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Fox Valley Newsletter February 2023

Semi-Annual Meeting

Our Semi-Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday night April 17 6:30 at Bethania
Church 712 Dickie Avenue Elgin.

Our Purpose Statement for Fox Valley Baptist Association is: "Raising Up Missional
Leaders." In line with that purpose statement we are planning our Semiannual
and Annual meeting around the theme: “God Is Calling.” We will deal with
subjects like this:

 What does it mean to be called of the Lord?

 What is the significance of the church being "the called out ones?"

 How can I discern the Lord's calling in my life?

 How do "tent making" and "calling" go together?

 Does every believer have a calling?

If you have other topics related to Calling please let me know. Also, I would
appreciate materials or studies you have used/done on the subject. The following
verse is a theme verse for this study:

Only let every person lead the life that the Lord has assigned him, and to
which God has called him 1 Corinthians 7:17 ESV

March Youth Event

Aurora Emanuel is hosting a youth get together on March 11th at 5pm. All
FVBA youth groups are invited! The night includes games, worship, and a
small devotional. (Just a heads up: $5/person suggested donation since the
church is providing a small dinner at the end. If that stops anyone from
coming, please reach out us!! [email protected]
Youth Conference

Save the date for this year's youth conference, MADEONE, April 29th, 2023
which will take place at Gospelife located at 1N100 Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL
60188. A gathering of fellowship, worship, spiritual growth, games, and much

The conference has now been named the “MadeOne” youth conference; our
vision is focused on encouraging and edifying the younger generation of believers
in our association. As believers we are called to be one church under christ; our
aim is to build each other up in our faith through the event.

Since this year is the first year the conference has been given a name, our theme
will also be focused on the idea of being “Made One”- that is, We have been
made one church through Christ's reconciliation, as a result, we give God all
honor and glory.

We send this email as a personal invitation to you and your respected youth
group. If you are interested in attending or have any other questions please notify
us by emailing [email protected]

We will send a follow up email soon on how to register and further details.
We hope to get the chance to see you all at the event! keep us and this
conference in your prayers, that God can continue to work in the lives of the
youth both in and out of our churches.

Make sure to follow @newlifeyouth.elgin on instagram and our website for latest updates!

-MadeOne Team
Life Book

Life Book is a free resource provided by the Gideons to help students share the
Gospel with their classmates. The purpose of this resource is to get the Gospel into
the hands of teenagers so they can be comfortable sharing their faith with their
classmates. The link below is the pdf of what the LifeBook actually looks like.

Pastors and students may order the Life Book (at no cost) for your students
and have it directly sent to your church. Just click on the special link for Fox
Valley churches and place your order:

We have asked Adrian Hendarta from World Relief to share briefly about possible
ministries to immigrants and refugees in our area. People from all over the world
are coming in large numbers to our area. A recent influx of people from Ukraine,
Afghanistan, Venezuela, and many other countries have recently arrived. Could
the Lord be leading you and/or your church to be involved in this ministry?

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