hasib X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:05:50 65 / 100 Putri Dewi Enjelina X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:06:07 85 / 100 VIKY SAHPUTRA X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:06:12 85 / 100 Siti Alisah X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:06:16 20 / 100 MUHAMMAD WAHYU WX MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:06:38 75 / 100 Nurhayati X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:06:54 25 / 100 Aldi Wijaya X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:07:18 65 / 100 Eka Prasentia Sidabutar X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:07:27 45 / 100 Zikra Al Fath X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:11:07 45 / 100 Hotmian Rumahorbo X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:11:32 65 / 100 Putri Susianti X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:13:50 60 / 100 Venesha Aulia Tasya X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:13:53 80 / 100 M Faridz Dwi Putra X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:14:07 50 / 100 MILA SARTIKA X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:14:53 55 / 100 Edi Duana Putra Manull X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:18:52 20 / 100 Winda fitrika X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:18:55 20 / 100 Dhea Fadila X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:19:01 80 / 100 Fani Aulia X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:19:10 40 / 100 Irma Wati X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:19:42 90 / 100 Jusi X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:23:17 65 / 100 Kurniawan Hadi X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:23:17 75 / 100 Putri Rahayu X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:23:39 70 / 100 Hengky putra purnama X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:25:34 65 / 100 Wulan Karisa X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:26:10 65 / 100 Dinata Dwi Khairanti X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:26:28 65 / 100 Diva yuwantika X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:30:15 50 / 100 Roma viorentina situmorX MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:30:50 70 / 100 Albert jofrandi hutapea X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:32:04 60 / 100 Sindy Br Siburian X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:32:39 95 / 100 Putra Sitompul X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:35:49 85 / 100 SURYANA X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:36:56 90 / 100 Mega Aulia Putri X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:40:08 75 / 100 oga anggala X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:42:12 70 / 100 Nurul aini X MIA 4
12/3/2020 13:45:41 90 / 100 Yuni agustin X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:45:54 55 / 100 Kristina Tohang X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:46:44 95 / 100 Moranda Simbolon X MIA 2
12/3/2020 13:48:08 90 / 100 Lusia hotpera X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:49:42 25 / 100 Muhammad Akbar Hidaya X MIA 3
12/3/2020 13:57:32 30 / 100 Nurlisa anggria X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:58:23 95 / 100 Morajulu Marbun X MIA 1
12/3/2020 13:58:49 100 / 100 Nanda Permata Hati X MIA 1
12/3/2020 14:00:11 85 / 100 Nurmika Gemarisa X MIA 4
12/3/2020 14:01:14 65 / 100 Alexander Silaban X MIA 4
12/3/2020 14:01:23 70 / 100 Kornelius Saputra sinagaX MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:01:32 65 / 100 HALIJAH SALSA BELLAX MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:02:25 80 / 100 Helmi Pasaribu X MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:04:08 30 / 100 Desi manik X MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:04:39 50 / 100 Enjelika Anggela X MIA 1
12/3/2020 14:10:45 85 / 100 Jaya Sirait X MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:13:38 80 / 100 Sarli X MIA 4
12/3/2020 14:19:15 65 / 100 Xena selviani simamora X MIA 3
12/3/2020 14:30:59 70 / 100 Nugraha jaya Syaputra SX MIA 2
12/3/2020 14:34:31 75 / 100 Tina meilinda X MIA 4
12/3/2020 16:59:26 50 / 100 Riski Dodi Roganda X MIA 1
12/3/2020 16:59:36 55 / 100 Bayu erlangga X MIA 4
12/3/2020 18:47:38 25 / 100 IBRANIUS PRANATA X MIA 3
12/4/2020 4:13:25 35 / 100 Evi Ratna Sari X MIA 3
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3english walk eat sleped
3nglish walk eat sleped
3nglish walked eaten sleep
3inglis walked ate slept
3nglish walked eat sleeping
3nglish walked ate sleeping
3nglish walked eaten sleped
3inglish walk eat sleep
3nglish walk eating sleeping
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3nglish walked ate slept
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3nglish walked eating sleeping
3nglish walked eat sleeping
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You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell your neighbor to inc driving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell your neighbor to inc drives cooking
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should take a bed reLet them be. drove cooking
You should wear mask out Let them be. drives cooked
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat chicken Tell your neighbor to inc drives cooks
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrives cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooked
You should wear mask out I don’t know, tell me! driving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should eat ice crea Let them be. drive cooked
You should wear mask out I don’t know, tell me! drive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell your neighbor to inc driving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should take a bed reTell your neighbor to inc drives cooks
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should wear mask out Tell your neighbor to inc driving cooked
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should wear mask out Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat chicken I don’t know, tell me! driving cook
You should wear mask out Let them be. drive cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat chicken Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should wear mask outI don’t know, tell me! driving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell your neighbor to inc driving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat chicken Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell your neighbor to inc drive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea I don’t know, tell me! driving cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should wear mask outTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should wear mask outI don’t know, tell me! driving cooks
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should take a bed reLet them be. drove cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat chicken Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat ice crea I don’t know, tell me! drives cooks
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should take a bed reLet them be. drive cook
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdrove cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea I don’t know, tell me! drives cooking
You should eat ice crea I don’t know, tell me! drives cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should wear mask outTell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should wear mask outTell politely to neighbor tdrives cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should eat ice crea Let them be. drive cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdrove cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooked
You should eat chicken Let them be. drove cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should wear mask outTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat chicken Tell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should wear mask outLet them be. driving cooking
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdriving cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cook
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrove cooked
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should eat ice crea Tell politely to neighbor tdrive cooking
You should wear mask outTell politely to neighbor tdrives cooking
You should take a bed reTell politely to neighbor tdrive cooks
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am going to finish nor or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or Both…and
am going to finish and nor not only ... but also
am going to finish and or either…..or
am going to finish and neither either…..or
am going to finish and neither either…..or
am going to finish and or either…..or
will finished and nor either…..or
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and and Both…and
will finished and and not only ... but also
will have finished or nor not only ... but also
will have finished and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or neither….nor
am going to finish and or neither….nor
will have finished or and Both…and
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
will have finished and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or Both…and
will have finished and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and and Both…and
am going to finish nor and not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am finishing and and not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
will have finished and neither neither….nor
am going to finish but or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or either…..or
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and nor not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
will finished and or Both…and
will have finished and neither Both…and
will have finished and neither not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
will have finished or or not only ... but also
am finishing and or not only ... but also
am going to finish and or not only ... but also
will finished and and Both…and
will finished and and Both…and
am finishing and neither not only ... but also
will have finished and and not only ... but also
Abi : Do you know Ikhsan
Last holiday my studentsWhat is purpose of the t Picasso was one of the mo
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he painted in traditional s
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he painted in traditional s
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s impression a describe the smugglers he was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was son of an art teac
both ….. or the writer’s impression a describe the smugglers he painted in traditional s
both ….. or the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was the most outstandi
both ….. or the writer’s first visit t report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s experience report an event to the polhe was son of an art teac
either ….. as well the writer’s impression a tell past events he was son of an art teac
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
both ….. or the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he painted in traditional s
both ….. or the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s experience describe the smugglers he was son of an art teac
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t report an event to the polhe painted in traditional s
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s impression a entertain readers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s impression a entertain readers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t entertain readers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s first visit t tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s experience tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s experience tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s impression a tell past events he was son of an art teac
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s first visit t report an event to the polhe painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
both ….. or the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t tell past events he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s experience report an event to the polhe was son of an art teac
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t tell past events he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s experience tell past events he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he painted in traditional s
neither …. nor the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe painted in traditional s
neither …. nor the writer’s impression a report an event to the polhe painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s experience report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s impression a tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s experience entertain readers he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
neither …. nor the writer’s experience describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s first visit t tell past events he was son of an art teac
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s impression a tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
neither …. nor the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was the most outstandi
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya entertain readers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he painted in traditional s
not only…… but also the writer’s first visit t describe the smugglers he was known for his gre
not only…… but also the writer’s trip to Yogya tell past events he was known for his gre
both ….. or the writer’s first visit t report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
both ….. or the writer’s experience report an event to the polhe was known for his gre
either ….. as well the writer’s first visit t report an event to the polhe was the most outstandi
either ….. as well the writer’s experience describe the smugglers he was the most outstandi
According to text is true,except________
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was famous for his painting style.
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was born in Malaga, Italy.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was born in Malaga, Italy.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was born in Malaga, Italy.
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
died in Spain 1971
had a father who worked as an art teacher
died in Spain 1971
was famous for his painting style.
was born in Malaga, Italy.
was famous for his painting style.
was famous for his painting style.
had a father who worked as an art teacher
had a father who worked as an art teacher

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